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[ST] the wretched.
[ST] the wretched.
[ST] "ANATHEMAAAAAaaaaaAAAA!" Pearl shrieks in utter horror.
[ST] "[[ANATHEMAAAAAaaaaaAAAA]]!" Pearl shrieks in utter horror.
[Avir] Avir freezes again, hand still pressed to the barmaid's stump. Shit. Shit. Oh gods. Avir has seen a lot of bad things. Done some of them himself. But somehow..none of that compares to the sight of that creature, glowing  witha searing light that should be beautiful, but isn't.  
[Avir] Avir freezes again, hand still pressed to the barmaid's stump. Shit. Shit. Oh gods. Avir has seen a lot of bad things. Done some of them himself. But somehow..none of that compares to the sight of that creature, glowing  witha searing light that should be beautiful, but isn't.  

Revision as of 09:02, 3 April 2010

Session Start: Sat Jun 21 12:49:06 2008 Session Ident: #exalted1220

[ST] Autumn night lies like a blanket over the city of Icehome. Lanterns and witch-lights gleam against it, studding the city in a thousand points of luminescence. Above it all looms the massive Citadel Rock, home to the treasurey of the League, to its great hall of records, its greatest temple, the apartments of its rulers, the Council of Oligarchs... and the Needle.

[ST] The tallest structure in the city, the Needle rises some two hundred feet in the air from the bedrock of the Citadel, narrow, angular, and made of a strange shimmering stone no mason of the Second Age could make or set. It has no stairs, but there is a room at the top nevertheless, round and comfortable, lit by a self-igniting hearth.

[ST] A man waits in the room, the light from the flames flickering across his face, casting his features in sharp relief. He's young, certainly not much more than twenty, and beautiful. His blond hair cascades nearly down to his waist, and though he is dressed simply, he is a striking sight.

[ST] "I know you're there," he says, and a silhouette steps into one of the arched windows, a blot of darkness obscuring the stars. "I thought only I could climb this damn thing."

[ST] A woman steps into the room, wearing the loose yet perfectly molded robes of an Immaculate monk. Her head is shorn of all hair, her green eyes alight with anger. She would be beautiful, the man thinks, if she wasn't here to kill him.

[ST] "There's still time to avoid this," the man says, rising casually, turning to face her. "You don't have to die tonight. I don't even know who you are."

[ST] "I am Cynis Jindara," the woman snaps. "And I know who you are. I know WHAT you are." Her eyes narrow. Red jade flashes. A pair of short daiklaves cross in front of her.

[ST] "I know your connection to this drunken horde of barbarians. And you know that when the Realm discovers this obscenity, they will smash this nation like the flimsy toy it is. My only regret, Elias Tremalion, is that you won't be alive to see those degenerate chiefs you call rulers beg for the favor of kissing the Realm's feet."

[ST] "That's your only regret?" Elias stretches, eyes narrowing. Essence flares around him, and an empty circle sears itself across his forehead in a flash of golden light. "I think a man as resourceful as myself should be able to provide a few more."

[ST] The Exalted move towards each other faster than the mortal eye could follow, and the battle fought between them is worthy of a hundred songs, a thousand whispered stories. But this is not their story. This is not their world. And the songs that belt out from the city hundreds of feet below are unconcerned with their glorious deeds.

[ST] It is a rowdy night in the Old Market, a raucus night, with laughing and shouting and fighting, sometimes until blood bubbles, sometimes until death. It is an Icehome night, alive with the first stirrings of winter festivity, shaking off the last sluggish dregs of summer. Taverns and teahouses overflow, and in Madame Pearl's the hour grows late but not sedate.

[ST] "You can find better bib down at the Guildhouse," Pearl is known to say, "And that Dragon-Blooded bitch across town has prettier whores, but you can't beat the company here an' you know it. Honest an' homegrown right here in the League, an' good enough for any man or woman in Creation."

[ST] Most citizens of Icehome are inclined to agree. Pearl, though softened by age and city life, still bears the swirling tattoo on her left cheek that marks her as one of the Broken Horn tribe, and the first round's always free in her place for even the lousiest militiaman in the League. Not the girls and boys though - that's how Pearl meets her overhead.

[ST] The place suggests she meets it and then some. It's pleasant, but not pretentious. Hardwood floors, a thatched roof, an oak bar and a decent set of taps. A wide flight of stairs and a long hallway leading to the brothel rooms beyond. A chandelier with some real silver in it, probably from the southwest lode.

[ST] The teahouse/brothel is a scene of barely controlled chaos. Bodies press in close, shifting past each other. Women lean in, whispering secrets in ears. A brightly dressed man in the far corner plays a sealbone flute, the noise swallowed by laughter and shouts. A pair of women, pale, flaxen haired northerners, dance near him, wearing nothing but Southern silks, stopping every now and then

[ST] during their dance to shiver theatrically. A fat merchant up from Tuskstad - the row of walrus tusks on his belt attest to this - laughs until he weeps at the display, tears vanishing into his tangled beard. He plucks one of the smaller tusks from his belt and hands it to a passing server, shaking his empty wineskin.

[ST] There's few fights in the place. Pearl's smart enough to take the weapons off anyone who comes in her place - they get marked and locked up in the front closet till the owner's ready to go - and Lothar, a tall, dark-eyed man as stout as a buck ogre, keeps a canny eye on all of the customers. His legend is big enough that he only has to knock a man's teeth out once a month or so.

[ST] At the closest thing to a quiet table in the place, a small group of Once Dead sit together, perhaps to forget the past, or contemplate the future, or...well, why ARE they here?

[Avir] Avir sits with his feet on the table, a glass of wine in his hand and a flow of witticisms flowing readily from his lips. Startled Rabbit, beside him, rolls her eyes as the men burst at laughing at the culimination of an involvest jest referencing Althea Ironheart's sexual prowess.

[Avir] Avir smiles in satisfaction and raises his glass of wine to his lips, wetting them only. He's sober as a monk. Those who did not especially impress their comrades on the field must find other ways of ingratiating themselves.

