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== Deals In The Darkness ==
As both Angels go into the cathedral hall’s door, they step  step into a... corridor. walking some steps down towards a larger door at the end... and opening it, to a luxurious room.
Very religious, empty aside from the altars on the walls, the burning incense filling their lungs, the images of Stygia and the Void... and of the Shining One. To the center, a table covered in red velvet, as well as four large chairs covered in the same...
And... langushing on one of them, lips curling in a wicked smile as they come in... Charmaine.
The heavy black robes of her order covering her wholly, and yet, her voluptuous figure still shows through. A bang of her fiery hair falls over her face as she smiles at the newcomers... a chain on her hand, leading to a scantily-clad girl knelt at her feet and resting her face on her leg, a beautiful girl, of a heart-shaped face, full pouty lips and purple eyes, clinging to Charmaine as if she was the only thing in the world...
And standing, not far from her... someone else. His head is cleanly shaven, and he shows traces of Realm Ancestry, on his coal-black eyebrows. He clads himself as an Immaculate Monk, only all in black and violet, the images of dark serpents on his outfit. On his hand, rests a cane of Black Jade and Soulsteel, marked with the figure of serpents, the head of them at both of its ends....
"Welcome, welcome! You finally got here, Dark Angel, took your time... and this is the Pale Angel, is it? She is prettier than I imagined, indeed.." Her voice seems to be aroused as she says so. Her partner lifts an eyebrow, but says nothing, as their dark meeting is joined...
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Charmaine." Selina growls, stepping forward a few paces and then stopping, looking over the woman and her partner. "This was unnecessary. Highly so."
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Was it?" She shrugs. A wave of her hand throws a chain of essence from her hand, materializing in the air like azure quicksilver, wrapping to the choker on the neck of your ghostly guide, who squeals in delight as she slowly reins her in, petting the other girl at her leg. "It is better than some gutter in Windia, or anywhere public. Here, everybody is trustworthy... we killed all those who were not last night, when we took over this place of worship to us." She says, like that was the most normal thing in the world.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "All gutters of a different kind compared to Oblivion in the end, aren't they?" Selina grates, then sighs and relaxes a bit. "You will find this position to be untenable, unfortunately, but that is not the subject for today's discussion. We should get to that."
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Now, if you want, please sit down, and let us... parley. I am the Vestal of the Livid Lamasery, Pale Angel... but you can call me Charmaine. Plase enjoy yourself, you won't have such an opportunity after I get you to call me 'mistress' always..." She says with a smile, waving to her companion, "Oh, and this is the Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers.... a friend of mine. One of those no-fun people I told you of." He nods, politely.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "There's only two of you?" The Windian asks curiously, moving to take a seat as she opens the front of her greatcoat, exposing the leotard and weapons beneath. "Yet so many disobediant Nemissaries."
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>One... two.</i> Vorpal counts silently in her mind as she moves further into the room. <i>Where is the third?</i>
"You might want to name a new commander for the Death Hand", she puts in absently before coming to stand behind Selina, leaning against the backrest of her seat.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "If there is indeed any Death Hand left now that we are done." Selina adds onto Vorpal's final comment, gaze flat at the other two Abyssals.
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Oh, yes, yes! You took the geezers out of our way! Very, very nicely done." She nods. "You can never quite get rid of traditionalists.... idiots. It is our time, now. You left one alive, though. The one who went after you, no less, Dark Angel.... the Pale Angel is certainly powerful as I have heard, to have taken both of the ones sent to dispose of her!"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Sighing again, Selina gives Charmaine another flat glance. "Do we get any payment for services rendered?"
<i>It is not my fault he flew away.</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> Honest or not, Vorpal recognizes an opportunity to intimidate when she sees one. Therefore, she just draws her lips into a chilling smile, not even attempting to correct the mistake this Charmaine makes.
<i>Don't mess it up now</i>, she thinks, all too aware that Selina might speak out at the wrong time.
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Well, you will certainly have our favor, if you ever wish to come to our side..."
"You can <i>imagine</i> how much pleasure that can be."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> His voice comes cutting, "Enough of this foolishness. We are here to deal with this problem, and if we have to treat with these infidels to have it over soon, we shall. But let us not make it longer than it should be." He says, and his voice is sharp and heavy on the air.
"I believe you think you know what we want?" He asks the angels of the void.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Of course I do." Selina replies smoothly, looking at him with a suddenly innocent expression, eyebrows raised as if in question. "And I believe you are supposed to offer us something for him, if this is a real parlay and not simply a way for you to threaten us."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Even the pure truth would be a threat to you, in your current position." He says, a grin of superiority taking his features for a moment.
