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#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOne/IdeaDump]]
So... having a half-eaten ship come roaring into port can make for an exciting evening. But things got a tad bit more unusual when it turned out that none other than the Roseblack was on the ship, along with a number of guards and what appeared to be her personal guard. She was notably out of armor and somewhat subdued, compared to all the tales of the famous Tepet general.
As soon as she was shuttled away, things calmed down, and the eaten ship promptly sank like a stone. The group didn't have much time to do whatever, though... as Guild runners were quick to track them down and inform them that Old Steel was waiting for them at the Scalded Dog. Which was odd, seeing as it was rather late in the evening...
Rio , still fairly impressed at having seen the Blackrose herself... is nontheless somewhat grumpy at such a late meeting, but she goes anyway.
Laranth heads to the meeting looking not particularly put-out, but a bit concerned. "This is a bit.. odd."
Dyna still seems a bit edgy, not quite over the shock of seeing (and possibly being recognized by) a Dragonblood... she's quite a bit more alert than usual.
Tian appears to have dressed hastily, forgoing a shirt in favor of that long hooded coat and a simple pair of pants. The hood's up, and he seems a bit irritable.
Deis sighs and grumbles, wanting a quiet evening for once as he makes his way to the Scalded Dog.
The Scalded Dog is most certainly open, the lights on and a few Guild wanders at the door. Upon seeing people approach, they check with someone further in... then wave people in, one by one.
Laranth will head in while waved in.
Dyna seats herself, looking about nervously for a few seconds before managing to focus on the meeting, whatever it's purpose may be.
Tian passes the guards and takes a seat next to Dyna, rubbing his eyes slowly.
<Deis> So... are we here because fo what happened at the port?
Inside... well. One big table, and a fair number of folks sitting around it. Mostly important-looking mortal soldiers from the Roseblack's ship, along with Old Steel and a sleepy-looking Henpin. Also there is the blooded mage from before... who's still coughing up bloody flecks into a kerchief.
Laranth does his best to look casual, mostly. "Hello?"
Rio blinks as she steps in. "... hmmm?"
"Well." Old Steel shifts, looking as weary as a man can. "I first want to thank you all for coming. Second... I need to make sure we're all on the same page about something." He raises a single, pudgy finger. "The... woman you met was never here. Correct?"
Rio blinks innocently. "What woman?"
<Dyna> ... no problems with that here.
Tian rolls his eyes. "Of course."
<Laranth> Naturally.
Steel snorts at Tian, obviously also at his wit's end. "Now that we're clear on that, I suppose I can let our guest here tell you about what's going to be coming out way in the next day or so." Said guest seems to be the frail windblood still coughing his lungs out. He takes a drink of water, winces once, then clears his throat. "Fair Folk."
... and that gets Laranth to drop his facade of casualness. His eyes narrow. "Fair Folk? I see."
Dyna simply nods in acknowledgement, keeping the rim of her hat low over her eyes.
Deis looks to Steel. "You mean the woman from the boat, right?"
Tian flexes his hands in what is possibly the least inconspicuous strangling pantomime ever. "And the Realm is here to defend us?"
Steel sighs. "Yes, her. Try to forget you ever met he---" The man cuts him off, and Steel looks most indignant. "Fishlike... large heads, claws, needle-like teeth. And... a siaka. An immense one. Not at all natural, probably a behe---he--" He breaks into another coughing fit.
The man, still coughing, shakes his head vigorously at Tian's suggestion.
<Laranth> This is desperate news, but you don't need me to tell you that.
<Tian> It's good to see that some things remain right with the world.
<Dyna> We will prepare.
Rio scratches her nose. "... I wonder..."
