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General Rules: There are three Transformation Charms that Lunars can learn, each of which gives a new True Form. These three Charms follow their own rules, compared to normal Charms. Deadly Beastman Transformation is always Caste for Full Moons, Cunning Trickster Transformation is always Caste for Changing Moons, and Wise Savant Transformation is always Caste for New Moons. Multiple purchases of a given Transformation enhance it, but multiple Transformations are each providing their own True Form, and must be activated seperately from each other. Each Transformation may be purchased a number of times equal to the character's Essence rating; multiple Transformations cannot be activated at once.

Each Transformation has seperate rules. The first purchase of a given Transformation provides 5 Attribute points and 2 Gifts from that Transformation; subsequent purchases provide 3 Attribute points and one Gift.


Works exactly as in the Lunar corebook, with two exceptions: Reduce the number of purchased Beastman Transformations by one when determining a Tell. This may result in no Tell if the character does not purchase any Deadly Beastman Transformations.
No more than (Beastman Transformations + 2) pts may be spent on a single Attribute in this variant.


While some Lunars transform their bodies, other transform their personalities. By taking on aspects of Luna's changing face, they do not so much become stronger as more tricky, better able to directly control others.
When transformed into the Cunning Trickster, the Lunar becomes a clearly supernatural being, but they will not be automatically considered to be a Lunar. Most will mistake them for a god or one of the Fair Folk.
BEHAVIOURAL TELLS: Becoming the Cunning Trickster imposes changes to the way that a Lunar behaves. The Lunar should choose a behavioural trait that fits with their totem animal; perhaps an owl lunar is always staring wide-eyed, a snake Lunar tends to flick his tongue in and out, or so on. Depending on how many times Cunning Trickster Transformation is taken, there is a varying chance of this behaviour being noted.
If the character has taken only one Cunning Trickster Transformation, players of those dealing with a Lunar in a true form may reflexively roll Perception + Socialize at difficulty 5 once per meeting to notice it. When shapechanged, the difficulty increases to 7. Those who know the Tell must regard the Lunar suspiciously and gain 5 successes.
If the character takes two to three Cunning Tricksters, the difficulty of noticing the Tell in True Forms drops to 3, and in shapechanged forms drops to 5. Suspicious characters roll at difficulty 3 in shapechanged form.
If the character purchases four or more Cunning Tricksters, the difficulty of noticing the Tell in True Forms is automatic, and the difficulty in shapechanged forms is only 1. Anyone who knows the behaviour will spot it.

Attributes: 1 Attribute point may be spent to increase Charisma or Appearance, and 2 Attribute points may be spent to increase Manipulation. No more than (Trickster Transformations + 2) pts may be spent on a single Attribute.

Force of Personality: The character gets +2 Attribute points. These points may exceed the normal maximums for Cunning Trickster Transformation.

Innocent Animal Nature: The character has the demeanor of a simple creature. Anyone who wishes to inflict harm on the Lunar must succeed at a Willpower roll every time they attempt it. This applies to everything from attacks to harsh words. This Gift only functions if the character is not being hostile or abrasive.

Kicked Puppy Approach: (Prerequisite: Innocent Animal Nature) As above, but the character must fail a Compassion roll instead of rolling Willpower.

Solemn Words: The character's nature is such that promises made to him seem more important. Anyone wishing to break a promise made to the character must succeed on a Willpower roll, and all actions directly related to the breaking are at +1 difficulty for one scene after it is broken. However, the character must abide by their promises in the same manner.

Force of the Oath: (Prerequisite: Solemn Words) As above, but the Willpower difficulty is +1, and the difficulty of all actions directly related to the breaking of the oath are at +3 difficulty for the scene.

Sly Tempter: The character knows just what to say to make people want to do something. When a character rolls Conviction or Temperance to resist a course of action that you suggest, the roll is at +1 difficulty.

Serpent in the Tree: (Prerequisite: Sly Tempter) The character an amazing tempter. All their rolls to tempt someone to a course of action are at +3 dice.

Abrasive Goading: The character knows how to prod someone into action. When the Lunar try to goad someone into a course of action, assume that their Valor is 2 pts higher if they roll Valor to see if they take action, and reduce their Temperance and Conviction by 1.

Enraging Taunter: (Prerequisite: Abrasive Goading) The Lunar is amazing at taunting and enraging someone into a course of action. When the character attempts to goad someone into action, either by berating or taunting them, they roll +3 dice.

(The Following Gifts were suggested by Sarellion)

Hiding the Lunar Nature: Prereq: At least one point added to Enhance Appearance This gift allows the Lunar to act as though he had purchased one fewer Transformation in each of the three categories when determining the Tell. It may be purchased once for every two dots of Appearance the Lunar adds, rounded up.

Fortress of the Mind: The Lunar is skilled in avoiding social charms of other exalts. His essence is considered to be one higher when he is targeted by social or mental affecting charms. He gains +3 dice to resist the effects of Social rolls.

Small Disguises: Prereq: Appearance boost The Lunar may use his enhanced appearance to actually change it. The Lunars gains access to a small cache of different disguises as soon as he activates the charm. This disguises are a set of small changes to the user´s facial features, hair, skin or eye color, hair length or body size. The Lunar may increase or decrease his size up to essence inches and introduce special features like scars or other marks. The appearance rating can be set on a new rating between 1 and the Lunars enhanced appearance. The Lunar can store up to his appearance rating in different disguises and can activate this ability for one mote. Changing the disguise or ending it costs an additional mote. The disguise is not a true form.

