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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Idealist Politics ==
'''Alexander: ''' The start of an afternoon...
The beautiful prince finds himself in his bed, clad only in loose white pants and a golden collar, holding his Fire Aspect close to his chest. Feeling her warmth. Allowing her to feel the sunlight. Caressing her hair, kissing it, kissing her forehead... and whispering. Whispering words to make her happy, to boost her confidence, to boost her self-image.
Whispering all the good he can think of.
Something idle, while waiting for the need to walk out of the room... but it was raining and snowing out there today, and so, today would not be the day to go out and train. Today, he could pretend all was right in the world.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti pressed up to Alex, pressing her body against his and basking in the sunlight. She couldn't see the sun, the length of silk around her head prevented that, but she could feel him, she could hear him, and that somehow made the darkness that much more comfortable as she softly kissed his chest, one hand stroking his side with tender care.
'''Alexander: ''' That was something he had read in a book by the Windwraith. To place the silk around her eyes... to keep it there. It was a play of trust. It made her trust him, to handle her so gently when she could see nothing else. For he became her world. "I think I will dress you like a priestess. Remember that one who walked on us when we were..." He does not finish, simply slides his hand down to the small of her back.
He wondered what Elizabeth would think if she heard he had changed so much in his time without sex. He had taken a liking to do things more... thoughtfully, wih Kanti. Without the need to simply mount his dragoness. To tie her more detailed, and use things like crops for hours... "Or maybe as a maid. You were a sexy little maid, Kanti. I would love to see you more like that. You would love it, would you not?"
"But maybe I should have others... so you would be a maid among maids."
"Pretending to be just another one..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti sucked gently on his nipple, teasing her tongue around it.
"My prince wishes to press his suit on an innocent temple maiden?" she softly emphasised each word with a kiss on his chest. "Or would he be the temple seneschal, in charge of disciplining those who stray?"
"Or as a maid? Mmm, I would happily play the maid for my Prince's desires." She kisses him more. "He has but to ask.." Her hand starts to glide over his body towards his pants. "Would th-..."
Her question is interrupted by a polite knock upon the doors of his chambers.
'''Alexander: ''' "The temple seneschal. Being a Zenith gives me this prerrogative, after all... lord of all priests and priestesses, lord of all prayers." There was some thrill on defiling the temple maiden but... he did not wish to come so far down even on his fantasies. At times, he thought he had been the one to defile the Pale Angel... and even though she was the Deathknight of the two, he felt like the darkest thing out of the Abyss. On those moments, he cried.
But Kanti... she still felt so pure. Whatever he did, she always felt so pure, so innocent, so frail. He shivered under her touch, under her kisses. Like a little kitten purring. He loved her kisses to his chest. He loved her ministrations. And whatever he did to her... it always felt right. And she was always happy to... "Yes, I ''love''..." But he was cut short, and then there was the knock on the door... it was unfortunate, but they were doing nothing indecent... he closed the sheets around Kanti, with one last kiss, and got up, walking to the door and unlocking it, to find....!
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti murmurs softly "I will try to find an appropriate outfit, that my prince might exercise his ... divine perogative."
Then she kisses him back as he leaves her, gathering the sheets around her, nervously turning her blindfolded face towards the door.
'''Cael: ''' Cael stands there, dressed in a smart black shirt and pants, buttoned up with small golden buttons. Over this, there is his usual long white coat, chased with gold.
He smiles in greeting to the prince, then looks mildly apologetic, though an observant person might have noticed the way his eyes looked over the prince.
"Ah, I am sorry, Prince Alexander did I wake you from a nap? I would like to speak with you, but I could return later if now is not convinient?"
'''Alexander: ''' Seeing Cael, the Prince's face broke into a broad smile, stepping aside and inviting the Windwraith within... "No, no. You are not interrupting anything. I was just lounging in bed, thinking about... things. Trying to relax, for a change..." He allows Cael to step inside, where he can see Kanti on the bed... "Please, come in!"
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, yes. I can see how you were trying to relax." He says with a grin for the Prince. "Really, if you wish to ... relax for a while, I will return later", he notes as Shara steps into the room behind him, glancing over to the blindfolded fireaspect.
'''Kanti: ''' From the bed, Kanti tenses somewhat. She recognised the voice and while her prince spoke highly of Cael, she was not sure how much she could trust him. She hoped her prince would allow her to remain below the sheets ... she could pretend to sleep. If he told her to get out, that would be ... terrible. To bare herself to an almost stranger. ...very ...bad. Yes. Bad.
She awaited her Prince's instruction.
'''Alexander: ''' "No, honest. Come in! I want to relax today... and you always makes me relaxed, Cael. Close to you, I always think there are no wrongs in the worl..." Alexander looked at Shara... and his first instinct was to take a step back. Her features... "Cael, she... she is... is that a Virdynn?" Motes appeared around his hand... and he placed himself ready to summon Ainerach, if need be!
'''Kanti: ''' "Yes, she is." He says with a smile on his features, apparently ignoring the Prince's combat stance.
"Prince Alexander, meet Shara." He gestures. "Shara was the Virdynn possessesing Millia"
"Shara, Meet Prince Alexander Holysword. It is traditional that you curtsey now." He says, by way of helping with the proper ettiquette.
'''Shara: ''' Shara walks in with such a wicked smile... looking at Cael with playful eyes... and then at the Prince, such a beautiful prince, eating him with her eyes... and looking back at Cael as if to say she liked the sight, her feline ears flickering before she made a curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Alexander. I am Shara, and yes, I am a Virdynn. But I am nice."