[ST] Laughing Jek, of the short dark hair and lively face is true to his name. He laughs, but only politely, leaning back. "A hard-bitten veteran, that one," he remarks. "In more ways than one."

[ST] Lanterns gutter every time the door to the streets opens, letting in a gust of chill air. The room's crowning glory, a very expensive glass skywindow, stands open on the window to let in the moonlight. In only a few days, Pearl will remove the glass and latch up the heavy snow shutters for the winter, but tonight, the patrons can still enjoy the view of the stars and the moon above. From time

[ST] to time, someone passing on the elevated summer street outside will look in, prod a companion, and enter from the smaller door upstairs.

[Miruna] Miruna hunches over his ale, a large man, thick rather than tall. He is pale as any of the north tribesmen, and keeps a thick beard to cover the long scar pulling at his mouth. He grunts with amusement at Avir's story, and pulls at his ale again.

[Miruna] He elbows the man next to him, the newest member of their Scale, fresh through training, and gestures at a passing barmaid with a finger. "You asked to come here" he says, deep voice slurred by the scar. He nods encouragement to the lad.

[ST] "Rowdy," Two-Bits says. She's a quiet woman, with an upturned nose and a pair of striking green eyes. Her hair is the color of a raven's wing. The rather incharitable nature of her nickname only becomes obvious when she turns to grab a fresh cup of ale, revealing that the left side of her face is horribly burned and disfigured.

[Avir] Fetching Peach, dresses in a fetching but scanty ensemble of lace and more lace, caresses Avir's black curls as she passes him on her way up the stairs. She smiles kindly at the newcomer on her way up.

[ST] The young man, Springing Elk, looks nervous. He almost pulls at his collar in his vexation. "I dunno, Miruna," he says. "I've- I've had a bit to drink-"

[Avir] "That's why we drink here, my rose, my song," Avir answers her, saluting with his wine glass.

[Miruna] "The point" he slurs, and catches the mans arm, starting to pull him up. Elk is dead weight in his hand, so he lets him sit as he wants.

[ST] "You think it's rowdy now," Laughing Jek adds. "Wait a month. Once the outwall herders roll in, this place will really be jumping. If you live that long, Bitsy."

[ST] "Trembleshanks is probably doing his best."

[ST] Elk sits there for a moment longer, then suddenly springs up as if goosed, moving sluggishly through the crowd toward the barmaid.

[Avir] Avir glances at her. "Ah, Trembleshanks. Our fearless leader is like to find himself in trouble, one of these days."

[Miruna] "Springs like his namesake" he laughs after him, glancing down to see if he could tell who'd goosed him.

[Miruna] "Give him a battle." Not that he liked the man. But he'd have a chance, and he'd show himself a better man then, or not survive long after it.

[Avir] "He's better off coughing up the coin for Peach, if he can't find it free elsewhere," Avir says, looking slyly at Startled Rabbit. She had a thing for freshfaced boys.

[Avir] It wasn't like the child was like to live to spend his generous salary otherwise.

[ST] "Long as he doesn't get us killed with him." Two-Bits says glumly, suggesting this is rather likely. "He shouldn't even be there."

[ST] "Now now, Avir," Laughing Jek remarks. "Perhaps the lad enjoys the chase."

[Avir] "He'll be chasing his right hand tonight, if I'm any judge."

[ST] "Whelp like that I barely trust to catch it," Startled Rabbit says, with a touch of a purr. "Maybe if I showed him-"

[ST] Across the bar, Elk has flagged down the barmaid and is talking to her. She nods, a trifle indulgently perhaps, but the smile on her face is genuine.

[Avir] "How'd you come to play nursemaid, Miruna?"

[Miruna] He smiles into his ale. Good lad.

[ST] Lothar shoulders through the crowd, a curious expression on his face. He seems intent on something, but is soon swallowed by the press.

[Miruna] "He's new, in my scale." That was enough to explain it. Besides, the lad looked up to him, he could tell.

[Miruna] He glances up at the window, looking to see if the moon would come out from the clouds anytime soon. He wanted to ahve the scene firmly in mind to embarass the lad later, and the light could be better.

[Avir] "Miruna, you shoulda been a scholar, you speak so fluently."

[Miruna] He grins at him, the scar flexing an angry pink against his pale skin, almost framed by the dark beard. It was cut to cover it, but nothing could since hair refused to grow oin teh scar itself. "I prefer my paints."

[ST] As Miruna looks up, he sees that Luna has begun her descent over the arc of the sky. Strangely, after a moment, there is a brief flash of golden light, soon gone.

[Avir] "You need to do me a nude of Ironheart, one day, when you get the chance...."

[ST] Suddenly, a voice roars out over the others, and the barmaid talking with Elk excuses herself, moving over to a table under the skylight. A number of raggedly dressed toughs sit there, drinking the cheapest rotgut Pearl serves.

[Miruna] "Couldn't pay me." She led them well, and wouldn't get disrespect from him. He owed her anyways.

[ST] Anyone from this part of Icehome knows about the Red Fists, a gang mostly notorious for their drug running, dealing in Bright Morning from the Eastern shadowlands and heroin pilfered from the guild. They're not big fish, but they are mean ones, especially when drunk.

[ST] Their leader is Milka One-Eye, a massive woman with a ragged eyepatch, a mouth full of broken teeth, and a frame like a yeddim. She appears to be roaring drunk at the moment.

[Avir] Avir looks over his shoulder. "Hello, hello," he mutters. "Looks like we may work tonight after all."

[ST] A sudden, piercing scream rings out, a sound of agony that cuts through the revelry. The bar falls silent, the seal bone flute dying off with an ugly tweet. The barmaid shrieks, staring down at her hand, pinned to the table by the twin tines of a fork.

[ST] "I'm payin' you," Milka slurs, staggering to her feet. "Ta bring me drinks. Not talk up every limp dick inna place!"

[Miruna] He catches Jek's elbow below the table, and glares at the man. "Leave. Get our things, then get back. Ignore the bouncer." He nods at the waepons check.

[Miruna] This looked to be a fistfight, and he wanted a knife.

