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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Of Cats and Dogs ==
'''Cael: ''' When Moon finds him, Cael is standing at the front of what was once a theatre, gilt edged decorations still visible around the stage, a folorn looking castle providing evidence of the last play they were showing before the coming of the war and the shattering of the spire. Sitting in the theatre are gathered around four hundred men and women, dressed in everything from patchwork refugee's handouts to much more refined outfits. All them are here to learn and all of them are focused on the stage.
Cael himself is standing on the stage, dressed in a smart but casual combination of black shirt and white pants, collar open to reveal a gold amulet with the eclipse caste symbol. He's surrounded by a faint silver-gold light that illuminates him fully, and his voice fills the room with authority and guidance, points being illustrated with flicks of his fingers and the accompanying swirls of golden text and lines.
The talk, or lecture, seems to be winding down, the last few details of double entry bookkeeping being expounded upon.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon entered the theater quietly and for a moment stood in the door, digesting the scene that was playing out before him. It actually took him a moment to really understand what was going on. Where he came from, learning was something you did the hard way. Teachers were the night watchmen you ducked and the locks you had to learn to break without making noise. They were the boys and girls in the other gang and you traded bloody noses with them until one of you learned how to hit the other hard enough to keep them down.
Seeing the throng of people seated around, taking notes and watching Cael enrapt as he spoke, was so bizarre and otherworldly a scene that the Lunar snickered in spite of himself. That earned him more than a few glares from those seated by the door. He glared back and wasn't too surprised when they chose to look away first. Still, he didn't want to piss off a man he was going to be asking favors from by interrupting his little lecture. Avoiding further incident, Moon took a seat at the last row of chairs, propping his feet up on the next row down, waiting for class to be dismissed with an increasingly amused grin on his face as he noticed how many of the audience seemed more starry-eyed for teacher than enthralled by his lesson.
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes Moon's small interuption in his stride, barely even pausing to acknowledge his arrival as he concludes his lesson, the last of the golden sheets fading to nothing.
"Thank you all, for attending and for your attention. I hope that you will continue to work hard over the next week and that the lessons will begin to truely sink in, for soon your country will need you." Though the words might sound trite, Cael delivers them in a way that impresses their import onto even the most cynical of his attendees, who begin to depart in twos and threes and larger groups.
When the last of them has departed, Cael looks up to the back of the theatre, calling out.
"Greetings, Seventh Moon."
'''Seventh Moon: '''"Hey man," Moon greeted back with a wave, watching the more attractive female students drift out the exits with his usual disregard for civility. When most of them had finally drifted out the door, the Lunar swung his feet down and pulled them under himself. Standing up atop the seat, he started down towards the stage, walking on the backs of the chairs. "Fascinatin'' shit, with the numbers 'n all that."
'''Cael: ''' "Mmmm, mere basics. Still, if you're going to make a habit of this, you too can master the arcane intricasies of running a country." He says with a grin, leaning easiliy on the lectern he had been speaking from.
"What brings you here today though? Somehow, I think it wasn't double entry bookkeeping ..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Naw, I'll stick ta bones 'n leave the kick-backs for other folk ta bury," he grinned, reaching the last row of seats and squatting down on the back of a chair, keeping balance in spite of the narrowness of the platform. "Came ta talk to ya 'bout makin' a trip. There's somethin' I kinda bumped inta that I think might either make life nicer for 'lotta us or a whole hell of a fuckin' lot harder."
'''Cael: ''' "That doesn't sound good, Moon" Cael says with a small shake of his head.
"Care to explain in a little more detail?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "More'a me," he said. Then, to clarify, the caste mark on his brow ignited with a faint silver light. He placed a finger beside it. "Moon Chosen. Had'a run in with one while everyone else was runnin' around elsewhere. Seems ta be a whole fuckin' nest of 'um out there. They're lot like this group we got here. They got plans 'n shit, y'know? Problem is that seems their plans don't include us bein' 'round. So, they're workin' with the Bishops folk."
The finger traveled further upwards, joined by the rest of his hand as he ran through his hair and scratched at the back of his head. Moon frowned, peering downwards. "Thing is, I don't think they ''need'' ta be. Lady I spoke ta really didn't seem ta ''wanna'' be neither. Think if we just go up 'n talk 'um outta it, show 'um they're better off helpin' us out than him. Least ways we can talk 'um inta stayin' the fuck outta this shit, so we ain't gettin' blind-sided by 'um later, y'know?"
'''Cael: ''' "More of Lunar's chosen? Working for the Bishop?" Cael asked, more or less retorically as he thought on the small details moon had told him.
"That doesn't seem much like their style, Garm certainly ..." He gives alittle shake of his head. There was no universal code Exalted had to adhere too, after all. It was what made things so interesting.
