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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Gallery of Emptiness ==
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' It was so tempting to give in. Moon was attractive, he had that undenighable animal magnetism. She felt the warmth of him against her, felt the decieving softness of his lips, felt the hotness of his breath race along her nearly colorless skin. She closed her eyes, exalting in the sensation of him. The nearness of him.
But then she opened her eyes, and grew sad. She allowed him to touch her here and there, and so, felt his regard for her as being only for her figure. She felt... cheap.
She pushed Moon away, rejecting his advance. "I am not a whore, Moon. Seek out your love if you want an intimate embrass, and cease seeking to be a stray dog."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''And fuckin' cold again... ''
Moon nearly cursed at the frustration of it. Why couldn't the damn woman make up her mind?
"Sure as ''shit'' you aint a workin girl." he snapped back in disgust, putting his hands on the ground and sliding himself out from under her. "Least they didn't lead ya on then turn 'round and try ta bite ya throat."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Not good at all, I'm afraid. Every time I try to ask, it's always AH this and OH that and *yowl* the other thing. In other words, I'm great. And then, of course, there's magic." He winks, raching up to pat her cheek. "But so much fun is in the anticipation, in the guessing. You're welcome to hunt a better partner than one who shares Venus's touch, you can find me for later. Maybe an hour or so? I still have business to attend to."
'''Iselsis: ''' ''Whatever... ''
Gennadi had smokes. She'd just have to have one of his, that was all there was to it. She wanders over to him and the monkey raksha and casually reaches over into the sidereal's pocket, pulling out three of the cigs she finds there, held between the tips of her fingers. Then she wanders off, sticking two beneath a strap of her dress while waving over her shoulder at Gennadi "Thanks for the smokes, I'm sure they'll be heavenly."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Hm!" She glances over in the direction of Opal and Grey... and shakes her head at both of them. ''Moon, Moon, she'll take a more gentle touch... I doubt any of us here have such a manner, though. '' Turning back to Gennadi, she... reaches out to tap Iselsis on the shoulder as she leaves with smokes. "Excuse me! Not even a hello?"
"... although you can keep walking away if you so choose! Don't let me stop you!"
* Gennadi decides the loss of some cigs is worth the sharp spank to Day's rear, the handprint somehow blue instead of red as he momentarily vanishes.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Hello raksha. Goodbye raksha.", over her shoulder, as she strolls over to Opal and Moon. Maybe she'd be able to divine something useful from them, though at this point she highly doubted it.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She rises to her feet fully, then looks over her shoulder at him. "And how am I leading you on, Moon? I was sitting there, legs crossed, and about to go talk to someone when you grope me from behind. I swear, sometimes I think you have the lebido of your totem." She just shook her head at him. "I have strong feelings for you, but this... place. This way... it is not right." She frowned a little bit, as if disappointed in him.
"You don't want to love me, merely fuck me. Sully my virtue in yet another conquest in this odd little competition you and the Windian seem to have going as a backdrop of your love affair."
She lowers her head a little and covers her face with her hand, she represses a sob, and began to walk off.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The spank doesn't bother her too much, her flesh toughening momentarilly to deal with the sting, but she is mildly frustrated as Gennadi vanishes away nonetheless... and as Iselsis blows her off. "Hmph..." She almost opens her mouth to say something to Opal, but holds off, remembeing her words. ''No, that'd just infuriate her more. Fucking prudes, I'll never understand them. '' Suddenly without someone to talk to, the Child scans about: Opal... no. Issa... no. Kanti... would panic. Moon might work, but he seems angry.
Damned mortals.
'''Iselsis: '''And that's when Iselsis comes up to Moon, puffing the oddly smoking cigarette contentedly. "Making girls cry this early in the evening? Tssk tssk, Seventh Moon."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' ''Yeah, like just sayin' 'No' ta begin with was gonna be too fuckin' hard for ya. ''
''Instead ya play a fuckin dance with me. Let me hold on for a few seconds and jerk away...
What the '''fuck''' do ya '''want''', lady? ''
Moon watched Opal go with a bitter, sullen face. One that only changed expression to annoyance when it turned up towards Iselsis.
"Pokin' 'round more places ya ain't invited, huh?" Moon pushed himself back to his feet, dusting off his clothes a bit more intensely than necessary. There was sweet, soothing smoke in the air. Coming from her. He eyed the glowing tip of Iselsis's cigarette. "Bum me one'a those."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Promise you won't try to throw me again? Besides, I was invited.", she thumbs behind her at Selina poking out over most of the crowd, "In fact she insisted quite vigorously that I attend. Trust me, if I had it my way I wouldn't be here, random debauchery isn't my style."
She plucks one of the two remaining cigs out from under the strap and holds it halfway out to Moon, obviously waiting on that promise. "I have to warn you, these are positively divine.", she almost giggles.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child rather suddenly starts moving... and before Opal can leave outright, she stops her with a hand on her shoulder. "Hoi. Sublime."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She stops, and turns to look over her shoulder at Days. One of the best, and most useful, features of her gown was it dried any tears quickly after they hit her cheek. She turns to Days, and forces a smile at her.
"What can I do for you, Child of Wyld Days?" she says, attempting to sound friendly.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "A'ite. Fair trade." He took the cigarette from her and patted down his coat till he found a match, casting looks to the flash of blong hair and black wings rising above most the crowd. "What she so keen on havin' ya 'round for?"
Moon put the match tip between his teeth and fingers, flicking sharply to make the round head flare to life.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She opens her mouth, and for a moment, the pain radiating from Opal makes her Cup sing the song of '''HUNGER'''. She practically freezes for a moment, then shakes her head and actually lets Opal go. "Girl, right now might not be a good time to be around me. Just... I guess you could try to sort things out. And do cut Moon some slack. He is what he is, and such things don't change easily."
''You are wounded. Hurt. I can smell your tears. ''
''I want to hold you in my arms and make love to you and let you know that the world is a kind place. ''
''And when you are happy and content, I want to tear your Joy from you with my maws. ''
''... it would be best for you to not be around me right now. ''
'''Fiona: ''' She comes back, Shaliya in tow, right after the dance. For more than an hour, they danced together, and now they returned.... and see Opal walking off. And Days... "Hey, is there something going on...?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm sure she'll tell you that herself soon enough.", she replies casually. She wasn't going to spill the whole story herself, she might accidentally give him more than Selina might have.
