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;<b><i>[[/IntroductionsAndReunions|Introductions and (Re)Unions]]</i></b>:<i>In which a mission is given, gossip is had, and a functionary is waylaid...</i>
;<b><i>[[/IntroductionsAndReunions|Introductions and (Re)Unions]]</i></b>:<i>In which a mission is given, gossip is had, and a functionary is waylaid...</i>
;<b><i>[[/HotAndCold|Hot and Cold]]</i></b>:<i>In which the morning after comes too soon, the night before was noted, and fondness is made clear...</i>
;<b><i>[[/HotAndCold|Hot and Cold]]</i></b>:<i>In which the morning after comes too soon, the night before was noted, and fondness is made clear...</i>
;<b><i>[[/FuturePossible|Future Possible]]</i></b>:<i>In which the a mountain is climbed, the possible haunts the certain, and an ancient work is found...</i>
;<b><i>[[/ATempleInterlude|A Temple Interlude]]</i></b>:<i>In which secrets are kept, offers are made, and relaxation is had by all...</i>

Revision as of 17:13, 12 April 2006

All Logs

This is a complete list of logs, including direct links to the multi-part stories.

An Icy Introduction
In which chance births a new future, introductions are made and too much mulled wine is drunk...
Aia Arrives
In which Sian Nerivus gains a weak ally, a powerful enemy, and sets events in motion which will have large-scale repercussions...
Smiles and Skin
In which embarassment is mostly avoided, an unspoken offer made, and the merits of nude greetings discussed...
Kings of Ice and Silver
In which reports are delivered, beasts discovered, and tri-partite speech is shown to be irritating...
The Beast of Whitewall
In which Sian plays tour guide, a beast returns, and a dark presence makes itself known...
The Lair of the Beast
In which a reluctant hero is born, several unfortunate creatures are killed, and a relationship finally consummated...
A Soapy Interlude
In which many things get dirty, many things get clean, and an important message is delivered...
Five Mountains and the Wind, Part 1
In which mountains are climbed, much food consumed, and a fall precipitated...
Five Mountains and the Wind, Part 2
In which lies are uncovered, injustice undone, and (im)mortal gratitude earned...
Cloud Castles, Gods and Other Monsters, Part 1
In which old friends are visited, negotiations are opened, and catgirls go a-wand'rin'...
Cloud Castles, Gods and Other Monsters, Part 2
In which work isn't done, lessons are learned, and snow is found to be a great deal of fun...
The Green River Incident, Part 1
In which tea is drunk, guards are browbeaten and a far-too-old corpse discovered...
The Green River Incident, Part 2
In which dupes are enlightened, negotiations enacted and a hot bath clears the senses wonderfully...
Things Fall Apart
In which reports are made, unfortunate acquaintances remet, and something very precious stolen...
The City Cannot Hold
In which questions are asked, decisions are reached, and a long journey begins...
Party at Tideholme
In which the many people are introduced, some secrets discovered, and a terrible stench issued...
Enter, Cassia
In which an introduction is made, a story of adventure related, and several subtle diversions are made...
Light from Darkness
In which the Fell is entered, an ancient artefact found, and a pre-post-mortem threat delivered...
Something is Rotten in Paradise, Part 1
In which an immortal dies, ninjas are stared down, and a city of the dead found where it shouldn't be...
Something is Rotten in Paradise, Part 2
In which a monster is uncovered, a tale is told and assistance arrives from an unusual place...
Something is Rotten in Paradise, Part 3
In which the the dead rise and fall, a Star is obtained, and the perils of messing with Underworld are made plain...
Chasing Shadows
In which illusions are dented, rumours are followed, and the Dead come to town...
Seaborne Shakedown
In which new players are old friends, purgatory intimated and a new thread begins...
Invitation to Revelation
In which nakedness is appreciated, robbery is not, and old relations uncovered....
Interlude for Two
In which payment is in kind, a daring costume is entered, and social preparations are made...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 1
In which much skin is shown, new relationships emerge and a good time is had by all...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 2a
What happened between Cassia and Venia...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 2b
What happened between Asura and Sian...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 3
In which guilt is hidden, memories revisited, things are mostly wrapped up...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 4a
What happened between Asura and Cassia...
Dresses, Dances and Debauchery, Part 4b
What happened between Sian and Venia...
Cassia's Apology
In which the other side is briefly lived, the coiffeuse's craft is briefly practiced, and an offer unexpectedly refused...
Flowers for Nerivus
In which news is delivered, blood is spilled, and flattery is suspected...
Company Comes Calling
In which a message is delivered, curiosity is satisfied, and new acquaintances made...
Rocks and Shoals
In which the sea is braved once more, an impromptu show is put on, and a cold swim is necessary...
Unfriendly Neighbours