"What about this 'lady' of yours made you think she didn't really want to be working with the Bishop? And just where would we be heading to find them? I trust you know that, so we arn't playing hunt the lunar..."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Shit she said, way she acted..." Moon shrugged, an embarrassedly helpless gesture. The Lunar was clearly at something of a loss to explain his belief. Even saying anything about it outloud made him realize how it sounded, but he was right about this. He ''knew'' it.
"She didn't seem like she wanted ta really be doin' what she was doin', y'know? I mean the part where she tried ta fuckin' kill me. Wasn't like any'a the dead fuckers. They all act like they doin' ya a goddamn favor or somethin'. She... she made me think 'bout lotta shit I done... doin' it even though she knew it wasn't a good thing, just somethin' that had ta be done," he concluded with another shrug, looking up at Cael to gauge the Solar's reaction.
'''Cael: ''' Cael is evidently considering what the lunar has to say and, indeed, Moon himself weighing the matter with some care as he considers what he's been told.
"Just because you don't like killing people, doesn't mean you don't want them out of the way. Still, it sounds like she'll at least listen to us, were we too approach her and them, which does at least give us a chance at talking them around."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yeah..." the Lunar ventured cautiously, searching Caels face for any sign of mocking or sarcastic. But the sky-pirate seemed sincere and Moon repeated the word with a bit more conviction, straightening up on his pearch. "Yeah. Naw, I know she woulda killed me if she had the chance. Ain't doubtin' that. Just think maybe... y'know, we can change their minds 'bout the whole needin' ta kill us thing."
"Or get ridda 'um first, if we can't..." he didn't really like that option as much, oddly, but wasn't about to ignore it. "It's still our turf, y'know? Still gotta keep it safe."
'''Cael: ''' "Yeah, this is our turf. But when we speak to them, we'll be on their turf. So 'getting rid of them first' might not be so easy." Cael points out, gently.
"Persauding them not to kill us is gonna be fairly important, if that's what you want to try."
"Which would seem to be what this conversation is all about."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yeah man, just thought it be good ta lay it all on the table, y'know?"
"Fuck all if I know how ta do it though. Kinda why I wanna bring ya, sides from hitchin' a ride in ya bitchin' flyin' wagon again," he added with a faint grin.
"I ain't so good with words and bein' diplomatic 'n shit, y'know?" Moon scratched the back of his head, lips twisted to the side in a rueful expression. "Good at gettin' people together who can get a job done, but when it comes ta makin' folk who ain't so willin' do what I want 'um to.. sheeyit, usually just growl at the other side till they either go long with whatever the fuck I saw or I slap 'um 'round. Kinda figured that ain't really gonna work so good here. Ya gonna have ta tell me what ta do."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, I'll be sure to convey your compliments to Calisara." He says with a grin, wondering just how she'd take being called a 'bitchin' flyin' wagon' by Moon. Probably laugh. Hopefully.
"Mmmm, well, this trip will probably be an education for you then. Mostly though, it's just case of making sure they know they got the better deal. Even when they haven't. And you know, not insulting them too much."
"There, diplomacy 101."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon nodded at Cael, but inwardly he was scratching his head again. How much was too much? Could you insult them too ''little''? Shit... hopefully he wouldn't find out the hard way. He knew what Lunars could be like, after all.
"Oughta fill the others in on that before we get goin'. Fuck knows least princess pompous could stand a fuckin' lesson in the shit."
'''Cael: ''' "Ah, you think the Holysword Princess should be with us?" Cael asked, his posture conveying a certain amount of curiousity.
"Any reason, beyond the fact she glows silver ... well, mostly silver like you do?"
'''????: ''' The sweet, soft chiming of a bell.
A mewling, soft.
And then there is a cat, jumping above all things it can, coming from somewhere in the ceiling and jumping over objects close to Moon and Cael... a jet-black feline with a broad leather collar, and a feline bell that keeps chiming as it stops, close to Cael, mewling.
And then it seems to... ''feel'' something, turning to Moon... and ''hissing! ''
'''Cael: ''' Cael looks up as he hears the jingling, then smiles down at the cat as she leaps to the floor, padding towards him and mewing.
"Hello Shara, Cal sent you to find me? Or did you just get bored?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Cause she asked ta go. Monkey's gonna be comin' long too," Moon chuckled to himself, rising to stand up on the back of the chair. It swayed dangerously under him a moment, before balancing out. "Ain't exactly the White Lions, but its 'bout all we're gonna get on back up seein' how everyone else's got somewhere else ta go or somethin' else ta do."
... Moon's ears twitch and stand at attention when the sound of a small bell trickles into the stadium. He watches the feline like a man in rapture, jaw working back and forth silently, fingers twitching. He almost salivates, blood rushing faster as he waits... waits for that sign of acknowledgement that could only mean...
''Hiss! ''
"''Cat! ''" he barked, growling back at the hissing feline as his legs bent to make ready for a diving leap towards it.
'''????: ''' She bats at the bell on her golden-buckled black collar, making the golden bell shine again....
And then she ''jumps'', falling on Cael's shoulder and hissing at Moon.
Her tail curled around the Windwraith's neck, and she does not reply to Cael, nervous as she is with Moon...
