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=== '''19th Resplendent Air''' ===
=== '''19th Resplendent Air''' ===
As the sun feebly climbs its way past the horizon to illuminate another cloud filled sky, Lisda opens the barn door. The weary collection of mortals blinks and slowly shuffles into generally upright positions. Savvy and Jade Wisdom greet Lisda and make introductions. They manage to introduce everyone except Phinnae, who remains a mouse, and Scarred, who remains asleep and buried under hay. Soon though, the Solar's snores cannot be passed off as a normal hay function and he is woken and introduced while clumsily attempting to keep a giant golden bow hidden.
Lisda explains that her village has been having troubles with the local Wood Court for the last couple of months. No one in the village knows what has caused the Court's animosity. The Spirits have been scaring game away from hunters, demanding worship, hindering eforts to gather firewood and preventing passage through the forest. The Circle of Misfits agree to help as best they can and thank Lisda again for her hospitality.
Savvy is concerned about Groany's hypothermia and asks Jade Wisdom to have a look at her. Unfortunately, the Jadeborn is a bit distracted by the beautiful farm girl and feels for a pulse within a plank lying next to Groany. Absent-mindedly he declares her dead. This causes Savvy to panic for a few moments until they all realise what has happened and a more accurate "she's alive" diagnosis is made.
As Lisda leaves this mysterious band of strangers, Savvy picks up the Phinnae-mouse and she Scarred and Jade Wisdom discuss options. Before long they agree that the mortals should stay here in the village while they go to meet the Wood Court. Telling as much to the slave girls and sailors, the quartet walk north into the wood.
About mid-morning they find a convenient slearing for Savvy to attempt to use her Heaven-Thunder Leaves to gain the attention of local Terrestrial Gods. Phinnae-mouse, Scarred and Jade Wisdom are treated to an alluring performance of southern-sensuousness for several minutes before a woodland nymph manifests itself at the edge of the clearing.
Jade Wisdom recognizes it as a Dryad from a fairly old and large Oak. He tries to explain to the Dryad, but is told quickly that the issues are not their concern. Taking a breath, Jade Wisdom then tries to explain about the Oath they have sworn to aid the villagers but the Dryad swiftly interrupts that the court is not concerned with the villagers.
Savvy asks what the Dyad ''is'' actually concerned with, but the Dryad dismisses her question as none of their business and says they should leave.
Jade Wisdom offers to help resolve whatever is bothering the woodlands, to thus end the conflict with the villagers. At this the Dryad pauses in consideration of the offer. Savvy takes this opportunity to use her ''New Friend Aroma'', causing a small burping sound and a less intoxicating, more toxic kind of smell lingering in the air.
The Dryad says an arrangement may be possible if they come to the court and see the Wood King. The Exalts and Jade Wisdom agree to this and follow the Dryad through the trees into the forest. Soon after, Jade Wisdom's essence enhanced sight allows him to spot Lisda following at some distance. He inwardly groans, but says nothing so as to not give her away.
An hour later they come to a thick copse of treets. As they draw closer the trees part to let them through into a clearing filled with immaterial woodland gods and elementals, including the Wood King. Jade Wisdom is a little concerned about Lisda as she is nowhere to be seen.
Debate is joined!
The King rumbles forth "''Hushah kikiki shou-burrum faramni?''" as Lisda is brought into the clearing by a pair of strong Dryads and held firmly for all to see.
There's an awkward pause as the entire court, including the Misfit Circle realizes that the people before the King cannot understand ''Forest-Tongue'' at all... The King slumps a little in his throne of ivy, a little dejected.
Jade Wisdom smoothly interjects in ''Riverspeak'' a denial of knowing of Lisda's presence and reiterates their intention to mediate the dispute so he requests that she be allowed to stay free of harm. The King sniffs in contempt and ignores the Jadeborn's babbling. He raises his voice again, in ''Riverspeak''.
"Remove this mortal from my sight!" he commands. No one moves. Some crickets can be heard chirping in the distance. Members of the court look slightly uncomfortable...
