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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Dames and Demons ==
All was set.
And so, the group wandered into the unstable parts of the Red Lantern district... mud and bricks the ground under their feet, fallen buildings sandwhiching over one another. It was a strange sort of urbane wilderness. the bricks crushing or lowering into mud under their feet as they walk... and oddly enough, no rats or cockroaches run from their path. The place is quiet. Like death.
Tasya and Kanti together on one side, Elciarde and Alexander on the other, Noel closing he ward. A triangle, the two pairs circling around the ward to see the building where the demon is supposed to be hiding in... the 'Iron Lilac' a brothel with a great fame for hardcore bondage and dominance games. A three-store building, half-sunk, it nevertheless had a vast and elaborate section under the ground... quite a place for a monster to hide in...
From the outside, it looked just a ruined, slightly dangerous place, what with the steel on its construction bent and rusted, forming plenty of dangerous needles should one slip...
'''Tasya: ''' "D-don't be nervous," Tasya whispered to Kanti as they moved into place on their corner of the triangle. "We do this all the time..."
Despite her own assurances to the Terrestrial, the young Spooky huddled close to Kanti and gripped her crossbow tightly, watching the darkened windows and shadow doorways of the Iron Lilac nervously. The mechanisms on the crossbow rattled lightly.
'''Kanti: ''' To Kanti, wrapped in the posture of the Saint, nervousness is not a natural feeling, walking beside Taysa with a motion that is more like a dance than any normal method of locomotion, staying close to Taysa, having innocently positioned herself that bit closer to the building that the young girl.
"I'll be okay." She says, softly, warmly.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince flutters a bit, with small long jumps from one solid place to another, golden motes trailing from Ainerach... always wondering wether they are hunting or being hunted. And then they came closer to the Lilac, and he stopped, turning to Elciarde... "So... now what? How do you do it...? Just walk in?"
'''Eciarde: ''' "Are you in a hurry to get somewhere?" Eciarde asked, giving the prince a smile, then shaking his head. "Now, we wait, and make sure we're fighting this thing on our own terms."
Squatting down as he and Alex reached their own position. Looking back and forth, Eciarde traded a high-handed wave to his compatriots to signal they were in position, then turned his attention to the building in front of them. He peered at it long and hard, rubbing his unshaven chin thoughtfully.
"If it doesn't show itself soon, we might have to smoke it out." He said, apparently speaking to Alex even though he did not look up at the prince. "Not about to risk anyone trying to charge in."
'''Tasya: ''' After minutes of apprehensive silence had already ticked by, Tasya jumped slightly at motion caught in the corner of her eye and looked over towards Eciarde as the elder Spooky communicated to her in short hand gestures.
"E-Eciarde says he is going to see if Second Shadow can lure it out," she translated for Kanti as she waved back to the other Spooky, settling lower to the ground and hugging her crossbow tighter. "We... we need to keep watch close, in case we see anything moving inside. You need to tell me as soon as you do, so I can let the others know."
'''Alexander: ''' "Well... yes." He scratches the back of his neck, embarassed. "I want to face it alread... wait, burn the building from the outside? We are not going in to fight it?" He stares blankly... part of him feeling like he is silly for not having thought of this before..
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti nods to Taysa, studying the hand gestures with interest, a small part of her mind trying to work out what translated to what...
'''Eciarde: ''' "Not unless we absolutely have to, your highness." Eciarde said as he used his hands to communicate with Tasya. "I'm more confident of our chances in that, with you and your companion here with us, but just the same I'd rather not take the risk if it's not necessary."
Finishing his silent communication to Tasya, the elder Spooky twisted towards where Noel stood alone and gestured with a with a few brief hand signals. The other man waved back and unslung his oversized crossbow, Alice. As Noel prepared the giant weapon, Second Shadow fell off Eciarde's arm, literally slogging off like a blob of black goo and flattening onto the ground. It anchored itself around the Spookie's feet with a thin black tendril, then shot outwards along the ground towards the Iron Lilac, stretching itself thin to reached the shadows of the fallen brothel.
"If Second Shadow can lure it to a window or a door and we can be sure where in the building it is, ''then'' I'm going to have Noel set fire to the place," Eciarde explained, looking up at the prince of the first time. The man's face was dire and stretched. His professionalism made him sound casual about the whole affair, but it was plain to see how serious he was taking this. "The area around here is clear enough it shouldn't have anything to spread to, but if it starts to get to large we should be ready to run back to the wards."
'''Alexander: ''' "Alright... well, we will be here if it tries to escape." He lowers Ainerach, still tense, preparing to stop anything that could come towards them... any demonic thing, especially. He watched Second Shadow stretching... quite impressively. Not as flashy as much of what he had seen, but the spookies certainly had... interesting talents.
'''Narrator: ''' Second Shadow slides in... and some noise can be heard within. Rattling of chains.. breaking pieces of furniture... a giggle... a roar. Second Shadow could be seen playing tricks on the windows, making signs, then darting in... they could almost see it poking the thing, rattling the chains, throwing vases and things around... and then the roar came.
And then the creature appeared on the window... seeming to be a human. With a hair most coarse. Eyes that shine in strange green, and... something strange. As if the flesh was wrapping something far too large to fit inside, but fit inside anyway. It was clad in a heavy cloak, and if its hood was pulled in, well closed, it could probably pass as human...
'''Tasya: ''' "Oh! Th-there!" Tasya squeaked, grabbing Kanti by the arm and pointing as the creature loomed into the window near them. "Oh it's an ''ugly'' one!"
For all the nervousness about her, Tasya went into action with intuitiveness. She brought her crossbow to bare on the inhuman figure standing in the window and keeping it trained there with one hand as she gestured wildly towards Eciarde with the other.
As soon as he had answered her gesture, her hand snapped back to the weapon and gripped it tightly. "I-it's going to run out our side. I just ''know'' it!"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti frowns up at the creature, drawing herself into a more ready pose, speaking softly once more, her voice encourging.
"If it does, get behind me." She says simply. "I can ward off it's blows long enough for you to shoot it."<br>
''if I can't send it on. ''
'''Eciarde: ''' "Tasya and your lady see it," Eciarde told Alex, twisting from one direction to the next to pass the message on to Noel. He leaned back down to the round and tapped a finger against Second Shadow. Like a spring snapping back into place, the dark entity flew back out of the building and warped itself around Eciarde, spiraling up his legs and collecting around his hand again.
Second Shadow hardening to a black gauntlet on his arm again, Eciarde watched the building, cradling the crossbow against him. "Be ready, your highness..."
'''Tasya: ''' Tasya pulled back and looked up at Kanti, startled by her suggestion. "I-isn't that dangerous?"
'''Kanti: ''' "It is a lot less dangerous for me, than for you, Taysa." She smiles.
"I won't let you get hurt."
'''Alexander: ''' "It is not touching any of you, Elciarde. You have my word." The blade rises. Pointing at the brothel. Even if it came through the wall, he would be ready. Oh, he would be. And he did not even notice, how he was not even worrying about the group on Spire anymore.
