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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Black and White and Silver ==
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina enters the room that was her's -- and Moon's as well -- sighing at the day. An alliance such as that, and then her sister fighting with her girlfriend. Ah, the calacylsm potentially in those two actions.
She looks in the mirror, at the image of herself, that long sleeved uniform coat and shirt, the skirt that goes half-way to her calves, the stockings that darken her legs underneath. The lapels and insignia, the sword at her side. Simple elegance, and functional as well. Well, kind of. A severe kind of prettiness.
''Me in another life? ''
''Me in this life. ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon showed up only a few minutes after Selina, though he hardly knew that. The day hadn't exactly been the best for him either. There was a shadow he could feel looming over the Spire and an even darker one now looming over him. Iselsis had stepped into it with him, so for what it was worth, he was not alone. But it still left him glaring at the floor as he walked, hands buried almost sullenly in his pockets.
He'd come in quietly, though not through any pretense of stealth, and paused, startled, at the door. Even having caught her scent before the door had opened, Her presence in the room had caught him off-guard. Silent in the doorway, he pushed it closed and leaned back against it. Watching her watch herself.
She looked... very different in that uniform. Nice. ''Very'' nice, at a second slower trawl across the crisp white uniform. But still, different. Moon had actually thought she was someone else entirely, the silver-haired woman who'd been present at the meeting earlier. But even without presence of black feathers on her back, he knew. Still, the momentary resemblance had been surprising enough to wake him from his brooding.
Moon didn't announce his presence just yet though, she'd catch him soon enough. He took the chance to admire the way the uniform fit on her instead, pale eyes stroking from the soles of her shoes to the top of her head. Much as he hated them, he always had to admit there was ''something'' about the uniforms military women wore. Something about the tightly bound formality of the things. Or something. Maybe it was just the thought of ripping them off.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina turns, slowly, as if caught in amber, beholding him there. Almost surprised to be caught while in that reflection, one wing perking up slightly while the other tips down just a bit. And always that familiar tug of essence on essence that she cannot quite place. Silver on Gold. Though not quite so gold anymore.
''The mists have retreated and still we stand. ''
''Our immortality will outlast their marking of an age. ''
"So I'm not the only one curious about this." She says slowly, with some small amount of amusement both at herself and her mate. At least, what the memory-shards in her head tell her is her mate. And what those feelings make her think. "Does it look odd on me? Or is it something else about it?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Looks different." He confessed readily, head tilting to the side as he considered her, ears folding back thoughtfully. It ''did'' look a little odd, he had to admit. Not because it fit her poorly, but because it was probably the last thing he had ever expected to see her wear. Every side he'd ever seen of her, none of them particularly seemed to fit the image he placed together with those uniforms.
He'd have far sooner expected to see Whitey strap herself into one than Selina. She was, and the thought made his eyes danced in amusement, much too nice for it.
"Looks good." He finally concluded, cheek bent in a smirk. "Thinkin' 'bout takin' on a new job?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Doesn't it though?" She asks, turning about to see her rear profile in the mirror with a trim and graceful movement as her hair whirls about, head turned toward it, then she looks back to him, thoughtful. "Not a new job. My old one. The one they kicked me out of. I was supposed to be a Duchess, and that also meant I'd have my own little army. So...kind of another piece of regalia for the office."
"So you like it then?" She asks with a teasing smile.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' He'd heard that bit before, but still seemed strange to see her in uniform on account of it. It ''shouldn't'' have. He knew fuck all about nobility despite however many he took to bed or befriended, but he knew enough to at least know that most of them were expected to lead some kind of army or garrison or whatever when they had to.
She'd never really been a Duchess to him though. All the names he'd known her by and thought of her as, "Duchess" didn't come with any of them. Might have been why the uniform seemed odd. He was looking at a completely different part of her life than the one he'd gotten to know.
