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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== The Truth About Angels ==
'''Cael:''' Cael is sitting quietly in the meeting room that the Zenith's dream magic had created, humming a little tune to himself, one of Lowelyn's melodies, thinking about her as he thought on his own dreams...
He is dresses as always in fine black clothes, his white coat drapped across the chiar next time him.
As he hums he idly sketches characters in the air that glitter and then vanish, apparently drafting a letter ...
'''Selina de Windia:'''  She enters the room as she did before, though this time not dressed in the garb of a ruling noble. Just as the Dark Angel -- greatcoat covering the rest beneath. Selina looks a bit surprised to see him there, giving him an odd look before sitting down, taking the coat off and draping it over her chair before she does.
"Waiting for someone?"
'''Cael:''' Cael turns as the Dark Angel enters, studying her as she walks over to the table. He gives a brief shake of his head
"No, just taking a little time out of my dreams to think. It's peaceful here. Who were you expecting to find here?"
He gestures and the half-formed letter dissolves into golden dust.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "The Prince." Selina answers, leaning forward over the table, chin rested on two black-gloved hands as she studies the room around them. Her turquoise eyes don't seem to show anything untoward, not irritation. Quite unlike the last time he saw her.
"Or the Pale Angel." The Windian continued, lips thinning somewhat for a moment. "I wonder if she'll even come back."
'''Cael:''' "She did not seem overly perturbed when I saw her this morning, that is certain..." he shrugs. "The Prince... I could not say..." Cael posture as he sits in the chair is one that is relaxed ...
"If you would like some peace, I can return to my own dreams, leave you here.."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "She'll be peturbed later, no doubt. If she thinks I'm going to just ''let her get away with that'' she is mistaken." The Windian states off-handedly, then looks to Cael finally. "No, I've been meaning to talk to you for awhile, anyway. This is a nice chance to do that."
'''Cael:''' Cael passes no comment on the first thing Selina says, that, for the moment, being a matter between the two of them.
He speads his hands and smiles "Well, let us talk then..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' Taking her chin off of her hands, the Dark Angel leans back and folds her arms under her breasts, not in the obviously 'I'm relaxed and dangerous' fashion the Pale Angel does. A real predator, a true predator, does not have to advertise itself. They know what they are -- and instinctively, so does everything around them. Habit is enough for those -- conscious effort is wasted.
Her gaze remains neutral. "Before we continue, however, I would like to note that I was so put off last night due to the circumstances. One does not feel humiliated in front of the two idols of one's childhood, and then listen to them berating oneself, and not feel affected."
He was, after all, a Deceiver. Eclipse. Whatever. Perhaps he'd open up a bit more if she explained the reasons behind some of her actions.
''And I was a Blasphemer. ''
''--am a Blasphemer. Just one dipped in black. ''
'''Cael:''' "Of course." he says with just the slightest hint of 'but that is no real excuse for how you lost control of yourself' in his posture. "That was trying for you, I could see." some small amount of sympathy in his voice. Not too much. He did not think she was seeking sympathy.
If he notices her predator's mein, it does not appear to change his attitude nor his pose.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Ultimately, like many other things, it passes." Selina demures, blowing a whisp of pale hair out of her face. "Now, let us get to the point: I usually work alone, affiliated with no one, for payment. I have found that partners tend to slip things behind my back, or double cross me. To be frank, I have plans for this region after this war is done."
Looking past him for a moment, out into the blizzard beyond, Selina's eyes catch the cold light. "I would...think you do as well, don't you?"
'''Cael:''' "That's a very lonely way to live your life at times, I know." ''It is in many ways not dissimialar to my own. And vastly different in others. ''
"Of course." he says, studying her face. "Who does not think of the future?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "You, I take it, are not accustomed to even dropping those facades you throw up to deal with people." She crosses one leg over the other, and sniffs the air. Odd, that cold smell. Too many years she'd got accustomed to the smell of Nexus. Not that the South had been much different. "That will not do with me. If we are to both have plans for this region, we are going to share them, or this will end badly, as much as I would prefer it otherwise. Paranoia will destroy one of us. Habit from years of my trade and the better part of caution does not tell me to lightly work with allies, no matter how much I need them. The Bull of the North is clear on what will happen after this war, if we win it and the Bishop does not take us all. I require the same from you. You are the only one of the lot who seems to keep things back."
'''Cael:''' "If you can see the facades, can you not see through them?" Cael says with a soft smile "If I say I am dropping them but instead wrap them all the tighter about me, how will you be then? Will you take me at my word that what hear from is true?"
"I agree with you about the Bull of the North though, it was part of the reason I chided the pair of you last night. He would attack anyway I am sure, but to show weakness ... it would encourage him to attack sooner." He shrugs in 'what's done is done' way.
"As for furture plans, sharing them could be for the best, yes. It would be best that ...problems are worked out before they cost more than simply conversational time."
'''Selina de Windia:''' Selina sighs resignedly. "Yes, I am aware of that. And having spent a decade of my life in Nexus, dealing with liars and charlatens of Exalted nature and otherwise, I have learned that you never need one so much that you cannot kill him. If that is what you are getting at."
"Besides, I have magics of my own for that." She pauses for a moment, then continues. "I see the Pale Angel is handling it all a bit clumsly. She is a warrior, not a seductress, as much as she may play at being one. She retreated from me before -- do not be fooled by the actions she commited last night. It would matter little if ''I'' gave you a night or two of ecstasy. Being honest will serve better."
'''Cael:''' Cael smiles "You mentioned paranoia, I merely offered a reason my promise might not hold true...."
"I said I would give you my word however, and I was simply asking if you would accept it."
"I shall consider your advice on the Pale Angel however, and I thank you for it."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "It's not 'advice' -- I don't think she's actually trying to be manipulative with that. It's just..." Selina pauses, tapping the table with one finger, the other remaining crossed under her chest. "That's how she is. She is a tease." The Windian shrugs at the last.
"As for your word, I suppose so. I'm not fond of swearing oaths, however. Or really, anything that puts me under the power of someone else."
'''Cael:''' "I thought that was what you were warning me about..." he says with a shrug. "No matter."
"The oath I am thinking of would give me no more power over you than I would have over you and would assure both of us of our honesty, since you seem a little leery of mine. And for no longer than this conversation, if that is what worries you. But if you wish, no Oath, merely our words."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I intend to tell the truth. There is really no reason I should not." She shrugs.
"Anyway, as I'm no doubt you're aware, I have a certain past. I was exiled from Windia, and I want back." Selina brings one wing around and runs a fingertip over the leading edge. "One of my cousins will rule next. I will assist her."
'''Cael:''' Cael simply nods, watching the finger tip on her wing.
"The Prince. I wish to see him back on the Whiteshield throne, and to see Whiteshield be strong once more."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "You're not part of his line, though. Or even his nationality." Selina points out, still stroking the edge of her wing absentmindedly. "I suppose he will be grateful enough to do some other things for you? What is it the Sun exalts us for? Ah. Justice and something else. At least, I recall something like that."
'''Cael:''' "What does that mean, exactly? I'm sure you know of the bounty my own nation has placed upon my head. It does not encourage loyalty to the country. Exaltation transcends nationailty anyway ... look at our own ...group."
"As to the sun, I'm not aware he chose me for any reason like Justice. I'm not entirely sure why he chose me at all, but then I've talked with noone about the theology of the sun."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Maybe he was high. I'm not sure why he chose me either. He told me some things and that was it. I hope he wonders why I went to the Lover for more support."
"Anyway, I desire to make a northern alliance, if possible. Once I attain my house's throne, I will be the most powerful Exalt in Windia save Valencia. This will grant me considerable influence. I can support initiatives toward other countries, and broker deals. Eventually, if the Realm stays internally focused as it is now, there will be a country to possibly match it. Unless the Empress comes back and turns her weapons on it, anyway." She ends the last sentence in a rather sardonic tone.
'''Cael:''' ''He spoke no words to me, and yet I was not tempted to seek the aid of those such as the Lover.''
"I can see the benefits of such an alliance, and it is certainly something I could see myself supporting."
"To make Windia rival the realm though? That will require expansion .... while the Realm is slowly crumbling, it still possesses resource far in excess of one northern country, unless of course, you wish to wait for it to fall apart entirely.... How and where will you expand Windia's boarders, then?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Alliance is fine by me. Windia need not expand overmuch, if at all." She muses, then looks about, checking to see if anyone else is around before continuing. "Of course, some factions may have to be eliminated."
'''Cael:''' "Of course." he says dryly "Not that I think you will have much difficulty with that."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Do I detect a note of sarcasm?" Selina asks amusedly, still stroking her wing's leading edge.
'''Cael:''' Cael nods "That you do."
"Always, you think of destruction." he says. simply
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Tell me," She begins, stopping the stroking motions, the wing moving back as she looks at him. "How long have you been a Chosen?"
'''Cael:''' "You did not hear of my theft when I Exalted? You wound me..." he says, melodramatically.
"I have been Exalted for something like three years now."
'''Selina de Windia:''' Selina considers for a moment. "Ah. The tale gets somewhat distorted in the telling, sometimes. Some people say I killed myself, others don't, and so on."
"I have been one for ten years." She looks past him again, out at the blizzard round the crystal palace. "I've seen good and bad, but mostly bad. This world is rotten, Windwraith. Almost to the core." Her gaze goes back to him. "And it's been that way for a long time."
'''Cael:''' "When one lives in Nexus as your accent places you and when one works as an assassin ... this does not surprise me over much." ''If you live in the dirt... ''
"With finesse, you can eliminate the rot without having to eliminate the person without. The difference in methadology struck me as slightly amusing, that is all."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Not just Nexus, everywhere I've been. In the South, in the East, in the North. I expect I'd find it in the West as well."
''Perhaps more so. ''
"Nor was I always this...fortunate. Back when I was chosen for power? I was ''nothing''. I hid my power for fear of the Wyld Hunt as best I could, and let people use me." She licks her lips remembering what she is about to say next. "One day, I could no longer endure, and I asserted my power. From that day on I was in control of my destiny. I swore my name to the dead gods and their Oblivion to gain more of the power I had discovered -- the type that was needed to thrive in this world. Gentleness and generousity is fine for your friends or those who do not seek to hurt you. But for your enemies?"
