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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Echoes of Glory ==
The Zephyr lands swiftly, opening invintingly to the fatigued, blood-covered warriors and to the pristine rogue. The sky turned red, orange and purple, an amazing sunset, crowning their victory, making the hull of the Zephyr shine in a million shades of light.
A step inside, and Cael is almost run over by Calisara and Anne, relief washing each of their faces... "You... you... you did it!"
<b>Calisara:</b> The Quicksilver beauty smiles, the arcs covering her scultural body shining in the light... under the twilight, she is like quicksilver lit by a fire, not simply beautiful, but rare and exotic beyond words. She looks at Vorpal in a silent thanks, just a smile to the fatigued soldier.
A thanks for all she did, and for bringing her lord home safe.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael looks up with welcome relief on his face as the Zephyr descends, tracking her progress as she shimmers in the sunset.
Cael wraps his arms around the young girl as she tries to run him over, hugging her to him.
"Of course we did."
Over her head, his face conveys relief of his own to Calisara, glad he did survive. He lets go of Anne then.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Still plodding silently after the two Solars with her burden, Vorpal looks up at the cries of joy. After staring at how Cael is being besieged by two worshipful ladies for a moment, a slanted grin slowly makes its way up to her lips in response to Calisara's silent thanks.
"Fu." Giving the others a moment of triumph without spoiling everything with her Abyssal presence, she hangs back for a little while, turning to stare at the sunset instead. Even though she still has to squint her eyes against the light, she enjoys the beauty of the sight.
<i>Giving your Chosen your divine thanks, Unconquered One?</i>
She grins again, more wickedly this time.
<i>And to me, you give a headache. Well, you're welcome.</i>
<b>Anne:</b> Her icy-blue eyes twinkle in the light, happy... looking at him for a moment, marveling at how he is... unchanged.
<i>He just went to war, and looks ready to go to a royal ball...</i>
She breaks out of her reverie when looking at Vorpal and Alex, going for the prince...
<b>Alexander:</b> As Anne turns around, Alex raises a blood-covered hand,
"Not now, Anne....I would hate to dirty your new clothes."
He smiles, the sunlight pouring in stopping his face as if in a painting... the cut on his cheek and the dried blood trailing down seeming to just enhance his majestic image then. A king who fought to hell and back...
"I need some myself, after I finish the celebration."
<b>Anne:</b> She looks at him in shock, seeing the prince hurt, bleeding, wounded...
But alive.
They were alive, and the beast was...
She turns to Cael, with urgency, "Did you...? What happened to her? The monster of blood?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael keeps the collar of his jacket up, to hide the cut on his neck from Anne. Of course he was unchanged.
"Yes, I think you would do well to have a bath, Alex." He grins. "Lucky you got yourself new clothes too, eh?"
He turns back to Anne.
"She is dead. I killed her, while Lilith dealt with her bodyguard, and Alex dealt with her monsters."
At Vorpal's name, he turns toward her, standing in the doorway ...
<i>What do you see in that sunset, Pale Angel?</i>
<b>Vorpal:</b> "Alex!" Vorpal snaps, suddenly. Holding her grisly burden aloft on one shoulder, she lifts one hand in the direction of the setting sun.
"That's your god there. He's staring right back at us."
A dark silhouette against the breathtaking view, she turns away from the sun and walks up the ramp, into Quicksilver Zephyr. "Be sure to wave."
<b>Alexander:</b> "I have to do something first, Cael. The dead... they need to be paid their respects." He looks back at the battlefield, lost in the images of death he had seen in this day... "Elsewise, we might just be brewing darkness, all the same."
Vorpal's words hit him, making him look up... directly into the sun, unfazed. He smiles back at Vorpal, colored by all the hues of twilight reflected in silver.
<i>You really are the reason I lived this long, are you not?</i>
<i>Thank you, Pale Angel.</i>
<i>I hope we can make the sun change its opinion about you...</i>
<i>Sooner or later.</i>
<b>Calisara:</b> A little tweak in the winds, and Vorpals feels them, all around her, cooling her, caressing her face. "Thank you. You will always have my thanks, Pale Angel" She hears, as she is embraced by the winds...
"Now, go take a bath, mistress commands!"
And she can just picture the smirk and wink then.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael looks out at the field of corpses. His eyes taking them all in.
"Yes. They need to move on, and you burning them away would be the best way." He smiles.
<i>And what were you saying to Lilith, Calisara my dear?</i> Cael muses as he watches the incorporeal spirit breeze straight past her.
<b>Vorpal:</b> Since the Ghost-Blooded is turned away, her smile is hidden from the others. Little caring what others might think of her imago then, Vorpal slams her boot heels together, straightens her back and lifts her hand to her forehead in a salute, military style.
"Yes, ma'am", she states, deadly serious. "Will go enjoy a very hot bath right away."
After which she stomps off, with a very purposeful, military stride.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael breaks into a small grin of his own at her reaction to whatever it was that Calisara said to her. Beyond having a bath, apparently.
<i>Ah ... Pale Angel ... so many layers wrapped around yourself ... so many different people.</i>
<i>It will be most interesting to figure you out ...</i>
<b>Anne:</b> Anne looks up, and smiles.
<i>You destroyed her. You destroyed the monster...</i>
She had never seen him so much as a hero from a story as now. He was so lithe, seemed... he did not look a warrior, and yet... he beat all that...