The Dynast regains himself, eyeing Tian balefully. He suddenly smells of ozone and static crackles along bloodied teeth. "My only concern is Ejava. You have yourselves and the Guild. Do well, and we'll see you compensated."
Rio shakes her head. "Ok, ok, enough. We all want to get out of this alive, right?"
<Laranth> Getting out alive would seem to be the plan.
<Deis> And hopefully without unessecary harm to others.
Rio nods. "Right"
<Laranth> Unfortunately, most harm to Fair Folk is only necessary. Hmm.
"Mmmm." He calms himself, and the static fades. "For your information, I am Mnemon Codol Hames. And... I apologize for not offering assistance, but I have strict orders. The situation is... delicate." Henpin, finally away, smiles a dreamy little smile and giggles for some reason.
<Dyna> We'll manage.
<Laranth> We respect your orders, of course. We should be able to deal with this problem on our own.
Tian just watches Hames, expression sour.
Rio rubs her eyes. "Alright... how long do we have?"
"I can offer you this much, though. They seem to have continued their pursuit... so I imagine they'll arrive by afternoon or evening. The beast shouldn't be able to fit through the harbor's little hazards, so the rest will be no issue. This is a Guild outpost, after all." He smiles, thinly, at Tian.
<Rio> Joy.
<Laranth> Looks like we're in for a sleepless night, then.
Dyna frowns from underneath the shadow of her hat.
Rio stands up and pops her neck. "We don't have a moment to waste then!"
Deis winces at Rio. "Must you do that? And do we have supplies already?"
"I have to admit... Ixili envies the lot of you. She wanted to kill a few more of those things... something about one of them eating her glove." He shrugs. "Again, you'll be compensated... the Roseblack does not allow good deeds to go unrewarded."
<Tian> Not while she's counting on those good deeds to save her.
<Laranth> The compensation isn't my concern at the moment, but it'll be appreciated.
Tian stands as well, glancing at the other four Solars in turn. "As Captain Storm said, we should get to work."
<Laranth> Let's.
<Rio> Yyyep... I'd say we have a behemoth to get rid of.
Dyna rises to her feet and turns quickly to leave.
"Hmph! We can defend ourselves well enough, citizen... it's just more convenient to let someone else do it in our stead. Selfish, yes, but I've been coughing up blood for the last two hours. I need to rest." Hames chuckles... and goes right back to coughing.
<Laranth> Take your rest. You'll need your strength later.
<Dyna> Then you're lucky we're up to the challenge.
Tian turns on his heel to follow Dyna. "You led a behemoth right to a major population center with no thought for those inside these walls. Your arrogance will be addressed, but not now."
Laranth glances at Dyna and Tian, sighs slightly, and turns to leave.
Dyna exits quickly and quietly, eager both to get started and to get away from the Dragonblood.
"Pfeh. The situation will be handled... and of course you can act high and mighty, <b>boy</b>. There are matters in play you can't begin to understand." Hames grins, teeth crackling again
Deis stands, bows politley and turns to leave. "Please... please let this be as uneventful as possible..."
Rio shakes her head. "What he said, keep it in your pants. Come on kid." She then turns and exits the building.
Tian grits his teeth, out of sight of the Terrestrial, and follows Rio.
Steel... lightly slaps his forehead, and starts to talk with Hames. This... turns into obviously expletive-laden shouting, and even Henpin gets involved. She doesn't use bad words, however.
<Dyna> ... Of all the bullshit.
Rio glances back, and shakes her head, turning to the other Solars. "... So! behemoth killing. Ideas?"
Tian looks sidelong at Dyna. "Are the devices ready?"
Dyna nods at Tian. "And I believe they'll handle the new development quite well."
<Laranth> Yes, let's move on. We have a lot of work to do. The devices -- the firedust charges?
<Dyna> A little on the inside goes a long way, if you get my drift.
<Rio> ... how long does it take them to blow up?
<Dyna> It's adjustable.
<Tian> ... we need fish.
<Rio> ... pardon?
<Dyna> That should be easy enough to get.
<Laranth> Fish should be relatively easy, yes.
