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== Gifts of Granite ==
Before a journey accending to heaven. The evening before the skyship took the two appart, Opal sought out the Dark Angel. Her hands placed in the diamphemous sleeves of their opposite, she serenly moved through the darkened places in search of her.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Looking for me, Opal?" Selina asks, from no place in particular in the darkness, before putting some light into the room in the form of her caste mark. It's her bedroom...though Moon isn't about. Probably best that way. "Not a common thing, that."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She bows her head silently, as one did when paying respect to a noble. "I have come regarding a matter of unfinished between us, Mistress." She said, softly. "I wished to resolve it before my departure."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The wonder you wished to gift me with?" Selina is dressed in a light bedrobe, not her normal attire. "Wouldn't that take awhile to create, or have you decided not to make it?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I have... techniques that allow me to speed the creation of certain items, and I had knowledge of the artiface and the materials readily available." She pulls her hands from her sleeves, and one comes away with an amulet of silver entwined through her fingers, the pendant dangling slowly.
It is a beautiful thing, glinting softly in the pale light of the Dark Angel's caste mark. The chain was gossomer thin, and the links could not be seen. The pendant was a circle of moonsilver, within it was a small pool of quicksilver. Her eyes drawn toward its service, she saw her reflection dimly in the liquid mirror... only, somehow, her features appeared more masculine. Perhaps, though, it was only a trick of the light.
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Hmm...you are quite skilled." Selina says consideringly, looking at the pendant and the tiny image in the pool. "Female to male, male to female. How does one use it, specifically?" She asks, looking back to Opal.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "You must attune your essence to it, of course. Hold it in your open palm, and gaze into the reflection of the pool. Will yourself to be that reflection, and you shall be." She places the pendant into Selina's hands.
"To change others, they must wear it first. Gaze into the pool and you will see their altered reflection. Will them to become it."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' ''Interesting. ''
''So I can make it change others while they wear it? ''
Oh, she could be horrible with that if she chose.
"But I can only change others as long as it is attuned to me, yes?" She asks, just to be sure.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Yes, it has to be attuned to you. Would you like me to demonstrate for you?" She said, arches an eyebrow toward her.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "No, no, you need not do that." Selina replies thoughtfully. Then she looks back at the earth faerie. "Is it easy to break?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Not really, no. Moonsilver is amazingly durable. Its about as easy to break as a Daiklave, and a much smaller target." She frowns faintly, "If you have something that has enough power to shatter something as imperishable as a Daiklave with that much precision, I assue you that it will be the least of your concerns."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That is fortunate." Selina muses, then looks at Opal with some degree of mystery and curiosity in her eyes. "I bet you wonder why I did not ask for some horrible weapon or other aid for my skills, no? Instead, I asked for something which -- while useful for disguise -- would mostly be a pleasure-trinket."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She considers lying for a moment, and then nods softly. "I had. Though I was trying to be tactful, Mistress. I should think such an object would have an application for disguise purposes, but I doubt that was your intention."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Consider:" She starts off, sitting back on her bed, expression neutral. "I am among a great deal of other Chosen. Were I to suddenly show much more power than them, at least some of them would be paranoid. It is the nature of those with power, no matter where they get it from or what they use it for, to have certain inner doubts about others with it. 'What are they doing with that power', they wonder. 'Perhaps they are planning to do something to me with it', and so on."
"Before this, I tended to stay away from Chosen who were not my equals -- but even among the Terrestrials I observed this, when any of them knew what I was. And the Celestials I hunted and killed certainly exhibited this uncertainty if they survived long enough to begin making plans of their own that were not based on mere survival."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Ah. So it is not the nature of the device, but the uncertainty with which you hope to inspire in those about you, reminding them you had not demonstrated all of your tricks."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I want to remind them of nothing save what they see." Selina replies with a shake of her head. "They will see me, and how I attire myself, and my habits, and my bearing oftimes, and they will make judgements."
"They will think 'The vile, detestable, dirty Dark Angel. The foolish Dark Angel! The predictable Dark Angel! The impetuous Dark Angel!'" Selina smiles, almost malevolently. "And they will worry less, because I am not a thing to be worried about. Of course, this does not fool everyone."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She frowns again, and considers this, "Taunting asside, I always tred around Exalted carefully. They seem painfully adept in several areas." She eyes Selinas form for a flickering second, "Trust me, Mistress, I doubt anyone could cease to worry about you."
"I apologize for thinking ill, and find myself humbled. Will there be anything else?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It is more to put them at ease than to manipulate them. I do tire of pointless suspicion, afterall." Selina says with a shrug. "And why don't you think people could cease to worry about me?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Look at you. Your beauty is undeniable. You hold your power close to you, there is almost an aura surrounding you when you move through the room. Your bearing is noble, your eyes cunning. You bare the thousand tiny scars of trials faced and overcome or survived. At your hip rests a sword of dream and lethality, and you wield a scythe to cut short the lives of men." She arches an eyebrow at her, "With your every casual motion, you display a lethal grace and economy of motion."
