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== Shadow Eyes ==
<b>Fiona:</b> <i>Knock. Knock.</i>
She was hearing the voices.... all around her. They were soft, though... soothing. Nice. She could sleep through their velvet voices, but the knocking on the door... the harsher voice... make her eyes open, slowly....
Turning around, and seeing Kanti on the Dark Angel's lap like a splash of cold water over her face.
<i>You said you wouldn't do that...</i>
She gulps, wondering if sleep isn't the only thing saving her from being on the black feathered woman's lap as well...
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti stiffens a little at the knocking, making the barest of protesting noises as she stops the stroking.
"Yes, my lady." she remains sitting there, then hear's the noise, turning to Fiona, smiling at the young girl as she sees she is awake, her whole body lifting. She turns back to the Dark Angel, looking at her for permission.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Go on." Selina says to the waiting Terrestrial, wondering how anyone could want a <i>human pet</i>. Or even worse, an <i>Exalted</i> one. She was going to remember this, when she finally met up with that bitch Charmaine.
<i>Payment's only delayed, you little witch.</i>
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti smiles at her gratefully, and slips from her lap, walking over to the bed, gently running her hand over Fiona's face.
"How did you sleep?" she asks softly to the waking girl.
<b>Fiona:</b> She sits up on the bed.... slowly.... smiling back at Kanti as she rubs her eyes... "I... slept very well. Was a nice nap."
"Are you... are you ok, Kanti?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Getting to her feet, and walking to the door, Selina opens it without any hint of the anger she's feeling, looking at Moon with a bored, exasperated expression. "Yes, let's go shopping. I think I'm getting cabin fever already."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Shopping? You are going out?"
<i>And leaving me alone?!? You aren't... no...</i>
Unconsciously, her hand grabs for Kanti's squeezing...
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah, you look it..." Moon answered, looking the Windian up and down. She looked a little piqued. Or at least mildly pissed. Whatever it was, she didn't seem happy. Not that she was prone to normally.
Looking over Selina's shoulder a moment, he jutted his chin towards the girls on the bed, lowering his voice a little. "Those two a'ite?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "As ok as they were before, I think." Selina replies dryly, then sighs, looking back at the two of them. She could figure how she was going to 'bond' with them, at least with Kanti. And it just did not make her happy. "Oh don't worry, I think you're both coming with."
<i>At least Charmaine trained her well in it, I'll imagine.</i> The Windian thinks ruefully, wings twitching for a moment.
<b>Kanti:</b> "I'm fine Fiona." she says with a smile for the girl. "I'm glad you slept well."
She squeezes back as she grasps her hand, then helps her up "You are coming too." she says, after the Dark says so.
<b>Fiona:</b> "I... am?" She lights up, jumping out of the bed.... and then looking down. "You... had said I could have a coat?"
<i>Not those eyes anymore. Don't let them look at me like that anymore.</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>That ain't sayin' much...</i>
He looked with Selina at them again. Something unnerving about the idea of the Dark Angel alone together with these two. He didn't think she'd hurt them, but he could still remember how terrified they had seemed...
His gaze slipped to Selina again a moment, then he put on a big grin and slipped around her, snatching up the coat Vivian had given them for Fiona, tossing onto the bed beside Kanti.
"Yeah, c'mon. Help her get that coat the old lady gave ya on and we'll hit the streets. You'll have a good time, promise. We'll even hit one of the bakeries on White Cloud."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona plucks the coat in midair, placing it around herself soon enough... glad they wouldn't be able to see her body, the people outside. The lack of modesty for indoors still there, but... to the outside... "Bakeries? I... I would love that!" She says, smiling happilly.
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti smiles happily at moon, as she stands up behind Fiona, her bearing changed from the woman sitting on the Dark Angel's lap. "A bakery would be lovely, yes."
She gently leads Fiona over to the pair.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "I'll go down and get mine, then. Won't even be a minute." Selina says neutrally, then walks off down the hall, without waiting for another word.