Just a moment.
A grin that is not... something to see. Too serious for a grin, if....
"And what is your price, then? What do you want for the boy?" He asks,
"How much is he worth for you and your harlot mistress?"
<b>Vorpal:</b> Listening to the conversation only party and letting the Dark Angel do the talking as was agreed, Vorpal takes an inconspicious inhale through her nose, attempting to locate the direction where the third powerful source of Essence might be.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "The name gives you away, Hierophant. Is the meeting place your plan? Well, I've been in the underworld before, do not think I cannot get back if I need to." Selina replies conversationally, shrugging.
<i>Trap me and I will surprise you, old man.</i>
"You see, that is the problem. We do not know exactly how much he is worth to the Lover." The assassin continues with the same tone as before. "I believe we would have to check with her first, in which case this is only a preliminary negociation."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "You have not?" He laughs, and his laugh chills the soul. "Stupid Harlots... spent all your time spreading your legs to your mistress and forgot about bussiness? That is the reason she controls so <i>much</i>, no doubt."
His staff hits the ground, the sound echoing on the room. "Windia will be grind to powder before you know, then? The Celebrant of Blood will have decimated your countryside, down to the last woman and child? The General shall have the Bull's head on his belt? How long until you have an answer for us, infidel?"
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Less, dear, less." She says, waving her hand, and lowering her hand on her living pet...
"We are supposed to be diplomatic, not burden them with the inevitable. Thre will always be more infidels." She shrugs. "We may as well be nice, this time."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Dispense with that and deal." Selina says levelly, looking at him with a gaze that seems to imply 'target'. "We did not come here to exchange threats."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> He answers both with a glare. And nothing more. "Is it a threat? It is simply a fact. We need an answer, harlot. We wish to break you. To grind your bones to powder, as this city will be. To let your blood run red as it will run in these streets. To ravage you as its countryside already suffers. We want to show you the true might of oblivion! That we give you so much as a chanc to parlay and escape to your mistress' paltry domains in that red whorehouse is already more than you could ever ask for! And now, we see you have taken this so lightly?"
His eyes narrow.
"If you are not able to understand the seriousness of your situation, pehaps you need it beaten into you, little girl."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Selina shakes her head, then replies. "Perhaps I should ask a question then: How much is he worth to you?"
<b>Charmaine:</b> Charmaine waves her free hand, one hand busy jerking her living slave's chain up, so she comes closer to her... one hand disappearing under the covering of her sex, making the girl flush in front of them... the movement of her free hand touching a couple of bells on the side of the table, making a door click open to their left, from whence comes another girl.... hazel eyes, hazel hair tied on a long ponytail up her back, going up and then down... and dressed simply in provoking black leather. On her hand, there is a plate, carrying long chalices filled with a red liquid of delicious scent.... "Here. May we calm down with this... and honey, serve them and come here, now, will you?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> With an aristocratic little gesture of 'too much' with one hand, Selina waves the girl off. "No no, it is quite alright. I am perfectly calm, thank you."
And a flicker of her gaze for Charmaine as the red-head molests her servant in plain view.<i>Perhaps I should have given her something more yesterday, the woman seems to be starving for it.</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal, who has listened to the conversation without a word all the time, narrows her eyes slightly as she ponders what has been discussed so far.
<i>Why should Lover care about what happens to the people of Windia? The Dark Angel will care, but... not the Deathlord.</i>
Then, another thought occurs her:
<i>Aha. Is this why you wanted to be the one to take care of the negotiating, assassin?</i>
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Your lives, for starters. And safe passage back to the crimson whorehouse." He estates plainly.
"And were it for me, that would be all you would ever get."
"But, we are auhorized to give... concessions. A great storm has begun. We are its harbingers. Death, death, death, death, DEATH! We shall pray. Many of us have begun praying already. Under my command they have made of Whiteshield prayer, burning it for death. As we shall every other part of the north, coloring its ice with ashes and blood. Death..." He stops. He is a very good orator, and all he says... flows. And death seems stamped in his eyes.
"Cooperate with us, and you will be part of the flow of brunt flesh and wood, of rivers of the blood of women and babies.... be part of it. A tract. Either that, or be swept in the endless tide of war..."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "No, thank you", the Ghost-Blooded says, declining from the offered chalice.
