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== Stairway to Heaven ==
Not too far away from Amber Post....
The 26th of Ascendant Air.
Hundreds of Miles away, in Amber Post, the Zephyr had left the Angels, so they could get the money from their own pockets to finance the Iron Army of the Boil. And they... Alexsei Krauser, Exceedingly Sublime Opal and Gennadi Ilkov... are left there, not too far away from the Gate to Heaven. Left by the Zephyr a short walk from the gate.
And where is 'there', you ask?
'There' be Peak Aerie. A mountain that rose from the ground together with a large swath of earth... but as, due to its connection to heaven, quickly chained. Great chains led to the floating mountain, not too far off the ground... and great stairs, built by Elementals and Earthly gods to keep an easy access to the portal. The Portal itself is within the Mountain, and approaching too close by airship might be dangerous... powerful spirits of air live within its peak.
And so, those that are to take the stairs to heaven were left a short walk away, amidst the wilderness. No civilized building is anywhere close, although two Manses could be seen from afar. Half-hidden abodes of Sidereal Sorcerers, powerful Godlings, or both, no doubt. And yet, despite the well-kept paths, and the carved stairs and chains, all is so... natural.
Of course, that does not mean they are alone...
* Gennadi lifts his shoe and strikes a match on it, lighting his cigarette and puffing contentedly on it. "Finally. Now I can relax."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She bent at the waist, leaning over and picking up a half-handful of dust. She rubs it in her hands, and brings it to her nose, inhaling the scent of it. "This is old stone." She lets the dust fall back to its home, and glanced toward the pastel glow of the setting sun. She glanced over at Gennadi, and arched an eyebrow at him, "You don't forsee any trouble with the ascent?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Of course not. I have you and Big Al here to handle things." He grins at her.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' Having been pretty quiet for the better part of the trip, the Gatekeeper raises his gaze to the summit, shielding his eyes with his hand.
"I also admit I take the time to enjoy the quiet as it is now, because once we are at our destination, I do not foresee a very quiet stay."
A smile forms on his lips, and he shakes his head at Gennadi once more before turning back to Opal. "Perhaps then, we should say he dragged us here by force, Lady Opal."
* Gennadi wags a finger. "Don't tempt me. I do carry manacles by force of habit. Who's taking point?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She shares the smile with Alexsei, and gestures quietly toward Gennadi, "I'm sure he'll make anywhere we travel rauchous." She looks up the long winding path, as it trailed its way up the mountain. "I suppose I shall. I'm a touch more durable than you are."
* They walk on, close enough to see the stairs now... and the great chase beneath the stairs, between them and the floating mountain....
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He chuckles, then peeks back at the summit with an appraising eye. Before turning back to Opal. "Then I will support you. Watch your step... Danger is afoot, somewhere along the climb. There are... Many of them."
* Gennadi is, shockingly enough, silent about that, puffing on his herbal cigarette whilst they move. At least it has a pleasant scent, and keeps him from toying with either of them instead.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She seems to consider this, and nods her head gently. "Well, it wouldn't be interesting without a challenge." She frowned a bit, and began to walk. As she did so, she allowed her Essence to permiate her body, to lend it the grace of motion unhindered by a crueler world, to ignore the stings nature might levy as she traversed the winding path.
"Well, come along. We mustn't keep misadventure waiting." She said, deadpan.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I am a horrible influence, aren't I?" He sighs. "That was a terrible pun."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' With a thought, he summons Epilogue back to him, the staff chiming softly as it winks back in existence.
"Better come prepared, in any case." He smiles at the exchange, pushing the spectacles up the bridge of his nose as he starts to make his way up. "Well, isn't that the sign of a good teacher?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Who says I am not teaching him, but showing him his own faults reflected, mm?" She begins to climb the steps of the mountain.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Clearly she needs more of my bad medicine. Or at least a vacation from philosophy books."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He smiles, inclining his head at Opal, smiling as he does so. "Notice I did not define who is the teacher and who is the student, my lady."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles a little toward Alexsei, and bows her head, lifting a hand to acknowledge the hit, "Touche." She glances around, frowning faintly at the seemingly serene landscape.
'''Narrator: ''' They walk on....
And, as they get all the more closer to the Stair, they come to a point with great rocks on both sides... quite a rocky path through the mountain. And then, they hear whispers, all around them.... little whispers, from the trees and rocks, which can be closing quite a few
things.... but they hear the whispers...