<b>Alexander:</b> <i>Thank you, sun-father.</i><br>
<i>Thank you, Unconquered.</i><br>
<i>May we always prove as worthy of you as we did today.</i>
Muttering a last prayer for the sun, Alex walks into the ship, "Well, let us go far up, now. I do not intend to spoil Lilith's fun - I will need your eagle eyes to tell me when they read your script, and for the Zephyr o be high enough overhead so I can see all of the battlefield. Right?"
<b>Cael:</b> <i>Ah Alex, what a wonderful idea!</i>
"Right." He says, an amused expression on his face. "Well, lets go to the pilot's room then." He holds out his hand for Anne to take it if she wishes as he walks through the corridors of the Zephyr.
<b>Anne:</b> Anne takes his hand, of course, and Calisara dances in the air close to them, as they walk They can feel the light coming in the windows. The blessing. They get to the pilot room, and on the sound of Calisara's delighted squeal, rise high, looking at the battlefield far below... what was once an army now a smoking stain on the ground, the skeletons of four behemoths lined up on its corners...
And Cael can see, clearly, as Terrestrial protectors of Northcove arrives with their army, inspecting it all... and can clearly see as they read up to the last word of Vorpal's message.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael watches them, amused at the expression on the man's face and those of the men around him.
<i>What will you think now ...</i>
He casts his hand in a dismissive gesture, the words shimmering to a cloud of golden motes at the closing of the day.
"Now, Alex."
<b>Alexander:</b> The blade comes down.
Its tip touches the ground, his eyes intent at the window, overseeing all of the battlefield, feeling each and every death, feeling each and every soul.
"Rest in peace."
And then, he flared.
Below, they had just finished reading the message. The Pale Angel...
And then, there was light.<Br>
And then, there were flames.<br>
In one huge bonfire, the light took over the battlefield.<br>
An army was blinded as if they all had looked straight at the sun. And as soon as their eyes were able to see, they saw a form... a ghost which they would never be able to identify as Alexander's knightly anima, standing amidst the battleground, holding the pillars of flames between his hands.
Holding the constant flux of souls on the palm of his hands, and herding them to heaven.
Afterwards, there would be talk of how a ghost was sent by the sun to save them. The ghost of the greatest general of the north had been sent by heaven, and all of the spirits of Northcove would try to take credit by the heavenly intervention.
Such is the nature of rumors.<br>
But on that moment, an army saw the ghosts, the flames, and the sun.
High above, Alex shone as a pillar of the purest light, as the souls came from the ground beneath him, spiraling around him before touching up to heaven. He closed his eyes, and let himself felt it.
And when it ended, and he opened his eyes again, they were different from before. Much more of the Zenith he should be than ever before.
And when he smiled, he was just a boy once again.
Cael: Cael can't help but look a little awed at the scale of the burning, at the image of the knight herding the souls up to heaven.<br>
<i>You'll do well Alex, you'll do well.</i><br>
"Nicely done, Alex." He says warmly, respectfully "Very nicely done."<br>
Then an amused smile spreads over his face. "Now you'd best go bathe so Calisara will let you touch the furniture."
<b>Alexander:</b> "Right, right!" He says, trying to run off, but only walking fast, due to the extent of his injuries... of which he has been holding to very well.
He had grown used to pain in the last few weeks. And this time, victory sweetened the pain of every movement with its delightful flavor...
<b>Anne:</b> Anne stands there, mouth open as he goes away... unable to understand... she saw the souls, the golden glow, she... she did understand but yet, it was so... so...
<b>Calisara:</b> Calisara smiles, his hand falling over Cael. Even dematerialized once again, he can feel her...
<i>"This reminds me of old times... makes me miss the Lunar punk. To have all of them around... like old times."</i>
<b>Cael:</b> <i>It's hard for you to understand, yes, Anne. Some day, maybe you will though.</i>
<i>It's things like that we were made to do.</i>
He gives her hand a little squeeze, as he feels Calisara's hand on his, putting his other hand onto it.
<i>Lunar punk? Moon .. no, not Moon ...</i>
He speaks softly "You're not talking about the day before yesterday, are you Cal?"
<b>Calisara:</b> "I am. It had been awhile since we had a Lunar here, and the punk... he clicked with you all, you notice? There was something between all of you. It makes me remember the time before you got me out. Before I was even entombed. I wonder if you can feel. How it was for you..."
<b>Cael:</b> <i>He clicked? I suppose he did. We all did, yes. How could I have missed that until now...</i>
<i>Because he clicked, I guess.</i>
"He did, yes. I feel a little of that feeling ... but, I know so little of the time that was before."
<b>Calisara:</b> "When we meet the Sages again, can I go with you? I... have some questions. If I can speak to Gideon, or Falling Dusk..."
<i>Or heck, even Wyrd</i>
"I have some questions for them. About them... about you, Cael. We have to remember."
"I have the sinking feeling that it is coming back..."
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course, Calisara. We'll be travelling there fairly soon, I think. Is something bothering you?" he speaks with a slightly concerned smile.
<i>About ... me?</i>
"I ...see." letting Calisara see some of his uncertianty. "That what is coming back?"
<b>Calisara:</b> Her ephemeral hands run over his arm, to his chest... her spectral form coalescing on winds, concerned. "You know that the Old Realm ended when the Terrestrial rose against you, right? Even... things like me, who reminded your kind, were buried and lost. Just because we flattered gold..."