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Of course, such a tract would require more than simply the artifact and the children." He adds, smiling.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "The Dead Hand is functionally obliterated." Selina begins, eyeing him with about as much contempt as he is sparing for her, her voice taking on the tone of what she would have been in another time, a ruler. "I have reduced other deathknights to carrion and ash. I have faced companies of the living and dead and won through, while they lie unmoving. What fear am I to have for your lot, Hierophant? The Mask of Winters wants me for the killing of Black Spiral Dancer, and he has conquered Thorns -- Thorns which had the backing of the Realm. I see no such victory for the Bishop, and no reason why I should fear your ultimatum. And I am hardly the only deathknight the Lover possesses, and the most errant at that."
<b>Charmaine:</b> Charmaine shakes his head.
<i>Always having to preach... that is what happens when someone is wholly converted to our faith, I suppose. Least we know he<b> is</b> trustworthy...</i>She keeps her fingering of the heart-faced girl, whose face flushes, little whimpers coming from her already under the Vestal's fingers... and her eyes, her burning red eyes seem to rawl over Vorpal's skin...
<b>Vorpal:</b> Noticing the lustful stare, Vorpal responds in kind, dryly, nonchalantly, like a she-lion who observes a fly buzzing around her head.
<i>Don't even try,</i> her eyes state.
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Oh, really? The Sun Exalted me a few years ago, little girl. With my compatriots, I broke into the Hidden Tabernacle, I faced the Bishop himself. A paladin of the Sun, I saw the face of oblivion. And I understood it. I have destroyed both Solar and Lunar anathema since then.. and I have walked Creation far longer than you, I am sure. And do you truly believe you have vanquished them all?" He laughs.
"One circle has been Obliterated, simply the Shadowlands. The Labyrinth and Void come, the other 60 of them. You obliterated their leaders, giving the Crusader, the knight of St. Vicious, the power over them all. We have an Army. Do you know what that is, little girl?" he states, his eyes moving to Vorpal.
"30-odd scouts and pursuers. Do you thought that an army, Dark Angel? There was a real army taking down Whiteshield, despite its protector spirits, and its Sun-powered royalty. There is one marching on Windia's countryside, destroying all in its path. Led by Deathknights such as you, powered with war machines of the dead.... do you really believed you stand a chance?Then, go ahead." He says, sitting down. "Go ahead, tell your mistress there is no problem. The boy is already ours then, why should we bother?"
<b>Charmaine:</b> Charmaine smiles, giggles amusedly, then turns to her toys... letting the zealot of the Void and the zealot of Self spar, it would change nothing.
Their fate, after all, is already decided.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Snorting, Selina purrs his venom right back at him. "As have I, Hierophant. You can only fall into Oblivion once -- and besides, if you are so mighty, then you would not go through the pretense of this 'trap'. Do I unman you, oh ancient Exalt, that you need a cathedral's worth of ghosts to snare me? A whore like myself?"
<i>Or maybe you are just buying time.</i>
Voice becoming more reasonable again, she continues. "Your concessions require me to speak with the Lover's voice, and she will not give it until she has considered. It certainly would make things easier if you said what you wanted the boy for, now wouldn't it?"
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Am I trying to trap you? You are free to leave, Dark Angel." He shrugs, taking his chalice of the red liquid, and sipping on it.
"Death will caught up with you, wether you come to it or not."
"If you are going to speak for her interests, you have to speak with her voice, do you not? Of course.... maybe you can speak with your own?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Look at where we are, Hierophant, and say that is not a likely conclusion for me to make." She replies simply, cocking her head at Charmaine and her amused smile. "As for my own, I want to know why you want the boy. He's a fledging Solar, nothing more. And Whiteshield is, for now, yours."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Our lord wants him, and that is enough for us. We want him, his brother, and most of all, his blade. And will settle for no less."
He looks around, curiously... "Oh, this place? We have obligations for our flock. Greater than you have for your beds. And, hmm, how shall I put it? <i>We do not trust you?</i>"
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>Thought so.</i> Vorpal nods, mentally. She has always thought that sword had looked far too fancy to be an ordinary artifact.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "The gesture is returned, Hierophant." Selina says coldly, finally starting to tire of the game. "However, so far I've heard no real concessions. Safe passage back to Red Ice, and the possibility of being part of your army? I may be in the service of the Void, but I am a pragmatist, not a fanatic."