He clucked his tongue and tiled his head to the other side. Drawing a hand out of his pocket, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he gave her another long look over. Whatever else might come along with sight, there was one thing he could say for certain: Fuck yes, he liked how it looked.
"Looks a'ite, standin' still. Matters most how it looks movin', y'know?" he smiled back playfully.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ohh, but I did earlier." She replies with the same hint of playfulness, then walks a little track in front of the mirror, looking back every so often to see how her body worked underneath the uniform, and whether any of it needed more resizing. "These things aren't as severe as I first thought." She observes, almost surprised by it in tone.
"I suppose Valencia puts herself on display more often than she would admit...though it's not racy a display."
Then she stops, looking to Moon. "Didn't get the chance to ask you earlier, but how was the Boil while we were off bumping off General?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' It didn't need resizing. Maybe a little removing, but the fit was ''perfect''. Moon's eyes followed her intently back and forth as she paced for effect.
"So white-winged lady stuffed inta one'a these things too, that was Valencia?" he asked, not entirely surprised but a bit disappointed sounding. Not in her as much as himself. He use to want to meet the Silver Lady pretty bad. Meet another moon-touched. See if she was as nice to look at as rumors said. See if she was as scary. "Sheeyit... sittin' damn near in her lap and barely fuckin' noticed. I blame ''you''." He said, pointing an accusing finger. "Just had ta choose then ta go 'n be distractin'."
He actually tried not to smile as he said that, but the grin broke free anyway and he let his hand drop.
"Boil's a'ite." He shrugged, eyes traveling down her back even as she looked back towards him, unashamedly admiring the fit of the long skirt across her lower half. "More dead fucks showed up, but hear word Kanti and the prince took care'a them. Dark skinned Lunar lady with a bunch'a bugs for fingers popped by and damn near killed me. Laid me out bad for couple days, that was kinda rough…" he paused, the focus of his eye wandering thoughtfully for a moment. "Damn fuckin' good kisser though."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh she is, yep. Silver wings, hair, and near silver eyes. And the tattoos. And that sword of her's." Selina says non-chalantly. "But I guess I beat her in looks, huh? Though she's supposed to be a legendary beauty, guess I'm more legendary." She finishes with a naughty smirk, hands on her hips.
Then she raises an eyebrow at Moon. "More dead? Thought we got them all." Selina moves to a chair, sits down, crossing one leg over the other, trying to recall. "I suppose, you guys handled them well enough. And another Lunar?" She looks at him curiously. "Usually you don't sleep with your opponents...usually."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Too fuckin' stiff," he said, waving dismissively. "Too proper. Like she had a big fuckin' 'Don't Touch' sign nailed ta her ass. Kinda made me think'a Iria..."
A dark, wicked little grin played on his face as he dropped the line casually. He hadn't really seen much of the Captain since that night, but it was still pretty clearly stamped into his memory. For a few days after, he'd even had some damn deep bite-marks in his shoulder. Not from Selina. His eyes were hot for a few seconds as they met Selina's and the evil thoughts stirring behind them. If ''one'' too-tight military lady could melt like that...
The look was still in his eye as he leaned off the wall and came towards her, but it gradually lightened into something more playful.
"Don't usually, naw," he agreed as he eased himself onto the floor in front of her. Reaching out, his big hand cupped her calf and slid downward, pushing the snug shoe off her foot and tossing it casually aside. "Thinkin' 'bout makin' a habit'a it though. Noticin' lately the ladies on the other side look 'bout as nice as the ones on this side and ain't near as intent on buildin' a fort in their panties."
Holding her foot between his hands, Moon stroked the sole with his thumbs and gently squeezed with his other fingers. Warming and loosening up small muscles that had to have gotten cramped stuck in those things all day. Slowly, he began to apply a little more pressure to the bottom of her foot, rubbing deep with his thumbs in tight, slow circles.
"How 'bout you darlin'? Ain't heard too much 'bout how shit went down out here, 'cept from alley rumors 'n shit." He looked up the length of her leg and her face high above, the massage continuing unbroken. "Held up a'ite?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina saw what was in those eyes of Moon's, she saw it and it thrilled her. Of course, this was not Iria, not someone she had never known until that point. And in fact, she'd never looked at Valencia with any desire before. Only admiration.