Tian grins broadly for the first time. "Lots of fish. And it has to be fresh."
<Rio> ... what for?
<Dyna> You need a lot of bait to catch a big fish.
<Tian> And fresh bait, if you want it to swallow the lure.
<Rio> ... Hmm, I guess we'll find out if behemoths eat fish then...
<Laranth> I don't see why a siaka-behemoth wouldn't.
<Dyna> Some say the lot of them will eat just about anything.
<Rio> Well, if he doesn't, we'll just force feed it to him.
<Dyna> Eh, hope for the best, prepare for the worest.
<Laranth> We can be ready with our own force if the charges fail, I presume.
<Rio> ... how's the cold iron going?
<Deis> You guys make this sound like it's a large scale naval campaign... does it hoenstly have to be like a grand war?
<Tian> No. We can underprepare and let all these people die.
<Laranth> For once I agree with him. I'd rather be armed for something bigger than whatever this is than something smaller.
<Rio> Hon, did you see the dynast's ship?
Deis nods. "Yes, I did..."
<Dyna> This is going to be big, from what we know.  We have to plan big. If we overdo it, that's great.  Easy win.
<Deis> And what about... damages if we overdo it?
<Laranth> It's a fair concern, but it's a risk we have to take.
<Dyna> If we don't wait until they're climbing up into the harbor, that'll be kept to a minimum.
Tian glances over at Deis. "Are you skilled with that bow?"
Deis sighs. "I can see your point, but I'm a bit worried about accidental casualties." He turns to Tian and nods. "I am... why do you ask?"
<Tian> Because I'm going to let you save all those lives with one arrow.
<Rio> ... yeah... if things go our way, there won't be any accidental casualities.
<Laranth> The only thing we can do to minimize accidents is to be mindful.
<Dyna> Speaking from a historical standpoint and given our situation, overestimating them poses no significant threat.
<Dyna> I'm certain The Guild is going to make sure all non-combatants are out of the way.
<Dyna> Non-combatants still make money, afterall.
<Rio> Certainly hope so.
Tian taps his chin and frowns. "There's one job left, though.."
<Laranth> Oh?
<Tian> If our friend agrees, all of us but you will be tied up, and I need someone to lead the mercenaries I've hired.
Deis looks to the sky. "Papa, what did I get myself into...."
<Laranth> Oh? Well... I'm no great leader, but I'm capable enough.
<Dyna> Hang around and maybe you'll figure that out.
Dyna pats Deis on the shoulder.
Deis eeps a bit. "Did I say that out loud?"
<Tian> She can hear your thoughts.
Rio grins. "Ah, don't worry Laranth... if anything, I'll be in the front lines too."
<Laranth> Oh, I'm not worried about any of us. But... Fair Folk always put an edge on things.
Tian turns to Laranth, masterfully hiding his smile. "Now, they're not strictly 'quality' warriors, but they all know how to use a firewand."
Laranth shrugs. "If they know which way to point the firewand, I can handle the rest."
The moon is high in the sky, the seabreeze is nice and cool, and things are calm in the city of Solace... save for the work still going on in the area of the research facility. The Guild must want it done fast, as they didn't have a night crew going yesterday.
<Tian> Does anyone have any last-minute supply requests?
<Laranth> A question. When did you hire these mercenaries, exactly? How many, and how well-armed?
<Tian> Fifty, and armed fairly well. Firewands, swords, and light armor.
<Laranth> Any port in a storm, I suppose. ... pardon the turn of phrase.
Tian glances up at the moon, as if calculating the time, before abruptly starting off down a side street. "I need to go. You know where to find me if you need me."
<Rio> Mmm. I'll let the men know to keep close watch.
<Laranth> Of course.
Laranth exhales. "... I'm not sure I like that."
<Dyna> It's all pretty dirty business... but what kind of people would we be if we ran away?
Dyna takes of her hat and scratches her head. "I need to do a little touchup work on my part. I'll see you all soon."
Rio grins, and heads off to the docks. "Later"
<Laranth> See you soon. Off to plan, I suppose...
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 20:00, 9 February 2006