Only focused.
'''Tasya: ''' Hesitant, but heartfelt, Tasya smiled back at the Terrestrial.
'''????: ''' The thing jumped out, its movements nimble like a monkey, hunched, after Second Shadow. It did not have time to wash blood off its hands, and rushed towards the shadow, suspicious... and, apparently, not all that smart....
'''Eciarde: ''' "Oh ''hell''."
Eciarde's eyes went wide as the creature suddenly burst out of the building on Second Shadow's tail. He twisted and gestured desperately to Noel...
Too late. The sound of Alive being fired was like a glacier slamming into the mountain side and the younger Spooky was actually lifted clear off the ground and thrown back several feet as the giant crossbow fired. It's missile streaked towards the Iron Lilac, the glass arrow head leaving a blinding streak of light burnt into the eyes of anyone who looked its way as the sudden motion stirred the alchemical compounds together. The arrow smashed through one of the brothels window and gouts of flame roared out from almost every opening.
"''Hell in a handbasket! ''" Eciarde snapped, already moving back in retreat as the creature came onward. But his face was almost more irritated than panicked and a moment later, he made it clear just why. "Those things are expensive!"
The older Spooky raised his own crossbow and centered it on the creatures broad, distorted chest, letting it come on until his eyes cleared enough to make a proper shot. "If you want to make sure this thing doesn't hurt anyone your highness, now would be a good time to start!"
'''Tasya: ''' Tasya was still looking Kanti's way when the entire brothel suddenly lit up in flame. She ducked down reflexively, but rose up with her weapon aimed towards the window where the creature had been.
''Had'' being the most opportune word.
"It must have gone out an other side!" she shouted, head whipping back and forth between her companions. Noel was still struggling back up from the ground, but Eciarde was beating a hasty retreat from the building and taking aim at something out of sight. Her small hand closed tightly around Kanti's own and she broken into a run towards where the elder Spooky and the young prince were. "Come on! A-Alex might be in trouble!"<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Oh, right. "A-and Eciarde too!"
'''Narrator: ''' The creature... hunched, like a monkey... its movements strange, ripping its human skin ever-so-slightly, revealing something like black, black iron underneath... shining black iron with glowing green eyes. The cloak moved through the obstacles in the ruined neighborhood with nimble ease, each and every movement unnatural as it chased Second Shadow... and its eyes got fixed in Alexander and Elciarde....
'''Eciarde: ''' "At least we know for sure now that diplomacy wouldn't have worked..." the elder Spooky grunted, his eye closing as he took sight down the length of the crossbow. He didn't seem particularly worried about the raving hellbeast storming towards him. He wasn't particularly worried about it. This was just another day in the life, another trip to the office. This was his job, what he did, and he did it damn well.
"Demonic! Rank one! Mark for type!"
''Twang! ''
The sound of the snapping bow-string is harmonic. Almost musical. "''Heart-seeker''," Eciarde said, his voice intoning. A chant. A ritual. A prayer. There is power in all them all. A Spooky knew how and when to invoke them. When the whole game was stacked against you, you cheated like a son of a bitch whenever you could.
Second-Shadow oozes over the weapon in the second that Eciarde jerks back the trigger, darkening as it solidifies, holding it steady and true. "''Dream-Eater''."
The air beside Alex's ear stirs as the bolt flies past, tossing the princes hair.
"''Lady Misra, Dame of Blades... ''"
It only takes a heart-beat for the arrow to find it's mark, but in it's brief flight through the air, the bulbous glass head begins to glow yellow, then burn with a blinding white light.
"''Stay my arm. Guide my aim. ''"
'''Skin-Stealer: ''' It came... and the thing saw it, almost, almost between his eyes... before a spike of black metal jutted out between its eyes, shining green flame, deflecting the sorcerous arrow away! It let out a strange, strange sound like that of locusts over a field, as its burning green eyes fixed on Elciarde... it knew what the enhancted ward-arrow could do to it, and it was not in the least pleased to be attacked with that....
'''Kanti: ''' ''...alexander...! ''
''he...he will be fine! ''
''but her friends... ''
Kanti was pulled as the young woman started to run, and then, suddenly she accelerated and ... ''scooped'', plucking the girl from her feet.
"This will be quicker...!"
She whispers and starts to run faster, a trail of flames and burning irises behind her, leaping up and onto the fronting of the whorehouse, leaving an incongruous trail of irises tumbling over the edge. When she finally reaches the corner, she doesn't stop, just leaps.
"Please hold on tight!"
She sails through the air and then lands with the balls of her feet out, right onto the back of the creature, delivering a painless but certainly felt blow as she springs off, spinning gracefully in the air to land in a crouch, setting Taysa down.
She rises to the posture of the saint.
'''Tasya: ''' "W-what are you-!"
Tasya doesn't even have time to finish asking her question before Kanti has he off the ground and... flying?
"W-whaaaaaaa!" She does indeed hold tight, she holds tight enough to nearly crush the air out of Kanti. Tasya nearly drops her crossbow, throwing both arms around the Terrestrial's neck and buries her face into the other girls shoulder as they ''soar'' skywards. She doesn't even see as Kanti strikes the creature and bounds away, but certainly ''feels'', shouting louder and somehow managing to hold on even tighter.
"W-warn me next time!" she shouts as they finally land. Barely prying herself free from Kanti, one arm still wrapped around the other girls shoulder, Tasya is red faced and flustere.
"T-that’s not the how w-we do things!" she proclaims, her small foot stomping on the ground. But rather than a mere gesture of annoyance, it sends glowing cracks running through the stone beneath her heel. As her foot lifts, the stone swings upwards with it, the hollow whoosh of dry air and the blaze of glowing light pouring out of the opening. Far too small for a person to fit through, but then that’s not her intention.
"You could have k-killed me!" she tells Kanti, frightened tears in the corners of her eyes as she points her crossbow down towards the opening in the ground bellow her and jerks back the trigger.
The bolt vanishes into the light and Tasya stomps the stone back down. Almost immedately, another stone bellow the creature suddenly shatters apart as a glowing crossbow bolt smashes through it in a halo of light. The glowing bolt arrows skyward, ready to pierce deep between the demons legs.
'''Skin-Stealer: ''' The demon is good. He sees the arrow. He hears the crack, and suddenly his body twists, an arm moving in a fashion no arm should move as it bends back to catch the arrow... and fails! It darts, and strikes!
The demon is good. Even battered by Kanti's mighty feet, sent to the ground and far from Alex, still getting up, He sees the arrow. He hears the crack, and suddenly his body twists, an arm moving in a fashion no arm should move as it bends back to catch the arrow... and fails! It darts, and strikes!
And it roars, feeling the sting... which is less than Kanti's bone-breaking feet, but also more than just an arrow.<br>
Iron seeps on him, warding... and he feels banishment whispering on him through it.
'''Noel: ''' Far in the distance, the third Spooky has ''finally'' managed to get back to his feat. Dazed, his shoulder almost certainly dislocated and the wire-frames of his glasses bent, Noel struggles to stay upright as he takes hurriedly stock of the situation. The creature was in the open and not going anywhere. Good news for him. It gave him the time he needed to reload Alice for another shot.