[ST] "Ignore Lothar? Are you kiddin' me?" Jek shakes his head. "He'll clear this up soon enough. You ain't seen teeth fly till you seen Lothar go to work."

[Avir] Avir smiles, teeth gleaming. It looks ugly. "Allow me." He tosses the man one of hte knives he had hidden up his shirt. He stands and draws his other dagger from its hiding place in the front of his breeches in one smooth motion.

[ST] But the screaming continues, and Lothar seems nowhere in sight. Springing Elk takes a step over towards the table, and catches a fist in the gut for his effort. He collapses, retching.

[ST] "I don't want no trouble!" Pearl shouts, descending the stairs in a flowing dress. "I don't want no trouble in my place! Lothar!"

[Miruna] Small and pretty, but it would do the job. He gets up from his bench, and sees Elk in the mix, as expected.

[ST] Lothar does not appear.

[Avir] Avir holds his knife behind his forearm. "Milka! Brave Milk! I was wanting to talk to you!"

[ST] "Whyn't ya all just shut up," Milka says. "All I want is a fuckin' drink and for this bitch-" She slaps the barmaid almost casually. "Ta shut UP!" She looks up at Avir. "Whad... whaddya want... small fry?"

[Miruna] Miruna walks slowly over to Elk, making to grab the kid's shoulder. He likewise has the knife against his wrist, in his left hand.

[Avir] "Radient as ever, I see- some wine?" He offers her someone else's glass stolen from the nearest table.

[ST] The other Red Fists stand. There look to be half a dozen of them, hesitant but angry. Pearl continues to shout. Lothar continues not to evidence himself. The rest of the patrons remain frozen in horrified silence.

[ST] "Bitch..." Elk wheezes. "That BITCH..." Tears of pain pour from his eyes.

[ST] Two-Bits rises hesitantly, following behind Avir. Jek sidles through the crowd toward the closet. Startled Rabbit doesn't do a damn thing.

[Miruna] He pulls the kind up, and pats his shoulder. He looks at the kids eyes, and sees the determination there. Well, they'd be involved now one way or the other. "Lets go save her, yeah?"

[Avir] One chance to do this right, Avir thinks, and then the mountain would flatten him and he would spend a month in the hospital. He offers Milka the glass of wine.

[ST] Milka looks suspiciously at Avir as he advances, her massive brow lowering. "Save the ... the charm... I want any lip from you.. I'll scrape it off my trousers." She looks at the wine even more suspiciously, snatching it from him impulsively.

[ST] Elk nods, standing up with difficulty. Poor kid caught one right in the solar plexus.

[Miruna] He keeps a grip on hs shoulder, and watches Milka drink. Perhaps there was a chance, with Avir's tongue. It wasn't as if the maid was one of theirs.

[ST] Milka raises the goblet to her mouth. "Here's... ta... me." She decides after a moment, throwing it back.

[Avir] Well, at least one massive paw was full. "I had a project I wanted some help on...Plenty of jade in it, if you're interested. I need strong hands." He pulls out a stool for her and offers her another glass of wine. The frozen merchant he'd snatched it from doesn't say a word.

[Avir] He glances at Miruna, a few feet behind Milka now, significantly.

[ST] "Fists ain't some... penny whores you can' hire on for nothin'," Milka says, sitting down on the stool cautiously. "Gonna cost you." The barmaid, still whimpering in pain, is utterly forgotten.

[Miruna] He continues over, and pushes Elk at the barmaid when he gets close enough. He glances to the weapons closet out of the corner of his eye, to see how Jek was making on.

[Avir] "If I wanted a penny whore, I'd hire Miruna," Avir prattles as his comrades drifts into position. "No, what I need is strength-" He wondered if it was a killing matter, this matter of a crippled barmaid and a gang of thugs.

[ST] Jek has made his way to the door. He's fumbling with the lock. He might pick it, might not. He likes to play up his role as a rogue and a thief, but he's never really shown Miruna anything worth a damn in that direction.

[Miruna] He scowls at Avir over Milka's head. There'd be words later. Well, a few and maybe a fist if he didn't hear the right thing back.

[ST] Elk makes his way toward the barmaid slowly. The other Fists stare at him pointedly. Their slavish devotion to Milka cripples them - none dare move without her word for fear of retribution later.

[ST] "What kinda..." Milka belches softly. "Strength?"

[Avir] "It was your Fists that drove the Chancery Devils out of Fleet street, isn't it? I need that kind of talent. " She downs another glass. With a slight trace of regret, he drops a pellet he'd been working out of his sleeve in the ale he swiped. It was a paralytic, but maybe it would slow her down...

[Miruna] He walks over at the boys shoulder, using Elk's obvious concern for the maid as his excuse for getting closer.

[Miruna] Avir wasn't even trying to talk her down in a way that would hold up. He was leading them to a fight, just stalling for the advantage. Ah well, probably would have happened anyway.

[ST] "Yeah. Left some busted teeth behind 'em, too. Matter o fact..." she snatches the ale from Avir's hand and chugs it down. "Matter o' Fact... they still ain't found... half the bodies..."

[ST] "Listen-" Pearl begins again. "I don't want no trouble in my place, okay? You lot ain't ever made trouble in my place. Lothar!" Her tone of voice suggests that Lothar is in for a sound lashing once this is all done.

[Avir] "I'm sure not. Must be a great story," he hints. He was lucky she was drunk as she was; otherwise she'd never be buying it. He glances at Pearl. Miruna was still too far away..."Shall we go outside to discuss it?"

[Miruna] He watches the gang's faces, waiting for one of them to object to him moving in. Well, they probably had no idea who he was, or any of them for that matter. People generally didn't when he wasn't in his armor, all to the good, and none of them had their Raven's showing.

[ST] Milka blinks her eyes sluggishly, though it's hard to say if that's the sedative or all the drink.

[ST] "We can discuss it here in fronna my boys, right?" She turns to the gang. "RIGHT?"

[ST] "Yeah, Milka, sure," they babble. In their haste to answer her, Miruna creeps a bit closer. Elk finally reaches the maid's side. She has crumpled to her knees by now.

[ST] "They're... good boys..." she manages.