"... most of the time."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince nods to her, a little shaken... but Alexander was ''always'' polite.
"It is a... pleasure to meet you, Shara..." He says with a numb nod before he looks at Cael, quizzically... and his face reverts to the revolt that appeared when Cael mentioned she had possessed Millia. "How did you...?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''There was someone else with her? ''
''A virdynn? ''
''Her prince would still make her leave the sheets? ''
''Would she be allowed to see his guests? ''
''Perhaps it would be easier if she could not see? ''
'''Cael: ''' Cael slips his arm around Shara, pulling her towards him in a gesture that was subtly possessive.
"I talked her out of it." He says, with a faint grin on his face.
"And, well, the Zephyr needed a ships cat, so...."
'''Shara: ''' "He had ''very'' convincing arguments..." She said, cooing as he holds him... wrapping her tail around his waist, melting against him. Such a wicked man, to make a cat melt so. Her arms reached to Cael's neck, caressing it... and she looked to the prince, in that position of being owned by the Windwraith. And she grinned wickedly, as if to say 'I am his'. Suffer with the thought.' As if to say she was out of his reach if he wished to hurt her. As if to say many things.
"So very persuasive... and being the Zephyr's cat is quite an honor."
'''Alexander: ''' "I.... see." He said, looking a bit... envious? Just a bit. Feline features...
It was odd. I mean, Kanti had a kitten, but not...!
"Well, come in, Cael... Shara. What do you wish to talk to me about?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael's hand casually squeezes Shara's breast as she leans on him, leading her into the room and seating himself on Alex's couch.
"Oh, a several things. Including introducing you to Shara."
'''Alexander: ''' Alexander... blushes. Blushes quite a bit... and walks up to Kanti. He pushes off her covers, then, without mercy for her shame... picking her arm and pushing her to him. "So I see, Cael, Shara." It was a competition now, and he held Kanti close to him so it looked like he was on the level.
"What else?" He asked, as his hands caressed Kanti's back...
'''Kanti: ''' ''he is walking towards me.... ''
''he is... ''
"My prince...!" she gasps, though she flows up smoothly into his arms, blushing as he so casually shames her. Even as she blushes, she arranges herself in the manner appropriate for a courtesan in such a situation, a subtle pose that is almost casual in the way she shows her body off.
Though she blindfolded, she can feel their gaze burning on her skin.
'''Cael: ''' ''Poor girl. ''
''Doesn't the Prince know he's playing the wrong game? ''
''Though if it were not for the scars, she would truely be beautiful.... ''
He keeps his arm around Shara as she seats herself next to him on the sofa.
"What are your plans for the future?"
'''Shara: ''' Shara purrs, curling on his lap, her tail coming up to caress his face... so expertly that the fur never bothers him, or makes him move his head away. She looks wickedly at the prince, daring him to do more, her feline eyes narrowing... and nails moving over Cael's chest. Her movements are so... stimulating. She tries to show off, but it comes as so... wanton, and not as casual as Kanti, not at all...
'''Alexander: ''' His wing came to Kanti's side... partly covering her, partly caressing her with a ruffling of feathers. He nearly snarled to Shara, taking her bait, hook, line and sinker... and running his hands down Kanti's scars. He wished he knew how to do what Fiona does... the bliss. He had to learn... but then he took a deep breath... and thought. "I... have no idea. Beat the Bishop. Right now, we will press on on their forces... and hopefully? Destroy them."
"Then... I have no idea. Maybe convincing my sister to rule."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shivered as his fingers traced down her scars, her trembling something he can feel through his wings and through his skin where she presses up to him, lowering her head to his shoulder, not pressing her lips, but obviously responding to his carresses
'''Cael: ''' Cael leans his head head down, whispering into Shara's ear.
''"Calm yourself, little cat. You remember what happens to wanton kitties"'' He turns her head just slightly so she's looking towards the window. And the memories of the night in Great Forks. The turn is accompanied by the barest carress down her side, Cael's fingers just ... accidently brushing the ribbons holding her dress shut. Just enough that Shara notices.
"I was speaking more of the time beyond the end of the war. I am not sure that the war will leave us much time, though I am hopeful that my efforts in the Boil and here begin to show fruit before that time."
"Why, though, would you want your sister to rule?" He asks, no disapproval in his voice, just curiousity.
'''Alexander: ''' "Oh, that..." He sighs, caressing the side of Kanti's face, and thinking beyond the game for a moment... thinking of the future. What did he see on his future? Anything concrete besides daydreams? Two ladies. One concubine. A sister. A circle of volatile figures. Two strange advisors. Did he still have any grip on his life at all? "I... am not sure. My sister... well, she is older than me. And you know about her fiancee now, right? You know that the deal with the Great Forks is done... and she is the Firstborn." He sighs forlornly.
"Honestly, Cael... it is harder and harder to form a definite plan."
"Too much going on... and I cannot even get my lady to talk to my concubine yet."
"It is hard to plan when nothing goes as planned..."
'''Shara: ''' She shivers, every fur in her body standing up as if touched by a jolt of eletricity. Squirming on his lap, she brought her nails to his arm... and begun to rake it ever-so-softly. As if to get her revenge for being tease. And squirming over his lap... a little bit of pain, a little bit of teasing, but no shows for the prince anymore. She ''nearly'' purred.
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods, as though that reason made perfect sense, smiling encouragingly and ignoring the claws in his arm though he does whisper a word only she can hear.
The whisper is laced with all the expectation that word should be.
"Why, though, do you think you will need to convince her? I do not know your sister as well as I should, so perhaps you could tell me a little of her?" His face is lit by a friendly small, the smile of one who can be trusted.