Noel braces the giant crossbow onto the ground with his foot, unfolding the cranks from it's broad flanks. Sweat poured down his brow as he rushed to get the string drawn back and locked. Seconds counted. Seconds ''always'' counted, out here. He was still getting used to that idea. It was a bit of a change, from working the paper-mill.
Of course, it might have been easier if he just unslung the ''other'' crossbow from his back and fired ''that'' one instead. The thought didn't even occur to him for a moment. You just ''didn't'' carry around an oversized instrument of death and ''not'' use it every conceivable moment! Convenience be ''damned''!
'''Skin-Stealer: ''' The creature had been hurt... and it did not like it. Not one bit. And thus, it turned around, from the prince and Elciarde, to look at the girls behind... ah, girls. He looked at their skin, imagining how to peel them off. The Skin of a Dragon-Blooded... so ''unique''! For a moment, a single moment, it seems very confused - which of them should he peel the flesh out of the bones first?
And then, the answer appears to be obvious - both! Little onyx-black arms pop out of its torso, long and sharp, its end like scalpels, two of them moving to the Dragon-Blooded, and one to the young spooky!
'''Tasya: ''' ''This'' was why the Spookies carried crossbows instead of swords. Why they did everything they could to avoid a fight or preemptively stop one from ever taking place. And when that failed and this happened, it was how Spookies usually died.
Wide eyes stared into the oncoming blades. Wide eyes wet and round, the black edges reflected back in their deapths. Wide eyes that suddenly fell, down and down and down. As the barbed claws darted in for her, the ground beneath Tasya opened itself wide. Paving stones did not swing open, but shattered inward like a puzzle pieces shattered apart. Her pale hair rose as her body dropped, tumbling into the void of light and color that swallowed her whole.
... and but not fast enough. The blades simply come too fast, stabbing deep only to be ripped free as her dead-fall tore her from it's grasp. Tasya screamed, blood splattering upwards onto the ground around her, onto Kanti. A scream that went suddenly silent, as she vanished into the light and it flickered away behind her.
'''Alexander: ''' The demon struck.... and drew blood. He drew blood from Kanti's open sides, spilling fiery blood on the rubble... and even as Tasya disappeared into the hole, the scalpel went through her belly, a gash of blood pouring forth... as the demon made the sound of approving clicks. At the same time, Kanti's leg shifted up, kicking the demon's head back...
... and a shadow of light appeared behind him.
"'''''You stay away from them! '''''" He cried with the voice of God... he had a sword of legend on hand, but he could not take chances. The thing could survive even that... and so, the Prince jumped foward and encircled the thing's neck with his arm, his hand obscuring its face... and burning it as it did so, pressing fingers to its eyes.
The light around Alexander went the darkest of golds. His face, his skin, was obscured into shadow by it, as he pushed the thing around, trying his hardest so it did not point to anyone, so it could not hurt anyone... anyone but him.
"''KANTI''! Find Tasya! ''KEEP HER ALIVE''!"
''You wretched creature... if she is... if she... you are going to '''burn'''''
'''Eciarde: ''' "Tasya!"
The shout is anguish. Eciarde can only watch as the screaming girl vanishes into the ground, but he knows she has to come out somewhere. "Second Shadow! Help the Prince!"
Second Shadow reared up on his hand a moment, bulbing into a head that nodded once in confirmation. It slithered off his arm and threw itself onto Alex's back. Second Shadow poured into all those darkened places where the prince's fire cast shadow, the contrast of darkness growing deeper, the darkness becoming an absolute black. Alex could even feel it, like a mask of plaster over his face, like ropes drawing tight around his limbs, strengthening his hold on the demon.
And as Second Shadow tries to keep Alex's grip, Eciarde throws his crossbow side and rips the helmet off his head. Skirting the edge of the area, he ''runs'' looking for blood or any sign of where Tasya has come back out. And abandoning Alex to the fight. He had heard the prince's order for Kanti to find her, but that didn't matter.
''Sorry your highness. My people are '''my''' responsibility and they come '''first'''. ''
'''Kanti: ''' "...Taysa...!"
The shout is scarcely less anguished than Eciarde's as she hears the young woman's scream, cut off so stangely ...
''Where has she '''gone'''? ''
She thought as Alex lept on the beast, wreathed in sunlit fire, grasping it and burning it!
"...yes, yes my prince....!"
She nodded, and then with barely a second glance, ran off with Eciarde, looking for Taysa ...
''Taysa! ''
'''Tasya: '''They don't have far too look. Shards of broken paving stone rain down first, shattering against the ground before Tasya herself appears, rolling out of the light and landing heavily. Her form is nearly still, only a weakened shuttering as she curls up tightly into a ball, hands clutching over her bleeding sides.
'''Noel: ''' Noel didn't see what happened, but he ''knew''. He could hear it in the sound of Eciarde's voice. In Kantis. His head jerked up just as Alice's heavy steel cord locked back into place, looking for a figure he almost certainly knew would not be there. Eciarde was running, the Terrestrial girl too. And the prince was alone, with the ''thing'' that... that might have...
A daze haze set over Noel's scholarly face. He reached up and tore the twisted glasses from his face, hurling them aside. Stiff with precision, he reached into the bolt case fascened under his coat, fingers dialing through the marking notches on each until he found the one he wanted and set it to the crossbow.
It was more two feet of pure gold, sharpened to stake at one end. It's entire length was carved with wards against dark spirits and white feathers from an albino hawk fletched it. It had been forged by a priest of Iron Tears, cooled in sacred oils, polished with cloth from the Smiling Lovers dress. It had cost a ''fortune''.
Eciarde would forgive him.
Noel raised Alice and braced her against his still soar shoulder. Focusing as he aimed down it's length. Waiting.
''Tasya... ''
Firing. Noel's feet left the ground as Alice sent him hurling in one direction while the bolt went the other. A streak of gold, twisting through the air, it's whole length igniting into plumes of spiraling smoke as it drew closer to the demon, the sacred oils burning with pale blue flame.
Straight for the creatures gapping mouth.
'''Alexander: ''' The thing kicked and screamed... and then, Noel's arrow came. It tried to get away... but Alex held it fast. He roared against the thing's screeching, the roar of a lion. Second shadow become part of his shadowed body, darker, and let him hold it fast. The demon was simply ''not getting away'' from their combined strength! It tried, tried to wrestle out of its clothes... but the enhanced strength and light of the prince and the shadow sank their fingers, into the skin, and into the iron '''flesh''' of the demon!
It could ''not'' get away!
And then, its face begun to close, little claws ripping out of the skin and covering its face for protection... as Alexander removed his hand. And then the arrow broke, through its shell, through its teeth, through its throat and its skull.... and stopping a nail's length from the Prince's face.
The Prince did not let go, his fire burning its body as it went limp, and he would not let go until it was ashes.
His eyes voiced thanks to Noel. But until Tasya was up and about, they could not be cheerful ones.
'''Kanti: ''' ''Taysa! ''
Kanti sprinted past Eciarde, up to the prone and stuttering form of Taysa, concern painted on her face as she kneeled on the cold cobbles, amongst the shattered remains of the street the demon smashed.
"Taysa ... Taysa ... calm down ... you're going to be fine ... just, just hold still..." She says in a hurried, concerned whisper as she pressed her hands to the too warm blood on the woman's side, pushing her essence into the wound then concentrating on the viridian strands, weaving them through the flesh, pulling ripped and torn strands together, taking them and making them whole once more, closing blood vessels as her anima started to build, surrounding the girl with a warming glow, one to keep the cold of the cobbles from her.