"Suffice it to say we've come to an understanding.", she puffs her smoke, free arm still curled around her torso beneath her bosom, "Say, when is it socially acceptable to leave again without offending anyone? At this rate someone's going to try something on me and I'd hate to ruin everyone's fun by breaking someone's bones."
'''Kanti: ''' ''Fiona! ''<br>
''Shalyia! ''
Kanti smiles in relief as the pair approached.
"...I'm not exactly sure..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She merely nods a little at Days, though she adds, "I want him so badly, sometimes. But what does that make me when I give into him? What does that make him to me?" She merely sighed a bit, wishing the Maker had not molded them so closely against the humanity they mimicked. "Nothing will come of it."
She turns her eyes to meet Fiona, and smiled at her. Her eyes were wide, and innocent, and compassionate. "Oh, nothing. I was trying to show Moon something and I wrenched my arm a little. Do not concern yourself, Fiona. I am quite fine."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days pauses at that. She doesn't have an answer that Opal would like, and her Cup is still demanding sustenance, so she simply pulls away... but not before, longingly, her maws reach out to draw in whatever they can from the air. Lust, pain, hate, control, fear, domination. All is siphoned in, leaving the Child... unsated, but a bit more controlled as she walks towards Kanti and the others, looking conflicted.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon waved the match under the cigarette until it started to glow, then let it drop and crushed the flame out bellow his heel.
"Heh, any times a good time by me." he grinned, less than pleasantly, his gaze flicking from Opal to distant Selina. Moon clenched the tip of his cigarette tight between his lips and breathed in deep. "This shit ain't my scene either."
"Sheeyit..." he mused, blowing smoke out his nose as he glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. "This ''is'' good."
'''Shaliya: ''' The rose shifts in the air, coming closer to Kanti... "You look... as disheartened as before. Things are not being nice for you tonight, are they? On the bright side, Fiona is a fast learner for dancing. She really caught on quickly!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Courtesy of Gennadi. And it's not? You seemed like you were enjoying yourself pretty well, so does everyone else, even the prince."
She just shakes her head at that last mention "This is no place for someone like him."
"We could always go outside and smoke there, as far as I'm concerned.", she glances at the exit almost longingly, like it was taking a surprising amount of self control not to leap for it and freedom.
'''Iselsis: ''' She adds, "Personally I've had a rough enough night without this nasty display."
'''Fiona: ''' The Solar smiles, "She is being too nice... I stepped on her toes alot..."
* Gennadi again weaves out of the crowd! This time Opal's assailant takes a firm grip of her hand, raising it up to his lips. "Nice dress. When I said more daring, I wasn't sure how far you'd go, and on such short notice... Sorry about the results of the change, though. I can't see everything, after all."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Not enjoyin' myself." Moon corrected her, flicking the ash from the tip of his cigarette onto ground. "Just tryin' ta keep entertained till somethin' worth while happens, y'know?"
Moon watched dispassionately as someone dressed just like him wandered past, pressed between the bodies of a man and a woman. The smoke cloud escaping his lips darted towards them sharply. "This whole fuckin' place is fake though. Everyones pretended, not just the ones who are supposed ta be. Gets on my nerves..."
Outside... ? He looked towards the exit too, shifting his jaw as he considered it, then shook his head. "Naw, I got a betta' idea. You drink?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I don't, but don't let that stop you, I suppose.", she shrugs a little, "Besides recently isn't such a good time for me to get caught drunk. Elite nemessary assassins after my hide and all."
She pauses for a moment, "Why, what did you have in mind?"
'''Kanti: ''' "I ... It's ..."<br>
''he's talking about me with her, and I don't know how it will turn out... ''<br>
Kanti trails off again, feeling very confused and vulnerable right now, not sure that she has anyone to look up to.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Snapped out of her sulking by the sudden appearance of Gennadi, she merely smiles at him and inclines her head. "I had not told you that aspect of this wonder, did I? I empowered it with five Virtues."
She falls into the talk of her procession, her passion.
"Flame, red and bold, to keep my warm when the night is cold."<br>
"Air, soft and gentle, to clense my flesh as if with cloth of lentle. "<br>
"Wood, ever growing, to mend its thread without need of sewing."<br>
"Earth, hard as lead, that I might be protected where ever I tread."<br>
"Water, mercual and trim, so that I might change its design on a moments whim."
She smiles a little after her incessent little rhyme. "I did ask Days about the cut of it, but I believe... her suggestions were a touch too daring."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Kitchen." Moon nodded towards the mansion. "Figure if they're hidin' any decent booze its gonna be there. And if anyone's tryin' fuck in the flour, they'll be easy 'nough ta toss out on their ass."
And hell, it had to be quieter down there than out here.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Interesting. Though I myself invoke the maidens. The associations of color and element differ, but to me it's an easier shorthand. Of course, it's not as if I do much of that sort of thing... I prefer to buy. I spend my time on other, more ephemeal projects." He releases her hand, a quick twirling motion capturing her arm in his. "While it seems tht most of the participants are more interested in hoizontal dances now, you did miss out earlier, and I think I can catch enough interest. Care to dance?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm up for that, especially if it has some real food. Preferably some that hasn't been used by uh... participants in the crowd.", she drops the stub of the cig and steps it out under her heel.
"By all means, lead the way."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Unfortuantely, while I might be very deft in moving, I do not know how. Too many evenings sequestered in a library rather than a dance floor," she smiles a little at that, and considers what he said previously. Something haunts her eyes. "You must be careful when you invoke them in an item of power, you know. Such items can carry the weight of their edicts, and be used irresponsably."
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya holds Kanti against her, lowering Kanti's face against her bosom... worried. Kanti was... so different. She was confident before... she did what Damian said. She always knew she could count on it... she... she did... "Kanti... relax. We are here. We are here for you..."
"You have changed so much."
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona holds Kanti's hands... "Kanti... do you want that?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "It is likely for the best I do not work in the long term as much. Their powers are strong, but burn out quickly... if you can't dance, then you'll be the second woman I've taught tonight. Strange place, the Boil. By that throw, I imaine you know how to fight at least... Just follow my lead, you'll understand."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Even then, she sees Kanti talking to another, and Iselsis and Moon looking ready to move. She doesn't outwardly react, save for a mildly annoyed sigh. "I suppose it'll be one more night. I'm patient." She herself eyes the exit, and then looks down at her forearm, the Cyst faintly pulsing with a faint greenish light. "Mn."
''Bah, need to clear my head. Need a trip. Stupid mortals, being so... so... so solid! I'll figure them out soon enough! ''