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti looks guility after her retreating back very briefly.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona walks down, together with Moon and Kanti, waiting for Moon outside of the House of Heavenly Pleasure.... out of the way, as people come and go between its indecent arcs every moment. Outside, it is early, cold night, just a few droplets coming from the sky.... outside, Fiona asks Kanti, "Did she... ask you to do anything?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti stands next to her, slightly glad for her cloak, shielding her from the cold. She shakes her head, black locks flowing like waves.
"We talked ... she just can't understand Her though ... can't understand how we love her." She sounds upset at this, regretful.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar breaths in deep as they step outside, the stench of the city mingled with the tang of cool night air, and lets it out with a sigh. All around them, the swirling chaos of the red-lantern was in full swing. Shadows laughed and swung into colored lights beneth the porch front lanterns of the pleasure houses. He grinned at the familiar sight, leaning back against the wall. The Pack would be out there, somewhere. They might even run into them, if he led the ladies down the right streets. Though, the "right streets" weren't exactly the sort of streets you wanted to go walking with three beautiful women at this hour.
Keeping to himself as they waited for Selina, he watched the two girls with a plesant smile, half an ear turned to their conversation.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Coming out of the House, Selina finishes wrapping her greatcoat around her, greyish brown garment covering her leotard, most of her boots, and a good deal of her gloves. She looks to the other three, in somewhat better spirits (visibly) then before. "Well, I suppose we can be off."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Mmm... I like ya better like that," Moon smiles at Selina as she steps outside. Moving closer to her, he almost wraps an arm around her waist, but stops short and offers his arm instead. Whatever she was pissed about before, just because she looked better now doesn't mean she just wasn't doing a damn good job hiding it.
"We gotta swing by somewhere first so I can get some chips ta toss around," he tells them all, pointing somewhere down the street. "Old boy should still be up and about. After that, we'll see about some clothes, a'ite?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti relaxes as she sees the better mood that the Dark Angel is in. She looks down at Fiona, then back at Moon and she nods, seeming a little ...apprehensive at the mention of clothes.
"As you wish." she says softly, walking over next to Fiona
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> <i>Like me better as...what? In the coat?</i>
Selina shrugs, and takes his arm. She wanted to sleep now, but unfortunately she was going to have to do other things in the short term. "I have some money, if bothering him isn't to your taste. Should be more then enough money, in fact."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Hmmmm, I am hungry.... what sort of things they have there?" She asks... only two weeks. Not enough to do to her what was done to Kanti, 'insolences' like these returning... curiosity that would not die. Along with her spirit.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Shh, naw," he waves Selina's offer away and grins, pulling the Windian closer as they start away from the Heaven House. "Keep it. The old coots got more than he's ever gonna do anything with. All the crazy old fucker does is stand around and mumble. We can take the night on his wallet."
Taking some pleasure in playing at being a tour guide, Moon keeps their pace brisk but bearable, pointing out some of the more famous (or infamous) of the hash houses and skin shops he had told them out on their journey to the city before. They don't stick much to the main streets. Moon ducks them down narrow alleys and impromptu passages between buildings. At one point, they pass completely through the rundown remains of an old pleasure house; it's glided doorframe long ago scraped clean and piles of refuge marking that itinerants had been using it as a place to stay for some time.
It's not entirely a pleasant tour, but with all three women now modestly covered, they at least don't get mobbed by swarms of admirers. More than a few whistles are drawn, though.
The building Moon eventually leads them to is the only shop on the street that doesn't bare the tell-tale red-lantern outside it's door. A simple white light instead illuminating the owl-and-staff sign above the door, the local symbol of a healer. Moon looks the building over, catching the flickering of low red light burning through the curtains, and shrugs.
