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== Angelic Mistress ==
The Night passes... violent.
The lust she incited on the forge god burned like the the Mountain’s forges, just as hot, just as violent. The room was left in disarray, and it went on what seemed to be forever, all other obligations forgotten to the body of the Dark Angel. It showed through that he was the favorite of his sister, the great madam goddess – he was very good, when he begun to be gentle. But at first, she saw what the gift of oblivion does to others – there was little more than animal lust even on a god.
He held her afterwards, as a prize, talked, gave her gifts – a necklace of glittering turquoise gems mined from the mountain. He would give her more later, gifts for her to survive the conflict, gifts for her for being so good.
Sleep came with exaustion, and morning came being tended by Iron Tear’s girls, being treated like a courtesan princess – well-tended to, bathed, passing through beauty treatments. It did not even seem like she would go to war at any moment now...
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Sitting there, being groomed like a high-priced harlot even after she'd donned her usual attire, brought Selina back. Brought her back years. When she was the pretty of the block in Nexus, the little Solar that tempted even the Dynasts. They kept it secret, of course.
<i>Nothing really changed, did it?</i>
She still sold herself. That had never changed. Just not...like she did back then. Until now.
Selina looks at the women of Iron Tears, dispassionately. "I believe I will have to be leaving for now, dears."
<b>Maids:</b> "Certainly, ma'am."
They knew something important had happened, around her. And of course... the darkness around her. Overflowing with it. She was something dangerous, something evil!
Even her dispassionate order feels like a threat. And on that, the girls leave, as quietly as they can, whispered words of goodbye, leaving Selina alone...
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> They were afraid of her...ah, yes. Of course they were. Her curse. She would have to take care of that, but it shouldn't be in this place. Perhaps she'd go out into the city to deal with it, and dump it back in the General's camp. If she could get that far.
For now, though, she had to see Kanti. Her Jokun was waiting outside the door, with her coat. She took it from him, donned it, and asked the nearest onlooker if they knew where the two girls had gone. She didn't bother asking for Moon, he probably didn't want to see her right now.
<i>And I can't really blame him for that.</i>
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti looks up as the Dark Angel enters, naked in the warm room they found themselves in last night. Kanti's robes and Fiona's clothing are strewn around the room in something of a mess. Fiona is asleep on the bed, sprawled out in a tangle of covers, curled around Kanti a little in her slumber. Kanti has evidently been fussing with the girl's hair since she slept, smoothing out the kinks in her long hair onto the bed sheets.
She looks at the Dark Angel with a mixture of fear and guilt and lust showing in her eyes, mostly fear though, now the resonance wraps the Abyssal.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona sleeps curled around Kanti, looking even younger and more innocent... not naked as much as Kanti, but wearing the Vestal's clothes for her - the white lingerie so akin Selina's own clothes, yet pristine white....
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina blinks slowly, coming into the room, setting her Jokun to guard outside before she does, and takes a seat. But she doesn't avert her eyes. "Still afraid of me?" She asks quietly. "Well, I guess the dead gods don't hold too well with what I do. I'll get rid of it soon."
She looks around the room then, and back to Kanti, having taken in the...mess. "Did that goddess try and hire you, Kanti? And Fiona."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti forces herself to meet the Dark Angels gaze, flinching as she does, the slightest tremble running through her body. Nodding slowly to her first question, she speaks softly "Yes, my lady ... sorry."
She keeps on looking at the Dark Angel as she continues to speak, swallowing slightly "No my lady, she did not." something in Kanti's voice suggesting that she wouldn't have objected had it been her choice, but none the less, she speaks the truth to selina. She wouldn't dare lie.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Poor Kanti." Selina muses, taking off her greatcoat and hanging it on the chair behind her before taking the seat once more. "Given to one terrible mistress after another." Her gaze goes directly to the Terrestrial. "Wouldn't you like to be free?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti flinches again as Selina turns the full force of her gaze on her, though once more she makes herself keep on looking, all kinds of emotion playing over her face as she considers the question, what it means ... why she was asked it...
<i>Free?<br><br>How can I be free?<br><br>What would I do?<br><br>Where would I go?<br><br>... have I displeased you, my lady?<br><br>.... is this some kind of test?<br><br></i>She eventually speaks, so very softly. "No, my lady."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "I see." The Windian crosses one leg over and other, and purses her lips, studying Kanti.
<i>So now, she's mine, isn't she?</i>
She had always thought of Kanti as more of her prisoner or her ward. But she didn't want to go free? This meant she was <i>her's</i>.
Selina had never really owned a slave before. In Windia it was discouraged, and in Nexus, by the time she could, she had developed a distaste for it through her own experiences. But now, she had one. In all but name.
"And so, Kanti, you wish to serve me and have my aegis over you? Or is it another you would wish in my stead?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti tries not to shiver as the windian's eyes play over her skin, feeling so small on the bed, wishing for the comforting carress of flames or the feel on sunlight on her skin ... finding none of that, just the cool, cold, dead gaze of the dark angel. She is silent for another very long time as she considers.
