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Just starting posting on the portal wanted to say whats up to all members.
== Spikes of Silver and Gold ==
<B>Xeriar:</B> And...  we're back.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Aww, got out of your little emoness?<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Enough of that.  The third session was worthy so-<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> You're making us suffer through the second, too.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Yes.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> What did they ever do to you?<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Exist.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Oh, right.
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* Majestic(ST): Hey AMbroise
* DM Ambroise: hello majestic
* leondis: what is combat like in exalted
* Kalindi: roll to hit, roll to dodge, reduce by soak, roll damage
* leondis: lol
* Majestic(ST): A lot of dice rolling. I have a small combat scenario planned to get people accustomed to the system
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<B>Sophia:</B> Oh no...<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> You can almost hear Kalindi whimpering with that one.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> That's just your little personal fantasy.
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* leondis: neat
* Kalindi: I'm actually looking forward to seeing how the tick-based system works
* Kalindi: might actually be easier in an online setting
* ** Kalindi crosses fingers and waits for next monday **
* Majestic(ST): Yes, and a lot better overall. All one needs is a whiteboard and one of those push-button counters
* leondis: (we have to have ticks, one sec while i grab the cat from outside)
* Majestic(ST): I only have 2 players?
<B>Sophia:</B> You had six, impaled one, threw another out...  You're surprised?
* ** Kalindi shrugs **
* Kalindi: looks like it atm
* chade mobile: sorry, im doubling myself so I can watch TV and let my main comp zip and spice a cd
* leondis: more may show
* Kalindi: we're missing . . . Xer and dalkice
* ** leondis twiddles thimbs **
* Majestic(ST): Xer at least spent points so I'm hoping he'll show
<B>Xeriar:</B> I wanted to be fashionably late.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Like there's something fashionable about sitting in your room staring at a computer screen for four hours.
* (50) chade mobile: your wish is my command
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, there's 3
<B>Xeriar:</B> I arrive!<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> My condolences to...  No, no these people deserve you.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Why thank you.
* (49) leondis: back
* (54) Foxworth: .nick markus
* (54) Foxworth: hiy
* (54) Foxworth: this Pel's game?
* (49) leondis: ?
* (47) Majestic(ST): Yep Fox
* (47) Majestic(ST): Heya Mark
* (54) markus: hiya
<B>Sophia:</B> Oh look!  Majestic invited someone else to suck him off!<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Hope he's thirsty, 'cuz we ain't.
* (54) markus: I have two chars for your inspection and the group's thoughts
* (54) markus: one is an absent minded sorcererd from chisircuro or jsut outside
<B>Xeriar:</B> His typing does not get better, and in fact is the prime reason I'm doing this.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> I want to break his fingers already ^_^
* (47) Majestic(ST): Mark and I played in a different Exalted game
* (54) markus: Twilight
* (49) leondis: (my thoughts are vague and introspective)
<B>Sophia:</B> I have a hard time believing he has thoughts.
* (54) markus: the other is a very serious ex legionaire turned zentigh and tanti deathlor female
* (50) chade mobile: (( barely thinking about yourself again leondis? ))
* (49) leondis: (always)
* (49) leondis: they sound ok to me
* (47) Majestic(ST): I can use the Zenith more than the Twilight
* (44) Kalindi: yeah, this is already getting good
* (47) Majestic(ST): Only thing is, the sheet isn't complete
* (47) Majestic(ST): Favored Abilities aren't marked, Virtues are not entered
<B>Sophia:</B> Clearly, Majestic has invited a true veteran of Exalted to come join in his perfect story.  Which brings me to <B>Rule #25</B> - Do not make sure your replacement players for those you have preciously rectally impaled are ready to go before the game begins!
* (54) markus: DOH
* (54) markus: ok
* (44) Kalindi: nope
* (54) markus: wel Raven it is then
* (54) markus: :P
* (47) Majestic(ST): Well, Mark, I will let you lurk for this week. Complete the sheet and I will let you in next week
* (54) markus: there you go
* (47) Majestic(ST): You have only one Favored Ability?
* (47) Majestic(ST): And not all Virutues are spent
* (54) markus: fuck
* (54) markus: valour 3
<B>Sophia:</B> Right, I forsee a great future for this guy.
* (54) markus: comp2
* (54) markus: con 3
* (54) markus: temp 2
* (54) markus: favoured = aware,melee,larceny, social and investigation
* (54) markus: ok?
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, now let me make sure this all adds up
* (47) Majestic(ST): Walking through Mark's character right now. If Jack hasn't shown by then, we start without him
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, now as soon as GG gets back . . .
* (49) leondis: so who is playing?
* (47) Majestic(ST): The three highlighted in black
* (47) Majestic(ST): Mark will join us next week
* (49) leondis: k
* ** (49) leondis twiddles thiumbs **
<B>Sophia:</B> Rule #26 - Don't bother keeping your players busy.  Give them an hour or so of twiddle time after you make them show up.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Clearly off to another lightning start.
* (58) Kalindi: making a snack, haven't eaten yet, still brb
* (58) Kalindi: back
* (47) Majestic(ST): Hang on (again) GG
* (58) Kalindi: lol, kk
* (58) Kalindi: no jack william?
* (49) leondis: nope
* (49) leondis: hehehe
* (54) markus: ok
* (54) markus: fuck
* (47) Majestic(ST): All right. We're starting now
* (54) markus: this is annoying
* (54) markus: the char is not saving properly
* (54) markus: excuse my language by the way
<B>Sophia:</B> 'Fuck' can be excused.  Your command of English, I give no marks for.
* (49) leondis: ouch
* (47) Majestic(ST): Language is no prob here, Mark
* (47) Majestic(ST): **Lights go down and the curtain goes up**
<B>Xeriar:</B> Only the second time and it's already old.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Rule #27, add subtle reminders that your 'game' is a play, and you are its sole author.
* (58) Kalindi: yeah, excuse us holy rollers :)
* (47) Majestic(ST): Last we left our heroes, they had come to the Raven's Talon Inn and were recruited, in a manner of speaking, by the ancient Solar Waits in Darkness
* ** (49) leondis yawns **
* (47) Majestic(ST): After some tussling and nasty words, they agreed to work with him to help him uncover a plot against the city of Nexus.
* (47) Majestic(ST): It is now the 11th day of Resplendent Air, 768 RY.
* ** (49) leondis stretches as he exits the door of the room so graciously lent him the night before **
* ** (49) leondis goes downstairs for breakfast and some drink **
* ** (58) Kalindi seeks out her mentor, Mikolaus, for discussion. Hopefully, she thinks, the astrologer will have seen something in the stars that may help **
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, Kalindi, you set out to find Mikolaus
* ** (53) Walks stretches, taking his time to get dressed and attend to his features before returning to the inn, and seeing what's on the breakfast menu. **
* (54) markus: do you accept the flaws and merits irform the PG?
<B>Sophia:</B> His command of typing inspires such confidence.
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((No))
<B>Xeriar:</B> After all, this game is 'for beginners'.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Well you've all experienced -something- new from this venture.
* (47) Majestic(ST): All right, Kalindi, you find Mikolaus eating breakfast
* (58) Kalindi: ((in a public-type place? If so I pull him into one of the rooms we're staying in to talk))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Where are you? I thought you were not in the inn))
* ** (49) leondis eats tll full **
* (58) Kalindi: ((wherever we are staying, I assume))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((You said you had lodging elsewhere in Nexus))
* (58) Kalindi: ((yup))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Then you're there))
* (58) Kalindi: ((alrighty))
* ** (58) Kalindi seats herself and asks Mikolaus if he has seen any ominous portents in the sky lately **
* Mikolaus: "I see nothing particularly ominous now."
<B>Sophia:</B> Rule #28, be sure to render useless any allies your players actually spent points on.  The only NPCs of any import are your own!
* (58) Kalindi: "I see. Have you seen anything in regards to the upcoming Calibration?"
* Mikolaus: "Calibration is always a dangerous time. Much is muddled when it comes to Calibration."
* ** (58) Kalindi smiles **
* (58) Kalindi: "This is true. I've been . . . approached. Given reason to believe this Calibration may be particularly dangerous"
* (58) Kalindi: "But you have seen nothing?"
* Mikolaus: "Nothing that seems apparent."
* ** (53) Walks tries to order some poached eggs if he can get them, and bacon. **
* (58) Kalindi: nothing that seems apparent?
* (58) Kalindi: "You may actually be interested in the man who approached me. He claims to be 4000 years old"
* Mikolaus: "Oh?"
* (58) Kalindi: "I have no proof of this, save that he has the impatience that tends to come with old age. And a temper as well. He . . . is a Solar. One like me."
* Mikolaus: "Hmm, one who has survived the Usurpation? I heard rumors that some endured through it."
<B>Sophia:</B> Right, gotta make it sound plausable, so, you know, every tom dick and harry scholar has heard 'rumors' about creepy old men who go bump in the night.
* Mikolaus: ((Walks, you get food and ale aplenty))
* ** (58) Kalindi waves aside the unfamiliar word **
* (58) Kalindi: "You may wish to meet him if he fascinates you so. We are to return today"
* Mikolaus: "I would like that."
* (58) Kalindi: "I'm sure you would. He may already know you are here, though. I am surprised he did not collect you yesterday. There were 6 of us, all told."
* (58) Kalindi: "Though I doubt as many will return"
* Mikolaus: "If he did not gather me, it is perhaps because he does not want me."
<B>Sophia:</B> Convenient Excuse Prana<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Lamest application ever.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Consider the source.
* ** (58) Kalindi chuckles appreciatively **
* (58) Kalindi: "Or perhaps he fears you?"
* Mikolaus: "At his age? I think there are things he fears even more greatly."
<B>Sophia:</B> Naturally, NPCs in a Good Dungeon Master's Exalted game -should- assume that claims made by your DMPC, even heard second-hand, are true.
* ** (53) Walks finishes his meal, then proceeds to take his leave and explore the (less run-down parts of the) city. **
<B>Sophia:</B> You foolish, foolish man.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> I had to try.
* (58) Kalindi: "Either way, he said he had heard somebody, somewhere, will try to destroy Nexus"
* (58) Kalindi: "And that's all he knows apparently. Not entirely a loss, but still."
* Mikolaus: "Just because it is not in the stars does not mean it will not occur. It may be the plan has yet to enter fruition."
* (58) Kalindi: "Well, maybe you can ask him better questions than we did. Will you come?"
* ** (49) leondis waits on the others,drinking from an empty cup **
* Mikolaus: "All right, but I do not know if he will want to meet with me."
* (58) Kalindi: "Just let him do most of the talking. He gets hostile when interupted."
* ** (49) leondis holds on to kalindi **
<B>Sophia:</B> Awww...
* ** (58) Kalindi holds onto walks **
<B>Sophia:</B> Feeling hopeful?<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> I think it was more of a 'horror movie' reaction.