"Well, <i>someone</i> is up and about. Dunno if it's the crazy or one of his assistants though." Releasing Selina's arm, he moves to the door and yanks a few times on the bell-rope sticking out of a hole by the door. "You three wanna come in or wait out here?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Raising her eyebrows as she looks at the place, Selina hums, then switches her gaze to Moon. "This person the kind who I'd get into a fight with? If so, I'll stay outside."
<i>With those other two.</i>
Who, ironically, despite being Exalts, needed some kind of guard. Selina already knew what was going to happen to the next bunch of punks to try and feel her up or get too close. It might even help her anger to take it out on some poor mortal.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>Get into a fight... ?</i>
He bit his lip a moment. Wasn't really sure about that. He'd never been able to really gauge the old crazy's moods. If he was pretending to be Shadow Eyes, they should be safe.
Should be.
"Don't think you would, not unless you got something against old people," he chuckled, ringing the bell again. "He's a freak, but sometimes he's less'a one than usual. Worst thing he'll probably do is smell weird and talk ta the wall."
<b>Fiona:</b> The question begun to dance on her mind. She... maybe.... just maybe...
The kick on Sarah. What Mistress had said... what Kanti had done...
<i>If you ask, Kanti will do the same with you. She loved Sarah too... and will do it on you because she loves you.</i>
The question freezes. She breathes out a little of warm air, and holds Kanti's arm... knowing she loves her. Knowing she will hurt her if she asks...
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Though, I'd have to go in there." Selina scrunches her face up at the prospect. After that shitheap in the Spire, she wasn't too keen on that again. Of course, the sex'd distracted her from the smell, a bit. "I bet he won't be too thrilled to see one of my kind poking around his place, anyway."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti stands quietly by Fiona, holding her arm, looking up at the strange place they had come too.
She wonders just who or what they are going to see...
<i>And why is Fiona so nervous?</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Dunno about that..." Moon mutters under his breath.
The old crazy had almost snapped a seam on his pants, he had been so damn excited the day the Vestal came riding into the city. He had seemed pretty keen on getting his hands on her. Moon was more concerned about Father of Crows liking Selina around a little too much.
His relief that all three of the ladies were well covered on this outting was suddenly sharpely refreshed.
"Fuck's sake..." the Lunar growled, tugging violently on the bell rope again and kicking the door. "I <i>know</i> someones in there! Answer the damn door!"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Turning to Fiona and Kanti, Selina smiles in a dry, almost disturbing fashion, tone now more cheerful, as Moon continues to try the door. "If some punk touches you, you have my official permission to kick his sorry arse bloody. Just don't kill him or cripple him. And no shiny tricks, either."
<b>Igor 2.0( Now taller! ):</b> A young man opens the door. Tessalis, an alchemist of the Boil.... one of Father of Crows' agents and apprentices. A young man a little too pale, with black circles a little too long under his eyes, and weird eyes of someone who saw too much of things he should not.
Usually a nice person to be with, at least until you let him begin to babble about his theories. Those would vary from mind-knotting to totally creepy, far as Moon is concerned, and so, something that should just not be done. He smiles upon seeing Moon, a maniacal grin that tries so very much to be a nice smile. "Why, Seventh Moon! Long, long time no see! What have you been up to?"
He looks behind the Lunar, eyes now... slightly creepy as he looks up the beauties... "Hmmm, <i>much</i> better company!"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Shit..."
It came out before Moon could stop himself, so did the reflexive step backwards when the door flew open and the familiar face greeted him. It wasn't surprise or shock that painted his reaction. It was a reflex born purely of <i>who</i> it was.
"Uh, hey Tess," Moon tried to smile in return, but the stream of ants that were crawling up his spine were damn distracting. "Is Shadow Eyes around? We gotta have a word."
<b>Igor 2.0( Now taller! ):</b> "Master is inside, yes! About to finish something.... <i>most</i> interesting! Was trying to make one of the little ones viable outside again, using some ice fern liquids and devineko bone dust he got from Jugen, one potion I got... remember that potion I had told you about? Emmy Emmy one?" He says. He always called his inventions cute names.