'''Cael: ''' "Hey, easy there Shara." He reaches up to stroke her as she wraps her tail around his neck, feeling her trembling, and very careful not to mention this out loud.
''I didn't know they were such slaves to their totem. ''
''Can he not think of anything else with a cat. ''
"Moon, calm yourself right down."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "But... it's a fuckin' ''cat! ''" he growled, the chair creaking under him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, settling lower for a faster spring. "If ta hold still, think I can get it before it tries ta rip ya throat out or somethin'..."
'''Shara: ''' And then, there is a blink, a flash of silver light...
And Shara is there, as a human with a black dress, the collar still around her neck... and nibbling on Cael's ear. "Naaah, I wouldn't. I only rip his ''pocket'', on occasion." She says with a devilish grin, feline eyes slitted, feline ears twitching. "As for your question, dear, I was ''bored''. And you have the ''worst'' taste on friends, apparently..."
'''Cael: ''' "Moon, Shara is ''my'' cat, in so much as any cat belongs to someone ..."
He pauses a little as she is suddenly standing beside him, slipping an arm around her.
"Especially when they're a Virdynn." He concludes. "A ''bored'' Virdynn." He amends.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yours?" Moon blinked, pulling back in surprise. It was a bit of a one-two punch though. He hadn't even heard the worst of it yet.
"''Virdynn?! ''" One could almost see the fur rising on the back of his neck. The image came easily as his anima flared outward around him, the glistening outline of the hound hanging over him with bared teeth. "What the fuck? First Kanti, now ''this? '' Fuckers tried ta kill us and ya keep makin'... ''pets'' outta 'um!"
'''Shara: ''' "Damn ri..." She started to Cael, but then the anima begun to appear around Moon....
And her tail wrapped around Cael. Her nails touched his chest... trembling... fear, desire to meet the challenge...
"Oh, I did. Nearly cut him open... and, and can do the same with ''you! '' if you want!"
'''Cael: ''' Cael sighs, exasperated and shakes his head.
"Will the pair of you both just calm right down. Moon, you're not going to be eating Shara. Shara, you're not gonna be cutting Moon. I know you're bored, but it isn't really going to help."
He strokes Shara behind the ears to calm her a little, before he turns back to Moon.
"It's just the same as you want to do with your lunar lady friend. Persaude her to go from wanting to kill you to wanting to help you, Moon. That's what diplomacy does."
He strokes Shara a little bit more, to show he's pleased with her.
"Shara being a pet ... well, the Zephyr needed a cat. It's tradition."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Just try it ya fuckin' feline," he growled back, lips pulling back into a feral grin. "I'll swing ya round by ya goddamn tail till it rips off, then fuckin' choak ya with it!"
And then Cael had to speak. That ''was'' what he'd wanted the guy along for, right? He made a lot of sense. The bastard.
"Yeah, I figured ya'd bring ''that'' up," he growled, though it was a growl that was more like a grump than a warning. Slowly, reluctantly, the Hounds eyes drew closed and the glimmering faded to only a slightly irate stirring in the air.
"Fine," he relented with a huff. "I ain't gonna eat ya goddamn pet. But I'll fuckin' say, just ta have it said, that there ain't ''nothin''' that ''needs'' a cat. That kinda cat least of all."
'''Shara: ''' She purrs... provocative. Her eyes slither as she makes the most ''devious'' of grins...
"You are just jealous because there is no Zephyr ''dog! ''"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Oh that's it. Moon eyes narrowed seethingly. Some little kitty was having herself a bit of an accident on this flight.
"Wouldn't talk that way so soon. Said wouldn't eat yar. Didn't say nothin' bout not buryin' ya in the dirt." He snorted, looking pointedly away from the cat to Cael. "So when we leavin'? Sooners better, ain't it?"
'''Cael: ''' "Shara..." Cael says chidingly, putting a warning hand on her side, before giving hisi attention back to Moon.
"Sooner's better, yes. Though mm, I'll need a day or two here, just to find out how the organisation fell apart while I was gone."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "I need'a bit'a time ta get shit together too," he nodded in agreement, clicking his tongue thoughtfully a moment and doing his best not to let his eye drift into a glare and turn to the cat perched on Cael's shoulder. "Make it three ta be safe? Gotta make sure shits all settled in nice 'round here before just up 'n droppin' it alll."
'''Cael: ''' Cael nods.
"Three then."
"Though, just where are we headed to find these lunars?"
'''Shara: ''' Shara blinks huge feline eyes, nibbling a bit on his neck, before letting go and walking towards a wall for support... "Lunars? You're going to go hunt ''Lunars?!? '' Don't you, like, usually wait for them to find you? And.... you sure none of them has cat for a totem? I have to warn you... cat-totem Lunars are ''deadly! ''"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "'bout as deadly as a fuckin' itch in the crotch," he agreed, giving the annoying creature a momentary glare before turning back to only somewhat more important matters. Tapping a finger against his nose, he grinned. "We're goin' after the scent, man."
''Lets see any fuckin' cats do '''that! ''' ''
It was a pretty cryptic comment to walk away on, but Moon liked that. He didn't really get to by cryptic all that often.
Hands in his pockets, Moon started back across the seats towards the theater exit. He held up a hand to wave good bye. "Soon as I figure out just where the fuck that means, ya gonna be the first ta know."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/EighthMovement|Eighth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 21:16, 5 March 2007

