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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Wild Days! ==
The Chapel of Liar's Ice...
A relatively small freehold, shining in pure ice. Pillows of ice, curtains of ice, beds of ice... silken ice, hard ice, metallic ice. A wonder, an impossibility of the Wyld, like so many others. And the home of the Child of Wyld Days.
Who was in it. And having something to be hated...
Something to loathed...
Something totally unbecoming of a Raksha...
A rather dull day.
Something was outside, she could feel it in the air - the taste of blood and glory, of gold and essence, of confidence and death, of brash and passion. Something was out there... but not here, not here, the Chapel of Liar's Ice.
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''So... she paces. Well, at first anyway. Knawing at the back of her mind is that feeling... that scent of danger and fear and joy and death and sex, wafting through being and making those hardened nodes of Essence that serve as her unified soul quiver. Tempting, so tempting...
But nonetheless, she paused. Not like her, no; she was a thing of impulse. But she wasn't fully sure about that first blind, joyous leap in the direction of whatever the hell it was that was calling to her, singing to her Heart. Still...
"Perhaps it is my death." She thought about that, sitting on an ice-chair, nibbling on some airy dream-snack, not bothering to taste it. "Perhaps it is worse. What do you think?" She glanced at the half-eaten thing, almost as if expecting an answer... then flicked the morsel into the air and wolfed it down, brass eyes gleaming.
On her right arm, her Binder shone. On her left, her staff curled around her stone form, dormant. "... whatever it is... I am not there." One foot moved in front of another... and in the flash of an instant, she was dancing along the fabric of the Wyld, escaping boredom for the moment.
*As she hops along waypoints she comes to a part of the Chapel of Liar's Ice, where one of the many 'independent enterpreneurs' among the Raksha there are having a little party, workers after their jobs, courtesans dancing, warriors getting drunk. The Chapel was a nice place for many of those independents to stay away from the Jet Court when it suited them.<br><br>And one of those, Bloodied Waters, pats Days a little too hard on the back as she comes in, "'ey, Days! Where the hell 'ave you been, girl? Thought you'd never join the fun!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''My, what a wonderful way to interrupt a trip.
The Child, even considering her stone-monkey girth, finds herself taking a few unsteady steps forward before she regains her grace and poise. That done, then turns sharply to face Waters, a look of mild annoyance etched on her face; literally, it seems. "Ah, Bloodied Waters! You have to forgive me, but I've been seeing to my calling recently. It's a rather engrossing line of work, but the rewards..." She grins, slightly, then leans forward, man-tooth necklace clattering a little. "As for the lot of you... this seems dreadfully normal. Did you feel something in the distance? I could taste it on my tongue..."
*Features of black ice wrinkle as he thinks, beautiful and rough as a hardy mercenary in its most glorious -one of rustic appeal and prowess! He thinks, thinks... then gobble down from a great cup of ale!<br><br>Then thinks some more, regarding Days with his remaining eye( after all, what hardy, tough-as-nails mercenary hasn't lost his eye in a dramatic conflict with a rival? Those were as required as his bulging muscles! ), "Aa, actually, now that you mentin it, I did, girl... something weird on the way here. Something coming from the East... strange, strange thingie."<br><br>Brows of dark ice, seeming colored by blood that is always around furrow a bit, as he passes her the cup, "Any clue what that is? Might have good money, good fights!" His eyes run over her a bit, "Good ladies.. spoils of glory!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"Well! All that does sound most interesting..." The Child found herself reacting to Waters' once-over with mild amusement... and a small degree of interest, she had to admit. True, she could probably tear him limb from limb iwithin the confines of a quick and dirty shaping contest, ''then ''actually kill him, but that wouldn't be much fun. "East, you say. Hm." Her own marble brow furrows, and the brass inlays on her skin ripple for a moment, almost as if reacting to her thinking. "Well, I suppose I could take a look... at the very least, I could see what would feel so. Perhaps some lost group of shaped things causing trouble... trouble is always fun."
Indeed, indeed, it was. Trouble might as well have been a part of her title. Then again, what raksha lived a dull life? Trouble was action, and action was living. And... ale was going unquaffed. Her tail snapped out and around her waist, grabbing the cup and raising it to her lips. "So, bloody frost... speak to me. What know you?"
'''Bloodied Waters: '''He admired her as she drank. Oooh, the lady of the freehold was indeed powerful. That is what made her so fun, of course. Holding his face on his hand, looking at her with the desire for storms and friction, he considered her question, "Yes, trouble is always fun... but what do I gain by sharing, hmmm?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"It all depends on your price, my generosity... and, oh, the weather." Her smile quickly curls from ear to round ear... and the sky above swiftly shifts from calm, if decidedly brisk, to a strong, drenching downpour. Days seems to have done that mainly to get a look at the various soaked, carousing fair ones... then simply wishes the terrible weather away in another instant. Things are as if nothing occured; the joy of controlling a freehold. "So, I'm certain you have a price... I'm listening."
'''Bloodied Waters: '''Waters looks up, and teh rain gets in his eye. His shirt drenches, delineating a perfect chest of the manliest warrior.. allowing him to see the entertainer dancers and the barmaids with the clothes clinging to their skins, what made it not wholly bad. "The weather... doesn't seem very inclined to help, now does it?"
He laughs, picking the ale from her hand, "Now, now... a favor from the lady of our Freehold? A Cyst, pehaps?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"Oh. Oh, dear. Well, that would be a mild problem. For you see!" She raises a long rock finger. "I cannot do that, and I cannot exactly tell you why. Trust me you, if it were capable, and you were able to last through a good little tumble, I'd consider your offer! But I cannot promise you anything. My apologies." She laughs softly, tail swaying about.
"Now, perhaps I could work out some other deal..."
'''Bloodied Waters: '''The Heroic Commoner finishes drinking of all the ale, then wipes some of it left on his lips with the back of his hand, getting up... and coming oh so close to the Mistress of the Freehold. "Oh? I wouldn't be ''that'' sure on my inability to last a good rumble... I may not be a Noble yet, but I can ''last ''a good while..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Prioximity does make things a bit more interesting. The Child of Wyld Days can't help but smile, pausing to... well, inhale, then exhale out a little comment as she leans forward, lips to the Warrior's ear. Her voice drips with honey, rose petals, silk and a fair touch of raw hunger.
"I'd hope not. I'd hate to be dissapointed and find some way to... mold you into proper shape." Her words, on the other hand, are edged ice within that silken voice. "But... that wouldn't happen, I'm sure." She withdraws, and turns towards the East. "... still, it calls me. Waters, I shall swear unto thee this day, but on these conditions. If your information is of actual use, and is not some ruse, then I shall promise you a Cyst once this realm grows in size and strength. How does that offer sound?" Her tail sways, in time with the rest of her, as she takes time to enjoy the drenched revelers not too far off.
'''Bloodied Waters: '''Bloodied Waters... gets quite surprised. He looks at Days with wide eyes... as does all around them. His lips curl into a wide grin. "My, my... that is a great proposition." He says, stepping back and taking a bow, "As you wish, my lady, I will try my best to be helpful! Let's talk a walk, tho. Better that they dun listen." He says, throwing the cup away to one of the serving girls in the scenario and walking away fast-paced...
