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== Shadow Lord ==
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Seventh Moon ran. Through the streets and through the shadows. Black Cloaks hadn't hit the Red-Light yet, but he kept to the alleys and alcoves he knew better than anyone. This was his home.
<i>Enough. Enough. Enough!</i>
He leapt over piles of rubbish as he burst through the run-down brothel he had lead the girls through only yesterday. Fevered eyes watched him go from the edges of the walls; homeless people with no where else to go and nowhere to really hide. The terror in their eyes just made him run faster.
It <i>wouldn't</i> have worked back in the Spire. Selina had been right back there. But here, it was different. Things has always been different here.
The familiar sight of the apothecary loomed in front of him as he tore out of the back of the brothel and onto the street. He skidded to a halt in the doorway, scanning quickly up and down the road before he dashed across the street and began to pound on the door and nearly rip the call-bell from the wall.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> There wasn't alot of clamour coming from the gates, so he hadn't done the worst thing possible.
<i>No, he's riling the entire city instead.</i>
Whether it worked or not, it was a bad tactic to try against an army like the one she'd seen. Though there was his mentor...
<i>Never rely on those types.</i>
Selina finally spots him in the second most likely place he'd be, at the door to where his mentor was. Without wasting any time she catches up to him on the doorstep.
"Going somewhere, Moon?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> The Lunar doesn't look back, nor cease his pounding on the door. "Getting help... if help would <i>get off it's fucking ass and answer the goddamn <b>door</b>"</i> he shouted up at the empty windows.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina waits without answering, at least for whoever it is to say they can't help when they come to the door. <i>They will, right?</i>
Even a fool wouldn't fight an army like that on his own, or an elder exalt! Not unless he was more powerful then any Selina remembered ever meeting.
<b>Tess:</b> "Wait up, wait up, you will break it!" The annoying, high-pitched voice of the little man sounds, his dead-fish eyes looking at them as he answers the door angry, "Ah, it had to be you, Moon had had had to be! And.. and the lovely lovolicious li..." His lips curl into a ugly smile through mismatched teeth as he says so...
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> A hand desended over the repugnent man's face the moment he opened the door. Moon pulled back, dragging Tess forward, then threw him back into the building with a shove. He followed in after without missing a beat and waited by the door for Selina to join them.
"Shut it, Tess," he ordered flatly, glaring down at the twisted apprentice. "Go get the Father. Get him <i>now</i>. Tell him it's important I speak with him."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> The Windian follows Moon in, not caring what the bloody assistant looks at this time. <i>I've got more important things to think about then you.</i>
Like whether Moon's mentor would actually do anything or not. Most of what Selina knew of elder Exalts led her to believe they sat on their arses in the middle of their webs.
<b>Tess:</b> And so he did. A little while after, the Eastern man came up, hands on his pockets, expression totally calm despite Tess' urgency. "Yes? I am surprised you have not hid yet."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> And so he did. A little while after, the Eastern man came up, hands on his pockets, expression totally calm despite Tess' urgency. "Yes? I am surprised you have not hid yet."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "That's cause I'm tired of hiding." He tries not to sound indignant or uncontrolled. The old crazy would never help if he thought it was just another fit of juvenile violence. "I ain't gonna stand around and let them rape my lady all over again. Seen it twice and thats enough."
He paused, folding his arms across his chest. "It ain't helpin' you get what you want, neither..." Watching the elder Lunar carefully, speaking carefully, Moon knew he was dangerous ground here. Anything about his wife was dangerous. "<i>She</i> ain't never gonna turn up on your door if all we ever do is sit around and let her send little girls out after us. She don't even know you're <i>alive</i>."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "And that is how it should <i>be</i>!" On the last sentence, his features change. For a moment, his nose goes foward, his eyes squint, his skin darkens... and then it is gone, with his anger. "She will come. <i>You</i> you bring me my fire-hair. And you will wait. They will look for your district for you. They will take all of your Pack they can find. Then they will be gone. And it will be over soon. Soon, someone will take care of it. It is not important for us. Cleaning Season."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> A chill passed through him at the Father's transformation. Memories of pain that came with that face. <i>Lots</i> of pain. Moon refused to flinch away.