So... having a half-eaten ship come roaring into port can make for an exciting evening. But things got a tad bit more unusual when it turned out that none other than the Roseblack was on the ship, along with a number of guards and what appeared to be her personal guard. She was notably out of armor and somewhat subdued, compared to all the tales of the famous Tepet general.

As soon as she was shuttled away, things calmed down, and the eaten ship promptly sank like a stone. The group didn't have much time to do whatever, though... as Guild runners were quick to track them down and inform them that Old Steel was waiting for them at the Scalded Dog. Which was odd, seeing as it was rather late in the evening...

Rio , still fairly impressed at having seen the Blackrose herself... is nontheless somewhat grumpy at such a late meeting, but she goes anyway.

Laranth heads to the meeting looking not particularly put-out, but a bit concerned. "This is a bit.. odd."

Dyna still seems a bit edgy, not quite over the shock of seeing (and possibly being recognized by) a Dragonblood... she's quite a bit more alert than usual.

Tian appears to have dressed hastily, forgoing a shirt in favor of that long hooded coat and a simple pair of pants. The hood's up, and he seems a bit irritable.

Deis sighs and grumbles, wanting a quiet evening for once as he makes his way to the Scalded Dog.

The Scalded Dog is most certainly open, the lights on and a few Guild wanders at the door. Upon seeing people approach, they check with someone further in... then wave people in, one by one.

Laranth will head in while waved in.

Dyna seats herself, looking about nervously for a few seconds before managing to focus on the meeting, whatever it's purpose may be.

Tian passes the guards and takes a seat next to Dyna, rubbing his eyes slowly.

<Deis> So... are we here because fo what happened at the port?

Inside... well. One big table, and a fair number of folks sitting around it. Mostly important-looking mortal soldiers from the Roseblack's ship, along with Old Steel and a sleepy-looking Henpin. Also there is the blooded mage from before... who's still coughing up bloody flecks into a kerchief.

Laranth does his best to look casual, mostly. "Hello?"

Rio blinks as she steps in. "... hmmm?"

"Well." Old Steel shifts, looking as weary as a man can. "I first want to thank you all for coming. Second... I need to make sure we're all on the same page about something." He raises a single, pudgy finger. "The... woman you met was never here. Correct?"

Rio blinks innocently. "What woman?"

<Dyna> ... no problems with that here.

Tian rolls his eyes. "Of course."

<Laranth> Naturally.

Steel snorts at Tian, obviously also at his wit's end. "Now that we're clear on that, I suppose I can let our guest here tell you about what's going to be coming out way in the next day or so." Said guest seems to be the frail windblood still coughing his lungs out. He takes a drink of water, winces once, then clears his throat. "Fair Folk."

... and that gets Laranth to drop his facade of casualness. His eyes narrow. "Fair Folk? I see."

Dyna simply nods in acknowledgement, keeping the rim of her hat low over her eyes.

Deis looks to Steel. "You mean the woman from the boat, right?"

Tian flexes his hands in what is possibly the least inconspicuous strangling pantomime ever. "And the Realm is here to defend us?"

Steel sighs. "Yes, her. Try to forget you ever met he---" The man cuts him off, and Steel looks most indignant. "Fishlike... large heads, claws, needle-like teeth. And... a siaka. An immense one. Not at all natural, probably a behe---he--" He breaks into another coughing fit.

The man, still coughing, shakes his head vigorously at Tian's suggestion.

<Laranth> This is desperate news, but you don't need me to tell you that.

<Tian> It's good to see that some things remain right with the world.

<Dyna> We will prepare.

Rio scratches her nose. "... I wonder..."

The Dynast regains himself, eyeing Tian balefully. He suddenly smells of ozone and static crackles along bloodied teeth. "My only concern is Ejava. You have yourselves and the Guild. Do well, and we'll see you compensated."

Rio shakes her head. "Ok, ok, enough. We all want to get out of this alive, right?"