"There." she says, unconciously mimicking herself just moments before.
'''Tasya: ''' Huddled into a ball, blood soaks Tasya's sides and seeps into the ragged armor. Her skin was pale, paler than it should have been, but cloaked with a feverish sweat. Her teeth were chattering together lightly, making her lips tremble too fast for any words to escape between them. Tears blossomed out from the corners of her tightly closed eyes, streaming down her cheeks.
But as Kanti pours her Essence into the girl, a flush runs through her skin. Her lips grow still. Her eyes slowly open. She blinks, knocking loose another pair of tears that trickle down her face. She lifts her hands from her side, staring confusedly at the blood that coats her palms, then down at the reddened but closed flesh where Kanti's touch had healed her. Comprehension dawns on her, her gaze turning upwards to Kanti in awe of what the Terrestrial had done, mouth opened to speak words that just... do not come.
So, she springs forward instead, throwing herself onto Kanti. Her arms wrap tightly around her, hugging her every bit as tightly as she had moments before, burying her face once more against Kanti's bosom as new sobs send shudders through her small frame.
'''Eciarde: ''' He came up behind them slowly, catching up as Kanti worked her miracles on the girl. And as life returned to Tasya's body, it seemed to sweep out of Eciarde. He dropped, landing on his knees behind them, and suddenly his arms enveloped them both as well.
"Goddamn it, girl," he said softly, his voice so terribly tired. But so very relieved. "Goddamn it..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti wraps her own around Taysa, lifting her up as Eciarde started to hug her, gently kissing the woman's forehead, and stroking her back.
"Sorry..." she whispers in a tone so soft even Taysa isn't sure she heard it.
''sorry I left you so close. ''
''sorry I let you get hit. ''
''sorry I can't do more for the pain. ''
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince finished burning it. There was nothing left, nothing in the very least bit demonic.
Just his own clothes tarnished, darkened from the flames... and as Tasya hugged Kanti, his flames begun to whiten once again. A clear light, pure sunlight of the type that never gets through the Boil's polluted atmosphere. He walks closer to them... "Nice shot, Noel." He says, a little detached, moving closer, touching Kanti, touching Tasya, making sure she is alright... "Thank you, Kanti, thank you..."
"Tasya... I am sorry... had I been faster..."
'''Noel: ''' Last to arrive, Noel stays back a step or two from the others. The blond man looked nearly as pale as Tasya had been and a little green with sickness. He was trembling, leaning heavily onto Alice to keep his feet. But doing is best to make sure he still stood upright.
"Thank you, your highness..." he answers, with the same sort of enthusiasm Alex had spoken his compliment with. Then, a moment later added almost to himself. "I've never done that before..."
'''Tasya: ''' "It's okay, itsokayitsokayitokay..." Tasya whispered back to Kanti, over and over, as if forgiving the thoughts that had gone unspoken as well. Her fingers clutched tightly and if she heard the screams of Kanti's robes, she did not care about them at all. "... thank you."
'''Eciarde: ''' The darkness peeled away from Alex and bent through the air. Second Shadow anchored itself to Tasya's feet and threw itself over her back, like a thick black blanket. It spread, coating itself over Kanti as well and onto Eciards arm, a near-intangible touch holding them all together.
"Up now Tasya," Eciarde whispered, patting her back gently before he let them go. "We're professionals here, remember? A few bruises, you can handle. No sitting down on the job for that."
He was drying his eyes on his sleeves as he stood, facing the prince with an expression that drew close to his usual haggard look. But just a touch brighter. "She would have died, if you and yours hadn't been here."
She probably would have never gotten hurt, either. But in the gift that had just been given to them, it was too low a thing to say out loud. There was only one thing that could be said. "Thank you."
'''Alexander: ''' They were good. Alice... Alice did go through the demon's shell. Tasya was able to transport them... and Second Shadow did help the Prince to hold the demon just enough. He wondered, if Tasya was not right with what she said... that was not how they did things. Would they be slower, without them there? Would Tasya not be far away, then? Maybe it was him and Kanti rushing things... and so, this was the least they could do.
Kanti had knitted Tasya's wounds... made her live. Thanks to Kanti, she would be alive...
And the least the Prince could do, was to take some of her pain.
It was probably his fault...
And so, he reached out, touching Tasya's face, her hair... and felt it rushing in.
It hurt. Oh, it hurt.
He coughed red... but her pain would be over, for now.<br>
It was his' now... most of it, at any rate.
"Think nothing of it, Elciarde... we were just making up for being here."
"I am sorry if we got in the way of it in any way."
'''Tasya: ''' A long sigh came out of the girl, as Eciarde moved away and she held on tighter to Kanti a moment, before gritting her teeth and beginning the long struggle back to her feet.
But then the prince touched her and the struggle vanished. It was like she floated on the tips of his fingers, drawn upwards with his caress. She barely felt the ground, when it settled bellow her feet, watching Alex with shimmering eyes, the color in her cheeks growing brighter.
Until she took in a breath to let out a dreamy sigh and pain lanced through her ribs. The look of adoration twisted into an embarrassed wince of pain and Tasya retreated in on herself a moment, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti slowly picked herself up, looking gratefully at Alex for what he did for Taysa's hurt, straightening herself and ignoring the pain in her side, the wound having closed without her having to think of it, leaving a dull ache that she would have to heal...just as soon as she wouldn't burn all these people.
'''Eciarde: ''' He reflected a moment, before he spoke, drawing out each word carefully. "I will not lie, your highness. You did, but it's as much my fault as yours. I wanted to impress you. To give you results. And I didn't imagine you'd settle for another two days staking out the area and rigging it to our advantage by inches."
"This was more of a risk than we usually take," he confessed, looking away from Alex to Tasya's huddled form. Second Shadow was still holding onto her back, stretching Itself around her to emulate the oversized coat she usually wore. Giving her something to hide in. "We nearly paid for it, too. But, we didn't. Thanks your companion..."
He bowed his head to Kanti respectfully, as he realized he'd forgotten to thank her. The girl was so quite, she easy to lose in the prince's shadow.
'''Alexander: ''' "I see..." He looked to Kanti, smiling gratefully... "Thank you for making up for our mistake then, Kanti. For keeping her alive.. thank you." He was glad then, for them all, even for the Dark Angel... for the Dark Angel, to have found Kanti, to have given her to him... he almost felt bad, for taking something as beautiful as Kanti to his side. But he was really, really glad she was...
... and that his kingdom had people like them.
"You know, soon, I am going to go meet the others in Spire... a Winlandia garrisson will come here, however. And... in the future, I will make sure you get all the funding you need. If today convinced me of anything, Elciarde, Noel... is that we can go away. That with people like you around, this place will be safe against any threats such as this."
''And if anything big enough comes, we will have time. We will come. ''<br>
''But thanks to you, we will be able to go, to prepare, we will not need to be everywhere at once. ''<br>
''Thank you. ''
"Now I can go without worrying."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 10:08, 7 November 2006