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, Kalindi, Mikolaus, and Leondis are at the Raven's Talon. Walks is not there
* (47) Majestic(ST): Walks what are you doing in the slums?
* (53) Walks: ((I said not seedy parts of town. Bastion, etc.))
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, the houses in Bastion are very nice compared to the buildings in Cinnabar. The guards however, come up hassling you.
* ** (58) Kalindi whistles dixie **
* ** (53) Walks presents himself as an upstanding person of wealth and taste and simply acts as if he has places to visit (Bastion isn't all houses). **
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Manip+Socialize, Walks))
* (53) Walks: [6d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,8,3,3,1] = (33)
* (53) Walks: ((Err well, 4))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Most of it is, Walks))
<B>Sophia:</B> Naturally, when the rich of Nexus go out for dinner, they eat in the slums, because they are perfectly happy mingling with the filthy poor.
* (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, the guards leave you be. Where are you going?
* (53) Walks: Just making a circuit of the better parts of town (not just Bastion) to see what's popular, where the high-class types frequent and such, and keep it in mind for later.
* (47) Majestic(ST): There are a few high-end brothels and drug dens in Bastion. The main attraction is the Guild headquarters in Nexus District
* ** (49) leondis is definately thinking about going to the pits, but decided that that wouldnt be a good idea **
* ** (53) Walks makes a note to pay the vaunted Guild a visit later as he continues exploring. **
<B>Xeriar:</B> Not that this campaign would last long enough for me to follow up on this.
* ** (49) leondis notices kalindi and gives her a nod **
* (47) Majestic(ST): Leondis, Kalindi, you two are thumbed upstairs by the barkeep
<B>Sophia:</B> Sounds dirty.
* ** (58) Kalindi makes no sign that she has seen Leondis, merely sitting down at a table with some drink or other having a muted conversation with Mikolaus **
* ** (49) leondis travels upstairs first getting a refill for his mug **
* (47) Majestic(ST): Waits is sitting the same room as last time. There are no signs of any weapons or the like. Just the blue jay sitting on his shoulder
<B>Sophia:</B> You really should have tried to kill the bird.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> I was sure he'd pull some "Immortal Familiar" crap out of his ass.
* (47) Majestic(ST): That's about it unless you want to see the Markets
* (58) Kalindi: ((so he's stashed the 6 foot daiklave somewhere, eh?))
* (49) leondis: "well what do you have for us today?"
* Waits in Darkness: ((I never said it was a daiklaive))
<B>Sophia:</B> Because impaling someone with a six-foot blade without moving is a routine exercise even if you don't attune to it.
* (58) Kalindi: "i never said I was intelligent"
* Waits in Darkness: "Right now, I'm waiting for your Eclipse friend to get back here. It seems three of you have skipped out on me."
* (58) Kalindi: "It must have been your charming personality"
* (49) leondis: "They just werent wanting a job from you i take"
* Waits in Darkness: "I think the other Night Caste is a little preoccupied. I can understand the other two. We got off to a rather rocky start."
<B>Sophia:</B> Silly Dungeon Master, holding back from oral impalement.
* ** (53) Walks decides the Markets can wait for another time, though would be amused to see how much waiting the Waiter could do. **
* (58) Kalindi: I'm still waiting for him to say something about his new guest
* (58) Kalindi: ((oh, wait, did my mentor follow me up?))
* Waits in Darkness: "However, if the two of you are ready, I have a small job for you. I want to see if you can be subtle."
<B>Sophia:</B> Because a man who publically abducts six solars in a bar is a masterful judge of subtlety.
* Waits in Darkness: ((No, he didn't. He got stopped by the barkeep and decided now was not the time to argue with him.))
* (49) leondis: "not really my specialty, but i am game
* ** (53) Walks steps back into the Tavern, looking around **
* (58) Kalindi: a training mission?
* Waits in Darkness: "Yes."
<B>Sophia:</B> Good Dungeon Mastering Rule #29!  Never start your players off ahead.  Instead, insult them for being inexperienced, and offer 'training'.
* ** (58) Kalindi sighs **
* (58) Kalindi: I have little time for this
* (49) leondis: "well what is it?"
* (58) Kalindi: You did pull me away from other things
* Waits in Darkness: "Good things come to those who wait."
<B>Sophia:</B> Or good things can pass you by if you don't take the initiative.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> I took the initiative, and ended up waiting for something cool to happen in this game.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Proof of the idiocy behind many simple platitudes.
* (49) leondis: "not really in the mood for bad puns"
* Waits in Darkness: "There is a gang in Nighthammer who made off with some valuables of a colleague of mine. He would like to get them back."
* (58) Kalindi: Where is their hideout?
* ** (53) Walks steps into the room, an amused look on his face. "The Waiter requests again?" **
* ** Waits in Darkness looks at Walks "You are late." **
<B>Xeriar:</B> I wanted to make a fashionably late kinda statement.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Majestic already knows his game is crumbling.
* ** (58) Kalindi looks to Walks **
* (58) Kalindi: We are running errands
* Waits in Darkness: "The Black Rat Alley in Nighthammer."
* ** Waits in Darkness gives you a rough map of how to get there." **
* ** (58) Kalindi looks it over, memorizing two different routes **
* (58) Kalindi: What was stolen?
* (53) Walks: "Well I figured you were used to your namesake. Errands? Seems a nice way to get to know the city a bit more, I'm a bit rough."
* Waits in Darkness: "Two conditions: no showing off your anima banner and no magic weapons."
<B>Sophia:</B> Because if Exalted is about anything, it is about <B>NOT SHOWING OFF</B>
* Waits in Darkness: "Some gold jewelry. A trifling thing, I know, but the man is my main source of intelligence in the Guild."
* (58) Kalindi: No message to be left?
* Waits in Darkness: "Exactly."
* (58) Kalindi: What should it look like when I finish?
* Waits in Darkness: "Five thugs unconscious or dead."
* ** (58) Kalindi nods and marks the time **
* Waits in Darkness: "All anyone can say is three people roughed them up."
* (58) Kalindi: Anything else?
* (53) Walks: "Sounds boorish."
<B>Sophia:</B> Silly Xerxie, expecting this game to involve something besides combat.
* Waits in Darkness: "That's it. Just bring the jewelry back to me and I will make sure they return to their proper owner
* (58) Kalindi: Done
* (49) leondis: "fine.."
* ** (58) Kalindi turns and walks from the room, giving Mikolaus a look saying she will return later **
* (53) Walks: ((Kalindi take the map?))
* ** (49) leondis follows **
* (47) Majestic(ST): You see Waits sit down with Mikolaus as you leave, Kalindi
* (49) leondis: after taking map
* (58) Kalindi: ((Make my way over by one of the routes I memorized, activating Easily overlooked presence method as I approach))
* ** (53) Walks follows Kalindi out and lets the map-bearer guide the way. "Roughing up thugs? Didn't he say last time we weren't subtle enough?" **
* ** (58) Kalindi vanishes into the crowd **
* (49) leondis: "this is supposed to be a test of subtly"
* ** (49) leondis ignores the loss of kalindi noting that she probably has good reason not to be seen **
* ** (58) Kalindi waits in the nearby streets, observing the address **
* (53) Walks: "A test of subtlety would be someting err, not so messy."
* ** (49) leondis observes the address from across the street **
* (47) Majestic(ST): Everyone approaches and sees five thugs armed with swords. They each have some gold on them.
* (58) Kalindi: ((describe thugs?))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Scruffy looking guys wearing leather clothes and bearing swords.))
<B>Sophia:</B> Oh, this is looking to turn out action-packed.
* ** (49) leondis quietly draws the daiklave **
* ** (53) Walks whispers to Leondis "No magical weapons, he said." **
* (58) Kalindi: ((where are they standing in relation to the entrance of the address?))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((It's an alley and they are standing in the back of it close to a makeshift shelter))
* ** (53) Walks walks towards the guards, sword not drawn and hands empty, trying to distract their attentions. "Umm, excuse me." He says in high realm (which hopefully they can't speak)) **
<B>Xeriar:</B> I already figured he was pretty noobish, and wanted to see if I could drop them all on my own.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Because a good Dungeon Master need never pay much attention to the abilities of his players.
* ** (49) leondis pulls backup **
* (58) Kalindi: ((windows? other doors in on the other sides?))
* ** (49) leondis approaches thugs from other side **
* (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, the thugs stare at you
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Nope))
<B>Sophia:</B> Silly Kalindi, thinking there was some way around a straightforward fight.
* (53) Walks: ((Look like they can understand me?))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Walks, you have a mini?))
* (53) Walks: ((Err, no, should I go get one?
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((No, other than it certainly looks like they acknowledge you said something in their general direction))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Would help))
<B>Sophia:</B> Because, just like in real life, people move in five-foot increments, and stay put in melee combat unless they wanna move somewhere.
* ** (49) leondis moves back a few spaces **
* ** (58) Kalindi turns down a side alley, making sure she is unseen, activate Wall-Climbing Technique and get up on a nearby roof **
* (53) Walks: "[[OhgoodcanyouunderstandmeIthinkI]]'mlostthosearenicetrinketsyouarewearingespeciallyforthispartoftownwheredidyougetthem?" He continues speaking in high realm, rather quickly, pointing and gesturing.
<B>Sophia:</B> I hate gnomes.
* (58) Kalindi: ((checking for roof entrances))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kalindi, you are up on the roof if you sprint. There are no entrances on the roof))
* (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, they contineu to stare at you
* (58) Kalindi: ((high windows, then?))
* ** (49) leondis looks at the thugs **
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((No, the windows around here are small if they exist at all))
* ** (53) Walks begins pointing out their weapons and talking about various manufacturers, pointing them out and gesturing to his own finely made blade, still talking at an extremely rapid pace. **
* (58) Kalindi: ((get up on the roof directly above the guards. Is there a gap between them and the door?))
* (49) leondis: (hey walks put a mini up so i know where not to throw)
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((What are you talking about? They are standing in front of the wooden equivalent of a bum's cardboard box))
* (58) Kalindi: ((I see, well, would have helped if I'd had a description of the building))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((I said it was a makeshift shelter in the back of the alley))
* (53) Walks: ((Or something like that))
* (53) Walks: ((I'm not on the same side as Leondis))
* (58) Kalindi: ((they're guarding a leanto?))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Yeah))
* (58) Kalindi: ((very well, I'm behind them, so I sneak in))
* (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, they shrug their shoulders and draw their blades figuring a runt like you can't call for help
* ** (49) leondis fiddles with chakrum **
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kal, Dex + Athletics to get down from the roof))
* (58) Kalindi: ((I have wall climbing technique get me down))
* (53) Walks: "Hmm? You want to see? Okay." He draws his blade and buckler, stepping forward, almost actively inviting attack