'''Shara: ''' She squirmed. Her nails raked a little more on him, and she seemed to... stir. It is as if, one by one, she received them again... and her breathing begun to come in pants on the memory. Her tail unfurled from his waist and begun to pat at her leg... in such a rhytm....
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince blinks. Why? How? Shara... that was... strange... and sexy...
"Why should you know my sister so well?" He asked... and wondered what he could do to give Kanti the same reaction. What he could do... and all he did was open the wing. Leaving her naked to the world. "But... she is a bit of a tomboy. She has always been. She wants to discover everything... but she is violent, too. Nobody who crosses her doesn't get their due. She can be very bloody-minded about things... and she likes people to respect her standing, even though she dislikes stately matters. She likes to learn, though, so I think she knows full well how to direct such stately matters... oh, and she never, ever gets afraid."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shuddered, as the wing lifted away, both casual and deliberate at the same time. Somehow like this it was worse than before with the bed and she thought back to the time he had come upon her in the garden...
''Will he do that now? ''
''Do what he promised ... threatened while I was on the table? ''
''Will it just be me, or will they too? ''
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches Kanti's reaction with the faintest of smiles in his eyes, his eyes tracing over her body. The scars spoilt it, he thought, though not because the lines were ugly, far from it. She was obviously not a stranger to this kind of act, though something about her reaction concerned Cael. He would have to talk to Alex in private, later.
Cael catches his finger lightly in one of the loops of the bow, just letting it rest there, the rest of his hand lightly cupping her breast. It would be so easy to tug.
"Because that is what I do." He says with a simple smile. "It is important to know what people want, how they will act. It is essential for the diplomat." he inclines his head, "Or the ruler. I thank you though, and I will bear those things in mind about your sister though."
"You think it is the dislike of the stately matters that is why you might need to talk her into rule?"
'''Shara: ''' Shara purred. From the depths of her body, a vibration that could only send shivers through Cael's body. He felt it, ebbing and flowing as he held her breast, as some great heartbeat. A trembling. Her tail continued to pat her leg... and then her front, as she opened her legs... and let her face fall close to his neck, closing her eyes.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince slowly undid Kanti's blindfold while he watched Shara... trying to focus on Cael's words.
"Yes, I do. My sister... she is the one that should rule, I think. She has the ruthlessness, the guile... she is not like me."
"But at the same time... I wonder if it is a good idea for those exact reasons."
'''Cael: '''Cael idly stroked Shara's head with his free hand, ignoring her shivering, though from the faint smile visiable on his face, he approves very much of the purring.
He nods though to the prince's words.
"That is indeed a question that will need to be answered. It is good that it is in your mind. Though it is obviously a descision only Elizabeth and yourself can make, should make."
''Of course, I will give you advice, and should you need me to decide, I am sure I can convince you you decided yourself... ''
"Despite the rationing problem though, our preparations for the war go well. In addition, the first of my students are ready to start work, in the Boil and here in the Spire. It is my hope that they greatly assist in both the war effort and the rebuilding afterwards."
'''Alexander: ''' "Ah, yes, your students... I heard of your teachings. Many of Whiteshield will owe you much, with this.... I heard their excellence is already noted on the armies, with their knowledge of writings and paperwork and the ways of organization. I have mucht o thank you for, Cael..." ''So... much... '' "I wonder. What about you?"
"Your organizational skills are great. You saved my life more than once. You have done..."
He stops. It was not good to gush about his admiration to Cael, not here, not now. He stops, and kisses Kanti's hair, thinking about how to say it next... "If you will stay for the rebuilding... would you mind if it was in a bit more official capacity? To be an ordained noble of Whiteshield. You are already my advisor, so unnofficially, one who has taught me so much... what do you think of being the crown's chief Advisor?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti blinked against the sudden light and then focused on the Prince's guests.
''Cael was much as she remembered him, smartly dressed, exceedingly relaxed and with a faint smile on his face''
''His guest ... Shara... ''
''She was cu... ''
''monster! ''
''cute. ''
''monster! ''
''...but cute! ''
She smiled as alex kissed her hair...
'''Cael: '''The first thing Cael does, as the Prince makes his offer, is to smile a little wider, pleased at the compliments he is being paid, ruffling Shara's ear.
"While I am flattered at your offer, perhaps this conversation topic is a little too mmm wieghty.. for ...hmmm... some of those present current state of dress ... perhaps now might be the time to let them retire, whilst Shara fetches some tea?"
'''Shara: ''' Meanwhile, Shara thought the same thing.... but Kanti's focused eyes, so round and big and dark... so ''cute! '' And at the same time so... in a way.... ''Avian''... yes, yes! That was it! She is ''avian! '' And that mean she is... prey. Food. Yum. Cute food.
Shara licked her lips.
'''Alexander: ''' "Ah, true... Kanti, can you dress yourself and help Shara with the tea, please?"
He let go of her, placing his hands on the bed behind him.
"Sorry, Cael. You should know better than anyone how I prize property. I would have Kanti ''hide'' if it was anyone but you."
'''Shara: ''' "Tea?" She looked up, her clawed finger patting over his lips.
"What's the word, dear Wind?"
'''Cael: ''' "Please." He says, with a smile. And a faint gleam in his eye that suggests that perhaps later she will be saying please for something else, and then he let his hand move away from her breast and lets her stand.
"Ah, it is not that I mind particularly." he gestures as if naked dragon bloods were rather passe "But certain things should be done properly."