Dames and Demons

All was set.

And so, the group wandered into the unstable parts of the Red Lantern district... mud and bricks the ground under their feet, fallen buildings sandwhiching over one another. It was a strange sort of urbane wilderness. the bricks crushing or lowering into mud under their feet as they walk... and oddly enough, no rats or cockroaches run from their path. The place is quiet. Like death.

Tasya and Kanti together on one side, Elciarde and Alexander on the other, Noel closing he ward. A triangle, the two pairs circling around the ward to see the building where the demon is supposed to be hiding in... the 'Iron Lilac' a brothel with a great fame for hardcore bondage and dominance games. A three-store building, half-sunk, it nevertheless had a vast and elaborate section under the ground... quite a place for a monster to hide in...

From the outside, it looked just a ruined, slightly dangerous place, what with the steel on its construction bent and rusted, forming plenty of dangerous needles should one slip...

Tasya: "D-don't be nervous," Tasya whispered to Kanti as they moved into place on their corner of the triangle. "We do this all the time..."

Despite her own assurances to the Terrestrial, the young Spooky huddled close to Kanti and gripped her crossbow tightly, watching the darkened windows and shadow doorways of the Iron Lilac nervously. The mechanisms on the crossbow rattled lightly.

Kanti: To Kanti, wrapped in the posture of the Saint, nervousness is not a natural feeling, walking beside Taysa with a motion that is more like a dance than any normal method of locomotion, staying close to Taysa, having innocently positioned herself that bit closer to the building that the young girl.

"I'll be okay." She says, softly, warmly.

Alexander: The prince flutters a bit, with small long jumps from one solid place to another, golden motes trailing from Ainerach... always wondering wether they are hunting or being hunted. And then they came closer to the Lilac, and he stopped, turning to Elciarde... "So... now what? How do you do it...? Just walk in?"

Eciarde: "Are you in a hurry to get somewhere?" Eciarde asked, giving the prince a smile, then shaking his head. "Now, we wait, and make sure we're fighting this thing on our own terms."

Squatting down as he and Alex reached their own position. Looking back and forth, Eciarde traded a high-handed wave to his compatriots to signal they were in position, then turned his attention to the building in front of them. He peered at it long and hard, rubbing his unshaven chin thoughtfully.

"If it doesn't show itself soon, we might have to smoke it out." He said, apparently speaking to Alex even though he did not look up at the prince. "Not about to risk anyone trying to charge in."

Tasya: After minutes of apprehensive silence had already ticked by, Tasya jumped slightly at motion caught in the corner of her eye and looked over towards Eciarde as the elder Spooky communicated to her in short hand gestures.

"E-Eciarde says he is going to see if Second Shadow can lure it out," she translated for Kanti as she waved back to the other Spooky, settling lower to the ground and hugging her crossbow tighter. "We... we need to keep watch close, in case we see anything moving inside. You need to tell me as soon as you do, so I can let the others know."

Alexander: "Well... yes." He scratches the back of his neck, embarassed. "I want to face it alread... wait, burn the building from the outside? We are not going in to fight it?" He stares blankly... part of him feeling like he is silly for not having thought of this before..

Kanti: Kanti nods to Taysa, studying the hand gestures with interest, a small part of her mind trying to work out what translated to what...

Eciarde: "Not unless we absolutely have to, your highness." Eciarde said as he used his hands to communicate with Tasya. "I'm more confident of our chances in that, with you and your companion here with us, but just the same I'd rather not take the risk if it's not necessary."

Finishing his silent communication to Tasya, the elder Spooky twisted towards where Noel stood alone and gestured with a with a few brief hand signals. The other man waved back and unslung his oversized crossbow, Alice. As Noel prepared the giant weapon, Second Shadow fell off Eciarde's arm, literally slogging off like a blob of black goo and flattening onto the ground. It anchored itself around the Spookie's feet with a thin black tendril, then shot outwards along the ground towards the Iron Lilac, stretching itself thin to reached the shadows of the fallen brothel.

"If Second Shadow can lure it to a window or a door and we can be sure where in the building it is, then I'm going to have Noel set fire to the place," Eciarde explained, looking up at the prince of the first time. The man's face was dire and stretched. His professionalism made him sound casual about the whole affair, but it was plain to see how serious he was taking this. "The area around here is clear enough it shouldn't have anything to spread to, but if it starts to get to large we should be ready to run back to the wards."

Alexander: "Alright... well, we will be here if it tries to escape." He lowers Ainerach, still tense, preparing to stop anything that could come towards them... any demonic thing, especially. He watched Second Shadow stretching... quite impressively. Not as flashy as much of what he had seen, but the spookies certainly had... interesting talents.

Narrator: Second Shadow slides in... and some noise can be heard within. Rattling of chains.. breaking pieces of furniture... a giggle... a roar. Second Shadow could be seen playing tricks on the windows, making signs, then darting in... they could almost see it poking the thing, rattling the chains, throwing vases and things around... and then the roar came.

And then the creature appeared on the window... seeming to be a human. With a hair most coarse. Eyes that shine in strange green, and... something strange. As if the flesh was wrapping something far too large to fit inside, but fit inside anyway. It was clad in a heavy cloak, and if its hood was pulled in, well closed, it could probably pass as human...

Tasya: "Oh! Th-there!" Tasya squeaked, grabbing Kanti by the arm and pointing as the creature loomed into the window near them. "Oh it's an ugly one!"

For all the nervousness about her, Tasya went into action with intuitiveness. She brought her crossbow to bare on the inhuman figure standing in the window and keeping it trained there with one hand as she gestured wildly towards Eciarde with the other.

As soon as he had answered her gesture, her hand snapped back to the weapon and gripped it tightly. "I-it's going to run out our side. I just know it!"

Kanti: Kanti frowns up at the creature, drawing herself into a more ready pose, speaking softly once more, her voice encourging.

"If it does, get behind me." She says simply. "I can ward off it's blows long enough for you to shoot it."
if I can't send it on.

Eciarde: "Tasya and your lady see it," Eciarde told Alex, twisting from one direction to the next to pass the message on to Noel. He leaned back down to the round and tapped a finger against Second Shadow. Like a spring snapping back into place, the dark entity flew back out of the building and warped itself around Eciarde, spiraling up his legs and collecting around his hand again.

Second Shadow hardening to a black gauntlet on his arm again, Eciarde watched the building, cradling the crossbow against him. "Be ready, your highness..."

Tasya: Tasya pulled back and looked up at Kanti, startled by her suggestion. "I-isn't that dangerous?"