<B>Sophia:</B> I don't think Majestic had a clue about what your were planning.
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((okay, Dex + Stealth to land softly))
* ** (58) Kalindi [7d10] -> [7,3,9,3,1,6,7] = (36) **
* (47) Majestic(ST): [4d10.vs(7)] -> [6,7,10,7] = (3)
* (49) leondis: (4)
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kal, you land pretty well, but the ears of one of the thugs pricks up and he turns up to look at you))
<B>Sophia:</B> Because Spider-Climbing technique requires jumps, or something.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> Do note that she 'landed'. Apparently they are mystically on the roof almost immediately.
* (47) Majestic(ST): And . . . INITS!
* (53) Walks: [1d10+14] -> [10,14] = (24)
* (58) Kalindi: Kalindi[1d10+7] -> [5,7] = (12) init
* (58) Kalindi: bah
* (58) Kalindi: wait, my bad, forgot to add speed
* (58) Kalindi: 15 now
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Walks, how do you get 14?))
* (49) leondis: [1d25] -> [8] = (8) init
* (58) Kalindi: ((I take it these thugs are not extras))
* (53) Walks: ((Weapon speed is 6 in power combat rules))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Who said we were using power comabt rules?))
<B>Xeriar:</B> We were using the weapon stats from PC.<BR>
<B>Sophia:</B> Clearly, Majestic represents a keen intellect.
* (53) Walks: ((You said we were using PC stats))
* (58) Kalindi: ((you did, when you allowed pc stats, I thought))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((I have his wepaon speed at 11))
* (53) Walks: ((It would be without that, yes))
* (49) leondis: (sorry wrong number) [1d20+7] -> [11,7] = (18) init
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((I allowed PC weapon stats, PC Charm revisions, and PC plinking. I said nothing about power combat))
* (58) Kalindi: ((try 1 d 10)
* (53) Walks: ((And weapon speed is one of the PC Weapon stats))
* (53) Walks: ((Unless the meaning of weapon stats changed))
<B>Sophia:</B> Now now Xeriar, can't expect him to grasp such advanced concepts.
* (49) leondis: [1d10+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
* (58) Kalindi: ((there ya go))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Yes, and according to the stats you gave me, speed should be 11
<B>Sophia:</B> RULE #30!  Always blame your players!
* (53) Walks: (([5+3+6] -> 14))
* (58) Kalindi: ((speed is an init mod))
* (49) leondis: (crud)
* (49) leondis: hehehe
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((So the speed should be 6 rather than 3?))
* (53) Walks: ((Under PC stats, yes))
* (58) Kalindi: ((should be Wits+Dex+Weapon Speed + 1d10))
* (53) Walks: ((Not that I think it really matters))
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Fine, change your sheet on the forums to reflect that, Walks))
* (53) Walks: ((Since you're not using PC I'll be holding my action until after the thugs go anyway))
<B>Sophia:</B> Cheeeeap.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</b> He didn't deserve better.  A brief rundown of the following section: I school three thugs, Kalindi wounds one, I kill the one Kalindi wounded (total four), and Leondis finally offs one.
* (49) leondis: [9] -> 9 init
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((leondis, do you want me to roll?))
* (49) leondis: nah... was jist posting it from above
* (49) leondis: just*
* (49) leondis: (im ok now)
* Thug: [1d10+6] -> [10,6] = (16)
* Thug: Walks, go
* (53) Walks: ((Holding action until after they go))
* Thug: Okay, then their turn
* (58) Kalindi: wussy :P
* ** (53) Walks moves forward, trying to draw them into attacking him... **
* Thug: Three thugs go after Walks, one climbs up to handle Kalindi
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [3,10,3,7,10,10] = (4)
* Thug: (6 for Thug 1)
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [1,4,4,4,4,7] = (1)
* Thug: (1 for Thug 2)
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [10,2,9,3,7,9] = (4)
* Thug: (5 for Thug 3)
* (49) leondis: (power roller)
* (53) Walks: ((Extras don't count 10s as doublesuccesses, anyway))
* Thug: ((Right. So 3, 1, 4))
* Thug: [7d10.vs(7)] -> [1,10,1,6,6,7,2] = (2)
* Thug: ((Thug Leader is not an extra, though, and makes 3 on Kalindi))
* (58) Kalindi: You'r ebeing ass-raped, man
* ** (53) Walks 's body shimmers slightly as he glides over the ground, weaving impossibly and unnaturaly around each of the thug's blows (activating Shadow Over Water against each attack, 6 motes spent, full dodge pool against every attack) **
* (58) Kalindi: ((reed in the wind, adding 4 dice))
* Thug: ((roll both of you))
* (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,8,6,1,1,1,1] = (3)
* (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,7,6,4,3,2,1] = (3)
* (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,8,4,2,1,1] = (4)
* ** (58) Kalindi [10d10.vs(7)] -> [10,10,1,6,2,5,2,2,10,9] = (4) **
* (53) Walks: ((Buckler also raises their difficulty by 1 each.))
* (58) Kalindi: ((nah, he don't got me))
* Thug: ((okay, the two of you all dodge))
* Thug: ((Right, Walks, sorry))
* Thug: ((So it would have been 2, miss, and 3))
* ** (53) Walks returns his blade to the thug to his right, making a driving swing into him. "Silly mook." He says (normal attack, woo) **
* Thug: Walks, the second bounced off the buckler and the other two swing and hit nothing but air
* Thug: Kalindi, you avoid the blade of the leader huge time
* (53) Walks: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,2,2] = (3)
* (53) Walks: ((6L from PC stats. He have a shield or something?))
* Thug: ((nope.))
* Thug: ((total damage?))
* (53) Walks: ((10L damage total then, minus his lethal soak))
* Thug: ((Mortals cannot soak lethal damage (no armor))
* Thug: ((Kalindi, go))
* (53) Walks: ((Oh, then he skewered I take it.))
* Thug: ((Yep))
* ** (58) Kalindi drops low and slingshots the length of the fighting chain around the thug leader's legs at the knee. Wrapping the chain about her arm, she pulls backwards on the chain as it wraps around his legs and launches her legs at his chest in a powerful double footed kick **
<B>Sophia:</B> A good Dungeon Master for Exalted does not care for stunts, and should never reward them.  Rule #31.
* Thug: ((roll them))
* ** (58) Kalindi [8d10.vs(7)] -> [9,10,6,4,10,8,6,6] = (4) **
* (58) Kalindi: I like this die roller sometimes
* (58) Kalindi: ((6))
* Thug: Plus the chain makes 10
* Thug: No soak, so roll the dice
* ** (58) Kalindi [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,6,6,6,5,5,2,2,2] = (2) **
* (58) Kalindi: 4L
* (53) Walks: ((10's don't count double on damage))
* (58) Kalindi: my bad
* Thug: Okay, you twist his knee a bit
* Thug: Leondis, go
* ** (49) leondis aims carefully at the nonattacking Thug 3 and flings the chakrum at his unshielded head **
* (85) markus: back
* (85) markus: sorry powere surge
<B>Sophia:</B> Damn, was getting hopeful.
* Thug: ((s'ok))
* (49) leondis: (dex+throw right?)
* Thug: ((Leondis, roll))
* Thug: ((RIght))
* (49) leondis: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,9,8,4,3,3,2,2] = (3)
* (49) leondis: 3L
* Thug: Okay, you cut him real bad, but that is it
* (49) leondis: (hehehe my first exalted attack )
* Thug: Walks, since you delayed, you have an init with Kalindi, which means . . .
* Thug: Thugs attack!
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [5,10,9,2,9,3] = (3)
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [1,6,1,7,5,9] = (2)
* (58) Kalindi: didn't the thugs already go?
* ** (53) Walks leaps and weaves around the idiots (Shadow over water versus both again, 4 more motes spent)) **
* (53) Walks: [8d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,7,5,4,3,1,1] = (39)
* Thug: ((Thug 2 hits for 2, Thug 4 hits for 1))
* (53) Walks: [8d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,7,5,4,3,3,2] = (42)
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [7,3,6,3,7,6] = (2)
* Thug: ((Leader hits for 2 on Kal))
* ** (53) Walks twists and ripostes against the both of them, striking out and drawing blood from each (splitting pool) **
* Thug: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [1,4,5,6,4] = (0)
* (58) Kalindi: did we roll init again?
* Thug: Thug 3 trips and hits the dirt in front of Leonidas
* Thug: Walks, roll
* (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,7,3,3,1,1] = (4)
* (53) Walks: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,8,7,5,3,3,1] = (3)
* (53) Walks: ((11L and 9L))
* Thug: Walks, you kill your 2
* (58) Kalindi: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [2,10,10,10,4,3] = (3)
* (53) Walks: No
* Thug: Kalindi, you abort to dodge?
* (58) Kalindi: I'm just confused actually, did we roll init again?
* (58) Kalindi: ((is lost))
<B>Sophia:</B> And you're playing in her game next?<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> I know, I know...
* Thug: ((we keep init from the first roll))
* (58) Kalindi: ((not familiar with that one))
* (58) Kalindi: ((yeah, I guess if he attacks me I'm dodging))
* Thug: ((okay, Kalindi aborts to dodge. Leonidas go))
* ** (49) leondis throws his chakrum again at the fallen thug 3 **
* (49) leondis: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,5,3,2,2,2,2] = (1)
* (49) leondis: 1L
* Thug: ((you knick him))
* Thug: ((back to the top then))
* Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [8,9,10,5,2,9] = (4) - Thug leader
* Thug: ((9L raw on Kalindi))
* Thug: ((roll))
* (58) Kalindi: [6d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,6,5,2,1] = (2)
* Thug: ((Attack drops from 5 to 2))
* Thug: Yep 4
* Thug: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [9,4,1,3] = (1)
* Thug: 1 L
* (58) Kalindi: yay
* Thug: Thug 3 has gotten back up
* (49) leondis: lol
* Thug: Walks, go
* ** (53) Walks leaps towards the Thug leader, giving him a good pair of thwacks to the head **
* (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,5,5,5,5,2,2] = (2)
* (53) Walks: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,7,4,3,2,1] = (3)
* Thug: ((Dex + Athletics to get up there))
<B>Sophia:</B> How they got on the roof, we'll never know.
* (53) Walks: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [6,2,5,2,7,5] = (1)
* (53) Walks: ((Bah))
* Thug: ((You make it, just barely))
* Thug: ((dmg on rolls?))
* (58) Kalindi: besides, I thought the reason I got caught was because I hit the -ground-
* (53) Walks: ((10L each))
* (53) Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [3,8,10,3,3,3,10,3,2,7] = (4)
* (53) Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [6,10,10,10,2,3,10,8,2,9] = (6)
* Thug: ((okay, you drop him
* Thug: Leondis, take us home this round
* ** (49) leondis jumps back flinging the chakrum at thug 3 's neck **
* (53) Walks: You had to abort to dodge
* (53) Walks: Sacrificing your action
* (49) leondis: [6d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,7,7,5,3] = (4)
* (49) leondis: 4L
* Thug: ((You got him))
* (49) leondis: (not bad for using secondary weapon)
* ** (49) leondis walks over and gathers the stolen loot, checking thug 3 as he goes **
* (58) Kalindi: ((go inside the shelter, I guess))
* ** (53) Walks moves over to Kalindi "Are you alright, miss?" **
<B>Sophia:</B> And still trying to hit on the laydies.
* ** (58) Kalindi shrugs him off, beginning to gather anything that looks like what they were sent after **
* Thug: All five have a piece of the jewelry. There is nothing in the shelter but ragged bedding
* (58) Kalindi: ((grab that, then))
* (58) Kalindi: ((the jewelry, i mean))
* ** (53) Walks sighs. "Suit yourself." And begins cleaning his blade off before returning it to its scabbard. "Ruffians, no appeciation for the arts." **
* (49) leondis: "well that was interesting"
* (58) Kalindi: ((do what I needs to do to stop the bleeding, clean up the knick and make my way back to the tavern thingie))
* (53) Walks: "What was?" He says, tossing the cloth he used aside, and walking away
* Thug: ((not serious enough for major bleeding. You stanch the bleeding immediately Kalindi))
* (49) leondis: "the battle, dont use this all that much"
* (58) Kalindi: ((kewl))
* (49) leondis: "looks like in this, may need to purchase a regular sword'