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"What can I say, Waters? I am generous... and besides, it could prove interesting to see what happens." She cannot help but smirk, thoughts of the future dancing through her head as she keeps pace with the Warrior. Most of those thoughts involve having fun with the man-thing next to her, of course. "Now then, my friend... please, do not play with my fragile, wild little heart. That wiould make things difficult."
'''Bloodied Waters: '''The Warrior turns around them, and they are in the middle of a great bridge between towers of an icy cathedral... the winds moving his long hair tied on a topknot, as he looks at her hair move as well... and grins, "My, but that's the best part, girlie. I love that look on your face.."
"But anyway!"
"It is a place south of here. Accross the Red Whore's citatel. Whiteshield. The Bishop decided to make a move, and used the Underworld to reach aaallll the way up there."
"I understand they slaughtered bunches there. I was making out with some girls awhile back, from the Summer Circle... yes, that Freehold close to Windia! And they told me there are some Exalts ready to fight back."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"Just making out, Water?" One stony eyebrow rises, and Days simply is forced to smile. "Knowing you, you were probably conquering them left and right... still. Interesting, interesting indeed. I never figured those dead things would try that hard to gain ground. But... if that is the case..." She betrays actual concern, tracing a finger along her chin.
"... those stiff things don't know when to stop. I imagine our land might scare them some, but they may well try... and at the very least, success for them would disrupt many households..."
And then the Child's eyes shine with sudden realization. ''Adventure! A grand, dangerous quest! And so much to learn... and perhaps even a chance to get Princess Kyema to pay her more attention outside of gossamer harvesting. Oh, the possibilities... ''
"Bloodied Waters, my burly, horny friend. You may well have done yourself a very large favor in telling me this. I might have to give you more than a Cyst is things go well..." She trails off, letting silence speak for her.
'''Bloodied Waters: '''"Oh, yes. They are right close to the Red Whore, why do you think that is? They got a beachead here. A war's coming up, Days.... Windia was all scared from the monsters that were already loose on its countryside. Also... Windia has those... things against us, but Whiteshield had a fair number of Freeholds. I reckon nobody has heard from them either..."
"Bad stuff, girlie. I dun even know if it is worth it to get involved. I dinna get up to this by being too reckless... but hmmm..." He says, coming closer and stroking her face... "Always glad ta help..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''Days takes a moment to enjoy the stroke, then playfully catches Bloodied Waters' index finger between her teeth. She growls, faintly, then lets go, crossing her arms. "Now that... this sounds like it could lead to something earth-shattering." She pauses, again, to ponder, tail ticking back and forth.
"...I'm going. At the very least, I can see what is happening and have a bit of a time in the process. At best... new created ones to enjoy, if there are as many as you make it sound like. Either way, I think this may well be worth that oath. Perhaps we could seal this deal..." Again, she trails off, chuckling. "I'd like to hurry on my way, but there's always time to stop and smell the flowers, yes?"
'''Bloodied Waters: '''"My, my... tease me, will you? That could be dangerous, you know... I enjoy the bites" He grins, then shakes his head as she says she is going,
Just makes sure you come back alive, y'hear? It's not like ye can honor the deal if one o' those deathknights get ahold of you. Won't be pretty, that..."
He closes by, tentatively kissing her cute face, "Just be careful where you bite the flower, princess."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"Always, always." Days laughs at the kiss, but only repays it with a deep bow, looking quite the mischevious little monkey-woman. "Oh, I'll make sure to stay away from those dead slaves. As for you... try to stay in one piece as well. I t would be a sad day for me should I return and you are no more." ''Well, aside from being able to shrug off my oath! '' "Go on now... I should be on my way. And you should be enjoying the drenched dancers!" Another bow, and she quickly bends the local reality, dancing along the fabric of the Wyld once again. She is soon out of sight.
*The word 'tease' being her farewell to the Chapel of Liar's Ice, Days danced through the Wyld... through frozen seas and lakes, through castles of burning snow and plains of floating islands... she comes to the Wyld in Whiteshield. Where she should see a castle of Diamonds with Heart-shaped windows... and yet, she sees only a wasteland.<br><br>Dreams lay scattered about, the Graces of Fallen Fae broken and scattered on the ground. Great palaces lay razed, and the cold touch of the Creation-born is felt all around, in a death all too true.<br><br>This used to be a Freehold, the Tower of Heartless Diamonds, one she had heard about, that played with those in Whiteshield, hiding within the Wyld on this valley.... Now, it was nothing.<br><br>A voice that is like a cold running water is heard then, crystalline and resonding on the few diamonds left...<br><br>"Now, now, who might you be?" Comes the voice, from nowhere but the shattered dreams...
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''''Unexpected. Most, most unexpected. And... I suppose, tragic. I would have at least liked to see what caused this sort of destruction... ''
So, there she stood, halting her travels for the time being... because there's simply no way she could pass this sight by. Only a few things could cause this level of chaos; powerful Essence-bending Exalts, some truly deadly behemoth, or other raksha. Toeing at some poor soul's broken Ring, she finds herself pondering just which it was....
... until she turns towards where she's certain she heard that voice, eyes gleaming dangerously. "It all depends on what you might be. I'll be sure to let you know as soon as you come out and properly introduce yourself."
*Out of the Wyld, she appears. Picking a few diamonds, picking a little bit of emotion, of the bravery of the dead ones, picking the snow and the cold. She fashions herself in a full body armor, of sapphires and aquamarines and mother-of-pearl, azure and translucent, her face that of a beautiful female, noble and powerful.<br><br>A slim double-bladed sword is in her right hand, and her helmet leaves her beautiful face of snow-white skin, aquamarine eyes and full rose lips bare, but grows outward like a great crown, like a great flower about her head.<br><Br>"I am called Sword of Azure. I wield the Sword, and the Ring serves it. I am the last survivor of the Tower of Heartless Diamonds, I think..."<br><br>"Did not think others of our kind would come here now. Not after what they did... I would ask you to respect our customs," She says, her fingers trailing about the monkey-girl's form from afar, "But alas, I do not think we have a Freehold anymore to hold any taboos..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''The Child pauses to look at the remaining fair one, tail swishing about lazily and eyes glittering with mild curiousity... and perhaps a bit of apprehension. ''It is not beyond a powerful one to play such ruses, but... I will go along, for now. Perhaps she is telling the truth. '' Straightening up, Snow Monkey offers Sword of Azure a broad, fanged smile. "Oh, would that it was the proper time for such things. But... I have heard things. Of rumblings in the distance, and dead things, and fire and war and death. Is that what has visited this land? Or did someone run afoul of something best left to its own devices?"
Finally, she approaches, one step at a time, Owl and Serpent still coiled around her left arm, waiting to be used. "Nonetheless, you carry yourself well for having been in the midst of such tragedy. Your Sword must be very strong, indeed."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Do I? Pehaps I have nothing to do with them, and just came here knowing strong ones like you would come by, and give me a fair challenge? Pehaps all I lack is a good rival?" The blade moves on her hands, pointing to Days for a moment... her azure eyes shining mischievously "Or a good partner to dance with?"
"Or pehaps I am here waiting at the behest of the levelers, to ensnare more Fair Ones to their cause by collecting their Hearts? Or even, pehaps I am just looking at the remains of my former lords, lovers and rivals, waiting to see if something will come out of weeping, or if the drive for revenge will make a good story? Is my sword strong enough for me to have survived and be the latter, little one?"