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She merely nods a bit, and allowed Genn to lead. Frankly, she never cared much for dancing. Another person leading you threw motions you were already expected to know, as if by divine insight. Dispite her agility, once they began, she stepped on Gennadi's foot at least twice. She fully expected him to loose that foot by morning.
'''Gennadi: ''' A blue cloud rises up to surround them, cool and calm as themusic slowly ises up to match them. Once he gets used to the foot-stepping, the dance grows more martial, turning almost into a struggle for position as they whirl along the cleared space in the floor. Despite this, he's clearly holding back, talking to her smoothly as he executes perhaps the oddest set of kata ever. " I find it somewhat useful to know how things interlock, interlace, and combine. It's as important for the physical parts of my work as the creative, and dance is no different. It's simply motions that are efficient or diffuclt, designed to display mastery. Sound familiar?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She fell into the old styles her Sifu had taught her, adopting the Yielding Form of Water Denies the Earth stance as she attempts to slip from his movements fluidly in an effort to dance. For some reason, she finds herself ceasing to step on his foot, and find herself moving to an unknown accord between them, and she smiles as she finds herself dancing with the gentleman.
''I could learn to like this. ''
'''Kanti: ''' ''What will they decide? ''<br>
''how will she be? ''<br>
''what will he say? ''<br>
''what will she be like? ''<br>
''what...how... ''<br>
''... ''<br>
''... ''<br>
''don't worry... ''<br>
Kanti calms somewhat as Shalyia presses her forward, and she feels Fiona's hands on hers, taking calming breathes, nodding a little at Fiona's question.
"...yes, please." she says softly.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''It's strange, Creation. It has a way of reminding you how things really are supposed to be. Or least how the gods want it to be. Perhaps I should find a way to talk to the Incarnae one day and ask them what the hell they were thinking. ''
With a towering lope, the Child lands weightlessly on top of a bush before leaping to the next, moving full-clip in the direction of the Iron God's manse.
''For now, I need to take care of matters back home. I imagine I'll be fine when I return. ''
''Damned Creation. So infuriating sometimes... ''
'''Shaliya: ''' " 'That'...?" The rose asks Kanti, holding the fire aspect close, warming... "Just what are you...?"
'''Fiona: ''' "A little trick I know. I have been perfecting it for awhile... a technique to make people more relaxed. I call it ''Bliss''!" As she says so, she adjusts the pristine white flower on her hair... and begins to shine. The butterfly on her chest seems to rise to life, a butterfly of light, as its soul, coming out of it... and letting a powder fall... Fiona takes it, bringing it to her lips... then, to her caste mark. The powder glitters, coating her fingers in one thousand colors, as she brings it to Kanti's lips... "There, Kanti. Taste the bliss..."
* Gennadi feels much better as she smiles, so prolongs the dance a bit more than he'd planned, two full circuits of the space around the remnants of the band. He finally lets her go, spinning her slowly away from him until she feels somewhat ordinary again. "It's nicer when you're smiling truly than when you're faking it... you're a bad actor." He winks at her. "I've got to talk to some gold and black. Try not to run off and be awake in the morning? We can talk more then."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' And she desided, right then, she hated Gennadi.
He had broken her out of her depression, and got her to truely smile.<br>
He had convinced her to dance, and she had sworn she'd never do it in her lifetime.<br>
He prevented her from going back into her little corner and sulking.
Obviously, he was an evil man. And though she dearly wished she could, she could not recapture her sadness. She nodded to him and smiled, "I will endevour to try."
And though she longed to, she just could not help loving him at that moment.
"I think for the moment I shall go find Moon and apologize for my behavior . If you will excuse me, Master Gennadi?" She said, quite polttely.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti sucks on Fiona's fingers, feeling the essence on her tongue, and then through all her body, and she relaxes, as the warm bliss of the magic pervades every fibre of her being, and she looks at Shalyia with a smile on her face, though she doesn't move from where the ice rose holds her.
"Thank you..." she breathes, to the young solar.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I don't need to excuse you from anything, unless we're still in the habit of doctor's notes to avoid a test." He grins. "Go on. Try not to death beam him too hard, ok? This may be a night of stories, but some shouldn't be told."
'''Shaliya: ''' The Winter Rose watches intently... surprised. That Fiona had said such, done such, that..
Well, she was no stranger to that sort of thing, at least.
A kiss to Kanti, and a smile. "And it makes you feel better?"
* Exceedingly Sublime Opal pecks Genn on his cheek, almost overwhelmed by his goodness, and goes off in search of Moon.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti kisses Shalyia back and nods "It feels wonderful."
She smiles, and then kisses the ice rose again, a proper kiss.
=== Not too far away... ===
Out of those silly strands and back in her normal attire, the Child of Wyld Days launches herself from rooftop to roottop, laughing all the while. Taking in that much of the Boil's air would gag most, but the raksha can handle it with no trouble. In fact, it only seems to egg her on, the woman bounding from a half-crumbled wall to land in the middle of a street still scarred with soot and dried blood. The war's effects are not completely gone, after all.
This trip, this action, she does alone. Mei and Snow have been instructed to be good and to make sure they don't leave before she returns, save for food and over neccessities. On top of that, she left without telling a soul; mortals would only slow her down both in Creation and the Wyld.
Still crouched in that road, she pauses to grab some jerky to chew on, suddenly being reminded by her air-body that she's hungry. ''And I left the party without taking any food... bah, silly Monkey! Think nexttime! ''
* Gennadi clears his throat loudly in the shadows of a wrecked building. "EY! Monkey-girl!" He puffs at his cigarette, glowing ember momentarily illuminating his face through the clouds of smoke figures currently battling to keep soot away from him. He steps out, carrying a small bag. "Looks like you were actually paying attention when I said you should look for a better lover... Got a much longer way to go for that, though. Gonna need your energy." He raises his other hand, a brown paper bag held in it. "Looks like you forgot about something, yes?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Ears, eyebrows and tail (the medal's tied to the tip again) rise as Snow Monkey looks over, blinks... and proceeds to take one loping bound over, so that she's crouched in front of Gennadi, looking up. "First off, this is a bit more than me looking for love. Secondly, need my energy for what? Third, gimme." She snaps the bag away before Gen can even start to reply, looking inside.
'''Gennadi: ''' Food! Still steaming. He blinks at her. "Uh... running where-ever it is you're