<Laranth> Getting out alive would seem to be the plan.

<Deis> And hopefully without unessecary harm to others.

Rio nods. "Right"

<Laranth> Unfortunately, most harm to Fair Folk is only necessary. Hmm.

"Mmmm." He calms himself, and the static fades. "For your information, I am Mnemon Codol Hames. And... I apologize for not offering assistance, but I have strict orders. The situation is... delicate." Henpin, finally away, smiles a dreamy little smile and giggles for some reason.

<Dyna> We'll manage.

<Laranth> We respect your orders, of course. We should be able to deal with this problem on our own.

Tian just watches Hames, expression sour.

Rio rubs her eyes. "Alright... how long do we have?"

"I can offer you this much, though. They seem to have continued their pursuit... so I imagine they'll arrive by afternoon or evening. The beast shouldn't be able to fit through the harbor's little hazards, so the rest will be no issue. This is a Guild outpost, after all." He smiles, thinly, at Tian.

<Rio> Joy.

<Laranth> Looks like we're in for a sleepless night, then.

Dyna frowns from underneath the shadow of her hat.

Rio stands up and pops her neck. "We don't have a moment to waste then!"

Deis winces at Rio. "Must you do that? And do we have supplies already?"

"I have to admit... Ixili envies the lot of you. She wanted to kill a few more of those things... something about one of them eating her glove." He shrugs. "Again, you'll be compensated... the Roseblack does not allow good deeds to go unrewarded."

<Tian> Not while she's counting on those good deeds to save her.

<Laranth> The compensation isn't my concern at the moment, but it'll be appreciated.

Tian stands as well, glancing at the other four Solars in turn. "As Captain Storm said, we should get to work."

<Laranth> Let's.

<Rio> Yyyep... I'd say we have a behemoth to get rid of.

Dyna rises to her feet and turns quickly to leave.

"Hmph! We can defend ourselves well enough, citizen... it's just more convenient to let someone else do it in our stead. Selfish, yes, but I've been coughing up blood for the last two hours. I need to rest." Hames chuckles... and goes right back to coughing.

<Laranth> Take your rest. You'll need your strength later.

<Dyna> Then you're lucky we're up to the challenge.

Tian turns on his heel to follow Dyna. "You led a behemoth right to a major population center with no thought for those inside these walls. Your arrogance will be addressed, but not now."

Laranth glances at Dyna and Tian, sighs slightly, and turns to leave.

Dyna exits quickly and quietly, eager both to get started and to get away from the Dragonblood.

"Pfeh. The situation will be handled... and of course you can act high and mighty, boy. There are matters in play you can't begin to understand." Hames grins, teeth crackling again

Deis stands, bows politley and turns to leave. "Please... please let this be as uneventful as possible..."

Rio shakes her head. "What he said, keep it in your pants. Come on kid." She then turns and exits the building.

Tian grits his teeth, out of sight of the Terrestrial, and follows Rio.

Steel... lightly slaps his forehead, and starts to talk with Hames. This... turns into obviously expletive-laden shouting, and even Henpin gets involved. She doesn't use bad words, however.

<Dyna> ... Of all the bullshit.

Rio glances back, and shakes her head, turning to the other Solars. "... So! behemoth killing. Ideas?"

Tian looks sidelong at Dyna. "Are the devices ready?"

Dyna nods at Tian. "And I believe they'll handle the new development quite well."

<Laranth> Yes, let's move on. We have a lot of work to do. The devices -- the firedust charges?

<Dyna> A little on the inside goes a long way, if you get my drift.

<Rio> ... how long does it take them to blow up?

<Dyna> It's adjustable.

<Tian> ... we need fish.

<Rio> ... pardon?

<Dyna> That should be easy enough to get.

<Laranth> Fish should be relatively easy, yes.

Tian grins broadly for the first time. "Lots of fish. And it has to be fresh."

<Rio> ... what for?