"Let them hate, provided that they fear."
'''Cael:''' Cael listens to Selina's statement with interest.
''So, that is why you fell, is it? ''
"And so to fight the rot, you become part of it?" He asks mildly
"Still, it is not for me to critize your descisions or to judge you for them. It was you who made them and not I and since you sleep at night, I would guess you do not hold that they were the wrong ones to make."
"How goes your reconnosance and ...trouble stiring in Whiteshield?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' Selina doesn't reply to rest, yet. "You know of my discoveries at Spire, that is all. So far. Soon we'll hit another city and see what we can stir up. Hopefully they're being led on a fine chase to get us."
"As for the rest..."
"What we were in the First Age was ''rot'', dear Windwraith. I know. I have the memories. We were ''depraved''." Selina replies with a triumphant smirk. "When I was a Chosen of the Sun, I felt it. The call of madness." Her eyes move to his, daring. "You feel it too, don't you? You remember them too, don't you? I want an answer. The Pale Angel was too much of a coward to face me with it, don't follow her example."
'''Cael:''' "In all honesty, Dark Angel, I do not. I have scant few memories of the time before, and those that I have, they do not suggest general depravity. They speak of a war though. That is all that I remember of the time before." He tells her, honestly.
"As to this time ... no, I feel no lure pulling me to madness." This too, is honest. Those times the curse had gripped him, it had been easy to see the cause of those acts, the things he had said and done. He had perhaps been alittle extreme, but then they had deserved it.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "You never react...violently, ruthlessly, without regard? More so then you would normally?" Selina doesn't break the stare. "In those early days, it surprised me how it happened. How ''good'' it felt when it did. Like I was doing something I was born to. I don't get that anymore. Not like before."
"I call it madness only now, Windwraith. I only noticed it once it was absent."
'''Cael:''' "Of course I do. On occasion the situation demands it. If your foe cannot be reasoned with or turned to your ally, then there is nothing left to do but destroy them. It is just rarely my first course of action." If he was reconsidering his past actions in light of this information, it did not show.
"And yet I notice you do not council me to follow your own path ..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Then we see eye to eye, I perceive. Good to know." She turns the gaze away, and peers back out into the blizzard. "My path is not the same as most deathknights. For I ''rebel''. I took my path for the power. I swore myself for power, and I was not cheated." Selina looks back to him. "It is a terrible power, suited best for destruction. Some venerate the dead, which I do not accept. A broken world, dominated by the pitiful unliving. What use is that to me? To anyone other than the vain and pretentious ghosts who linger past their time?"
"I wield oblivion, Windwraith. That is the power I sought. To destroy the rot so cleanly it as if it was never there."
'''Cael:''' "That you do not venerate the dead is a thing I can agree with. Though can you say in honesty that it is truely only the rot you have destroyed since you took those dark vows for your power?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "No, I cannot say they always have been guilty of the magnitude of rot I speak of, as far as I knew." Selina states neutrally, then holds up her left hand, thumb down, the other four fingers showing. "Four Chosen of the Sun have I cut down since I was chosen myself. You have heard of me through rumor, know I am an assassin, yes? Two deathknights, and a Wyld God."
'''Cael:''' "I have heard of your reputation as an assassin, yes. But then as you noted, what one hears can be exagerated or misleading."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Exactly. But I would remember what I did." The fingers go down and she clenches the gloved hand as it comes back to the table. Her eyes get a bit harder as well. "Now, what is your impression of the Pale Angel, hmm?"
'''Cael:''' "The Pale Angel?" Cael notes the tenseness in her.
"Mostly I have found her to be very good at what she does. It was her plan that allowed me to kill the Celebrant. It is her hearthstone that let us find out what we did about the Bishops forces. It is she and Valencia who are forming the bulk of our plans. War is not my strong point."
"And then at times her behavior has been just a little off. She lashes out sometimes. And then there was last night."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "There is last night, yes." Selina nods slightly, the hand on the table not changing a whit. "It had hints of things you do not mention at all. Or why do you think I reacted that way? You saw the first reaction, I am thinking."
"I told you before, about how she was in a way, part of my childhood, yes?" Selina unclenches her left hand, spreading it on the table palm-down, no longer a fist. "Valencia was more so, but all the same... You can guess how that would work."
"Anyways, from the very first time I met her, she interested me. In ways I never thought she would when she was only a rumor." An edge enters Selina's voice. "Her first words to me were backhanded insults. She got me to ''want'' her. No one does that. Then she threw it back in my face, every time. And then, to see those looks, knowing there were probably more..."
'''Cael:''' "I recall that, yes. And yes, I think I can see quite why it bothered you so." Cael nods, slightly sympathetically.
"Ah, you don't like it when it's turned around do you? Having her wanting you would be fine..." he grins.
"But as I said, there is nothing more than looks." Yet.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Yet." Selina grins back, predatorily, at him now. An odd change from the anger before. "If you can ever get that woman to sleep with you, anyway."
"It does not bother me when it's turned on me, only when it's done so...light-heartedly. For amusement at my flailing. Even '''I''' don't do that. There's always something at the end of ''my'' show. Do you have any idea what kind of enemies you can make with that kind of infantile posturing?"
'''Cael:''' Cael shrugs "Maybe I will, and maybe I will not." that was not really for discussion here.
"And yes, I do. I know full well what that can do, both applied correctly and incorrectly ..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I'd prefer you don't, really. No, I'd ask that you don't." Selina grumbles, not looking at him now. More like looking down at the table.
'''Cael:''' "Oh?" is all he says in reply to that.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I saw her first, is all. She owes me." Her lips thin to a line. "It's embarassing to ask this."
'''Vorpal:''' "Embarrassing to hear it, too", comes the all too recognizable voice from the doorway, and the Pale Angel steps into the crystal chamber. The contrast between the snowy-white furs she wore the last time and her current attire is startling - the cloak is now dark velvet, and the milky skin underneath is this time covered from head to toe in what seems like the military uniform of a high-ranking officer, finely-cut and dyed very much black. In one glowed hand she holds a bright yellow flower, freshly plucked.
Halting, she pulls her hood back, revealing a surprisingly soft mien on her face. Her eyes, however, twinkle with certain mischief. "I didn't think you would ever ask..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' It all happens in the same few seconds. Selina perks her head up, startled, eyes wide, then turns to look about almost as if she is reacting to an attack. For a moment, her face is quite flushed, then it goes pale. "Y-you. How long were you listening?"
'''Cael:''' "Hello, Pale Angel" Cael says, an easy smile on his face, not disconcerted by her arrival in the slightest...
'''Vorpal: ''' She holds out her hand, palm outwards, in a gesture of surrender. "I just came in", she responds. She acknowledges Cael with a glance, then returns her attention back to Selina. "''Calm'''', Dark Angel. It's me who is here this time, not the other one."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "A pity." Selina growls, eyes flashing in the light, throwing back turquoise. "I would like to have her. With one hand on her sweet little throat as I loom over her."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal expected this sudden change of attitude the moment she'd step into the chamber, and thus, Selina's vehemence does not catch her unawares.
"I suppose you'd have that right", she says as she walks up to the table, pulling a seat to herself. "But still, has anyone told you that you can be a spoiled little girl at times?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Yes. You have no idea how many. Often, other spoiled little girls. Before I ate them." The Windian demures, reining herself in now, gaze fixing on Vorpal as intensely as a brand. "But we all have our faults, don't we?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "From one spoiled girl to the other", Vorpal chuckles and takes a graceful whiff from the flower. Then her mien grows more serious again, and she returns Selina's gaze unflinching. "But there are times when you have no choice but to grow up, don't you?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Growing up is a term for 'letting other people walk on you and not doing anything about it' in many cases, I find." Selina breaks the glance, looking back to Cael, then the table. "I have discovered there is no need to do such a submissive thing when I can end things in my favor."
'''Cael:''' Cael just watches the exchange from the side, slightly amused.
"That depends entirely on how you grow up." Cael says with a shrug "Besides, there is a massive gulf between letting someone walk all over you, and being a spoilt little girl." Cael says in a rather matter of fact way. "Or so I've seen."
'''Vorpal: ''' "That", she lifts one finger at Selina, as if pointing out an ugly dot of dirt in her costume, "is exactly why I don't really respect your acting skills, Selina. You still haven't learned to think about the situation itself before you begin to speak." Leaning back in her seat, she holds out her hands in front of her, as if showing something invisible to the others. "That was a very fine thing to say, ''if'' I hadn't heard you practically beg Cael here to leave me alone barely a moment ago. If you truly are as tough as you claim you are, would you have done that?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Because, it is not entirely appropriate to give a death threat on something like that when you are trying to work with them." Selina replies primly. "Besides, death threats are so not me. They seem empty. I am very much not a maker of empty threats."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You ''did'' give me a death threat once, too", Vorpal counters mildly. "In the Hourglass, remember?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Yes, I warned you that if you ordered me about like I was a subordinate once, I would kill you. Or perhaps just do bad things to you." She looks to Vorpal again. "Do you think I was lying or putting on a show? I would. I had had enough of that from you."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal shakes her head, now obviously irritated. "I think I told you to quit bullying the poor little Prince then. Tell me, Dark Angel, is your ego truly so weak that giving death threats over that sort of thing is more appropiate than when you are telling someone to keep his hands off the woman you've set your sights on? Is ''that'' how little you value me, darling?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Irrelevent. You do not command me. If you want to, you have to win that right." She looks Vorpal up and down. "I don't see you doing anything to earn that respect or obediance from me. Your first words to me were backhanded insults."
"I would have expected worse from Valencia." She finishes bitterly.
'''Vorpal: ''' There is a pause.
Vorpal gazes silently at Selina, her mien firm and serious, but beyond that, unreadable. When she finally speaks, she does so with a carefully matter-of-fact voice: "Do you want my respect, Selina?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I wonder if it's worth it now." Selina replies softly. "I half want to just deal with you and be done. Then I need not make any compromise, and I forget about it all."
'''Vorpal: ''' "That would be the easy way out", Vorpal nods, and something in her demeanor reveals that she is being deadly serious about this. "I used to take that route all the time. It left me lonely, without people I possibly could call companions, and, in the end, it got me killed."