Of Cats and Dogs

Cael: When Moon finds him, Cael is standing at the front of what was once a theatre, gilt edged decorations still visible around the stage, a folorn looking castle providing evidence of the last play they were showing before the coming of the war and the shattering of the spire. Sitting in the theatre are gathered around four hundred men and women, dressed in everything from patchwork refugee's handouts to much more refined outfits. All them are here to learn and all of them are focused on the stage.

Cael himself is standing on the stage, dressed in a smart but casual combination of black shirt and white pants, collar open to reveal a gold amulet with the eclipse caste symbol. He's surrounded by a faint silver-gold light that illuminates him fully, and his voice fills the room with authority and guidance, points being illustrated with flicks of his fingers and the accompanying swirls of golden text and lines.

The talk, or lecture, seems to be winding down, the last few details of double entry bookkeeping being expounded upon.

Seventh Moon: Moon entered the theater quietly and for a moment stood in the door, digesting the scene that was playing out before him. It actually took him a moment to really understand what was going on. Where he came from, learning was something you did the hard way. Teachers were the night watchmen you ducked and the locks you had to learn to break without making noise. They were the boys and girls in the other gang and you traded bloody noses with them until one of you learned how to hit the other hard enough to keep them down.

Seeing the throng of people seated around, taking notes and watching Cael enrapt as he spoke, was so bizarre and otherworldly a scene that the Lunar snickered in spite of himself. That earned him more than a few glares from those seated by the door. He glared back and wasn't too surprised when they chose to look away first. Still, he didn't want to piss off a man he was going to be asking favors from by interrupting his little lecture. Avoiding further incident, Moon took a seat at the last row of chairs, propping his feet up on the next row down, waiting for class to be dismissed with an increasingly amused grin on his face as he noticed how many of the audience seemed more starry-eyed for teacher than enthralled by his lesson.

Cael: Cael takes Moon's small interuption in his stride, barely even pausing to acknowledge his arrival as he concludes his lesson, the last of the golden sheets fading to nothing.