* Gennadi has long since finished his cigarette, now toying with the end of his chain snaking out from within his sleeve. It swings back and forth like a hypnotist's pendulum. He clears his throat. "If you're going to plan our demise, speak up! It's rude to talk about someone behind their back, after all."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal produces a small pair of starmetal rimmed specticles, and gently places them on the bridge of her nose, wrapping the hook of the stems around her ear. Her eyes narrow as she squints, scrutinising the terrain. She picks up a little bit of loosened dirt, and lets it flow through her fingers, observing how the earth interacts with the wind here, stability with mercurality. She frowns, considering the Essence patterns of the area.
'''Narrator: ''' And the winds begin to blow hard... so hard.<br>
Harder and harder, whipping their skin, making it hard to even see...
But Opal sees.<br>
Through all deceptions, Opal sees.
She sees the wind... being led by music. By an Ocarina that controls the winds as such.
She sees where the essence leads, the power of a Celestial Exalted.
And under the trees and the brush... Beastmen. With large bodies. Large noses. And... great, great horns.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''Ah, here they are. ''
Smiling at Gennadi's quip, he shifts his footing slightly, taking the surroundings into view as he lets his body loosen in anticipation. A short prayer to Saturn on his lips, he stands guarded, awaiting the creatures surrounding them to manifest themselves.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She nods softly to herself, and takes a few steps back from the rocks, subtly pointing out to the sidereals they had an ambush waiting. She held her hands a foot facing eachother, level with her abdomin. She half-closed her eyes as she focused on her connection with the stone, the eternal earth.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He nods silently to Opal, his expression much more serious and focused as he lets the essence of Endings flow within him freely, filling him with purpose.
His eyes flare once, and he lets the gate empower him - letting it open that those that already passed can become his might.
* Gennadi hardly seems to do anything. He just shrugs and moves over to one of the rocks, brushing it clean and sitting down on it. He fishes the chain carefully out from his sleeve, seemingly leaving the two of them alone to handle this mess. (scenelong dodge, my own form)
'''Narrator: ''' And then, they jump out. Brown. Leathery. Stray hair all around their bodies...
Great noses, half-closed eyes looking at them in contempt... and great, great horns. They begin to jump down, surrounding them, beastmen barbarians holding great blades and polearms made of sharpened horns of their own breathren! And atop the trees, singing the ocarina... a large half-Moose, half-men covered with silver tatoos. And it is his singing that brings the words... "Hello, lady and gentlemen! Please, deposit all your valuables... and the exceedingly sublime woman... and we will let you pass! Otherwise, feel free to be killed by my GREAT MOOSEMEN!"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal covers her mouth with a hand, calling on her composure to contain her laughter, which she thankfully held in.
The wind whipped her hair like a alabaster banner, sending the locks and curls dancing with the gale. She glanced over toward Alexsei and Gennadi, looking to them with strained seriousness, "What is my virtue compared to such a threat? Perhaps we should capitulate, that you both might be spared!"
* Gennadi looks up, cracks up, and falls off the stone laughing. "What were you so worried about? Toss the jester some coins, lest this comedy troupe throw rotten eggs and crack smellier jokes." He rises to hands and knees, then back up to his feet, brushing the earth away from dark velvet pants.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''Of all the senseless pairings... ''
Alexsei stands there for a moment, wondering if he has been the subject of a practical joke. But the reactions of his companions tell him what he wanted to know.
There was a joke... But neither of them was responsible for it.
He finds himself having to contain his amusement, seeing the others in such high spirits. "Perhaps that is the threat, Gennadi... We are definitely less of a challenge when laughing enough to tear up." He raises an eyebrow, and cannot, in this moment, hide his own amusement.
"Creating creatures that are half men and half beast are certainly a delicate art... But I suspect perhaps the idea of an animal more... suited to banditry would have helped the overall design."
'''Narrator: ''' It is all the Lunar can do not to turn red with anger, and one can almost see the smoke coming out of his nostrils! "Wha.... what do you mean? Laugh of me? How can you laugh! Look at their eyes! These half-closed, sleepy eyes! It is contempt! They could rend your insides, and not care! Look upon them... and ''despair! '' For you face the ''Killer Moosemen of the GREAT SILVER MOOOOOSE! ''" He shouts, as the Moose circle around the incredulous Celestials and Jadeborn!
'''Gennadi: ''' "Herbivores? Such a bore.... Damn, even I can't go on with this." He shakes his head. "Who let a LUNAR in the gate zone anyway? Practical jokes are one thing, but this is ridiculous."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "They probably act like a natural buffer to those who are more... terrified of such beings." She ponders this, placing a slender finger on the point of her chin even as she causes a hundred, caltrop-sized spikes of earth to spring from the ground, ringing the two Sidereals and herself.