'''Selina de Windia:''' Selina snorts. "I've been ten years like that, Pale Angel. Sometimes I actually walk away, if I think it can get me killed. But usually I don't have to."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Ten years?" Vorpal shakes her head. "Try twenty-five."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "You see, this is why I admired you." Selina says dryly, crossing her arms under her breasts again. "Or still do. I suppose being spurned by a childhood semi-idol is not enough to kill years of idealizing. Oh ha ha." The last bit isn't a laugh, just a sarcastic version of one.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Dark Angel", the Ghost-Blooded says patiently, starting anew once more. "Listen to me for a change. Try to listen without twisting it into that dark little reality of your own."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "So you want me to come into yours? Say then." Selina responds, flickering a look at Cael before going back to Vorpal.
'''Vorpal: ''' "No, not really. I only want you to take a little peek in mine, so that you'd understand something."
Suddenly, her voice grows harsh and she lifts her hand, crushing the yellow flower in a black-gloved fist. "''The Pale Angel is a coward. ''" She announces it loudly, her words echoing in from the crystal walls.
"They sculpted a living being into a statue and then expected her to retain the pose so that they could come to her daily and give offerings. And the Pale Angel, the wretched thing, did not have the courage to step down from the pedestal." She hurls the remains of the flower across the table, yellow petals and crumbled green stalk sliding over the smooth crystal surface. "Instead, she fooled herself into thinking she'd enjoy it. For almost twenty-five years she pretended to be strong, wallowed in the power she held, stomped those around her into mud. She used her station as an excuse to bully whomever she liked, using it as a channel to unravel the frustration she felt about not daring to ever say ''no''. No, she did not ''want'' to be their goddess of war, no, she did not want their avatar of victory, their mascot, their exhibition show!" The last words she practically shouts, half-rising up from her seat. "Is ''that'' the woman you idolize, Dark Angel? The woman you want into your bed? In that case, let me tell you a secret. Being the Pale Angel ''sucks! ''"
She pauses just long enough to draw breath, and sit back into her place. When she speaks again, she is calm once more. "That's not what strength is about, Selina. When I look at you, I see the young myself, and you cannot believe how it disgusts me." She lifts her hand, the same hand that had held the flower, and stares at her palm thoughtfully. A single petal still clings to the glove's leather, a bright spot of color against blackness. "Bit by bit, I am growing stronger. I know I am. I will always be the Pale Angel, but I will be her in the way I like it, on my own terms. I will not let some person or situation to dictate who I am. That is for me alone to decide."
She looks up at Selina then, and there is urgency in her eyes, a direct, honest sincerity she has never displayed before. "Do you want me to respect you? Look at yourself, see what you are, and then, grow stronger. Don't let yourself think you would be the safest in that pit, for sooner or later, it will close up, and swallow you up."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Right." Selina says, looking at her, eyebrow twitching. "It was all a lie. But I learned that anyway, it really means nothing what you heard when you were young. I learned it the day I killed my father, then my mother in front of all my siblings." Her voice gets a bit tighter.
"And what I didn't learn then, I learned when that beast raped me and put a sign on my belly a few years after, like I was some chattel for him to mark. It still hurts, you know. That is my lesson. Just a bit frustrating that all of my visions were false, you know?" The edge comes back.
"It does not mean I was classless then. To some degree I was. That has improved, although the darkness will never disappear." Then the edge vanishes and she smiles at the Pale Angel, and Cael. Alternately. But the gaze goes back to the woman. "But that's quite alright. I am not lying to myself in what I am. I can be as gracious as anyone, sincerely as anyone. It's no act."
'''Vorpal: ''' "No, it's not alright", Vorpal respond, her voice biting in its smooth softness. "You say that, and yet, I see you bullying little kids who have just seen their own parents die." Shaking her head in disgust, she stands up, and turns her back to the other two.
"Have a shame." She does not wait for a reply, but strides towards the doorway, as straight and indominable as ever.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Little kids who lost their temper. You keep your head, or you die. I did him a favor." The smile vanishes into seriousness. And a bit of pity. She stands and walks in front of the other Abyssal.
"And unlike you, Pale Angel, I wanted to become what I am. There is a beast within me, part of me. I acknowledge it. It is within everyone, but louder in some. Like the Wyld Gods'. I envy them their ability to merge with it like that, to not deny any part of themselves."
"I am a predator. The day I realized that, I felt more free than I have ever before." Selina adds, not smiling at all.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Ghost-Blooded pauses... and smiles, sweetly. "That's the day when you lost... completely." And, as if to prove that, she steps right through the Dark Angel, her entire being as intanglible as mist for a second or two. "You're not a predator. You're just a chicken who pretends to be a hawk."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Then you have an entire type of Chosen out there lying to themselves." Selina says dryly, a hand going misty and catching her as says it. "It's not that simple. You wait for me to finish. Do not tell me about cowardice and then leave as soon as it appears that I might actually be comfortable with some of me 'current self'." The Windian blinks, then takes a breath.
"You should have not been pushed to be what you were. I feel sorry that you were. I could have discovered what was in me in better conditions, but I survived and found myself. Somewhere in there, there's a you that loathes what you are now, trying to get out, isn't there? You deserved better. If I can help with that, after this bloody war, I will. Don't need...favors." She lets go and steps to the side, voice tight. "It just...it's...I don't know."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal pauses... and sighs. Her stern mien softens and she shifts her stance slightly, lifting her hands to her hips.
"I think you have now misunderstood something", she says, almost gently. "I'm not telling you to give up the darkness within you. The tales they tell about the Pale Angel are not lies - they just don't tell the whole story. I'm not a little girl who is afraid of the dark - I've mastered my darkness, and I am comfortable with it. I know you have mastered yours, too."
She moves then, lifts one of her hands and lays it lightly onto Selina's shoulder. "I'm just trying to warn you that the way of the Lonely Bully will not make you invulnerable. If anything, it makes you an easy target."
'''Cael:''' ''Well, well, well ... this had been a much more interesting discussion than Cael had expected when the Pale Angel walked into the room ... so much more interesting... ''
Not that he passed any comment, yet, just watched the pair by the door, the pale and the dark.
'''Selina de Windia:''' Does her lower lip actually ''quiver''? No it doesn't. It was just an illusion. No it wasn't. Either way, Selina's wings droop just a bit and she almost steps back. Not, apparently, out of any intimidation. "I did that, because if he kept it in, he'd become like ''me''." She forces some more flippance into the next sentence. "Also, because him complaining wasn't going to bring them back. His died in front of him -- I killed mine. No going back either way."
'''Vorpal: ''' "I know that", she responds, calmly. Again she shifts, this time slightly closer to the Dark Angel. Her hand does not move away from the other Abyssal's shoulder - if anything, she squeezes slightly. "And he did need to be get in line before it was too late."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I hope he is." Selina murmurs, dropping her gaze a bit, then hauling it back up. She couldn't act like a little kid, even after that. It would look bad. Especially in front of the other. "I'd hate to have to yell at the Lover again -- this time for someone besides myself."
Doubtless, Vorpal had heard of ''that'' instance. When she went renegade, shortly after becoming a deathknight. She dared the Lover to kill her -- to find some whelp to replace the Dark Angel if she could. Knowing it would be hard.
The Lover let her go her own way, with a taunting little smile. She never had thought she was totally free of the ghostly woman, but she had been ''freer''.
"I'm sure she hasn't forgiven me for the first time."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Ah, yes. That. ''
Relaxing her hold of the other deathknight, she returns to her more cocky stance, hands on her hips, weight slightly tilted to one foot. "Well", she says with that slanted smile of hers, "we'll see how that will turn out, shall we?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Yes." Selina says with a sigh, looking heavenward. Someday she'd pay for it, she was just wondering how. A find like her didn't come along for free. The Lover would find a way to make her squirm. "Alex had better stay out of Red Ice if he knows what's good for him. I do not wish for his corruption, nor for his first time to be with...her."
'''Vorpal: ''' "The Lover's orders were '''kill them all'''", Vorpal responds, her demeanor taking on a bit more matter-of-fact tune this time. Her eyes, however, keep on searching the other Abyssal's face carefully. "The Bishop sent two full Circles of deathknights against us. I think we'll have more than enough time to think about what to do next while we carry out the Lover's orders."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Let me tell you a little secret." Selina leans close to Vorpal, a bit closer, resisting the urge to blush. "I am to seduce him." Her voice becomes somewhat tart. "So I won't -- I'll delay. Just cause she told me to. Maybe you should. Maybe he won't snap if you do it. As far as I know, you haven't slept up and down Creation -- few lovers nonwithstanding. There's still some purity left in you."
'''Vorpal: ''' It is something of an effort of will from her part, but Vorpal manages to keep on smiling. Keeping the blush from rising to her cheeks is more difficult, especially with the way her heart lurched when the Dark Angel's suggestion reached her ears.
The Ghost-Blooded takes a slow breath, and suddenly the jacket section of her uniform seems a little too tight for her, black fabric beginning to grow taut. "I think...", she admits, "this is the first time anyone tells me something like '''that'''."
She forces herself to chuckle slightly. "But I think he is already falling in love with you."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "...''what''?" Selina says sharply, surprised, almost stepping back a pace. Her face scrunches up a bit, turquoise eyes going somewhat wide. "Why does he seem to be falling in love with '''me'''? Are you sure he doesn't just want to do something else?"
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Oho. ''
Swallowing down her surprise, she makes a dismissive wave of hand. "I'm probably just imagining things. It's hard to say anything with that boy, really. He looks like he'd be in love with ''everyone. ''"
She keeps her mind firmly in the topic at hand, away from certain... memories... dating back to the days when she lied wounded in the cabin of Quicksilver Zephyr.
'''Selina de Windia:''' ''Or are you just trying to cover yourself? ''
She looks over to Cael. "And what you say?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal, too, looks over to Cael as well, and her smile cools slightly.
''That man's presence is all too easy to forget. ''
'''Cael:''' ''Ah, so they finally remember me. ''
"I say you've been having a most fascinating conversation, one that I did not wish to interupt, though one that gives me some small measure of hope." Cael says with an soft smile for the pair of them, unaffected by the looks.
"As to Alex ... I think he could love either of you, if you came to him as human as you have shown yourselves to be. He needs to love someone." he smiles again.
''If niether of you wish to claim him ... he is exceptionally beautiful and I would not be adverse to loving him at all. ''