"Would you want to find out?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Now, those are the sorts of words that pique my interest." Her smile broadens a tad, and the Child of Wyld Days stands tall and proud, her posture going from somewhat wary to... actually intrigued, even enthusiastic. "So many possibilities! So many things that could be, that might be, that might not be... mayhaps I could give you a challenge, or a suitable tune to dance to. Perhaps you are the beautiful trinket in the middle of the trap, or just another lost soul. Perhaps you have cleaved mountains in two with but a flick of your wrist."
That said, she lets out a deep, joyous laugh. "Ah... it is times like these that I am reminded why I come back home. Because... there's always something new to learn. So... yes. I'm curious. Tell me what you think you are."
'''Sword of Azure: '''"Me?" She brings the free finger to her lips, rolling her eyes slightly, as if she was wondering what to be on this particular moment! "I am the rival of Cetari, city father of Whiteshield, but he is darkened, what makes me sad. My lover, The High Prince in White, was a charming and dangerous man, and my inssufferable rival, Kiri, the Princess of Flowers, lays dead, or so the petals tell me, what makes me sad. Pehaps. But to say any further, I would have to know wether or not you serve my enemy, just like Kiri before her death. Serving a woman of black robes of lust and pain..."
"Or is it that I serve her, and would say no further, wanting to know wether or not you have powerful allies that would make it unwise for me to rip your heart out and make you mine?"
"In the end, it all depends on who you think you are, does it not?"
At those words, she appears to be behind Days, and at her sides, many afterimages on the diamonds... everywhere and nowhere, waiting for her reply to strike... or on her reply to be insufficient for her not to strike seeking truth...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Ah, dear heart. You see, there is one thing that you seem to be incapable of grasping about me, but I'll be more than willing to let you in on the secret." She casually exhales, stepping up onto somewhat that was not there a moment ago; a dream of air and cloud and thunder and violence, grumbling at its awakening and more than ready to heed its master's call. She sits atop the cloud-behemoth that is Krauka, legs crossed, eyes narrowed with amsuement, and Owl and Serpent resting comfortably on her shoulders.
"You wish to know what I think I am. And that is where the flaw in your reasoning resides. I do not think---I '''know''' who I am. I am the Child of Wyld Days, and I need no faerie to be the mirror that tells me what I am to be. Although..." She does grin, faintly. "You are a beautiful illusion. Or is even your fake beauty a lie within a lie? We are fickle like that, aren't we?" Now, it is her turn to wait, even as her Sword, buried deep within Elsewhere yet nonetheless a part of her, pulses furiously, craving to enslave.
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Brave words, Child of Wyld Days, and yet they tell me ''nothing'' do they? Nothing about allies and enemies, rivals and conquests. I can see your power in the Behemoth with you and the weapons about you... but that is it." Her reflection appears on a shaft of crystal close to the Child, and her armor glints on the sunlight as she looks at the Raksha with such curiosity... and yet, her blade seems to more and more sharpen, as if readying itself for battle... especially when she speaks of Days' prowess. As if that made it even more of an exilaritating prospect to fight... "Tell me more."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Very well! You seem comfortable here, in our realm, in the Marches. I will admit, it comforts me sometimes as well. But... my exploits, the ones of note, lay beyond the border between Wyld and Mundane. Indeed, I call a mighty Exalt of the sun, a warrior like none you have ever witnessed, both friend and tutor. He is showing me the ways of Man... the killing methods of Creation. Because... it is true, there is a terror to be had in losing your Heart. But at least, then, you are still alive." She looks very primed herself, gleefully feeding off of Azure's interest and anticipation, using it to stoke her own. And yet...
''Do I really wish to test the weight of my story against this one? There is more, beyond the border, for me to see. And yet... she may know something. To coax this out without souring matters too greatly... '' "Nonetheless... perhaps I would like to test your self-blade, just a little. And perhaps you can tell me what it is that truly brought you here to this dead place."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "You think I have not? Around you is Whiteshield, and they liked ot harbor those Chosen... until it was past the time they could hide. I have sparred with them.. and albeit I have met them, it is true that they constantly show me prowess I could never dream..." She says, proud of herself... then stop. "But I am already saying much, am I not? So, Indeed I am from here. I have a fallen god as one of my rivals, and a dead Raksha used to be another. My lover tricked young, poor girls from the Boil and Whiteshield to our freehold, gave them balls and the tale of a poor girl that grows into a princess, and let them live happilly ever after marrying them... and then, we would dine on what is left of their emotions. He was great. But he is also destroyed now."
"By a lady of black robes, by a man carrying an Ashen Book, a man in full armor carrying a sword of black omens. They were those who came here, killed many, and took some away, making their Hearts something I am not able to understand. That, I promise to be true, then. Since I have already slipped it, no reason not to seal it, is there?"
She steps away from the reflection, walking up to Days, her rosy lips smiling... "And I would like to see if your Cloud is enough to keep you safe here, little one. Pehaps after I have felt your sword I shall tell you why I am here?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days smiles back, eyes twinkling with vicious delight, while her accomplice lets out a deep, crackling snarl that sends colored sparks spraying about in all directions. "Who am I to pass up such a request? Of course, only a taste... there is much to know and share, and I'd not like to poison the waters too much before we sup from them..." It is then that she leaps from the behemoth's back, landing on the ground with her staff in hand, and her loyal beast hovering before her possessively. "Now, then... shall we dance, beautiful mirror?"
''Indeed we shall dance, mystery. Perhaps I will be lacking. Perhaps you will instead. Perhaps... perhaps I will hold your Heart in my hand this day. Who knows until they discover for themselves? ''
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Yes, we shall!" Moments crystallize within the Wyld.<br>
Snow ceases to fall.<br>
Somewhere, a violin plays for the two Faerie Nobles.
Standing on a vast expanse of crystal and ice, she smiles as she dances... crystalline snowflakes fall, each one a work of art, each one a beauty in and of itself. They flock to Sword of Azure like butterflies, standing in front of her.... making her blade shine in a hundred icy mirrors as it goes towards the Child of Wyld Days.
The Wyld stops on that moment, as the beautiful snowflakes scatter and become a storm of icy butterfles around them...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' A smile creases along the Child'she lips, and she crosses both arms, calling the storm that is her guardian to her. Around the two, the freshly-started violin solo hits a sudden, sharp chord---that single note ripples through the local reality, and the storm of snow and ice only increases, drowning all in white... except for the two combatants.
Azure's blade homes in on the Child's stone breast, aim true. But in the instant between silence and certain death, the roaring monster Krauka becomes aegis, armor, sanctuary, molding himself to his master's frame, lending his strength against the coming ice storm.
'''Sword of Azure: ''' As she passes through the cloud, she barely damages the Child of Wyld Days, but she ''does'' manage an artful cut on the monkey-girl's cheek...
Seeing the blood trickle from it, she smiles. "Ooh, you are good. I think I will go for real now..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child pauses to touch her cheek... then smirks, facing the Sword od Azure. "I would not have it any other way. However, I think I'm going to have a bit of fun... Krauka, stay back."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "So, you without your cloud, eh? Let us see what you have now..."