Tears appear behind her eyes, where only Cael can see... far from coming out yet, but... "They cast us aside as if we were nothing. But, before that... even before that. The North had always been like this, you know?" Her head tilts a bit in the direction of the panels... where the rests of the now clean war could be seen. "Harsh. Cruel. Cold. It looked like a wonder for those who live now, golden and immaculate, but to the ol standards... it was still cold and cruel. And it destroyed itself, far, far before the Dragonlings ever had a chance to. Great heroes... don't always think alike. I..."
"... I went from place to place, you know. So I could see how the rest of the world was. I don't... think I am the best to tell you this, though. I was built for pleasure. I was the hell away from the War of Dark Words. You were there... so I could probably not do it justice with second-hand knowledge."
"It... wasn't the sort of thing they talked about much, afterwards."
<b>Vorpal:</b> Several floors below, Vorpal deFay is having her own, private sort of victory celebration.
The steam twirls and dances in the air, its white-grey coils rising up from the surface of the hot water, spiralling ever higher. Stray bubbles make their way up from the depths of the pool, shattering with muffled pops as they come in contact with air.
Vorpal lets her head bend backwards with a contented sigh. Reclining against the edge of the pool, her arms resting along the marble edging, her hair floating all around her in a snowy halo, she allows the warmth to soak through her albino skin, to permeate every bone and organ in her body.
There is no such warmth in the Underworld. There were steaming baths and pools in the realm of the dead, too, but no matter how much you heated them, Vorpal had always thought there was something vital, something integral missing from the process. It was as if the very soul of warmth itself was alien to what Underworld was.
Water laps gently against the twin curves of her bosom. The sensation is not an unpleasant one. The bubbles slide along her body, tickling her as they ascend.The quiet hiss of steam is almost hypnotic in her ears, and the warmth is settling in, giving rise to lethargy. Raising her arms above her head, she lets out a long, pleasurable sigh.
<i>I shouldn't go napping just yet,</i> she realizes with a start. Blinking her eyes, she lowers her arms, inspecting the back of her hands.
The Terrastrial healer had done some miraculous work. After the poison had been purified, the Ghost-Blooded had been good as new in a matter of days. This battle against the tainted Lunar and the horders of the dead had been a final proof that she was back in health.
Allowing one hand to splash into water, she lets her gaze trail along the white length of her other arm.
<i>And my strength...</i>
She clenches her hand into a fist, watching the muscles move and play under her skin. That impossible, steely firmness of her magical enhancement has long since left her body, but still, she knows she is strong, stronger than most, strong enough to hold a man aloft should she so wish...
<i>...strong enough to heft that icy, icy blade of mine...</i>
She pauses, her blood running cold despite the warmth in which she is immersed.
<i>...What icy blade?</i>
Cael: Cael nods as she starts to speak, his face understanding. That he had learned, about the terrestrials. They taught it themselves even. Hunted us always.
But this ... he puts a hand on her arm to reassure her, to warm her, gently stroking it, feeling the cool air beneath his fingers, offering her some of his confidence, some of his strength. <i>It must be hard</i> he thinks <i>To have been there through all the glories of that age, all the wonders one reads about in books and hears of in song, to wake up and find the world as she did. Not that he hadn't thought that before, but it was times like this that made him think it once more.</i><br>
And now....
<i>The War of Dark Words ...</i>
His mind flashes back to the things Alex had said, to the visions he saw, the ... Dark Words.
<i>Oh yes, I was there. And the Binds were on me then. And I don't know which side I was on. Alex's I guess ... though, these Binds of mine ... they wrapped me so tightly as I remembered ... wrapped me tighter since then.</i>
"... I can imagine." He says softly, "I can imagine ... I think I'm very interested in what they might say about me and about ... things now." his hand still gently stroking her forearm. He smiles at her, his eyes showing gratitude, concern, sympathy, regret.
Calisara: Her hand goes into his shirt, touching... the binds.
<i>It was easy to pretend he was not part of them before...</i>
<i>And even then, you want a circle around, Calisara? Is it worth it?</i>
She touches the binds, wondering...
No use thinking about it now. She gulps the sadness down on an almost comical gesture, blinks a couple of times, then smile at Cael again, "Soo... where to now? After the bathe, that is?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael shivers a little at her cool fingers on his chest, watching her as the emotions play across her face, showing themselves in the set of her body. He feels the fingers tracing up the binds, triggering tiny sparks.<br>
<i>Ah, you want to hide it away?</i><br>
<i>I don't think I can blame you.</i><br>
"Taking some time to bathe does sound rather good, now that you mention it ... I'm not sure where we want to go though ..." He considers.<br>
<i>The pale angel will no doubt have her ideas on how to fight the war. And we should be hearing from the others soon. And I'd like to go to the Sages. And to great forks. Hmmm....</i><br>"If you take us north, on an arc that keeps us clear of Whiteshield." <i>That will put us somewhere near the middle of everything ... make it easy for us to get places ... while keeping us out of trouble.</i><br>