She bites her lower lip and considers the mystical implications of a tribe of moosemen guarding the path to Heaven. ''It was almost crazy enough to be brilliant! ''
* Gennadi points over at the leader. "You! Don't be so upset, it doesn't become you. If we give you the lady, we can keep the money and valuables, right?"
'''Great Silver Moooose: ''' "No!"
He shouts over the songs, and the wings buffering them.
"The pretty arties! And the lady! And the moola!"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Drawn from her repose, she glances over at Gennadi and gives him a frown, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that, by the way." She glances back over at the Lunar, and sighed a little bit. "What is it with me and Lunars? He's the second one to wish to carry me off. I don't smell musky, do I?" She looked toward Alexsei, tilting her perfectly beautiful head and giving him a quizzicle expression.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He shakes his head, looking at his comrades before looking at the Mooseman leader. "I despair indeed - If we were to find "misadventure" along the way, I expected it to be something that would not be a complete waste of time."
He peers at Gennadi, lifting an eyebrow at the mention of giving away Opal to them - and completely unsure of where the situation should be going. The mooseman's refusal is complete, however, and he shakes his head.
''Silly me for thinking this could be a regular walk to the Gate... ''
"Oh well. It looks like our friend is adamant about this. Let us get this over with, yes?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Are we sure it isn't a Fae masquerading as a Lunar to make them look bad yet? It might be a false positive."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal smiled suddenly, as she felt something familar under her feet. She closed her eyes, and ominously, the earth began to rumble.
The earth churned, scattering some of her stone spikes.<br>
The earth boiled, sending a small avalanche of tiny stones rolling down the mountain.<br>
The earth parted, revealing at last what dire thing Opal had brought forth...
A plinith sized pillar of rock salt.
'''Great Silver Moooose: ''' The great pillar of salt appears!
And all the Moosemen... without a change in their sedated expressions... move towards it.
And begin, slowly and surely, to lick it.
And the Great Moose stops playing, looking at it with disbelief. "... idiots."
* Gennadi suddenly leaps up atop it, pointing at the Lunar with a chain-wrapped finger. "BEHOLD OUR MARVELOUS MOOSEMEN! Please deposit all your valuables and we will let you leave!"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She covers her mouth again, but the giggles start to pour forth, dispite her best efforts. "Come, friends, and let us leave our good host to his children, most fearsome and dire as they are." She continues to giggle softly as she walks on.
'''Great Silver Moooose: ''' "Halt!" The Lunar Moose calls in anger... and '''jumps'''!
Falling in the charm in front of them, he lets go of the Ocarina... that falls on its chain, over the large round medallion chained around the Moose's neck, both falling over his chest. And thus he gets something from a pouch... "I said you would behold..." A little something... a crystal, enveloping the Moose in light! Covering him with a pristine, shining white cloth, of large sleeves, leaving his chest bare. A half-globe of darkness appeared over his forehead, something between hair and helmet, shiny like a billard ball. "... my Wyld form!"
"You. Shall. Not. Pass!"
* Gennadi digs around in his pockets and throws a small jade bar at him, Walking his way down through the crowd of moosemen and waving Alexsei along.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' Shaking his head, Alexsei can only contemplate the debacle. This could not, under any circumstances, even pass as a serious attempt at banditry.He can only rub his forehead, nodding to gennadi and Opal's greetings.
He follows them along, almost ignoring the protests of the bandits' 'leader' as they trudge along his followers. "Well then... Let us hurry, lest we lose precious time." He cannot hold back a laugh, in retrospect, at the sheer surreal of the whole situation, and the ridiculousness of this chain of events...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' As the pass beyond the Lunar leader, she idly glances behind herself and traces a complex glyph in the air, her finger becoming a glowing point of white light. The pattern hangs in the air. She continues walking, looking back at the other two.
"Does Heaven have anything edible?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Wonders like you have never tasted."
'''Great Silver Moooose: ''' The Moose on, the other hand, gets down, trying to find the Jade bar...
"Moola! Moola! Moooola!" He cries as he takes the bar... and then jumps towards them to....