Father of Crows rarely had time for most of them but to murder pests, but he was ingenious enough as an assistant. "It is giving us the most fantastic results, you see, the thing is, is, breathing outside again already, and...!" then he stops, looking around... "Errr... shouldn't be saying it here, right? Come in, come in... by all means invite your pretty friends in, it is so cold outside..." He says. And manages not to drool.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina feels eyes on her back, so she turns around to meet the man who answered the door. And sees this...person. Kind of creepy, really.
<i>Someone doesn't get out enough.</i>
Keeping her fixed, dry, somewhat disturbing grin, Selina leers right back at the man, then rears back an inch, opens her mouth, and hisses at him, pupils in her wide cheerful eyes shrinking almost to dots. The sound isn't really animal, nor something the dead would do. It has a more reptilian tone to it, the hiss of a heavy land predator.
And it's coming out of her throat.
<b>Igor 2.0( Now taller! ):</b> Tessalis takes a step back, then... and his grins broadens. "My, my... you have <i>interesting</i> friends, Moon.... what is she, what is she? Can you introduce us?" He says, grin wide. Selina had just been increased... from a beautiful, beautiful woman to one of the strange things he so loved... wrapped in a beautiful, beautiful woman.
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona gulps.
<i>What is she....?</i>
Selina was scary, yes... dark as Mistress... but...
<i>Is she even human?!?</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah, that's... swell, Tess..." Just as long as whatever the little creep was brewing up didn't try to bite him again. Or make squishy sounds.
At first, he thought the raspy hiss grating across his senses was the 'Emmy' Tessalis had been ranting about. The sound made his teeth grate and sent the ants streaming off his back and all across his skin. Wincing out a glare at the jittery assistant and seeing the man's blissful vacant expression, he realized only then that the noise was coming from behind him. Turning back to tell the girls to stop whatever the fuck it was they were doing, the Lunar froze as Selina came into view.
"What the fucking <i>hell?</i>" Moon scrambled back a step, bumping into something that blocked the doorway. He took a moment to look back at the object barricading his way, Tessalis's face filling his vision. A faint wave of nausea passed over him. Great, one side wasn't any better than the other. But at least one was more easily removed.
Moon roughly elbowed the pale man back to clear some space. He didn't bother to pay attention to where Tessalis landed before turning back to Selina. "A'ite," he breathed, hunching into a wary crouch as he eyed her. Calmer now, the tattoo on his brow begin to glisten faintly. "What the hell is goin' on?"
<b>Igor 2.0( Now taller! ):</b> "Oof!" Tessalis said, falling on his back on the floor, blown as a reed in the wind under Moon's strength - the man had muscles like jelly, falling on the clinic, "H-hey!!"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina blinks for a moment, having scared the people she didn't mean to, and only turned on, it seems, the one she meant to creep out. Of course, that makes him more creepy. She looks at Moon, grin disappearing and pupils going back to a more normal size.
"Eh? Oh, that?" She shrugs, black feathered wings shrugging with her shoulders. "It's like the dragon in my aura."
<b>Igor 2.0( Now taller! ):</b> Getting up slowly from inside the clinic, holding his hurt backside and shaking his eyes, path now open for Moon and Selina, he looks up... entranced by the black-feathered woman. "Hmmm.... a dragon? Really...? Now, would that happen to be a grafted dragon in your flesh, replacing bones and organs? Like a little demon, taking parts out of you, changing your self and aura? how did they do it? Did it hurt? How does it feel?"
His eyes begin to glitter strangely, imagining necrosurgery with the body of a dead dragon.... the workings of a stomach bottle bug in affix new things inside of her.... a Neomah, full of weird appendixes, crafting her from the flesh of tyrant lizard and woman... and worse, worse things.