"Thank you all, for attending and for your attention. I hope that you will continue to work hard over the next week and that the lessons will begin to truely sink in, for soon your country will need you." Though the words might sound trite, Cael delivers them in a way that impresses their import onto even the most cynical of his attendees, who begin to depart in twos and threes and larger groups.

When the last of them has departed, Cael looks up to the back of the theatre, calling out.

"Greetings, Seventh Moon."

Seventh Moon: "Hey man," Moon greeted back with a wave, watching the more attractive female students drift out the exits with his usual disregard for civility. When most of them had finally drifted out the door, the Lunar swung his feet down and pulled them under himself. Standing up atop the seat, he started down towards the stage, walking on the backs of the chairs. "Fascinatin shit, with the numbers 'n all that."

Cael: "Mmmm, mere basics. Still, if you're going to make a habit of this, you too can master the arcane intricasies of running a country." He says with a grin, leaning easiliy on the lectern he had been speaking from.

"What brings you here today though? Somehow, I think it wasn't double entry bookkeeping ..."

Seventh Moon: "Naw, I'll stick ta bones 'n leave the kick-backs for other folk ta bury," he grinned, reaching the last row of seats and squatting down on the back of a chair, keeping balance in spite of the narrowness of the platform. "Came ta talk to ya 'bout makin' a trip. There's somethin' I kinda bumped inta that I think might either make life nicer for 'lotta us or a whole hell of a fuckin' lot harder."

Cael: "That doesn't sound good, Moon" Cael says with a small shake of his head.

"Care to explain in a little more detail?"

Seventh Moon: "More'a me," he said. Then, to clarify, the caste mark on his brow ignited with a faint silver light. He placed a finger beside it. "Moon Chosen. Had'a run in with one while everyone else was runnin' around elsewhere. Seems ta be a whole fuckin' nest of 'um out there. They're lot like this group we got here. They got plans 'n shit, y'know? Problem is that seems their plans don't include us bein' 'round. So, they're workin' with the Bishops folk."

The finger traveled further upwards, joined by the rest of his hand as he ran through his hair and scratched at the back of his head. Moon frowned, peering downwards. "Thing is, I don't think they need ta be. Lady I spoke ta really didn't seem ta wanna be neither. Think if we just go up 'n talk 'um outta it, show 'um they're better off helpin' us out than him. Least ways we can talk 'um inta stayin' the fuck outta this shit, so we ain't gettin' blind-sided by 'um later, y'know?"

Cael: "More of Lunar's chosen? Working for the Bishop?" Cael asked, more or less retorically as he thought on the small details moon had told him.

"That doesn't seem much like their style, Garm certainly ..." He gives alittle shake of his head. There was no universal code Exalted had to adhere too, after all. It was what made things so interesting.

"What about this 'lady' of yours made you think she didn't really want to be working with the Bishop? And just where would we be heading to find them? I trust you know that, so we arn't playing hunt the lunar..."

Seventh Moon: "Shit she said, way she acted..." Moon shrugged, an embarrassedly helpless gesture. The Lunar was clearly at something of a loss to explain his belief. Even saying anything about it outloud made him realize how it sounded, but he was right about this. He knew it.

"She didn't seem like she wanted ta really be doin' what she was doin', y'know? I mean the part where she tried ta fuckin' kill me. Wasn't like any'a the dead fuckers. They all act like they doin' ya a goddamn favor or somethin'. She... she made me think 'bout lotta shit I done... doin' it even though she knew it wasn't a good thing, just somethin' that had ta be done," he concluded with another shrug, looking up at Cael to gauge the Solar's reaction.

Cael: Cael is evidently considering what the lunar has to say and, indeed, Moon himself weighing the matter with some care as he considers what he's been told.

"Just because you don't like killing people, doesn't mean you don't want them out of the way. Still, it sounds like she'll at least listen to us, were we too approach her and them, which does at least give us a chance at talking them around."

Seventh Moon: "Yeah..." the Lunar ventured cautiously, searching Caels face for any sign of mocking or sarcastic. But the sky-pirate seemed sincere and Moon repeated the word with a bit more conviction, straightening up on his pearch. "Yeah. Naw, I know she woulda killed me if she had the chance. Ain't doubtin' that. Just think maybe... y'know, we can change their minds 'bout the whole needin' ta kill us thing."