** (49) leondis heads back **
* (53) Walks: "Maybe." he says, waiting for Kalindi and walking back with her.
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Take the time to chat, working with Mark))
<B>Sophia:</B> Obviously because things that should have been taken care of elsetime are perfectly suitable in-game.
* ** (58) Kalindi , having not spoken a single word since she left the tavern, merely nods her head in acknowledgement that words have been spoken around her and hands what jewelry she collected to whoever is carrying more of it **
* ** (49) leondis examines the jewelry **
* ** (49) leondis then hands it to walks **
* (58) Kalindi: "I fail to see how that was to teach us subtlety"
* (53) Walks: "Err, alright." He accepts the jewelry, looking it over before returning to the tavern/brothel/place.
* (53) Walks: "I have no idea, maybe he's gotten nuts in his supposed four millenia?"
* ** (85) Raven Mundane is a tall lithe woman in tight lether outfit and a chain shirt. She has two swords at her side and walks into the bar. She looks around as her long Raven coloured hair that gives her her name blows in the breeze **
* (53) Walks: "I mean, he forcibly abducted us in public in a tavern and proceeded to accuse us of lacking subtlety."
<B>Sophia:</B> Nothing quite like guys trying to play girls.
* ** (58) Kalindi smiles appreciatively **
* (49) leondis: "well cant argue with that"
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((You all return to the inn))
* (85) Raven Mundane: "Raven's Taqlon?" she ponders outloud "interesting name"
* (58) Kalindi: We're up to six solars in this place again. Why is it still standing?
* ** (85) Raven Mundane heads to the bar to get a drink "light ale please" **
* (85) Raven Mundane: (ap three)
* (58) Kalindi: ((I'm assuming we head directly upstairs))
* (49) leondis: (i do)
* ** Barkeep hands Raven a drink **
<B>Sophia:</B> And a seventh Solar enters the same damned barbrothel.<BR>
<B>Xeriar:</B> And yet it continues to stand.
* ** (53) Walks heads up the steps, setting the jewelry on the table in the Waiter's room without comment. **
* (47) Majestic(ST): You all see Raven (see the descrip) at the bar as you head up
* (53) Walks: ((And, time to go meet a girl, won't be back for several hours, I'll leave my client on to lurk.))
<B>Sophia:</B> Awwww, how considerate of you.
* (85) Raven Mundane: "hello"
* ** (58) Kalindi casts her eyes about, looking for Mikolaus **
* (85) Raven Mundane: "I am looking for some one"
* (47) Majestic(ST): ((Mikolaus is sitting at the table he was at earlier, waiting for you, Kal))
* Barkeep: "Who would that be?"
* ** (58) Kalindi raises an eyebrow at him in an unspoken question, darting a glance up the stairs towards where Waits in Darkness . . . uh, waits :D **
* (58) Kalindi: ((and continues up the stairs))
* Barkeep: ((Mark, you with us?))
* (85) Raven Mundane: ""I am lokoing for a Mr Armin"
* Barkeep: "He's upstairs, first door on the left."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "A Mr Simone sent me to see him"
* (85) Raven Mundane: "the name is RMundane"
* (85) Raven Mundane: "Raven Mundane"
* ** (85) Raven Mundane bows and sips at her drink. she turns around and smiles watching the room and looking for anythign supsiscious. she is in no hurry to find this man. It all seems too convenient f to her. **
* (85) Raven Mundane: then again you do not because the realm's best nvestigator being cautious"
* (47) Majestic(ST): Nothing overly suspicious in the tavern
<B>Sophia:</B> Of course not, just a hypocritical Essence 9 Solar.
* (85) Raven Mundane: "well...seems like there is little hear to worry about" she says finsighing her drink and heading up the stairs
* ** (49) leondis just sits in Waits room **
* (47) Majestic(ST): All right, all three of you arrive in Waits's room
* ** (85) Raven Mundane loks at the others trying to see look like?)what kind of people they are(what you **
* ** Waits in Darkness looks to Raven "Allow me to conduct some business and I will be right with you." **
* ** Waits in Darkness then looks to Kal and Leon **
* Waits in Darkness: "Thanks for performing that little chore. You did well. Not one odd word from Nighthammer."
* (58) Kalindi: ((I guess walks gave us the lootz before he took off, then))
* (58) Kalindi: Yes, we were . . . subtle
* (49) leondis: ((yeah))
* Waits in Darkness: ((He left it on the table and went to get blissed on opium))
* ** (85) Raven Mundane nods"Very well...do nt be too long I am not too too patient" **
<B>Sophia:</B> Mark is a master of the typed word.
* Waits in Darkness: "Nexus is a violent place. The deaths of a few criminals goes without notice in this city. But news of Exalts operating brazenly travels fast and reaches unwelcome ears."
* ** (49) leondis smiles "well patience is something you need to deelop" **
* ** Waits in Darkness looks to Raven "Now, I know why you're here. You are concerned about the Deathknights, yes?" **
* (85) Raven Mundane: "many things concernme that is one yes"
* Waits in Darkness: "I can use what resources I have to assist you, but you would be ill-advised to go jumping off in pursuit of the one you seek."
* Waits in Darkness: "Not without some further honing."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "You seem to knwo a lot...who are you?"
* Waits in Darkness: "I am Waits in Darkness. To some, I am a reluctant saint, hiding in the shadows as I watch what happens. To others, I am a demon of the foulest degree."
<B>Sophia:</B> I'm sure those he has rectally impaled consider him just such a saint.
* Waits in Darkness: "From what I have gleaned of you, it would be the latter."
* Waits in Darkness: "Some of it is true, the rest is exaggeration placed upon me through the years."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "then you know you better talk quick or loose my attention"
* Waits in Darkness: "All right. Then if you want my help, I require your assistance."
* Waits in Darkness: "I am most concerned with the well-being of this city and I have the faintest whispers of a plot that promises the city's doom."
* Waits in Darkness: "Help me, and I will provide you the stores of knowledge I have."
* Waits in Darkness: "Deal?"
* (49) leondis: "i am off to buy a sword if you have nothing else for us..."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "how do i know i can trust you?"
* ** (58) Kalindi laughs **
* (58) Kalindi: you don't
* Waits in Darkness: "I can ask the same of you."
<B>Sophia:</B> Honestly, that is a perfectly legitimate question.  He only impaled one of you to gain your compliance, after all.
* (49) leondis: "dont go there"
* (85) Raven Mundane: (whatyou guys lok liek and who is here with me?)
<B>Sophia:</B> He types like a stereotypical Dragonball Z fan.
* (58) Kalindi: If that is all, I will be downstairs
* ** (58) Kalindi proceeds down the stairs and begins chatting with Mikolaus **
* Waits in Darkness: "Stay, I have some information for you."
* Waits in Darkness: "How do I know I can trust you?"
* ** (49) leondis is tall sturdy built dark haired blue eyed **
* ** (49) leondis sits back down **
* ** (58) Kalindi leans against the doorframe **
* ** (49) leondis , ever the consumate gentleman, offers his chair to kalindi **
* (58) Kalindi: ((:P))
* ** Waits in Darkness is staring at Raven waiting for an answer **
* (85) Raven Mundane: (who is in this room with me?)
* Waits in Darkness: ((Leonids and Kalindi))
* (49) leondis: we are all in the same room
* ** (85) Raven Mundane loks at Waits and shakes her head" If you know anything about me youknow I keep my word." **
* (85) Raven Mundane: what do Leoids and kalindi lok like?
* (85) Raven Mundane: or kalindi anytways?
* ** (49) leondis is tall sturdy built dark haired blue eyed **
* Waits in Darkness: "So I hear, but I have no experience with you."
* Waits in Darkness: "And given the instruments I have, I must be doing something right."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "fine" she says "but now this"
* Waits in Darkness: "Spies hate being betrayed."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "I ghate being played or manipulated...If I find out you are lyng or using me in anyway I will be back with a vengencE"
<B>Sophia:</B> Best of luck ^_^
* ** (58) Kalindi is small and lythe, southern looking (think Hindi). App 5 **
* Waits in Darkness: "Fair enough."
* ** (49) leondis wonders which wall will be adorned with raven **
* (85) Raven Mundane: "Ok what can I do you for then?"
* Waits in Darkness: "You can assist these three for now."
* (49) leondis: "well that sounds fun"
* Waits in Darkness: "Now, I have been hearing more whispers in the shadows. Whispers concerning a cult called the Dark Night of Requiem. They are a small apocalyptic cult, and would otherwise be beneath my notice but for the loose lips of the inebriated."
* ** (49) leondis smirks **
* ** (85) Raven Mundane listens **
* Waits in Darkness: "They speak of being backed by great powers of darkness and planning something along the lines of what happened to Thorns."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "is this the same cult that tried burning some Immaculate temples a couple years ago? I thought they were sdestroyed then?"
* Waits in Darkness: "I want to know if this is true. To do this, I need to contact a Caius Cosades. He is my agent whom I have put on this project. He should have what I want."
<B>Sophia:</B> When in doubt, grab names from Morrowind.  It will make you sound soooo creative.
* Waits in Darkness: "I'm not sure, but Caius should know more than I can say now."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "i have my own contacts...but what can you tell me of the typical memebrs?"
* (85) Raven Mundane: "and what have they been up to?"
* (49) leondis: "well where is he?"
* Waits in Darkness: "I don't know. Caius has yet to give me his report."
* Waits in Darkness: "Caius is in Sentinel's Hill. An office right off the main road. Should be easy to find."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "Is that not the Merc sector?"
* Waits in Darkness: "There's a lot of things in Sentinel's Hill."
* (58) Kalindi: So we ask him what he knows and come back and tell you
* Waits in Darkness: "He should have something in writing. What he is to get cannot simply be repeated."
* (58) Kalindi: Then give us a token, so that he will know we come from you
* Waits in Darkness: "As per our arrangement, he will want some small favor. Do whatever it is he wants and get the info to me."
<B>Sophia:</B> I will dub this the Morrowind quest!
* ** (85) Raven Mundane leans agaisnt the wall listening quietly **
* Waits in Darkness: "Just tell him you were sent by a Mr. Armin."
* (49) leondis: "look I really dont care about what is in the sector, all i am worried about is the promises of making us more powerful. So for that we will get the informarion for you"
* (58) Kalindi: Tomorrow, then?
* ** (49) leondis stands, "anything else?" **
* Waits in Darkness: "That is all. Proceed as you see fit."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "so we are to pic this thing up?"
* (85) Raven Mundane: "seems liek a littl etoo much for ..well me anyways."
* Waits in Darkness: "Yes."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "You cna jsut pay a courier to do it no?"
* Waits in Darkness: "A courier would not perform what Caius wants."
* (49) leondis: "we are to get it and do whatever chore he wants to get it"
* Waits in Darkness: "He has a desire for small antiquities. He won't send you far from Nexus or into anything very dangerous."
* ** (85) Raven Mundane nods unfolding her arms"Fine" **
* Waits in Darkness: "He thinks you are only human."
* (85) Raven Mundane: "then why don;t yulead the way" she says to Ieondis
* (49) leondis: "subtle this one too?"
* (85) Raven Mundane: "i never did catch your name?"
* (47) Majestic(ST): And on that note, I will end tonight's session. Kal needs to go and I hear dinner being served.
* (49) leondis: "i didnt throw it"
* (47) Majestic(ST): 6 XP for Kal and Leon
* (58) Kalindi: thankya
* (47) Majestic(ST): 4 for Raven and Walks
<B>Sophia:</B> Such striking rewards!
== Comments ==