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Yes," Selina agrees. "He does. He needs some kind of anchor so our mistress doesn't sweep him away." She looks back to the other deathknight, raising one-eyebrow. "You've been around him longer than I, however."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Oh, help me... ''
She lets her head nod and presses her palm against her forehead, partly overshadowing her eyes from view. "I'm not really a courtesan, you know."
'''Cael:''' "Alex is already falling for you though." Cael cannot resist adding, with small smile on his face.
"Still, Valencia does not seem uneager to spend time with him, and neither am I, truth be told."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''I'm not going to believe I heard that. ''
'''Selina de Windia:''' "And I am?" Selina asks flatly, the other eyebrow raising to match the first in exasperation. "You talk like it would be your first time, and besides, he's a sweet little boy. Or is '''that''' why you shrink from it? I'm not a Moonshadow or Midnight either, you know. I don't walk about advertising 'corruption through flesh' anymore than you."
She flickers her eyes toward Cael. "Valencia?" The Windian chuckles wickedly. "Oh my. You I can see, but '''Valencia'''... She is robbing the cradle. Been too long since her last husband, or so I heard when I was in Windia."
'''Cael:''' "Robbing the craddle or no, she has a more than friendly interest in him." Cael shrugs.
''And what is it I said that distresses you so, Pale Angel? ''
'''Vorpal: ''' Even though Vorpal had taken steps during the last few days further along the road than ever before, there was only so far one could go within such a short period of time. The discussion was turning over to topics she still was not entirely comfortable with.
"Speaking of Moonshadows and Midnights", she changes the topic slightly, "You probably should know something more about the deathknights we are going to face."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Topic change: noted." Selina says wryly, then smirks at her a bit. It was cute when someone that built up got that antsy about something, she had to admit. Selina rather enjoyed making her squirm. She would have to do that more in the future.
'''Vorpal: ''' "You're being annoying again", Vorpal counters, evenly, almost as if executing a routine. "I.... ''think'' you've already been told about the General, but we also managed to uncover bits and pieces about the others."
And so she goes on telling the Dark Angel about what they had gleaned from the talking corpse of the Celebrant, about the Circle of Shining Whispers and the Chalcedony Legion. She tells the other deathknight about the Crusader Wielding His Regret, about the Disciple and the Parishioner, the Acolyte and the Admiral.
"The amusing thing about us Abyssal Chosen", she says after she finishes, smiling slightly and glancing at Cael's direction, "Is that you can guess much about what the Exalt is like from the name she bears."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Mhmm. I see." Selina nods, then shrugs at the part about the names. "As for the Vestal, we both know of her. I, a bit more so."
''It's not that I'm being annoying, so much as I'm hitting too close to home. ''
"Just how am I being 'annoying'?"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel responds to her dark counterpart with a very tired look. "Do you really want to go through all this ''again''?"
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Not ''all'' of it, no..." Selina says slowly, then smiles mischievously at Vorpal. "But you know, you are cute when you get evasive from a simple question. I wonder if the prince does that too. You will make a entertaining pair to watch."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Evasive, eh? ''
That almost snaps something in her again, ''almost'' cutting through another restraint she has placed around herself.
Almost, that is. The restraint would have been torn to shreds if not for the presence of the third person in the dream-chamber.
And so, Vorpal contends herself with giving the Dark Angel an innocent shrug. "He was straightforward enough back in my cabin some time ago", she says, then nods at Cael. "You remember, don't you."
'''Cael:''' Cael raises an eyebrow but nods "That he was."
'''Selina de Windia:''' ''People have been very busy in my absence, I see. ''
"And he has such an innocent face." Selina replies, almost scandalized. Of course, he did shed it for...something else once. Not that he got anywhere. She looks toward Cael for a moment, then back to Vorpal. "Yes, I think I can 'wait for the right time', by which, I will no longer have a job to do. Excellent."
Vorpal: "Now if that's settled", the Pale Angel says, making a little, sweeping gesture with her hand, "Perhaps we should try to get some actual sleep for tomorrow."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Poo." Selina says resignedly. "We really must have some more of these, um, talks. You still haven't heard my stories." She grins wickedly at that. And what stories they were. Though maybe they might be a tad embarassing to Moon, some of them. She'd just have to withhold that part.
'''Cael:''' Cael makes a small gesture of his own "Please, don't let us keep you up any longer."
Vorpal: "Some more things needing to be discussed in privacy, eh?" Vorpal hurls what seems to be a mock of a knowing glance in Cael's direction. "Fine by me. I shan't be in your way. Good night" Turning with a wave of hand, she marches through the doorway and out of the chamber, into the private dream of her own...
...which, by the way, was hardly the sort very many people imagined the Pale Angel to dream about.
'''Cael:''' "Good night." Cael says with nary a comment to the glance. "I'll see you come the morning."
He watches the dark angel, after the pale one departs...
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Sweet dreams." Selina demures, watching her move out of the meeting place and into her own dreams. Whatever those were. She should bribe the Lover to find out more of that deathknight someday.
''Only the bitch would set the price beyond what its worth. ''
"That was...interesting."
'''Cael:''' "It was fascinating, yes." Cael says with amusement playing along the edge of his voice.
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Now I will never scare either of you again." She says ruefully, then goes and takes a seat on the table. "Hah. It is hard to be intimidated by someone who just did that."
'''Cael:''' "But then, we were being honest, yes?" Cael says quietly "It was an interesting side of you to see, very interesting. As was the Pale Angel." Cael stretches a little
'''Selina de Windia:''' "No sides to you, I guess?" Selina feels like poking him for a moment, but represses the urge. "No fun."
'''Cael:''' "That would hardly be fair." Cael says with a grin.
"To let one know which I favoured, and not let the other know."
'''Selina de Windia:''' Selina blinks, then looks to him. "No, I mean the rest of you beneath the cool exterior. There's more, I figure. There always is."
''And besides, you are quite a bit closer to the rest than me. ''
"As to favoring one of us...I wasn't aware I was in your sights." Selina smirks a bit, then purses her lips and thinks for a moment before continuing. "Vorpal is quite enough to deal with, without trying to catch the black widow of Nexus."
'''Cael:''' "I'm sure she would be quite a catch though, if only for one night..." Cael says with a grin.
"As to the more... Of course there is. But nothing I could tell you would be nearly so informative as that exchange you just had, as I'm sure you know."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "I would suppose so." Selina sighs, slinking back into her chair. "I really must try and develop some mind reading magic so I don't have to ask these questions. Perhaps people would try to kill me then -- more than now, I mean."
"But...exactly what happened between the Prince and the Pale Angel?"
'''Cael:''' "I try to use my magics in that arena to stop people from killing me, but I supposed if you wished to be contrary..."
"Before I tell you, and I swear to tell the truth ... I want to know what you think happened." His face becomes blank of all emotion, though his eyes sparkle softly
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Oh come on now, is it that hard to guess?" Selina raises one eyebrow and leans back into her chair, wings to either side. "I thought the little prince actually managed to seduce her into something naughty. And you knowing about it too -- that would mean you watched or took part in it."
She looks a bit embarassed for a moment, then adds hastily. "I've seen plenty of worse things where I live. It's that kind of place! The very rich living close to the very poor, and debased enough to use them, all that rubbish."
'''Cael:''' Cael laughs with honest amusement. "I knew I was right to ask about what you thought first...such a low opinion of me too ..." he shakes his head. "Though, I've seen Nexus ... I know exactly the kinds of people you are talking about..."
"All that he did was gift her with a book ... though he tripped a little on the delivery and ... well, he had a soft landing. Not that it was appreciated, given the Heirophant's venom coursing through her body."
'''Selina de Windia:''' ''Oh dear, why do I miss these things? ''
Perhaps that spirit aboard his airship could show Selina, later. It was her domain, she probably could reproduce it perfectly as a memory. Certainly would be worth it to see something that amusing.
"Low opinion? My dear Eclipse," Selina gives a sudden, sultry smile, purring with soul-killing lust. "the next time the Pale Angel shows me that ''other side'', I am going to have my fun."
Having said that, the Windian lets herself return to normal. "Meeting, or no."
'''Cael:''' "I'm sure it will be a sight to see." Cael says half-amused, half-resigned.
"Though perhaps I should be joining the Pale Angel in sleep, as it were..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "When we're in the mood, no one can stop us." Selina says sweetly, then chuckles, a bit throatily. "Besides, all I do at those meetings is sit there and listen to the Bull say how he's going to conquer us all. You lot do most of the talking, not I."
'''Cael:''' "Perhaps you could do less to convince him he can?" Cael says evenly "I would rather he tries to move north into Windia and Whiteshield later rather than sooner...neither of the nations will be in much state after the war, and if he is believing of a weak circle ..." Cael shrugs "I know he could be convinced of his folly, but it would cost us."
He stands
'''Selina de Windia:''' "He knows my reputation, surely. Having an army and his circle about him, does not protect him from ''me''." Selina says, staying seated, casting her gaze about the room. "Besides, if we destroy the Bishop's men, it means we can destroy him. He is not even backed by a deathlord. Finally, I have...certain experience with the Realm."
She smiles malevolently. "I think that, forced to choose between Anathema, they would side with me, if any. He will not withstand a second attempt by the Realm to stamp him out, not if I cut the throats of his precious demons and circle. They won it for him, not his army."
'''Cael:''' "If we destroy the bishop's men, it is with his help. It does not follow that we can destroy his men, especially so soon after the battles with the Bishop. I feel they will cost us more dearly than they cost him."
"You think they will chose the side of a group of Anathema attempting to build a civilised nation to help themselves, one with a history that toes so close to many of their herseys..over a barbarian? They might, but I do not think it will be an easy choice either way. Assuming they have not ripped themselves further apart"
"Besides, you assume you are the only person like yourself, that he will not have others like you, both Exalts and demon ... who would strike amongst us."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "That is all true." Selina says, standing. "And there are other assassins among our number besides I."
"But living in Nexus means dealing with others of my kind -- I am not unfamiliar with that. I should hope they surpass me like the brilliance of the sun outshines the moon, for their sake. Or I shall devour them."
'''Cael:''' ''...there are? ''
"Anyway, if you could try not to appear quite so weak before him or others .... not that your ..display with vorpal was uninteresting..."
Cael strides over to the portal to his dreams
"Good night, Dark Angel..."
'''Selina de Windia:''' "Sweet dreams as well." Selina purrs, then watches him leave, inspects her wings, and looks about before leaving herself.
'''Cael:''' "Sweet dreams."
He steps back into his own.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 01:23, 9 January 2006