In which a meal is taken, ancient horrors arise, and a short break becomes somewhat more urgent...
Candles, Kisses and Violence
In which fire is played with, arguments are had, and old illusions are shattered...
The Horror of Misty Island
In which ancient ruins appear, an older creature lurks, and flight is reluctantly chosen...
Necessary Repairs
In which water breathing is explained, more cephalopods arrive, and company is announced...
Unregretted Leavetaking
In which battle is joined, a friend mortally wounded, and a mystery left behind...
In which death is an enemy, crabs are an ally, and a bargain is reached...
A Little Piece of Desolation
In which lies are told, family is reacquainted, and military frustration expressed...
Sub Nocte
In which beauty is appreciated, a midnight snack is had, and conversation staves off the morning...
A Darkness Underground
In which doors are opened, horrors are unearthed, and a family secret discovered...
In which nomenclature is explained, Blood is revealed, and a locked door opened...
Ties That Bind
In which eavesdropping is exposed, a minor theft perpetrated, and new pleasures explored...
Shadows and Tears
In which a young heart is broken, foolhardiness engaged in, and a dangerous secret discovered...
Flames, Angels and Boats
In which rage is fostered, rites are said, and a rescue is enacted...
Hospitality Declined
In which curiosity singes the cat, a new player is revealed, and the Dead are toyed with...
Goodbyes and Other Nocturnal Activities
In which discussions are had, insults are flung, and a forbidden trade uncovered...
The Opposite of Ignorance
In which betrayal burns flesh, indifference is balked at, and a heartfelt request made...
From Darkness, Love - part 1
In which a strange messenger arrives, Sian's sanity is questioned, and an ancient necropolis braved...
From Darkness, Love - part 2
In which an endless battle is fought, a king is spoken to, and a darkness entered...
From Darkness, Love - part 3
In which an old acquaintance is dealt with, lost love is recovered, and perspectives are forever changed...
People Talking About People
In which past events are discussed, future journeys planned, and a war is initiated...
New Beginnings
In which a summoning occurs, messages are sent, and proposals are made...
Con-Artists, Cheats and Crooks
In which games are played, bodies are weapons, and temptation is acknowledged...
Preparing the Way
In which dinner is had, unease disclosed, and physical contact is unexpected but welcome...
Prohibited Trade
In which the criminal element is met, an old friend is seen, and intimidation assists renegotiation...
Hostile Acts
In which sartorial needs are met, unusual replacements seen, and extreme violence is engaged in...
Sex, Violence and Alcohol
In which troubles are washed away, hard answers are earned, and disappointment is rife...
Nightmares of Mine
In which a soul is wounded, kisses are taken, and the rescue of a city begins...
Saving the Night
In which pretenders are exposed, allies are called, and the sun's might remains caged...
Small Lies and Large Explosions
In which a weakness is noted, a tale is told, and a messenger discovered...
A Hot Night Out
In which pretties are found, a new player revealed, and a different sort of ride is had...
Last Words
In which a soul is saved, soldiers are tormented, discomfort appears eternal...
Kicking Over Anthills
In which wrath in unleashed, anger turns to passion, and wealth is redistributed on an ad hoc basis...
Blood on the Streets
In which a happy occasion turns sour, civil unrest is quelled, and blame is most definitely not placed...
Goods and Services
In which a gastronomic adventure is embarked on, paper conquers land, and a dark trade is made...
Haberdashery for Beginners
In which models are interesting, cats are useful, and criminals are honest...
Venia's Day
In which gifts are exchanged, good times are had, and many journeys are prepared for...
Five Days in Hell
In which the Elements are broken, blood flows in the streets, and a last dance is held...
The Morning After
In which family is introduced, cheating occurs, and the sweetness of candy is discussed...
Best Served Cold
In which Essence is stolen, an unwilling journey taken, and a heartfelt vow is made...
Growth, Change and Pain
In which horticulture is discussed, departure hurts and and old foe is saved from a new one...
In which the knife is twisted, an escape is attempted, and hope dies a little more...
In which tales are told, capabilities are shown, and a promise is kept...
Tears of Joy and Sadness
In which curiosity is sated, assistance is summoned and a strange request is made...
Three Conversations Aboard Ship
In which memories are relived, fears are relieved, the journey continues...
Unwelcome Greetings
In which a lessons are learned, gifts are given, and a farewell is made...
In which a home is left, fears are allayed, and an artificial warmness is engendered...
Beauty and Horror
In which replacements are made, the past is brought to light, and strong assurances are made...
A Vulpine Interlude
In which a bath is gratefully accepted, modesty mostly prevails, and a myth smiles...
Introductions and (Re)Unions
In which a mission is given, gossip is had, and a functionary is waylaid...
Hot and Cold
In which the morning after comes too soon, the night before was noted, and fondness is made clear...