''But you admired the Pale Angel only, and now look at what the two of you do... ''
''But you also aren't related to her. ''
Still...coming from Moon, that feeling oddly disarms her. Regular inhibition seems to melt a bit, recede a bit.
''It...works that way too? ''
Selina shakes her head to clear it, then snickers wickedly. "Oh, after Iria, you're not exactly inexperienced in penetrating military grade forts made of panties, are you?"
She wiggles her toes inside the stockings, then shrugs. "We got into a battle, got the General, routed his army, then watched Spire change a bit. Beyond that...not much."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' There was ''always'' something "beyond that." But beyond that wasn't anywhere easy to go. Moon continued to watch her, his expression still playful, but hiding curiosity he really couldn't avoid. He knew damn well what he wasn't talking about. Made him wonder what she was too.
"Inexperienced, naw," he said, catching the signal and moving his hands up to her toes, squeezing and working them over with luxurious slowness. "Just gotta wonder if it always end up worth the trouble, y'know? Iria paid off..." A dark glimmer in his eye, there and gone again just long enough for her to see it, even though his attention had turned back down to the foot he massaged. "But fuck all if same can be said for the rest. Can't tell for shit if they all got a bit'a fun hidin' under all the fuckin' brass or if the Captain was the only one."
He cast a curious look back up at Selina. "Lilith go a lil' mad in the sheets or she hit the bed with her boots still on?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina almost seems to ''purr'' at the massage of her foot, then stretches the leg after a bit of it, indicating he ought to go upward. "Oh, she takes it off." The Windian replies with a tinge of hinting wickedness. "And when she doesn't, I do. Stronger 'n me or not, I have my ways..."
"But I think most do, really." Selina shrugs. "Y'know, Valencia always had a reputation of not sleeping around unless she was married -- all three or so odd centuries of her life. How many...fifteen years since she's been married last -- year before my exile her last husband died. I was a little girl the last time she got any. But you never know, do you?"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Fifteen years without a tumble?" he whistled softly, head shaking at the thought of it. Couldn't much picture going ''one'' year, let alone fifteen. He'd be lucky to get through fifteen days.
He sets her foot down a moment and claps his hands together, rubbing them hand until the skin on his palms nearly seared to the touch. Scooting a little closer on the floor, he positioned her foot in the pit between his folded legs and grasped onto her calf. His hands throbbed with heat and for a few seconds all he did was slide them across the front and back her leg, moving slowly higher and just letting the warmth soak into cold and tired muscles.
"Mmm..." he hummed thoughtfully, eyes hooded, the tips of glinting fangs peeking from his mouth and he smiled slightly. "Naw, ya never know. Might just mean she's gettin' a bit itchy by now though, y'know? That long with nothin' but fingers and warm thoughts ta cool her down at night?"
"Be fun ta see how she does it." He said as his hands stopped wandering and began to rub more thoroughly, strong fingers kneading slowly at the back of her calf. "Gotta make a sight, all that fuckin' silver spread out on dark sheets..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's no stranger to fingers, but...the thought of '''her''' doing... '''that'''...it's about as inconveivable as Vorpal doing it. Which even after having slept with the woman, Selina cannot picture very well.
Her mind shorts out in response.
"Gah...wha...you..." She looks down with some amount of bewildernment at the Lunar. "I wouldn't know." Selina covers, but by then it's already too late to try and cover that.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Not even curious?" he asked, rolling his eyes to peer up at her mischievously from under his brow, the fangs gleaming more prominently.
''Hit somethin' there, huh darlin'? ''
Oh like hell if he wasn't going to push this one a little futher now.
"Silver wings, silver hair, black sheets," he went on in a softer tone, ticking details off as casually as housewife making a list for the meat market. "Tucked all nice inta a stiff uniform like this one... though maybe a lil' less tight." His hand rose up suddenly and with a swift flick of his finger, the top two buttons on Selina's dress coat popped open. It was back on her leg before she could have even blinked, moving up now to her knee and onto her lower thigh. "Have ta hike the skirt up a lil' ta do much though. Think she takes the silver thing far 'nough ta wear silver panties too?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She's like a great great grandmother or aunt or something. Why would I know what color her panties are?" Selina says a bit too quickly, catching at the buttons...but too late. Even with her speed, she had been far too off balance to react quickly enough to stop Moon from that. "Go look in her lingerie drawer and see." She says with the same hesitating tone, pulling her crossed legs a bit tighter together. The talk was getting to her -- ''she wanted to tell him and discuss her relative like that. ''