Latest revision as of 22:39, 21 September 2010

Spikes of Silver and Gold

Xeriar: And... we're back.
Sophia: Aww, got out of your little emoness?
Xeriar: Enough of that. The third session was worthy so-
Sophia: You're making us suffer through the second, too.
Xeriar: Yes.
Sophia: What did they ever do to you?
Xeriar: Exist.
Sophia: Oh, right.

  • Majestic(ST): Hey AMbroise
  • DM Ambroise: hello majestic
  • leondis: what is combat like in exalted
  • Kalindi: roll to hit, roll to dodge, reduce by soak, roll damage
  • leondis: lol
  • Majestic(ST): A lot of dice rolling. I have a small combat scenario planned to get people accustomed to the system

Sophia: Oh no...
Xeriar: You can almost hear Kalindi whimpering with that one.
Sophia: That's just your little personal fantasy.

  • leondis: neat
  • Kalindi: I'm actually looking forward to seeing how the tick-based system works
  • Kalindi: might actually be easier in an online setting
  • ** Kalindi crosses fingers and waits for next monday **
  • Majestic(ST): Yes, and a lot better overall. All one needs is a whiteboard and one of those push-button counters
  • leondis: (we have to have ticks, one sec while i grab the cat from outside)
  • Majestic(ST): I only have 2 players?

Sophia: You had six, impaled one, threw another out... You're surprised?

  • ** Kalindi shrugs **
  • Kalindi: looks like it atm
  • chade mobile: sorry, im doubling myself so I can watch TV and let my main comp zip and spice a cd
  • leondis: more may show
  • Kalindi: we're missing . . . Xer and dalkice
  • ** leondis twiddles thimbs **
  • Majestic(ST): Xer at least spent points so I'm hoping he'll show

Xeriar: I wanted to be fashionably late.
Sophia: Like there's something fashionable about sitting in your room staring at a computer screen for four hours.

  • (50) chade mobile: your wish is my command
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, there's 3

Xeriar: I arrive!
Sophia: My condolences to... No, no these people deserve you.
Xeriar: Why thank you.

  • (49) leondis: back
  • (54) Foxworth: .nick markus
  • (54) Foxworth: hiy
  • (54) Foxworth: this Pel's game?
  • (49) leondis: ?
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Yep Fox
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Heya Mark
  • (54) markus: hiya

Sophia: Oh look! Majestic invited someone else to suck him off!
Xeriar: Hope he's thirsty, 'cuz we ain't.

  • (54) markus: I have two chars for your inspection and the group's thoughts
  • (54) markus: one is an absent minded sorcererd from chisircuro or jsut outside

Xeriar: His typing does not get better, and in fact is the prime reason I'm doing this.
Sophia: I want to break his fingers already ^_^

  • (47) Majestic(ST): Mark and I played in a different Exalted game
  • (54) markus: Twilight
  • (49) leondis: (my thoughts are vague and introspective)

Sophia: I have a hard time believing he has thoughts.

  • (54) markus: the other is a very serious ex legionaire turned zentigh and tanti deathlor female
  • (50) chade mobile: (( barely thinking about yourself again leondis? ))
  • (49) leondis: (always)
  • (49) leondis: they sound ok to me
  • (47) Majestic(ST): I can use the Zenith more than the Twilight
  • (44) Kalindi: yeah, this is already getting good
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Only thing is, the sheet isn't complete
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Favored Abilities aren't marked, Virtues are not entered

Sophia: Clearly, Majestic has invited a true veteran of Exalted to come join in his perfect story. Which brings me to Rule #25 - Do not make sure your replacement players for those you have preciously rectally impaled are ready to go before the game begins!

  • (54) markus: DOH
  • (54) markus: ok
  • (44) Kalindi: nope
  • (54) markus: wel Raven it is then
  • (54) markus: :P
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Well, Mark, I will let you lurk for this week. Complete the sheet and I will let you in next week
  • (54) markus: there you go
  • (47) Majestic(ST): You have only one Favored Ability?
  • (47) Majestic(ST): And not all Virutues are spent
  • (54) markus: fuck
  • (54) markus: valour 3

Sophia: Right, I forsee a great future for this guy.

  • (54) markus: comp2
  • (54) markus: con 3
  • (54) markus: temp 2
  • (54) markus: favoured = aware,melee,larceny, social and investigation
  • (54) markus: ok?
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, now let me make sure this all adds up
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Walking through Mark's character right now. If Jack hasn't shown by then, we start without him
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, now as soon as GG gets back . . .
  • (49) leondis: so who is playing?
  • (47) Majestic(ST): The three highlighted in black
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Mark will join us next week
  • (49) leondis: k
  • ** (49) leondis twiddles thiumbs **

Sophia: Rule #26 - Don't bother keeping your players busy. Give them an hour or so of twiddle time after you make them show up.
Xeriar: Clearly off to another lightning start.

  • (58) Kalindi: making a snack, haven't eaten yet, still brb
  • (58) Kalindi: back
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Hang on (again) GG
  • (58) Kalindi: lol, kk
  • (58) Kalindi: no jack william?
  • (49) leondis: nope
  • (49) leondis: hehehe
  • (54) markus: ok
  • (54) markus: fuck
  • (47) Majestic(ST): All right. We're starting now
  • (54) markus: this is annoying
  • (54) markus: the char is not saving properly
  • (54) markus: excuse my language by the way

Sophia: 'Fuck' can be excused. Your command of English, I give no marks for.

  • (49) leondis: ouch
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Language is no prob here, Mark
  • (47) Majestic(ST): **Lights go down and the curtain goes up**

Xeriar: Only the second time and it's already old.
Sophia: Rule #27, add subtle reminders that your 'game' is a play, and you are its sole author.

  • (58) Kalindi: yeah, excuse us holy rollers :)
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Last we left our heroes, they had come to the Raven's Talon Inn and were recruited, in a manner of speaking, by the ancient Solar Waits in Darkness
  • ** (49) leondis yawns **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): After some tussling and nasty words, they agreed to work with him to help him uncover a plot against the city of Nexus.
  • (47) Majestic(ST): It is now the 11th day of Resplendent Air, 768 RY.
  • ** (49) leondis stretches as he exits the door of the room so graciously lent him the night before **
  • ** (49) leondis goes downstairs for breakfast and some drink **
  • ** (58) Kalindi seeks out her mentor, Mikolaus, for discussion. Hopefully, she thinks, the astrologer will have seen something in the stars that may help **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, Kalindi, you set out to find Mikolaus
  • ** (53) Walks stretches, taking his time to get dressed and attend to his features before returning to the inn, and seeing what's on the breakfast menu. **
  • (54) markus: do you accept the flaws and merits irform the PG?

Sophia: His command of typing inspires such confidence.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((No))

Xeriar: After all, this game is 'for beginners'.
Sophia: Well you've all experienced -something- new from this venture.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): All right, Kalindi, you find Mikolaus eating breakfast
  • (58) Kalindi: ((in a public-type place? If so I pull him into one of the rooms we're staying in to talk))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Where are you? I thought you were not in the inn))
  • ** (49) leondis eats tll full **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((wherever we are staying, I assume))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((You said you had lodging elsewhere in Nexus))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((yup))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Then you're there))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((alrighty))
  • ** (58) Kalindi seats herself and asks Mikolaus if he has seen any ominous portents in the sky lately **
  • Mikolaus: "I see nothing particularly ominous now."

Sophia: Rule #28, be sure to render useless any allies your players actually spent points on. The only NPCs of any import are your own!

  • (58) Kalindi: "I see. Have you seen anything in regards to the upcoming Calibration?"
  • Mikolaus: "Calibration is always a dangerous time. Much is muddled when it comes to Calibration."
  • ** (58) Kalindi smiles **
  • (58) Kalindi: "This is true. I've been . . . approached. Given reason to believe this Calibration may be particularly dangerous"
  • (58) Kalindi: "But you have seen nothing?"
  • Mikolaus: "Nothing that seems apparent."
  • ** (53) Walks tries to order some poached eggs if he can get them, and bacon. **
  • (58) Kalindi: nothing that seems apparent?
  • (58) Kalindi: "You may actually be interested in the man who approached me. He claims to be 4000 years old"
  • Mikolaus: "Oh?"
  • (58) Kalindi: "I have no proof of this, save that he has the impatience that tends to come with old age. And a temper as well. He . . . is a Solar. One like me."
  • Mikolaus: "Hmm, one who has survived the Usurpation? I heard rumors that some endured through it."

Sophia: Right, gotta make it sound plausable, so, you know, every tom dick and harry scholar has heard 'rumors' about creepy old men who go bump in the night.

  • Mikolaus: ((Walks, you get food and ale aplenty))
  • ** (58) Kalindi waves aside the unfamiliar word **
  • (58) Kalindi: "You may wish to meet him if he fascinates you so. We are to return today"
  • Mikolaus: "I would like that."
  • (58) Kalindi: "I'm sure you would. He may already know you are here, though. I am surprised he did not collect you yesterday. There were 6 of us, all told."
  • (58) Kalindi: "Though I doubt as many will return"
  • Mikolaus: "If he did not gather me, it is perhaps because he does not want me."

Sophia: Convenient Excuse Prana
Xeriar: Lamest application ever.
Sophia: Consider the source.

  • ** (58) Kalindi chuckles appreciatively **
  • (58) Kalindi: "Or perhaps he fears you?"
  • Mikolaus: "At his age? I think there are things he fears even more greatly."

Sophia: Naturally, NPCs in a Good Dungeon Master's Exalted game -should- assume that claims made by your DMPC, even heard second-hand, are true.

  • ** (53) Walks finishes his meal, then proceeds to take his leave and explore the (less run-down parts of the) city. **

Sophia: You foolish, foolish man.
Xeriar: I had to try.

  • (58) Kalindi: "Either way, he said he had heard somebody, somewhere, will try to destroy Nexus"
  • (58) Kalindi: "And that's all he knows apparently. Not entirely a loss, but still."
  • Mikolaus: "Just because it is not in the stars does not mean it will not occur. It may be the plan has yet to enter fruition."
  • (58) Kalindi: "Well, maybe you can ask him better questions than we did. Will you come?"
  • ** (49) leondis waits on the others,drinking from an empty cup **
  • Mikolaus: "All right, but I do not know if he will want to meet with me."
  • (58) Kalindi: "Just let him do most of the talking. He gets hostile when interupted."
  • ** (49) leondis holds on to kalindi **

Sophia: Awww...