She holds her blade with both hands... and then strikes the ground!<br>
The ground breaks, and impossibly...<br>
Hundreds of splinters begin to fall upwards, breaking in the air...<br>
Her weapon breaks then, upon hitting so hard a glacier...<br>
For that was Ymrung, a glacier which lasted for longer than the timespan of the Wyld, and Days knew it for sure, even if that was not there before! She knew its legend because its legend had to be known - and from it Azure took a blade that rested within the hardiest ice, and smiled "Cold as my heart, cold as the Heartless Tower. I hope its kiss it not too cold, Child of Wyld Days... not cold enough that I cannot soothe you with warmth afterwards!"
The strike came then, with so great a weapon, with so great a legend!
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' To face a legend, even one that existed only in the fantasy shared between two souls, was no simple task.
The Child was not a mere commoner, that she would crumple under such an attack... or, perhaps she was! The weapon of dream-myth, seeking warmth to banish, finds its mark! It merely carves a small line in her stone flesh... but brilliant roses of ice, blue as sapphire and as cold as the Deep North, spring from it... and from all over her body!
The look on her face should be one of shock, one of terror... but instead, Snow Monkey laughs, even as she is frozen solid. A few shards of stone-hair fall free from her as she is encased, sinking uselessly into the ground.
It is perhaps a bit of a surprise to Azure that the ground begins to tremble and crack, here and there. One... two... ten... a hundred little images of the Snow Monkey rise from the earth, crying out as one. A veritable sea surrounds the Sword of Azure, and all is still for a moment.
The violin strikes another jaring chord.
As one, the million-mimic army leaps at their target, screams shattering the air.
'''Sword of Azure: ''' The monkeys strike her... so many snow monkeys, and not enough of her to defend. She hit something... of that, she is sure... but something that is not there anymore!
So many strikes to her, and she is scratched by them as well, distracted by thei monkey's screams, and cut by them... she looks at the many monkeys then, and smile.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' At first, the Snow Monkey doesn't react, seeing that she remains trapped within her deathcage of flowers and ice. Her army of little monkey-beasts remain, however, and seem to fix on the Sword of Azure, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. A chilling breeze cuts through the field of battle, howling like a scorned lover.
The prison cracks.
The little army suddenly collects around their leader, still encased, face locked in a laugh even in what death shaping can inflict. As soon as they all are nearby, they cry out as one.
Another crack appears. And another.
That single, haunting violin, playing in the distance, drags out one single, crisp note for an eternity, then resumes playing at a feverish pace. The air grows still, and the little monsters continue to wail, demanding their lady return to them.
A single flower breaks from the cage, and shatters.
An instant later, the entire prison bursts, spraying ice in all directions. The world itself shatters, and what is left once vision returns is a plateau, miles above the snowy ground, surrounded by a cloud of jagged ice shards, frozen in time. The monkey-creatures squeal with delight as their mistress simply grins... then then all leap, each one mounting an ice shard.
"Now then. Let's try this again!" As one, thousands upon thousands of blades of sheer cold rain down at the Azure Sword, each ridden by a screaming, squealing little copy of the Child. As for her... she prepares her soul, grinning softly as she watches the story unfold.
'''Sword of Azure: ''' The lady of diamonds and sapphires moves to stop all that comes towards her, twirling her blade as she comes, the new blade of legend around her... and dancing. And she dances so frantically, she is a whirlwind, trying to keep all of the strange rain away...
... and she does.
She steps back, then, and smiles.
"You still have much to learn, don't you? Want to call this a day? I am being fair... I will be unforgiving of you next!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' There is a pause... and then Snow Monkey clears her throat. After a moment, reality returns to normal, and she looks at the Sword od Azure with a mildly concerned gleam in her eye. "I must admit... your Sword is very strong, indeed. I may well have overstepped my boundaries... but one can't know limits without testing them hm?" She breaks into a lusty laugh, fists on her hips. "And... perhaps I do have some learning to do, but there is so much time, and so much out there. It is only a matter of not dying." Another laugh later, she inhales, enjoying the brisk Northern air.
"Now then... about what you think you are."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Mayhaps I could teach you. An apprentice, pehaps? A lover I had, rivals I had, but never an apprentice. I like the sound of that!" The blade is still in her hand, but not in a threatening manner anymore. It was ''all'' about the poise, after all!
"I told you who I am. But, I had yet to tell you why I am here, no?"
"A simple word, neophyte to the sword - ''revenge''!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Ah! Now revenge! There's an excellent path to take! Not that it was her style, but she could easily see the allure of it. "Revenge, then. I see, and I can readily understand. As for becoming your apprentice..." ''I would be a complete and total fool to '''not''' accept this offer! You are talented, yes, and I am not a proud raksha. I will take what you have to give, Azure Sword. '' "Hm. Perhaps that could be beneficial to the both of us in the long run."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "Pehaps. You said you are versed in the arts of combat in Creation, right? That will be ''very'' useful for me, as those I plan to take revenge on are not on the Wyld. I have swore a powerful adjuration for it, Child of Wyld Days...and I plan to see it through."
She begins to walk away, then... "Come, then. If you are here for the thrill, for the power, for the deeds... then we can help one another. But before, I think you must learn."
And so she goes, to the edge of the wyld...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I believe I shall have to, yes." Even as she follows, countless thoughts flow through her, tempting, tantalizing. ''An adjuration... I think I'll look into that more. And yes, this very much could be beneficial... although, i must admit, this woman has quite an ass on her. I believe I shall have to see about that matter as well. Oh, so much to do... so much time. '' A guilt-free smile works its way across her face, even as she stays close to the Azure Sword. Why feel guilt? After all, she is probably thinking the same things about her.
'''Sword of Azure: ''' "I would wish to see your prowess in 'Creation' as well. This waypoint shall bring us to it... closer and closer to the center of the Maelstrom of shadows."
Warping her way through the Wyld, she comes to another razed Freehold, and begins to walk out of the Bordermarches, then... past the Gateway of Nirakara, piecing a body of flesh and ice for herself to the other side...
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child takes that first step into the hated lands of Creation, pausing only to behold the ruined Freehold. Even then, her stony flesh gives way to cool, air-granted flesh, and her clothing warp into being around her person, fastening themselves. Her Air-shape complete and her passage through Nirakara done, she looks around slowly. "... ah, the shaped lands. So dry, yet so... full."
'''Sword of Azure: ''' On the other side, she loses an armor - or at least, a real one. She is now clad in a short dress, covering her torso, her groin and her bust, but leaving her shoulders open. The dress is all made of ice, and amethyst gloves run up to her elbows. Her hair is the color of virgin snow, but her flesh is strangely tanned. Her eyes, on the other hand, are cold like revenge should be.. and on her hand, now with a single blade, is a sword of pulsing, shining blue....
"It has its appeal, doesn't it? So many dreams, locked in boxes of flesh... so tasty. So amusing. And so full of... power."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FourthMovement|Fourth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 00:16, 28 October 2005