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "A'ite."
Moon suddenly released her leg just as his hands began to move up on her inner thigh. His body unfolded below him, carrying him straight up to his feet in front of her, his back arching as he stretched and shook his shoulders out a little. He peered down at her as he stretched. There was only a tiny smile on his lips, but his pale eyes absolutely '''''burned''''' with wickedness. With a sniff, he adjusted his coat to draw it tighter around his shoulders and turned away, striding purposefully towards the door.
"Want I should bring ya back anythin'?" he asked back over his shoulder, pausing only after his hand was on the door handle. "Thinkin' ya two 'bout the same size, right?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Shivering from where she knew his hand was going to go and what those fingers might just start doing, Selina is caught off guard when Moon simply gets up and moves to leave, with that '''insolent''' wicked look on his face! "H-hey! HEY!" She yells, getting to her feet and running at him, stopping only when she's able to put a hand on his shoulder.
"You are not stealing her panties!" She hisses in a low conspirital tone, turquoise eyes going from wide to narrowed." ''Especially'' not off of her!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Why not? Ain't like she's gonna catch cold without 'um."
He almost felt like he should be rocking back and forth on his heels as he smiled at Selina. Always something about teasing your lady that gave a guy a thrill. But this was a different kind of teasing and instead of rocking he leaned in on her, his body looming against the backdrop of the white door, face hovering dangerously close to her own. He peered into her eyes, head slowly tilting.
"Your idea, ain't it?" he challenged, baiting at her with the dare in his voice. He raised his hand between them and pressed a single lightly between the open buttons of her dress coat. "I wanna see what a Silvery Lady wears under her armor. Just cause you ain't got the guts ta try darlin' don't mean I ain't gonna."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You'll never get her to let you find out." She whispers fiercely, not leaning back, shivering just a bit from the very ''thought'' of it. And wanting to see him try. Maybe even succeed. This of course, only makes it worse. "Do you even know where she is? No! And she probably does not touch herself!"
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Her assertion, the very offended ''certainty'' in her voice that Valencia would never diddle herself...
Got answered by a deep, throaty chuckle.
"Can't be sure 'bout that till ya ask, y'know?"
Moon thrust forward suddenly and rounded on Selina, pushing her back up against the door. His hand grasped her thigh, then slowly slid upwards, dragging the long white skirt with it inch by inch. "Bet she does it with the lights on..." His cheek pressed against hers as he whispered hotly into her ear, his voice gleefully malicious. "Bet she don't even take off those long heeled shoes. Just slips hand on down...
His hand on her thigh rose as far as it could go, rubbing up against the thin barrier of cloth that remained. "'n goes ta work. Skirt all bunched up 'round her hips, shirt untucked, sweat 'n tearin' up 'n bittin' on a pillow so nobody can hear!"
And suddenly, he pulled off her again, his hand vanishing out from between her legs. He took a small step back, looking down at his hand as he rubbed two fingers together. "Oh, and she ain't hard ta find..." he assured her casually, tapping his nose. "Already know her scent good 'nough ta track her down now matter ''where'' she's at. ''Findin''' her ''ain't'' gonna be a problem..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina shivers as he does that, squirming just a bit, wanting him to go the last bit of the way and slip his fingers beneath ''her'' panties right in that open doorway where anyone could come along and see them...but he doesn't. He gives her a tantalizing hint of what he could've begun doing, and leaves on his silly errand.
"Wha-what?" Selina stammers as he runs off, broken out of the intense heat he had jolted into her in that moment. "You come back here! ''You come back! ''"
And she's off after him, wings folding behind her as she tries her best to keep up on those shoes. Luckily, she has had to do this before, and so she knows better than to take chances and activates her simple magic against falling....
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 20:53, 18 August 2006

