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=== General Revisions ===
=== General Revisions ===
* Virtues: While a god's Virtues are not set, there are certain general rules; weaker gods rarely have powerful Virtues, while the greater gods nearly always do. Gods always start with one dot in each Virtue. They then add (Essence) dots, plus an additional two to five dots depending on the strength of the spirit in question, and may raise Virtues up to 5 if Essence 5 or lower, and 6 if Essence 6 or higher. Gods often tilt strongly towards one or two Virtues, especially at lower Essence levels.
* Virtues: While a god's Virtues are not set, there are certain general rules; weaker gods rarely have powerful Virtues, while the greater gods nearly always do. Gods always start with one dot in each Virtue. They then add (Essence) dots, plus an additional two to six dots depending on the strength of the spirit in question. Gods often tilt strongly towards one or two Virtues, especially at lower Essence levels.
* Abilities: Like Virtues, a god's Abilities are not tied strictly to their power, but they do have general rules. Gods have a maximum Ability rating equal to (Essence +2), except in exceptional circumstances. They have ratings in up to [Essence + Sum of Virtues] Abilities (this number may exceed 25, although extra ratings matter only when determining Ability dots). Typically, they have a total of (Maximum Abilities known x [Essence-1]) Ability dots to spend, plus or minus (Essence x2) depending on the god's dedication and interest in learning. Essence 1 Gods treat their Essence as 1/2 for the base calculation. Gods often have their Abilities shift over time.  
* Abilities: Like Virtues, a god's Abilities are not tied strictly to their power, but they do have general rules. Gods have a maximum Ability rating equal to (Essence +2), except in exceptional circumstances. They have ratings in up to [Essence + Sum of Virtues] Abilities (this number may exceed 25, although extra ratings matter only when determining Ability dots). Typically, they have a total of (Maximum Abilities known x Essence) Ability dots to spend, plus or minus (Essence x2) depending on the god's dedication and interest in learning. Gods often have their Abilities shift over time.  
=== Charm Revisions ===
=== Charm Revisions ===
* Gods do not develop Charms past Essence 5. However, this restriction does not include the ability of a Charm to become All-Encompassing. Gods of sufficiently high Essence may develop All-Encompassing variations of Essence 4 and 5 Charms, provided they are Essence 6-7 as usual.
* Many gods have improved variations of their single-target effects, allowing them to affect large areas. This is considered to be similar to an All-Encompassing Charm, multiplying the number of people or area of effect of a Charm by 10 and increasing its cost by 5 motes and a Willpower, and its minimum Essence rating by 2. A Charm may be increased any number of times in this manner, with each increase adding a multiplication (for example, a Benefaction could be boosted twice, causing it to cost 15m, 2w and affect 100 people as an Essence 5 Charm).  
* Many gods have improved variations of their single-target effects, allowing them to affect large areas. This is considered to be similar to an All-Encompassing Charm, multiplying the number of people or area of effect of a Charm by 10 and increasing its cost by 5 motes and a Willpower, and its minimum Essence rating by 2. A Charm may be increased any number of times in this manner, with each increase adding a multiplication (for example, a Benefaction could be boosted twice, causing it to cost 15m, 2w and affect 100 people as an Essence 5 Charm).  
* The godly Second Excellency allows them to accomplish their tasks without worrying about material difficulties. It subtracts external penalties or difficulty of rolls by 1 for every mote spent, to a minimum of (Essence) motes. Penalties directly applied by other beings may not be cancelled in this way, although indirectly applied penalties can.
* The godly Second Excellency allows them to accomplish their tasks without worrying about material difficulties. It subtracts external penalties or difficulty of rolls by 1 for every mote spent, to a minimum of (Essence) motes. Penalties directly applied by other beings may not be cancelled in this way, although indirectly applied penalties can.

Revision as of 04:07, 11 February 2009

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Movers and shakers of natural effects, gods are the most common spiritual denizen of the world. From the mighty Incarnae to the lowest servitor, the gods toil to keep Creation running, and rest on their laurels when they feel their work is done - or, in a growing number of cases, allow corruption and politics to determine the way that the world functions.

General Revisions

  • Virtues: While a god's Virtues are not set, there are certain general rules; weaker gods rarely have powerful Virtues, while the greater gods nearly always do. Gods always start with one dot in each Virtue. They then add (Essence) dots, plus an additional two to six dots depending on the strength of the spirit in question. Gods often tilt strongly towards one or two Virtues, especially at lower Essence levels.
  • Abilities: Like Virtues, a god's Abilities are not tied strictly to their power, but they do have general rules. Gods have a maximum Ability rating equal to (Essence +2), except in exceptional circumstances. They have ratings in up to [Essence + Sum of Virtues] Abilities (this number may exceed 25, although extra ratings matter only when determining Ability dots). Typically, they have a total of (Maximum Abilities known x Essence) Ability dots to spend, plus or minus (Essence x2) depending on the god's dedication and interest in learning. Gods often have their Abilities shift over time.