The Truth About Angels

Cael: Cael is sitting quietly in the meeting room that the Zenith's dream magic had created, humming a little tune to himself, one of Lowelyn's melodies, thinking about her as he thought on his own dreams...

He is dresses as always in fine black clothes, his white coat drapped across the chiar next time him.

As he hums he idly sketches characters in the air that glitter and then vanish, apparently drafting a letter ...

Selina de Windia: She enters the room as she did before, though this time not dressed in the garb of a ruling noble. Just as the Dark Angel -- greatcoat covering the rest beneath. Selina looks a bit surprised to see him there, giving him an odd look before sitting down, taking the coat off and draping it over her chair before she does.

"Waiting for someone?"

Cael: Cael turns as the Dark Angel enters, studying her as she walks over to the table. He gives a brief shake of his head

"No, just taking a little time out of my dreams to think. It's peaceful here. Who were you expecting to find here?"

He gestures and the half-formed letter dissolves into golden dust.

Selina de Windia: "The Prince." Selina answers, leaning forward over the table, chin rested on two black-gloved hands as she studies the room around them. Her turquoise eyes don't seem to show anything untoward, not irritation. Quite unlike the last time he saw her.

"Or the Pale Angel." The Windian continued, lips thinning somewhat for a moment. "I wonder if she'll even come back."

Cael: "She did not seem overly perturbed when I saw her this morning, that is certain..." he shrugs. "The Prince... I could not say..." Cael posture as he sits in the chair is one that is relaxed ...

"If you would like some peace, I can return to my own dreams, leave you here.."

Selina de Windia: "She'll be peturbed later, no doubt. If she thinks I'm going to just let her get away with that she is mistaken." The Windian states off-handedly, then looks to Cael finally. "No, I've been meaning to talk to you for awhile, anyway. This is a nice chance to do that."

Cael: Cael passes no comment on the first thing Selina says, that, for the moment, being a matter between the two of them.

He speads his hands and smiles "Well, let us talk then..."

Selina de Windia: Taking her chin off of her hands, the Dark Angel leans back and folds her arms under her breasts, not in the obviously 'I'm relaxed and dangerous' fashion the Pale Angel does. A real predator, a true predator, does not have to advertise itself. They know what they are -- and instinctively, so does everything around them. Habit is enough for those -- conscious effort is wasted.

Her gaze remains neutral. "Before we continue, however, I would like to note that I was so put off last night due to the circumstances. One does not feel humiliated in front of the two idols of one's childhood, and then listen to them berating oneself, and not feel affected."

He was, after all, a Deceiver. Eclipse. Whatever. Perhaps he'd open up a bit more if she explained the reasons behind some of her actions.

And I was a Blasphemer.

--am a Blasphemer. Just one dipped in black.

Cael: "Of course." he says with just the slightest hint of 'but that is no real excuse for how you lost control of yourself' in his posture. "That was trying for you, I could see." some small amount of sympathy in his voice. Not too much. He did not think she was seeking sympathy.

If he notices her predator's mein, it does not appear to change his attitude nor his pose.

Selina de Windia: "Ultimately, like many other things, it passes." Selina demures, blowing a whisp of pale hair out of her face. "Now, let us get to the point: I usually work alone, affiliated with no one, for payment. I have found that partners tend to slip things behind my back, or double cross me. To be frank, I have plans for this region after this war is done."

Looking past him for a moment, out into the blizzard beyond, Selina's eyes catch the cold light. "I would...think you do as well, don't you?"

Cael: "That's a very lonely way to live your life at times, I know." It is in many ways not dissimialar to my own. And vastly different in others.

"Of course." he says, studying her face. "Who does not think of the future?"

Selina de Windia: "You, I take it, are not accustomed to even dropping those facades you throw up to deal with people." She crosses one leg over the other, and sniffs the air. Odd, that cold smell. Too many years she'd got accustomed to the smell of Nexus. Not that the South had been much different. "That will not do with me. If we are to both have plans for this region, we are going to share them, or this will end badly, as much as I would prefer it otherwise. Paranoia will destroy one of us. Habit from years of my trade and the better part of caution does not tell me to lightly work with allies, no matter how much I need them. The Bull of the North is clear on what will happen after this war, if we win it and the Bishop does not take us all. I require the same from you. You are the only one of the lot who seems to keep things back."

Cael: "If you can see the facades, can you not see through them?" Cael says with a soft smile "If I say I am dropping them but instead wrap them all the tighter about me, how will you be then? Will you take me at my word that what hear from is true?"

"I agree with you about the Bull of the North though, it was part of the reason I chided the pair of you last night. He would attack anyway I am sure, but to show weakness ... it would encourage him to attack sooner." He shrugs in 'what's done is done' way.

"As for furture plans, sharing them could be for the best, yes. It would be best that ...problems are worked out before they cost more than simply conversational time."

Selina de Windia: Selina sighs resignedly. "Yes, I am aware of that. And having spent a decade of my life in Nexus, dealing with liars and charlatens of Exalted nature and otherwise, I have learned that you never need one so much that you cannot kill him. If that is what you are getting at."

"Besides, I have magics of my own for that." She pauses for a moment, then continues. "I see the Pale Angel is handling it all a bit clumsly. She is a warrior, not a seductress, as much as she may play at being one. She retreated from me before -- do not be fooled by the actions she commited last night. It would matter little if I gave you a night or two of ecstasy. Being honest will serve better."

Cael: Cael smiles "You mentioned paranoia, I merely offered a reason my promise might not hold true...."

"I said I would give you my word however, and I was simply asking if you would accept it."

"I shall consider your advice on the Pale Angel however, and I thank you for it."

Selina de Windia: "It's not 'advice' -- I don't think she's actually trying to be manipulative with that. It's just..." Selina pauses, tapping the table with one finger, the other remaining crossed under her chest. "That's how she is. She is a tease." The Windian shrugs at the last.

"As for your word, I suppose so. I'm not fond of swearing oaths, however. Or really, anything that puts me under the power of someone else."

Cael: "I thought that was what you were warning me about..." he says with a shrug. "No matter."

"The oath I am thinking of would give me no more power over you than I would have over you and would assure both of us of our honesty, since you seem a little leery of mine. And for no longer than this conversation, if that is what worries you. But if you wish, no Oath, merely our words."

Selina de Windia: "I intend to tell the truth. There is really no reason I should not." She shrugs.

"Anyway, as I'm no doubt you're aware, I have a certain past. I was exiled from Windia, and I want back." Selina brings one wing around and runs a fingertip over the leading edge. "One of my cousins will rule next. I will assist her."

Cael: Cael simply nods, watching the finger tip on her wing.

"The Prince. I wish to see him back on the Whiteshield throne, and to see Whiteshield be strong once more."

Selina de Windia: "You're not part of his line, though. Or even his nationality." Selina points out, still stroking the edge of her wing absentmindedly. "I suppose he will be grateful enough to do some other things for you? What is it the Sun exalts us for? Ah. Justice and something else. At least, I recall something like that."

Cael: "What does that mean, exactly? I'm sure you know of the bounty my own nation has placed upon my head. It does not encourage loyalty to the country. Exaltation transcends nationailty anyway ... look at our own ...group."

"As to the sun, I'm not aware he chose me for any reason like Justice. I'm not entirely sure why he chose me at all, but then I've talked with noone about the theology of the sun."

Selina de Windia: "Maybe he was high. I'm not sure why he chose me either. He told me some things and that was it. I hope he wonders why I went to the Lover for more support."

"Anyway, I desire to make a northern alliance, if possible. Once I attain my house's throne, I will be the most powerful Exalt in Windia save Valencia. This will grant me considerable influence. I can support initiatives toward other countries, and broker deals. Eventually, if the Realm stays internally focused as it is now, there will be a country to possibly match it. Unless the Empress comes back and turns her weapons on it, anyway." She ends the last sentence in a rather sardonic tone.

Cael: He spoke no words to me, and yet I was not tempted to seek the aid of those such as the Lover.

"I can see the benefits of such an alliance, and it is certainly something I could see myself supporting."

"To make Windia rival the realm though? That will require expansion .... while the Realm is slowly crumbling, it still possesses resource far in excess of one northern country, unless of course, you wish to wait for it to fall apart entirely.... How and where will you expand Windia's boarders, then?"

Selina de Windia: "Alliance is fine by me. Windia need not expand overmuch, if at all." She muses, then looks about, checking to see if anyone else is around before continuing. "Of course, some factions may have to be eliminated."

Cael: "Of course." he says dryly "Not that I think you will have much difficulty with that."

Selina de Windia: "Do I detect a note of sarcasm?" Selina asks amusedly, still stroking her wing's leading edge.

Cael: Cael nods "That you do."

"Always, you think of destruction." he says. simply

Selina de Windia: "Tell me," She begins, stopping the stroking motions, the wing moving back as she looks at him. "How long have you been a Chosen?"

Cael: "You did not hear of my theft when I Exalted? You wound me..." he says, melodramatically.

"I have been Exalted for something like three years now."

Selina de Windia: Selina considers for a moment. "Ah. The tale gets somewhat distorted in the telling, sometimes. Some people say I killed myself, others don't, and so on."

"I have been one for ten years." She looks past him again, out at the blizzard round the crystal palace. "I've seen good and bad, but mostly bad. This world is rotten, Windwraith. Almost to the core." Her gaze goes back to him. "And it's been that way for a long time."

Cael: "When one lives in Nexus as your accent places you and when one works as an assassin ... this does not surprise me over much." If you live in the dirt...

"With finesse, you can eliminate the rot without having to eliminate the person without. The difference in methadology struck me as slightly amusing, that is all."

Selina de Windia: "Not just Nexus, everywhere I've been. In the South, in the East, in the North. I expect I'd find it in the West as well."

Perhaps more so.

"Nor was I always this...fortunate. Back when I was chosen for power? I was nothing. I hid my power for fear of the Wyld Hunt as best I could, and let people use me." She licks her lips remembering what she is about to say next. "One day, I could no longer endure, and I asserted my power. From that day on I was in control of my destiny. I swore my name to the dead gods and their Oblivion to gain more of the power I had discovered -- the type that was needed to thrive in this world. Gentleness and generousity is fine for your friends or those who do not seek to hurt you. But for your enemies?"

"Let them hate, provided that they fear."

Cael: Cael listens to Selina's statement with interest.

So, that is why you fell, is it?

