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=== Maiden Game ===
== Those nolonger with us ==
Premise: Not really, this was my first encounter with running Exalted and it was a little disjointed at times. However, the game lasted over a year and I've learnt from my mistakes. I'm calling this one a win!
=== Great Forks Game ===
Premise: The name is now slightly misleading, a mixed group of Exalted banded together to protect the City of Great Forks after the Eye of Autochthon's sudden emergence there caused a ripple of exalt and spirit activity across the Scavenger Lands. <br>
Execution: Great Forks is very much Exalted the soap opera, the typical weekly concern for our heroes is the realisation that running a country and keeping Exalted allies happy is much harder than it first appears. <br>
The Cast: <br>
Joyous Sky: Zenith Caste <br>
Resounding Bliss Kei: Chosen of Serenity <br> 
Laughing Latrani: Changing Moon <br>
Lu Zhin: Night Caste <br>
Linarra: Water Aspect <br>
Viola: Fire Aspect <br>
Mina: Dawn Caste <br>
Former Cast: <br>
=== Anton, Last heir to the Throne ===
Rothgar: Eclipse <br> 
The Golden Prophet: Zenith <br>
Shiki Nareda: Eclipse <br>
Agara Zhen: Twilight <br>
NPCs of note <br>
I'll detail some of these when I get time.
The closest surviving member of the Autocrat's family was changed by horrific experiments until he entered a state of half death that could only be likened to the Ghost Blooded.
=== Abyssals Game ===
After escaping he had no desire to rule, only vengeance against the Mask of Winters. He didn’t get as far as the Deathlord’s throne room, instead he confronted the corrupted Lunar Exalted known as the Bane of Sorrows. After being maimed by it’s hideous wolf totem form Anton used his last ounce of strength to stop the beast’s heart.  
Died on me, ironically..  
=== Gateway Abridged ===
Thus marking the end of my boyfriend's first character at the teeth of a big dog.
Premise: The players are a group of young Dragon-Blooded who have all somehow made their way onto a list of the up and coming young Gateway players and now find themselves drawn into a complex web of plots and intrigue. I'm taking a tongue-in-cheek appoach to things (far from unusual in my games, as my players will tell you) but I aim for this game's challenges to be as real as those faced in the Great Forks game.
=== Tomis of the College of Serenity ===  
An elite Sidereal agent known as an Amiliki, despite being a player character we found it fitting to provide him with an agenda that did not necessarily benefit the rest of the group.
Tomis was sent by the Cult of the Illuminated to gather information on the other player characters and destabilise the government of Thorns in a way that would make the players seek Sidereal assistance.
Using his oratory skills he was able to convince the survivors of the Mask of Winters era that the player characters had killed the rightful heirs to the Autocrat throne.
Only the inexplicable attack by an army of wood elementals was able to defuse the situation by making both loyalists and decedents fight side by side.
Tomis was killed and eaten by a Dog of the Unbroken Earth marking Craig's second demise at the hands of.... a big dog.
=== Havoc Phoenix, Dawn Caste Solar Exalted ===
Havoc Phoenix was a hero without compassion but with valour and several levels of Ox Body Technique to back up any claims to power he had. He killed more Dragon-Blooded and Death Knights than the rest of the Circle combined. He stole a Sky Barge from Lookshy and used it to ram the Autocrat’s Palace.
He succumbed to his wounds shortly after the battle with Mask of Winters.  
Duncan may not have known much about Solar Exalted while playing him but he certainly knew awsome!

Revision as of 20:16, 1 October 2006

Those nolonger with us

Anton, Last heir to the Throne

The closest surviving member of the Autocrat's family was changed by horrific experiments until he entered a state of half death that could only be likened to the Ghost Blooded.

After escaping he had no desire to rule, only vengeance against the Mask of Winters. He didn’t get as far as the Deathlord’s throne room, instead he confronted the corrupted Lunar Exalted known as the Bane of Sorrows. After being maimed by it’s hideous wolf totem form Anton used his last ounce of strength to stop the beast’s heart.

Thus marking the end of my boyfriend's first character at the teeth of a big dog.

Tomis of the College of Serenity

An elite Sidereal agent known as an Amiliki, despite being a player character we found it fitting to provide him with an agenda that did not necessarily benefit the rest of the group.

Tomis was sent by the Cult of the Illuminated to gather information on the other player characters and destabilise the government of Thorns in a way that would make the players seek Sidereal assistance.

Using his oratory skills he was able to convince the survivors of the Mask of Winters era that the player characters had killed the rightful heirs to the Autocrat throne.

Only the inexplicable attack by an army of wood elementals was able to defuse the situation by making both loyalists and decedents fight side by side.

Tomis was killed and eaten by a Dog of the Unbroken Earth marking Craig's second demise at the hands of.... a big dog.

Havoc Phoenix, Dawn Caste Solar Exalted

Havoc Phoenix was a hero without compassion but with valour and several levels of Ox Body Technique to back up any claims to power he had. He killed more Dragon-Blooded and Death Knights than the rest of the Circle combined. He stole a Sky Barge from Lookshy and used it to ram the Autocrat’s Palace.

He succumbed to his wounds shortly after the battle with Mask of Winters.

Duncan may not have known much about Solar Exalted while playing him but he certainly knew awsome!