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'''Minimum Essence:''' 1 <br>
'''Minimum Essence:''' 1 <br>
'''Prerequisite Charms:''' None<br>
'''Prerequisite Charms:''' None<br>
Like a mallet onto a mass of rice, the Jade Rabbit delivers a blow to hammer his foe into a flattened cake upon the battlefield. The adept adds his Martial Arts + stunt bonus to the post-soak damage of any attack which deals bashing damage.  
Like a mallet onto a mass of rice, the Jade Rabbit delivers a blow to hammer his foe into a flattened cake upon the battlefield. The adept adds his Martial Arts to the post-soak damage of any attack which deals bashing damage.  
'''Ever-Present Hammer Hand'''<br>
'''Ever-Present Hammer Hand'''<br>

Latest revision as of 18:49, 19 March 2009

Jade Rabbit Style

Jade Rabbit Style is actually something of an amalgamation of at least half a dozen other styles that were mostly lost to time. Each one once based upon different rabbit myths and fairy tales across the face of Creation, Jade Rabbit was ultimately assembled by Hare-Who-Bit-You, the rabbit-shaped god of rice dishes and rice-wine upon whom many of the fables were (albeit loosely) based. Pounding them together like he would hammer rice into cake, Hare-Who-Bit-You managed to assemble a fairly formidable style and even spread it among the people of Creation. Practitioners of Jade Rabbit Style are a strangely mixed lot. It's students are often calm, curious, and even headed while in contrast it's masters often seem to have a wild and reckless streak, like young Dynasts at holiday in the Threshold. Jade Rabbit Style teaches it's students to trust their intuition, both as it exists in their heart and in their heads, to command the battlefield rather than the battle, and comprehension of the great rewards both living for others and living for yourself can bring.

The Charms of Jade Rabbit Style are not compatible with armor and does not employ any weapons except improvised ones.

Student Charms

Warren of One-Thousand Doors
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
No matter the battlefield he stands upon, the adept always seems to find a backdoor out of danger. Activating this Charm, the Jade Rabbit may move up to his Martial Arts in yards away from an attacker even when seemingly cornered. Additionally, the attacker suffers a cover penalty to their attack even if they are able to follow through with the assault, subtracting one success from melee attacks and two from ranged attacks. The cover bonus gained from this Charm is effective only against a single attack, the shelter granted is sudden but temporary and a foe who has the moment to realign his strike will easily pierce through it. This is a hopping-defense and may only be activated after a foe has made their attack.

Snare Slipping Sprint
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Warren of One-Thousand Doors
The fast rabbit never worries about become lunch for the hunter nor falling pray to the foxes fangs. In a constant state of motion, the Jade Rabbit slips easily out of snare and grapple. As long as he moves up to his Martial Arts in yards each turn, the adept may reflexively attempt to escape any successful clinch and adds his Wits to all such efforts. He is also unaffected by snares, tripwires, or other traps designed for capture. Charms which would hinder the Jade Rabbit’s movement count as traps for the purpose of this Charm.

Mochi Pounding Maneuver
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Martial Arts: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
Like a mallet onto a mass of rice, the Jade Rabbit delivers a blow to hammer his foe into a flattened cake upon the battlefield. The adept adds his Martial Arts to the post-soak damage of any attack which deals bashing damage.

Ever-Present Hammer Hand
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Mochi Pounding Method
The dutiful rabbit never allows the lack of a hammer to stop him from his job. Seizing upon any unassuming object in the near vicinity, the Jade Rabbit transforms it into a tool of battle. He may reflexively grab any object within arms (or legs) reach to add +3 to his damage or +3 to his parry attempts or to treat it as a shield, subtracting one success from all incoming enemy attacks. The player must select which bonus he desires when activating the Charm, but can change it by activating the Charm again; either dropping the current object and taking another or wielding the current object in a different fashion. Such improvised weapons rarely last in the hands of the adept and most are destroyed by the end of the turn.

The Beggar’s Offering
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
With no skill save to gather grass, the compassionate rabbit will cast itself into the flame for those in need. Whenever the adept observes another person under threat of attack, he rolls his Martial Arts + Compassion against a difficulty equal to the base combat skill employed by the attacker. If successful, the Jade Rabbit places himself into the path of the attack and must suffer the full brunt of it without dodge or parry, but gains a number of temporary Health Levels equal to his Compassion which are subtracted first from any damage dealt. These Health Levels fade immediately after the attack is completed. Failure results in the attack continued undisturbed and, if it strikes, the attacker rolling their permanent Essence in unsokable damage against the adept in addition to any damage dealt to their actual target.

Form Charm

Jade Rabbit Form
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Snare Slipping Sprint, Ever-Present Hammer Hand, The Beggar’s Offering
When a martial artist adopts this form, his posture becomes one of alertness and his reflexes and nose twitch at the same hurried pace. He becomes aware of every detail of the battlefield around him and sees every avenue of unhindered escape. Where others trip over brambles or are stopped by barriers, he slips easily through.