"And so to fight the rot, you become part of it?" He asks mildly

"Still, it is not for me to critize your descisions or to judge you for them. It was you who made them and not I and since you sleep at night, I would guess you do not hold that they were the wrong ones to make."

"How goes your reconnosance and ...trouble stiring in Whiteshield?"

Selina de Windia: Selina doesn't reply to rest, yet. "You know of my discoveries at Spire, that is all. So far. Soon we'll hit another city and see what we can stir up. Hopefully they're being led on a fine chase to get us."

"As for the rest..."

"What we were in the First Age was rot, dear Windwraith. I know. I have the memories. We were depraved." Selina replies with a triumphant smirk. "When I was a Chosen of the Sun, I felt it. The call of madness." Her eyes move to his, daring. "You feel it too, don't you? You remember them too, don't you? I want an answer. The Pale Angel was too much of a coward to face me with it, don't follow her example."

Cael: "In all honesty, Dark Angel, I do not. I have scant few memories of the time before, and those that I have, they do not suggest general depravity. They speak of a war though. That is all that I remember of the time before." He tells her, honestly.

"As to this time ... no, I feel no lure pulling me to madness." This too, is honest. Those times the curse had gripped him, it had been easy to see the cause of those acts, the things he had said and done. He had perhaps been alittle extreme, but then they had deserved it.

Selina de Windia: "You never react...violently, ruthlessly, without regard? More so then you would normally?" Selina doesn't break the stare. "In those early days, it surprised me how it happened. How good it felt when it did. Like I was doing something I was born to. I don't get that anymore. Not like before."

"I call it madness only now, Windwraith. I only noticed it once it was absent."

Cael: "Of course I do. On occasion the situation demands it. If your foe cannot be reasoned with or turned to your ally, then there is nothing left to do but destroy them. It is just rarely my first course of action." If he was reconsidering his past actions in light of this information, it did not show.

"And yet I notice you do not council me to follow your own path ..."

Selina de Windia: "Then we see eye to eye, I perceive. Good to know." She turns the gaze away, and peers back out into the blizzard. "My path is not the same as most deathknights. For I rebel. I took my path for the power. I swore myself for power, and I was not cheated." Selina looks back to him. "It is a terrible power, suited best for destruction. Some venerate the dead, which I do not accept. A broken world, dominated by the pitiful unliving. What use is that to me? To anyone other than the vain and pretentious ghosts who linger past their time?"

"I wield oblivion, Windwraith. That is the power I sought. To destroy the rot so cleanly it as if it was never there."

Cael: "That you do not venerate the dead is a thing I can agree with. Though can you say in honesty that it is truely only the rot you have destroyed since you took those dark vows for your power?"

Selina de Windia: "No, I cannot say they always have been guilty of the magnitude of rot I speak of, as far as I knew." Selina states neutrally, then holds up her left hand, thumb down, the other four fingers showing. "Four Chosen of the Sun have I cut down since I was chosen myself. You have heard of me through rumor, know I am an assassin, yes? Two deathknights, and a Wyld God."

Cael: "I have heard of your reputation as an assassin, yes. But then as you noted, what one hears can be exagerated or misleading."

Selina de Windia: "Exactly. But I would remember what I did." The fingers go down and she clenches the gloved hand as it comes back to the table. Her eyes get a bit harder as well. "Now, what is your impression of the Pale Angel, hmm?"

Cael: "The Pale Angel?" Cael notes the tenseness in her.

"Mostly I have found her to be very good at what she does. It was her plan that allowed me to kill the Celebrant. It is her hearthstone that let us find out what we did about the Bishops forces. It is she and Valencia who are forming the bulk of our plans. War is not my strong point."

"And then at times her behavior has been just a little off. She lashes out sometimes. And then there was last night."

Selina de Windia: "There is last night, yes." Selina nods slightly, the hand on the table not changing a whit. "It had hints of things you do not mention at all. Or why do you think I reacted that way? You saw the first reaction, I am thinking."

"I told you before, about how she was in a way, part of my childhood, yes?" Selina unclenches her left hand, spreading it on the table palm-down, no longer a fist. "Valencia was more so, but all the same... You can guess how that would work."

"Anyways, from the very first time I met her, she interested me. In ways I never thought she would when she was only a rumor." An edge enters Selina's voice. "Her first words to me were backhanded insults. She got me to want her. No one does that. Then she threw it back in my face, every time. And then, to see those looks, knowing there were probably more..."

Cael: "I recall that, yes. And yes, I think I can see quite why it bothered you so." Cael nods, slightly sympathetically.

"Ah, you don't like it when it's turned around do you? Having her wanting you would be fine..." he grins.

"But as I said, there is nothing more than looks." Yet.

Selina de Windia: "Yet." Selina grins back, predatorily, at him now. An odd change from the anger before. "If you can ever get that woman to sleep with you, anyway."

"It does not bother me when it's turned on me, only when it's done so...light-heartedly. For amusement at my flailing. Even I don't do that. There's always something at the end of my show. Do you have any idea what kind of enemies you can make with that kind of infantile posturing?"

Cael: Cael shrugs "Maybe I will, and maybe I will not." that was not really for discussion here.

"And yes, I do. I know full well what that can do, both applied correctly and incorrectly ..."

Selina de Windia: "I'd prefer you don't, really. No, I'd ask that you don't." Selina grumbles, not looking at him now. More like looking down at the table.

Cael: "Oh?" is all he says in reply to that.

Selina de Windia: "I saw her first, is all. She owes me." Her lips thin to a line. "It's embarassing to ask this."

Vorpal: "Embarrassing to hear it, too", comes the all too recognizable voice from the doorway, and the Pale Angel steps into the crystal chamber. The contrast between the snowy-white furs she wore the last time and her current attire is startling - the cloak is now dark velvet, and the milky skin underneath is this time covered from head to toe in what seems like the military uniform of a high-ranking officer, finely-cut and dyed very much black. In one glowed hand she holds a bright yellow flower, freshly plucked.

Halting, she pulls her hood back, revealing a surprisingly soft mien on her face. Her eyes, however, twinkle with certain mischief. "I didn't think you would ever ask..."

Selina de Windia: It all happens in the same few seconds. Selina perks her head up, startled, eyes wide, then turns to look about almost as if she is reacting to an attack. For a moment, her face is quite flushed, then it goes pale. "Y-you. How long were you listening?"

Cael: "Hello, Pale Angel" Cael says, an easy smile on his face, not disconcerted by her arrival in the slightest...

'Vorpal: She holds out her hand, palm outwards, in a gesture of surrender. "I just came in", she responds. She acknowledges Cael with a glance, then returns her attention back to Selina. "Calm', Dark Angel. It's me who is here this time, not the other one."

Selina de Windia: "A pity." Selina growls, eyes flashing in the light, throwing back turquoise. "I would like to have her. With one hand on her sweet little throat as I loom over her."

Vorpal: Vorpal expected this sudden change of attitude the moment she'd step into the chamber, and thus, Selina's vehemence does not catch her unawares.

"I suppose you'd have that right", she says as she walks up to the table, pulling a seat to herself. "But still, has anyone told you that you can be a spoiled little girl at times?"

Selina de Windia: "Yes. You have no idea how many. Often, other spoiled little girls. Before I ate them." The Windian demures, reining herself in now, gaze fixing on Vorpal as intensely as a brand. "But we all have our faults, don't we?"

Vorpal: "From one spoiled girl to the other", Vorpal chuckles and takes a graceful whiff from the flower. Then her mien grows more serious again, and she returns Selina's gaze unflinching. "But there are times when you have no choice but to grow up, don't you?"

Selina de Windia: "Growing up is a term for 'letting other people walk on you and not doing anything about it' in many cases, I find." Selina breaks the glance, looking back to Cael, then the table. "I have discovered there is no need to do such a submissive thing when I can end things in my favor."

Cael: Cael just watches the exchange from the side, slightly amused.

"That depends entirely on how you grow up." Cael says with a shrug "Besides, there is a massive gulf between letting someone walk all over you, and being a spoilt little girl." Cael says in a rather matter of fact way. "Or so I've seen."

Vorpal: "That", she lifts one finger at Selina, as if pointing out an ugly dot of dirt in her costume, "is exactly why I don't really respect your acting skills, Selina. You still haven't learned to think about the situation itself before you begin to speak." Leaning back in her seat, she holds out her hands in front of her, as if showing something invisible to the others. "That was a very fine thing to say, if I hadn't heard you practically beg Cael here to leave me alone barely a moment ago. If you truly are as tough as you claim you are, would you have done that?"

Selina de Windia: "Because, it is not entirely appropriate to give a death threat on something like that when you are trying to work with them." Selina replies primly. "Besides, death threats are so not me. They seem empty. I am very much not a maker of empty threats."

Vorpal: "You did give me a death threat once, too", Vorpal counters mildly. "In the Hourglass, remember?"

Selina de Windia: "Yes, I warned you that if you ordered me about like I was a subordinate once, I would kill you. Or perhaps just do bad things to you." She looks to Vorpal again. "Do you think I was lying or putting on a show? I would. I had had enough of that from you."

Vorpal: Vorpal shakes her head, now obviously irritated. "I think I told you to quit bullying the poor little Prince then. Tell me, Dark Angel, is your ego truly so weak that giving death threats over that sort of thing is more appropiate than when you are telling someone to keep his hands off the woman you've set your sights on? Is that how little you value me, darling?"

Selina de Windia: "Irrelevent. You do not command me. If you want to, you have to win that right." She looks Vorpal up and down. "I don't see you doing anything to earn that respect or obediance from me. Your first words to me were backhanded insults."

"I would have expected worse from Valencia." She finishes bitterly.

Vorpal: There is a pause.

Vorpal gazes silently at Selina, her mien firm and serious, but beyond that, unreadable. When she finally speaks, she does so with a carefully matter-of-fact voice: "Do you want my respect, Selina?"

Selina de Windia: "I wonder if it's worth it now." Selina replies softly. "I half want to just deal with you and be done. Then I need not make any compromise, and I forget about it all."

Vorpal: "That would be the easy way out", Vorpal nods, and something in her demeanor reveals that she is being deadly serious about this. "I used to take that route all the time. It left me lonely, without people I possibly could call companions, and, in the end, it got me killed."

Selina de Windia: Selina snorts. "I've been ten years like that, Pale Angel. Sometimes I actually walk away, if I think it can get me killed. But usually I don't have to."