Wild Days!

The Chapel of Liar's Ice...

A relatively small freehold, shining in pure ice. Pillows of ice, curtains of ice, beds of ice... silken ice, hard ice, metallic ice. A wonder, an impossibility of the Wyld, like so many others. And the home of the Child of Wyld Days.

Who was in it. And having something to be hated... Something to loathed... Something totally unbecoming of a Raksha...

A rather dull day.

Something was outside, she could feel it in the air - the taste of blood and glory, of gold and essence, of confidence and death, of brash and passion. Something was out there... but not here, not here, the Chapel of Liar's Ice.

Child of Wyld Days: So... she paces. Well, at first anyway. Knawing at the back of her mind is that feeling... that scent of danger and fear and joy and death and sex, wafting through being and making those hardened nodes of Essence that serve as her unified soul quiver. Tempting, so tempting...

But nonetheless, she paused. Not like her, no; she was a thing of impulse. But she wasn't fully sure about that first blind, joyous leap in the direction of whatever the hell it was that was calling to her, singing to her Heart. Still...

"Perhaps it is my death." She thought about that, sitting on an ice-chair, nibbling on some airy dream-snack, not bothering to taste it. "Perhaps it is worse. What do you think?" She glanced at the half-eaten thing, almost as if expecting an answer... then flicked the morsel into the air and wolfed it down, brass eyes gleaming.

On her right arm, her Binder shone. On her left, her staff curled around her stone form, dormant. "... whatever it is... I am not there." One foot moved in front of another... and in the flash of an instant, she was dancing along the fabric of the Wyld, escaping boredom for the moment.

  • As she hops along waypoints she comes to a part of the Chapel of Liar's Ice, where one of the many 'independent enterpreneurs' among the Raksha there are having a little party, workers after their jobs, courtesans dancing, warriors getting drunk. The Chapel was a nice place for many of those independents to stay away from the Jet Court when it suited them.

    And one of those, Bloodied Waters, pats Days a little too hard on the back as she comes in, "'ey, Days! Where the hell 'ave you been, girl? Thought you'd never join the fun!"

Child of Wyld Days: My, what a wonderful way to interrupt a trip.

The Child, even considering her stone-monkey girth, finds herself taking a few unsteady steps forward before she regains her grace and poise. That done, then turns sharply to face Waters, a look of mild annoyance etched on her face; literally, it seems. "Ah, Bloodied Waters! You have to forgive me, but I've been seeing to my calling recently. It's a rather engrossing line of work, but the rewards..." She grins, slightly, then leans forward, man-tooth necklace clattering a little. "As for the lot of you... this seems dreadfully normal. Did you feel something in the distance? I could taste it on my tongue..."

  • Features of black ice wrinkle as he thinks, beautiful and rough as a hardy mercenary in its most glorious -one of rustic appeal and prowess! He thinks, thinks... then gobble down from a great cup of ale!

    Then thinks some more, regarding Days with his remaining eye( after all, what hardy, tough-as-nails mercenary hasn't lost his eye in a dramatic conflict with a rival? Those were as required as his bulging muscles! ), "Aa, actually, now that you mentin it, I did, girl... something weird on the way here. Something coming from the East... strange, strange thingie."

    Brows of dark ice, seeming colored by blood that is always around furrow a bit, as he passes her the cup, "Any clue what that is? Might have good money, good fights!" His eyes run over her a bit, "Good ladies.. spoils of glory!"

Child of Wyld Days: "Well! All that does sound most interesting..." The Child found herself reacting to Waters' once-over with mild amusement... and a small degree of interest, she had to admit. True, she could probably tear him limb from limb iwithin the confines of a quick and dirty shaping contest, then actually kill him, but that wouldn't be much fun. "East, you say. Hm." Her own marble brow furrows, and the brass inlays on her skin ripple for a moment, almost as if reacting to her thinking. "Well, I suppose I could take a look... at the very least, I could see what would feel so. Perhaps some lost group of shaped things causing trouble... trouble is always fun."

Indeed, indeed, it was. Trouble might as well have been a part of her title. Then again, what raksha lived a dull life? Trouble was action, and action was living. And... ale was going unquaffed. Her tail snapped out and around her waist, grabbing the cup and raising it to her lips. "So, bloody frost... speak to me. What know you?"

Bloodied Waters: He admired her as she drank. Oooh, the lady of the freehold was indeed powerful. That is what made her so fun, of course. Holding his face on his hand, looking at her with the desire for storms and friction, he considered her question, "Yes, trouble is always fun... but what do I gain by sharing, hmmm?"

Child of Wyld Days: "It all depends on your price, my generosity... and, oh, the weather." Her smile quickly curls from ear to round ear... and the sky above swiftly shifts from calm, if decidedly brisk, to a strong, drenching downpour. Days seems to have done that mainly to get a look at the various soaked, carousing fair ones... then simply wishes the terrible weather away in another instant. Things are as if nothing occured; the joy of controlling a freehold. "So, I'm certain you have a price... I'm listening."

Bloodied Waters: Waters looks up, and teh rain gets in his eye. His shirt drenches, delineating a perfect chest of the manliest warrior.. allowing him to see the entertainer dancers and the barmaids with the clothes clinging to their skins, what made it not wholly bad. "The weather... doesn't seem very inclined to help, now does it?"

He laughs, picking the ale from her hand, "Now, now... a favor from the lady of our Freehold? A Cyst, pehaps?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Oh. Oh, dear. Well, that would be a mild problem. For you see!" She raises a long rock finger. "I cannot do that, and I cannot exactly tell you why. Trust me you, if it were capable, and you were able to last through a good little tumble, I'd consider your offer! But I cannot promise you anything. My apologies." She laughs softly, tail swaying about.

"Now, perhaps I could work out some other deal..."

Bloodied Waters: The Heroic Commoner finishes drinking of all the ale, then wipes some of it left on his lips with the back of his hand, getting up... and coming oh so close to the Mistress of the Freehold. "Oh? I wouldn't be that sure on my inability to last a good rumble... I may not be a Noble yet, but I can last a good while..."

Child of Wyld Days: Prioximity does make things a bit more interesting. The Child of Wyld Days can't help but smile, pausing to... well, inhale, then exhale out a little comment as she leans forward, lips to the Warrior's ear. Her voice drips with honey, rose petals, silk and a fair touch of raw hunger.

"I'd hope not. I'd hate to be dissapointed and find some way to... mold you into proper shape." Her words, on the other hand, are edged ice within that silken voice. "But... that wouldn't happen, I'm sure." She withdraws, and turns towards the East. "... still, it calls me. Waters, I shall swear unto thee this day, but on these conditions. If your information is of actual use, and is not some ruse, then I shall promise you a Cyst once this realm grows in size and strength. How does that offer sound?" Her tail sways, in time with the rest of her, as she takes time to enjoy the drenched revelers not too far off.

Bloodied Waters: Bloodied Waters... gets quite surprised. He looks at Days with wide eyes... as does all around them. His lips curl into a wide grin. "My, my... that is a great proposition." He says, stepping back and taking a bow, "As you wish, my lady, I will try my best to be helpful! Let's talk a walk, tho. Better that they dun listen." He says, throwing the cup away to one of the serving girls in the scenario and walking away fast-paced...

