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(now it looks like an intro, kind of.)
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The Lunars are failures.  Every single one.  They fought hard, they strived againist impossible odds...and in the end, the odds really were impossible.  They lay dying, their failing consciousness thinking about what might have been, when Luna whispers.  The whisper burns itself into Lunar, calling them to life.  Their Castemark brands itself on their forehead as the newborn Exalt screams to life - Lunar exaltation hurts.  The next few minutes tend to be kind of ugly.
Most Lunars know what they want to do from the moment of their Exaltations.  The Lunars were created as guardians.  Now, each persues some goal with all the power a Celestial Exalt is capable of wielding.  The goals vary from Lunar to Lunar, but all find one soon after Exalting. 
Lunars are born all over the world, but there's a disporporionate number in the Threshold.  Lunar Shards tend to be pulled to the same causes as their former lives.  And a lot of Lunars lived their former lives in wonderous Kubla Khan cities filled with Wyld magic.  Most of  those cities now lie in ruins, but still, the Lunars are drawn there. 
Lunars are still the shapechanging scary horribles they always were.  Their powerset is a lot more diverse now, though.  They have 9 attribute based Charm trees.  Each is self contained - there are no Perception Charms with Strength charms as prereqs, for example.  Their magic focuses on life and change.  A Lunar can do some truly scary things with a pack of wolves.  But give them bricks, and their options are pretty much limited to "smash it" or "grow an extra arm and, uh, work 'em faster that way."  They don't have the incredible abilities of the Solars.  What they do have is a revised version of DBT, a couple of new backgrounds, and - well, its new. 
I hope someone out there likes and enjoys the project.  If you take a look, tell me what you liked and didn't like so I know what to do in the future.  This is basically a project for me to practice writing game material.  Its pretty haphazard, but I hope it will be fun when its done. 
If you do have anything to say, feel free to leave a comment here, on my Wiki userpage, or IM me at LamprosWC.  (You can also email lamproswc@yahoo.com, but as likely as not it will end up in my spam filter.)  Thanks for stopping by!  -MeiRen

Latest revision as of 03:38, 5 June 2005