Vorpal: "Ten years?" Vorpal shakes her head. "Try twenty-five."

Selina de Windia: "You see, this is why I admired you." Selina says dryly, crossing her arms under her breasts again. "Or still do. I suppose being spurned by a childhood semi-idol is not enough to kill years of idealizing. Oh ha ha." The last bit isn't a laugh, just a sarcastic version of one.

Vorpal: "Dark Angel", the Ghost-Blooded says patiently, starting anew once more. "Listen to me for a change. Try to listen without twisting it into that dark little reality of your own."

Selina de Windia: "So you want me to come into yours? Say then." Selina responds, flickering a look at Cael before going back to Vorpal.

Vorpal: "No, not really. I only want you to take a little peek in mine, so that you'd understand something."

Suddenly, her voice grows harsh and she lifts her hand, crushing the yellow flower in a black-gloved fist. "The Pale Angel is a coward. " She announces it loudly, her words echoing in from the crystal walls.

"They sculpted a living being into a statue and then expected her to retain the pose so that they could come to her daily and give offerings. And the Pale Angel, the wretched thing, did not have the courage to step down from the pedestal." She hurls the remains of the flower across the table, yellow petals and crumbled green stalk sliding over the smooth crystal surface. "Instead, she fooled herself into thinking she'd enjoy it. For almost twenty-five years she pretended to be strong, wallowed in the power she held, stomped those around her into mud. She used her station as an excuse to bully whomever she liked, using it as a channel to unravel the frustration she felt about not daring to ever say no. No, she did not want to be their goddess of war, no, she did not want their avatar of victory, their mascot, their exhibition show!" The last words she practically shouts, half-rising up from her seat. "Is that the woman you idolize, Dark Angel? The woman you want into your bed? In that case, let me tell you a secret. Being the Pale Angel sucks! "

She pauses just long enough to draw breath, and sit back into her place. When she speaks again, she is calm once more. "That's not what strength is about, Selina. When I look at you, I see the young myself, and you cannot believe how it disgusts me." She lifts her hand, the same hand that had held the flower, and stares at her palm thoughtfully. A single petal still clings to the glove's leather, a bright spot of color against blackness. "Bit by bit, I am growing stronger. I know I am. I will always be the Pale Angel, but I will be her in the way I like it, on my own terms. I will not let some person or situation to dictate who I am. That is for me alone to decide."

She looks up at Selina then, and there is urgency in her eyes, a direct, honest sincerity she has never displayed before. "Do you want me to respect you? Look at yourself, see what you are, and then, grow stronger. Don't let yourself think you would be the safest in that pit, for sooner or later, it will close up, and swallow you up."

Selina de Windia: "Right." Selina says, looking at her, eyebrow twitching. "It was all a lie. But I learned that anyway, it really means nothing what you heard when you were young. I learned it the day I killed my father, then my mother in front of all my siblings." Her voice gets a bit tighter.

"And what I didn't learn then, I learned when that beast raped me and put a sign on my belly a few years after, like I was some chattel for him to mark. It still hurts, you know. That is my lesson. Just a bit frustrating that all of my visions were false, you know?" The edge comes back.

"It does not mean I was classless then. To some degree I was. That has improved, although the darkness will never disappear." Then the edge vanishes and she smiles at the Pale Angel, and Cael. Alternately. But the gaze goes back to the woman. "But that's quite alright. I am not lying to myself in what I am. I can be as gracious as anyone, sincerely as anyone. It's no act."

Vorpal: "No, it's not alright", Vorpal respond, her voice biting in its smooth softness. "You say that, and yet, I see you bullying little kids who have just seen their own parents die." Shaking her head in disgust, she stands up, and turns her back to the other two.

"Have a shame." She does not wait for a reply, but strides towards the doorway, as straight and indominable as ever.

Selina de Windia: "Little kids who lost their temper. You keep your head, or you die. I did him a favor." The smile vanishes into seriousness. And a bit of pity. She stands and walks in front of the other Abyssal.

"And unlike you, Pale Angel, I wanted to become what I am. There is a beast within me, part of me. I acknowledge it. It is within everyone, but louder in some. Like the Wyld Gods'. I envy them their ability to merge with it like that, to not deny any part of themselves."

"I am a predator. The day I realized that, I felt more free than I have ever before." Selina adds, not smiling at all.

Vorpal: The Ghost-Blooded pauses... and smiles, sweetly. "That's the day when you lost... completely." And, as if to prove that, she steps right through the Dark Angel, her entire being as intanglible as mist for a second or two. "You're not a predator. You're just a chicken who pretends to be a hawk."

Selina de Windia: "Then you have an entire type of Chosen out there lying to themselves." Selina says dryly, a hand going misty and catching her as says it. "It's not that simple. You wait for me to finish. Do not tell me about cowardice and then leave as soon as it appears that I might actually be comfortable with some of me 'current self'." The Windian blinks, then takes a breath.

"You should have not been pushed to be what you were. I feel sorry that you were. I could have discovered what was in me in better conditions, but I survived and found myself. Somewhere in there, there's a you that loathes what you are now, trying to get out, isn't there? You deserved better. If I can help with that, after this bloody war, I will. Don't need...favors." She lets go and steps to the side, voice tight. "It just...it's...I don't know."

Vorpal: Vorpal pauses... and sighs. Her stern mien softens and she shifts her stance slightly, lifting her hands to her hips.

"I think you have now misunderstood something", she says, almost gently. "I'm not telling you to give up the darkness within you. The tales they tell about the Pale Angel are not lies - they just don't tell the whole story. I'm not a little girl who is afraid of the dark - I've mastered my darkness, and I am comfortable with it. I know you have mastered yours, too."

She moves then, lifts one of her hands and lays it lightly onto Selina's shoulder. "I'm just trying to warn you that the way of the Lonely Bully will not make you invulnerable. If anything, it makes you an easy target."

Cael: Well, well, well ... this had been a much more interesting discussion than Cael had expected when the Pale Angel walked into the room ... so much more interesting...

Not that he passed any comment, yet, just watched the pair by the door, the pale and the dark.

Selina de Windia: Does her lower lip actually quiver? No it doesn't. It was just an illusion. No it wasn't. Either way, Selina's wings droop just a bit and she almost steps back. Not, apparently, out of any intimidation. "I did that, because if he kept it in, he'd become like me." She forces some more flippance into the next sentence. "Also, because him complaining wasn't going to bring them back. His died in front of him -- I killed mine. No going back either way."

Vorpal: "I know that", she responds, calmly. Again she shifts, this time slightly closer to the Dark Angel. Her hand does not move away from the other Abyssal's shoulder - if anything, she squeezes slightly. "And he did need to be get in line before it was too late."

Selina de Windia: "I hope he is." Selina murmurs, dropping her gaze a bit, then hauling it back up. She couldn't act like a little kid, even after that. It would look bad. Especially in front of the other. "I'd hate to have to yell at the Lover again -- this time for someone besides myself."

Doubtless, Vorpal had heard of that instance. When she went renegade, shortly after becoming a deathknight. She dared the Lover to kill her -- to find some whelp to replace the Dark Angel if she could. Knowing it would be hard.

The Lover let her go her own way, with a taunting little smile. She never had thought she was totally free of the ghostly woman, but she had been freer.

"I'm sure she hasn't forgiven me for the first time."

Vorpal: Ah, yes. That.

Relaxing her hold of the other deathknight, she returns to her more cocky stance, hands on her hips, weight slightly tilted to one foot. "Well", she says with that slanted smile of hers, "we'll see how that will turn out, shall we?"

Selina de Windia: "Yes." Selina says with a sigh, looking heavenward. Someday she'd pay for it, she was just wondering how. A find like her didn't come along for free. The Lover would find a way to make her squirm. "Alex had better stay out of Red Ice if he knows what's good for him. I do not wish for his corruption, nor for his first time to be with...her."

Vorpal: "The Lover's orders were kill them all", Vorpal responds, her demeanor taking on a bit more matter-of-fact tune this time. Her eyes, however, keep on searching the other Abyssal's face carefully. "The Bishop sent two full Circles of deathknights against us. I think we'll have more than enough time to think about what to do next while we carry out the Lover's orders."

Selina de Windia: "Let me tell you a little secret." Selina leans close to Vorpal, a bit closer, resisting the urge to blush. "I am to seduce him." Her voice becomes somewhat tart. "So I won't -- I'll delay. Just cause she told me to. Maybe you should. Maybe he won't snap if you do it. As far as I know, you haven't slept up and down Creation -- few lovers nonwithstanding. There's still some purity left in you."

Vorpal: It is something of an effort of will from her part, but Vorpal manages to keep on smiling. Keeping the blush from rising to her cheeks is more difficult, especially with the way her heart lurched when the Dark Angel's suggestion reached her ears.

The Ghost-Blooded takes a slow breath, and suddenly the jacket section of her uniform seems a little too tight for her, black fabric beginning to grow taut. "I think...", she admits, "this is the first time anyone tells me something like that."

She forces herself to chuckle slightly. "But I think he is already falling in love with you."

Selina de Windia: "...what?" Selina says sharply, surprised, almost stepping back a pace. Her face scrunches up a bit, turquoise eyes going somewhat wide. "Why does he seem to be falling in love with me? Are you sure he doesn't just want to do something else?"

Vorpal: Oho.

Swallowing down her surprise, she makes a dismissive wave of hand. "I'm probably just imagining things. It's hard to say anything with that boy, really. He looks like he'd be in love with everyone. "

She keeps her mind firmly in the topic at hand, away from certain... memories... dating back to the days when she lied wounded in the cabin of Quicksilver Zephyr.

Selina de Windia: Or are you just trying to cover yourself?

She looks over to Cael. "And what you say?"

Vorpal: Vorpal, too, looks over to Cael as well, and her smile cools slightly.

That man's presence is all too easy to forget.

Cael: Ah, so they finally remember me.

"I say you've been having a most fascinating conversation, one that I did not wish to interupt, though one that gives me some small measure of hope." Cael says with an soft smile for the pair of them, unaffected by the looks.

"As to Alex ... I think he could love either of you, if you came to him as human as you have shown yourselves to be. He needs to love someone." he smiles again.

If niether of you wish to claim him ... he is exceptionally beautiful and I would not be adverse to loving him at all.