going? You seemed to be in a hurry, and I didn't see you eat anything or anyone at the party."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''She doesn't even bother to pick at particular pieces. Up goes the bag, and a mouthful of deliciousness tumbles into her mouth. She chews, makes various sounds of slight enjoyment, swallows. "Well, it dawned on me that I have some business to attend to back where the grass is green with envy and the wind howls when you step on its tail. As far as leaving the party..." She makes a momentary face. "Suddenly wasn't feeling the whole gathering thing."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Because of Opal?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Mmmmmmn." She makes an even uglier face for a moment. "Among other things. I doubt it'd work, but I was quite close to taking a bite out of the damned statue." She rises, popping a turnover into her mouth. "I believe my natural being is kicking me in the Heart for trying to play things mortals' way, and I figured I just needed a breath of fresh air anyway."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That's going to be an even farther run. Pfaugh, I hate this place. If you can't even have the decency to provide proper air, you probably deserve a metaphorical kick in the teeth."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Snow Monkey pauses mid-bite to laugh, shaking her head at Gennadi's comment. "Well, the Marchlands are past the mountains, so fresh air won't be too long in coming. Past that, I move quickly. Getting a few things for people, making sure I'm not wanted dead, that sort of thing. The Wyld's an adventure unto itself.
'''Gennadi: ''' "You say that like it doesn't apply to all existence. Even in Creation, things are laden with strife and suspense." He chuckles a bit. " Just consider the party you're fleeing."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "A pair of prudes, a horny prince, a broken doll, a handful of Sunchildren and the lovely Angels." Days rolls her eyes dramatically. "Never a dull moment. Exhilirating, but I wonder if I'm pressing my luck a bit too much around them sometimes." She tosses some pastry into the air and snaps it into her mouth effortlessly, tail swaying. "I imagine they'll think me plotting their demise, or at least ways to get between their thighs."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You say that like that isn't a common passtime anyway. It's to be expected! If they arne't doing it, THAT is when you worry."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "HAH! Well, true, but I do have it against me that I'm wyld. Although I '''almost''' had some quality time with that young shining one... Fiona, yes! Damned Selina! Cant she understand that it's bad form to interrupt two people's intiimate time? The nerve of that woman..." She crushes the empty bag (man, that was quick) and lobs it over to Gennadi.
'''Gennadi: ''' He swats it out of the air. Might as well join the rest of the litter. "You can't really be trying that hard, then, now can you?" He grins. "Come on, they think I'm there to unleash some unspeakable plot, and I could have walked out of there with ten notches on my belt. You're prettier than me, too."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' That last bit really sent one of Days' eyebrows up in an arch.
"My, I think that's the first time I've been given that compliment here, stunningly enough. But I don't think you'd want to shoot for pretty unless you aim to appeal to the sorts of ladies and gentlemen who like to be on top." She shrugs, taking a moment to crack her knuckles. "And I won't say that I'm putting massive amounts of effort into my actions, but many of the people here have special requirements... when a notable god is more eager to bed you than a mortal, even an Exalt..."
* Gennadi shrugs. "Beauty is in quality, and often the one on the bottom is the one on the relationship's top, the only one that matters. Somtimes it's best to let someone else do all the work... As for special requirements, aren't your kind rather funny about their promises?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I suppose you could say that."
Sworn to reward a Warrior with power. Sworn to fight alongside the god of the Boil. Sworn to not betray him and his allies to their enemies. Immutable oaths, unbreakable, everlasting. There was probably a way to work around all of them, but...
"It's a tad complex."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Hm. Well, you're forgetting about one, then." He steps up to her, breath hot on her ear as his hand darts inside those loose pants of hers. The heat travels from her ear down her spine in slow, growing waves, making it rather hard to focus or even move. It coils around her loins, and the air around the pair almost seems to shimmer with heat before he touches her with a fingertip, lightly if perfectly placed. The moment shatters, and the unleashed sensations race back up to slam into her train of thought, cleanly derailing it as a perfect climax roars through her mind. He grins a bit, lightly nipping her for making noise.
"I do recall a declaration you'd be damned if you didn't get a good fuck tonight... and last I checked, it's hard to get laid while running away." He steps back, waving a glistening hand in the direction she seemed to be running as he bows. "So that oath's taken care of. Enjoy your run!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "And that would be--ghhhaaaah!" Once again, Snow Monkey is taken quite off-guard; this time, however, she doesn't have much of a chance to fight back as she's too busy quivering in place. Words most certainly register, and she fully understands what Gennadi leaves her to ponder, but her lower thought processes have the wheel, and decide it would be a good time for the poor raksha to sink to her knees and pant.
"... you're... a most interesting individual. I don't even think I know your name, though..."
She takes a moment to raise a finger, though. "One thing before you go, though."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If that's the name, I thought it'd be more fun if you couldn't just have someone send me a message. More fun being chased than simply rung up like an expensive escort, after all."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Heh." Snow Monkey takes a long moment to exhale, then rises to her feet once again. Thankfully for her, gossamer doesn't soak through. "But that is seriously cheating... how'd you like it if I could do that---wait, I already know the answer." She shakes her head in amusement. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on you, mystery man..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "If you can, you're welcome to it." He turns a bit, opening his jacket and posing for her, the figures pausing in their work to draw attention to this feature or that. "As for cheating... It can be done without it, just that it takes a lot more time than I had." He winks and snaps the jacket closed as he turns on his heel, something like a Dynastic runway model. "But, of course, it's best we go now, or I'll be tempted to try again, and we can't ahve that, now can we?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''I am sorely tempted to say yes, but I'mve already been delayed. Damn it all, need to find a place to bathe... ''
"It would be an added snag in my plans, even if the idea's tempting." She does, however, approach the leaving Sidereal and clap her hands onto his shoulders. "Although, perhaps I can see to returning the favor when I return, yes?" This broad, slightly-sinister grin works its way along her lips before she lets Gennadi go.
'''Gennadi: ''' "If you think you've got it in you... Oh, wait, that would be the point!" He laughs merrily. 'Find me first. Then we'll see."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "We shall see indeed, mystery man. We shall see." She turns, crouches, and bolts through the air, returning to her full-out dash towards the Northwest, towards the Wyld, towards 'home'. In short order, she's but a shadow leaping from building to building. The only signs of her having actually been there are a few crumbs on the street and the scent of her intimate parts on Gennadi's finger.
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 06:18, 2 August 2006