He didn't care about the city. He'd <i>never</i> cared about the city, but Moon had realized that a long time ago and wasn't counting on it. The younger Lunar leaned forward slightly, his voice dipping low. "That's how you want it to be, but that ain't how it's gonna be. I told you, I <i>ain't</i> letting it happen again. If I have to walk up to those fuckers alone, I will. And when I do, I'll <i>die</i>."
Leaning away, he smirked coldly. "And what'll ya do when I'm dead? Send fuckin' Tess after her? Whose gonna be your hound if I ain't here anymore? She's here <i>now</i>. She came back now, but she ain't gonna stay forever and you ain't got time to make another me."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "The fire-hair, hmm?" Selina purrs icily, from her corner near the door. Almost under her breath.
For a moment, she feels like she knows him. Knew him. And there definitely <i>was</i> a red-head connected to him, in that moment. But Selina could not tell who. "Nothing I don't already expect from elder Chosen."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> "You <i>brat</i>!" His arm changes them. It changes to a black wing, the scent that is always with him, of wet feathers, now so proeminent. They go towards Moon, with a speed he could barely believe, more nimble than the old man should possibly be. The feathers, each with an eye. The feathers, going for him and pining him against the wall, in a flash.
From each feather, comes a clawed crow's hand, touching him with its claws, digging in...
"Go go go go get killed die die die DIE! It's all you are good for! All your kind are, whelps. TWO THOUSAND YEARS!!!!! TWO THOUSAND! Do you KNOW what this is, whelp? Can your little mind, who can't even conceive something aside from this hole, imagine what it is?"
Surprisingly coehrent, he walks towards moon, his face changing.. his size changing... "Two thousand, two thousand... Seven!! Seven Moons! Seven other Moons, each wanting to prove they had a bigger manhood than the other! Each jumping on the nearest demon, on the wyld hunt! Each and every one.... twenty years. Twenty years, the third Moon lasted, more in the sky than any other."
"You won't last ten, will you?"
"The Boil will still be a Boil! It will still be HERE!" A foot stomps the ground. Not quite a foot anymore... "Let them die let them die, still HERE! What matters is HERE!" and then it stops. And then it stops, hearing Moon... most of his features seemed to never having changed at all. But still, he is not quite human, read to become... a thing. "... what did you say? Here? She is here?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Did you hear me, old man?" Selina asks, voice icy as before as she pushes off the wall and takes a step toward, him, then another. The cold rage is coming back, and it's bubbling up faster this time. Her voice raises. "DID YOU?"
"The Bitch Queen Raksi. My great, great, great, grandmother Mnemon," Her tone gets more and more contemptuous as she continues, coming closer to him, closer with each slow step, inevitable. No charms alter her voice -- she does not need them. "Mnemon's <i>mother</i>, the Scarlet Empress. Gone. Her attempt to live forever foiled in the end. Elder exalts? <b>Fools more like</b>!"
"Sitting in darkness, gnawing the edges of your old plots, all of you!" Something seems to shift in her eyes, a glare of near-utter blackness, as she comes to a stop no more then two paces from him, the temperature in the room cooling rapidly as she emits an aura of barely restrained violence. Not her Malfean -- He Who Holds In Thrall, looking from the eyes of his infinitely lesser servant. Something...else. "Till doom comes for you, takes you all! I live forever, not you! <b>I</b> will dance on your graves when you finally fail, thinking the cold hand of death cannot touch you. And do I sit and wait for others to move the world to my satisfaction, having eternity? <i>Cowardly dogs, every last one of you. <b>You fear death.</b>"</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Cold sweat trickled down Moon's face. His eyes were wide, but empty. His lips were parted, but he didn't breath. He use to wonder how far he could push the old man till he snapped completely. Moon guessed he just found out. Blood stains were spreading across his shirt where the feather-things gripping him tightly.
But then the fear began to fade. He listened to the ancients diatribe, his angered dismissal of everything. And from anyone else, it may have brought more fear, respect, awe but this was Father of Crows and that changed everything.
"Wealp" he breathed softly. "Yeah I might be a fuckin' wealp, but at least I'm <i>something</i>! What are <i>you</i>? You sit around in a fuckin' cave masturbating on bones and tellin' me to go get you some pussy, cause you're too fucked up to get it yourself!"