Selina de Windia: "Yes," Selina agrees. "He does. He needs some kind of anchor so our mistress doesn't sweep him away." She looks back to the other deathknight, raising one-eyebrow. "You've been around him longer than I, however."

Vorpal: Oh, help me...

She lets her head nod and presses her palm against her forehead, partly overshadowing her eyes from view. "I'm not really a courtesan, you know."

Cael: "Alex is already falling for you though." Cael cannot resist adding, with small smile on his face.

"Still, Valencia does not seem uneager to spend time with him, and neither am I, truth be told."

Vorpal: I'm not going to believe I heard that.

Selina de Windia: "And I am?" Selina asks flatly, the other eyebrow raising to match the first in exasperation. "You talk like it would be your first time, and besides, he's a sweet little boy. Or is that why you shrink from it? I'm not a Moonshadow or Midnight either, you know. I don't walk about advertising 'corruption through flesh' anymore than you."

She flickers her eyes toward Cael. "Valencia?" The Windian chuckles wickedly. "Oh my. You I can see, but Valencia... She is robbing the cradle. Been too long since her last husband, or so I heard when I was in Windia."

Cael: "Robbing the craddle or no, she has a more than friendly interest in him." Cael shrugs.

And what is it I said that distresses you so, Pale Angel?

Vorpal: Even though Vorpal had taken steps during the last few days further along the road than ever before, there was only so far one could go within such a short period of time. The discussion was turning over to topics she still was not entirely comfortable with.

"Speaking of Moonshadows and Midnights", she changes the topic slightly, "You probably should know something more about the deathknights we are going to face."

Selina de Windia: "Topic change: noted." Selina says wryly, then smirks at her a bit. It was cute when someone that built up got that antsy about something, she had to admit. Selina rather enjoyed making her squirm. She would have to do that more in the future.


Vorpal: "You're being annoying again", Vorpal counters, evenly, almost as if executing a routine. "I.... think you've already been told about the General, but we also managed to uncover bits and pieces about the others."

And so she goes on telling the Dark Angel about what they had gleaned from the talking corpse of the Celebrant, about the Circle of Shining Whispers and the Chalcedony Legion. She tells the other deathknight about the Crusader Wielding His Regret, about the Disciple and the Parishioner, the Acolyte and the Admiral.

"The amusing thing about us Abyssal Chosen", she says after she finishes, smiling slightly and glancing at Cael's direction, "Is that you can guess much about what the Exalt is like from the name she bears."

Selina de Windia: "Mhmm. I see." Selina nods, then shrugs at the part about the names. "As for the Vestal, we both know of her. I, a bit more so."

It's not that I'm being annoying, so much as I'm hitting too close to home.

"Just how am I being 'annoying'?"

Vorpal: The Pale Angel responds to her dark counterpart with a very tired look. "Do you really want to go through all this again?"

Selina de Windia: "Not all of it, no..." Selina says slowly, then smiles mischievously at Vorpal. "But you know, you are cute when you get evasive from a simple question. I wonder if the prince does that too. You will make a entertaining pair to watch."

Vorpal: Evasive, eh?

That almost snaps something in her again, almost cutting through another restraint she has placed around herself.

Almost, that is. The restraint would have been torn to shreds if not for the presence of the third person in the dream-chamber.

And so, Vorpal contends herself with giving the Dark Angel an innocent shrug. "He was straightforward enough back in my cabin some time ago", she says, then nods at Cael. "You remember, don't you."

Cael: Cael raises an eyebrow but nods "That he was."

Selina de Windia: People have been very busy in my absence, I see.

"And he has such an innocent face." Selina replies, almost scandalized. Of course, he did shed it for...something else once. Not that he got anywhere. She looks toward Cael for a moment, then back to Vorpal. "Yes, I think I can 'wait for the right time', by which, I will no longer have a job to do. Excellent."

Vorpal: "Now if that's settled", the Pale Angel says, making a little, sweeping gesture with her hand, "Perhaps we should try to get some actual sleep for tomorrow."

Selina de Windia: "Poo." Selina says resignedly. "We really must have some more of these, um, talks. You still haven't heard my stories." She grins wickedly at that. And what stories they were. Though maybe they might be a tad embarassing to Moon, some of them. She'd just have to withhold that part.

Cael: Cael makes a small gesture of his own "Please, don't let us keep you up any longer."

Vorpal: "Some more things needing to be discussed in privacy, eh?" Vorpal hurls what seems to be a mock of a knowing glance in Cael's direction. "Fine by me. I shan't be in your way. Good night" Turning with a wave of hand, she marches through the doorway and out of the chamber, into the private dream of her own...

...which, by the way, was hardly the sort very many people imagined the Pale Angel to dream about.

Cael: "Good night." Cael says with nary a comment to the glance. "I'll see you come the morning."

He watches the dark angel, after the pale one departs...

Selina de Windia: "Sweet dreams." Selina demures, watching her move out of the meeting place and into her own dreams. Whatever those were. She should bribe the Lover to find out more of that deathknight someday.

Only the bitch would set the price beyond what its worth.

"That was...interesting."

Cael: "It was fascinating, yes." Cael says with amusement playing along the edge of his voice.

Selina de Windia: "Now I will never scare either of you again." She says ruefully, then goes and takes a seat on the table. "Hah. It is hard to be intimidated by someone who just did that."

Cael: "But then, we were being honest, yes?" Cael says quietly "It was an interesting side of you to see, very interesting. As was the Pale Angel." Cael stretches a little

Selina de Windia: "No sides to you, I guess?" Selina feels like poking him for a moment, but represses the urge. "No fun."

Cael: "That would hardly be fair." Cael says with a grin.

"To let one know which I favoured, and not let the other know."

Selina de Windia: Selina blinks, then looks to him. "No, I mean the rest of you beneath the cool exterior. There's more, I figure. There always is."

And besides, you are quite a bit closer to the rest than me.

"As to favoring one of us...I wasn't aware I was in your sights." Selina smirks a bit, then purses her lips and thinks for a moment before continuing. "Vorpal is quite enough to deal with, without trying to catch the black widow of Nexus."

Cael: "I'm sure she would be quite a catch though, if only for one night..." Cael says with a grin.

"As to the more... Of course there is. But nothing I could tell you would be nearly so informative as that exchange you just had, as I'm sure you know."

Selina de Windia: "I would suppose so." Selina sighs, slinking back into her chair. "I really must try and develop some mind reading magic so I don't have to ask these questions. Perhaps people would try to kill me then -- more than now, I mean."

"But...exactly what happened between the Prince and the Pale Angel?"

Cael: "I try to use my magics in that arena to stop people from killing me, but I supposed if you wished to be contrary..."

"Before I tell you, and I swear to tell the truth ... I want to know what you think happened." His face becomes blank of all emotion, though his eyes sparkle softly

Selina de Windia: "Oh come on now, is it that hard to guess?" Selina raises one eyebrow and leans back into her chair, wings to either side. "I thought the little prince actually managed to seduce her into something naughty. And you knowing about it too -- that would mean you watched or took part in it."

She looks a bit embarassed for a moment, then adds hastily. "I've seen plenty of worse things where I live. It's that kind of place! The very rich living close to the very poor, and debased enough to use them, all that rubbish."

Cael: Cael laughs with honest amusement. "I knew I was right to ask about what you thought first...such a low opinion of me too ..." he shakes his head. "Though, I've seen Nexus ... I know exactly the kinds of people you are talking about..."

"All that he did was gift her with a book ... though he tripped a little on the delivery and ... well, he had a soft landing. Not that it was appreciated, given the Heirophant's venom coursing through her body."

Selina de Windia: Oh dear, why do I miss these things?

Perhaps that spirit aboard his airship could show Selina, later. It was her domain, she probably could reproduce it perfectly as a memory. Certainly would be worth it to see something that amusing.

"Low opinion? My dear Eclipse," Selina gives a sudden, sultry smile, purring with soul-killing lust. "the next time the Pale Angel shows me that other side, I am going to have my fun."

Having said that, the Windian lets herself return to normal. "Meeting, or no."

Cael: "I'm sure it will be a sight to see." Cael says half-amused, half-resigned.

"Though perhaps I should be joining the Pale Angel in sleep, as it were..."

Selina de Windia: "When we're in the mood, no one can stop us." Selina says sweetly, then chuckles, a bit throatily. "Besides, all I do at those meetings is sit there and listen to the Bull say how he's going to conquer us all. You lot do most of the talking, not I."

Cael: "Perhaps you could do less to convince him he can?" Cael says evenly "I would rather he tries to move north into Windia and Whiteshield later rather than sooner...neither of the nations will be in much state after the war, and if he is believing of a weak circle ..." Cael shrugs "I know he could be convinced of his folly, but it would cost us."

He stands

Selina de Windia: "He knows my reputation, surely. Having an army and his circle about him, does not protect him from me." Selina says, staying seated, casting her gaze about the room. "Besides, if we destroy the Bishop's men, it means we can destroy him. He is not even backed by a deathlord. Finally, I have...certain experience with the Realm."

She smiles malevolently. "I think that, forced to choose between Anathema, they would side with me, if any. He will not withstand a second attempt by the Realm to stamp him out, not if I cut the throats of his precious demons and circle. They won it for him, not his army."

Cael: "If we destroy the bishop's men, it is with his help. It does not follow that we can destroy his men, especially so soon after the battles with the Bishop. I feel they will cost us more dearly than they cost him."

"You think they will chose the side of a group of Anathema attempting to build a civilised nation to help themselves, one with a history that toes so close to many of their herseys..over a barbarian? They might, but I do not think it will be an easy choice either way. Assuming they have not ripped themselves further apart"

"Besides, you assume you are the only person like yourself, that he will not have others like you, both Exalts and demon ... who would strike amongst us."

Selina de Windia: "That is all true." Selina says, standing. "And there are other assassins among our number besides I."

"But living in Nexus means dealing with others of my kind -- I am not unfamiliar with that. I should hope they surpass me like the brilliance of the sun outshines the moon, for their sake. Or I shall devour them."

Cael: ...there are?

"Anyway, if you could try not to appear quite so weak before him or others .... not that your ..display with vorpal was uninteresting..."

Cael strides over to the portal to his dreams

"Good night, Dark Angel..."

Selina de Windia: "Sweet dreams as well." Selina purrs, then watches him leave, inspects her wings, and looks about before leaving herself.

Cael: "Sweet dreams."

He steps back into his own.