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "The consession of being part of everything. That was for the Lover, not for you. To rule her part of the north, and be left as part of the north. To help passing us what we want, and have what she thinks important. Now, if you want to talk about <i>yourself</i>.... we may have one for you. Windia is... important for you, is it not?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Windia has rejected me, Hierophant." Selina replies warily, looking him full in the eye.
<b>Vorpal:</b> <i>Mm.</i> Vorpal closes her eyes for a moment. <i>But have you rejected it?</i>
<b>Charmaine:</b> A squeal of delight. Closing her eyes, the girl squeals, falling over the legs of the Vestal... who jerks her chain up, suffocating her as she lays there in delight... then, spreading her own legs slightly, gesturing in the girl's hair, making her move, knelt down, towards the middle of the Vestal's legs... and her face, flushed, eyes Selina, "Oh, a pity. And I had such a nice offer for you..."
"Join us, and give us the children and the blade. And for that... we would leave Windia safe. Conquer it without destroying it, and giving it to you as your citatel. A pity you do not care, hmmm?" She says, looking straight inside Selina's eyes, with that wicked smile. That knowing smile.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Hmmm." Selina considers, beginning to smile as the Vestal cuts in. Those words, they inspire such a thrill of fear in her -- a threat to her home. And the carrot... The assassin begins to chuckle. "So...you would hand me Windia on a platter, for a boy and his sword, is it? Mine to rule, would it be? A <i>gift from the Bishop</i>?"
<b>Charmaine:</b> The chuckles get louder, as Selina tries to suppress them.
"For that, and your inconditional help in our campaign, of course." She smiles, petting the girl between her legs, calling another one... the one who brought the drinks... "And yes, then... all yours. Oh, and..." She says, caressing the girl's hair as she kneels down close to the Vestal.
"When you meet pretty little Alex again, tell him Fiona is fine. Aren't you, pretty one?" She asks, the the young girl nods. "Tell him she is alright, and that, before breaking her, I learned how much she dreamed with the prince... delightfully innocent romantic dreams. Such delightful innocence... Suppose he will like to know that, don't you?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "Ah!" Selina says, breaking into full fledged laughter as the Vestal finishes, but managing to control it. "You will <b>give</b> it to me?" Part of her voice deepens as the dragon comes through, just enough to flavor the laughter. "Mine...ha! Mine by right! And no-one will give it to me."
"I have a reply for <b>that</b>, dear deathknights." She replies as she quiets, pushing the laughter inside, contemptuous, razored smile still affixed on her face. "Windia is mine to take. As for the boy...it will be the Lover's decision."
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Yours by right, hmmm? Well, good luck" She says, smiling at Selina's words before taking her attention back to Fiona, speaking more, but without taking her eyes out of the girl as her fingers caress her young face... quite young, no older than Alex.... "As long as it does not conflict with our own goals... our work is probably going to help you, even. Stay in line and it will be all nice in the end."
<i>Yes, it is best when we do it ourselves, is it not? Ours for the taking...</i>
"Well then, when do we meet to discuss the terms of your mistress?"
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "And as long as you stay out of mine, the same applies to you. Windia is <i>mine</i> -- interfere with that for whatever reason, and..." Selina replies with the same amused grin, one wing perking up to the side behind her as she trails off, bobbing up slightly as the laughter begins to leave her.
<i>Even though it would be a waste to kill you.</i>
"As for that," She turns her head and looks to Vorpal, then back. "I think someone has to contact her first. Or be contacted. It should not take long to happen."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal does not respond immediately. Her eyes are closed, her breathing measured, all signs that she seems to be concentrating on something else.
"Let us meet again in two days", she says after a moment.
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> The snake-tipped staff hits the ground, heavily.
"Of course, you still have time, sinners. You still have time to follow the True Scripture of the Void of your own free will."
He pauses, his darkened eyes looking at... something, past sight.
"Before it comes to you. And that is a... painful revelation."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "The world's full of pain, priest", Vorpal says and opens her eyes, aiming an unreadable glance at the Hierophant. "There is nothing new in that."
<b>Charmaine:</b> "Well, least on <i>that</i> we agree..." She says, blushing slightly at the girl working between her legs, petting Fiona's head as she lays over her legs like some pet... "Two days, is it? Very well, then... we will see you here, then. In two days..." her breathing seems harder. "We will... see, won't we?"
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "Oh yes, it is. The world is an endless cycle of pain and treachery. Which is why there is no use making it last any longer."
"No use clinging to passing pleasures made to cloud your mind to the constant pain and screams."
"No use following one who spends her time taking little joy of non-existence instead of receiving the bliss of transcendent ending...".