Child of Wyld Days: "What can I say, Waters? I am generous... and besides, it could prove interesting to see what happens." She cannot help but smirk, thoughts of the future dancing through her head as she keeps pace with the Warrior. Most of those thoughts involve having fun with the man-thing next to her, of course. "Now then, my friend... please, do not play with my fragile, wild little heart. That wiould make things difficult."

Bloodied Waters: The Warrior turns around them, and they are in the middle of a great bridge between towers of an icy cathedral... the winds moving his long hair tied on a topknot, as he looks at her hair move as well... and grins, "My, but that's the best part, girlie. I love that look on your face.."

"But anyway!"

"It is a place south of here. Accross the Red Whore's citatel. Whiteshield. The Bishop decided to make a move, and used the Underworld to reach aaallll the way up there."

"I understand they slaughtered bunches there. I was making out with some girls awhile back, from the Summer Circle... yes, that Freehold close to Windia! And they told me there are some Exalts ready to fight back."

Child of Wyld Days: "Just making out, Water?" One stony eyebrow rises, and Days simply is forced to smile. "Knowing you, you were probably conquering them left and right... still. Interesting, interesting indeed. I never figured those dead things would try that hard to gain ground. But... if that is the case..." She betrays actual concern, tracing a finger along her chin.

"... those stiff things don't know when to stop. I imagine our land might scare them some, but they may well try... and at the very least, success for them would disrupt many households..."

And then the Child's eyes shine with sudden realization. Adventure! A grand, dangerous quest! And so much to learn... and perhaps even a chance to get Princess Kyema to pay her more attention outside of gossamer harvesting. Oh, the possibilities...

"Bloodied Waters, my burly, horny friend. You may well have done yourself a very large favor in telling me this. I might have to give you more than a Cyst is things go well..." She trails off, letting silence speak for her.

Bloodied Waters: "Oh, yes. They are right close to the Red Whore, why do you think that is? They got a beachead here. A war's coming up, Days.... Windia was all scared from the monsters that were already loose on its countryside. Also... Windia has those... things against us, but Whiteshield had a fair number of Freeholds. I reckon nobody has heard from them either..."

"Bad stuff, girlie. I dun even know if it is worth it to get involved. I dinna get up to this by being too reckless... but hmmm..." He says, coming closer and stroking her face... "Always glad ta help..."

Child of Wyld Days: Days takes a moment to enjoy the stroke, then playfully catches Bloodied Waters' index finger between her teeth. She growls, faintly, then lets go, crossing her arms. "Now that... this sounds like it could lead to something earth-shattering." She pauses, again, to ponder, tail ticking back and forth.

"...I'm going. At the very least, I can see what is happening and have a bit of a time in the process. At best... new created ones to enjoy, if there are as many as you make it sound like. Either way, I think this may well be worth that oath. Perhaps we could seal this deal..." Again, she trails off, chuckling. "I'd like to hurry on my way, but there's always time to stop and smell the flowers, yes?"

Bloodied Waters: "My, my... tease me, will you? That could be dangerous, you know... I enjoy the bites" He grins, then shakes his head as she says she is going,

Just makes sure you come back alive, y'hear? It's not like ye can honor the deal if one o' those deathknights get ahold of you. Won't be pretty, that..."

He closes by, tentatively kissing her cute face, "Just be careful where you bite the flower, princess."

Child of Wyld Days: "Always, always." Days laughs at the kiss, but only repays it with a deep bow, looking quite the mischevious little monkey-woman. "Oh, I'll make sure to stay away from those dead slaves. As for you... try to stay in one piece as well. I t would be a sad day for me should I return and you are no more." Well, aside from being able to shrug off my oath! "Go on now... I should be on my way. And you should be enjoying the drenched dancers!" Another bow, and she quickly bends the local reality, dancing along the fabric of the Wyld once again. She is soon out of sight.

  • The word 'tease' being her farewell to the Chapel of Liar's Ice, Days danced through the Wyld... through frozen seas and lakes, through castles of burning snow and plains of floating islands... she comes to the Wyld in Whiteshield. Where she should see a castle of Diamonds with Heart-shaped windows... and yet, she sees only a wasteland.

    Dreams lay scattered about, the Graces of Fallen Fae broken and scattered on the ground. Great palaces lay razed, and the cold touch of the Creation-born is felt all around, in a death all too true.

    This used to be a Freehold, the Tower of Heartless Diamonds, one she had heard about, that played with those in Whiteshield, hiding within the Wyld on this valley.... Now, it was nothing.

    A voice that is like a cold running water is heard then, crystalline and resonding on the few diamonds left...

    "Now, now, who might you be?" Comes the voice, from nowhere but the shattered dreams...

Child of Wyld Days: Unexpected. Most, most unexpected. And... I suppose, tragic. I would have at least liked to see what caused this sort of destruction...

So, there she stood, halting her travels for the time being... because there's simply no way she could pass this sight by. Only a few things could cause this level of chaos; powerful Essence-bending Exalts, some truly deadly behemoth, or other raksha. Toeing at some poor soul's broken Ring, she finds herself pondering just which it was....

... until she turns towards where she's certain she heard that voice, eyes gleaming dangerously. "It all depends on what you might be. I'll be sure to let you know as soon as you come out and properly introduce yourself."

  • Out of the Wyld, she appears. Picking a few diamonds, picking a little bit of emotion, of the bravery of the dead ones, picking the snow and the cold. She fashions herself in a full body armor, of sapphires and aquamarines and mother-of-pearl, azure and translucent, her face that of a beautiful female, noble and powerful.

    A slim double-bladed sword is in her right hand, and her helmet leaves her beautiful face of snow-white skin, aquamarine eyes and full rose lips bare, but grows outward like a great crown, like a great flower about her head.

    "I am called Sword of Azure. I wield the Sword, and the Ring serves it. I am the last survivor of the Tower of Heartless Diamonds, I think..."

    "Did not think others of our kind would come here now. Not after what they did... I would ask you to respect our customs," She says, her fingers trailing about the monkey-girl's form from afar, "But alas, I do not think we have a Freehold anymore to hold any taboos..."

Child of Wyld Days: The Child pauses to look at the remaining fair one, tail swishing about lazily and eyes glittering with mild curiousity... and perhaps a bit of apprehension. It is not beyond a powerful one to play such ruses, but... I will go along, for now. Perhaps she is telling the truth. Straightening up, Snow Monkey offers Sword of Azure a broad, fanged smile. "Oh, would that it was the proper time for such things. But... I have heard things. Of rumblings in the distance, and dead things, and fire and war and death. Is that what has visited this land? Or did someone run afoul of something best left to its own devices?"

Finally, she approaches, one step at a time, Owl and Serpent still coiled around her left arm, waiting to be used. "Nonetheless, you carry yourself well for having been in the midst of such tragedy. Your Sword must be very strong, indeed."

Sword of Azure: "Do I? Pehaps I have nothing to do with them, and just came here knowing strong ones like you would come by, and give me a fair challenge? Pehaps all I lack is a good rival?" The blade moves on her hands, pointing to Days for a moment... her azure eyes shining mischievously "Or a good partner to dance with?"