"Your plan, I think, would fool only the foolish. The wise would nod, 'Ah, there proceeds the Dark Angel, and she is a dread thing'." She bows her head a little, "Though I mean no insult. You are who you are. And it is the nature of your kind, even those who can be who they are not, to be who they are. I can see it on the shadows of your soul, and the dragon that lives there."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yet all those things do not prevent people from thinking I squander them on petty and unworthy ends, would you not agree?" Selina asks curiously.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "As I said, it would fool only the foolish. Besides, I am curious to see how Master Moon would look in a more feminine light." She said, smiling faintly. "And, sadly, Dragon-Blooded, as I recall, wear minor artifacts as displays of their wealth. It could demonstrate that you have so many resources at your disposal, that you can afford to spend them on trinkets that suit your whimsey."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmph." Selina sniffs, then shrugs. "But no one said the foolish are without power and status. And some of the wise have a few traits of fools."
"Tell me, once you go to Heaven, how shall we get word to you?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Though Master Gennadi, I expect. Though I am a touch loathe to trust all correspondance to him. He is surprising deft at wielding lie. But, then, it is the way of his kind. I shall work on the problem."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "He will do what he will, when it suits him." Selina says. "Perhaps you will want to work on it soon. I do not wish to concede to any 'conditions' just to ask you something."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She moves over toward Sel's bed, and quietly sits down at the end of it, folding her hands in her lap as she considers. "I wish there was another way, but there is not. Only he has the resources I require, and I must be in the service of an Exalt." She looks at Selina for a long moment, "Sadly, after what was done to you, I cannot. I thought the unique nature of your Essence my slip the bounds of the requirement, but it is not to be."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It is not that, it is that he thinks he knows best that is the difficulty." Selina shakes her head, then chuckles. "I could go to Heaven myself, but I am much too busy...and at any rate, I imagine Heaven would not be pleased."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I suppose I could summon an elemental for the purpose. Such would be able to enter and leave Heaven with your messages."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Don't you need some kind of permission or some such for that?" Selina asks.
"Everything I've heard about Heaven paints it as some sort of elitist asshole haven."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "You have to have business there to freely come and go. And since such an entity is in the employ of someone there, they would have business. That business being delivering a message."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Knowing so little about Heaven is annoying." The Windian grumbles, looking skyward as if to chastise the place for being so inscrutable. "I really should find someone who would let me in and tell me things about it."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal smiled faintly at this, and arches an eyebrow, "Would you like me to tutor you, sometime?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Perhaps." The reply's tone is a bit sheepish, but she says it nonetheless. "We seem to not have the problems with one-another we used to. So it is a possibility in the future."
"Make sure Gennadi does not try to get you to do...untoward things, though."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Are you concerned for my virtue?" She smiles faintly at that, and rises from the bed, "You need not be. Far more able than the likes of he have attempted such."
She looked to the door, and then back toward the Dark Angel. "Forgive me, I did not wish to interupt your evening."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmm, you wish to leave?" She raises an eyebrow. "Moon may come back at some point, so perhaps being here when he does is...not such a good idea."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: '''She looks back at Selina, and smiles faintly. "I very rarely have such an opportunity to have a polite conversation with you. Several of our interactions have been in battle or preparing for one, so we do have little opportunity to chat. I was merely concerned for the fact that I arrived unannonced and engaged you in congress."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, nope! Moon wasn't in, and I was just laying around. There isn't even much to read around here. Stupid war." Selina complains with the last, then smiles somewhat. "Well, or someone else is demanding the attention of one of us."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She laughs softly, and brushes a few locks of her hair away from her eyes, and resumes her seat at the foot of the Dark Angel's bed, "Well, you certainly are in demand." She frowns faintly, knitting her brow, "You know, I just realised something. I don't even know your real name, just your nom de plum."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "My real name?" Selina thinks for a bit, then chuckles. "The dead gods don't like it when I acknowledge it, but I suppose it will not hurt this time."
"I am Selina Miriana de Windia. Heir apparant of the de Windia family, and Duchess of Windia...if I ever get it back." She shrugs, feeling the irritation of His awareness spread into her, that familiar sin.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Her eyes narrowed faintly as she noticed the slight change in her Essence, of how something darker creeped into it. "Ah... you gave up your name." She bows her head faintly, "Forgive me, I had not thought so innocent a question could so mark you, and I am humbled that you would make such a sacrifice for me."
"I had already deduced you were of that bloodline. Your markings are too prestine and your Essence unspoiled to be Wyld-Tainted." She seems to consider again, "
Her eyes narrowed faintly as she noticed the slight change in her Essence, of how something darker creeped into it. "Ah... you gave up your name." She bows her head faintly, "Forgive me, I had not thought so innocent a question could so mark you, and I am humbled that you would make such a sacrifice for me."