  • ** (58) Kalindi holds onto walks **

Sophia: Feeling hopeful?
Xeriar: I think it was more of a 'horror movie' reaction.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, Kalindi, Mikolaus, and Leondis are at the Raven's Talon. Walks is not there
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Walks what are you doing in the slums?
  • (53) Walks: ((I said not seedy parts of town. Bastion, etc.))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, the houses in Bastion are very nice compared to the buildings in Cinnabar. The guards however, come up hassling you.
  • ** (58) Kalindi whistles dixie **
  • ** (53) Walks presents himself as an upstanding person of wealth and taste and simply acts as if he has places to visit (Bastion isn't all houses). **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Manip+Socialize, Walks))
  • (53) Walks: [6d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,8,3,3,1] = (33)
  • (53) Walks: ((Err well, 4))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Most of it is, Walks))

Sophia: Naturally, when the rich of Nexus go out for dinner, they eat in the slums, because they are perfectly happy mingling with the filthy poor.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): Okay, the guards leave you be. Where are you going?
  • (53) Walks: Just making a circuit of the better parts of town (not just Bastion) to see what's popular, where the high-class types frequent and such, and keep it in mind for later.
  • (47) Majestic(ST): There are a few high-end brothels and drug dens in Bastion. The main attraction is the Guild headquarters in Nexus District
  • ** (49) leondis is definately thinking about going to the pits, but decided that that wouldnt be a good idea **
  • ** (53) Walks makes a note to pay the vaunted Guild a visit later as he continues exploring. **

Xeriar: Not that this campaign would last long enough for me to follow up on this.

  • ** (49) leondis notices kalindi and gives her a nod **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Leondis, Kalindi, you two are thumbed upstairs by the barkeep

Sophia: Sounds dirty.

  • ** (58) Kalindi makes no sign that she has seen Leondis, merely sitting down at a table with some drink or other having a muted conversation with Mikolaus **
  • ** (49) leondis travels upstairs first getting a refill for his mug **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Waits is sitting the same room as last time. There are no signs of any weapons or the like. Just the blue jay sitting on his shoulder

Sophia: You really should have tried to kill the bird.
Xeriar: I was sure he'd pull some "Immortal Familiar" crap out of his ass.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): That's about it unless you want to see the Markets
  • (58) Kalindi: ((so he's stashed the 6 foot daiklave somewhere, eh?))
  • (49) leondis: "well what do you have for us today?"
  • Waits in Darkness: ((I never said it was a daiklaive))

Sophia: Because impaling someone with a six-foot blade without moving is a routine exercise even if you don't attune to it.

  • (58) Kalindi: "i never said I was intelligent"
  • Waits in Darkness: "Right now, I'm waiting for your Eclipse friend to get back here. It seems three of you have skipped out on me."
  • (58) Kalindi: "It must have been your charming personality"
  • (49) leondis: "They just werent wanting a job from you i take"
  • Waits in Darkness: "I think the other Night Caste is a little preoccupied. I can understand the other two. We got off to a rather rocky start."

Sophia: Silly Dungeon Master, holding back from oral impalement.

  • ** (53) Walks decides the Markets can wait for another time, though would be amused to see how much waiting the Waiter could do. **
  • (58) Kalindi: I'm still waiting for him to say something about his new guest
  • (58) Kalindi: ((oh, wait, did my mentor follow me up?))
  • Waits in Darkness: "However, if the two of you are ready, I have a small job for you. I want to see if you can be subtle."

Sophia: Because a man who publically abducts six solars in a bar is a masterful judge of subtlety.

  • Waits in Darkness: ((No, he didn't. He got stopped by the barkeep and decided now was not the time to argue with him.))
  • (49) leondis: "not really my specialty, but i am game
  • ** (53) Walks steps back into the Tavern, looking around **
  • (58) Kalindi: a training mission?
  • Waits in Darkness: "Yes."

Sophia: Good Dungeon Mastering Rule #29! Never start your players off ahead. Instead, insult them for being inexperienced, and offer 'training'.

  • ** (58) Kalindi sighs **
  • (58) Kalindi: I have little time for this
  • (49) leondis: "well what is it?"
  • (58) Kalindi: You did pull me away from other things
  • Waits in Darkness: "Good things come to those who wait."

Sophia: Or good things can pass you by if you don't take the initiative.
Xeriar: I took the initiative, and ended up waiting for something cool to happen in this game.
Sophia: Proof of the idiocy behind many simple platitudes.

  • (49) leondis: "not really in the mood for bad puns"
  • Waits in Darkness: "There is a gang in Nighthammer who made off with some valuables of a colleague of mine. He would like to get them back."
  • (58) Kalindi: Where is their hideout?
  • ** (53) Walks steps into the room, an amused look on his face. "The Waiter requests again?" **
  • ** Waits in Darkness looks at Walks "You are late." **

Xeriar: I wanted to make a fashionably late kinda statement.
Sophia: Majestic already knows his game is crumbling.

  • ** (58) Kalindi looks to Walks **
  • (58) Kalindi: We are running errands
  • Waits in Darkness: "The Black Rat Alley in Nighthammer."
  • ** Waits in Darkness gives you a rough map of how to get there." **
  • ** (58) Kalindi looks it over, memorizing two different routes **
  • (58) Kalindi: What was stolen?
  • (53) Walks: "Well I figured you were used to your namesake. Errands? Seems a nice way to get to know the city a bit more, I'm a bit rough."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Two conditions: no showing off your anima banner and no magic weapons."

Sophia: Because if Exalted is about anything, it is about NOT SHOWING OFF

  • Waits in Darkness: "Some gold jewelry. A trifling thing, I know, but the man is my main source of intelligence in the Guild."
  • (58) Kalindi: No message to be left?
  • Waits in Darkness: "Exactly."
  • (58) Kalindi: What should it look like when I finish?
  • Waits in Darkness: "Five thugs unconscious or dead."
  • ** (58) Kalindi nods and marks the time **
  • Waits in Darkness: "All anyone can say is three people roughed them up."
  • (58) Kalindi: Anything else?
  • (53) Walks: "Sounds boorish."

Sophia: Silly Xerxie, expecting this game to involve something besides combat.

  • Waits in Darkness: "That's it. Just bring the jewelry back to me and I will make sure they return to their proper owner
  • (58) Kalindi: Done
  • (49) leondis: "fine.."
  • ** (58) Kalindi turns and walks from the room, giving Mikolaus a look saying she will return later **
  • (53) Walks: ((Kalindi take the map?))
  • ** (49) leondis follows **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): You see Waits sit down with Mikolaus as you leave, Kalindi
  • (49) leondis: after taking map
  • (58) Kalindi: ((Make my way over by one of the routes I memorized, activating Easily overlooked presence method as I approach))
  • ** (53) Walks follows Kalindi out and lets the map-bearer guide the way. "Roughing up thugs? Didn't he say last time we weren't subtle enough?" **
  • ** (58) Kalindi vanishes into the crowd **
  • (49) leondis: "this is supposed to be a test of subtly"
  • ** (49) leondis ignores the loss of kalindi noting that she probably has good reason not to be seen **
  • ** (58) Kalindi waits in the nearby streets, observing the address **
  • (53) Walks: "A test of subtlety would be someting err, not so messy."
  • ** (49) leondis observes the address from across the street **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Everyone approaches and sees five thugs armed with swords. They each have some gold on them.
  • (58) Kalindi: ((describe thugs?))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Scruffy looking guys wearing leather clothes and bearing swords.))

Sophia: Oh, this is looking to turn out action-packed.

  • ** (49) leondis quietly draws the daiklave **
  • ** (53) Walks whispers to Leondis "No magical weapons, he said." **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((where are they standing in relation to the entrance of the address?))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((It's an alley and they are standing in the back of it close to a makeshift shelter))
  • ** (53) Walks walks towards the guards, sword not drawn and hands empty, trying to distract their attentions. "Umm, excuse me." He says in high realm (which hopefully they can't speak)) **

Xeriar: I already figured he was pretty noobish, and wanted to see if I could drop them all on my own.
Sophia: Because a good Dungeon Master need never pay much attention to the abilities of his players.

  • ** (49) leondis pulls backup **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((windows? other doors in on the other sides?))
  • ** (49) leondis approaches thugs from other side **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, the thugs stare at you
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Nope))

Sophia: Silly Kalindi, thinking there was some way around a straightforward fight.

  • (53) Walks: ((Look like they can understand me?))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Walks, you have a mini?))
  • (53) Walks: ((Err, no, should I go get one?
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((No, other than it certainly looks like they acknowledge you said something in their general direction))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Would help))

Sophia: Because, just like in real life, people move in five-foot increments, and stay put in melee combat unless they wanna move somewhere.

  • ** (49) leondis moves back a few spaces **
  • ** (58) Kalindi turns down a side alley, making sure she is unseen, activate Wall-Climbing Technique and get up on a nearby roof **
  • (53) Walks: "OhgoodcanyouunderstandmeIthinkI'mlostthosearenicetrinketsyouarewearingespeciallyforthispartoftownwheredidyougetthem?" He continues speaking in high realm, rather quickly, pointing and gesturing.

Sophia: I hate gnomes.

  • (58) Kalindi: ((checking for roof entrances))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kalindi, you are up on the roof if you sprint. There are no entrances on the roof))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, they contineu to stare at you
  • (58) Kalindi: ((high windows, then?))
  • ** (49) leondis looks at the thugs **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((No, the windows around here are small if they exist at all))
  • ** (53) Walks begins pointing out their weapons and talking about various manufacturers, pointing them out and gesturing to his own finely made blade, still talking at an extremely rapid pace. **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((get up on the roof directly above the guards. Is there a gap between them and the door?))
  • (49) leondis: (hey walks put a mini up so i know where not to throw)
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((What are you talking about? They are standing in front of the wooden equivalent of a bum's cardboard box))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((I see, well, would have helped if I'd had a description of the building))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((I said it was a makeshift shelter in the back of the alley))
  • (53) Walks: ((Or something like that))
  • (53) Walks: ((I'm not on the same side as Leondis))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((they're guarding a leanto?))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Yeah))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((very well, I'm behind them, so I sneak in))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Walks, they shrug their shoulders and draw their blades figuring a runt like you can't call for help
  • ** (49) leondis fiddles with chakrum **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kal, Dex + Athletics to get down from the roof))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((I have wall climbing technique get me down))
  • (53) Walks: "Hmm? You want to see? Okay." He draws his blade and buckler, stepping forward, almost actively inviting attack

Sophia: I don't think Majestic had a clue about what your were planning.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((okay, Dex + Stealth to land softly))
  • ** (58) Kalindi [7d10] -> [7,3,9,3,1,6,7] = (36) **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): [4d10.vs(7)] -> [6,7,10,7] = (3)
  • (49) leondis: (4)
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Kal, you land pretty well, but the ears of one of the thugs pricks up and he turns up to look at you))

Sophia: Because Spider-Climbing technique requires jumps, or something.
Xeriar: Do note that she 'landed'. Apparently they are mystically on the roof almost immediately.