[Avir] Moved by some spirit of mischief, and the sight of Minura quick approaching behind, Avir reaches out to touch her face. "Oh, but I'm sure. But perhaps some privacy..." he breathes.

[ST] "Well.. maybe... if ya powder yerself up a bit..."

[Avir] What was that whistling?

[ST] In the next moment, the world explodes.

[Avir] He almost asks her, but then she'd look around and Miruna's plan would be spoiled.

[ST] The skylight shatters inward as it is struck by tremendous force, and something weighty, crackling, and bright torpedos through, striking the long oak table where the barmaid is pinned firmly enough to snap it in half. The air fills with a searing heat. Screams blossom. Utter panic descends.

[ST] A woman lies in the runs of the table, wreathed in flame, almost too bright to look upon. The barmaid screams as flames lick towards her, still unable to free herself from the table.

[Miruna] Squabble forgotten, he runs to Jek and the CLoset, bawling "Forthright, to me!" Most of them had been in long enough to understand him while he was yelling, but he grabbed Elk's arm as he went to be sure.

[Avir] Avir freezes, fear trickling like eye down his spine.

[ST] Jek is still trying to wrangle the door open when Miruna, dragging Elk, crashes into him. The door still stands.

[Avir] The stench of rotting meat fills the air. Grotesque. Comforting. "No," Avir mutters. It was too public.

[Miruna] He hammers at the closet door with a fist, then when that fails jams Avir's knife in the lock, hard as he can. He could replace it later.

[ST] Flames lick at the barmaid's clothing as she backs up, managing only to drag a piece of the heavy table with her, still burning.

[Avir] He stumbles away from his seat. "Milka, help me," he coughs. "And you-" he points ot a bulky citizen. He grabs the barmaid's shoulders and pulls.

[ST] Tongues of fire also flicker across the ceiling around the ruins of the shattered skylight, darting across the rafters.

[Avir] "MILKA!" Avir shouts at her. She was the only one nearby strong enough. "HELP!" He puts all the authority he can muster in his voice. He almost wished he hadn't drugged her, now.

[Miruna] Elk is pulling at his hand, trying to get back to the burning barmaid. "Stay together!" he yells, in his battlefield voice, easily heard over the chaos.

[Avir] Avir struggles to pull the fork from the table.

[ST] Milka blinks glassily. She doesn't seem to understand. Her boys, throwing valor to the wind, have fled completely.

[Avir] "Dammit."

[ST] Across the room, Miruna slams into the door, knocking it askew on his hinges and hurting his shoulder in the process. In the room beyond are racks of weapons, each marked carefully with a tag.

[ST] Avir tugs at the fork, but it's slippery with blood. The flames beat at his own face as well.

[Miruna] THe mob was panicking behind them, and they wouldn't be able to stant infront of the door long. He pulls Elk into the closet with him. "Keep them off the weapons!" He grabs his weapons, close to the door as they'd come in after the place had started getting busy, and turns back to the mainroom.

[Avir] Avir screams as the flames lick his face, forcing him back. Gods dammit. Moon and stars. My face. My face. He grabs the barmaid's hand and abandons subtlety. He raises his hand and brings it flashing down..directly against the girl's wrist.

[Avir] A smell of rotting meat fills the air.

[ST] The girls in silk cower now, screaming, and the merchant tramples them in his race for the door. There is the snap of breaking bones. Lanterns overturn, spilling flame further. And through it all, Pearl wails. "Lothar! LOTHAR!" as if the entire proceedings are his fault.

[Miruna] He hadn't brought anything serious with him, but the handaxe would be weapon enough. He runs back to the second group of Once Dead, fighting against the tides of the panic.

[Avir] He hacks away, tears streaming down his face from pain and the smoke, until it severs in a cloud of blood.

[ST] The maid falls back, pale with shock, blood spurting wildly from the wound. Her face is scorched, her bright blond hair burning with a tremendous stink.

[ST] Milka stands up, takes a step, and collapses on her face.

[ST] Startled Rabbit is long gone, but the press at the door has turned into a nightmare. The egress is literally choked with bodies. People cannot get out.

[Miruna] Nothign else seemed to be happening. Well, beyond the panic and the fire, dangerous enough in a town frozen over most of the time. But he'd thought there was an attack under way. All he could think of was grreat catapults he'd seen at sieges hurling burning bodies to start fires in sieged towns, and he';d reacted accordingly.

[Miruna] But they'd have known if something liek that had gotten near Icehome. It had to be somethign else.

[Avir] He half-pulls, half-drags the barmaid away, cursing his weakness. "Sorry Milka," he says, as she is dragged away in the smoke. There's a noisy, wet, chomping sound, and she's disappeared.

[Avir] Ample payment. "Stomp," Avir shouts to the shadows. "Break down the wall. Clear an exit!"

[ST] The maid's eyes are blank, and she doesn't respond as Avir drags her away. Her wound looks grave.

[Avir] He leans against the wall with Elk's stupid barmaid and pants. She's unconscious.

[Avir] Clumsily, Avir puts his hand over it. There's a sound of something massive moving in the shadows, and gruff laughter, all amid a smell of rotting meat.

[ST] Suddenly, the fire-flickering darkness is as bright as day. Golden light washes through the room, throwing the terrified inhabitants into sharp relief. And the horror that already reigns is increased at least a hundredfold. A man stands in the shattered frame of the skylight on a spar that should not hold his weight. No. Not a man. A thing in the shape of a man, burning with the symbol of

[ST] the wretched.

[ST] "ANATHEMAAAAAaaaaaAAAA!" Pearl shrieks in utter horror.

[Avir] Avir freezes again, hand still pressed to the barmaid's stump. Shit. Shit. Oh gods. Avir has seen a lot of bad things. Done some of them himself. But somehow..none of that compares to the sight of that creature, glowing witha searing light that should be beautiful, but isn't.

[Miruna] The thing appears just as Miruna makes it over to Avir. He catches sight of it, the scene etching itself in his memory, but he shakes it off. "We have to get out!" he yells, grabbing Avir's arm. If it wanted him dead, it'd kill him. The fire was a danger they could avoid.