<Dyna> You need a lot of bait to catch a big fish.

<Tian> And fresh bait, if you want it to swallow the lure.

<Rio> ... Hmm, I guess we'll find out if behemoths eat fish then...

<Laranth> I don't see why a siaka-behemoth wouldn't.

<Dyna> Some say the lot of them will eat just about anything.

<Rio> Well, if he doesn't, we'll just force feed it to him.

<Dyna> Eh, hope for the best, prepare for the worest.

<Laranth> We can be ready with our own force if the charges fail, I presume.

<Rio> ... how's the cold iron going?

<Deis> You guys make this sound like it's a large scale naval campaign... does it hoenstly have to be like a grand war?

<Tian> No. We can underprepare and let all these people die.

<Laranth> For once I agree with him. I'd rather be armed for something bigger than whatever this is than something smaller.

<Rio> Hon, did you see the dynast's ship?

Deis nods. "Yes, I did..."

<Dyna> This is going to be big, from what we know. We have to plan big. If we overdo it, that's great. Easy win.

<Deis> And what about... damages if we overdo it?

<Laranth> It's a fair concern, but it's a risk we have to take.

<Dyna> If we don't wait until they're climbing up into the harbor, that'll be kept to a minimum.

Tian glances over at Deis. "Are you skilled with that bow?"

Deis sighs. "I can see your point, but I'm a bit worried about accidental casualties." He turns to Tian and nods. "I am... why do you ask?"

<Tian> Because I'm going to let you save all those lives with one arrow.

<Rio> ... yeah... if things go our way, there won't be any accidental casualities.

<Laranth> The only thing we can do to minimize accidents is to be mindful.

<Dyna> Speaking from a historical standpoint and given our situation, overestimating them poses no significant threat.

<Dyna> I'm certain The Guild is going to make sure all non-combatants are out of the way.

<Dyna> Non-combatants still make money, afterall.

<Rio> Certainly hope so.

Tian taps his chin and frowns. "There's one job left, though.."

<Laranth> Oh?

<Tian> If our friend agrees, all of us but you will be tied up, and I need someone to lead the mercenaries I've hired.

Deis looks to the sky. "Papa, what did I get myself into...."

<Laranth> Oh? Well... I'm no great leader, but I'm capable enough.

<Dyna> Hang around and maybe you'll figure that out.

Dyna pats Deis on the shoulder.

Deis eeps a bit. "Did I say that out loud?"

<Tian> She can hear your thoughts.

Rio grins. "Ah, don't worry Laranth... if anything, I'll be in the front lines too."

<Laranth> Oh, I'm not worried about any of us. But... Fair Folk always put an edge on things.

Tian turns to Laranth, masterfully hiding his smile. "Now, they're not strictly 'quality' warriors, but they all know how to use a firewand."

Laranth shrugs. "If they know which way to point the firewand, I can handle the rest."

The moon is high in the sky, the seabreeze is nice and cool, and things are calm in the city of Solace... save for the work still going on in the area of the research facility. The Guild must want it done fast, as they didn't have a night crew going yesterday.

<Tian> Does anyone have any last-minute supply requests?

<Laranth> A question. When did you hire these mercenaries, exactly? How many, and how well-armed?

<Tian> Fifty, and armed fairly well. Firewands, swords, and light armor.

<Laranth> Any port in a storm, I suppose. ... pardon the turn of phrase.

Tian glances up at the moon, as if calculating the time, before abruptly starting off down a side street. "I need to go. You know where to find me if you need me."

<Rio> Mmm. I'll let the men know to keep close watch.

<Laranth> Of course.

Laranth exhales. "... I'm not sure I like that."

<Dyna> It's all pretty dirty business... but what kind of people would we be if we ran away?

Dyna takes of her hat and scratches her head. "I need to do a little touchup work on my part. I'll see you all soon."

Rio grins, and heads off to the docks. "Later"

<Laranth> See you soon. Off to plan, I suppose...