"And .. Anne, Calisara and myself have been most rude to you, ignoring you like that ... to make up for it, after my bath, I'll show you how to fold flowers from two colours of paper, okay?"
<b>Anne:</b> She just stood there, watching. Still in awe of all she had seen...
Just when one begins to understand the concept of being friends with a godling...
She nods to Cael, "Y-yes! Please, please... anything else you can teach me!"
<i>I will never be as wonderful as you.</i>
<i>But, if I can do things that please you...</i>
<b>Cael:</b> "Maybe <i>three</i> colours, then." He says with a grin to her. <i>Maybe something else.</i>
<i>And Anne, Anne, don't compare yourself to me, know that you can grow to be unique and wonderful all on your own ... because everything unique has a certain wonder to it. That is why I want to watch you grow.</i>
"But now for my bath ..." He smiles once more at Calisara, then turns and walks from the pilot's room, toward his cabin.
<b>Anne:</b> She looksat him go, beautiful and majestic... resisting to urge to walk behind him, to just see him a moment more...
<i>No. Try to control yourself. He will find you inconvenient if you do... you don't want to be an inconvenience..</i>
Biting her lip, she just walks the other way, towards her own room, to go see the pictures on the new book she had taken...
<b>Vorpal:</b> It begins as a whisper in her mind, gentle and teasing.
<b><i>...light glittering along the surface of ice so fine that it is almost transcluent...</b></i>
Vorpal blinks. She quickly sits forward in the pool, the thoughts of relaxation gone from her mind. <i>W-what...?</i>
<b><i>...ice so fine that it is almost transcluent, hundreds, thousands, millions of different layers seeming to overlap each other within, light reflecting from every plane and facet a little differently... gleaming in all the colors of a rainbow, as if viewed through a prism... </b></i>
It begins as a whisper and grows to a roar. It gushes forth from the deepest recesses of her mind, pours out from the hidden sections of her tainted soul, and it knows no mercy to its mortal host.
<b><i>...as if viewed through a prism, icy mists trailing after a blade so cold, oh so cold, cold like the perfect features of its bearer... </b></i>
"A-a-ah...!" She is powerless to hold it back. Whimpering aloud like a little child, she clamps her hands over her ears and squeezes her eyes tightly shut, instinctively attempting to block the vision out. If anything, the move makes it all the worse as the sights and sounds she knows she has never witnessed reverbrate within her skull, pounding against her brain, its incorporeal fists giving her no rest, no respite.
<b><i>...like the perfect features of its bearer, a hilt fashioned of blue and black jade, streaks of orichalcum spiralling upwards along the handle, graceful, organic, thickening and hollowing out to form the sockets where Hearthstones glitter... </b></i>
She writhes and thrashes in the pool, steaming water flying in glimmering arches, soaking all that is within the chamber. Her white skin is bearing several darkening spots already, results of slamming against the marble edges of the bathing pool. She does not even notice the bruises, for the pain within her head drowns such mundane aches like a sea does to a drop of salty water.
<b><i>...where the Hearthstones glitter, a blade as icy and deadly as its bearer... </b></i>
<b><i>...she raises that blade and raises it with anger... she brings it down, allowing the fury boiling within to guide her hand... red hot anger swinging a white cold blade... </b></i>
<b><i>...it tears through them like a sickle through wheat... it cuts through their shields, it wrenches open their armor, it cleaves their heads and torsos apart... those that the blade cannot reach are sent flying from the pressure of the blow alone, the impossible power behind the swing hurling grown men like dolls of rags and straw... </b></i>
<b><i>...a twist of a powerful arm, a delicate shift in the way the hands grip the handle, and again the blade flies... a great hawk lets out a deafening shriek as the deadly ice cuts through its body... the sheer power of the death scream shatters solid rock and blows the snowy caps from the surrounding mountains, a cascade of avalanches streaking over blue sky... </b></i>
<b><i>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... some of it rains down in tinkling red crystals, frozen solid by the icy blade... </b></i>
<b><i>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... </b></i>
The vision stirs another, fresher memory in her mind. Someone had called her with such words, someone she had slain not too long ago.
<i>...that... ...that...</i>
<b><i>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... </b></i>
<i>...that... is...</i>
<b><i>...crimsonbloodsplattersagainstthevirginsnow... </b></i>
<b><i>...crimsonbloodvirginsnow... </b></i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael reaches his room, and shuts the door behind him, unbuttoning his long jacket and throwing it to the bed, unbuttoning his shirt, as he stands before the mirror, looking once more at the binds that wrap around him, tracing his fingers over the pattern before he lifts his chin, studying the wound on his neck..<br>
<i>This shouldn't have happened.</i><br>
<i>It was far to close to being a lot worse.</i><br>
<i>Try something like that Cael, when you're facing someone like the Disciple, and he will split you in two.</i><br>
He completes the disrobing, walking through to the bath room, sinking down into the warmth bath that is waiting for him. He lets out a pleasant sigh as he does.<br>
"Thank you Calisara dear." he whispers, as he closes his eyes, gasping a little as the water washes into the wound, then relaxing again.<br>
<i>And what am I going to do with you, Anne? And Alex for that matter ... No ... worry about that later ... Now, just relax</i>
<i>Shame there is no-one to relax with....</i>
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 04:10, 3 June 2006