His face begins to tinge in red.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Dragon in her aura, huh? Moon continued to watch her suspiciously, only straightening slowly when she didn't show any signs of growing fangs and leaping at him.
"Yeah? Well give us a lil warning next time..." he grunted, tugging his coat straight and running a hand through his hair. It shouldn't have really seemed that strange, not when he thought about it. Most people might have found it worse to watch someone turn into a giant tin dog, he supposed. But that didn't make the image any less disturbing.
He sighed out the last of his anxiety, realizing that Tess was wandering off and leaving them behind. Jerking his head to the side, motioning for Selina to follow him in, Moon followed after the muttering man.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Those ain't the kind of things you warn about before hand." Shrugging again, this time to the babbling man, Selina steps in behind Moon, taking one last look at the people in the street, then she vanishes from their sight.
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> As Selina and Moon come in the medicine shop, it looks... clean.
Insanely clean.
Every inch polished, sanded, scrubed to perfection. Every room smells, reeks even, of medical concoctions and cleaning agents. There is not a thing out of place - everything is filed away neatly int drawers of cabnets. It has a look of icy professionalism.
Shadow Eyes waits for them there, Father of Crows' 'day' persona, an eastern man looking as clean as the rest of the place, tall, whole, in a northern bussiness attire. The only detail that is a little odd is the remnants of blood he is cleaning from his hand, almost... nervously. "Seventh Moon! Took you long enough to come back. No Sarah, I hear. A pity. And hello to you, Dark Angel. Welcome to my humble shop. It is a real pleasure to meet you." He says. And you notice he goes out of his way not to come close to either of you. "Tess, would you be so kind as to go downstairs and close the circle? I do not think we should continue that today."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti relaxes a little as the Dark Angel leaves them alone, wrapping her robe tight about her agianst the cold.
"...Earlier, you seemed so nervous about something .. what was it, Fiona?" she asks quietly
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Though his gaze keeps flicking back to Selina uncertainly, after the spectacle outside, the small dark figure of Shadow Eyes claims Moon's attention almost at once. The Lunar punk seems to grow... smaller the moment the enter the Easterns presence, hunching down into his coat and stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, well... I'll get her," he shrugs, grinding his jaw slightly. "Red-haired bitch too. Drag both of 'um back..."
Moving a little closer to the Windian while Shadow Eyes welcomes her, he mutters to her faintly. "Don't touch him..." And leaves it at that.
<b>Fiona:</b> "I..." She looks up at Kanti, and her eyes tremble.
<i><b>Forget</b> that name, you are supposed to forget that name..</i>
<i>Kanti hurt Sarah when she remembered Moon's name, what she will do to you...</i>
"I... it is... nothing, Kanti." She gulps, looking at the ground, ashamed.
"Kanti..." she does not look up, "You wouldn't hurt me... would you?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> <i>Why would I?</i> Selina thinks, looking at him. Elder Chosen...she'd could have counted the ones she saw on one hand, and they were invariably looney in some way or another. Though supposedly her maternal great, great, grandmother was not.
<i>Not that I'm ever likely to meet up with <b>Mnemon.</b></i>
She looks on impassively, nodding slightly in acknowledgement of the Lunar. "I'm sure."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "Yes. That would be good, Moon." the red towel is discarded, then, disappearing before it hits the ground. And the only thing not immaculately clean on his person disappears. "You know I have much to talk with that woman. Fiery hair really did fit her..." He trails, the first sentence that is not a simple, mechanical one, but it leaves nowhere. He simply sits down, looking at his pupil. He does not look up, and somehow, he still seems o be above them all on the room. "So, what do you want?"
<b>Kanti:</b><i>....I inspire such fear in her?<br>Why...woould she fear me so...</i>
Kanti looks pained at this, at the thought that her presence is hurting the young girl.
"No...I wouldn't...of course I wouldn't."
