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=== Artifact Background ===
=== Artifact Background ===
  * Claws of the Bounteous Tsunami (Black Jade Dragon Claws)
  * Claws of the Bounteous Tsunami (Black Jade Dragon Claws)
  These claws have been passed down time and time again throughout the Peleps family, through the Water Immaculate Monks that come from it. The owners of them have been famed for deeds and misdeeds alike, such as the famed Peleps Mugiwara - an Immaculate, known by the title of 'Bounteous Tsunami', who was famed for his practice of walking over the water and wielding the claws to create an absolute territory of destruction about him, while he walked through the hulls of enemy ships to sink them to the depths. The next two people who have received the claws sense then have been unnotable compared to him; and so, they still bear his name. The last of them died when pierced by arrows while walking on the sea in an attempt to imitate the Bounteous Tsunami.
  These claws have been passed down time and time again throughout the Peleps family, through the Water Immaculate Monks that come from it.  
The owners of them have been famed for deeds and misdeeds alike, such as the famed Peleps Mugiwara - an Immaculate, known by the title of  
'Bounteous Tsunami', who was famed for his practice of walking over the water and wielding the claws to create an absolute territory of  
destruction about him, while he walked through the hulls of enemy ships to sink them to the depths. The next two people who have received  
the claws sense then have been unnotable compared to him; and so, they still bear his name. The last of them died when pierced by arrows  
while walking on the sea in an attempt to imitate the Bounteous Tsunami.
  * Daana'd Steel (Jade Reinforced Breastplate)
  * Daana'd Steel (Jade Reinforced Breastplate)
  The Black Jade breastplate was created by a Nellens artisan, years ago, near the birth of it's house; and it was given to the Peleps family as part of a dowry in those days. Since then, it has been passed down in a direct matrilineal line, to the strongest of the daughters in each family. The breastplate has oft caused discomfort to her daughters, but, it has been passed down envertheless, the heritage of a warrior. The person it was originally given to - Peleps Silimea - was an unabashed pirate within the navy, several times getting in trouble and even censured for being caught menacing or attacking guild ships, slaver ships, or any ship that didn't obey her orders. She was also notorious for spending as much time at sea as possible to avoid her husband, something nearly all of her daughters have done as well.
  The Black Jade breastplate was created by a Nellens artisan, years ago, near the birth of it's house; and it was given to the Peleps  
family as part of a dowry in those days. Since then, it has been passed down in a direct matrilineal line, to the strongest of the  
daughters in each family. The breastplate has oft caused discomfort to her daughters, but, it has been passed down envertheless, the  
heritage of a warrior. The person it was originally given to - Peleps Silimea - was an unabashed pirate within the navy, several times  
getting in trouble and even censured for being caught menacing or attacking guild ships, slaver ships, or any ship that didn't obey her  
orders. She was also notorious for spending as much time at sea as possible to avoid her husband, something nearly all of her daughters  
have done as well.
  * Hearthstone Amulet
  * Hearthstone Amulet
  This little trinket has been worn in many places. As a hairpiece, as a decoration upon a uniform's breast, on the hilt of a daiklave. On the sleeve of a shirt, on the insides of a robe, and once, even, as a button on a man's pair of boxers. The jade was extremely unhappy about the last. Now, today, it serves to be hidden from sight, placed on the inside of the folds in the robes of a young Water Immaculate.
  This little trinket has been worn in many places. As a hairpiece, as a decoration upon a uniform's breast, on the hilt of a daiklave.  
On the sleeve of a shirt, on the insides of a robe, and once, even, as a button on a man's pair of boxers. The jade was extremely unhappy  
about the last. Now, today, it serves to be hidden from sight, placed on the inside of the folds in the robes of a young Water Immaculate.
=== BP Record ===
=== BP Record ===

Revision as of 18:07, 3 February 2010

Name: Peleps Aelia
Player: Lance                Motivation: Become a Paragon of -COMPASSIONATE- Immaculate Virtue, and reform the Peleps image.
Element: Water               Anima:

=== Attributes ===

(Physical) (Social) (Mental)

Strength      [XXX..]   Charisma      [XXXX.]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XXXXX]   Manipulation  [X....]   Intelligence  [XX...]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XX...]
=== Abilities ===
      (Air)                  (Earth)                (Fire)
 Linguistics   [X....]   *Integrity    [XXXB.]   Athletics     [XXX..]
 Lore          [XX...]   *Resistance   [XXX..]   Dodge         [.....]
 Occult        [.....]   War		[X....]   Melee		[X....]
 Thrown        [.....]   Craft		[.....]   Presence	[X....]
 Stealth       [.....]   Awareness     [XXX..]   Socialize     [XX...]
     (Water)                   (Wood)               (Specialties)
 *Bureaucracy   [.....]   Archery       [X....]  
 *Investigation [XX...]   Medicine      [XX...] 
 *Martial Arts  [XXXSB]   Ride          [X....]  
 *Larceny       [.....]   *Performance  [XXXB.]
 *Sail          [XXXBB]   Survival      [.....]

Backgrounds, Virtues

Artifact       [XXX..] (Black Jade Dragon Claws [2], Reinforced Breastplate [3], Hearthstone Amulet [1])
Manse          [XXXB.] (Seacalm Gemstone [4], Gemstone of Solid Water [4])
Breeding       [XXX..]
Resources      [XX...]
Face		[BB...]
Connections    [BB...] Areas of Influence: Peleps, Immaculate Order
Backing        [XB...] Second Coil of the Immaculate Order: I CAN HAVE A NAME AGAIN.
Valor       [XX...]     Temperance [X....]
Compassion  [XXX..]     Conviction [XXX..]