The Jadeborn beckons for Lisda to come and stand with the party. As she runs over, Jade Wisdom pleads for mercy as "She is from the village and wishes an amicable solution to this disagreement." but again the King ignores him, looking around the court in disdain.
"Leave now or be removed by force!" the King commands. The quartet (and Lisda) are taken aback by this new commanding tone and very nearly get up to leave.
Jade Wisdom again pleads with the King to let them stay and help, and is again ignored by the woodland monarch. Then the perceptive Artisan, notices flecks of gold essence coalescing around the fearful but defiant farm girl. The essence flecks become an aura as she steps forward and shouts "Stay your tongue, Forest Lord, and listen!". Jade Wisdom turns to her and bows deeply, saying "Congratulations, Golden Bull, welcome to your power."
The Kings eyes widen and focus directly upon her in surprise. He nods his head slightly in acquiescence.
Lisda continues, "I want you to stop harassing ''Riverwood''!"
Scarred and Savvy are a bit speechless and stand there in silent respect. Well, silence at least.
The Wood King starts nodding his head furiously, whipping leaves from his crown. Gulping, he remains defiant, saying "Only if you stop logging this Forest."
The Jadeborn notices a look of confusion play across Lisda's face at this statement, and he interjects "Your Highness, you can plainly see this girl knows nothing of the logging you speak of! There is obviously a third party at the root of this dispute. Please tell us all what is happening that we may help?" At this the King looks thoughtful and nods.
"If you stop the logging of my domain, Riverwood will once more be allowed within my borders." he says.
"We will stop the logging, your Highness," says the Jadeborn. "Can you spare us a guide to take us to it?"
Again the King slowly nods. He summons the Dryad forward and commands it to lead the group to the logging site.
By this point Scarred is quite hungry, and a little bored. While looking around he spots some orange berries hanging off a small twig and eats a couple. He quickly feels quite ill, but that feeling is soon replaced by overwhelming hallucinations. A small forest of Stickmen elementals soon surround him laughing and asking him incessantly about what he can see. Scarred barely notices them and goes on a wild (wyld?) trip like never before...
None the less, the Solars, Lunars and Jade Wisdom are led confidently through the thick forest, making quite good time thanks to the Dryad. Lisda is confused about what has happened to her so Jade Wisdom attempts to explain exaltation to her. Then Phinnae expresses confusion as to the differences between Gods and Elementals so Jade Wisdom spends some time educating the barbarian girl. Lisda then enigmatically asks about a golden man with four arms and neck muscles so big they contain their own elemental poles... Jade Wisdom explains a little about the awesome power of Sol Invictus. Meanwhile, Scarred continues having unusual hallucinations and completely misses this information. Shame really.
As the sun rises to above Meru, the travelers get hungry and decide to stop for lunch, if they can find anything to eat. Finding a convenient clearing, there's a loud ''clang'' as Jade Wisdom smacks his armoured palm into his armoured face. He groans with frustration upon having remembered the magic rope was on the yacht when it sank! He vows to himself to go back and retrieve it if he can, before they leave the village.
The Lunars, Lisda and Scarred (having recently stopped hallucinating) go foraging. Savvy brings back some pretty mushrooms that she's sure are ok to eat. To prove it she eats one. Her face only goes a little green as the poison works its way through her body. Scarred almost jumps at the chance to ingest something  potentially hallucinogenic again, but Jade Wisdom politely refuses Savvy's generous gift.
Scarred wanders into the woods a small distance, drunk, stoned, poisoned... and manages to capture a couple of rabbits for the group. He feels quite pleased by this offering. Soon after his return, Lisda arrives with ample amounts of fruit, vegetables and water for all. Looking upon this bounty, Jade Wisdom sets about making a rabbit stew. It tastes amazingly good. Obviously due to the quality of ingredients provided by the Solars.
After lunch, they set off once more towards the logging camp. As night falls the temperature plummets and snow starts to fall. Scarred charges his caste mark for light so they can continue on; cold, but not game to stop.

Revision as of 02:40, 9 July 2009

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