Gallery of Emptiness

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: It was so tempting to give in. Moon was attractive, he had that undenighable animal magnetism. She felt the warmth of him against her, felt the decieving softness of his lips, felt the hotness of his breath race along her nearly colorless skin. She closed her eyes, exalting in the sensation of him. The nearness of him.

But then she opened her eyes, and grew sad. She allowed him to touch her here and there, and so, felt his regard for her as being only for her figure. She felt... cheap.

She pushed Moon away, rejecting his advance. "I am not a whore, Moon. Seek out your love if you want an intimate embrass, and cease seeking to be a stray dog."

Seventh Moon: And fuckin' cold again...

Moon nearly cursed at the frustration of it. Why couldn't the damn woman make up her mind?

"Sure as shit you aint a workin girl." he snapped back in disgust, putting his hands on the ground and sliding himself out from under her. "Least they didn't lead ya on then turn 'round and try ta bite ya throat."

Gennadi: "Not good at all, I'm afraid. Every time I try to ask, it's always AH this and OH that and *yowl* the other thing. In other words, I'm great. And then, of course, there's magic." He winks, raching up to pat her cheek. "But so much fun is in the anticipation, in the guessing. You're welcome to hunt a better partner than one who shares Venus's touch, you can find me for later. Maybe an hour or so? I still have business to attend to."

Iselsis: Whatever...

Gennadi had smokes. She'd just have to have one of his, that was all there was to it. She wanders over to him and the monkey raksha and casually reaches over into the sidereal's pocket, pulling out three of the cigs she finds there, held between the tips of her fingers. Then she wanders off, sticking two beneath a strap of her dress while waving over her shoulder at Gennadi "Thanks for the smokes, I'm sure they'll be heavenly."

Child of Wyld Days: "Hm!" She glances over in the direction of Opal and Grey... and shakes her head at both of them. Moon, Moon, she'll take a more gentle touch... I doubt any of us here have such a manner, though. Turning back to Gennadi, she... reaches out to tap Iselsis on the shoulder as she leaves with smokes. "Excuse me! Not even a hello?"

"... although you can keep walking away if you so choose! Don't let me stop you!"

  • Gennadi decides the loss of some cigs is worth the sharp spank to Day's rear, the handprint somehow blue instead of red as he momentarily vanishes.

Iselsis: "Hello raksha. Goodbye raksha.", over her shoulder, as she strolls over to Opal and Moon. Maybe she'd be able to divine something useful from them, though at this point she highly doubted it.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She rises to her feet fully, then looks over her shoulder at him. "And how am I leading you on, Moon? I was sitting there, legs crossed, and about to go talk to someone when you grope me from behind. I swear, sometimes I think you have the lebido of your totem." She just shook her head at him. "I have strong feelings for you, but this... place. This way... it is not right." She frowned a little bit, as if disappointed in him.

"You don't want to love me, merely fuck me. Sully my virtue in yet another conquest in this odd little competition you and the Windian seem to have going as a backdrop of your love affair."

She lowers her head a little and covers her face with her hand, she represses a sob, and began to walk off.

Child of Wyld Days: The spank doesn't bother her too much, her flesh toughening momentarilly to deal with the sting, but she is mildly frustrated as Gennadi vanishes away nonetheless... and as Iselsis blows her off. "Hmph..." She almost opens her mouth to say something to Opal, but holds off, remembeing her words. No, that'd just infuriate her more. Fucking prudes, I'll never understand them. Suddenly without someone to talk to, the Child scans about: Opal... no. Issa... no. Kanti... would panic. Moon might work, but he seems angry.

Damned mortals.

Iselsis: And that's when Iselsis comes up to Moon, puffing the oddly smoking cigarette contentedly. "Making girls cry this early in the evening? Tssk tssk, Seventh Moon."

Seventh Moon: Yeah, like just sayin' 'No' ta begin with was gonna be too fuckin' hard for ya.

Instead ya play a fuckin dance with me. Let me hold on for a few seconds and jerk away... What the fuck do ya want, lady?

Moon watched Opal go with a bitter, sullen face. One that only changed expression to annoyance when it turned up towards Iselsis.

"Pokin' 'round more places ya ain't invited, huh?" Moon pushed himself back to his feet, dusting off his clothes a bit more intensely than necessary. There was sweet, soothing smoke in the air. Coming from her. He eyed the glowing tip of Iselsis's cigarette. "Bum me one'a those."

Iselsis: "Promise you won't try to throw me again? Besides, I was invited.", she thumbs behind her at Selina poking out over most of the crowd, "In fact she insisted quite vigorously that I attend. Trust me, if I had it my way I wouldn't be here, random debauchery isn't my style."

She plucks one of the two remaining cigs out from under the strap and holds it halfway out to Moon, obviously waiting on that promise. "I have to warn you, these are positively divine.", she almost giggles.

Child of Wyld Days: The Child rather suddenly starts moving... and before Opal can leave outright, she stops her with a hand on her shoulder. "Hoi. Sublime."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She stops, and turns to look over her shoulder at Days. One of the best, and most useful, features of her gown was it dried any tears quickly after they hit her cheek. She turns to Days, and forces a smile at her.

"What can I do for you, Child of Wyld Days?" she says, attempting to sound friendly.

Seventh Moon: "A'ite. Fair trade." He took the cigarette from her and patted down his coat till he found a match, casting looks to the flash of blong hair and black wings rising above most the crowd. "What she so keen on havin' ya 'round for?"

Moon put the match tip between his teeth and fingers, flicking sharply to make the round head flare to life.

Child of Wyld Days: She opens her mouth, and for a moment, the pain radiating from Opal makes her Cup sing the song of HUNGER. She practically freezes for a moment, then shakes her head and actually lets Opal go. "Girl, right now might not be a good time to be around me. Just... I guess you could try to sort things out. And do cut Moon some slack. He is what he is, and such things don't change easily."

You are wounded. Hurt. I can smell your tears.

I want to hold you in my arms and make love to you and let you know that the world is a kind place.

And when you are happy and content, I want to tear your Joy from you with my maws.

... it would be best for you to not be around me right now.

Fiona: She comes back, Shaliya in tow, right after the dance. For more than an hour, they danced together, and now they returned.... and see Opal walking off. And Days... "Hey, is there something going on...?"

Iselsis: "I'm sure she'll tell you that herself soon enough.", she replies casually. She wasn't going to spill the whole story herself, she might accidentally give him more than Selina might have.

"Suffice it to say we've come to an understanding.", she puffs her smoke, free arm still curled around her torso beneath her bosom, "Say, when is it socially acceptable to leave again without offending anyone? At this rate someone's going to try something on me and I'd hate to ruin everyone's fun by breaking someone's bones."