"Or pehaps I am here waiting at the behest of the levelers, to ensnare more Fair Ones to their cause by collecting their Hearts? Or even, pehaps I am just looking at the remains of my former lords, lovers and rivals, waiting to see if something will come out of weeping, or if the drive for revenge will make a good story? Is my sword strong enough for me to have survived and be the latter, little one?"

"Would you want to find out?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Now, those are the sorts of words that pique my interest." Her smile broadens a tad, and the Child of Wyld Days stands tall and proud, her posture going from somewhat wary to... actually intrigued, even enthusiastic. "So many possibilities! So many things that could be, that might be, that might not be... mayhaps I could give you a challenge, or a suitable tune to dance to. Perhaps you are the beautiful trinket in the middle of the trap, or just another lost soul. Perhaps you have cleaved mountains in two with but a flick of your wrist."

That said, she lets out a deep, joyous laugh. "Ah... it is times like these that I am reminded why I come back home. Because... there's always something new to learn. So... yes. I'm curious. Tell me what you think you are."

Sword of Azure: "Me?" She brings the free finger to her lips, rolling her eyes slightly, as if she was wondering what to be on this particular moment! "I am the rival of Cetari, city father of Whiteshield, but he is darkened, what makes me sad. My lover, The High Prince in White, was a charming and dangerous man, and my inssufferable rival, Kiri, the Princess of Flowers, lays dead, or so the petals tell me, what makes me sad. Pehaps. But to say any further, I would have to know wether or not you serve my enemy, just like Kiri before her death. Serving a woman of black robes of lust and pain..."

"Or is it that I serve her, and would say no further, wanting to know wether or not you have powerful allies that would make it unwise for me to rip your heart out and make you mine?"

"In the end, it all depends on who you think you are, does it not?"

At those words, she appears to be behind Days, and at her sides, many afterimages on the diamonds... everywhere and nowhere, waiting for her reply to strike... or on her reply to be insufficient for her not to strike seeking truth...

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, dear heart. You see, there is one thing that you seem to be incapable of grasping about me, but I'll be more than willing to let you in on the secret." She casually exhales, stepping up onto somewhat that was not there a moment ago; a dream of air and cloud and thunder and violence, grumbling at its awakening and more than ready to heed its master's call. She sits atop the cloud-behemoth that is Krauka, legs crossed, eyes narrowed with amsuement, and Owl and Serpent resting comfortably on her shoulders.

"You wish to know what I think I am. And that is where the flaw in your reasoning resides. I do not think---I know who I am. I am the Child of Wyld Days, and I need no faerie to be the mirror that tells me what I am to be. Although..." She does grin, faintly. "You are a beautiful illusion. Or is even your fake beauty a lie within a lie? We are fickle like that, aren't we?" Now, it is her turn to wait, even as her Sword, buried deep within Elsewhere yet nonetheless a part of her, pulses furiously, craving to enslave.

Sword of Azure: "Brave words, Child of Wyld Days, and yet they tell me nothing do they? Nothing about allies and enemies, rivals and conquests. I can see your power in the Behemoth with you and the weapons about you... but that is it." Her reflection appears on a shaft of crystal close to the Child, and her armor glints on the sunlight as she looks at the Raksha with such curiosity... and yet, her blade seems to more and more sharpen, as if readying itself for battle... especially when she speaks of Days' prowess. As if that made it even more of an exilaritating prospect to fight... "Tell me more."

Child of Wyld Days: "Very well! You seem comfortable here, in our realm, in the Marches. I will admit, it comforts me sometimes as well. But... my exploits, the ones of note, lay beyond the border between Wyld and Mundane. Indeed, I call a mighty Exalt of the sun, a warrior like none you have ever witnessed, both friend and tutor. He is showing me the ways of Man... the killing methods of Creation. Because... it is true, there is a terror to be had in losing your Heart. But at least, then, you are still alive." She looks very primed herself, gleefully feeding off of Azure's interest and anticipation, using it to stoke her own. And yet...

Do I really wish to test the weight of my story against this one? There is more, beyond the border, for me to see. And yet... she may know something. To coax this out without souring matters too greatly... "Nonetheless... perhaps I would like to test your self-blade, just a little. And perhaps you can tell me what it is that truly brought you here to this dead place."

Sword of Azure: "You think I have not? Around you is Whiteshield, and they liked ot harbor those Chosen... until it was past the time they could hide. I have sparred with them.. and albeit I have met them, it is true that they constantly show me prowess I could never dream..." She says, proud of herself... then stop. "But I am already saying much, am I not? So, Indeed I am from here. I have a fallen god as one of my rivals, and a dead Raksha used to be another. My lover tricked young, poor girls from the Boil and Whiteshield to our freehold, gave them balls and the tale of a poor girl that grows into a princess, and let them live happilly ever after marrying them... and then, we would dine on what is left of their emotions. He was great. But he is also destroyed now."

"By a lady of black robes, by a man carrying an Ashen Book, a man in full armor carrying a sword of black omens. They were those who came here, killed many, and took some away, making their Hearts something I am not able to understand. That, I promise to be true, then. Since I have already slipped it, no reason not to seal it, is there?"

She steps away from the reflection, walking up to Days, her rosy lips smiling... "And I would like to see if your Cloud is enough to keep you safe here, little one. Pehaps after I have felt your sword I shall tell you why I am here?"

Child of Wyld Days: Days smiles back, eyes twinkling with vicious delight, while her accomplice lets out a deep, crackling snarl that sends colored sparks spraying about in all directions. "Who am I to pass up such a request? Of course, only a taste... there is much to know and share, and I'd not like to poison the waters too much before we sup from them..." It is then that she leaps from the behemoth's back, landing on the ground with her staff in hand, and her loyal beast hovering before her possessively. "Now, then... shall we dance, beautiful mirror?"

Indeed we shall dance, mystery. Perhaps I will be lacking. Perhaps you will instead. Perhaps... perhaps I will hold your Heart in my hand this day. Who knows until they discover for themselves?

Sword of Azure: "Yes, we shall!" Moments crystallize within the Wyld.
Snow ceases to fall.
Somewhere, a violin plays for the two Faerie Nobles.

Standing on a vast expanse of crystal and ice, she smiles as she dances... crystalline snowflakes fall, each one a work of art, each one a beauty in and of itself. They flock to Sword of Azure like butterflies, standing in front of her.... making her blade shine in a hundred icy mirrors as it goes towards the Child of Wyld Days.

The Wyld stops on that moment, as the beautiful snowflakes scatter and become a storm of icy butterfles around them...

Child of Wyld Days: A smile creases along the Child'she lips, and she crosses both arms, calling the storm that is her guardian to her. Around the two, the freshly-started violin solo hits a sudden, sharp chord---that single note ripples through the local reality, and the storm of snow and ice only increases, drowning all in white... except for the two combatants.

Azure's blade homes in on the Child's stone breast, aim true. But in the instant between silence and certain death, the roaring monster Krauka becomes aegis, armor, sanctuary, molding himself to his master's frame, lending his strength against the coming ice storm.

Sword of Azure: As she passes through the cloud, she barely damages the Child of Wyld Days, but she does manage an artful cut on the monkey-girl's cheek...

Seeing the blood trickle from it, she smiles. "Ooh, you are good. I think I will go for real now..."