  • (47) Majestic(ST): And . . . INITS!
  • (53) Walks: [1d10+14] -> [10,14] = (24)
  • (58) Kalindi: Kalindi[1d10+7] -> [5,7] = (12) init
  • (58) Kalindi: bah
  • (58) Kalindi: wait, my bad, forgot to add speed
  • (58) Kalindi: 15 now
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Walks, how do you get 14?))
  • (49) leondis: [1d25] -> [8] = (8) init
  • (58) Kalindi: ((I take it these thugs are not extras))
  • (53) Walks: ((Weapon speed is 6 in power combat rules))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Who said we were using power comabt rules?))

Xeriar: We were using the weapon stats from PC.
Sophia: Clearly, Majestic represents a keen intellect.

  • (53) Walks: ((You said we were using PC stats))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((you did, when you allowed pc stats, I thought))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((I have his wepaon speed at 11))
  • (53) Walks: ((It would be without that, yes))
  • (49) leondis: (sorry wrong number) [1d20+7] -> [11,7] = (18) init
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((I allowed PC weapon stats, PC Charm revisions, and PC plinking. I said nothing about power combat))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((try 1 d 10)
  • (53) Walks: ((And weapon speed is one of the PC Weapon stats))
  • (53) Walks: ((Unless the meaning of weapon stats changed))

Sophia: Now now Xeriar, can't expect him to grasp such advanced concepts.

  • (49) leondis: [1d10+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
  • (58) Kalindi: ((there ya go))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Yes, and according to the stats you gave me, speed should be 11

Sophia: RULE #30! Always blame your players!

  • (53) Walks: (([5+3+6] -> 14))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((speed is an init mod))
  • (49) leondis: (crud)
  • (49) leondis: hehehe
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((So the speed should be 6 rather than 3?))
  • (53) Walks: ((Under PC stats, yes))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((should be Wits+Dex+Weapon Speed + 1d10))
  • (53) Walks: ((Not that I think it really matters))
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Fine, change your sheet on the forums to reflect that, Walks))
  • (53) Walks: ((Since you're not using PC I'll be holding my action until after the thugs go anyway))

Sophia: Cheeeeap.
Xeriar: He didn't deserve better. A brief rundown of the following section: I school three thugs, Kalindi wounds one, I kill the one Kalindi wounded (total four), and Leondis finally offs one.

  • (49) leondis: [9] -> 9 init
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((leondis, do you want me to roll?))
  • (49) leondis: nah... was jist posting it from above
  • (49) leondis: just*
  • (49) leondis: (im ok now)
  • Thug: [1d10+6] -> [10,6] = (16)
  • Thug: Walks, go
  • (53) Walks: ((Holding action until after they go))
  • Thug: Okay, then their turn
  • (58) Kalindi: wussy :P
  • ** (53) Walks moves forward, trying to draw them into attacking him... **
  • Thug: Three thugs go after Walks, one climbs up to handle Kalindi
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [3,10,3,7,10,10] = (4)
  • Thug: (6 for Thug 1)
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [1,4,4,4,4,7] = (1)
  • Thug: (1 for Thug 2)
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [10,2,9,3,7,9] = (4)
  • Thug: (5 for Thug 3)
  • (49) leondis: (power roller)
  • (53) Walks: ((Extras don't count 10s as doublesuccesses, anyway))
  • Thug: ((Right. So 3, 1, 4))
  • Thug: [7d10.vs(7)] -> [1,10,1,6,6,7,2] = (2)
  • Thug: ((Thug Leader is not an extra, though, and makes 3 on Kalindi))
  • (58) Kalindi: You'r ebeing ass-raped, man
  • ** (53) Walks 's body shimmers slightly as he glides over the ground, weaving impossibly and unnaturaly around each of the thug's blows (activating Shadow Over Water against each attack, 6 motes spent, full dodge pool against every attack) **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((reed in the wind, adding 4 dice))
  • Thug: ((roll both of you))
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,8,6,1,1,1,1] = (3)
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,7,6,4,3,2,1] = (3)
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,8,4,2,1,1] = (4)
  • ** (58) Kalindi [10d10.vs(7)] -> [10,10,1,6,2,5,2,2,10,9] = (4) **
  • (53) Walks: ((Buckler also raises their difficulty by 1 each.))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((nah, he don't got me))
  • Thug: ((okay, the two of you all dodge))
  • Thug: ((Right, Walks, sorry))
  • Thug: ((So it would have been 2, miss, and 3))
  • ** (53) Walks returns his blade to the thug to his right, making a driving swing into him. "Silly mook." He says (normal attack, woo) **
  • Thug: Walks, the second bounced off the buckler and the other two swing and hit nothing but air
  • Thug: Kalindi, you avoid the blade of the leader huge time
  • (53) Walks: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,2,2] = (3)
  • (53) Walks: ((6L from PC stats. He have a shield or something?))
  • Thug: ((nope.))
  • Thug: ((total damage?))
  • (53) Walks: ((10L damage total then, minus his lethal soak))
  • Thug: ((Mortals cannot soak lethal damage (no armor))
  • Thug: ((Kalindi, go))
  • (53) Walks: ((Oh, then he skewered I take it.))
  • Thug: ((Yep))
  • ** (58) Kalindi drops low and slingshots the length of the fighting chain around the thug leader's legs at the knee. Wrapping the chain about her arm, she pulls backwards on the chain as it wraps around his legs and launches her legs at his chest in a powerful double footed kick **

Sophia: A good Dungeon Master for Exalted does not care for stunts, and should never reward them. Rule #31.

  • Thug: ((roll them))
  • ** (58) Kalindi [8d10.vs(7)] -> [9,10,6,4,10,8,6,6] = (4) **
  • (58) Kalindi: I like this die roller sometimes
  • (58) Kalindi: ((6))
  • Thug: Plus the chain makes 10
  • Thug: No soak, so roll the dice
  • ** (58) Kalindi [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,6,6,6,5,5,2,2,2] = (2) **
  • (58) Kalindi: 4L
  • (53) Walks: ((10's don't count double on damage))
  • (58) Kalindi: my bad
  • Thug: Okay, you twist his knee a bit
  • Thug: Leondis, go
  • ** (49) leondis aims carefully at the nonattacking Thug 3 and flings the chakrum at his unshielded head **
  • (85) markus: back
  • (85) markus: sorry powere surge

Sophia: Damn, was getting hopeful.

  • Thug: ((s'ok))
  • (49) leondis: (dex+throw right?)
  • Thug: ((Leondis, roll))
  • Thug: ((RIght))
  • (49) leondis: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,9,8,4,3,3,2,2] = (3)
  • (49) leondis: 3L
  • Thug: Okay, you cut him real bad, but that is it
  • (49) leondis: (hehehe my first exalted attack )
  • Thug: Walks, since you delayed, you have an init with Kalindi, which means . . .
  • Thug: Thugs attack!
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [5,10,9,2,9,3] = (3)
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [1,6,1,7,5,9] = (2)
  • (58) Kalindi: didn't the thugs already go?
  • ** (53) Walks leaps and weaves around the idiots (Shadow over water versus both again, 4 more motes spent)) **
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,7,5,4,3,1,1] = (39)
  • Thug: ((Thug 2 hits for 2, Thug 4 hits for 1))
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.vs(7).descending()] -> [10,8,7,5,4,3,3,2] = (42)
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [7,3,6,3,7,6] = (2)
  • Thug: ((Leader hits for 2 on Kal))
  • ** (53) Walks twists and ripostes against the both of them, striking out and drawing blood from each (splitting pool) **
  • Thug: [5d10.vs(7)] -> [1,4,5,6,4] = (0)
  • (58) Kalindi: did we roll init again?
  • Thug: Thug 3 trips and hits the dirt in front of Leonidas
  • Thug: Walks, roll
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,7,3,3,1,1] = (4)
  • (53) Walks: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,8,7,5,3,3,1] = (3)
  • (53) Walks: ((11L and 9L))
  • Thug: Walks, you kill your 2
  • (58) Kalindi: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [2,10,10,10,4,3] = (3)
  • (53) Walks: No
  • Thug: Kalindi, you abort to dodge?
  • (58) Kalindi: I'm just confused actually, did we roll init again?
  • (58) Kalindi: ((is lost))

Sophia: And you're playing in her game next?
Xeriar: I know, I know...

  • Thug: ((we keep init from the first roll))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((not familiar with that one))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((yeah, I guess if he attacks me I'm dodging))
  • Thug: ((okay, Kalindi aborts to dodge. Leonidas go))
  • ** (49) leondis throws his chakrum again at the fallen thug 3 **
  • (49) leondis: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,5,3,2,2,2,2] = (1)
  • (49) leondis: 1L
  • Thug: ((you knick him))
  • Thug: ((back to the top then))
  • Thug: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [8,9,10,5,2,9] = (4) - Thug leader
  • Thug: ((9L raw on Kalindi))
  • Thug: ((roll))
  • (58) Kalindi: [6d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,6,5,2,1] = (2)
  • Thug: ((Attack drops from 5 to 2))
  • Thug: Yep 4
  • Thug: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [9,4,1,3] = (1)
  • Thug: 1 L
  • (58) Kalindi: yay
  • Thug: Thug 3 has gotten back up
  • (49) leondis: lol
  • Thug: Walks, go
  • ** (53) Walks leaps towards the Thug leader, giving him a good pair of thwacks to the head **
  • (53) Walks: [8d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,5,5,5,5,2,2] = (2)
  • (53) Walks: [7d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,7,4,3,2,1] = (3)
  • Thug: ((Dex + Athletics to get up there))

Sophia: How they got on the roof, we'll never know.

  • (53) Walks: [6d10.vs(7)] -> [6,2,5,2,7,5] = (1)
  • (53) Walks: ((Bah))
  • Thug: ((You make it, just barely))
  • Thug: ((dmg on rolls?))
  • (58) Kalindi: besides, I thought the reason I got caught was because I hit the -ground-
  • (53) Walks: ((10L each))
  • (53) Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [3,8,10,3,3,3,10,3,2,7] = (4)
  • (53) Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [6,10,10,10,2,3,10,8,2,9] = (6)
  • Thug: ((okay, you drop him
  • Thug: Leondis, take us home this round
  • ** (49) leondis jumps back flinging the chakrum at thug 3 's neck **
  • (53) Walks: You had to abort to dodge
  • (53) Walks: Sacrificing your action
  • (49) leondis: [6d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,7,7,5,3] = (4)
  • (49) leondis: 4L
  • Thug: ((You got him))
  • (49) leondis: (not bad for using secondary weapon)
  • ** (49) leondis walks over and gathers the stolen loot, checking thug 3 as he goes **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((go inside the shelter, I guess))
  • ** (53) Walks moves over to Kalindi "Are you alright, miss?" **

Sophia: And still trying to hit on the laydies.