[ST] Avir's clumsy efforts cannot seal the maid's gushing wounds, and he freezes entirely as the creature appears. Jek staggers back against the wall, flattening himself against its surface. Two-Bits takes a step back, her eyes going blank. An old man falls over, dead of a heart attack.

[ST] The body staggers up from the ruins of the table, flaring anew. Eyes narrow, and impossibly, what should by all rights be a corpse speaks. "Anathema! I'm not... dead... yet!"

[ST] Stomp reaches the far wall and begins to hammer at it, peeling away wood and stone alike as if skinning a fruit. Amidst all the commotion, almost no one notices.

[Avir] No. Dammit. Why wasn't she? The battle would kill them all. "Two-Bits," Avir says. "The..the girl..."

[Avir] He can't take his eyes away from the golden man.

[ST] "A-Avir... I don't know if I can..." she collapses, wailing. "I'm SCARED!"

[ST] "It's gonna kill us all it's gonna kill us all it's gonna it's it's it's gonna KILL US!"

[Miruna] He pulls avir, bellowing at the othres to follow, trying to get their eyes on him, break them from the spectacle. Theres only one door, and he had to get them all out of it. His right hand clenches on the axe.

[ST] Pearl stands transfixed on the stairwell. Ignoring the chaos around them, the Exalted leap at each other. The Dragonblooded springs off the chandelier for no apparent or sane reason, setting it alight, sending it to crash on the wide staircase, pinning Madame Pearl and blocking the stairway. The Anathema springs as well, and as their weapons meet an enormous shockwave rises, sweeping across

[ST] the room.

[Avir] Avir grabs the axe. "Wait. There'll be another --" He flinches as chair hurtles through the room, breaking against his arm.

[ST] The chair smarts. Miruna throws himself down in time to evade a spinning silver platter that could have taken his head off. The man behind him is not so lucky.

[ST] Mortar and timber continue to fly as Stomp digs fiercely.

[ST] Two-Bits curls into a ball, rocking back and forth in the midst of the chaos. Pearl screams from her position on the stairs. The barmaid bleeds.

[ST] The crowd struggles against the door, gone mad in their terror. Jek is forced to lash out with the flat of his blade, driving a few back from him. One or two make a dash for the weapons closet, and the sound of fighting rings out as Elk struggles against them.

[Miruna] He stands up, ignoring the cuts he'd taken from flying splinters. He looks back at the men, and shoves Avir towards the door. He'd been moving. Two-bits needed him more.

[Miruna] He runs back to her, standing between her and the fight. "Get Up Soldier! Move!" Its more loud than intelligible. He tries to catch her eye, to get her to look away, and does catch her shoulder.

[Avir] Avir stumbles, still shell-shocked. No way they'd make it through that door. He pulls off his shirt and wraps it around the barmaid's stump. She flops limply. Probably dead already. "HURRY, damn you!" he shouts at Stomp as a glass pitcher shatters next to his head. There's a muffled snort of amused acknowledgment from within the veil of smoke.

[ST] The Anathema and the Dragonblooded Huntress chase each other around the bar, lashing out at each other. The Anathema springs high, hurling a knife, which flares in midair, duplicating impossibly into dozens, scores. The Dragonblooded slips out of the way, and the knives stab into the crowd around the door, dropping more.

[ST] "Mother�FUCKER�!" Jek screams less than eloquently as he finds a knife sprouting from his shoulder.

[ST] Two-Bits blinks as Miruna hauls her up and away, leaving behind a pool of urine. "Miruna- I'm sorry-" she gasps. "I couldn't!"

[Avir] The bleeding stopped, finally. No more blood soaking into Avir's ruined silk shirt. . The barmaid's eyes flutter open, and Avir suddenly, irrelevantly, realizes her name is Blessed Petunia. She moves as if to sit up, and so she is able to see the knife that sprouts suddenly between her eyes.

[Avir] She falls back with a thump.

[ST] At last, Stomp's digging tears a ragged hole in the side of the tavern, opening onto a dark and empty carpentry shop. The crowd races towards the new egress.

[Miruna] He doesn't wait for her to finish, turning and dragging her in a lumbering run. He makes straight for Jek.

[ST] With a final burst of flame, the Dragonblood springs away into the night, the anathema following in a flash of gold. The Exalted are gone, leaving only pandemonium in their wake.

[ST] Despite all odds, the bar is beginning to empty. But even as the screams from below fade into the night, the ones from upstairs seem twice as loud. The fallen chandelier has blocked the stairwell, trapping the whores and their clients on the second floor.

[Miruna] Hes still making for the door. "Get the buckets! Raise the cry!" No time, no way they could think or do anything about the supernatural. But a fire in the city was a natural menace dangerous enough.

[ST] Jek swears like a sailor, wrenching the knife from his shoulder with a grimace. "Look at this thing!" he blurts, obviously a little out of his head. "It has a horn handle. Fucking thing was probably made not five miles from here. An ANATHEMA stabbed me with a fucking... Haslanti knife."

[Avir] Avir pants with rage and panicked fear. He stumbles away from the body. He grabs Two-Bits and pulls her with him. She was so ugly. He wondered if he look like her now. The din and shouts are distant.

[ST] Pearl moans desperately where she is pinned beneath the chandelier. Lothar is still nowhere to be seen. Behind the flickering flames, Fetching Peach and a man stripped to the waist look plaintively.

[ST] The last of the crowd who is able exit the burning brothel. Others crawl. Many more lie broken, or dead. Tongues of flame cover the floor, the wall, the ceiling. Alcohol burns, blood bubbles and boils.

[Miruna] He gets Two-Bits to Jek, and both of them moving to the door. He sees Elk there, still holding the weapon's room. They'd get out. The anathema were gone, for now. But the brothel wouldn't be standing long. He could hear the support groaning as some of them burned away. He turns to the stairs.

[ST] The broad staircase is a straight, simple affair, blocked near the top by the crumpled, burning remains of the chandelier. The flames are enough to drive the crowd pressing from upstairs back, and the wooden stairs are already starting to catch.

