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Sun's Searing sting, LVL5 Artifact spear

Rainbow Blossom was a Zenith Caste solar of the First Age with an unusual aptitude for the martial aspects of life. She took it upon herself to acts as the Sun’s holy warrior, his paladin in creation and beyond, and as a consequence of that; she battled frequently with daemons and creatures of darkness whenever they slipped into Creation. To aid her in her calling as a warrior-priestess of the Sun, she commissioned a weapon from the renowned craftsman known as the Symphonial Artificer. This weapon took the form of a spear, for spear was the favoured weapon of her native culture. The spear was named “Suns searing sting”

Sun’s Searing Sting looks like a semi-ceremonial spear, yet it is not clumsy or unwieldy. The shaft is composed mainly of orichalcum and ivory and features Moonsliver and red Jade decorations made by Blossoms husband. The spear head takes on the appearance of an elongated and sharpened maple leaf and is decorated with feathers made of adamant and also tipped with it. A fire opal from the hottest south is embedded where the spearhead and the shaft connect. The spear has the following statistics and abilities.

Sun’s immolating touch
The spear eliminated the cost of burning bodies. Instead, when burning a body, its lower soul is combusted, restoring a D10 motes to of the wielders essence pool. This can fill the Imminent Glory pool. Additionally, the roll to escape Lethe has its difficulty increased by the wielders Essence.

Sun’s Wrath on earth
This ability amplifies the power of the spell Cleansing Solar Flames by enhancing the wielders connection to her Patron and thus greatly reduces the time needed to cast the spell. When casting the spell, make a Prayer roll as normal. Each success reduces the casting time by 10 minutes. It cannot eliminate the normal need for shaping actions. When this power is activated, the spear hovers above the caster, spinning faster as the spell progresses, and stylised solar caste marks of light appear around it.

Sun’s Radiant Invigoration
This power can be activated once per day. To activate it, the user must make a prayer roll as a miscellaneous action and channel Conviction in it. If it succeeds, her essence pools are fully restored. Upon activation, streams of light flows towards the user, and the area darkens slightly, as much of the ambient light is drawn into the wielder of the spear. Activating this power puts the wielder’s Anima banner at max display

Stats: ||Speed||Acc||Dmg||DefSunsSearingSting/Rng||Tags|| ||5||+3||+10L/13L||+4||2,L,R|| ||5||+3||10L||200||F,Holy||

||||'Attributes'|| ||Strength||(1+5)/2=3|| ||Durability||5|| ||Usefulness||5|| ||Scope||5|| ||Rating||18/4=5||

||||'Token Run-down'|| ||Total||81|| ||Sun’s immolating touch||-9|| ||Sun’s Wrath on earth||-27|| ||Ranged attack option (Streamer)||-3|| ||Damage +6||-9|| ||Sun's Radiant Invigoration||-27|| ||def 2||-1|| ||Acc 2||-1|| ||1 rate||-1||

Further detail:The streamer costs 2 motes to fire which is equivalent to one dot of Essence drawback. It also obviously magical, hence it has Notority. Its componets are moonsilver, jade and orichalcum. Had this been a construction situation, it would also have had one dot of component drawback due to the opal. The Spear requires 10 motes of comittment.

Rainbow Blossom used this spear to battle many foes, including a mighty soul of the Ebon Dragon and it is said she was powerful enough to wield it in one hand. The spear was lost during the Usurpation, and has not been seen since then.

Nota Bene: A few things could have been done diffrently. The artifact could have been based on a Perfect spear instead of normal (as it is now) or it could have been made out of titanium.