Kanti: "It is a lot less dangerous for me, than for you, Taysa." She smiles.

"I won't let you get hurt."

Alexander: "It is not touching any of you, Elciarde. You have my word." The blade rises. Pointing at the brothel. Even if it came through the wall, he would be ready. Oh, he would be. And he did not even notice, how he was not even worrying about the group on Spire anymore.

Only focused.

Tasya: Hesitant, but heartfelt, Tasya smiled back at the Terrestrial.

????: The thing jumped out, its movements nimble like a monkey, hunched, after Second Shadow. It did not have time to wash blood off its hands, and rushed towards the shadow, suspicious... and, apparently, not all that smart....

Eciarde: "Oh hell."

Eciarde's eyes went wide as the creature suddenly burst out of the building on Second Shadow's tail. He twisted and gestured desperately to Noel...

Too late. The sound of Alive being fired was like a glacier slamming into the mountain side and the younger Spooky was actually lifted clear off the ground and thrown back several feet as the giant crossbow fired. It's missile streaked towards the Iron Lilac, the glass arrow head leaving a blinding streak of light burnt into the eyes of anyone who looked its way as the sudden motion stirred the alchemical compounds together. The arrow smashed through one of the brothels window and gouts of flame roared out from almost every opening.

"Hell in a handbasket! " Eciarde snapped, already moving back in retreat as the creature came onward. But his face was almost more irritated than panicked and a moment later, he made it clear just why. "Those things are expensive!"

The older Spooky raised his own crossbow and centered it on the creatures broad, distorted chest, letting it come on until his eyes cleared enough to make a proper shot. "If you want to make sure this thing doesn't hurt anyone your highness, now would be a good time to start!"

Tasya: Tasya was still looking Kanti's way when the entire brothel suddenly lit up in flame. She ducked down reflexively, but rose up with her weapon aimed towards the window where the creature had been.

Had being the most opportune word.

"It must have gone out an other side!" she shouted, head whipping back and forth between her companions. Noel was still struggling back up from the ground, but Eciarde was beating a hasty retreat from the building and taking aim at something out of sight. Her small hand closed tightly around Kanti's own and she broken into a run towards where the elder Spooky and the young prince were. "Come on! A-Alex might be in trouble!"

Oh, right. "A-and Eciarde too!"

Narrator: The creature... hunched, like a monkey... its movements strange, ripping its human skin ever-so-slightly, revealing something like black, black iron underneath... shining black iron with glowing green eyes. The cloak moved through the obstacles in the ruined neighborhood with nimble ease, each and every movement unnatural as it chased Second Shadow... and its eyes got fixed in Alexander and Elciarde....

Eciarde: "At least we know for sure now that diplomacy wouldn't have worked..." the elder Spooky grunted, his eye closing as he took sight down the length of the crossbow. He didn't seem particularly worried about the raving hellbeast storming towards him. He wasn't particularly worried about it. This was just another day in the life, another trip to the office. This was his job, what he did, and he did it damn well.

"Demonic! Rank one! Mark for type!"


The sound of the snapping bow-string is harmonic. Almost musical. "Heart-seeker," Eciarde said, his voice intoning. A chant. A ritual. A prayer. There is power in all them all. A Spooky knew how and when to invoke them. When the whole game was stacked against you, you cheated like a son of a bitch whenever you could.

Second-Shadow oozes over the weapon in the second that Eciarde jerks back the trigger, darkening as it solidifies, holding it steady and true. "Dream-Eater."

The air beside Alex's ear stirs as the bolt flies past, tossing the princes hair.

"Lady Misra, Dame of Blades... "

It only takes a heart-beat for the arrow to find it's mark, but in it's brief flight through the air, the bulbous glass head begins to glow yellow, then burn with a blinding white light.

"Stay my arm. Guide my aim. "

Skin-Stealer: It came... and the thing saw it, almost, almost between his eyes... before a spike of black metal jutted out between its eyes, shining green flame, deflecting the sorcerous arrow away! It let out a strange, strange sound like that of locusts over a field, as its burning green eyes fixed on Elciarde... it knew what the enhancted ward-arrow could do to it, and it was not in the least pleased to be attacked with that....

Kanti: ...alexander...!

he...he will be fine!

but her friends...

Kanti was pulled as the young woman started to run, and then, suddenly she accelerated and ... scooped, plucking the girl from her feet.

"This will be quicker...!"

She whispers and starts to run faster, a trail of flames and burning irises behind her, leaping up and onto the fronting of the whorehouse, leaving an incongruous trail of irises tumbling over the edge. When she finally reaches the corner, she doesn't stop, just leaps.

"Please hold on tight!"

She sails through the air and then lands with the balls of her feet out, right onto the back of the creature, delivering a painless but certainly felt blow as she springs off, spinning gracefully in the air to land in a crouch, setting Taysa down.


She rises to the posture of the saint.

Tasya: "W-what are you-!"

Tasya doesn't even have time to finish asking her question before Kanti has he off the ground and... flying?

"W-whaaaaaaa!" She does indeed hold tight, she holds tight enough to nearly crush the air out of Kanti. Tasya nearly drops her crossbow, throwing both arms around the Terrestrial's neck and buries her face into the other girls shoulder as they soar skywards. She doesn't even see as Kanti strikes the creature and bounds away, but certainly feels, shouting louder and somehow managing to hold on even tighter.

"W-warn me next time!" she shouts as they finally land. Barely prying herself free from Kanti, one arm still wrapped around the other girls shoulder, Tasya is red faced and flustere.

"T-that’s not the how w-we do things!" she proclaims, her small foot stomping on the ground. But rather than a mere gesture of annoyance, it sends glowing cracks running through the stone beneath her heel. As her foot lifts, the stone swings upwards with it, the hollow whoosh of dry air and the blaze of glowing light pouring out of the opening. Far too small for a person to fit through, but then that’s not her intention.

"You could have k-killed me!" she tells Kanti, frightened tears in the corners of her eyes as she points her crossbow down towards the opening in the ground bellow her and jerks back the trigger.

The bolt vanishes into the light and Tasya stomps the stone back down. Almost immedately, another stone bellow the creature suddenly shatters apart as a glowing crossbow bolt smashes through it in a halo of light. The glowing bolt arrows skyward, ready to pierce deep between the demons legs.

Skin-Stealer: The demon is good. He sees the arrow. He hears the crack, and suddenly his body twists, an arm moving in a fashion no arm should move as it bends back to catch the arrow... and fails! It darts, and strikes!

The demon is good. Even battered by Kanti's mighty feet, sent to the ground and far from Alex, still getting up, He sees the arrow. He hears the crack, and suddenly his body twists, an arm moving in a fashion no arm should move as it bends back to catch the arrow... and fails! It darts, and strikes!

And it roars, feeling the sting... which is less than Kanti's bone-breaking feet, but also more than just an arrow.
Iron seeps on him, warding... and he feels banishment whispering on him through it.