<i>Not unless She asked.<br>And ...I...She...no ...I would but...<br>You can understand that, can't you?</i>
<b>Fiona:</b> She hugs Kanti, trying to feel some warmth, and making it easier to avoid Kanti's eyes...
"... do things she had asked you before.. still hold true now? If you saw something Mistress wanted done... would you do it?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Money," he answers plainly, barely giving the vanishing towel a glance. You got use to that sort of thing around the Father, no matter what he looked like at the moment. Though, even clean as he was now, Moon could still smell the feathers on him, molting and rotten... Seventh Moon wrinkled his nose and sniffed, rubbing the back of his hand under it. "Came ta hit ya up for a little ta toss around while we're in town. Wanna get the ladies something nice, ya know?"
"Rather do that without muggin' someone, if I don't gotta." He grinned roguishly. Father of Crows had never liked it when he did that, as if petty crime was someone beneath him since he Exalted. Moon always saw things differently. "Course, could just break in somewhere. Do it far enough away from here and no one'll even know it was me."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti holds her, wrapping her arms round her, gently filling her with some warmth, to take way her doubts, to ease her fears.<br>
<i>Would I?</i><br>
Kanti is silent for a while, as she considers it, holding Fiona close.<br>
"...I don't know. I don't know." she whispers.<br>
<i>Why don't I know?<br>How does She have such a hold on me?<br>Why do I question it?<br>Why do I question Her?</i>
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "I told you to seek better things. I wonder if you will ever grow up." He says, sporting a fatherly smile. One that is mostly empty, empty as that face that is too clean to be true. "But you did right. Here." Hand moves from the pocket, placing them over the table, over a plate with a nap above it, so the coins do not dirt the table... even if they are so immaculately clean, Moon can see his face in the silver. He does so slowly, then retreats his hand, signaling that the younger lunar may take it now.
"Not a word, Dark Angel? I am disappointed. You used to have better manners."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona holds Kanti tightly, her breath against the heavy coat as it hits her,
<i>I knew it...</i>
She imagines the name as it escapes from her throat. She imagines the hands encircling her as knives then. And shivers.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "That was a long time ago." Replies Selina in a voice reeking of old memories, looking at the coins this Lunar dropped on the table. And then looking back to him. "Thirteen years now, since they robbed me of my throne. But I need not weary you with that tale -- I'm sure you know it already."
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti holds her gently, then kisses her forehead.
"...I'm sorry." the word is barely a whisper, barely audiable even to Fiona, laced with emotion.In that moment she hates herself, hates the Vestal, hates the Dark Angel ... hates everyone who brings pain into Creation.<br>
She swallows.<br>
<i>...How can I think such things?</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Nodding and grunting by way of thanks, Moon begins to pick up the coins and drop them in his pocket, counting them one by one silently. Not a fortune, but it was enough to have a good time out.
Part of him had been hoping that the old crazy would just shrug off Selina and leave it at that. No such luck though. He glanced discreetly at her, waiting for her reaction. She could probably handle herself just fine, but around Father of Crows well, shit. No telling what might set him off.
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> For him, that was a mere blink. She still did not see the world as he does, too worried about a petty position on a petty kingdom that would disappear on a blink of their lives. But oh, well. She still clung to it. "Yes, yes." He waves, "Anything else, Moon?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Scraping the last of the coins up and dumping them into his pocket, hurried now that it seemed like nothing would explode from the old man now that Selina said her piece.
"Yeah..." he answered thoughtfully, forming the question slowly as the words came to him. "What happened to those goons ya said you were gonna send out? Y'know, the ones you were gonna have stir the pot up?" he wasn't sure why the thought had just occurred to him. Moon never cared much for the welfare of the sort of people Father of Crows paid to keep around. They were violent, nasty folk or crazy fucks like Tess. Maybe it was just that news of someone, anyone, doing something would make him feel better.