Black and White and Silver

Selina de Windia: Selina enters the room that was her's -- and Moon's as well -- sighing at the day. An alliance such as that, and then her sister fighting with her girlfriend. Ah, the calacylsm potentially in those two actions.

She looks in the mirror, at the image of herself, that long sleeved uniform coat and shirt, the skirt that goes half-way to her calves, the stockings that darken her legs underneath. The lapels and insignia, the sword at her side. Simple elegance, and functional as well. Well, kind of. A severe kind of prettiness.

Me in another life?

Me in this life.


Seventh Moon: Moon showed up only a few minutes after Selina, though he hardly knew that. The day hadn't exactly been the best for him either. There was a shadow he could feel looming over the Spire and an even darker one now looming over him. Iselsis had stepped into it with him, so for what it was worth, he was not alone. But it still left him glaring at the floor as he walked, hands buried almost sullenly in his pockets.

He'd come in quietly, though not through any pretense of stealth, and paused, startled, at the door. Even having caught her scent before the door had opened, Her presence in the room had caught him off-guard. Silent in the doorway, he pushed it closed and leaned back against it. Watching her watch herself.

She looked... very different in that uniform. Nice. Very nice, at a second slower trawl across the crisp white uniform. But still, different. Moon had actually thought she was someone else entirely, the silver-haired woman who'd been present at the meeting earlier. But even without presence of black feathers on her back, he knew. Still, the momentary resemblance had been surprising enough to wake him from his brooding.

Moon didn't announce his presence just yet though, she'd catch him soon enough. He took the chance to admire the way the uniform fit on her instead, pale eyes stroking from the soles of her shoes to the top of her head. Much as he hated them, he always had to admit there was something about the uniforms military women wore. Something about the tightly bound formality of the things. Or something. Maybe it was just the thought of ripping them off.

Selina de Windia: Selina turns, slowly, as if caught in amber, beholding him there. Almost surprised to be caught while in that reflection, one wing perking up slightly while the other tips down just a bit. And always that familiar tug of essence on essence that she cannot quite place. Silver on Gold. Though not quite so gold anymore.

The mists have retreated and still we stand.

Our immortality will outlast their marking of an age.

"So I'm not the only one curious about this." She says slowly, with some small amount of amusement both at herself and her mate. At least, what the memory-shards in her head tell her is her mate. And what those feelings make her think. "Does it look odd on me? Or is it something else about it?"

Seventh Moon: Looks different." He confessed readily, head tilting to the side as he considered her, ears folding back thoughtfully. It did look a little odd, he had to admit. Not because it fit her poorly, but because it was probably the last thing he had ever expected to see her wear. Every side he'd ever seen of her, none of them particularly seemed to fit the image he placed together with those uniforms.

He'd have far sooner expected to see Whitey strap herself into one than Selina. She was, and the thought made his eyes danced in amusement, much too nice for it.

"Looks good." He finally concluded, cheek bent in a smirk. "Thinkin' 'bout takin' on a new job?"

Selina de Windia: "Doesn't it though?" She asks, turning about to see her rear profile in the mirror with a trim and graceful movement as her hair whirls about, head turned toward it, then she looks back to him, thoughtful. "Not a new job. My old one. The one they kicked me out of. I was supposed to be a Duchess, and that also meant I'd have my own little army. So...kind of another piece of regalia for the office."

"So you like it then?" She asks with a teasing smile.

Seventh Moon: He'd heard that bit before, but still seemed strange to see her in uniform on account of it. It shouldn't have. He knew fuck all about nobility despite however many he took to bed or befriended, but he knew enough to at least know that most of them were expected to lead some kind of army or garrison or whatever when they had to.

She'd never really been a Duchess to him though. All the names he'd known her by and thought of her as, "Duchess" didn't come with any of them. Might have been why the uniform seemed odd. He was looking at a completely different part of her life than the one he'd gotten to know.

He clucked his tongue and tiled his head to the other side. Drawing a hand out of his pocket, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he gave her another long look over. Whatever else might come along with sight, there was one thing he could say for certain: Fuck yes, he liked how it looked.

"Looks a'ite, standin' still. Matters most how it looks movin', y'know?" he smiled back playfully.