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> "As long as I get to pitch you into Oblivion before it sucks me in." Selina says dryly, shifting a bit in her chair as she replies. "I'd have a great deal more joy in the prospect if people like you stopped with the starry-eyed idealism."
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Since there is nothing else, we shall be going now", Vorpal interrupts the Hierophant's sermon. Pushing herself away from the backrest of the Dark Angel's chair, she makes her way to the door, where she turns to see if Selina is intending to follow her.
<b>Hierophant Clad in the Skin of Deceivers:</b> "You have killed of our kind. You have gotten in the way of the great mission, more than once."
"You think you can do the same with me, child?" He laughs, "So come, but I will not be as merciful as you. You will see the light of the Shining One after I humble you. Yes, you will."
<b>Charmaine:</b> "So soon?" She says, taking the face of the girl out of her crotch and whispering something to her before rising, walking towards the women with her chalice shaking on her hand. "Why, you could stay..." she says, getting close to Vorpal, caressing her hair and whispering on her ear, her whisper hot... strange. The voice coming like many, a thousand different voices piercing her mind like a knife... "And pray to the void at my feet."
Her words pierce Vorpal's mind, and she feels the desire, the overwhelming, burning desire to do as the Vestal says... to kneel down before her then and there.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Raising her eyebrows at him, the assassin makes to get up, replying "We don't know for sure either way, mmm? I am merely glad my caste gifted me with logic instead of faith. Blind leaps are not my speciality."
Smirking naughtily at the Vestal, she stands and turns to look at Vorpal making to leave as the deathknight speaks. The sound makes her flesh shiver with delight...but not for now. No. And not with the stodgy old -- he cannot be that old -- priest standing there.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Vorpal's back stiffens.
Alluring words.
Words full of promise, of passion, hinting of pleasures to come if she'd only respond to the call. Her body is reacting to that voice despite herself, and her mind wishes to do the same. All she'd need to do would be to let the walls she had spent a lifetime building to topple, to tear her cold shell apart and reveal the identity hidden within, to open herself for the pleasures that have been denied from her as long as she has been alive.
She grits her teeth together, draws her white lips apart to reveal a smile that is sharp like a razor made of a splinter of ice, and about just as cold.
<i>I am the Pale Angel.</i>
She responds to the Vestal's advances with a challenge of her own, her eyes smouldering like a pair of demonic coals in the field of snow.
"<i>Oh?</i>" she finds herself saying, her subconsciousness improvising the tone and the words even as she goes on, her voice laden with Essence. "And what could you possibly offer to me, nun, other than a body which a piglet probably would feel sullied to touch? It is funny how you slander the Lover so, even as you try so hard to imitate her yourself with every single move you make. So why don't you kneel down and crawl back to your pleasure sluts while I'm still of the mind that even scum scraped from the heels of a stablehand has a place in this Creation of ours?"<i>I am the Pale Angel. Tremble before me.</i>
<b>Charmaine:</b> Charmaine looks at the display with a slight tinge of disbelief. Her feet almost take a step back... <i>almost</i>
"Heh." She shakes head head, letting go of Vorpal like she had addressed the wrong person, "Yes, yes... you were right, Miriana, she is a frigid bitch. A delicious one, but one all the same..." Her cheeks flush for a moment... "I have half a mind to calling your challenge, my pretty half-dead, but I suppose it would be discorteous to the immunity we promised you, would it not? Have your way, then... have fun sparring or drilling or whatever you do in your spare time."
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> <i>Ah, ah, ever the hypocrite I see.</i> Selina's inner voice purrs amusedly. <i>There will be no censure of me for bullying young Solars...if you would bully young exalts as well.</i>
"Next time..." Selina nods to herself, grin spreading a bit once again, as she trails off.
And shrugs ever so slightly at Charmaine.
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Oh, I will", Vorpal adds with warmth which could freeze alcohol. "You would do well to spend these days drilling yourself - just a little bit more of practice and the Lover <i>might</i> not snicker at your performance."
With those words, she leaves the room, not waiting to see if the Dark Angel follows her.
<b>Selina De Windia:</b> Not bothering to chase after Vorpal -- Selina is not going to be seen as her tag-along -- the Windian makes a graceful bow to the both of them at the door, saying "Perhaps we can all be a bit more civil on the next meeting. You have my apologies for us both, gracious hosts. In two days then." with an airy manner, one learned during her childhood.
And then she's off, closing up her greatcoat once again.
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