Noel: Far in the distance, the third Spooky has finally managed to get back to his feat. Dazed, his shoulder almost certainly dislocated and the wire-frames of his glasses bent, Noel struggles to stay upright as he takes hurriedly stock of the situation. The creature was in the open and not going anywhere. Good news for him. It gave him the time he needed to reload Alice for another shot.

Noel braces the giant crossbow onto the ground with his foot, unfolding the cranks from it's broad flanks. Sweat poured down his brow as he rushed to get the string drawn back and locked. Seconds counted. Seconds always counted, out here. He was still getting used to that idea. It was a bit of a change, from working the paper-mill.

Of course, it might have been easier if he just unslung the other crossbow from his back and fired that one instead. The thought didn't even occur to him for a moment. You just didn't carry around an oversized instrument of death and not use it every conceivable moment! Convenience be damned!

Skin-Stealer: The creature had been hurt... and it did not like it. Not one bit. And thus, it turned around, from the prince and Elciarde, to look at the girls behind... ah, girls. He looked at their skin, imagining how to peel them off. The Skin of a Dragon-Blooded... so unique! For a moment, a single moment, it seems very confused - which of them should he peel the flesh out of the bones first?

And then, the answer appears to be obvious - both! Little onyx-black arms pop out of its torso, long and sharp, its end like scalpels, two of them moving to the Dragon-Blooded, and one to the young spooky!

Tasya: This was why the Spookies carried crossbows instead of swords. Why they did everything they could to avoid a fight or preemptively stop one from ever taking place. And when that failed and this happened, it was how Spookies usually died.

Wide eyes stared into the oncoming blades. Wide eyes wet and round, the black edges reflected back in their deapths. Wide eyes that suddenly fell, down and down and down. As the barbed claws darted in for her, the ground beneath Tasya opened itself wide. Paving stones did not swing open, but shattered inward like a puzzle pieces shattered apart. Her pale hair rose as her body dropped, tumbling into the void of light and color that swallowed her whole.

... and but not fast enough. The blades simply come too fast, stabbing deep only to be ripped free as her dead-fall tore her from it's grasp. Tasya screamed, blood splattering upwards onto the ground around her, onto Kanti. A scream that went suddenly silent, as she vanished into the light and it flickered away behind her.

Alexander: The demon struck.... and drew blood. He drew blood from Kanti's open sides, spilling fiery blood on the rubble... and even as Tasya disappeared into the hole, the scalpel went through her belly, a gash of blood pouring forth... as the demon made the sound of approving clicks. At the same time, Kanti's leg shifted up, kicking the demon's head back...

... and a shadow of light appeared behind him.

"You stay away from them! " He cried with the voice of God... he had a sword of legend on hand, but he could not take chances. The thing could survive even that... and so, the Prince jumped foward and encircled the thing's neck with his arm, his hand obscuring its face... and burning it as it did so, pressing fingers to its eyes.

The light around Alexander went the darkest of golds. His face, his skin, was obscured into shadow by it, as he pushed the thing around, trying his hardest so it did not point to anyone, so it could not hurt anyone... anyone but him.


You wretched creature... if she is... if she... you are going to burn

Eciarde: "Tasya!"

The shout is anguish. Eciarde can only watch as the screaming girl vanishes into the ground, but he knows she has to come out somewhere. "Second Shadow! Help the Prince!"

Second Shadow reared up on his hand a moment, bulbing into a head that nodded once in confirmation. It slithered off his arm and threw itself onto Alex's back. Second Shadow poured into all those darkened places where the prince's fire cast shadow, the contrast of darkness growing deeper, the darkness becoming an absolute black. Alex could even feel it, like a mask of plaster over his face, like ropes drawing tight around his limbs, strengthening his hold on the demon.

And as Second Shadow tries to keep Alex's grip, Eciarde throws his crossbow side and rips the helmet off his head. Skirting the edge of the area, he runs looking for blood or any sign of where Tasya has come back out. And abandoning Alex to the fight. He had heard the prince's order for Kanti to find her, but that didn't matter.

Sorry your highness. My people are my responsibility and they come first.

Kanti: "...Taysa...!"

The shout is scarcely less anguished than Eciarde's as she hears the young woman's scream, cut off so stangely ...

Where has she gone?

She thought as Alex lept on the beast, wreathed in sunlit fire, grasping it and burning it!

"...yes, yes my prince....!"

She nodded, and then with barely a second glance, ran off with Eciarde, looking for Taysa ...


Tasya: They don't have far too look. Shards of broken paving stone rain down first, shattering against the ground before Tasya herself appears, rolling out of the light and landing heavily. Her form is nearly still, only a weakened shuttering as she curls up tightly into a ball, hands clutching over her bleeding sides.

Noel: Noel didn't see what happened, but he knew. He could hear it in the sound of Eciarde's voice. In Kantis. His head jerked up just as Alice's heavy steel cord locked back into place, looking for a figure he almost certainly knew would not be there. Eciarde was running, the Terrestrial girl too. And the prince was alone, with the thing that... that might have...

A daze haze set over Noel's scholarly face. He reached up and tore the twisted glasses from his face, hurling them aside. Stiff with precision, he reached into the bolt case fascened under his coat, fingers dialing through the marking notches on each until he found the one he wanted and set it to the crossbow.

It was more two feet of pure gold, sharpened to stake at one end. It's entire length was carved with wards against dark spirits and white feathers from an albino hawk fletched it. It had been forged by a priest of Iron Tears, cooled in sacred oils, polished with cloth from the Smiling Lovers dress. It had cost a fortune.

Eciarde would forgive him.

Noel raised Alice and braced her against his still soar shoulder. Focusing as he aimed down it's length. Waiting.


Firing. Noel's feet left the ground as Alice sent him hurling in one direction while the bolt went the other. A streak of gold, twisting through the air, it's whole length igniting into plumes of spiraling smoke as it drew closer to the demon, the sacred oils burning with pale blue flame.

Straight for the creatures gapping mouth.

Alexander: The thing kicked and screamed... and then, Noel's arrow came. It tried to get away... but Alex held it fast. He roared against the thing's screeching, the roar of a lion. Second shadow become part of his shadowed body, darker, and let him hold it fast. The demon was simply not getting away from their combined strength! It tried, tried to wrestle out of its clothes... but the enhanced strength and light of the prince and the shadow sank their fingers, into the skin, and into the iron flesh of the demon!

It could not get away!

And then, its face begun to close, little claws ripping out of the skin and covering its face for protection... as Alexander removed his hand. And then the arrow broke, through its shell, through its teeth, through its throat and its skull.... and stopping a nail's length from the Prince's face.

The Prince did not let go, his fire burning its body as it went limp, and he would not let go until it was ashes.

His eyes voiced thanks to Noel. But until Tasya was up and about, they could not be cheerful ones.

Kanti: Taysa!

Kanti sprinted past Eciarde, up to the prone and stuttering form of Taysa, concern painted on her face as she kneeled on the cold cobbles, amongst the shattered remains of the street the demon smashed.

