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An infernal must fail a Valour roll to- honour a truce, release a prisoner from captivity, finish a defeated enemy rather than toy with them, ignore an opportunity to torment a non-Infernal Exalt. <br>
An infernal must fail a Valour roll to- honour a truce, release a prisoner from captivity, finish a defeated enemy rather than toy with them, ignore an opportunity to torment a non-Infernal Exalt. <br>
=== Oramus ===
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A most promising start.  I think though that Isidros needs an Imperfection for his Perfect Defense rather then people who are stronger then him being more able to succeed in their attack. -BogMod
A most promising start.  I think though that Isidros needs an Imperfection for his Perfect Defense rather then people who are stronger then him being more able to succeed in their attack. -BogMod
what do you suggest? Introducing Uncertainty (which I consider to be his answer to 2nd excellency) makes giving him an actual perfect somewhat counter intuitive. [[Enchantress]]

Revision as of 16:21, 6 April 2009


Cytherea, the Mother of Creation has memory of the beginning of all things she is giving and compassionate, very much like a kind parent. Her arms are open and she smiles with forgiveness. She is firmly rooted to the earth but does not fear the sky. She is an expression of peace, motherhood and willing self-sacrifice.

Primal Imposition of (Virtue)
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:
In Cythera’s original design, the concept of virtue was far stronger than what currently exists. An Infernal with this charm may call upon part of the Mother of Creation’s design in order to augment her existing strengths. Infernal Exalts can purchase this Charm once per dot of Integrity (to a maximum of four times), with each purchase enhancing one Virtue. The Infernal may now use her virtue channels either to add dice, or in the manner listed below.
Compassion: The Infernal gains an unprecedented ability to impose herself between those she cares about and those who would harm them. She may expand a compassion channel to defend anyone in the scene to whom she has a positive intimacy towards- ignoring the intervening space and any obstacles that may block her path.
Conviction: The Infernal can overcome the worst of adversity; she empties her mind of the notions of doubt and failure. She may expend a Conviction channel whenever she suffers the effect of a botch to ignore its effects and re-roll the dice.
Temperance: The Infernal use greater clarity to easily escape all but the most powerful mental influence and see through masterful illusions like the parlour tricks that they are. She may expend a Temperance channel which counts as all the willpower she needs to resist any such effect.
Valour: The Infernal calls upon the bravery that puts the most fanatical of zealots to shame, her blows are enhanced with this glorious anger and her valour is subtracted from her opponent’s soak.


Inner Self Inversion
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms:
The Infernal Exalted tortures their soul and virtues into a new shape in emulation of how the King of the Primordials became the cage that holds his siblings. Some Infernal Exalted undergo this transition out of empathy toward the once and future king, while others seek an escape from human emotions and morality in favour of something that is arguably more flexible.

This charm permanently redefines the four virtues, turning them into something far more twisted. Furthermore the Infernal now regains 1 virtue channel each day that she indulges her new virtues within the Demon city.

The Infernal’s compassion is stripped down to its barest essentials and a fanatical loyalty to the true masters of Creation.
This virtue now helps with- fighting against the Gods and the Exalted, working towards the Yozis goals and clinging to life when all hope seems lost.
An Infernal must fail a compassion roll to in order to: ignore the chance to capture or kill a God or non-Infernal Exalt, ignore any command from an Unquestionable or surrender even when confronted by superior force.

The Infernal’s Conviction is stripped of all notions of kinship and loyalty; she looks down upon other sentient beings as mere tools.
This virtue now helps an Infernal with- fighting against an enemy who threatens ones goals, defending a valuable pawn, risking death or danger in the pursuit of advancement.
An Infernal must fail a conviction roll in order to- demonstrate compassion when doing so disadvantages her, refuse to take a risk that is outweighed by the potential rewards, refuse to usurp authority when given an opportunity to do so.

The Infernal’s Temperance as she knew it is shattered beyond repair as the endless revelry of the of the demon city turn her into an insatiable beast who doesn’t like to hear the word no.
This virtue now helps an Infernal with- fighting anyone who seeks to end her depredations, overcoming an enemy who seeks to keep her from the object of her desire, avenging herself against one who has robbed her of her prize An infernal must fail a Temperance roll to- give away a possession, resist bribery or blackmail, ignore a chance to satisfy her desires when the reward outweighs the risk of failure.

What was once noble heroism is marred by a powerful sadistic streak that colours the Infernal’s actions forever more.
This virtue now helps an Infernal with- fighting against an enemy, attacking the innocent and helpless, interrogating and torturing captives, intimidating others
An infernal must fail a Valour roll to- honour a truce, release a prisoner from captivity, finish a defeated enemy rather than toy with them, ignore an opportunity to torment a non-Infernal Exalt.



Isidoros, the Black Boar that Twists the Skies is capricious and defiant to those who would bind his actions. He opposes fate and seeks to bring chaos to any order that has outlived its purpose.

Introducing Uncertainty
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Stackable
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: First Isidoros Excellency
The Infernal becomes a powerful vector of change and uncertainty through her mere presence.
Anyone within (essence x 20) yards who attempts to invoke a perfect charm or one that ensures one or more automatic successes – must pay a surcharge of 1 additional mote. This effect is indiscriminate, extending its effect to the Infernal, their allies and their enemies.
This charm may be purchased a number of times equal to the Infernal’s essence. Each subsequent purchase increases the surcharge by 1 mote.

Catastrophic Misfortune
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Duration: One-Scene
Prerequisite Charms:
Despite his distaste for certainty Isidoros is as quick to punish miserable failure as most of his siblings. What better way than to let their own failures destroy them?
For the duration of the scene the Infernal may choose to make any botch that she observes have shocking and often lethal consequences. This charm augments the negative repercussions of a botched roll dealing 1 dice of aggravated damage for every “1” that the victim rolls.
This damage can be avoided with a (wits + awareness) roll with a difficulty equal to the Infernal’s essence or by charms that negate surprise attacks.

Absence of Reason
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms:
The Infernal mocks causality as oncoming arrows have their momentum stolen from them and sword blows are inexplicably warded off by an unseen force.
The Infernal may invoke this charm in response to any enemy attack, rolling her (essence + dexterity) against a difficulty equal to the attacker’s Essence. On a success, this Charm cancels out the attack completely and even perfect attacks find themselves going impossibly awry. On a failure the attack is resolved against her defence value as usual.


A most promising start. I think though that Isidros needs an Imperfection for his Perfect Defense rather then people who are stronger then him being more able to succeed in their attack. -BogMod

what do you suggest? Introducing Uncertainty (which I consider to be his answer to 2nd excellency) makes giving him an actual perfect somewhat counter intuitive. Enchantress