Echoes of Glory

The Zephyr lands swiftly, opening invintingly to the fatigued, blood-covered warriors and to the pristine rogue. The sky turned red, orange and purple, an amazing sunset, crowning their victory, making the hull of the Zephyr shine in a million shades of light.

A step inside, and Cael is almost run over by Calisara and Anne, relief washing each of their faces... "You... you... you did it!"

Calisara: The Quicksilver beauty smiles, the arcs covering her scultural body shining in the light... under the twilight, she is like quicksilver lit by a fire, not simply beautiful, but rare and exotic beyond words. She looks at Vorpal in a silent thanks, just a smile to the fatigued soldier.

A thanks for all she did, and for bringing her lord home safe.

Cael: Cael looks up with welcome relief on his face as the Zephyr descends, tracking her progress as she shimmers in the sunset.

Cael wraps his arms around the young girl as she tries to run him over, hugging her to him.

"Of course we did."

Over her head, his face conveys relief of his own to Calisara, glad he did survive. He lets go of Anne then.

Vorpal: Still plodding silently after the two Solars with her burden, Vorpal looks up at the cries of joy. After staring at how Cael is being besieged by two worshipful ladies for a moment, a slanted grin slowly makes its way up to her lips in response to Calisara's silent thanks.

"Fu." Giving the others a moment of triumph without spoiling everything with her Abyssal presence, she hangs back for a little while, turning to stare at the sunset instead. Even though she still has to squint her eyes against the light, she enjoys the beauty of the sight.

Giving your Chosen your divine thanks, Unconquered One?

She grins again, more wickedly this time.

And to me, you give a headache. Well, you're welcome.

Anne: Her icy-blue eyes twinkle in the light, happy... looking at him for a moment, marveling at how he is... unchanged.

He just went to war, and looks ready to go to a royal ball...

She breaks out of her reverie when looking at Vorpal and Alex, going for the prince...

Alexander: As Anne turns around, Alex raises a blood-covered hand,

"Not now, Anne....I would hate to dirty your new clothes."

He smiles, the sunlight pouring in stopping his face as if in a painting... the cut on his cheek and the dried blood trailing down seeming to just enhance his majestic image then. A king who fought to hell and back...

"I need some myself, after I finish the celebration."

Anne: She looks at him in shock, seeing the prince hurt, bleeding, wounded...

But alive.

They were alive, and the beast was...

She turns to Cael, with urgency, "Did you...? What happened to her? The monster of blood?"

Cael: Cael keeps the collar of his jacket up, to hide the cut on his neck from Anne. Of course he was unchanged.

"Yes, I think you would do well to have a bath, Alex." He grins. "Lucky you got yourself new clothes too, eh?"

He turns back to Anne.

"She is dead. I killed her, while Lilith dealt with her bodyguard, and Alex dealt with her monsters."

At Vorpal's name, he turns toward her, standing in the doorway ...

What do you see in that sunset, Pale Angel?

Vorpal: "Alex!" Vorpal snaps, suddenly. Holding her grisly burden aloft on one shoulder, she lifts one hand in the direction of the setting sun.

"That's your god there. He's staring right back at us."

A dark silhouette against the breathtaking view, she turns away from the sun and walks up the ramp, into Quicksilver Zephyr. "Be sure to wave."

Alexander: "I have to do something first, Cael. The dead... they need to be paid their respects." He looks back at the battlefield, lost in the images of death he had seen in this day... "Elsewise, we might just be brewing darkness, all the same."

Vorpal's words hit him, making him look up... directly into the sun, unfazed. He smiles back at Vorpal, colored by all the hues of twilight reflected in silver.

You really are the reason I lived this long, are you not?

Thank you, Pale Angel.

I hope we can make the sun change its opinion about you...

Sooner or later.

Calisara: A little tweak in the winds, and Vorpals feels them, all around her, cooling her, caressing her face. "Thank you. You will always have my thanks, Pale Angel" She hears, as she is embraced by the winds...

"Now, go take a bath, mistress commands!"

And she can just picture the smirk and wink then.

Cael: Cael looks out at the field of corpses. His eyes taking them all in.

"Yes. They need to move on, and you burning them away would be the best way." He smiles.

And what were you saying to Lilith, Calisara my dear? Cael muses as he watches the incorporeal spirit breeze straight past her.

Vorpal: Since the Ghost-Blooded is turned away, her smile is hidden from the others. Little caring what others might think of her imago then, Vorpal slams her boot heels together, straightens her back and lifts her hand to her forehead in a salute, military style.