Kanti: Fiona!

Kanti smiles in relief as the pair approached.

"...I'm not exactly sure..."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She merely nods a little at Days, though she adds, "I want him so badly, sometimes. But what does that make me when I give into him? What does that make him to me?" She merely sighed a bit, wishing the Maker had not molded them so closely against the humanity they mimicked. "Nothing will come of it."

She turns her eyes to meet Fiona, and smiled at her. Her eyes were wide, and innocent, and compassionate. "Oh, nothing. I was trying to show Moon something and I wrenched my arm a little. Do not concern yourself, Fiona. I am quite fine."

Child of Wyld Days: Days pauses at that. She doesn't have an answer that Opal would like, and her Cup is still demanding sustenance, so she simply pulls away... but not before, longingly, her maws reach out to draw in whatever they can from the air. Lust, pain, hate, control, fear, domination. All is siphoned in, leaving the Child... unsated, but a bit more controlled as she walks towards Kanti and the others, looking conflicted.

Seventh Moon: Moon waved the match under the cigarette until it started to glow, then let it drop and crushed the flame out bellow his heel.

"Heh, any times a good time by me." he grinned, less than pleasantly, his gaze flicking from Opal to distant Selina. Moon clenched the tip of his cigarette tight between his lips and breathed in deep. "This shit ain't my scene either."

"Sheeyit..." he mused, blowing smoke out his nose as he glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. "This is good."

Shaliya: The rose shifts in the air, coming closer to Kanti... "You look... as disheartened as before. Things are not being nice for you tonight, are they? On the bright side, Fiona is a fast learner for dancing. She really caught on quickly!"

Iselsis: "Courtesy of Gennadi. And it's not? You seemed like you were enjoying yourself pretty well, so does everyone else, even the prince."

She just shakes her head at that last mention "This is no place for someone like him."

"We could always go outside and smoke there, as far as I'm concerned.", she glances at the exit almost longingly, like it was taking a surprising amount of self control not to leap for it and freedom.

Iselsis: She adds, "Personally I've had a rough enough night without this nasty display."

Fiona: The Solar smiles, "She is being too nice... I stepped on her toes alot..."

  • Gennadi again weaves out of the crowd! This time Opal's assailant takes a firm grip of her hand, raising it up to his lips. "Nice dress. When I said more daring, I wasn't sure how far you'd go, and on such short notice... Sorry about the results of the change, though. I can't see everything, after all."

Seventh Moon: "Not enjoyin' myself." Moon corrected her, flicking the ash from the tip of his cigarette onto ground. "Just tryin' ta keep entertained till somethin' worth while happens, y'know?"

Moon watched dispassionately as someone dressed just like him wandered past, pressed between the bodies of a man and a woman. The smoke cloud escaping his lips darted towards them sharply. "This whole fuckin' place is fake though. Everyones pretended, not just the ones who are supposed ta be. Gets on my nerves..."

Outside... ? He looked towards the exit too, shifting his jaw as he considered it, then shook his head. "Naw, I got a betta' idea. You drink?"

Iselsis: "I don't, but don't let that stop you, I suppose.", she shrugs a little, "Besides recently isn't such a good time for me to get caught drunk. Elite nemessary assassins after my hide and all."

She pauses for a moment, "Why, what did you have in mind?"

Kanti: "I ... It's ..."
he's talking about me with her, and I don't know how it will turn out...
Kanti trails off again, feeling very confused and vulnerable right now, not sure that she has anyone to look up to.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Snapped out of her sulking by the sudden appearance of Gennadi, she merely smiles at him and inclines her head. "I had not told you that aspect of this wonder, did I? I empowered it with five Virtues."

She falls into the talk of her procession, her passion.

"Flame, red and bold, to keep my warm when the night is cold."
"Air, soft and gentle, to clense my flesh as if with cloth of lentle. "
"Wood, ever growing, to mend its thread without need of sewing."
"Earth, hard as lead, that I might be protected where ever I tread."
"Water, mercual and trim, so that I might change its design on a moments whim."

She smiles a little after her incessent little rhyme. "I did ask Days about the cut of it, but I believe... her suggestions were a touch too daring."

Seventh Moon: "Kitchen." Moon nodded towards the mansion. "Figure if they're hidin' any decent booze its gonna be there. And if anyone's tryin' fuck in the flour, they'll be easy 'nough ta toss out on their ass."

And hell, it had to be quieter down there than out here.

Gennadi: "Interesting. Though I myself invoke the maidens. The associations of color and element differ, but to me it's an easier shorthand. Of course, it's not as if I do much of that sort of thing... I prefer to buy. I spend my time on other, more ephemeal projects." He releases her hand, a quick twirling motion capturing her arm in his. "While it seems tht most of the participants are more interested in hoizontal dances now, you did miss out earlier, and I think I can catch enough interest. Care to dance?"

Iselsis: "I'm up for that, especially if it has some real food. Preferably some that hasn't been used by uh... participants in the crowd.", she drops the stub of the cig and steps it out under her heel.

"By all means, lead the way."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "Unfortuantely, while I might be very deft in moving, I do not know how. Too many evenings sequestered in a library rather than a dance floor," she smiles a little at that, and considers what he said previously. Something haunts her eyes. "You must be careful when you invoke them in an item of power, you know. Such items can carry the weight of their edicts, and be used irresponsably."

Shaliya: Shaliya holds Kanti against her, lowering Kanti's face against her bosom... worried. Kanti was... so different. She was confident before... she did what Damian said. She always knew she could count on it... she... she did... "Kanti... relax. We are here. We are here for you..."

"You have changed so much."

Fiona: Fiona holds Kanti's hands... "Kanti... do you want that?"

Gennadi: "It is likely for the best I do not work in the long term as much. Their powers are strong, but burn out quickly... if you can't dance, then you'll be the second woman I've taught tonight. Strange place, the Boil. By that throw, I imaine you know how to fight at least... Just follow my lead, you'll understand."

Child of Wyld Days: Even then, she sees Kanti talking to another, and Iselsis and Moon looking ready to move. She doesn't outwardly react, save for a mildly annoyed sigh. "I suppose it'll be one more night. I'm patient." She herself eyes the exit, and then looks down at her forearm, the Cyst faintly pulsing with a faint greenish light. "Mn."

Bah, need to clear my head. Need a trip. Stupid mortals, being so... so... so solid! I'll figure them out soon enough!