"Or get ridda 'um first, if we can't..." he didn't really like that option as much, oddly, but wasn't about to ignore it. "It's still our turf, y'know? Still gotta keep it safe."

Cael: "Yeah, this is our turf. But when we speak to them, we'll be on their turf. So 'getting rid of them first' might not be so easy." Cael points out, gently.

"Persauding them not to kill us is gonna be fairly important, if that's what you want to try."

"Which would seem to be what this conversation is all about."

Seventh Moon: "Yeah man, just thought it be good ta lay it all on the table, y'know?"

"Fuck all if I know how ta do it though. Kinda why I wanna bring ya, sides from hitchin' a ride in ya bitchin' flyin' wagon again," he added with a faint grin.

"I ain't so good with words and bein' diplomatic 'n shit, y'know?" Moon scratched the back of his head, lips twisted to the side in a rueful expression. "Good at gettin' people together who can get a job done, but when it comes ta makin' folk who ain't so willin' do what I want 'um to.. sheeyit, usually just growl at the other side till they either go long with whatever the fuck I saw or I slap 'um 'round. Kinda figured that ain't really gonna work so good here. Ya gonna have ta tell me what ta do."

Cael: "Ah, I'll be sure to convey your compliments to Calisara." He says with a grin, wondering just how she'd take being called a 'bitchin' flyin' wagon' by Moon. Probably laugh. Hopefully.

"Mmmm, well, this trip will probably be an education for you then. Mostly though, it's just case of making sure they know they got the better deal. Even when they haven't. And you know, not insulting them too much."

"There, diplomacy 101."

Seventh Moon: Moon nodded at Cael, but inwardly he was scratching his head again. How much was too much? Could you insult them too little? Shit... hopefully he wouldn't find out the hard way. He knew what Lunars could be like, after all.

"Oughta fill the others in on that before we get goin'. Fuck knows least princess pompous could stand a fuckin' lesson in the shit."

Cael: "Ah, you think the Holysword Princess should be with us?" Cael asked, his posture conveying a certain amount of curiousity.

"Any reason, beyond the fact she glows silver ... well, mostly silver like you do?"

????: The sweet, soft chiming of a bell.

A mewling, soft.

And then there is a cat, jumping above all things it can, coming from somewhere in the ceiling and jumping over objects close to Moon and Cael... a jet-black feline with a broad leather collar, and a feline bell that keeps chiming as it stops, close to Cael, mewling.

And then it seems to... feel something, turning to Moon... and hissing!

Cael: Cael looks up as he hears the jingling, then smiles down at the cat as she leaps to the floor, padding towards him and mewing.

"Hello Shara, Cal sent you to find me? Or did you just get bored?"

Seventh Moon: "Cause she asked ta go. Monkey's gonna be comin' long too," Moon chuckled to himself, rising to stand up on the back of the chair. It swayed dangerously under him a moment, before balancing out. "Ain't exactly the White Lions, but its 'bout all we're gonna get on back up seein' how everyone else's got somewhere else ta go or somethin' else ta do."

... Moon's ears twitch and stand at attention when the sound of a small bell trickles into the stadium. He watches the feline like a man in rapture, jaw working back and forth silently, fingers twitching. He almost salivates, blood rushing faster as he waits... waits for that sign of acknowledgement that could only mean...


"Cat! " he barked, growling back at the hissing feline as his legs bent to make ready for a diving leap towards it.

????: She bats at the bell on her golden-buckled black collar, making the golden bell shine again....

And then she jumps, falling on Cael's shoulder and hissing at Moon.

Her tail curled around the Windwraith's neck, and she does not reply to Cael, nervous as she is with Moon...

Cael: "Hey, easy there Shara." He reaches up to stroke her as she wraps her tail around his neck, feeling her trembling, and very careful not to mention this out loud.

I didn't know they were such slaves to their totem.

Can he not think of anything else with a cat.

"Moon, calm yourself right down."

Seventh Moon: "But... it's a fuckin' cat! " he growled, the chair creaking under him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, settling lower for a faster spring. "If ta hold still, think I can get it before it tries ta rip ya throat out or somethin'..."

Shara: And then, there is a blink, a flash of silver light...

And Shara is there, as a human with a black dress, the collar still around her neck... and nibbling on Cael's ear. "Naaah, I wouldn't. I only rip his pocket, on occasion." She says with a devilish grin, feline eyes slitted, feline ears twitching. "As for your question, dear, I was bored. And you have the worst taste on friends, apparently..."