[Avir] "Peach!" Avir shouts. "And y-you!" Just run! Better burnt than dead!"

[ST] They are silent. A moment later, a pair of burning figures hurtle through the flames, tumbling down the stairs, shrieking. The stairs are starting to catch.

[Avir] Useless. He was useless. No more able to save them than he had been able to save the girl- Blessed Petunia.

[Miruna] "Get back from there" he yells at them. Weren't there windows up there? Probably Pearl trying to keep the Johns in, see if she didn't regret it now. He jumps ontop of the bar, and starts chopping at the ceiling. The stairs would go up soon, they needed a new exit.

[Avir] The ceiling creaks slightly. Something heavy on the roof. "Help him!" Avir calls upwards.

[Miruna] He takes the hatchet in both hands, hacking at the cieling as fast as he can, regretting slightly the brute use he was putting his weapon to.

[Avir] He grabs someone's discarded cloak, stained and crumpled on hte floor, and throws it over Peach and her john, trying to smother the flames. He coughs.

[ST] As Miruna works, he sees hunks of timber and stone go flying beside him, hastened by his work. A ragged hole opens at last, and is soon choked by those from upstairs scrambling to escape.

[ST] The flames lick at Miruna as well, scorching his skin as he makes the way for others to escape. Many are burned, most are coughing, and many have already choked to death, but some are escaping.

[ST] Vile smoke rises as Avir batters at the pair on the floor, but he puts the flames out well enough. Elk and Jek help the wounded out into the street, moving tirelessly. Elk is trying very hard not to think of the dead woman. In a way, it was all his fault in the first place. She wouldn't even have been in that position if not...

[ST] Two-Bits works feverishly in the cold streets outside, where a crowd has begun to gather. Above, people continue to escape. Smoke chokes the air. The timbers above groan in alarm.

[Avir] Avir smiles eerily. What fools they all were. He 's not much use carrying people, but he checks the bodies and calls to the others when he finds one alive.

[Avir] "It's going to fall!" Avir shouts to Miruna, near choking from the thick black smoke that hung in the air. "We have to get out!"

[Miruna] The way opened, Miruna staggers out. Those that could save themselves would, and he wouldn't last much longer in there. He lurches out intot he street, coughing and grabbing for snow to rub sparks out of his beard.

[Avir] Avir is already waiting for him, collapsed in a snow drift. "There she goes," he says conversationally as a lick of flame catches on Pearl's hidden cache of fireworks. Streams of purple, green, and gold light rocket through the air, incongruously celebratory.

[ST] As the last few stragglers who can be saved (but not all of them, not nearly) are drug out into the streets by the Once Dead, the building collapses inward with a loud �wumph�, casting a pall of sparks into the air. The fireworks that flare in the sky draw even more onlookers, and a bucket brigade has already started, although it seems only the carpentry shop next door will also burn at

[ST] the moment.

[Miruna] He stumbles to his knees in the snow, scrabbling furiously before his beard went up. Safe, he drags himself to his feet, looking around for the Once Dead, hoping none had managed it a second time.

[ST] Two Bits sits heavily next to Avir, her eyes distant. Sweat streaks her face. She is still horribly burned, but none of them are fresh. Jek and Elk are nearby, crouched against the wheel of the wagon. Jek's shoulder has been bandaged.

[ST] "Rabbit ran away," Two-Bits says. She draws her knees up to her chin and rests her face on them.

[Avir] Avir smiles at nothing. "She does that."

[ST] "Bitsy likes to see the best in people," Jek says heavily. "Maybe that's easier with one eye."

[ST] The brothel continues to smolder. So much for pleasant company.

[Miruna] He slumps back, sitting by the rest of them. The buckets didn't need them. "Find her later." She was alright at least, from what they knew. The memory of the Anathema was opressive, and unspeakable.

[Miruna] He sat silent in it, knowing it would grace his armor by the next day.

[ST] Elk is very deliberately silent. This was not the night he had planned.

[Avir] Avir looks at him after a while, then smiles bitterly. "You were a big hero. Kept your head."

[Miruna] He holds another handful of snow to his arm, wincing at the cold burned the burned flesh.

[Miruna] "Course I was a damned hero."

[Avir] Avir's smile becomes less strained, until he hears something inside the burning building. The sound of cracking bones.

[Miruna] He could feel Elk looking at him again, full of admiration. He scowls at his hands. "Lets get back. Nothing for us here. Everyone get your weapons?" Good steel would survive the fire, hopefully undamaged, but would need new hilts, handles, whatever. They could collect them later.

[Avir] "Lost mine," Avir says indifferently. "I'll get another."

[ST] The building smolders back into ashes, and the crowd disperses, along with the Once Dead. The true dead are left behind. Yet the group has scarcely gone a few hundred yards before they are hailed by a figure in a dark cloak, pulled close to hide the face. The night wears on towards morning, and the streets lie mostly empty. As the figure moves closer, a hand flashes a skull-badge to the others.

[Avir] "Ho," Avir says wearily.

[Miruna] He nods stiffly in greeting, wondering who the cloaked man is.

[ST] "There's a problem," the figure says. You can see as you come closer that it's Startled Rabbit, her eyes hollow. "Athela says you're supposed to solve it."

[Avir] "Not the tavern, I hope." He didn't relish the thought of solving the glowing man- unless it were with thirty servants snarling at his back.

[ST] "Something like that." She looks over the group, her face softening. "Elk - you okay?"

[ST] "No."

[Miruna] "He's fine," he says, over him. "We need our kit for this?" How serious was it?

[ST] "Elk, go back to the barracks. The rest of you - with me. This comes down from the top. They want as few people involved as possible. Probably wouldn't have involved us if it could be avoided, but we've already seen enough."

[Avir] "Right." They were about to get screwed.

[ST] She turns to Miruna. "It's a dangerous job, but you won't need your kit. I don't want to say much about it. Best to just show you." She keeps looking from side to side. Shame at fleeing earlier? Reluctance to be involved in this? Both?

[Miruna] "Look, if its going to be bad, I'd like a realy weapon. I don't need my armor if its for the shadows." The heavy hatchet was nice in a scrap, but not what he wanted to carry into a real fight.