"Yes, ma'am", she states, deadly serious. "Will go enjoy a very hot bath right away."

After which she stomps off, with a very purposeful, military stride.

Cael: Cael breaks into a small grin of his own at her reaction to whatever it was that Calisara said to her. Beyond having a bath, apparently.

Ah ... Pale Angel ... so many layers wrapped around yourself ... so many different people.

It will be most interesting to figure you out ...

Anne: Anne looks up, and smiles.

You destroyed her. You destroyed the monster...

She had never seen him so much as a hero from a story as now. He was so lithe, seemed... he did not look a warrior, and yet... he beat all that...

Alexander: Thank you, sun-father.
Thank you, Unconquered.
May we always prove as worthy of you as we did today.

Muttering a last prayer for the sun, Alex walks into the ship, "Well, let us go far up, now. I do not intend to spoil Lilith's fun - I will need your eagle eyes to tell me when they read your script, and for the Zephyr o be high enough overhead so I can see all of the battlefield. Right?"

Cael: Ah Alex, what a wonderful idea!

"Right." He says, an amused expression on his face. "Well, lets go to the pilot's room then." He holds out his hand for Anne to take it if she wishes as he walks through the corridors of the Zephyr.

Anne: Anne takes his hand, of course, and Calisara dances in the air close to them, as they walk They can feel the light coming in the windows. The blessing. They get to the pilot room, and on the sound of Calisara's delighted squeal, rise high, looking at the battlefield far below... what was once an army now a smoking stain on the ground, the skeletons of four behemoths lined up on its corners...

And Cael can see, clearly, as Terrestrial protectors of Northcove arrives with their army, inspecting it all... and can clearly see as they read up to the last word of Vorpal's message.

Cael: Cael watches them, amused at the expression on the man's face and those of the men around him.

What will you think now ...

He casts his hand in a dismissive gesture, the words shimmering to a cloud of golden motes at the closing of the day.

"Now, Alex."

Alexander: The blade comes down.

Its tip touches the ground, his eyes intent at the window, overseeing all of the battlefield, feeling each and every death, feeling each and every soul.

"Rest in peace."

And then, he flared.

Below, they had just finished reading the message. The Pale Angel...

And then, there was light.
And then, there were flames.
In one huge bonfire, the light took over the battlefield.

An army was blinded as if they all had looked straight at the sun. And as soon as their eyes were able to see, they saw a form... a ghost which they would never be able to identify as Alexander's knightly anima, standing amidst the battleground, holding the pillars of flames between his hands.

Holding the constant flux of souls on the palm of his hands, and herding them to heaven.

Afterwards, there would be talk of how a ghost was sent by the sun to save them. The ghost of the greatest general of the north had been sent by heaven, and all of the spirits of Northcove would try to take credit by the heavenly intervention.

Such is the nature of rumors.
But on that moment, an army saw the ghosts, the flames, and the sun.

High above, Alex shone as a pillar of the purest light, as the souls came from the ground beneath him, spiraling around him before touching up to heaven. He closed his eyes, and let himself felt it.

And when it ended, and he opened his eyes again, they were different from before. Much more of the Zenith he should be than ever before.


And when he smiled, he was just a boy once again.

Cael: Cael can't help but look a little awed at the scale of the burning, at the image of the knight herding the souls up to heaven.
You'll do well Alex, you'll do well.
"Nicely done, Alex." He says warmly, respectfully "Very nicely done."
Then an amused smile spreads over his face. "Now you'd best go bathe so Calisara will let you touch the furniture."

Alexander: "Right, right!" He says, trying to run off, but only walking fast, due to the extent of his injuries... of which he has been holding to very well.

He had grown used to pain in the last few weeks. And this time, victory sweetened the pain of every movement with its delightful flavor...

Anne: Anne stands there, mouth open as he goes away... unable to understand... she saw the souls, the golden glow, she... she did understand but yet, it was so... so...

Calisara: Calisara smiles, his hand falling over Cael. Even dematerialized once again, he can feel her...

"This reminds me of old times... makes me miss the Lunar punk. To have all of them around... like old times."

Cael: It's hard for you to understand, yes, Anne. Some day, maybe you will though.

It's things like that we were made to do.

He gives her hand a little squeeze, as he feels Calisara's hand on his, putting his other hand onto it.

Lunar punk? Moon .. no, not Moon ...

He speaks softly "You're not talking about the day before yesterday, are you Cal?"

Calisara: "I am. It had been awhile since we had a Lunar here, and the punk... he clicked with you all, you notice? There was something between all of you. It makes me remember the time before you got me out. Before I was even entombed. I wonder if you can feel. How it was for you..."

Cael: He clicked? I suppose he did. We all did, yes. How could I have missed that until now...

Because he clicked, I guess.

"He did, yes. I feel a little of that feeling ... but, I know so little of the time that was before."

Calisara: "When we meet the Sages again, can I go with you? I... have some questions. If I can speak to Gideon, or Falling Dusk..."

Or heck, even Wyrd

"I have some questions for them. About them... about you, Cael. We have to remember."

