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m (link fix)
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|[ Iron Skin Concentration |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. ||  
|[ Iron Skin Concentration |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. ||  
|[ Spirit Strengthens the Skin |[ Resistance |[ 2m, 1WP |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Character soaks Lethal with Bashing total. ||
|[ Spirit Strengthens the Skin |[ Resistance |[ 2m, 1WP |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Character soaks Lethal with Bashing total. ||
|[ Essence-Hardened Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L/B soak. ||
|[ Essence-Hardened Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L[[/B]] soak. ||
|||||||||||| <B>Abyssal</B> ||  
|||||||||||| <B>Abyssal</B> ||  
|[ Raiton's Nimble Perch |[ Athletics |[ 3m |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Preternatural balance and extended acrobatic effects. ||
|[ Raiton's Nimble Perch |[ Athletics |[ 3m |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Preternatural balance and extended acrobatic effects. ||
Line 79: Line 79:
|[ Ivory Blossom Carapace |[ Resistance |[ 1m+, 1LHL |[ 1 Scene |[ Simple |[ Adds +1B/+1L per mote up to Stamina + Resistance. ||
|[ Ivory Blossom Carapace |[ Resistance |[ 1m+, 1LHL |[ 1 Scene |[ Simple |[ Adds +1B/+1L per mote up to Stamina + Resistance. ||
|[ Steeled Flesh Moment |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. ||
|[ Steeled Flesh Moment |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. ||
|[ Necrotic Peltasti Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L/B soak. ||
|[ Necrotic Peltasti Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L[[/B]] soak. ||
=== Expanded Traits ===
=== Expanded Traits ===

Revision as of 09:05, 3 April 2010

Wickh : Albicant Kismet

Backstory, sort of.


Physical stuff here.


Character stuff here.

Character Sheet

Caste: Zenith/Midnight
Concept: Yin/Yang
Nature: Paragon
Anima: Cracked Sun

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 2

Dusk: Archery, Brawl, *Martial Arts 4, *Melee 5, Thrown
Zenith: *Endurance 2, *Performance 1, *Presence 1, *Resistance 4, *Survival 1
Daybreak: Craft (Carpentry) 1, Investigation, Lore 1, *Medicine 3, Occult
Night: *Athletics 2, Awareness 2, *Dodge 3, Larceny, Stealth 1
Moonshadow: Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail, Socialize 2

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Artifact 1, Resources 1, Whispers 3
Virtues: Compassion 3/3, Conviction 3/3, Temperance 4/4, Valor 3/3

Essence 3
Personal: 16/16
Peripheral: 41/41
Committed: 0
Willpower: 7/7
Virtue Flaw: Ascetic Drive
Limit: 0
Resonance: 0

Health: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
Armor and Soak: No armor
Lethal: 4
Bashing: 7
Aggravated: 0

Equipment: Perfect sword, staff, aesthetic amulet, pouch with money.
Merits: Enchanting Eyes (2-pts)
Flaws: Amnesia (4-pts); Sundered Soul (5-pts)


|| Charm or Spell || Ability || Cost || Duration || Type || Effects || |||||||||||| Solar || |[ Graceful Crane Stance |[ Athletics |[ 3m |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Preternatural balance and extended acrobatic effects. || |[ Ox-Body Technique |[ Endurance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Adds -1, -2, -2, to Health Levels. || |[ Excellent Strike |[ Melee |[ 1m/d |[ Instant |[ Supplemental |[ Add dice up to Dexterity + Melee to a single attack roll. || |[ Peony Blossom Attack |[ Melee |[ 3m/attack |[ Instant |[ Extra Action |[ Up to Essence in additional Meele attacks. || |[ Hungry Tiger Technique |[ Melee |[ 1m |[ Instant |[ Supplemental |[ Count extra attack successes twice for damage. || |[ Golden Essence Block |[ Melee |[ 1m/2d |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Add up to Dexterity + Melee to a single parry roll. || |[ Dipping Swallow Defense |[ Melee |[ 2m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ One full Dexterity + Melee reflexive parry. || |[ Durability of Oak Meditation |[ Resistance |[ 1m/2B |[ 1 Scene |[ Simple |[ Adds up to Stamina + Resistance to Bashing soak. || |[ Iron Skin Concentration |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. || |[ Spirit Strengthens the Skin |[ Resistance |[ 2m, 1WP |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Character soaks Lethal with Bashing total. || |[ Essence-Hardened Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L/B soak. || |||||||||||| Abyssal || |[ Raiton's Nimble Perch |[ Athletics |[ 3m |[ 1 Scene |[ Reflexive |[ Preternatural balance and extended acrobatic effects. || |[ Ox-Body Technique |[ Endurance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Adds -1, -2, -2, to Health Levels. || |[ Furious Blade |[ Melee |[ 1m/d |[ Instant |[ Supplemental |[ Add dice up to Dexterity + Melee to a single attack roll. || |[ Unfurling Iron Lotus |[ Melee |[ 3m/attack |[ Instant |[ Extra Action |[ Up to Essence in additional Meele attacks. || |[ Savage Shade Style |[ Melee |[ 1m |[ Instant |[ Supplemental |[ Count extra attack successes twice for damage. || |[ Elegant Flowing Deflection |[ Melee |[ 1m/2d |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Add up to Dexterity + Melee to a single parry roll. || |[ Fluttering Moth Defense |[ Melee |[ 2m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ One full Dexterity + Melee reflexive parry. || |[ Spirit-Hardened Frame |[ Resistance |[ 2m+ |[ 1 Scene |[ Simple |[ +2B/+1L for every 2m spent, up to Stamina + Resistance. || |[ Ivory Blossom Carapace |[ Resistance |[ 1m+, 1LHL |[ 1 Scene |[ Simple |[ Adds +1B/+1L per mote up to Stamina + Resistance. || |[ Steeled Flesh Moment |[ Resistance |[ 3m |[ Instant |[ Reflexive |[ Reduces any attack to ping damage. || |[ Necrotic Peltasti Form |[ Resistance |[ None |[ Permanent |[ Special |[ Permanently adds Essence to L/B soak. ||