[ST] "You won't need a weapon." She shakes her head. "It's a mess to clean up."

[Miruna] He nods, and gestures for her to lead on.

[ST] Rabbit leads the way down winding streets as she talks. "I immediately headed back to headquarters to report on the incident. I was still there when the report came in, and Athela chose me to deliver the message to you. Believe me, I don't want to be doing this any more than you. Less, probably."

[Avir] Avir frowns.

[Miruna] "Doing what?" he asks grufly, striding at her elbow.

[ST] "Spreading this message. Dealing with this thing at all. The Oligarchs want this kept quiet, understand? Athela has personally promised that heads will roll." She turns down a narrow alley at last, moving through the shadows. She holds up a lantern to illuminate a covered wagon at the end of the alley.

[ST] With little flourish, she pulls the cloth covering away, revealing the body of the Dragonblooded who fell into Pearl's teahouse earlier. The left eye is a sunken red crater, probably created by a recently removed bone-handled knife.

[ST] "Ever try to burn the corpse of a Fire Aspect?" Rabbit says. "Apparently it don't work. And if the Dragons find this thing in our keeping... if they find out that an Anathema killed her in this city and do some investigating... well... let's just say the League won't be in a good spot."

[Miruna] Maybe the axe was the right tool.

[ST] "This has to disappear. Preferably in a way that won't make a Hungry Ghost pissed enough to tear half the city apart."

[ST] "An' since they don't want any more seeing the body than strictly has to... well... it's you an' me. Lucky us."

[Miruna] "An how do we do that?" He could handle a corpse, but not friendly-like. He had no idea about how to appease ghosts.

[Avir] "Hungry ghosts need a body..." Avir says thoughtfully. Perhaps there were lemons to be made after all. "I'll deal with it."

[ST] "You'll deal with it?" Rabbit sounds skeptical. Always a touch of insolence in this one.

[Avir] Anger flashes in Avir's eyes before he gets it under control. "I'll deal with it," he says, smooth as ever. "If...Miruna...will help me, I think it'll do."

[Miruna] He grunts, and moves to pick up the body. "Where?"

[ST] "This can't be found, Avir," Rabbit speaks urgently. She always does when it comes to her wellbeing. "If the Dragon-Bloods find the body, or even anything that belonged to it, or its ghost causes trouble... you know how they are, with that magic a' theirs. They SEE things. And you know the bosses will sell us out if they have to. That's why they have us doing this."

[ST] She kicks at a bit of trash, sulking. "It's my head on the line too, remember."

[Avir] "I'll show you," he tells Miruna. He flicks his fingers at Rabbit. He had forgotten the speed with which she'd vanished no more than the others. "She won't be found. Credit me with a little competence."

[Avir] They never did, of course. Accounted him of no consequence at all.

[Avir] He smiles at Startled Rabbit. She'd never liked him. "Run along now. Unless you're wanting to come back to my place later?"

[ST] "Fine." Rabbit doesn't really want to touch this, not really. She doesn't rise to Avir's remark. "Jek. Bitsy. With me. We'll leave them to it."

[ST] The three Once Dead slip away silently. Soon, it is just Miruna, Avir, and a one eyed corpse staring at the sky.

[Miruna] He wraps the body in the cloth that had been covering it, and hefts it to his shoulders. "Anything else that needs cleaning up?" he asks, heftign his axe, to demonstrate the type of effects that might be elsewhere scattered about.

[Avir] "That'll do." He leads Miruna along the alleyway into the city. "Funny how eager they are to cover this up." Time was the Wyld Hunt had been welcome even here.

[Miruna] "Haslanti's better on its own." No need for the Realm up here.

[Avir] "So it is."And it wasn't like there was much do about the odd Anathema popping up every now and then, unless Haslanti had deals with the Lunar monsters Avir didn't know about- which, come to think of it, they probably did. He scowls and kicks a stone. He shoves his hands in his pocket. No worry about being molested standing next to Miruna.

[Avir] "Here," he says eventually, stopping at a low slumped house in the outskirts of the city. A scanty vegetable garden fights to survive next to a pile of refuse. "I can take her the rest of the way."

[Miruna] He was obviously carrying a body, and someone might sto him over it. If he was a copper, or a brave soul. But a glance at a raven badge would pass that, and noone would suspect more.

[Miruna] He doesn't set down the body. "I'll see it through."

[Avir] Avir glances at him. "Better if you didn't," he says bluntly. "The bodily will be gone, that's as much you need to know."

[Avir] He'd asked for Miruna because the man was as strong as a bull and nearly as taciturn. He hadn't reckoned on stubbornness.

[Miruna] He stares at the other man. "All our heads'd roll over this." He pondered whether he could trust him. He was a sneak. And a letch. But he was a Deadman as well.

[Avir] "The bodily will be gone," he repeats, trying to look unweilding. A little snake of dread curls in his stomach. He didn't think he could explain how.

[Avir] "I'm a thaumaturge." Enough knew that he wasn't unwilling to say it. He hoped the man was superstitious enough to leave it at that. "I've been one of the Once Dead for what- five years now? Few make it that far. There's a reason I have. And that's as much as I can say."

[Miruna] Avir was in it as much as him, and he was the one who knew what he was doing. Miruna'd never had much truck with magics, so he had no idea what would be happening. Maybe the rite required provacy, or maybe he �really� wouldn't want to be there. He glares at the other man for a few moments more, then rolls the body off his shoulder.

[Miruna] "Get back when your done." He would wait for him. He wasn't going back till he knew the job was done. He didn't want uncertainty haunting his dreams tonight. Not that they would run smooth as it was.

[Avir] Avir doesn't try to pick up the body. He nods. As well as he could do, he suspected. Instead, he grabs the wrapped up bundle by the one end and halls it inside. When the door swings open, Miruna can see the black charcoal marks scribbled on it. Avir swears as he struggles to get the body up the steps, and the door slams shut behind him.

[ST] Far in the east, Miruna can see the first lightening of dawn as Sol Invictus nibbles away at the night. Avir steps into an oppressive darkness.