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She merely nods a bit, and allowed Genn to lead. Frankly, she never cared much for dancing. Another person leading you threw motions you were already expected to know, as if by divine insight. Dispite her agility, once they began, she stepped on Gennadi's foot at least twice. She fully expected him to loose that foot by morning.

Gennadi: A blue cloud rises up to surround them, cool and calm as themusic slowly ises up to match them. Once he gets used to the foot-stepping, the dance grows more martial, turning almost into a struggle for position as they whirl along the cleared space in the floor. Despite this, he's clearly holding back, talking to her smoothly as he executes perhaps the oddest set of kata ever. " I find it somewhat useful to know how things interlock, interlace, and combine. It's as important for the physical parts of my work as the creative, and dance is no different. It's simply motions that are efficient or diffuclt, designed to display mastery. Sound familiar?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She fell into the old styles her Sifu had taught her, adopting the Yielding Form of Water Denies the Earth stance as she attempts to slip from his movements fluidly in an effort to dance. For some reason, she finds herself ceasing to step on his foot, and find herself moving to an unknown accord between them, and she smiles as she finds herself dancing with the gentleman.

I could learn to like this.

Kanti: What will they decide?
how will she be?
what will he say?
what will she be like?
don't worry...
Kanti calms somewhat as Shalyia presses her forward, and she feels Fiona's hands on hers, taking calming breathes, nodding a little at Fiona's question.

"...yes, please." she says softly.

Child of Wyld Days: It's strange, Creation. It has a way of reminding you how things really are supposed to be. Or least how the gods want it to be. Perhaps I should find a way to talk to the Incarnae one day and ask them what the hell they were thinking.

With a towering lope, the Child lands weightlessly on top of a bush before leaping to the next, moving full-clip in the direction of the Iron God's manse.

For now, I need to take care of matters back home. I imagine I'll be fine when I return.

Damned Creation. So infuriating sometimes...

Shaliya: " 'That'...?" The rose asks Kanti, holding the fire aspect close, warming... "Just what are you...?"

Fiona: "A little trick I know. I have been perfecting it for awhile... a technique to make people more relaxed. I call it Bliss!" As she says so, she adjusts the pristine white flower on her hair... and begins to shine. The butterfly on her chest seems to rise to life, a butterfly of light, as its soul, coming out of it... and letting a powder fall... Fiona takes it, bringing it to her lips... then, to her caste mark. The powder glitters, coating her fingers in one thousand colors, as she brings it to Kanti's lips... "There, Kanti. Taste the bliss..."

  • Gennadi feels much better as she smiles, so prolongs the dance a bit more than he'd planned, two full circuits of the space around the remnants of the band. He finally lets her go, spinning her slowly away from him until she feels somewhat ordinary again. "It's nicer when you're smiling truly than when you're faking it... you're a bad actor." He winks at her. "I've got to talk to some gold and black. Try not to run off and be awake in the morning? We can talk more then."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: And she desided, right then, she hated Gennadi.

He had broken her out of her depression, and got her to truely smile.
He had convinced her to dance, and she had sworn she'd never do it in her lifetime.
He prevented her from going back into her little corner and sulking.

Obviously, he was an evil man. And though she dearly wished she could, she could not recapture her sadness. She nodded to him and smiled, "I will endevour to try."

And though she longed to, she just could not help loving him at that moment.

"I think for the moment I shall go find Moon and apologize for my behavior . If you will excuse me, Master Gennadi?" She said, quite polttely.

Kanti: Kanti sucks on Fiona's fingers, feeling the essence on her tongue, and then through all her body, and she relaxes, as the warm bliss of the magic pervades every fibre of her being, and she looks at Shalyia with a smile on her face, though she doesn't move from where the ice rose holds her.

"Thank you..." she breathes, to the young solar.

Gennadi: "I don't need to excuse you from anything, unless we're still in the habit of doctor's notes to avoid a test." He grins. "Go on. Try not to death beam him too hard, ok? This may be a night of stories, but some shouldn't be told."

Shaliya: The Winter Rose watches intently... surprised. That Fiona had said such, done such, that..

Well, she was no stranger to that sort of thing, at least.

A kiss to Kanti, and a smile. "And it makes you feel better?"

  • Exceedingly Sublime Opal pecks Genn on his cheek, almost overwhelmed by his goodness, and goes off in search of Moon.

Kanti: Kanti kisses Shalyia back and nods "It feels wonderful."

She smiles, and then kisses the ice rose again, a proper kiss.

Not too far away...


Out of those silly strands and back in her normal attire, the Child of Wyld Days launches herself from rooftop to roottop, laughing all the while. Taking in that much of the Boil's air would gag most, but the raksha can handle it with no trouble. In fact, it only seems to egg her on, the woman bounding from a half-crumbled wall to land in the middle of a street still scarred with soot and dried blood. The war's effects are not completely gone, after all.

This trip, this action, she does alone. Mei and Snow have been instructed to be good and to make sure they don't leave before she returns, save for food and over neccessities. On top of that, she left without telling a soul; mortals would only slow her down both in Creation and the Wyld.

Still crouched in that road, she pauses to grab some jerky to chew on, suddenly being reminded by her air-body that she's hungry. And I left the party without taking any food... bah, silly Monkey! Think nexttime!

  • Gennadi clears his throat loudly in the shadows of a wrecked building. "EY! Monkey-girl!" He puffs at his cigarette, glowing ember momentarily illuminating his face through the clouds of smoke figures currently battling to keep soot away from him. He steps out, carrying a small bag. "Looks like you were actually paying attention when I said you should look for a better lover... Got a much longer way to go for that, though. Gonna need your energy." He raises his other hand, a brown paper bag held in it. "Looks like you forgot about something, yes?"

Child of Wyld Days: Ears, eyebrows and tail (the medal's tied to the tip again) rise as Snow Monkey looks over, blinks... and proceeds to take one loping bound over, so that she's crouched in front of Gennadi, looking up. "First off, this is a bit more than me looking for love. Secondly, need my energy for what? Third, gimme." She snaps the bag away before Gen can even start to reply, looking inside.

Gennadi: Food! Still steaming. He blinks at her. "Uh... running where-ever it is you're going? You seemed to be in a hurry, and I didn't see you eat anything or anyone at the party."

