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<b>Concept:</b> Young Lord<br>   
<b>Concept:</b> Young Lord<br>   
<b>XP</b> <nowiki>Left/Spent:</nowiki> 11/0
<b>XP</b> <nowiki>Left/Spent:</nowiki> 8/0

Revision as of 16:11, 7 September 2007

Name: Akuto Kiramasu
Aspect: Fire
Nature: Paragon
Concept: Young Lord
XP Left/Spent: 8/0

4, Charisma 4, Perception 3
Dexterity 4, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3
Stamina 1, Appearance 3, Wits 2

Aspect Abilities- Athletics 2, Dodge 4, Melee 5 (Againt a sword wielder +1, Enraged +1), Presence 4, Socialize 3

Favored Abilities- Linguistics 3, Bureaucracy 2, Archery 3

Other Abilities- Lore 2, Occult 1, Awareness 2, Endurance 2, Martial Arts 1, Resistance 1, Investigation 1, Performance 1, Ride 1

Artifact 3, Command 3, Henchmen 3, Manse 3, Resources 4


  • Sphere of the Revolutionary Dog
  • Stone of Purifying Flames
  • Neverthirst Gem

3, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 5
Willpower 8
Essence 3
Personal 11
Peripheral 28

Health Levels
-0 ■
-1 ■ ■
-2 ■ ■
-4 ■
In ■

Merits and Flaws</b>



  • Wind-Carried Words Technique


  • Flickering Candle Meditation
  • Smoke Obscuring Effect
  • Safety Among Enemies
  • Overwhelming Rage Technique


  • Dragon's Melee Grace
  • Stoking Bonfire Style
  • Smoldering Spark Inflames the Forest


  • Glowing Coal Radiance
  • Aura of Invulnerability
  • Lovely Burning Gaze
  • Salamander's Diet


  • Loquacious Courtier Technique


  • Elemental Archery Manifestation

Black haired and brown haired, he has never shown many outward signs of his aspect. In recent years a few locks of his hair have begun to lighten back towards the blond he was born with. He dresses as would be expected of a noble his cloths picked out for him by one of his many loyal servants. The gauntness of his build a reminder of the time he spent fighting off poison in his youth.

For Akuto only the first 5 years of his life were untroubled. It was at this time 15 years ago, that his family was murdered. In a vicious coup kept secret from the general public, the corruption of the Pyromancers truly began to hold sway. His father was a member of the Pyromancer's council. Determined to not merely kick him out but halt any further rebellion, they sent their best group of assassins after him and his family. As a mere mortal Akuto was simply poisoned, then left to die in the arms of his bodyguard. It is said that on that day a group of anachists attacked the market that day, rendering it a smoking crater and setting off a fire in the capital that lasted until the following night.
In the aftermath it was announced that the current Kiramasu Lord, Lady and eldest son had been killed. For all their skills however the assassin's failed to anticipate the intervention of Akuto's grandfather. Thought to be away in seclusion, with his return he was able to save Akuto, although he could do nought for the rest of the family.
Akuto's recovery from the poison took 3 years of hard struggle. Even still, until his exaltation he would frequently suffer from bouts of weakness. Surviving so much suffering changed Akuto, tempered by it, he had been reforged like fine steel. He commited himself to learning all the lordly arts, to fight with a sword, to shoot a bow and even how to inspire his subjects.
As time past and the Pyromancer's rule grew ever darker, he began to see corruption as the enemy. Forsaking any thoughts of revenge and retribution, he dedicated himself only to the goal of scouging away the island's own poison.
With his exaltation came a final freedom from the weaknesses that once plagued him. Although some frailty remained, he was finally able to live each day as fully as he desired. It was not too long after that he was packed off to the Realm for special tuition in the House of Bells. It was there that his battle skills, so long practiced in private, were sharply honed to an almost legendary degree even for the Dragonblooded. He graduated as one of the elite of his year.
Afterwards as he had been ordered by his grandfather, he began to travel Creation for a year. Only a month into it he was recalled by sorcorerous messenger. Without explaination his grandfather handed over the family sword, sign of the rulership of the clan and left for parts unknown. If he was troubled by this change he gave no sign. Instead gathering the friends of his childhood, mortal and dragonblooded alike, in the cause of stamping out corruption where ever it might be found.

Akuto's personality is like his aspect, firery and prone to change. A burning rage one moment can turn into a youthful happiness in the blink of an eye. For all the offense his argumentative and stubborn ways ought to cause, his winning smile and sincere appologies disarm. This personality is constrained only by his responsiblities as a ruler, for his duties lie heavily upon him. Due to the years he has lost to the poisoning, he is energetically driven to live every day to the fullest.
Those who have earned his trust know that he is a pillar of flame, as reliable as he is trusting. It is for those who have lost sight of their way due to the scheming of others that he reserves his pity and to those who would lead them astray his wrath.

<b>Plot Hooks</b>

  • What happened to the group of assassins responsible for his family's fall from grace?
  • Did his brother really die along with his parents?
  • Where are his comrades and rivals from the House of Bells now?
  • Who is his grandfather?
  • Why did his grandfather need to leave so suddenly?

BONUS SPENT (30) +1 Essence 10 +2 Valour 6 [16] +1 Intelligence 4 [20] +2 Specialties 1 [21] +1 Presence 1 [22] +1 Dodge 1 [23] +3 Manse 3 [26] +1 Resources 2 [28] +2 Melee 2 [30]


Sheet viciously stolen and modified from Rika -Talion