He watches as Kanti curtsey's in response to Alex and then turns and walks behind the screen and begins to change. He gives Shara a warning look as he catches her look at Kanti.
'''Shara: ''' "Good boy. Now, ''there's'' a gentleman." She nods, talking to him as if ''he'' was ''her'' pet. And hen, she got up, her eyes daring him to try... even though she is pretty sure he will suceed. But what fun is the play without the hunt? She seems to ignore his warning glance, walking up to the screen and waiting for Kanti...
And when they are ready, walking her up the room to the kitchen, a last wink to Cael...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti emerges from behind the screen in a short black and gold kimono, the garment showing off her long and shapely legs to good effect. She curtseys once more to the prince, bowing to Cael and then heads off with Shara, a little less nervous now she was dressed.
'''Alexander: ''' "... sorry." He says as they leave.
"I thought you would be fine with it, of all people. But I really should remember to be proper."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, but there was not just myself involved." He says with a smile.
"There was of course Kanti and Shara, and yourself." Something in his expression says 'and you were starting to stare.'
'''Alexander: ''' "You were stroking Shara in plain sight too, you know." He brings his knee to the bed, holding it to him, feeling more secure against his expression... and looking a little sullen. ''Why is it always right for them to do things and it is not for me? ''
'''Cael: ''' "Was I?" He smiles. "Is it that odd to stroke a cat's head and whisper things in their ear?" There is a twinkle in his eye.
"There is nothing wrong with what you did, assuming, of course, that the audience is appropriate." Something in the way he said that suggests that Cael considers himself such an audience. "But one shouldn't get distracted. If I were a less honest man, I might have used your distraction to negociate a rather finer deal for myself."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince hangs his head. "Yes, you are right..."
"I was distracted because I trust you, however. I would not show Kanti to anyone. Not even to my ladies, they would be angry with me handling a woman like that. And certainly not to anyone I trust as much as I trust you... and feel... well, you know. Intimate with. If you wished to get the better of me, you had ample opportunity, until now."
'''Cael: ''' "It was not Kanti who was really distracting you though, and anyone might bring a pretty little thing like Shara to a meeting with you...." He smiles.
"Honestly, I am flattered that you would trust me thus." And his voice is pitched to mend the Prince's confidence and lighten his mood, at least a little.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince blushes. Ever deeper pink in his white cheeks, a color that goes so well with amethyst eyes. "Well... umm... you know. Shara is pretty. And all cat-y... you know. Women. I should probably restrain myself more, but, but... they are all so... soft... and..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael gives a small shake of his head.
"What are we to do with you?"
"Though I suppose we were talking about what to do with me..."
'''Alexander: ''' He hides his face behind his knee, blushing so strongly. "I ''will'' try to refrain myself, though! I will not look! Really! I will not be distracted. I will try, at least... I promise...." He stops to think for a moment... "It will probably be good for my health, too. The Angels would probably kill me."
He takes a deep breath, and then, still a little blushy, rises his head.
"Yes, yes! So, what do you think of having an official position:? I... already see you as my advisor, really. Vizier..."
'''Cael: ''' "First, I would thank you."
"Then I would warn you."
'''Alexander: ''' "Warn me?" He looks at Cael incredulously. "About... what?"
''I trust you... ''
'''Cael: ''' "It surely cannot have escaped your notice that I am Cael Pattona, the Windwraith." He says, and makes a gesture towards a picture of a first age skyship hanging on the wall, possessed of sleak lines and a power that the artist had been skilled to catch.
'''Alexander: ''' "No, of course not... oh. You mean, the people who are after you for stealing and... stuff?"
He stops to think...
"Well... I know that."<br>
"But it is just like..."
"... we are screwed, right?" He asks, earnest. "Everyone hates us. My lovers, my sister, you..."
'''Cael: ''' "Well, I at least have plans for dealing with the Haslanti, though they are not the quickest plans in Creation. But then, I do not wish to cause too much disruption, to the Haslanti and to the North."
'''Alexander: ''' "No, that would be bad..."
"When this is done... it will be very frail, right?"<br>
"The north."<br>
"Us, the Bull, Hanslanti, the Realm..."
He gulps. "This is just the beggining, isn't it?"
'''Cael: ''' "This is just the beginning." He nods.
"But it is the North's frailty that gives us our best chance, as well as a danger we must watch for. The North as it was before this war would never accept us, but the stress the war willplace upon it.... we will have to remake it, stronger."
'''Alexander: ''' "... that scares me."
"Who is to say we are doing it right? Moon... Moon things we are doing it wrong."
'''Cael: ''' "So are you suggesting that we do nothing?" Cael asks, entirely reasonably. "We could fly from the North tonight."
"We will change the North, just by us being here. We will change the North by our victory. We will change the North if you or your sister become ruler of Whiteshield. And even were we to flee now, we will change the North."
"We cannot do nothing, have no effect, not without abandonning the North to the dead, to the Fae, to many monsters that prey on humanity and so therefore we will have to do ''something''."
''I '''cannot''' do nothing. ''
His mind drifts back to a mountaintop, and then he looks back at Alex with an intensity the young prince has rarely seen there.
"We will know when we are doing things right, when the people of the North are safe, when they do not worry about the dead or the fae or the common thug. When they can live their lives in happiness, working towards the things they desire. We will know, because we are not doing this alone, because that is why we are in the Circle, why we became the myriad shades of eventide."
"Moon is right to worry over what course of action we will take, though he is wrong to think we can simply walk away."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 13:33, 8 April 2007