Child of Wyld Days: She doesn't even bother to pick at particular pieces. Up goes the bag, and a mouthful of deliciousness tumbles into her mouth. She chews, makes various sounds of slight enjoyment, swallows. "Well, it dawned on me that I have some business to attend to back where the grass is green with envy and the wind howls when you step on its tail. As far as leaving the party..." She makes a momentary face. "Suddenly wasn't feeling the whole gathering thing."

Gennadi: "Because of Opal?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Mmmmmmn." She makes an even uglier face for a moment. "Among other things. I doubt it'd work, but I was quite close to taking a bite out of the damned statue." She rises, popping a turnover into her mouth. "I believe my natural being is kicking me in the Heart for trying to play things mortals' way, and I figured I just needed a breath of fresh air anyway."

Gennadi: "That's going to be an even farther run. Pfaugh, I hate this place. If you can't even have the decency to provide proper air, you probably deserve a metaphorical kick in the teeth."

Child of Wyld Days: Snow Monkey pauses mid-bite to laugh, shaking her head at Gennadi's comment. "Well, the Marchlands are past the mountains, so fresh air won't be too long in coming. Past that, I move quickly. Getting a few things for people, making sure I'm not wanted dead, that sort of thing. The Wyld's an adventure unto itself.

Gennadi: "You say that like it doesn't apply to all existence. Even in Creation, things are laden with strife and suspense." He chuckles a bit. " Just consider the party you're fleeing."

Child of Wyld Days: "A pair of prudes, a horny prince, a broken doll, a handful of Sunchildren and the lovely Angels." Days rolls her eyes dramatically. "Never a dull moment. Exhilirating, but I wonder if I'm pressing my luck a bit too much around them sometimes." She tosses some pastry into the air and snaps it into her mouth effortlessly, tail swaying. "I imagine they'll think me plotting their demise, or at least ways to get between their thighs."

Gennadi: "You say that like that isn't a common passtime anyway. It's to be expected! If they arne't doing it, THAT is when you worry."

Child of Wyld Days: "HAH! Well, true, but I do have it against me that I'm wyld. Although I almost had some quality time with that young shining one... Fiona, yes! Damned Selina! Cant she understand that it's bad form to interrupt two people's intiimate time? The nerve of that woman..." She crushes the empty bag (man, that was quick) and lobs it over to Gennadi.

Gennadi: He swats it out of the air. Might as well join the rest of the litter. "You can't really be trying that hard, then, now can you?" He grins. "Come on, they think I'm there to unleash some unspeakable plot, and I could have walked out of there with ten notches on my belt. You're prettier than me, too."

Child of Wyld Days: That last bit really sent one of Days' eyebrows up in an arch.

"My, I think that's the first time I've been given that compliment here, stunningly enough. But I don't think you'd want to shoot for pretty unless you aim to appeal to the sorts of ladies and gentlemen who like to be on top." She shrugs, taking a moment to crack her knuckles. "And I won't say that I'm putting massive amounts of effort into my actions, but many of the people here have special requirements... when a notable god is more eager to bed you than a mortal, even an Exalt..."

  • Gennadi shrugs. "Beauty is in quality, and often the one on the bottom is the one on the relationship's top, the only one that matters. Somtimes it's best to let someone else do all the work... As for special requirements, aren't your kind rather funny about their promises?"

Child of Wyld Days: "I suppose you could say that."

Sworn to reward a Warrior with power. Sworn to fight alongside the god of the Boil. Sworn to not betray him and his allies to their enemies. Immutable oaths, unbreakable, everlasting. There was probably a way to work around all of them, but...

"It's a tad complex."

Gennadi: "Hm. Well, you're forgetting about one, then." He steps up to her, breath hot on her ear as his hand darts inside those loose pants of hers. The heat travels from her ear down her spine in slow, growing waves, making it rather hard to focus or even move. It coils around her loins, and the air around the pair almost seems to shimmer with heat before he touches her with a fingertip, lightly if perfectly placed. The moment shatters, and the unleashed sensations race back up to slam into her train of thought, cleanly derailing it as a perfect climax roars through her mind. He grins a bit, lightly nipping her for making noise.

"I do recall a declaration you'd be damned if you didn't get a good fuck tonight... and last I checked, it's hard to get laid while running away." He steps back, waving a glistening hand in the direction she seemed to be running as he bows. "So that oath's taken care of. Enjoy your run!"

Child of Wyld Days: "And that would be--ghhhaaaah!" Once again, Snow Monkey is taken quite off-guard; this time, however, she doesn't have much of a chance to fight back as she's too busy quivering in place. Words most certainly register, and she fully understands what Gennadi leaves her to ponder, but her lower thought processes have the wheel, and decide it would be a good time for the poor raksha to sink to her knees and pant.

"... you're... a most interesting individual. I don't even think I know your name, though..."

She takes a moment to raise a finger, though. "One thing before you go, though."

Gennadi: "If that's the name, I thought it'd be more fun if you couldn't just have someone send me a message. More fun being chased than simply rung up like an expensive escort, after all."

Child of Wyld Days: "Heh." Snow Monkey takes a long moment to exhale, then rises to her feet once again. Thankfully for her, gossamer doesn't soak through. "But that is seriously cheating... how'd you like it if I could do that---wait, I already know the answer." She shakes her head in amusement. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on you, mystery man..."

Gennadi: "If you can, you're welcome to it." He turns a bit, opening his jacket and posing for her, the figures pausing in their work to draw attention to this feature or that. "As for cheating... It can be done without it, just that it takes a lot more time than I had." He winks and snaps the jacket closed as he turns on his heel, something like a Dynastic runway model. "But, of course, it's best we go now, or I'll be tempted to try again, and we can't ahve that, now can we?"

Child of Wyld Days: I am sorely tempted to say yes, but I'mve already been delayed. Damn it all, need to find a place to bathe...

"It would be an added snag in my plans, even if the idea's tempting." She does, however, approach the leaving Sidereal and clap her hands onto his shoulders. "Although, perhaps I can see to returning the favor when I return, yes?" This broad, slightly-sinister grin works its way along her lips before she lets Gennadi go.

Gennadi: "If you think you've got it in you... Oh, wait, that would be the point!" He laughs merrily. 'Find me first. Then we'll see."

Child of Wyld Days: "We shall see indeed, mystery man. We shall see." She turns, crouches, and bolts through the air, returning to her full-out dash towards the Northwest, towards the Wyld, towards 'home'. In short order, she's but a shadow leaping from building to building. The only signs of her having actually been there are a few crumbs on the street and the scent of her intimate parts on Gennadi's finger.