Speaker of Luna: The Lunar enhances his voice and appearance so he can be seen and heard clearly by large audiences. Everyone within sum of his social virtues times 50 yards can hear and see him clearly when possible. The Lunar can choose whether or not to use this Gift at any given time.

Distracting appearance: (Prerequisite: Appearance 4; this may be boosted) The Lunar is so beautiful that people tend to overlook things that would normally impede the Lunar´s social prowess. Each point of appearance above 3 negates one die of social environmental penalties.

Blinding Beauty: (Prerequisites: Appearance 6, Distracting Appearance) The beauty of the Lunar blinds everyone around him, making them oblivious to other things. The Lunar may reduce penalties he suffers for any other action where noticing what he or others are doing would be a factor. This would include stuff like stealing items while someone is watching or penalties his companions would suffer as they try to sneak close. If all penalties are negated every point of enhanced appearance above 5 negates one point of difficulty.


The scholars and savants of the Lunars greatly enjoy their Wise Savant forms, in which they channel the wisdom and strength of Luna herself. In the Wise Savant Transformation, the Lunar becomes a silvery version of themselves, their bodies rippling and flowing as though made of moonsilver itself.

MOONSILVER TELL: Becoming the Wise Savant touches a Lunar with Luna's grace. The Lunar's body, in both their true forms and in further forms, begins to take on the sheen of silver. At first it will only be minor details, such as hair or eyes, but it will slowly spread across their entire body. As more Wise Savant forms are taken, the change becomes more noticeable.
If the character has taken only one Wise Savant Transformation, players of those dealing with a Lunar in a true form may reflexively roll Perception + Occult at difficulty 5 once per meeting to notice it. When shapechanged, the difficulty increases to 7. Those who know the Tell must regard the Lunar suspiciously and gain 5 successes.
If the character takes two to three Wise Savants, the difficulty of noticing the Tell in True Forms drops to 3, and in shapechanged forms drops to 5. Suspicious characters roll at difficulty 3 in shapechanged form.
If the character purchases four or more Wise Savants, the difficulty of noticing the Tell in True Forms is automatic, and the difficulty in shapechanged forms is only 1. Anyone who knows the behaviour will spot it.

(Credit where credit is due; the Moonsilver Tell was suggested by ThriceDamnedGorol on the Exalted forums. :) )

Attributes: 1 Attribute point may be spent to increase Perception or Wits, and 2 Attribute points may be spent to increase Intelligence. No more than (Savant Transformations + 2) pts may be spent on a single Attribute.

GIFTS: (The Following Gifts are the suggestions of Sarellion; I have altered a few for personal balance issues.)

Enhanced Thoughts: As Horryfing Might, but for Mental Attributes.

Eagle Eyes: Like Solar Keen Eyes; can also purchase Owl's Hearing, or Scent and Taste

Eyes of the Lunar Eagle: Unsurpassed Sight, Prereq: Eagle Eyes. Variants exist for the other senses.

Essence Sight: The Lunar may see unmaterialized spirits and powerful Essence flows. They cannot see artifacts or Exalts instantly, but can see if Charms are being activated.

Nimble Moonsilver Fingers: (Prerequisite: Essence Sight) The Lunar's hands turn to liquid moonsilver, able to form tools and shape the materials with bare hands. Because of his nimble and flexible fingers laden with essence, the Lunar can work as though in a Shogunate Workshop when alone. For this effect the Lunar needs to commit double essence during construction or 3 motes for mundane construction.

Ghost Talons: Prereq: Nimble Moonsilver Fingers The Lunar's moonsilver fingers do aggravated damage against spirits and creatures of the wyld.

Wise Savants Mien: The Lunars appears wise and respectful. The Lunar gains +3 dice to impress other people in areas of knowledge and wisdom and persuading people to listen to his expertise.

Lunar Awareness: The character cannot be surprised or ambushed by mundane effects. Any Charm-based ambush that allows a counter-roll grants the Lunar bonus dice equal to his Essence.

Wyld-Immune Mind: The Lunars is permanently immune to the effects of wyld addiction.

Master of Countermagics: The Lunar may maintain a protective counterspell on his person without the normal -2 penalty on manual actions.

Luna´s Shield: (Prerequiste: Mastery of Countermagics)Once per scene, the Lunar may reflexively activate Terrestrial or Celestial Circle Countermagic, if she knows them, without spending Willpower or counting as a Charm action.

True Student of the Moon: Prereq: Intelligence & Wits 4 (The Lunar's Savant Attributes may be used) Enhancing his mental processes to learn more quicly the Lunar may halve training times for mental skills.

True Teacher of the Moon: Prereq: True Student of the Moon, Intelligence 5, Perception 5 and Wits 5 (As above) Through enhancing his perception of the students weaknesses, boosting his own quick thinking, reasoning and intellect, the Lunar is a supreme teacher, halving training time for his students. A Lunar with the true student gift does not benefit from both.

Adept Sorcerer: The adept sorcerer is considered to have +1 Essence for Essence-based purposes when casting spells of the Terrestrial Circle.

Master Sorcerer: (Prerequisite: Adept Sorcerer) The Master Sorcerer is considered to have +1 Essence for Essence-based purposes when casting spells of the Celestial Circle.

Enhanced Sorcery Essence Reservoir: The Lunars gains ten additional motes that an be used for spellcasting only. These motes refresh every night at sundown. This Gift may be purchased up to twice.

Faerie Senses: The Lunar may survey the wyld with a Perception+Awareness roll in the same way as a raksha. He can identify major features as far as 2*essence waypoints away.

Touch of the Moon Goddess: (Prerequiste: Adept Sorcerer) Once per day the Lunar may recover one temporary Willpower immediately after casting a spell.