Child of Wyld Days: The Child pauses to touch her cheek... then smirks, facing the Sword od Azure. "I would not have it any other way. However, I think I'm going to have a bit of fun... Krauka, stay back."

Sword of Azure: "So, you without your cloud, eh? Let us see what you have now..."

She holds her blade with both hands... and then strikes the ground!
The ground breaks, and impossibly...
Hundreds of splinters begin to fall upwards, breaking in the air...
Her weapon breaks then, upon hitting so hard a glacier...
For that was Ymrung, a glacier which lasted for longer than the timespan of the Wyld, and Days knew it for sure, even if that was not there before! She knew its legend because its legend had to be known - and from it Azure took a blade that rested within the hardiest ice, and smiled "Cold as my heart, cold as the Heartless Tower. I hope its kiss it not too cold, Child of Wyld Days... not cold enough that I cannot soothe you with warmth afterwards!"

The strike came then, with so great a weapon, with so great a legend!

Child of Wyld Days: To face a legend, even one that existed only in the fantasy shared between two souls, was no simple task.

The Child was not a mere commoner, that she would crumple under such an attack... or, perhaps she was! The weapon of dream-myth, seeking warmth to banish, finds its mark! It merely carves a small line in her stone flesh... but brilliant roses of ice, blue as sapphire and as cold as the Deep North, spring from it... and from all over her body!

The look on her face should be one of shock, one of terror... but instead, Snow Monkey laughs, even as she is frozen solid. A few shards of stone-hair fall free from her as she is encased, sinking uselessly into the ground.

It is perhaps a bit of a surprise to Azure that the ground begins to tremble and crack, here and there. One... two... ten... a hundred little images of the Snow Monkey rise from the earth, crying out as one. A veritable sea surrounds the Sword of Azure, and all is still for a moment.

The violin strikes another jaring chord.

As one, the million-mimic army leaps at their target, screams shattering the air.

Sword of Azure: The monkeys strike her... so many snow monkeys, and not enough of her to defend. She hit something... of that, she is sure... but something that is not there anymore!

So many strikes to her, and she is scratched by them as well, distracted by thei monkey's screams, and cut by them... she looks at the many monkeys then, and smile.


Child of Wyld Days: At first, the Snow Monkey doesn't react, seeing that she remains trapped within her deathcage of flowers and ice. Her army of little monkey-beasts remain, however, and seem to fix on the Sword of Azure, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. A chilling breeze cuts through the field of battle, howling like a scorned lover.

The prison cracks.

The little army suddenly collects around their leader, still encased, face locked in a laugh even in what death shaping can inflict. As soon as they all are nearby, they cry out as one.

Another crack appears. And another.

That single, haunting violin, playing in the distance, drags out one single, crisp note for an eternity, then resumes playing at a feverish pace. The air grows still, and the little monsters continue to wail, demanding their lady return to them.

A single flower breaks from the cage, and shatters.

An instant later, the entire prison bursts, spraying ice in all directions. The world itself shatters, and what is left once vision returns is a plateau, miles above the snowy ground, surrounded by a cloud of jagged ice shards, frozen in time. The monkey-creatures squeal with delight as their mistress simply grins... then then all leap, each one mounting an ice shard.

"Now then. Let's try this again!" As one, thousands upon thousands of blades of sheer cold rain down at the Azure Sword, each ridden by a screaming, squealing little copy of the Child. As for her... she prepares her soul, grinning softly as she watches the story unfold.

Sword of Azure: The lady of diamonds and sapphires moves to stop all that comes towards her, twirling her blade as she comes, the new blade of legend around her... and dancing. And she dances so frantically, she is a whirlwind, trying to keep all of the strange rain away...

... and she does.

She steps back, then, and smiles.

"You still have much to learn, don't you? Want to call this a day? I am being fair... I will be unforgiving of you next!"

Child of Wyld Days: There is a pause... and then Snow Monkey clears her throat. After a moment, reality returns to normal, and she looks at the Sword od Azure with a mildly concerned gleam in her eye. "I must admit... your Sword is very strong, indeed. I may well have overstepped my boundaries... but one can't know limits without testing them hm?" She breaks into a lusty laugh, fists on her hips. "And... perhaps I do have some learning to do, but there is so much time, and so much out there. It is only a matter of not dying." Another laugh later, she inhales, enjoying the brisk Northern air.

"Now then... about what you think you are."

Sword of Azure: "Mayhaps I could teach you. An apprentice, pehaps? A lover I had, rivals I had, but never an apprentice. I like the sound of that!" The blade is still in her hand, but not in a threatening manner anymore. It was all about the poise, after all!

"I told you who I am. But, I had yet to tell you why I am here, no?"

"A simple word, neophyte to the sword - revenge!"

Child of Wyld Days: Ah! Now revenge! There's an excellent path to take! Not that it was her style, but she could easily see the allure of it. "Revenge, then. I see, and I can readily understand. As for becoming your apprentice..." I would be a complete and total fool to not accept this offer! You are talented, yes, and I am not a proud raksha. I will take what you have to give, Azure Sword. "Hm. Perhaps that could be beneficial to the both of us in the long run."

Sword of Azure: "Pehaps. You said you are versed in the arts of combat in Creation, right? That will be very useful for me, as those I plan to take revenge on are not on the Wyld. I have swore a powerful adjuration for it, Child of Wyld Days...and I plan to see it through."

She begins to walk away, then... "Come, then. If you are here for the thrill, for the power, for the deeds... then we can help one another. But before, I think you must learn."

And so she goes, to the edge of the wyld...

Child of Wyld Days: "I believe I shall have to, yes." Even as she follows, countless thoughts flow through her, tempting, tantalizing. An adjuration... I think I'll look into that more. And yes, this very much could be beneficial... although, i must admit, this woman has quite an ass on her. I believe I shall have to see about that matter as well. Oh, so much to do... so much time. A guilt-free smile works its way across her face, even as she stays close to the Azure Sword. Why feel guilt? After all, she is probably thinking the same things about her.

Sword of Azure: "I would wish to see your prowess in 'Creation' as well. This waypoint shall bring us to it... closer and closer to the center of the Maelstrom of shadows."

Warping her way through the Wyld, she comes to another razed Freehold, and begins to walk out of the Bordermarches, then... past the Gateway of Nirakara, piecing a body of flesh and ice for herself to the other side...

Child of Wyld Days: The Child takes that first step into the hated lands of Creation, pausing only to behold the ruined Freehold. Even then, her stony flesh gives way to cool, air-granted flesh, and her clothing warp into being around her person, fastening themselves. Her Air-shape complete and her passage through Nirakara done, she looks around slowly. "... ah, the shaped lands. So dry, yet so... full."

Sword of Azure: On the other side, she loses an armor - or at least, a real one. She is now clad in a short dress, covering her torso, her groin and her bust, but leaving her shoulders open. The dress is all made of ice, and amethyst gloves run up to her elbows. Her hair is the color of virgin snow, but her flesh is strangely tanned. Her eyes, on the other hand, are cold like revenge should be.. and on her hand, now with a single blade, is a sword of pulsing, shining blue....

"It has its appeal, doesn't it? So many dreams, locked in boxes of flesh... so tasty. So amusing. And so full of... power."