Selina de Windia: "Ohh, but I did earlier." She replies with the same hint of playfulness, then walks a little track in front of the mirror, looking back every so often to see how her body worked underneath the uniform, and whether any of it needed more resizing. "These things aren't as severe as I first thought." She observes, almost surprised by it in tone.

"I suppose Valencia puts herself on display more often than she would admit...though it's not racy a display."

Then she stops, looking to Moon. "Didn't get the chance to ask you earlier, but how was the Boil while we were off bumping off General?"

Seventh Moon: It didn't need resizing. Maybe a little removing, but the fit was perfect. Moon's eyes followed her intently back and forth as she paced for effect.

"So white-winged lady stuffed inta one'a these things too, that was Valencia?" he asked, not entirely surprised but a bit disappointed sounding. Not in her as much as himself. He use to want to meet the Silver Lady pretty bad. Meet another moon-touched. See if she was as nice to look at as rumors said. See if she was as scary. "Sheeyit... sittin' damn near in her lap and barely fuckin' noticed. I blame you." He said, pointing an accusing finger. "Just had ta choose then ta go 'n be distractin'."

He actually tried not to smile as he said that, but the grin broke free anyway and he let his hand drop.

"Boil's a'ite." He shrugged, eyes traveling down her back even as she looked back towards him, unashamedly admiring the fit of the long skirt across her lower half. "More dead fucks showed up, but hear word Kanti and the prince took care'a them. Dark skinned Lunar lady with a bunch'a bugs for fingers popped by and damn near killed me. Laid me out bad for couple days, that was kinda rough…" he paused, the focus of his eye wandering thoughtfully for a moment. "Damn fuckin' good kisser though."

Selina de Windia: "Oh she is, yep. Silver wings, hair, and near silver eyes. And the tattoos. And that sword of her's." Selina says non-chalantly. "But I guess I beat her in looks, huh? Though she's supposed to be a legendary beauty, guess I'm more legendary." She finishes with a naughty smirk, hands on her hips.

Then she raises an eyebrow at Moon. "More dead? Thought we got them all." Selina moves to a chair, sits down, crossing one leg over the other, trying to recall. "I suppose, you guys handled them well enough. And another Lunar?" She looks at him curiously. "Usually you don't sleep with your opponents...usually."

Seventh Moon: "Too fuckin' stiff," he said, waving dismissively. "Too proper. Like she had a big fuckin' 'Don't Touch' sign nailed ta her ass. Kinda made me think'a Iria..."

A dark, wicked little grin played on his face as he dropped the line casually. He hadn't really seen much of the Captain since that night, but it was still pretty clearly stamped into his memory. For a few days after, he'd even had some damn deep bite-marks in his shoulder. Not from Selina. His eyes were hot for a few seconds as they met Selina's and the evil thoughts stirring behind them. If one too-tight military lady could melt like that...

The look was still in his eye as he leaned off the wall and came towards her, but it gradually lightened into something more playful.

"Don't usually, naw," he agreed as he eased himself onto the floor in front of her. Reaching out, his big hand cupped her calf and slid downward, pushing the snug shoe off her foot and tossing it casually aside. "Thinkin' 'bout makin' a habit'a it though. Noticin' lately the ladies on the other side look 'bout as nice as the ones on this side and ain't near as intent on buildin' a fort in their panties."

Holding her foot between his hands, Moon stroked the sole with his thumbs and gently squeezed with his other fingers. Warming and loosening up small muscles that had to have gotten cramped stuck in those things all day. Slowly, he began to apply a little more pressure to the bottom of her foot, rubbing deep with his thumbs in tight, slow circles.

"How 'bout you darlin'? Ain't heard too much 'bout how shit went down out here, 'cept from alley rumors 'n shit." He looked up the length of her leg and her face high above, the massage continuing unbroken. "Held up a'ite?"

Selina de Windia: Selina saw what was in those eyes of Moon's, she saw it and it thrilled her. Of course, this was not Iria, not someone she had never known until that point. And in fact, she'd never looked at Valencia with any desire before. Only admiration.

But you admired the Pale Angel only, and now look at what the two of you do...

But you also aren't related to her.