  • ** (58) Kalindi shrugs him off, beginning to gather anything that looks like what they were sent after **
  • Thug: All five have a piece of the jewelry. There is nothing in the shelter but ragged bedding
  • (58) Kalindi: ((grab that, then))
  • (58) Kalindi: ((the jewelry, i mean))
  • ** (53) Walks sighs. "Suit yourself." And begins cleaning his blade off before returning it to its scabbard. "Ruffians, no appeciation for the arts." **
  • (49) leondis: "well that was interesting"
  • (58) Kalindi: ((do what I needs to do to stop the bleeding, clean up the knick and make my way back to the tavern thingie))
  • (53) Walks: "What was?" He says, tossing the cloth he used aside, and walking away
  • Thug: ((not serious enough for major bleeding. You stanch the bleeding immediately Kalindi))
  • (49) leondis: "the battle, dont use this all that much"
  • (58) Kalindi: ((kewl))
  • (49) leondis: "looks like in this, may need to purchase a regular sword'
    • (49) leondis heads back **
  • (53) Walks: "Maybe." he says, waiting for Kalindi and walking back with her.
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Take the time to chat, working with Mark))

Sophia: Obviously because things that should have been taken care of elsetime are perfectly suitable in-game.

  • ** (58) Kalindi , having not spoken a single word since she left the tavern, merely nods her head in acknowledgement that words have been spoken around her and hands what jewelry she collected to whoever is carrying more of it **
  • ** (49) leondis examines the jewelry **
  • ** (49) leondis then hands it to walks **
  • (58) Kalindi: "I fail to see how that was to teach us subtlety"
  • (53) Walks: "Err, alright." He accepts the jewelry, looking it over before returning to the tavern/brothel/place.
  • (53) Walks: "I have no idea, maybe he's gotten nuts in his supposed four millenia?"
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane is a tall lithe woman in tight lether outfit and a chain shirt. She has two swords at her side and walks into the bar. She looks around as her long Raven coloured hair that gives her her name blows in the breeze **
  • (53) Walks: "I mean, he forcibly abducted us in public in a tavern and proceeded to accuse us of lacking subtlety."

Sophia: Nothing quite like guys trying to play girls.

  • ** (58) Kalindi smiles appreciatively **
  • (49) leondis: "well cant argue with that"
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((You all return to the inn))
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "Raven's Taqlon?" she ponders outloud "interesting name"
  • (58) Kalindi: We're up to six solars in this place again. Why is it still standing?
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane heads to the bar to get a drink "light ale please" **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: (ap three)
  • (58) Kalindi: ((I'm assuming we head directly upstairs))
  • (49) leondis: (i do)
  • ** Barkeep hands Raven a drink **

Sophia: And a seventh Solar enters the same damned barbrothel.
Xeriar: And yet it continues to stand.

  • ** (53) Walks heads up the steps, setting the jewelry on the table in the Waiter's room without comment. **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): You all see Raven (see the descrip) at the bar as you head up
  • (53) Walks: ((And, time to go meet a girl, won't be back for several hours, I'll leave my client on to lurk.))

Sophia: Awwww, how considerate of you.

  • (85) Raven Mundane: "hello"
  • ** (58) Kalindi casts her eyes about, looking for Mikolaus **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "I am looking for some one"
  • (47) Majestic(ST): ((Mikolaus is sitting at the table he was at earlier, waiting for you, Kal))
  • Barkeep: "Who would that be?"
  • ** (58) Kalindi raises an eyebrow at him in an unspoken question, darting a glance up the stairs towards where Waits in Darkness . . . uh, waits :D **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((and continues up the stairs))
  • Barkeep: ((Mark, you with us?))
  • (85) Raven Mundane: ""I am lokoing for a Mr Armin"
  • Barkeep: "He's upstairs, first door on the left."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "A Mr Simone sent me to see him"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "the name is RMundane"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "Raven Mundane"
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane bows and sips at her drink. she turns around and smiles watching the room and looking for anythign supsiscious. she is in no hurry to find this man. It all seems too convenient f to her. **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: then again you do not because the realm's best nvestigator being cautious"
  • (47) Majestic(ST): Nothing overly suspicious in the tavern

Sophia: Of course not, just a hypocritical Essence 9 Solar.

  • (85) Raven Mundane: "well...seems like there is little hear to worry about" she says finsighing her drink and heading up the stairs
  • ** (49) leondis just sits in Waits room **
  • (47) Majestic(ST): All right, all three of you arrive in Waits's room
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane loks at the others trying to see look like?)what kind of people they are(what you **
  • ** Waits in Darkness looks to Raven "Allow me to conduct some business and I will be right with you." **
  • ** Waits in Darkness then looks to Kal and Leon **
  • Waits in Darkness: "Thanks for performing that little chore. You did well. Not one odd word from Nighthammer."
  • (58) Kalindi: ((I guess walks gave us the lootz before he took off, then))
  • (58) Kalindi: Yes, we were . . . subtle
  • (49) leondis: ((yeah))
  • Waits in Darkness: ((He left it on the table and went to get blissed on opium))
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane nods"Very well...do nt be too long I am not too too patient" **

Sophia: Mark is a master of the typed word.

  • Waits in Darkness: "Nexus is a violent place. The deaths of a few criminals goes without notice in this city. But news of Exalts operating brazenly travels fast and reaches unwelcome ears."
  • ** (49) leondis smiles "well patience is something you need to deelop" **
  • ** Waits in Darkness looks to Raven "Now, I know why you're here. You are concerned about the Deathknights, yes?" **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "many things concernme that is one yes"
  • Waits in Darkness: "I can use what resources I have to assist you, but you would be ill-advised to go jumping off in pursuit of the one you seek."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Not without some further honing."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "You seem to knwo a lot...who are you?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "I am Waits in Darkness. To some, I am a reluctant saint, hiding in the shadows as I watch what happens. To others, I am a demon of the foulest degree."

Sophia: I'm sure those he has rectally impaled consider him just such a saint.

  • Waits in Darkness: "From what I have gleaned of you, it would be the latter."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Some of it is true, the rest is exaggeration placed upon me through the years."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "then you know you better talk quick or loose my attention"
  • Waits in Darkness: "All right. Then if you want my help, I require your assistance."
  • Waits in Darkness: "I am most concerned with the well-being of this city and I have the faintest whispers of a plot that promises the city's doom."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Help me, and I will provide you the stores of knowledge I have."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Deal?"
  • (49) leondis: "i am off to buy a sword if you have nothing else for us..."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "how do i know i can trust you?"
  • ** (58) Kalindi laughs **
  • (58) Kalindi: you don't
  • Waits in Darkness: "I can ask the same of you."

Sophia: Honestly, that is a perfectly legitimate question. He only impaled one of you to gain your compliance, after all.

  • (49) leondis: "dont go there"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: (whatyou guys lok liek and who is here with me?)

Sophia: He types like a stereotypical Dragonball Z fan.

  • (58) Kalindi: If that is all, I will be downstairs
  • ** (58) Kalindi proceeds down the stairs and begins chatting with Mikolaus **
  • Waits in Darkness: "Stay, I have some information for you."
  • Waits in Darkness: "How do I know I can trust you?"
  • ** (49) leondis is tall sturdy built dark haired blue eyed **
  • ** (49) leondis sits back down **
  • ** (58) Kalindi leans against the doorframe **
  • ** (49) leondis , ever the consumate gentleman, offers his chair to kalindi **
  • (58) Kalindi: ((:P))
  • ** Waits in Darkness is staring at Raven waiting for an answer **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: (who is in this room with me?)
  • Waits in Darkness: ((Leonids and Kalindi))
  • (49) leondis: we are all in the same room
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane loks at Waits and shakes her head" If you know anything about me youknow I keep my word." **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: what do Leoids and kalindi lok like?
  • (85) Raven Mundane: or kalindi anytways?
  • ** (49) leondis is tall sturdy built dark haired blue eyed **
  • Waits in Darkness: "So I hear, but I have no experience with you."
  • Waits in Darkness: "And given the instruments I have, I must be doing something right."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "fine" she says "but now this"
  • Waits in Darkness: "Spies hate being betrayed."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "I ghate being played or manipulated...If I find out you are lyng or using me in anyway I will be back with a vengencE"

Sophia: Best of luck ^_^

  • ** (58) Kalindi is small and lythe, southern looking (think Hindi). App 5 **
  • Waits in Darkness: "Fair enough."
  • ** (49) leondis wonders which wall will be adorned with raven **
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "Ok what can I do you for then?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "You can assist these three for now."
  • (49) leondis: "well that sounds fun"
  • Waits in Darkness: "Now, I have been hearing more whispers in the shadows. Whispers concerning a cult called the Dark Night of Requiem. They are a small apocalyptic cult, and would otherwise be beneath my notice but for the loose lips of the inebriated."
  • ** (49) leondis smirks **
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane listens **
  • Waits in Darkness: "They speak of being backed by great powers of darkness and planning something along the lines of what happened to Thorns."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "is this the same cult that tried burning some Immaculate temples a couple years ago? I thought they were sdestroyed then?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "I want to know if this is true. To do this, I need to contact a Caius Cosades. He is my agent whom I have put on this project. He should have what I want."

Sophia: When in doubt, grab names from Morrowind. It will make you sound soooo creative.

  • Waits in Darkness: "I'm not sure, but Caius should know more than I can say now."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "i have my own contacts...but what can you tell me of the typical memebrs?"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "and what have they been up to?"
  • (49) leondis: "well where is he?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "I don't know. Caius has yet to give me his report."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Caius is in Sentinel's Hill. An office right off the main road. Should be easy to find."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "Is that not the Merc sector?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "There's a lot of things in Sentinel's Hill."
  • (58) Kalindi: So we ask him what he knows and come back and tell you
  • Waits in Darkness: "He should have something in writing. What he is to get cannot simply be repeated."
  • (58) Kalindi: Then give us a token, so that he will know we come from you
  • Waits in Darkness: "As per our arrangement, he will want some small favor. Do whatever it is he wants and get the info to me."

Sophia: I will dub this the Morrowind quest!

  • ** (85) Raven Mundane leans agaisnt the wall listening quietly **
  • Waits in Darkness: "Just tell him you were sent by a Mr. Armin."
  • (49) leondis: "look I really dont care about what is in the sector, all i am worried about is the promises of making us more powerful. So for that we will get the informarion for you"
  • (58) Kalindi: Tomorrow, then?
  • ** (49) leondis stands, "anything else?" **
  • Waits in Darkness: "That is all. Proceed as you see fit."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "so we are to pic this thing up?"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "seems liek a littl etoo much for ..well me anyways."
  • Waits in Darkness: "Yes."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "You cna jsut pay a courier to do it no?"
  • Waits in Darkness: "A courier would not perform what Caius wants."
  • (49) leondis: "we are to get it and do whatever chore he wants to get it"
  • Waits in Darkness: "He has a desire for small antiquities. He won't send you far from Nexus or into anything very dangerous."
  • ** (85) Raven Mundane nods unfolding her arms"Fine" **
  • Waits in Darkness: "He thinks you are only human."
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "then why don;t yulead the way" she says to Ieondis
  • (49) leondis: "subtle this one too?"
  • (85) Raven Mundane: "i never did catch your name?"
  • (47) Majestic(ST): And on that note, I will end tonight's session. Kal needs to go and I hear dinner being served.
  • (49) leondis: "i didnt throw it"
  • (47) Majestic(ST): 6 XP for Kal and Leon
  • (58) Kalindi: thankya
  • (47) Majestic(ST): 4 for Raven and Walks

Sophia: Such striking rewards!