The air around him filled with harsh white light, too blinding to even take a proper shape. His pupils shrank to points and fire crackled up his skin. Fangs bare in a maniacal grin, he surged forward against the feathers pinning him to the wall till blood stains spread across his shirt. "I can't conceive anything beyond this hole?! <i>You</i> can't even conceive anything but your fuckin' revenge!" He laughed, long and hard, sagging on his feathered shackles a moment. "Ooh man I don't give a damn what you've seen in two thousand or ten thousand or since the dawn of fuckin' time. Means <i>shit</i>, cause you have no fuckin' <i>clue</i> what the world is anymore. There's a world outside you and shit's happenin' in it. Shit I've <i>seen</i>. Shit that's gonna see to it that there <i>is</i> no Boil. That there is no <i>you</i>!"
It hurt to laugh again, his throat burning and sore, but he couldn't stop the gravelly chuckle. "You want your red-haired bitch, old man? I can get her. But it ain't gonna be as easy as you think. So, we gotta make it an even trade" he lifted his head and grinned at the ancient Lunar. "One city in exchange for one red haired bitch. I'll even throw in her whole damn collection of sex-slaves if ya want 'um. How about it? Fair trade? Red's gotta be better than bones."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> He looks at Selina in indignation. He looks at Moon in indigination.
Never. Never. Never his blood had boiled as such as far back as he can remember.
<nowiki>"HowhowhowhowhowhowhowhHOWHOWHOWHOWDAREYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!"</nowiki> He repeats, baffled. Unable to even understand it. Unable to even understand that they just did it. Exalted presence had made all mortals cower for far too long. Made all Exalted cower for far too long. He takes a few steps back... then explodes.
His left arm becomes another black wing, going to Selina, spreading in many feathers, too fast, too spread out for even her teleporting capabilities. Pinning her down, pushing her against the wall so hard he almost breaks her wings. <nowiki>"HOWDAREYOU!!!!!!!!!</nowiki> Death?!? You understand death, don't you, Moranine? You COMMAND it! You MADE all this! And you thought so GRAND you DIED! You DIED, and took this FOOL with you!" He picks Moon by his collar then, "You took the greatest warrior the north had ever known to DEATH with you! To darkness, until death was not yours! Until it CAUGHT YOU! How easily will you do so with THIS?"
And yet, the look on Moon's eyes... her words... "Same... same... This is all YOUR FAULT! YOUR CREATIONS!!!! You two... you two... you TWO!!!!!"
"You... you... you... I.... <nowiki>livedwhileyoudiedIlivedwhileyoualldiedIlivedIlived solongmyfirehairIlivedsolongIlivedsolong..."</nowiki>
All the restraints fall then, and he falls back, retreating to a table, mumbling, mumbling mumbling... leaving them, falling back to the table, confused... seeming... scared of them. Scared. "All my little ones together would still fall..."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Coughing hard, Moon pulled at the moonsilver collar around his throat until it came off. On his knees, he fought down the urge to wretch, clutching the gleaming band between his fingers. His shoulders shook as the pent up adrenaline burned itself in his veins and he looked up through strands of hair glistening with sweat as the Father of Crows, the most feared figure in the Boil, cowarded on the floor like a child.
Sure as fuck didn't expect <i>that</i> to happen. Then again, Moon was suddenly amazed he was still alive. That either of them were...
Rubbing his throat, he looked up at Selina. It made the room spin just to look at her at all. What she had just done... maybe out of her own indignaty. But she still saved him. Again.
A brief smile flickered on his face towards the Windian, a moment of... something very deep, before he turned back to the trembling Lunar. Here, he couldn't decide if he should feel pity or disgust or just still be angry and he made his tone neutral rather than employ any of them. "You want the red-haired woman, don'tcha? Your wife?"
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> The man does not look up. A moment before, his anima was flaring, and his voice made everything shake. Things were still dangling from the walls, falling to the ground, shaken... a moment before, he was this close to kill both. But now... "...yes... that is right. Fire-hair. Phoenix-fire."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Grunting as he rose on legs still rubbery from the throttling moments ago, Moon looked down at his mentor, finally feeling something solid. "Yeah I know how that goes. You want her? Then gimme the city."