Still...coming from Moon, that feeling oddly disarms her. Regular inhibition seems to melt a bit, recede a bit.

It...works that way too?

Selina shakes her head to clear it, then snickers wickedly. "Oh, after Iria, you're not exactly inexperienced in penetrating military grade forts made of panties, are you?"

She wiggles her toes inside the stockings, then shrugs. "We got into a battle, got the General, routed his army, then watched Spire change a bit. Beyond that...not much."

Seventh Moon: There was always something "beyond that." But beyond that wasn't anywhere easy to go. Moon continued to watch her, his expression still playful, but hiding curiosity he really couldn't avoid. He knew damn well what he wasn't talking about. Made him wonder what she was too.

"Inexperienced, naw," he said, catching the signal and moving his hands up to her toes, squeezing and working them over with luxurious slowness. "Just gotta wonder if it always end up worth the trouble, y'know? Iria paid off..." A dark glimmer in his eye, there and gone again just long enough for her to see it, even though his attention had turned back down to the foot he massaged. "But fuck all if same can be said for the rest. Can't tell for shit if they all got a bit'a fun hidin' under all the fuckin' brass or if the Captain was the only one."

He cast a curious look back up at Selina. "Lilith go a lil' mad in the sheets or she hit the bed with her boots still on?"

Selina de Windia: Selina almost seems to purr at the massage of her foot, then stretches the leg after a bit of it, indicating he ought to go upward. "Oh, she takes it off." The Windian replies with a tinge of hinting wickedness. "And when she doesn't, I do. Stronger 'n me or not, I have my ways..."

"But I think most do, really." Selina shrugs. "Y'know, Valencia always had a reputation of not sleeping around unless she was married -- all three or so odd centuries of her life. How many...fifteen years since she's been married last -- year before my exile her last husband died. I was a little girl the last time she got any. But you never know, do you?"

Seventh Moon: "Fifteen years without a tumble?" he whistled softly, head shaking at the thought of it. Couldn't much picture going one year, let alone fifteen. He'd be lucky to get through fifteen days.

He sets her foot down a moment and claps his hands together, rubbing them hand until the skin on his palms nearly seared to the touch. Scooting a little closer on the floor, he positioned her foot in the pit between his folded legs and grasped onto her calf. His hands throbbed with heat and for a few seconds all he did was slide them across the front and back her leg, moving slowly higher and just letting the warmth soak into cold and tired muscles.

"Mmm..." he hummed thoughtfully, eyes hooded, the tips of glinting fangs peeking from his mouth and he smiled slightly. "Naw, ya never know. Might just mean she's gettin' a bit itchy by now though, y'know? That long with nothin' but fingers and warm thoughts ta cool her down at night?"

"Be fun ta see how she does it." He said as his hands stopped wandering and began to rub more thoroughly, strong fingers kneading slowly at the back of her calf. "Gotta make a sight, all that fuckin' silver spread out on dark sheets..."

Selina de Windia: Selina's no stranger to fingers, but...the thought of her doing... that...it's about as inconveivable as Vorpal doing it. Which even after having slept with the woman, Selina cannot picture very well.

Her mind shorts out in response.

"Gah...wha...you..." She looks down with some amount of bewildernment at the Lunar. "I wouldn't know." Selina covers, but by then it's already too late to try and cover that.

Seventh Moon: "Not even curious?" he asked, rolling his eyes to peer up at her mischievously from under his brow, the fangs gleaming more prominently.

Hit somethin' there, huh darlin'?

Oh like hell if he wasn't going to push this one a little futher now.

"Silver wings, silver hair, black sheets," he went on in a softer tone, ticking details off as casually as housewife making a list for the meat market. "Tucked all nice inta a stiff uniform like this one... though maybe a lil' less tight." His hand rose up suddenly and with a swift flick of his finger, the top two buttons on Selina's dress coat popped open. It was back on her leg before she could have even blinked, moving up now to her knee and onto her lower thigh. "Have ta hike the skirt up a lil' ta do much though. Think she takes the silver thing far 'nough ta wear silver panties too?"