For the remainder of the scene, the adept adds his Martial Arts to his Dodge rolls and in yards to his movement rates and doubles his base jumping distance. He also treats all environmental penalties and cover penalties as bonuses instead, adding dice or success depending on the nature of the penalty.

A character may only use one Form Charm at any given time.

Mastery Charms

Sakra’s Reward
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Jade Rabbit Form
As Sakra immortalized the Jade Rabbit upon the moon, the benevolent bunny will find karmic reward in his sacrifice. This Charm is a permanent upgrade of The Beggar’s Offering. Whenever the Jade Rabbit uses The Beggar’s Offering to defend another, he becomes immune to environmental damage for the remainder of the scene. If he suffers injury while successfully shielding another, he will also regain a number of motes equal to his Compassion per Health Level lost.

Medicine of the Immortals
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Sakra's Reward
Though the Jade Rabbit pounds mochi to make meals for the moon goddess, his true duty is in making the medicine which grants her immortality and the kindhearted rabbit can always spare a few drops of divinity for those in need. This Charm is a permanent upgrade to The Beggar's Offering. Should the Jade Rabbit still possess any temporary health levels gained from The Beggar's Offering after being struck, he may use them to replenish the lost health levels of anyone within arm's reach. Each temporary Health Level used in this fashion replenishes a single real Health Level.

White Rabbit Rush
Cost: 2 motes per Action
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Jade Rabbit Form
Though the lazy rabbit is often late, he knows best how to avoid the rigours of work as well. For every 2 motes spent upon this Charm, the Jade Rabbit lowers his position in initiative by one. Each position he gives up however grants him a single extra action that he can use to run, sprint, or leap that turn. The adept may spend no more motes on this Charm than twice his Martial Arts.

Moon Hop Method
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: White Rabbit Rush
It is a long way from earth to sky, but the spy rabbit can make that leap with ease, the dark pools that stain Luna’s face marking every place he bounces. Whenever the Jade Rabbit jumps in combat, he can transform his leap into a powerful downward assault. He can make this assault upon anyone in his path or under him as he leaps. Each attack is rolled with his full Martial Arts + Dexterity pool and adds a number of damage dice equal to the distance he has already jumped. The adept can use this Charm to attack no more than his Wits in foes in one turn.

Brier Patch Trap
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Jade Rabbit Form
The wise rabbit can transform every place of refuge into a defensible fortress. Whenever the adept is attacked while protected by some form of cover, he may activate this Charm and deal environmental damage upon his foe equal to the cover penalty + any stunt bonus awarded. Like any other environmental damage, it is automatic and can only be soaked by natural soak.

Rabbit Hole Stance
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Until character moves
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Brier Patch Trap
Tunnels inhabited by rabbits are far too narrow for the big and clumsy predators to seriously threaten them. Taking up a position in a doorway, a grove of trees or even among fighting men, the rabbit makes full use of the lack of space to protect himself. Those attacking him will find their weapons colliding with walls and corners, and any melee attacks aimed at the Jade Rabbit have their difficulty increased by adept’s Essence. Any space that is small enough for the rabbit to touch its opposite sides by spreading his arms can be used for the purposes of this Charm. The Charm will expire instantly the moment the rabbit moves from the spot.

Four Lucky Feat Stance
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Rabbit Hole Stance, Moon Hop Method, Medicine of the Immortals
As the rabbit's foot is a token of luck, it's the lucky rabbit who gets to keep all four. For the duration of the scene after this Charm is activated, each turn the Jade Rabbit gains a pool of Luck successes that can be applied to any Dodge, Martial Arts, or damage roll he makes. He may add them as he sees fit, applying them all to one roll or dividing them up between several. However, he may add no more successes to one roll than his Martial Arts ability. The number of successes in his Luck pool is equal to his Wits + Essence - his current wound penalty. At the end of each turn, his Luck pool is emptied and recalculated based on his current status.

Pinnacle Charm

Two Rabbit Kagura
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower, Possibly Some Friends
Duration: Wits in Turns
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Four Lucky Feat Stance
For all the duty, compassion, and wisdom he shows, at the end of the day the Jade Rabbit is as want to give in to his passions as anyone. This Charm takes the form of a wild and energetic dance of destruction. With an almost drunken excess, the adept will seize upon the people and objects around him. For the duration of this Charm, he adds his Essence in dice or penalties to the improvised weapons obtained with Ever-Present Hammer Hand and may even wield extras as objects for it's effects. However, each object or person he seizes will only last a single use before shattering or slumping to useless unconsciousness. Any extra's used for this effect are not seriously injured, though wake up with a blinding hangover.

While this Charm is active, the adept and everyone within his Martial Arts in yards of him suffer a -3 environmental penalty and and anyone within his Martial Arts in feet will face his Wits in environmental damage every turn. Finally, whenever he successfully disarms someone in combat, he may immediately swap whatever he holds in his hands for their weapon.