"I had already deduced you were of that bloodline. Your markings are too prestine and your Essence unspoiled to be Wyld-Tainted." She seems to consider again, "And the demon tained is your sister, then? The one of fire and bravado, yet with the Wicked Wind's mark upon her?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It's not...usually, that bad. I've gotten used to it, you could say." She replies with a shrug...then thinks on her sister.
"Izabella is quite demon-tainted. She has not even the benefit of a formal pact to shield her from Malfeas' influence. A pact at least can have conditions and boundries."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Ah, Yozi impregnation. A very serious condition." She seems to file away that fact in her mental filing cabnet, "How long does she have?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I didn't say it was a yozi...though the probability is very high that it is. As for how long...no one knows. Not even her." Selina says with some amount of resignation.
"Though, that may not necessarily mean her death."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I did not imply such, and its merely a term for demonic Essence corrupting her own. I have an... eye for the flows of power, you know. It might cause her to transform into a Infernal Exalt, though... somehow I doubt that. Perhaps it would corrode her Essence to the point that it would transform her into a spiritual entity, and she would feel the tug and be pulled into Malfeas." She frowns to herself, and sighs a bit, "I shall have to research the matter."
"Either way, the result of its spread would more than likely be unpleasent."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina pauses at that. Akuma? Infernals? The names circulated around, and she had never liked them. The thought of her sister becoming one...never truly occured to her.
''To be a slave, not even a servant like me? ''
"If she became one, I might have to end her."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Perhaps that would be a mercy." She considers, and idly taps her chin with her index finger.
"I will apply thought to the problem, and do some research. Spiritual taints are... hard to deal with, and that condition is very obscure."
She eyes Selina for a moment, before continuing, "I will send you any notes based on what I find. How did you encounter Master Moon?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh, indeed they are."
Then she remembers that day. The day she met Moon -- not the day she lay with him. That was probably not such a flattering day to bring up.
"Oh, he joined in a fight against two deathknights. One of them being Kanti's mistress. He was looking for his old...love. Some half-fae or something, I care not." The last two sentences are marked with not a little bit of annoyance at the very idea.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smiles a little bit at that, "It was horribly romantic I'm sure. This mistress... of Kanti's. Who is she?" She purses her lips very faintly at this.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina's eyes seem to go a bit distant at that, but not due to kindly emotion. There is...anger...and lust, in them. Great amounts of both. "She is...fire. And desire. And dominion. A deathknight like me, but twisted...twisted so alluringly."
"She had Kanti, and still does, in a way. She wants me, for her chief trophy and servant." The woman looks to Opal, gravely. "Take care that she learns not of ''you''. If I do not break her as she has broken others, if someone else does not kill her, then she will come eventually. And you will not want to fall under her gaze when she does. She is terrible in her allure."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She closes her eyes and calls to mind the scars she saw on Kanti, "As I've said, I am not one to be swayed easily by lures of the flesh, and my own is not so easy to mar." She opens her eyes, and tilts her head slightly, "Why do you wish to break her?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Because she takes people and turns them into...things. Broken people. Like Kanti." Selina says, looking at her wonderingly. "Have you not talked to her? To do that to a person is more vile than any act of Oblivion. At least annihilation grants rest."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Why then do you wish to inflict this on her? To make her such another wretched creature? Why not merely kill her, and end her for all of time."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Because," Selina says, and there is some amount of anger in her voice. "She has gotten me to want her. To ''possess'' her."
"And while she is mine, she cannot come back as a new person, with old memories. Come back and settle scores with everyone. That is what the Chosen do, you know. That is what many of them are doing with the Realm, or wishing they could."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She seems to absorb this, and rises to her feet, "I should go and absorbed what I have learned. Be at peace, Mistress." She begins to move out of the room.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You as well. I hope Heaven is more pleasant for you than Creation has been." Selina says, flopping back down on the bed and sighing. "Things have been a terrible mess for such a long time now..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I'll write you from heaven, Mistress. I think you need someone to talk to whom you don't have complex intersocial relations with, or some outstanding vendetta." She smiles faintly, "And I don't leave because I wish to. I have preperations to make before I depart for Heaven."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Well, I don't usually have correspondance, so that'll be interesting." She says from her position on the bed, one-sided smile on her face. "Better get going then, we wouldn't want Gennadi to begin thinking we're having sex. Or, god forbid, Moon."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She begins laughing at that, high pitched, belly shaking laughter. Holding her sides as she walks out, her peals can be heard as she walks off.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina, for her part, giggles at that. She almost feels like telling Moon they did do that, but then she thinks of the trouble that might create. And instead, curls up and attempts to nod off.
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