Selina de Windia: "She's like a great great grandmother or aunt or something. Why would I know what color her panties are?" Selina says a bit too quickly, catching at the buttons...but too late. Even with her speed, she had been far too off balance to react quickly enough to stop Moon from that. "Go look in her lingerie drawer and see." She says with the same hesitating tone, pulling her crossed legs a bit tighter together. The talk was getting to her -- she wanted to tell him and discuss her relative like that.

Seventh Moon: "A'ite."

Moon suddenly released her leg just as his hands began to move up on her inner thigh. His body unfolded below him, carrying him straight up to his feet in front of her, his back arching as he stretched and shook his shoulders out a little. He peered down at her as he stretched. There was only a tiny smile on his lips, but his pale eyes absolutely burned with wickedness. With a sniff, he adjusted his coat to draw it tighter around his shoulders and turned away, striding purposefully towards the door.

"Want I should bring ya back anythin'?" he asked back over his shoulder, pausing only after his hand was on the door handle. "Thinkin' ya two 'bout the same size, right?"

Selina de Windia: Shivering from where she knew his hand was going to go and what those fingers might just start doing, Selina is caught off guard when Moon simply gets up and moves to leave, with that insolent wicked look on his face! "H-hey! HEY!" She yells, getting to her feet and running at him, stopping only when she's able to put a hand on his shoulder.

"You are not stealing her panties!" She hisses in a low conspirital tone, turquoise eyes going from wide to narrowed." Especially not off of her!"

Seventh Moon: "Why not? Ain't like she's gonna catch cold without 'um."

He almost felt like he should be rocking back and forth on his heels as he smiled at Selina. Always something about teasing your lady that gave a guy a thrill. But this was a different kind of teasing and instead of rocking he leaned in on her, his body looming against the backdrop of the white door, face hovering dangerously close to her own. He peered into her eyes, head slowly tilting.

"Your idea, ain't it?" he challenged, baiting at her with the dare in his voice. He raised his hand between them and pressed a single lightly between the open buttons of her dress coat. "I wanna see what a Silvery Lady wears under her armor. Just cause you ain't got the guts ta try darlin' don't mean I ain't gonna."

Selina de Windia: "You'll never get her to let you find out." She whispers fiercely, not leaning back, shivering just a bit from the very thought of it. And wanting to see him try. Maybe even succeed. This of course, only makes it worse. "Do you even know where she is? No! And she probably does not touch herself!"

Seventh Moon: Her assertion, the very offended certainty in her voice that Valencia would never diddle herself...

Got answered by a deep, throaty chuckle.

"Can't be sure 'bout that till ya ask, y'know?"

Moon thrust forward suddenly and rounded on Selina, pushing her back up against the door. His hand grasped her thigh, then slowly slid upwards, dragging the long white skirt with it inch by inch. "Bet she does it with the lights on..." His cheek pressed against hers as he whispered hotly into her ear, his voice gleefully malicious. "Bet she don't even take off those long heeled shoes. Just slips hand on down...

His hand on her thigh rose as far as it could go, rubbing up against the thin barrier of cloth that remained. "'n goes ta work. Skirt all bunched up 'round her hips, shirt untucked, sweat 'n tearin' up 'n bittin' on a pillow so nobody can hear!"

And suddenly, he pulled off her again, his hand vanishing out from between her legs. He took a small step back, looking down at his hand as he rubbed two fingers together. "Oh, and she ain't hard ta find..." he assured her casually, tapping his nose. "Already know her scent good 'nough ta track her down now matter where she's at. Findin' her ain't gonna be a problem..."

Selina de Windia: Selina shivers as he does that, squirming just a bit, wanting him to go the last bit of the way and slip his fingers beneath her panties right in that open doorway where anyone could come along and see them...but he doesn't. He gives her a tantalizing hint of what he could've begun doing, and leaves on his silly errand.

"Wha-what?" Selina stammers as he runs off, broken out of the intense heat he had jolted into her in that moment. "You come back here! You come back! "

And she's off after him, wings folding behind her as she tries her best to keep up on those shoes. Luckily, she has had to do this before, and so she knows better than to take chances and activates her simple magic against falling....