He softly, as soothingly as he was able. "It might not mean anything ta you, but it means a lot to me. It's my home. It's shit, but it's mine. Help me take it back and I promise I won't stop till you get your lady."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> She'd been manhandled harder. Hard enough to seriously hurt -- Moon's mentor hadn't even broken her wings. But for a moment, his fury met her own, and she was surprised at its intensity. She'd always thought elder exalts were quieter.
<i>Like my mother said Mnemon is.</i>
And then she pushes off the wall, throwing a glance to Moon, then looking back to the elder exalt. She felt sorry for him, she decided. He was indeed gnawing the edges of old plots. "I didn't create the Bishop." Selina says simply. "His army does this, not anything I may have spawned in the First Age."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> His hand touches the ground, and rakes a path of claws in it. "It means alot. It is mine. It is hers. It my Phoenix Queen's. This <i>matters</i>! Matters more than you think. Will still be here after they come, after they go. Might not be here if mine rise."
"... You know little about it then." He begins to get up, trying to resume some composure... "... what will you do with her jewel? Make it rise against the dead?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Maybe someday, you should tell me then." Selina replies tartly, looking around for the assistant. Maybe he'd run off after seeing three exalts snarling at each other. "I'd be very interested in knowing what my past selves have been doing over the ages. You know, because once in awhile I get memories?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "It ain't gonna be here after they leave. Not this time. They don't want the fuckin' city. They want it <i>dead</i> and everyone in it if people are gonna die, I ain't about ta let them go easy just cause the people in charge are too chicken-shit ta say anything." Taking a step back as Father of Crows begins to rise, Moon nods solemnly. "Make 'um rise and kill every last fucker who got outta the grave. And we ain't gonna stop till everything that should be buried fuckin' stays there."
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> He gets up, holding the edges of the table. His face finally looks up again... and he is once again the being of great power that would have crushed them and the building over them. Tess is long gone - he was good enough on that, it seems. "You will not like what I tell you, Dark Angel. Believe me."
The voice is once again... emotionless. Shadow Eyes, not the insanity of Father of Crows. Even though that just then was neither. Too coehrent to be the Father, to emotional to be Shadow Eyes. "I will not do like you. I did not live so long by being rash as a infant." His hands dent on the table. And break it. "I will not come out. But they will be yours. I have seen it. It will not be enough. You will need more."
He closes his eyes then... "Also, they are after your's. I have seen. Now. You should not show yourself before you organize. Or else you will die before making anything but your blood rise."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "That was my thought." She looks to Moon, then back to his mentor. "I will need the Pale Angel, at least. So she can give me the time I need to take the General's head."
If she could do that herself. But no, he may have things she does not know about, but neither could he know of the full extent of her own power. Hopefully, they didn't know the full extent of Moon's, either. Or Vorpal's...if it came to that.
<i>This is going to be really really bad.</i>
But she'd known that from the beginning. Stupid Lover and her stupid jade talents. And stupid Selina for agreeing to it all.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Get her," he shrugged in response, smiling at Selina. A weary smile, but bright eyes. Shinning even. "There's some other people around here I gotta talk to. Next one would <i>love</i> ta make your acquaintance shit, we should bring the girls along too. Rusty's gotta thing about ladies, y'know?"
It had nearly gotten them both killed for it, but he'd just been handed most of the city. Not all of it, but there was time for that. Selina didn't sound as confident as he felt now, but she didn't know his city like he did.
<i>Fuckers ain't gonna know what hit 'um no one fucks with my city <b>no one.</b></i>
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> Shadow Eyes looked in his pocket, then, and threw something to Moon. A feather. A black feather with an eye in. But a different one... made of Obsidian and silver. And the silver became the face of a hound. A husky. “You will not see me in a while now. Father of Crows is now just a name. They will never know it. Everyone here – they will always remember that one thing – that Father of Crows never existed. That Father of Crows was an alias of a boy who had his own gang on the outside, and actually dominated the whole Underworld of the Boil. This is what the Boil is, now. You are the Boil.”
<b>Tess:</b> Tess walks in. The trembling had stopped. The shouting had stopped. He wondered about the reptile-woman, the devil-woman. Was she dead? Was she unconscious? Either way, he could feel it then. He could feel and touch and go inside... and maybe, if dead, he could cut her up after he was done, and find out how she worked. Yesss... but no. She’s alive. They all are, and calm. His milky figure thanks to be inside a house again, so not used to the sun, and tries to understand why his boss left them alive. But it is better, because he can leer at her more. “Oh, you are alive... hehehehehe... good thing you are alive...”