Idealist Politics

Alexander: The start of an afternoon...

The beautiful prince finds himself in his bed, clad only in loose white pants and a golden collar, holding his Fire Aspect close to his chest. Feeling her warmth. Allowing her to feel the sunlight. Caressing her hair, kissing it, kissing her forehead... and whispering. Whispering words to make her happy, to boost her confidence, to boost her self-image.

Whispering all the good he can think of.

Something idle, while waiting for the need to walk out of the room... but it was raining and snowing out there today, and so, today would not be the day to go out and train. Today, he could pretend all was right in the world.

Kanti: Kanti pressed up to Alex, pressing her body against his and basking in the sunlight. She couldn't see the sun, the length of silk around her head prevented that, but she could feel him, she could hear him, and that somehow made the darkness that much more comfortable as she softly kissed his chest, one hand stroking his side with tender care.

Alexander: That was something he had read in a book by the Windwraith. To place the silk around her eyes... to keep it there. It was a play of trust. It made her trust him, to handle her so gently when she could see nothing else. For he became her world. "I think I will dress you like a priestess. Remember that one who walked on us when we were..." He does not finish, simply slides his hand down to the small of her back.

He wondered what Elizabeth would think if she heard he had changed so much in his time without sex. He had taken a liking to do things more... thoughtfully, wih Kanti. Without the need to simply mount his dragoness. To tie her more detailed, and use things like crops for hours... "Or maybe as a maid. You were a sexy little maid, Kanti. I would love to see you more like that. You would love it, would you not?"

"But maybe I should have others... so you would be a maid among maids."

"Pretending to be just another one..."

Kanti: Kanti sucked gently on his nipple, teasing her tongue around it.

"My prince wishes to press his suit on an innocent temple maiden?" she softly emphasised each word with a kiss on his chest. "Or would he be the temple seneschal, in charge of disciplining those who stray?"

"Or as a maid? Mmm, I would happily play the maid for my Prince's desires." She kisses him more. "He has but to ask.." Her hand starts to glide over his body towards his pants. "Would th-..."

Her question is interrupted by a polite knock upon the doors of his chambers.

Alexander: "The temple seneschal. Being a Zenith gives me this prerrogative, after all... lord of all priests and priestesses, lord of all prayers." There was some thrill on defiling the temple maiden but... he did not wish to come so far down even on his fantasies. At times, he thought he had been the one to defile the Pale Angel... and even though she was the Deathknight of the two, he felt like the darkest thing out of the Abyss. On those moments, he cried.

But Kanti... she still felt so pure. Whatever he did, she always felt so pure, so innocent, so frail. He shivered under her touch, under her kisses. Like a little kitten purring. He loved her kisses to his chest. He loved her ministrations. And whatever he did to her... it always felt right. And she was always happy to... "Yes, I love..." But he was cut short, and then there was the knock on the door... it was unfortunate, but they were doing nothing indecent... he closed the sheets around Kanti, with one last kiss, and got up, walking to the door and unlocking it, to find....!

Kanti: Kanti murmurs softly "I will try to find an appropriate outfit, that my prince might exercise his ... divine perogative."

Then she kisses him back as he leaves her, gathering the sheets around her, nervously turning her blindfolded face towards the door.

Cael: Cael stands there, dressed in a smart black shirt and pants, buttoned up with small golden buttons. Over this, there is his usual long white coat, chased with gold.

He smiles in greeting to the prince, then looks mildly apologetic, though an observant person might have noticed the way his eyes looked over the prince.

"Ah, I am sorry, Prince Alexander did I wake you from a nap? I would like to speak with you, but I could return later if now is not convinient?"

Alexander: Seeing Cael, the Prince's face broke into a broad smile, stepping aside and inviting the Windwraith within... "No, no. You are not interrupting anything. I was just lounging in bed, thinking about... things. Trying to relax, for a change..." He allows Cael to step inside, where he can see Kanti on the bed... "Please, come in!"

Cael: "Ah, yes. I can see how you were trying to relax." He says with a grin for the Prince. "Really, if you wish to ... relax for a while, I will return later", he notes as Shara steps into the room behind him, glancing over to the blindfolded fireaspect.

Kanti: From the bed, Kanti tenses somewhat. She recognised the voice and while her prince spoke highly of Cael, she was not sure how much she could trust him. She hoped her prince would allow her to remain below the sheets ... she could pretend to sleep. If he told her to get out, that would be ... terrible. To bare herself to an almost stranger. ...very ...bad. Yes. Bad.

She awaited her Prince's instruction.

Alexander: "No, honest. Come in! I want to relax today... and you always makes me relaxed, Cael. Close to you, I always think there are no wrongs in the worl..." Alexander looked at Shara... and his first instinct was to take a step back. Her features... "Cael, she... she is... is that a Virdynn?" Motes appeared around his hand... and he placed himself ready to summon Ainerach, if need be!

Kanti: "Yes, she is." He says with a smile on his features, apparently ignoring the Prince's combat stance.

"Prince Alexander, meet Shara." He gestures. "Shara was the Virdynn possessesing Millia"

"Shara, Meet Prince Alexander Holysword. It is traditional that you curtsey now." He says, by way of helping with the proper ettiquette.

