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<b>Nature</b>: Caregiver <br>
<b>Nature</b>: Caregiver <br>
<b>Willpower</b>: 7<br>
<b>Willpower</b>: 7<br>
<b>Soak (L[[/B]])</b>: 6/12<br>
<b>Soak ([[LPorcelain_Child/YengoCharSheet/B]])</b>: 6/12<br>
<b>Base Initiative</b>: 5 <br>
<b>Base Initiative</b>: 5 <br>
<b>With <nowiki>Sword/Spear</nowiki></b>: 11/15 <br>
<b>With <nowiki>Sword/Spear</nowiki></b>: 11/15 <br>

Revision as of 08:07, 5 April 2010



Yengo was born, like so many others, on the rough streets of the Imperial City to parents that, while they provided him with some basic comforts throughout the first years of his life, remain but a blurry mystery to him. A sickness took them early and he was left alone on the streets to fend for himself, a mere child.

If the local apothecary, a wizened, elderly man who called himself Sustained Wisdom, had not taken the child in, it seems doubtful that he would have survived. But the man, (who sometimes, after the boy grew older, whispered behind closed doors in the dark of night that he was truly the bastard of a prominent Ledaal scion) took pity on the boy and brought him in as apprentice. Sustained Wisdom’s own wife and child had died years earlier to a sickness that not even he could cure, and the boy filled a hole that had long festered in his soul.

The years passed and the old man died. Yengo attempted to take control over the shop, b!ut as he had never formally secured ownership, a neighboring aristocrat was able to force him out and seize the property.

With little other place to go, Yengo enlisted in the Tepet Legions, where his skill with medical techniques usually kept him off the front lines and allowed him to serve well. He formed an elite corps of other commoners and trained them to be his assistants, proving skilled in the field. Among them was Tara, a golden haired peasant’s daughter from the Threshold. Once she had been the assistant of a village healer; Yengo took her in when his Legion passed through the area, and she quickly became the most proficient of his assistants and his right hand.

Meanwhile, Yengo rose rapidly in prominence and, while not actually garnering any significant rank, often found himself mending the wounds of the Dragon-Blooded officers and commanders themselves. At the same time, however, some martial training was needed and Yengo excelled at th!at to a certain degree, though he always sought to avoid ! conflict if possible.

The trouble came with word from above. All of the officers Yengo knew were removed, replaced by young, often incompetent boors. He tolerated their antics well enough, trying to remember his loyalty to the Realm, until he caught one of the talon commanders viciously assaulting Tara.

Even as rage filled him and he wanted to act to protect the woman that he worked with, the woman that he in fact loved, fear and loyalty to the Realm held him back, froze him in useless, shocked indecision. Yengo sat outside the tent on the ground, head between his legs, hands tearing frustrated furrows in the earth. This was not what the Realm was supposed to be. This was not what the Immaculates preached. It was all false, all a lie.

Shortly thereafter, Yengo and Tara deserted the Legion as it moved north, slipping away and stealing a bit of booty from the army in the process. These Legions would go on to be almost completely wiped out by the actions of the Bull of the North.

Yengo and Tara made their way into the Scavenger Lands, living off what they could, doing piecemeal medicine for food and shelter. It wasn't a life with much of a goal beyond making it through the day, but it was better than the Legions had been. After a time, his life in the Real!m seemed almost a dream. But he couldn't forget the nightmare of the Legions, the look in Tara’s eyes, her distance, and the inescapable, damning knowledge that he had done nothing to stop it. That loyalty to some horribly warped version of the Realm and simple fear of the wrath of the Dragon-Blooded had held him back from even trying to save the woman that he cared for. What was damning was not the fact that he almost certainly would have died, failed, but that he didn’t even try. It's a moment he can never have back, never forget.


Yengo tries to be a personable man, with only the slightest hint of sarcasm in his good humor. While not overly trusting, he's not exactly a good manipulator. He is well aware of this fact and doesn’t mind at all. His subtleties lie in other areas, in mending and healing flesh and spirit, in working speedy miracles with nothing more than the desperately cobbled together tools he has at hand. Relentlessly overprotective of the people he truly cares about, he would almost certainly die to protect them.


Yengo stands at over six feet tall and a broad 250 pounds. He’s a man of muscle and force - his only physical dexterity lies in his talented surgeon’s hands. His hair falls to his shoulders, dark and carefully neat. A small, neat beard and mustache adorn his craggy face. His movements are all graceless, all raw power, unless he is tending the wounded. His eyes are the dull gray of a well-worn scalpel.

He typically wears a simple drab tunic and breeches under his armor. On his broad leather belt are a number of pouches that contain various surgical implements. Scalpels nestle along the sides of the belt in small leather pockets, ready to be employed in surgery or combat as the situation demands.

Character Sheet

Name: Yengo
"Caste": Heroic Mortal
Concept: Battlefield Surgeon
Nature: Caregiver
Willpower: 7
Soak (LPorcelain_Child/YengoCharSheet/B): 6/12
Base Initiative: 5
With Sword/Spear: 11/15

Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 3
Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 4
Charisma 3 Manipulation 1 Appearance 2

Brawl 4 Endurance 2 Linguistics 2 (Low Realm, Riverspeak, some High Realm) Lore 1 Medicine 4 (Surgery +2) Melee 4 Occult 1 Ride 1 Resistance 2 Socialize 2 Thrown 3

Alchemy 1

Resources 3 Followers 1 (Tara) Artifact 1 (Spoon Walkaway - subtracts 1 success from deadly attack).

Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperance 2 Valor 4



Spear Spd +10 Acc +1 Damage +3L Defense +0 Rate 2
Exceptional Slashing Sword Spd +6 Acc +2 Damage +4L Defense +2 Rate 2
15 Throwing Scalpels
Thrown: Acc+0 Damage +2L Rate 3 Range 15
Melee: Spd +0 Acc+1 Damage +2L Defense -2 Rate 4


Punch Spd +0 Acc+1 Damage +0B (4) Def +2 Rate 5
Kick Spd -3 Acc+1 Damage +3B (7) Def -3 Rate 3


Tepet Lamellar Soak 6/8, Mobility Penalty -2, Fatigue 1
Target Shield


Various Clothing, etc.
Medical Bag and Supplies