Hit his face hard on the barrier.<br>
"... no fair."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' A smile crosses his lips as Opal asks her question, nodding his assent of Gennadi's answer. "I also have to say, the food in Yu Shan is very exquisite... I am certain you will appreciate."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Should we duel for the opportunity to take her to dinner?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Oh, I've never tried food created by prayer before." She seems to consider this, even as the dull thud of the Lunar hitting her barrier echoed along the path. "Oh pish, you can both take me. Besides, I need to shaperone you, Gennadi, incase the the Goddess of Lust, Ecstacy, Bliss, or Anal Sex appears." She smirks faintly at him, and continues on.
'''Gennadi: ''' "When you mention both of us taking you in the same breath as the goddess of lust, well, let's just say some is probably giddy with glee and drawing such right now."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He shakes his head, and a smirk crosses his lips as he lifts a hand. "I of course will do the gentlemanly thing when a lady is accompanied, and let Gennadi escort you. I am certain, after all, that this was his intention all along."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "You've already mentioned your pornography collection several times, dearest. One begins to wonder as to the... potence of your boasting, since you seem to take so much pride in your created works." She smiles over at Alexsei, then, and nods a bit, "Perhaps.."
She considers Alexsei for a silent moment, before removing the starmetal rimmed specticles she effected, and offered them to the Sidereal. "Here. You might make better use of these."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, opal... It's not my own." He chuckles. "What can I say? I find great pleasure in owning depictions of powerful people in embarassing situations. It is much easier to smile and not worry when you've seen, say, Ayesha Ura having cake icing licked from her bosom."
* Gennadi looks over to Alexsei. "Don't worry, I won't tell your wife... Honestly, I thought it'd be quite nice for you to show her some of the city. i can't monopolize her time, after all, and you'd surely be a more respectable tour guide."
'''Narrator: ''' As they talk, they have left the crossing behind... and come to the ground before the stairway.
In front of them lies only the mountain.... and within it, the portal.
'''Alexsei Krauser: '''"Ah, if I can serve as a guide, of course. As for telling my wife anything - she is aware of the situation as it goes along." He says nothing on more on the subject, instead thumbing the ring on his finger befor continuing."
"But yes, Lady Opal... Perhaps one of these nights, when Laisdach does not have any task for me, I can show you around Yu-Shan. Most probably different parts than Gennadi would, I suspect, but I can only walk about what I know."
* Gennadi shrugs. "I'm probably going to be too busy recovering from my sifu's affectionate touch to be doing that much... though I admit I can handle a dinner, perhaps some dancing, and other ways to delay my reporting in."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles over at Gennadi, and arches an eyebrow at him, "I'm curious how those early teaching session of basic moves and postures progressed, Master Gennadi."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' Red colors his cheek as he witnesses Opal's offering, and inclines his head towards her. "Ah, your spectacles... for me? But... Do you not need those? I do not think I have done anything deserving such an offering, lady Opal..."
* Gennadi waits politely for Opal's offering to play out before explaining precisely what he means. After all, he's not sure himself how sarcastic that term will be...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "These merely sharpen my senses a bit. I have not a need for them, but they adjust themselves to any user, and are imperishable. Besides, with some of the fights I have seen you and the others indulge, I should think you would want a more... durable form of eyewear." She presses them into his hand and smiles a bit, moving away, preventing him from returning them, then looks toward the Gate.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Ah..." comes his protest, but she moves away, indicating she will not accept a refusal as an answer. "Well then... you have my most grateful thanks, lady Opal. I do appreciate such a gift, for it will be most helpful on the battlefield... That is a most thoughtful attention. I will remember where those have come from." He smiles then, exchanging the eyewear with his, and letting his eyes accustom to the shift before inclining his head once more.
His gaze now shift towards the gate, and a smile crosses his lips as he witnesses it's shape into the mountainous terrain. "Ah... There. I believe we are at our destination."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Entering heaven's gate. Almost poetic."
'''Narrator: ''' The steps all done, the air feels rarified... they are in the clouds.
Walking into the mountain, they disturb groups of lighting butterflies, each flap of their wings creating an strange symphony as they leave. Walking further inward, they hear the slumber of Earth elementals all around them... the slow, ponderous presence of those titans. And as if they were manifestations of their dreams, gem-ants move about, little glittering points on the rocks and the earth....
And then they come to the arcway, in a spot in the middle of the mountain, four waterfalls meeting there and moving into subterreanean brooks that had been seen from outside forming waterfalls in the nothingness between the floating mountain and the ground.... all their waters had been normal before, but here, each has different colors, forming a liquid rainbow.
And then, lighting comes down from the sky, in a straight line, with thunder, as a serpent of lighting appears before them...