Shara: Shara walks in with such a wicked smile... looking at Cael with playful eyes... and then at the Prince, such a beautiful prince, eating him with her eyes... and looking back at Cael as if to say she liked the sight, her feline ears flickering before she made a curtsy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Alexander. I am Shara, and yes, I am a Virdynn. But I am nice."

"... most of the time."

Alexander: The prince nods to her, a little shaken... but Alexander was always polite.

"It is a... pleasure to meet you, Shara..." He says with a numb nod before he looks at Cael, quizzically... and his face reverts to the revolt that appeared when Cael mentioned she had possessed Millia. "How did you...?"

Kanti: There was someone else with her?

A virdynn?

Her prince would still make her leave the sheets?

Would she be allowed to see his guests?

Perhaps it would be easier if she could not see?

Cael: Cael slips his arm around Shara, pulling her towards him in a gesture that was subtly possessive.

"I talked her out of it." He says, with a faint grin on his face.

"And, well, the Zephyr needed a ships cat, so...."

Shara: "He had very convincing arguments..." She said, cooing as he holds him... wrapping her tail around his waist, melting against him. Such a wicked man, to make a cat melt so. Her arms reached to Cael's neck, caressing it... and she looked to the prince, in that position of being owned by the Windwraith. And she grinned wickedly, as if to say 'I am his'. Suffer with the thought.' As if to say she was out of his reach if he wished to hurt her. As if to say many things.

"So very persuasive... and being the Zephyr's cat is quite an honor."

Alexander: "I.... see." He said, looking a bit... envious? Just a bit. Feline features...

It was odd. I mean, Kanti had a kitten, but not...!

"Well, come in, Cael... Shara. What do you wish to talk to me about?"

Cael: Cael's hand casually squeezes Shara's breast as she leans on him, leading her into the room and seating himself on Alex's couch.

"Oh, a several things. Including introducing you to Shara."

Alexander: Alexander... blushes. Blushes quite a bit... and walks up to Kanti. He pushes off her covers, then, without mercy for her shame... picking her arm and pushing her to him. "So I see, Cael, Shara." It was a competition now, and he held Kanti close to him so it looked like he was on the level.

"What else?" He asked, as his hands caressed Kanti's back...

Kanti: he is walking towards me....

he is...

"My prince...!" she gasps, though she flows up smoothly into his arms, blushing as he so casually shames her. Even as she blushes, she arranges herself in the manner appropriate for a courtesan in such a situation, a subtle pose that is almost casual in the way she shows her body off.

Though she blindfolded, she can feel their gaze burning on her skin.

Cael: Poor girl.

Doesn't the Prince know he's playing the wrong game?

Though if it were not for the scars, she would truely be beautiful....

He keeps his arm around Shara as she seats herself next to him on the sofa.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Shara: Shara purrs, curling on his lap, her tail coming up to caress his face... so expertly that the fur never bothers him, or makes him move his head away. She looks wickedly at the prince, daring him to do more, her feline eyes narrowing... and nails moving over Cael's chest. Her movements are so... stimulating. She tries to show off, but it comes as so... wanton, and not as casual as Kanti, not at all...

Alexander: His wing came to Kanti's side... partly covering her, partly caressing her with a ruffling of feathers. He nearly snarled to Shara, taking her bait, hook, line and sinker... and running his hands down Kanti's scars. He wished he knew how to do what Fiona does... the bliss. He had to learn... but then he took a deep breath... and thought. "I... have no idea. Beat the Bishop. Right now, we will press on on their forces... and hopefully? Destroy them."

"Then... I have no idea. Maybe convincing my sister to rule."

Kanti: Kanti shivered as his fingers traced down her scars, her trembling something he can feel through his wings and through his skin where she presses up to him, lowering her head to his shoulder, not pressing her lips, but obviously responding to his carresses

Cael: Cael leans his head head down, whispering into Shara's ear.

"Calm yourself, little cat. You remember what happens to wanton kitties" He turns her head just slightly so she's looking towards the window. And the memories of the night in Great Forks. The turn is accompanied by the barest carress down her side, Cael's fingers just ... accidently brushing the ribbons holding her dress shut. Just enough that Shara notices.

"I was speaking more of the time beyond the end of the war. I am not sure that the war will leave us much time, though I am hopeful that my efforts in the Boil and here begin to show fruit before that time."

"Why, though, would you want your sister to rule?" He asks, no disapproval in his voice, just curiousity.

Alexander: "Oh, that..." He sighs, caressing the side of Kanti's face, and thinking beyond the game for a moment... thinking of the future. What did he see on his future? Anything concrete besides daydreams? Two ladies. One concubine. A sister. A circle of volatile figures. Two strange advisors. Did he still have any grip on his life at all? "I... am not sure. My sister... well, she is older than me. And you know about her fiancee now, right? You know that the deal with the Great Forks is done... and she is the Firstborn." He sighs forlornly.

"Honestly, Cael... it is harder and harder to form a definite plan."

"Too much going on... and I cannot even get my lady to talk to my concubine yet."

"It is hard to plan when nothing goes as planned..."

Shara: She shivers, every fur in her body standing up as if touched by a jolt of eletricity. Squirming on his lap, she brought her nails to his arm... and begun to rake it ever-so-softly. As if to get her revenge for being tease. And squirming over his lap... a little bit of pain, a little bit of teasing, but no shows for the prince anymore. She nearly purred.