"I have the sinking feeling that it is coming back..."

Cael: "Of course, Calisara. We'll be travelling there fairly soon, I think. Is something bothering you?" he speaks with a slightly concerned smile.

About ... me?

"I ...see." letting Calisara see some of his uncertianty. "That what is coming back?"

Calisara: Her ephemeral hands run over his arm, to his chest... her spectral form coalescing on winds, concerned. "You know that the Old Realm ended when the Terrestrial rose against you, right? Even... things like me, who reminded your kind, were buried and lost. Just because we flattered gold..."

Tears appear behind her eyes, where only Cael can see... far from coming out yet, but... "They cast us aside as if we were nothing. But, before that... even before that. The North had always been like this, you know?" Her head tilts a bit in the direction of the panels... where the rests of the now clean war could be seen. "Harsh. Cruel. Cold. It looked like a wonder for those who live now, golden and immaculate, but to the ol standards... it was still cold and cruel. And it destroyed itself, far, far before the Dragonlings ever had a chance to. Great heroes... don't always think alike. I..."

"... I went from place to place, you know. So I could see how the rest of the world was. I don't... think I am the best to tell you this, though. I was built for pleasure. I was the hell away from the War of Dark Words. You were there... so I could probably not do it justice with second-hand knowledge."

"It... wasn't the sort of thing they talked about much, afterwards."

Vorpal: Several floors below, Vorpal deFay is having her own, private sort of victory celebration.

The steam twirls and dances in the air, its white-grey coils rising up from the surface of the hot water, spiralling ever higher. Stray bubbles make their way up from the depths of the pool, shattering with muffled pops as they come in contact with air.

Vorpal lets her head bend backwards with a contented sigh. Reclining against the edge of the pool, her arms resting along the marble edging, her hair floating all around her in a snowy halo, she allows the warmth to soak through her albino skin, to permeate every bone and organ in her body.

There is no such warmth in the Underworld. There were steaming baths and pools in the realm of the dead, too, but no matter how much you heated them, Vorpal had always thought there was something vital, something integral missing from the process. It was as if the very soul of warmth itself was alien to what Underworld was.

Water laps gently against the twin curves of her bosom. The sensation is not an unpleasant one. The bubbles slide along her body, tickling her as they ascend.The quiet hiss of steam is almost hypnotic in her ears, and the warmth is settling in, giving rise to lethargy. Raising her arms above her head, she lets out a long, pleasurable sigh.

I shouldn't go napping just yet, she realizes with a start. Blinking her eyes, she lowers her arms, inspecting the back of her hands.

The Terrastrial healer had done some miraculous work. After the poison had been purified, the Ghost-Blooded had been good as new in a matter of days. This battle against the tainted Lunar and the horders of the dead had been a final proof that she was back in health.

Allowing one hand to splash into water, she lets her gaze trail along the white length of her other arm.

And my strength...

She clenches her hand into a fist, watching the muscles move and play under her skin. That impossible, steely firmness of her magical enhancement has long since left her body, but still, she knows she is strong, stronger than most, strong enough to hold a man aloft should she so wish...

...strong enough to heft that icy, icy blade of mine...

She pauses, her blood running cold despite the warmth in which she is immersed.

...What icy blade?

Cael: Cael nods as she starts to speak, his face understanding. That he had learned, about the terrestrials. They taught it themselves even. Hunted us always. But this ... he puts a hand on her arm to reassure her, to warm her, gently stroking it, feeling the cool air beneath his fingers, offering her some of his confidence, some of his strength. It must be hard he thinks To have been there through all the glories of that age, all the wonders one reads about in books and hears of in song, to wake up and find the world as she did. Not that he hadn't thought that before, but it was times like this that made him think it once more.
And now....

The War of Dark Words ...

His mind flashes back to the things Alex had said, to the visions he saw, the ... Dark Words. Oh yes, I was there. And the Binds were on me then. And I don't know which side I was on. Alex's I guess ... though, these Binds of mine ... they wrapped me so tightly as I remembered ... wrapped me tighter since then.

"... I can imagine." He says softly, "I can imagine ... I think I'm very interested in what they might say about me and about ... things now." his hand still gently stroking her forearm. He smiles at her, his eyes showing gratitude, concern, sympathy, regret.

Calisara: Her hand goes into his shirt, touching... the binds.

It was easy to pretend he was not part of them before...

And even then, you want a circle around, Calisara? Is it worth it?

She touches the binds, wondering...

No use thinking about it now. She gulps the sadness down on an almost comical gesture, blinks a couple of times, then smile at Cael again, "Soo... where to now? After the bathe, that is?"

Cael: Cael shivers a little at her cool fingers on his chest, watching her as the emotions play across her face, showing themselves in the set of her body. He feels the fingers tracing up the binds, triggering tiny sparks.
Ah, you want to hide it away?
I don't think I can blame you.
"Taking some time to bathe does sound rather good, now that you mention it ... I'm not sure where we want to go though ..." He considers.
The pale angel will no doubt have her ideas on how to fight the war. And we should be hearing from the others soon. And I'd like to go to the Sages. And to great forks. Hmmm....
"If you take us north, on an arc that keeps us clear of Whiteshield." That will put us somewhere near the middle of everything ... make it easy for us to get places ... while keeping us out of trouble.
"And .. Anne, Calisara and myself have been most rude to you, ignoring you like that ... to make up for it, after my bath, I'll show you how to fold flowers from two colours of paper, okay?"