"Taysa ... Taysa ... calm down ... you're going to be fine ... just, just hold still..." She says in a hurried, concerned whisper as she pressed her hands to the too warm blood on the woman's side, pushing her essence into the wound then concentrating on the viridian strands, weaving them through the flesh, pulling ripped and torn strands together, taking them and making them whole once more, closing blood vessels as her anima started to build, surrounding the girl with a warming glow, one to keep the cold of the cobbles from her.

"There." she says, unconciously mimicking herself just moments before.

Tasya: Huddled into a ball, blood soaks Tasya's sides and seeps into the ragged armor. Her skin was pale, paler than it should have been, but cloaked with a feverish sweat. Her teeth were chattering together lightly, making her lips tremble too fast for any words to escape between them. Tears blossomed out from the corners of her tightly closed eyes, streaming down her cheeks.

But as Kanti pours her Essence into the girl, a flush runs through her skin. Her lips grow still. Her eyes slowly open. She blinks, knocking loose another pair of tears that trickle down her face. She lifts her hands from her side, staring confusedly at the blood that coats her palms, then down at the reddened but closed flesh where Kanti's touch had healed her. Comprehension dawns on her, her gaze turning upwards to Kanti in awe of what the Terrestrial had done, mouth opened to speak words that just... do not come.

So, she springs forward instead, throwing herself onto Kanti. Her arms wrap tightly around her, hugging her every bit as tightly as she had moments before, burying her face once more against Kanti's bosom as new sobs send shudders through her small frame.

Eciarde: He came up behind them slowly, catching up as Kanti worked her miracles on the girl. And as life returned to Tasya's body, it seemed to sweep out of Eciarde. He dropped, landing on his knees behind them, and suddenly his arms enveloped them both as well.

"Goddamn it, girl," he said softly, his voice so terribly tired. But so very relieved. "Goddamn it..."

Kanti: Kanti wraps her own around Taysa, lifting her up as Eciarde started to hug her, gently kissing the woman's forehead, and stroking her back.

"Sorry..." she whispers in a tone so soft even Taysa isn't sure she heard it.

sorry I left you so close.

sorry I let you get hit.

sorry I can't do more for the pain.


Alexander: The Prince finished burning it. There was nothing left, nothing in the very least bit demonic.

Just his own clothes tarnished, darkened from the flames... and as Tasya hugged Kanti, his flames begun to whiten once again. A clear light, pure sunlight of the type that never gets through the Boil's polluted atmosphere. He walks closer to them... "Nice shot, Noel." He says, a little detached, moving closer, touching Kanti, touching Tasya, making sure she is alright... "Thank you, Kanti, thank you..."

"Tasya... I am sorry... had I been faster..."

Noel: Last to arrive, Noel stays back a step or two from the others. The blond man looked nearly as pale as Tasya had been and a little green with sickness. He was trembling, leaning heavily onto Alice to keep his feet. But doing is best to make sure he still stood upright.

"Thank you, your highness..." he answers, with the same sort of enthusiasm Alex had spoken his compliment with. Then, a moment later added almost to himself. "I've never done that before..."

Tasya: "It's okay, itsokayitsokayitokay..." Tasya whispered back to Kanti, over and over, as if forgiving the thoughts that had gone unspoken as well. Her fingers clutched tightly and if she heard the screams of Kanti's robes, she did not care about them at all. "... thank you."

Eciarde: The darkness peeled away from Alex and bent through the air. Second Shadow anchored itself to Tasya's feet and threw itself over her back, like a thick black blanket. It spread, coating itself over Kanti as well and onto Eciards arm, a near-intangible touch holding them all together.

"Up now Tasya," Eciarde whispered, patting her back gently before he let them go. "We're professionals here, remember? A few bruises, you can handle. No sitting down on the job for that."

He was drying his eyes on his sleeves as he stood, facing the prince with an expression that drew close to his usual haggard look. But just a touch brighter. "She would have died, if you and yours hadn't been here."

She probably would have never gotten hurt, either. But in the gift that had just been given to them, it was too low a thing to say out loud. There was only one thing that could be said. "Thank you."

Alexander: They were good. Alice... Alice did go through the demon's shell. Tasya was able to transport them... and Second Shadow did help the Prince to hold the demon just enough. He wondered, if Tasya was not right with what she said... that was not how they did things. Would they be slower, without them there? Would Tasya not be far away, then? Maybe it was him and Kanti rushing things... and so, this was the least they could do.

Kanti had knitted Tasya's wounds... made her live. Thanks to Kanti, she would be alive...

And the least the Prince could do, was to take some of her pain. It was probably his fault...

And so, he reached out, touching Tasya's face, her hair... and felt it rushing in. It hurt. Oh, it hurt.

He coughed red... but her pain would be over, for now.
It was his' now... most of it, at any rate.

"Think nothing of it, Elciarde... we were just making up for being here."

"I am sorry if we got in the way of it in any way."

Tasya: A long sigh came out of the girl, as Eciarde moved away and she held on tighter to Kanti a moment, before gritting her teeth and beginning the long struggle back to her feet.

But then the prince touched her and the struggle vanished. It was like she floated on the tips of his fingers, drawn upwards with his caress. She barely felt the ground, when it settled bellow her feet, watching Alex with shimmering eyes, the color in her cheeks growing brighter.

Until she took in a breath to let out a dreamy sigh and pain lanced through her ribs. The look of adoration twisted into an embarrassed wince of pain and Tasya retreated in on herself a moment, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

Kanti: Kanti slowly picked herself up, looking gratefully at Alex for what he did for Taysa's hurt, straightening herself and ignoring the pain in her side, the wound having closed without her having to think of it, leaving a dull ache that she would have to heal...just as soon as she wouldn't burn all these people.

Eciarde: He reflected a moment, before he spoke, drawing out each word carefully. "I will not lie, your highness. You did, but it's as much my fault as yours. I wanted to impress you. To give you results. And I didn't imagine you'd settle for another two days staking out the area and rigging it to our advantage by inches."

"This was more of a risk than we usually take," he confessed, looking away from Alex to Tasya's huddled form. Second Shadow was still holding onto her back, stretching Itself around her to emulate the oversized coat she usually wore. Giving her something to hide in. "We nearly paid for it, too. But, we didn't. Thanks your companion..."

He bowed his head to Kanti respectfully, as he realized he'd forgotten to thank her. The girl was so quite, she easy to lose in the prince's shadow.

Alexander: "I see..." He looked to Kanti, smiling gratefully... "Thank you for making up for our mistake then, Kanti. For keeping her alive.. thank you." He was glad then, for them all, even for the Dark Angel... for the Dark Angel, to have found Kanti, to have given her to him... he almost felt bad, for taking something as beautiful as Kanti to his side. But he was really, really glad she was...

... and that his kingdom had people like them.

"You know, soon, I am going to go meet the others in Spire... a Winlandia garrisson will come here, however. And... in the future, I will make sure you get all the funding you need. If today convinced me of anything, Elciarde, Noel... is that we can go away. That with people like you around, this place will be safe against any threats such as this."

And if anything big enough comes, we will have time. We will come.
But thanks to you, we will be able to go, to prepare, we will not need to be everywhere at once.
Thank you.

"Now I can go without worrying."