[Avir] Inside, he fumbles with candles until he has some light. Every inch of the surface glows with wards of various strength. Otherwise, the room is ordinary, even a little shabby. An old bed in the corner, a table and a chair and a small stove. Avir pushes aside the threadbear carpet and unlatches the trapdoor. It opens to a black pit.

[ST] "I've been waiting for you, son," Thunder Wisdom's voice billows up from the darkness. "It's been a long time."

[Avir] He ignores the voice. It wasn't Thunder Wisdom, not truly. Thunder Wisdom was dead. Nevertheless, Avir's shoulders hunch. He doesn't bother with a ladder, just wrestles the wrapped body to the hole and pushes it in. It lands with a thunk. Eager whispering filters up from below, as things stir in the pit.

[ST] "Is it a present, love?" A woman's voice whispers, sultry. "Is it a present for us?"

[Avir] The Dragonblooded would content them for a while, if he was any judge. And he was.Essence-rich, murdered.... He supposed he was likely the tavern had been attacked tonight. "Bon appetit."

[Miruna] He starts, not wanting to hear any horrors, but curious despite himself. He settles on sitting by the door resharpening his axe. The sharpening drowned out most of the noise, but he could hear sounds in the gaps.

[ST] There is the crack of a bone snapping below, a slavering. The ravenous sounds of feasting.

[ST] "Sweeeeeet...." the voices whisper.

[Avir] Avir slams the trapdoor shut again, and covers it with a rug. A poor disguise, but mostly for his peace of mind. He slept here, after all. The house guarded itself very ablely. The thaumaturge makes himself tea as he listens. He waits long enough for it to plausible that he'd engaged in some Ritual of Body Disposal, such nonsense, and then he hushes the candle and walks back outdoors.

[Avir] His eyes narrow when he finds Miruna on the steps. How much had he heard?

[Avir] "It'd done," Avir says heavily.

[Miruna] "Right." he slurs heavily. "Lets go." He stands up, wanting to get back to his boardroom, kknwoing they would have to report first.

[ST] The sounds of feasting are no longer audible, but the things down there continue until they seem interminable.

[Avir] "Right," Avir echoes. He hears Stomp's snuffling laugh just behind him, a rotting breath. He steels his shoulders and doesn't look back.

[Miruna] The night felt wrong. He shivers and quickens his stride slightly, despite himself. He'd accepted this work when he'd joined the Watchmen, but he would never get to like it.

[ST] Dawn is breaking by the time Miruna and Avir return to the headquarters of the Once Dead, an unassuming stone building at the base of Citadel Rock. They are expected, and a pair of guardsmen usher them quickly into Athela's office.

[ST] Ironheart sits behind a spartan desk, looking unblinking at the two Once Dead. The office itself is spartan, and from the look of it, rarely used. The chairs are rigid and uncomfortable.

[ST] Ironheart does not hold with formality. She gestures for the pair to sit, all business.

[ST] "It is done?"

[Miruna] He settles heavily into a chair, and nods.

[Avir] Avir sits gingerly. "It's done." He might joke behind her back, but face-to-face she intimidated the hell out of him.

[ST] "I cannot impress upon you how important this is. Allowing the Wyld Hunt into the city is one thing. Having one of them die here... is a problem. She seems to have been alone. Perhaps the Realm will not follow up, but I wouldn't be surprised."

[ST] "If there is anything you have neglected, any mistake you have made, heads will roll. Yours. Maybe mine. Maybe everyone's."

[ST] "So I'll ask again. It is done?"

[Avir] Avir's straightens. "Yes sir."

[ST] "How?"

[ST] "Is there a shrine we need to monitor?"

[Miruna] He sits silent. He didn't know anything about how it'd been done, but he'd done his job. Nothing to say really.

[Avir] Avir glances at Miruna. Was the man trustworthy...? "No. Disposed of the body completely."

[Miruna] "If you've got a map, I can show you where" he adds, helpfully.

[ST] "Where? Was it sealed? I've seen the Hungry Ghost of a dragonblooded before." She sighs, heavily. "Thunder Wisdom saw it as well. They're nearly as dangerous as a living Dragon-Blood."

[Avir] Avir glares at Miruna, turning back at the mention of Thunder Wisdom. His eyes grow shadowed. "The Dragonblood's body is...with Sextes Jylis again." Pious mutering. Not good enough. "Entered back into the cycle of nature," he stumbles. He meets Ironheart's eyes. "Sir. Are steps being taken about the Anathema in our territory? Surely that's the immediate concern."

[ST] Ironheart scowls, her mouth drawing up. "I asked the same thing, Avir. I was assured that the government was looking into it. If nothing else, I suppose they can send old Frostbeard after it."

[ST] She's speaking, of course, of Blue Dragonfish, the Outcaste Dragonblooded who heads up the Haslanti Ice Ship navy.

[ST] "Whatever the case, we don't want the Realm involved."

[Avir] Avir's mouth pulls down. "Frostbeard would be flattened by what we saw," he mutters.

[ST] "The League will handle it, one way or another. We always do. Thunder Wisdom knew that, too."

[Avir] Avir hesitates, then nods. "Right."

[ST] "I'll take your word that the body is disposed of. To be frank, I don't want to speak of it further, or even to know too much. If the Dragon-Blooded use their damned magic... they may be able to know what we've discussed. Best to keep it quiet. There aren't many agents of the realm here, fortunately."

[Miruna] He nods, comforted. "That it for the night, sir?" He wanted a bed, and an extra blanket to cover his eyes.

[ST] "Nellens Ralinona is the only dragon-blooded in Icehome, and as you well know, she's more busy with her brothel. I hope she won't poke her nose in our business, but if she does, you know nothing."

[Avir] "Couldn't drag it out with me for a thousand of Fetching Peaches' kisses-" it falls easily out of his mouth before he remembers Peaches had been burned. "Yes sir."

[ST] "Dismissed, then. Get some rest. I'm sure we'll find more work for you before long."

[Avir] Avir smiles grimly as he stood. Thunder Wisdoms had been right about one thing, sure enough. They'd handle it. Whatever it took.