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "Right now, they are doing what you asked me to. Give them more cubs to hunt. They are working well enough as prey. They are placing your enemies on a hare-brained chase as of now, be sure." He shrugs "We always have more when they run out, do we not? Enjoy the lobster, Moon."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Lobster. He looked over at Selina. She hadn't been able to hear that particular conversation, so it probably didn't mean anything to her. Really didn't mean a whole lot to him, either. Just more insane rambling from a wide-eyed psycho.
<i>The lobster are the undead...</i>
"Yeah... uh... thanks." he tried to ignore how heavy and cold the coins felt in his pocket as he nodded Selina towards the door. "Lets get outta here, darlin'. Got a night ta kill, right?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> <i>Yes, it's nothing to you, is it?</i> Selina thinks, continuing to regard the old Lunar impassively. She wouldn't start anything, not here, and not with this person, but it rankled.
She looks at Moon without much emotion, then shrugs. "I guess so." A nod to his mentor. "Thanks for the support, Father."
<i>And don't be surprised when I outlive you.</i>
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "See you" And on the way out, they can feel his looming presence, pushing them out, filling the room, the smell of burnt feathers never so strong... as he begins to change on the corner of their eyes.
<b>Fiona:</b> As they come out, Fiona lets go of Kanti, breath steaming on the cold air...
"Are we going now? That... person isn't coming with you, is he, Moon?"
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti lets go of Fiona, the last few quiet minutes having let her bury her feelings once more.
She looks at Moon slightly relieved.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The air of the Boil never smelt so honest until the moment you stepped out of Shadow Eyes office. Sure, it stank, but it was a real scent, something you could feel the humanity in. Not like the pristine lie back in that building. Moon was happy though, if that was the word for it. Got in, got what he wanted, and got out without the old crazy slobbering on anything.
He even felt good enough to give Fiona and Kanti a smile as he stepped out the door after Selina. Seemed like no one had tried to molest them while they had been inside, since there were no corpses near by that he could see. That would make the night go by even better.
"Aw, ya mean Tess? Naw, he's staying right where he belongs. Which is way the fuck away from us." He put a hand on the girl's head and ruffled her hair, grinning.
"And the old man gave me a bundle," he shook his coat pocket, jingling the silver coins. "So we can get you two something real sweet over at White Cloud..."
"Something sweet for you too." Tipping his head back, he smiled at Selina. She had seemed nearly as cold as the silver, those last few seconds inside. Mighta just been bringing up her past that got to her. Either way, something chocolate would make her feel better. Always worked on Sarah, at least.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Sighing as she comes out of shop, Selina looks back at Moon. "...something sweet? Well...I could go for that, I guess."
And then she looks over the other two. Nothing seems to have happened to them. She isn't going to bother asking them anything -- Selina's tired of their fear of her for the moment.
<b>Fiona:</b> "Really? Thanks!" She smiles, still feeling the shivers, but... trying to forget. It worked while she was with the Vestal... if she could forget, then, all would be pleasure on the next moment. And sweets could be pleasure...
<b>Kanti:</b> <i>...She isn't scared of him...</i><br>
Kanti briefly looks so very pained, before she smiles at Moon. "I'm sure they'll be nice. Thank you."
The White Cloud is simply... a great time. The grocery is simple, but pretty and clean - the sort of thing Moon, Fiona and Selina are more used to... earthly, mundane, but from a city big and cosmopolitan enough for all the flavors and styles contained in its sweets. Meaningless, frivolous conversations... wonderful, wonderful frivolous conversations.
Coming back to the House of Heavenly Pleasures, they meet the Half-Moon Howling Alley Pack. It is a wonderful moment, all jokes and such. They mention a pair of miners, too high to respect their authority, same descriptions as those who had discussed with Moon earlier, and who seem to now be bloody beaten in some alley far enough from there - some other gang's problem when found. Some jokes and much admiration on Selina and the girls... and much, much party. But ultimately, it comes, it goes, and it gets too late... too late in the night.
Time for sleep...
... A calm before the storm.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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