Cael: "Moon, Shara is my cat, in so much as any cat belongs to someone ..."

He pauses a little as she is suddenly standing beside him, slipping an arm around her.

"Especially when they're a Virdynn." He concludes. "A bored Virdynn." He amends.

Seventh Moon: "Yours?" Moon blinked, pulling back in surprise. It was a bit of a one-two punch though. He hadn't even heard the worst of it yet.

"Virdynn?! " One could almost see the fur rising on the back of his neck. The image came easily as his anima flared outward around him, the glistening outline of the hound hanging over him with bared teeth. "What the fuck? First Kanti, now this? Fuckers tried ta kill us and ya keep makin'... pets outta 'um!"

Shara: "Damn ri..." She started to Cael, but then the anima begun to appear around Moon....

And her tail wrapped around Cael. Her nails touched his chest... trembling... fear, desire to meet the challenge...

"Oh, I did. Nearly cut him open... and, and can do the same with you! if you want!"

Cael: Cael sighs, exasperated and shakes his head.

"Will the pair of you both just calm right down. Moon, you're not going to be eating Shara. Shara, you're not gonna be cutting Moon. I know you're bored, but it isn't really going to help."

He strokes Shara behind the ears to calm her a little, before he turns back to Moon.

"It's just the same as you want to do with your lunar lady friend. Persaude her to go from wanting to kill you to wanting to help you, Moon. That's what diplomacy does."

He strokes Shara a little bit more, to show he's pleased with her.

"Shara being a pet ... well, the Zephyr needed a cat. It's tradition."

Seventh Moon: "Just try it ya fuckin' feline," he growled back, lips pulling back into a feral grin. "I'll swing ya round by ya goddamn tail till it rips off, then fuckin' choak ya with it!"

And then Cael had to speak. That was what he'd wanted the guy along for, right? He made a lot of sense. The bastard.

"Yeah, I figured ya'd bring that up," he growled, though it was a growl that was more like a grump than a warning. Slowly, reluctantly, the Hounds eyes drew closed and the glimmering faded to only a slightly irate stirring in the air.

"Fine," he relented with a huff. "I ain't gonna eat ya goddamn pet. But I'll fuckin' say, just ta have it said, that there ain't nothin' that needs a cat. That kinda cat least of all."

Shara: She purrs... provocative. Her eyes slither as she makes the most devious of grins...

"You are just jealous because there is no Zephyr dog! "

Seventh Moon: Oh that's it. Moon eyes narrowed seethingly. Some little kitty was having herself a bit of an accident on this flight.

"Wouldn't talk that way so soon. Said wouldn't eat yar. Didn't say nothin' bout not buryin' ya in the dirt." He snorted, looking pointedly away from the cat to Cael. "So when we leavin'? Sooners better, ain't it?"

Cael: "Shara..." Cael says chidingly, putting a warning hand on her side, before giving hisi attention back to Moon.

"Sooner's better, yes. Though mm, I'll need a day or two here, just to find out how the organisation fell apart while I was gone."

Seventh Moon: "I need'a bit'a time ta get shit together too," he nodded in agreement, clicking his tongue thoughtfully a moment and doing his best not to let his eye drift into a glare and turn to the cat perched on Cael's shoulder. "Make it three ta be safe? Gotta make sure shits all settled in nice 'round here before just up 'n droppin' it alll."

Cael: Cael nods.

"Three then."

"Though, just where are we headed to find these lunars?"

Shara: Shara blinks huge feline eyes, nibbling a bit on his neck, before letting go and walking towards a wall for support... "Lunars? You're going to go hunt Lunars?!? Don't you, like, usually wait for them to find you? And.... you sure none of them has cat for a totem? I have to warn you... cat-totem Lunars are deadly! "

Seventh Moon: "'bout as deadly as a fuckin' itch in the crotch," he agreed, giving the annoying creature a momentary glare before turning back to only somewhat more important matters. Tapping a finger against his nose, he grinned. "We're goin' after the scent, man."

Lets see any fuckin' cats do that!

It was a pretty cryptic comment to walk away on, but Moon liked that. He didn't really get to by cryptic all that often.

Hands in his pockets, Moon started back across the seats towards the theater exit. He held up a hand to wave good bye. "Soon as I figure out just where the fuck that means, ya gonna be the first ta know."