What a delicious winged lizard...
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina felt his eyes on her as soon as he came back in. Leaving Moon to deal with his mentor, she turns and walks over to this 'assistant'. Rubbing the backs of her wings, wincing a bit. At least there wasn't any fractures. She'd feel it a bit when she flew though.
And then she looks down at this 'Tess'. Grabs him by the hair, dispassionately, pulling him up onto his toes. "Well, well," Her voice is low, almost a whisper. "Do I have a fan?"
<b>Tess:</b> She was going to him! She was noticing him! Tess' smile broadened, teeth meticulously clean on his unhealthy face, probably a doing of his patron, and looked at her with his dead-like eyes, <i>thrilled</i>!
"Yes! Yes, delicious winged black lizard, yes!"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Moon caught the feaher out of the air, handling it delicately until he realized the difference.
<i>This... is it?</i>
The whole key to the Underworld, in just a slip of black and silver. He twirled it about between his fingers, watching the light glide across the silver hound engraved upon it.
"A'ite, I'm the Boil then... I'm you," he grinned slightly. "That'll take some gettin' use to..."
But, he'd manage.
Tucking the feather away in his pocket, he frowned as he stared at his mentor. "So whose that make you, then? Shadow Eyes?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "I'm not a lizard, little mortal." Selina says, raising her eyebrows and wondering just what possessed Moon's mentor to hire this...person. "I'm a <i>dragon</i>. Part of one."
She looks straight into the dead eyes. Perverted or not, zombie eyes were worse. Or the eyes of some deathknights. "But you can't take your grimy little gaze off me, can you?"
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> “Just a humble Merchant, yes. One who was your mentor and helper, but never Father of Crows. I was never <i>you</i>...” And then it begins to sink in. Moon still remembered he had to get the redhead for father of crows. It’s not like he forgts anything, what he does not. And yet... he <i>is</i> Father of Crows! More and more it begins to sink in... that yes, it was him, all along!
"And about your friends...” His hand góes up then... covered in a multihued blue light... light molded into smoke on his hand, covering it... leaving a trail as his hand goes up, making the gestures of greater magic than Selina has ever accessed. Sapphire gestures making it explode... and making the mist-light go towards the wall, turning it into water.. into a water mirrror.
<b>Tess:</b> The Thaumathurge begun nodding... grinning even more, even more. "Dragon... you got melded to a dragon? Possessed in a physical way? Did he father you, or do you carry your mother within your womb...?"
Did it mater so much? He blabbered it all, looking at her and squinting... scared, now. Scared of her eyes, but unable to look away of something so lovely and creepy. "No... no, dark dragon queen..."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Him it was him. It had always been him! Moon felt his anger tremble through him. Why the fuck hadn't he done anything sooner? Whole goddamn Underworld at his finger tips and he just hung out and got wasted in brothels? Well, that shit was over with. The Shadow King clenched his fist tightly, digging through his mind for the names he needed, the contacts and the power players. But they kept evading him, all save two - Nathanel Barr and Kadel Kurodona. He'd have to start changing things through them
The Father of Crows blinked, furrowing his brow at his old mentor. "Which friends ?"
But before he could get an answer, Shadow Eyes had already cast his magic outward. Father of Crows covered his eyes against the burst of light, peering out only when the gleam had faded and the wall dissolved into a pool of upright water. The crimelord stared into the mirror, then glanced over at the crooked old man. Fuckin' hell but the old boy could do some weird shit
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Awww, afraid of looking at me now?" Catching his gaze thoroughly with her own, she gives him a half-way death head grin, then opens her greatcoat a bit further. "You should be."
Forcing him down a bit, she pulls him close, grips the hair on his head tightly, and pushes his face into her leotard-covered chest. Rather ungently. Then she rubs it in a bit. Then she pulls him away, lifts him back up, and grins like the predator she is, although this grin is decidedly 'next time, I'll keep the head for a pike'. Very decidedly. She lets his hair go, and her expression turns neutral (and snooty) once more.