Cael: Cael nods, as though that reason made perfect sense, smiling encouragingly and ignoring the claws in his arm though he does whisper a word only she can hear.


The whisper is laced with all the expectation that word should be.

"Why, though, do you think you will need to convince her? I do not know your sister as well as I should, so perhaps you could tell me a little of her?" His face is lit by a friendly small, the smile of one who can be trusted.

Shara: She squirmed. Her nails raked a little more on him, and she seemed to... stir. It is as if, one by one, she received them again... and her breathing begun to come in pants on the memory. Her tail unfurled from his waist and begun to pat at her leg... in such a rhytm....

Alexander: The Prince blinks. Why? How? Shara... that was... strange... and sexy...

"Why should you know my sister so well?" He asked... and wondered what he could do to give Kanti the same reaction. What he could do... and all he did was open the wing. Leaving her naked to the world. "But... she is a bit of a tomboy. She has always been. She wants to discover everything... but she is violent, too. Nobody who crosses her doesn't get their due. She can be very bloody-minded about things... and she likes people to respect her standing, even though she dislikes stately matters. She likes to learn, though, so I think she knows full well how to direct such stately matters... oh, and she never, ever gets afraid."

Kanti: Kanti shuddered, as the wing lifted away, both casual and deliberate at the same time. Somehow like this it was worse than before with the bed and she thought back to the time he had come upon her in the garden...

Will he do that now?

Do what he promised ... threatened while I was on the table?

Will it just be me, or will they too?

Cael: Cael watches Kanti's reaction with the faintest of smiles in his eyes, his eyes tracing over her body. The scars spoilt it, he thought, though not because the lines were ugly, far from it. She was obviously not a stranger to this kind of act, though something about her reaction concerned Cael. He would have to talk to Alex in private, later.

Cael catches his finger lightly in one of the loops of the bow, just letting it rest there, the rest of his hand lightly cupping her breast. It would be so easy to tug.

"Because that is what I do." He says with a simple smile. "It is important to know what people want, how they will act. It is essential for the diplomat." he inclines his head, "Or the ruler. I thank you though, and I will bear those things in mind about your sister though."

"You think it is the dislike of the stately matters that is why you might need to talk her into rule?"

Shara: Shara purred. From the depths of her body, a vibration that could only send shivers through Cael's body. He felt it, ebbing and flowing as he held her breast, as some great heartbeat. A trembling. Her tail continued to pat her leg... and then her front, as she opened her legs... and let her face fall close to his neck, closing her eyes.

Alexander: The prince slowly undid Kanti's blindfold while he watched Shara... trying to focus on Cael's words.

"Yes, I do. My sister... she is the one that should rule, I think. She has the ruthlessness, the guile... she is not like me."

"But at the same time... I wonder if it is a good idea for those exact reasons."

Cael: Cael idly stroked Shara's head with his free hand, ignoring her shivering, though from the faint smile visiable on his face, he approves very much of the purring.

He nods though to the prince's words.

"That is indeed a question that will need to be answered. It is good that it is in your mind. Though it is obviously a descision only Elizabeth and yourself can make, should make."

Of course, I will give you advice, and should you need me to decide, I am sure I can convince you you decided yourself...

"Despite the rationing problem though, our preparations for the war go well. In addition, the first of my students are ready to start work, in the Boil and here in the Spire. It is my hope that they greatly assist in both the war effort and the rebuilding afterwards."

Alexander: "Ah, yes, your students... I heard of your teachings. Many of Whiteshield will owe you much, with this.... I heard their excellence is already noted on the armies, with their knowledge of writings and paperwork and the ways of organization. I have mucht o thank you for, Cael..." So... much... "I wonder. What about you?"

"Your organizational skills are great. You saved my life more than once. You have done..."

He stops. It was not good to gush about his admiration to Cael, not here, not now. He stops, and kisses Kanti's hair, thinking about how to say it next... "If you will stay for the rebuilding... would you mind if it was in a bit more official capacity? To be an ordained noble of Whiteshield. You are already my advisor, so unnofficially, one who has taught me so much... what do you think of being the crown's chief Advisor?"

Kanti: Kanti blinked against the sudden light and then focused on the Prince's guests.

Cael was much as she remembered him, smartly dressed, exceedingly relaxed and with a faint smile on his face

His guest ... Shara...

She was cu...




...but cute!

She smiled as alex kissed her hair...

Cael: The first thing Cael does, as the Prince makes his offer, is to smile a little wider, pleased at the compliments he is being paid, ruffling Shara's ear.

"While I am flattered at your offer, perhaps this conversation topic is a little too mmm wieghty.. for ...hmmm... some of those present current state of dress ... perhaps now might be the time to let them retire, whilst Shara fetches some tea?"

Shara: Meanwhile, Shara thought the same thing.... but Kanti's focused eyes, so round and big and dark... so cute! And at the same time so... in a way.... Avian... yes, yes! That was it! She is avian! And that mean she is... prey. Food. Yum. Cute food.

Shara licked her lips.

Alexander: "Ah, true... Kanti, can you dress yourself and help Shara with the tea, please?"

He let go of her, placing his hands on the bed behind him.

"Sorry, Cael. You should know better than anyone how I prize property. I would have Kanti hide if it was anyone but you."

Shara: "Tea?" She looked up, her clawed finger patting over his lips.

"What's the word, dear Wind?"

Cael: "Please." He says, with a smile. And a faint gleam in his eye that suggests that perhaps later she will be saying please for something else, and then he let his hand move away from her breast and lets her stand.