Expanded Traits

Allies: Sann Ku, the watchet squall air-elemental that found him in the snow. This spirit is only an ally to Wickh, and is still oblivious to the young man's rather startling predicament, and his reaction should he find out is any body's guess. Most likely he will attempt to communicate with Albicant Kismet... though it wouldn't seem like the wisest course of action.

Artifacts: A small gem hangs around Wickh and Albicant Kistmet's neck by a small, white jade chain. While he doesn't know it, due to his "blackouts," the gem is a wonder that changes him and his possessions physically whenever he changes from one soul to the other. Its effects include, but are not limited to: aesthetic clothing modifications, hair, eyes, skin tone, and weapons. The gem appears eberneum when he is in his Abyssal guise, and atrous in his Solar guise.

Resources: Neither Wickh nor Albicant Kismet have a lot of money. While the Solar is simply a wanderer, the Abyssal doesn't have use for monetary things, and his Deathlord doesn't see it as necessary to even bother this awkward anomally with things of that persuasion. Thus, he barely has enough money to eat and occasionally travel, sometimes simply finding money in his pocket, without any knowledge of how it came to be there.

Whispers: Albicant Kismet may not have much of a direct relationship with his Deathlord... but the Malfeans sure have taken an interest. They whisper to him all the time, trying to find exactly what makes him so unique. However, they never speak of his "condition" as it would undermine their studies if he was conscious about his dual-soul.

Amnesia (4-pt Flaw): Neither of his souls remember anything before his Exaltation. It is a blank slate. Though he has knowledge of some general history, his own life is a complete mystery. The only thing he actually does remember, is his original name: Wickh. Even Albicant Kismet recalls this haunting memory, and knows it to be his own former name... though why it haunts him so is as mysterious to him as everything else. Neither soul remembers anything the other soul did, though some flashbacks might occur as nightmares and recurring, disturbing dreams.

Sundered Soul (5-pt Flaw): When the Unconquered Sun forced a shard to take his soul at the same time that the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible forced the Black Exaltation upon him, Wikch's soul became the subject of a vicious spiritual tug-o-war between the two shards. It's unknown how long his body can resist this constant tearing of his spirit, nor does he have any knowledge of the duality of his existence (yet). The Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible is very interested in seeing what the long-term effects of this might be.

Enchanting Feature (2-pt Merit): In both forms, he possesses incredible eyes that can lead to love and serenity, or fear and panic. Though he can use them for any of these purposes regardless of what guise he is currently under the thrall of, they tend to manifest more often in corresponding ways. In Solar guise, they evoke feelings of respect and cherishment, and can easily lead to love and peace if he puts them to any conscious use, due to their pale, careful reflections. As an Abyssal, they cause fear, their hard, crystal-cold gaze piercing the very souls of those he gazes upon to strike them emotionally.

Animus: In either of his guises, his anima is the same: that of a cracked sun, shining bright, but paleing in the ether. While a Solar, the sun seems to be coming together, slowly merging itself (but never completely becomes whole). While an Abyssal, the sun is a black, tainted orb, slowly ripping itself asunder.

Combat Statistics

Arms: Speed 7, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Defense 11, Rate 5
Legs: Speed 4, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Defense 6, Rate 3
Straight Sword (Perfect): Speed 11, Accuracy 13, Damage 8L, Defense 12, Rate 4
Ranged Weapon (None): Speed, Accuracy, Damage, Range, Rate

Dodge 11
Specialties: None
Base Initiative: 7


|||||| Experience Status || || Total || Remaining || Spent || || 00 || 00 || 00 || |||||| Experience Spending || || Trait || Change || Cost ||


Created using 10 additional Bonus Points.

Charm Notes
This Character uses Sol Invictus Charm cascades.
New Charms: Steeled Flesh Moment, Necrotic Pelstasti Form.