<b>Tess:</b> Tess almost orgasms when she pulls him to her chest. It is certainly the closest he has ever to a woman like her. He squirms, looks up, tries to go for more.... drooling, face full of lust, drooling more on her bosom, until she pushes her back, and changes everything, making him just... nod... and stay there staring at her blankly, face red, pants bulged, but not understanding anything, unable to say anything but... 'Yes, ma'am'...
<b>Illusion:</b> On the wall... Moon sees the entrance of the Boil. One of the creatures was there. One of the General’s. War-body of a Nemessary, blood-red. Standing above a mobile platafform, a great bone-and-brass cage at his side... be bellowed to the city in a voice that could only come of such monster... “... Seventh Moon! Yes, it is one of you who accompanies the accursed Dark Angel, we know! We have seen them on the Spire, and so we came here, to give them retribution! Those of you who have information on Moon, come to us willingly, and confess! Those who do come willingly shall be absolved. Those who do point us to his cohorts shall be rewarded. Those who insist in not knowing anything... we will take to prision.”
Some people were forced up his plattaform, bound, gagged. “Then, the Parishioner can accertain their innocence. You certainly miss those we have taken last time. Well, here they are...”
The Parishioner.
That takes Selina back. Hunched over, covered in black robes so dark and heavy they give the appearance there is no body beneath. Armored in fiery crimson armor, plated shoulders that dominate his sinister form, running down his arms and to skeletal hands that look as claws, and to a sleek plate over his torso. A great helmet covers all of his face, going up as a great horn, a metallic face carved in the armor for him, only the eyes seen through red glass... calculating, detached eyes, analyzing everything close to him in an unnerving silence... before one of the claws goes in.
And it went in the girl, on that room, so long ago. She was there, with Void’s Puppeteer. Slim, slim man he was, all all covered in a black cloak. And commanding great Necromancy. It was always around him, shining in the words of the Neverborn. He believed the Bishop unwavering, and this religious fervor gave him that – a connection with her masters that all other Abyssals even now can only aspire to.
She remember his clawed hand going into the cheek of the girl. One of his elite. Ten Thousand Lamenting Roses was his intelligence agency, the one who briefed Selina in all she needed to know on that mission. The girl was one of its elite, one of the Beautiful Thorns of Carmine. His claw went in... and she licked the blood off his skeletal claw, just as the cut become a symbol upon her cheek. Both of them, and her forehead... bloody kanji appearing all around her, marked, seared. “They are mine, like this. I made the marks. My good friend there enchanted them with his dark magic. So when they bleed, it comes out, good spy pets they are. And when they drink the blood of their foes, they receive their strength..” Out of his claws, dripping with her own blood and that of the body laying at his feet...
A sadist. A complete sadist, who had been a Solar before, just as his preferred partner. He had left before she was too disgusted with it. He had left before she killed the master Necromancer that was his peer.
And at the command of the General’s Nemessary, the cage opens, and some people come out... more broken than Fiona or Kanti had ever been, eyes empty and dead.
And body covered in scars. Scars that try to make art, just like with Kanti.. although the art in these, unfortunately, does not come to beautiful aesthetics, at least not human ones, like Kanti’s. “The Parishioner found those to be innocent. They have been absolved from their sins, and we return them to their families. We would prefer we do not have to go through the grueling method of ascertaining your loyalties.”
“We know where he hides. We are going there, looking for the heretical Black-Winged harlot, for the Hound with her. Pray you are not on holy vengeance’s way. Confess, before we have to make you.” He says, making a sign of their church.
<b>Shadow Eyes:</b> The image begins to fade as they mention the Red Light district. Shadow eyes gestures, the sorcery having run its course for now. "I would be careful. Or you will have too much of their attention before you can even get a proper suicide."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>We know where he hides. We are going there...</i>
Moon was not there to hear the last of it. The door to Shadow Eye's shop crashed against the wall as he nearly tore it from it's hinges and took to his heels.
<i>Fuck, fuck, FUCK!</i>
His legs pumped and his feet barely touched the ground as he darted over refuge and around corners, the snap of his long coat in the wind behind him often the only sign of his passage before he was gone. He had to get to the Heaven House. He had to get the Pack and the girls out of there and into hiding. And he had to do it <i>now</i>!
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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