"Ah, it is not that I mind particularly." he gestures as if naked dragon bloods were rather passe "But certain things should be done properly."

He watches as Kanti curtsey's in response to Alex and then turns and walks behind the screen and begins to change. He gives Shara a warning look as he catches her look at Kanti.

Shara: "Good boy. Now, there's a gentleman." She nods, talking to him as if he was her pet. And hen, she got up, her eyes daring him to try... even though she is pretty sure he will suceed. But what fun is the play without the hunt? She seems to ignore his warning glance, walking up to the screen and waiting for Kanti...

And when they are ready, walking her up the room to the kitchen, a last wink to Cael...

Kanti: Kanti emerges from behind the screen in a short black and gold kimono, the garment showing off her long and shapely legs to good effect. She curtseys once more to the prince, bowing to Cael and then heads off with Shara, a little less nervous now she was dressed.

Alexander: "... sorry." He says as they leave.

"I thought you would be fine with it, of all people. But I really should remember to be proper."

Cael: "Ah, but there was not just myself involved." He says with a smile.

"There was of course Kanti and Shara, and yourself." Something in his expression says 'and you were starting to stare.'

Alexander: "You were stroking Shara in plain sight too, you know." He brings his knee to the bed, holding it to him, feeling more secure against his expression... and looking a little sullen. Why is it always right for them to do things and it is not for me?

Cael: "Was I?" He smiles. "Is it that odd to stroke a cat's head and whisper things in their ear?" There is a twinkle in his eye.

"There is nothing wrong with what you did, assuming, of course, that the audience is appropriate." Something in the way he said that suggests that Cael considers himself such an audience. "But one shouldn't get distracted. If I were a less honest man, I might have used your distraction to negociate a rather finer deal for myself."

Alexander: The prince hangs his head. "Yes, you are right..."

"I was distracted because I trust you, however. I would not show Kanti to anyone. Not even to my ladies, they would be angry with me handling a woman like that. And certainly not to anyone I trust as much as I trust you... and feel... well, you know. Intimate with. If you wished to get the better of me, you had ample opportunity, until now."

Cael: "It was not Kanti who was really distracting you though, and anyone might bring a pretty little thing like Shara to a meeting with you...." He smiles.

"Honestly, I am flattered that you would trust me thus." And his voice is pitched to mend the Prince's confidence and lighten his mood, at least a little.

Alexander: The prince blushes. Ever deeper pink in his white cheeks, a color that goes so well with amethyst eyes. "Well... umm... you know. Shara is pretty. And all cat-y... you know. Women. I should probably restrain myself more, but, but... they are all so... soft... and..."

Cael: Cael gives a small shake of his head.

"What are we to do with you?"

"Though I suppose we were talking about what to do with me..."

Alexander: He hides his face behind his knee, blushing so strongly. "I will try to refrain myself, though! I will not look! Really! I will not be distracted. I will try, at least... I promise...." He stops to think for a moment... "It will probably be good for my health, too. The Angels would probably kill me."

He takes a deep breath, and then, still a little blushy, rises his head.

"Yes, yes! So, what do you think of having an official position:? I... already see you as my advisor, really. Vizier..."

Cael: "First, I would thank you."

"Then I would warn you."

Alexander: "Warn me?" He looks at Cael incredulously. "About... what?"

I trust you...

Cael: "It surely cannot have escaped your notice that I am Cael Pattona, the Windwraith." He says, and makes a gesture towards a picture of a first age skyship hanging on the wall, possessed of sleak lines and a power that the artist had been skilled to catch.

Alexander: "No, of course not... oh. You mean, the people who are after you for stealing and... stuff?"

He stops to think...

"Well... I know that."
"But it is just like..."

"... we are screwed, right?" He asks, earnest. "Everyone hates us. My lovers, my sister, you..."

Cael: "Well, I at least have plans for dealing with the Haslanti, though they are not the quickest plans in Creation. But then, I do not wish to cause too much disruption, to the Haslanti and to the North."

Alexander: "No, that would be bad..."

"When this is done... it will be very frail, right?"
"The north."
"Us, the Bull, Hanslanti, the Realm..."

He gulps. "This is just the beggining, isn't it?"

Cael: "This is just the beginning." He nods.

"But it is the North's frailty that gives us our best chance, as well as a danger we must watch for. The North as it was before this war would never accept us, but the stress the war willplace upon it.... we will have to remake it, stronger."

Alexander: "... that scares me."

"Who is to say we are doing it right? Moon... Moon things we are doing it wrong."

Cael: "So are you suggesting that we do nothing?" Cael asks, entirely reasonably. "We could fly from the North tonight."

"We will change the North, just by us being here. We will change the North by our victory. We will change the North if you or your sister become ruler of Whiteshield. And even were we to flee now, we will change the North."

"We cannot do nothing, have no effect, not without abandonning the North to the dead, to the Fae, to many monsters that prey on humanity and so therefore we will have to do something."

I cannot do nothing.

His mind drifts back to a mountaintop, and then he looks back at Alex with an intensity the young prince has rarely seen there.

"We will know when we are doing things right, when the people of the North are safe, when they do not worry about the dead or the fae or the common thug. When they can live their lives in happiness, working towards the things they desire. We will know, because we are not doing this alone, because that is why we are in the Circle, why we became the myriad shades of eventide."

"Moon is right to worry over what course of action we will take, though he is wrong to think we can simply walk away."