Combat Info

Essence        [XXB.......]    Black Jade Dragon Claw: Speed 4/Acc 14/Damage +8L/Defense 6/Rate 3
Willpower      [XXXXXX....]    Parry DV: 8, Dodge DV: 4, Soak: 11L/11B, Join: 5, Hardness: 8L/8B 
Limit          [..........]    Dodge MDV: 6, Parry MDV: 3                     
Health Levels:                 Periph Ess 41/41
-0:  [ ]                       Committed : 10 Periph
-1:  [ ] [ ]               
-2:  [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]


Pasiap's Humility (4m, Reflexive, One Scene)
 Allows you to see immaterial spirits; however, ALL actions with targets in the material world, suffer a -2 internal penalty.
Moment of Danaa'd (3m, 1wp, Simple, One Scene, Combo-Basic, Enlightening)
 Can interact with immaterial spirits physically; can learn Celestial Martial Arts; negate the -2 penalty from Pasiap's Humility.
Flowing Water Defense (1m, Reflexive, Combo-OK, [Essence] Actions)
 While this charm is in effect, the user subtracts 1 dice from their attack pools; all attacking him subtract 3 dice from theirs.
Rippling Water Strike (2m, Supplemental, Combo-OK, Obvious, Instant)
 Everyone within ten feet of the target takes dice bashing damage equal to the damage dealt to the target. It hits allies too, 
 unless if the user is Essence 4 and spends a mote per ignored target. 
Drowning In Blood Technique (4m, Simple [Speed 4], Combo-OK, Stackable, Instant)
 The attack does not damage the target; instead, if it hits, roll (Strength + Martial Arts) vs (Stamina + Resistance). For each
 success over the opponent, they lose a dot of stamina for an action. (So 3 success = -1 stamina for 3 actions). If you hit
 0 stamina, you are dead.
Shrugging Water Dragon Escape (3m, Simple, Combo-Basic, Instant)
 Nullify all mundane restraints permanently, and supernatural ones for (Martial Arts * 3) ticks.

Water Dragon Form (5m, Simple [Speed 5], One Scene, Form-Type)
 Add Martial Arts to your bashing/lethal soak, and soak lethal with your full stamina. Can increase soak during step 7 by spending
 one mote per two soak added. Applies only to that attack. Add Essence to the Martial Arts ability for the scene, too; cannot be used
 with armor of -2 or greater penalty.

Intimacies, Merits, Flaws

 * The Immaculate Order
 * The Freedom of all to Sail on the Seas
 * ...Sweets.

 Acute Sense (Sight) (2 pt) - +1 to rolls involving sight.
 Double-Jointed (3 pt) - +3 to Dexterity, Athletics, and Larceny rolls related to flexibility. -1 External Penalty to 
                         would-be grapplers, -2 Difficulty to escaping non-magical bonds.
 Beacon of Power (4 pt) - Only have a Peripheral Pool
 === Equipment ===

Combat Equipment:

Jade Breastplate (10L/9B Soak, 8L/8B Hardness, -1 Mobility)
Black Jade Dragon Claws (Speed 4/Acc +4/Damage +5L/Defense 6/Rate 3)
Hearthstone Amulet (+1 Ess/regen an hour)
 -Gemstone of Solid Water (Solidify, not freeze, twelve cubic yards of water for 2 motes of essence)
 -Seacalm Gemstone (Fuck you, weather! Magical and nonmagical at sea)

Mundane Equipment:

*Fancy Clothing
*Silk Cloak
*Maiden Tea
*Seven-Section Staff
*Flame Piece

Artifact Background

* Claws of the Bounteous Tsunami (Black Jade Dragon Claws)
These claws have been passed down time and time again throughout the Peleps family, through the Water Immaculate Monks that come from it. 

The owners of them have been famed for deeds and misdeeds alike, such as the famed Peleps Mugiwara - an Immaculate, known by the title of 'Bounteous Tsunami', who was famed for his practice of walking over the water and wielding the claws to create an absolute territory of destruction about him, while he walked through the hulls of enemy ships to sink them to the depths. The next two people who have received the claws sense then have been unnotable compared to him; and so, they still bear his name. The last of them died when pierced by arrows while walking on the sea in an attempt to imitate the Bounteous Tsunami.

* Daana'd Steel (Jade Reinforced Breastplate)
The Black Jade breastplate was created by a Nellens artisan, years ago, near the birth of it's house; and it was given to the Peleps 

family as part of a dowry in those days. Since then, it has been passed down in a direct matrilineal line, to the strongest of the daughters in each family. The breastplate has oft caused discomfort to her daughters, but, it has been passed down envertheless, the heritage of a warrior. The person it was originally given to - Peleps Silimea - was an unabashed pirate within the navy, several times getting in trouble and even censured for being caught menacing or attacking guild ships, slaver ships, or any ship that didn't obey her orders. She was also notorious for spending as much time at sea as possible to avoid her husband, something nearly all of her daughters have done as well.

* Hearthstone Amulet
This little trinket has been worn in many places. As a hairpiece, as a decoration upon a uniform's breast, on the hilt of a daiklave. 

On the sleeve of a shirt, on the insides of a robe, and once, even, as a button on a man's pair of boxers. The jade was extremely unhappy about the last. Now, today, it serves to be hidden from sight, placed on the inside of the folds in the robes of a young Water Immaculate.

BP Record

+4 BP: Beacon of Power
2 BP: Face 0 --> 2
7 BP: Ess 2 --> Ess 3
1 BP: MA 4 --> 5
2 BP: Sail 3 --> 5
3 BP: Integrity 3 --> 4; Performance 3 --> 4, Backing 1 --> 2
2 BP: Manse 3 --> 4
2 BP: Connections 0 --> Connections 2