"'''Who goes there? '''"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She arches an eyebrow at this, searching her mental resevoir of information as she pursed her lips. A storm serpent, perhaps? She narrows her eyes faintly, folding her hands before her and looking to the two Sidereals.
"I handled the last one. Your turn."
* Gennadi laughs merrily. "Oh, my wily ways come back to bite me in the end."<br><br>He does, however, pause to fish out some folded official documents, straightening them with a flick of his wrist and holding them up while he recites his name, duties, and other such pertinent detail.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He chuckles, nodding to Opal as he bows his head. "Well played."
He also fishes for the official reports he has filled, executing a bow before reciting his rank and business in Yu-Shan. It had been a while, but he finds that the procedure comes naturally to him, as if his last trip to Heaven had been the week before.
''Our masters '''do''' train us with frightening efficiency, it would seem. ''
'''Narrator: ''' The serpent looks at the reports...
Well, 'looks'
As its eyes gaze on them, lighting crackles, the scent of ozone filing the air, as many small bolts of lighting come to the reports, lifting them on the air, and pervading the documents, eletricity touching every word there, and reading it all... leading the serpent's face to become more amiable. "'''Very well. '''" it says, as two great wings open on its back... and lighting shoots from them, to the arcway... making reality melt like wax within it, excited by the lighting... and instead, become a water mirror, leading to the Celestial city Yu-Shan.
"'''You may pass. '''"
* Gennadi shakes his head. "Every time. I'm so glad I don't travel back and forth much."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Indeed. These formal travels can be such a bother... Though I suppose this time grants us a good opportunity to visit, what with the current events and all. What is bother some is having to formulate another request should you forget your keys in Heaven and notice it only once back in Creation."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Her eyebrows lift, impressed by the miraculous display of Essence and power. "Ah... yes, I'm sure that would be rather... taxing. You know... I've been meaning to perfect the technique of lining two Manses together by their Dragon Lines, allowing instantanious travel between. Maybe I shall have time for that here..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "So.... who faces the lions first?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "I suppose it is my turn now, yes?" He shakes his head, then verifies the documents he has taken out are in order. "Someone has to, so I will go first."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Age before beauty." She quips, smiling a little at Alexsei.
* Gennadi just tucks his back into a pocket. "Good enough for me. Hopefully it's a warm welcome."
'''Narrator: ''' Stepping into the water mirror... and through a new layer of reality. Stepping through is like walking on water... even breathing is different. Everything is different. Wondrous. The body feels lighter. The lights carry greater weight with them. Framing the suntuous creature at the gate.... guarding the Jade gate etched with all the thousand Old Realm Kanji at the light of Ambrosia-Flare. The Lion of Orichalcum, perfect in his vigilance, devotion and prowess. Watching them. Unmoving.
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Ah... If only it wasn't true." He answers with a smile to Opal's comment.
He passes the mirror, and approaches the Lion with a much more serious look on his face bowing deeply before the fearsome Orichalcum guardian, his voice polite, but loud and clear.
"Agent Alexsei Krauser of the Bureau of Destiny, Division of Endings, reporting for an update of the situation in the North of Creation. I am accompanied by Agent Gennadi Ilkov of the Division of Serenity, reporting on the same situation, as well as a Guest, the Lady Exceedingly Sublime Opal."
'''Narrator: ''' The Celestial Lion is stoically calm. Light dances over its perfectly polished Orichalcum as it appears to consider Alexsei's words, as a lion calmly and thoughtfully chews on every bit of its food.... and then finally, its eyes shine, and its nostrisl let out a sweet golden smoke. "It is a pleasure to see you again, agent Krauser, agent Ilkov. You may pass, of course. How long will your guest stay?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Our guest will remain for ten days, or as long as it takes for use to complete our business here and return to our duties in Creation, Heavenly Guardian."
* Gennadi nods. "No doubt it will be longer, I'm afraid. You try scheduling the people involved within ten days..."
'''Narrator: ''' "Very well." The Lion says, in his powerful, yet strangely amiable voice. "I will trust your judgement in this, Starchosen." Slowly, ponderously, the Orichalcum Protector moves away from the gate... allowing them to step through. Through the gate... and truly feeling it. Heaven.
Twilight was past.<br>
It was night.<br>
Night dominated by a dome of Jade.<br>
Night dominated by seven great lights.<br>
Light illuminated by a thousand floating kanji, and a million shining gods.<br>
They had stepped into Yu-Shan.<br>
And all would be different now.
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