Anne: She just stood there, watching. Still in awe of all she had seen...

Just when one begins to understand the concept of being friends with a godling...

She nods to Cael, "Y-yes! Please, please... anything else you can teach me!"

I will never be as wonderful as you.

But, if I can do things that please you...

Cael: "Maybe three colours, then." He says with a grin to her. Maybe something else.

And Anne, Anne, don't compare yourself to me, know that you can grow to be unique and wonderful all on your own ... because everything unique has a certain wonder to it. That is why I want to watch you grow.

"But now for my bath ..." He smiles once more at Calisara, then turns and walks from the pilot's room, toward his cabin.

Anne: She looksat him go, beautiful and majestic... resisting to urge to walk behind him, to just see him a moment more...

No. Try to control yourself. He will find you inconvenient if you do... you don't want to be an inconvenience..

Biting her lip, she just walks the other way, towards her own room, to go see the pictures on the new book she had taken...

Vorpal: It begins as a whisper in her mind, gentle and teasing.

...light glittering along the surface of ice so fine that it is almost transcluent...</b>

Vorpal blinks. She quickly sits forward in the pool, the thoughts of relaxation gone from her mind. W-what...?

<b>...ice so fine that it is almost transcluent, hundreds, thousands, millions of different layers seeming to overlap each other within, light reflecting from every plane and facet a little differently... gleaming in all the colors of a rainbow, as if viewed through a prism... </b>

It begins as a whisper and grows to a roar. It gushes forth from the deepest recesses of her mind, pours out from the hidden sections of her tainted soul, and it knows no mercy to its mortal host.

<b>...as if viewed through a prism, icy mists trailing after a blade so cold, oh so cold, cold like the perfect features of its bearer... </b>

"A-a-ah...!" She is powerless to hold it back. Whimpering aloud like a little child, she clamps her hands over her ears and squeezes her eyes tightly shut, instinctively attempting to block the vision out. If anything, the move makes it all the worse as the sights and sounds she knows she has never witnessed reverbrate within her skull, pounding against her brain, its incorporeal fists giving her no rest, no respite.

<b>...like the perfect features of its bearer, a hilt fashioned of blue and black jade, streaks of orichalcum spiralling upwards along the handle, graceful, organic, thickening and hollowing out to form the sockets where Hearthstones glitter... </b>

She writhes and thrashes in the pool, steaming water flying in glimmering arches, soaking all that is within the chamber. Her white skin is bearing several darkening spots already, results of slamming against the marble edges of the bathing pool. She does not even notice the bruises, for the pain within her head drowns such mundane aches like a sea does to a drop of salty water.

<b>...where the Hearthstones glitter, a blade as icy and deadly as its bearer... </b>

<b>...she raises that blade and raises it with anger... she brings it down, allowing the fury boiling within to guide her hand... red hot anger swinging a white cold blade... </b>

<b>...it tears through them like a sickle through wheat... it cuts through their shields, it wrenches open their armor, it cleaves their heads and torsos apart... those that the blade cannot reach are sent flying from the pressure of the blow alone, the impossible power behind the swing hurling grown men like dolls of rags and straw... </b>

<b>...a twist of a powerful arm, a delicate shift in the way the hands grip the handle, and again the blade flies... a great hawk lets out a deafening shriek as the deadly ice cuts through its body... the sheer power of the death scream shatters solid rock and blows the snowy caps from the surrounding mountains, a cascade of avalanches streaking over blue sky... </b>

<b>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... some of it rains down in tinkling red crystals, frozen solid by the icy blade... </b>

<b>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... </b>

The vision stirs another, fresher memory in her mind. Someone had called her with such words, someone she had slain not too long ago.

...that... ...that...

<b>...crimson blood splatters against the virgin snow... </b>

...that... is...

<b>...crimsonbloodsplattersagainstthevirginsnow... </b>


<b>...crimsonbloodvirginsnow... </b>


<b>Cael: Cael reaches his room, and shuts the door behind him, unbuttoning his long jacket and throwing it to the bed, unbuttoning his shirt, as he stands before the mirror, looking once more at the binds that wrap around him, tracing his fingers over the pattern before he lifts his chin, studying the wound on his neck..
This shouldn't have happened.
It was far to close to being a lot worse.
Try something like that Cael, when you're facing someone like the Disciple, and he will split you in two.
He completes the disrobing, walking through to the bath room, sinking down into the warmth bath that is waiting for him. He lets out a pleasant sigh as he does.
"Thank you Calisara dear." he whispers, as he closes his eyes, gasping a little as the water washes into the wound, then relaxing again.
And what am I going to do with you, Anne? And Alex for that matter ... No ... worry about that later ... Now, just relax

Shame there is no-one to relax with....