Charm Revisions

  • Gods do not develop Charms past Essence 5. However, this restriction does not include the ability of a Charm to become All-Encompassing. Gods of sufficiently high Essence may develop All-Encompassing variations of Essence 4 and 5 Charms, provided they are Essence 6-7 as usual.
  • Many gods have improved variations of their single-target effects, allowing them to affect large areas. This is considered to be similar to an All-Encompassing Charm, multiplying the number of people or area of effect of a Charm by 10 and increasing its cost by 5 motes and a Willpower, and its minimum Essence rating by 2. A Charm may be increased any number of times in this manner, with each increase adding a multiplication (for example, a Benefaction could be boosted twice, causing it to cost 15m, 2w and affect 100 people as an Essence 5 Charm).
  • The godly Second Excellency allows them to accomplish their tasks without worrying about material difficulties. It subtracts external penalties or difficulty of rolls by 1 for every mote spent, to a minimum of (Essence) motes. Penalties directly applied by other beings may not be cancelled in this way, although indirectly applied penalties can.
  • Gods generally only gain advantages from the higher of their Backing (Yu-Shan Bureaus) and Cult Backgrounds when modifying their Traits. However, a god with equal ratings in Backing and Cult may use (Backing +1) to derive her Traits.
  • Many gods possess unique powers, capabilities, and bodies. These are typically modeled through the use of Wyld mutations and 'Charm' effects that are permanent. Any permanent magical effect costs one Charm, while mutations may be purchased by trading in Attributes or Charms (one Attribute or Charm traded in provides up to five points of mutations). Cosmetic mutations are not purchased in this manner, as they are simply a matter of gods not being human-like.


Elementals are, in many ways, directly similar to gods. They have only a few minor differences, related to their ability to inherently alter their Traits.

General Revisions

  • Elementals do not naturally age. However, they do tend to become locked into patterns of behaviour as time goes on. At Essence 1, elementals are constructed with 12 Attributes, 20 Abilities, no Backgrounds, 5 Charms plus their two automatic elemental abilities, 5 Virtues, and normal Willpower. Elementals may then have experience totals of up to [Essence x200] XP, and must raise their permanent Essence to continue gaining experience. Many elementals never focus their energies sufficiently to increase their Essence scores, and thus stagnate at lower experience totals (and, in fact, often spend centuries not gaining experience at all).
  • For an elemental to increase her Essence past 5 requires her to complete a Motivation, as with Exalts. Gaining Backing or Cult does not increase an elemental's powers.
  • Elementals pay 12 XP per Charm for all of their Charms, and (Current Rating x10) for their Essence, but otherwise follow normal experience progression.
  • Elementals that die sprout several weaker elementals. When an elemental dies, it forms one elemental one Essence point below it, and then double that number for each dot down to Essence 1. (For example, a dead Essence 5 Elemental spawns one Essence 4, two Essence 3, four Essence 2, and eight Essence 1 elementals). These elementals typically form a few weeks after the destruction of their "parent". Elementals destroyed by effects that destroy spirits forever (including aggravated damage) do not leave such descendants.
  • Elementals become Lesser Elemental Dragons at Essence 5, and Greater Elemental Dragons at Essence 8; upon reaching Essence 8, they typically find somewhere quiet to hibernate, gaining 40 XP per year for five years (saving enough to reach Essence 9 and spending the rest on Attributes and powerful Charms), until they complete their hibernation and awaken as an Essence 9 being dedicated to elemental purity, usually massively destructive due to its absurd hyper-focus on a single element. Reaching Essence 9 grants Elemental Dragons an automatic 200 additional experience to spend on Attributes and Charms, bringing them instantly to the peak of their capabilities.

Charm Revisions

  • Elementals purchase spirit Charms, similarly to gods. However, their Charms never have an all-Encompassing natures; instead, they simply have restrictions based on their elemental natures. Elementals may not have spirit Charms that rely on a place in the Celestial or Terrestrial Bureaucracy, even if they happen to have gained such a position.
  • The Elemental Second Excellency is known as (Ability) Virtue Empowerment. This Charm allows an elemental to add up to (related Virtue) dice to an Ability roll at a cost of 2 motes per die. This effect may be combined with the effects of the First or Third Excellency, and added dice do not count towards elemental dice caps. The Second Occult Excellency uses (Willpower halved, rounding down) as its cap.
  • Elementals may not learn Essence Plethora or Reserve of Will; as naturally material beings, albeit ones spun from elemental energy, they do not possess the necessary flexibility.
  • Many elementals possess unique powers, capabilities, and bodies. These are typically modeled through the use of Wyld mutations and 'Charm' effects that are permanent. Any permanent magical effect is purchased as a Charm, while mutations cost (dot rating x2) XP to purchase.