<i>...she is giving me this choice....<br>What should I do with it?<br>her? ... Her? ... someone else?<br>... Moon would not like it.<br>... Fiona ...no, not Fiona.</i>
She makes herself speak. "Of couse my lady, I would be happy to serve you." her voice isn't much above a whisper. "Until you tire of me, and then all I ask is that you do not just ...." Kanti's breath catches in her throat, entirely too many memories hitting her right now.<br><i>Images of Heaven.<br>Images of Hell.<br>Images of hell in Heaven.<br>Images of heaven in Hell.</i><br>
"...cast me aside, my lady." she finishes with a slightly ragged breath.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "I will not." She replies with a faint smile, eyes flickering back to the sleeping Fiona, then to Kanti once more. "Unless something happens to me, anyway. I've survived ten years a Chosen, but I could be dead tomorrow." She taps a finger on her belly, indicating the scar Kanti saw the day before. "Or worse."
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>Forgive me once more, Mistress.</i>
"Then I am yours, my lady." she says quietly, bowing her head in submission to the angel of the void before her.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "And I have neglected you." The Windian uncrosses her legs, and gets up. Walking toward the bed, taking her time as she turns her gaze...different. Reminiscent of the smokiness she held within her gaze the night before. "I'll end that. Tell me, did Vestal come to you with the scorn of the dead gods heaped upon her?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti trembles as the Dark Angel steps closer to her, each step sending a small quake through her body, try and dampen them though she might. Her eyes show this fear ... and a lust that starts to mirror the smokiness in Selina's eyes, seeing in her mind the vision of abalaster skin and void wings that showed herself to the God last night...wanting that body.
"She did, my lady, yes."
<i>It crawled over my skin.<br>Curled itself around my scars.<br>Cut into my flesher with knives of ice.<br>It was when I couldn't think of anything but Her to carry me though it all.</i>
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona begins to wake up... her eyes opening to the room before her, seeing underwear she used last night all ripped on the ground, her dress a little too pushed to the side, ripped only slightly...
<i>I will have to fix this...</i>
They were eager, last night. And now, she cuddles more closer to Kanti, hmmung a bit as she wakes up, content... t was only much, much later that she put the Vestal's clothes for her... she felt naughtier in them. And somewhat like Selina now...
Kissing Kanti's neck and whispering 'good morning', the Dark Angel is one of the first things she sees... "Good Morning, Dark Angel..."
She wakes up with a smile on her face, from doubtless happy dreams, and tries to focus on Selina then... her own hands encircling Kanti, for heat, so much of her wanting more now... so much more... but then, she looks at Selina.... disappointed? She expected to see Dark Angel, the one who made her be in heat the last night, that made Kanti rip her underwear and made herself throw Kanti on the bed.. and yet... Selina was so... different!
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Good morning Fiona." Selina replies with the same purr she used last night. Except without the simple magic behind it. Her gaze swings back to Kanti. "So you are no stranger to that."
She feels, deep inside her, the familiar pull of <i>power</i>. Power over others. How she had lusted after that feeling in the old days! To know that a man or a woman would do anything for you. Because they wanted you so much...or feared you so much. To feel the thrill of holding another in your hands, after so long submitting to fate. It was intoxicating.
<i>We were monsters so long ago for a reason.</i>
To be human, and than more than human. She sits on the bed softly, not looking at Kanti directly, but keeping that smoky gaze, knowing what it does. To become their own avatars, gods incarnate. To know that they could meet any challenge, any difficulty, if only they tried to find a way.
"Do you want me as I was last night, darlings?" Her tone gets thicker, although not by much. She seems to grow...looming as if the flickering of her will gives her new presence. "Even like this? Your terrible new mistress?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti lets out a pleasant noise as she feels Fiona slip up her body, feels her lips on her neck, hears her whisper, murmuring her own in reply. The trembling stops a little with the comforting warmth Fiona brings as she wraps herself around her, somehow some protection from the cold the Dark Angel resonates.
She looks up, sees the look in the Dark Angels face that that she knew from so many people, and loved, the look that said you were theirs, that said they wanted nothing less than your all.
"Oh yes my lady." she exhales the words "However you want me ... whatever you ask of me.. but please ... like last night."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona looks at Selina... who looked so terrifying. So unlike what she was before...
And yet... it was still her. The same body that was liquid sin last night. The same lips she wanted on her own last night. The same black wings she wanted spread to her... the same... same...
She wanted her, yes. She wanted Selina to take her... she was owned by <b>no one</b> now. She would not let anyone do to her what the Vestal did... but Selina... she could call Selina mistress, if in bed, and be alone, yes. She could... she wanted to be taken. Cheeks rosy in embarassment as she notices that, she looks down, smiling,
"Yes... please.. be like last night. And... I want to keep the little she left of my purity... but yes... take us... please.." She still waits on Selina. She is not Kanti, but she is one to follow the lead...
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> The great gem at her throat glitters, and she raises her eyebrows, moving up toward them on the bed. "Oh, I don't always <i>take</i> people." Her voice resonates with the sin of the abyss now, as she slides up to Kanti, gloved hands holding her firmly. So much like a predator, so alluring you could fall into her eyes and not notice she is devouring you until you die.
And then, she heightens it. As with the night before, a naughty giggle coming from her as the essence of the grave heightens her appearance, and her feathers reflect the light as if they were mirrors of obsidian. "Gaze into the facets of damnation." She croons with that smoky, soul-killing purr, grip on Kanti relaxing as she cuddles up to them both, wings moving away from them, up and out of the way, then coming back down to cover each partially. Wiggles in between them both, supple as liquid sin. And then whispers something she thinks their former mistress <i>never did</i>.
"<i><b>Take me</b></i>."
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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