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BACKGROUNDS: As normal. HOWEVER. Use the revised Background list, as follows:
BACKGROUNDS: As normal. HOWEVER. Use the revised Background list, as follows:
From the Core Book: Allies, Backing, Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Resources
From the Core Book: Allies, Backing, Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Resources <br>
From Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded: Henchmen
From Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded: Henchmen <br>
REVISED BACKGROUNDS: Artifact, Familiar, Followers, Manse
REVISED BACKGROUNDS: Artifact, Familiar, Followers, Manse

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

Back to FrivYetiFrivYeti/HSSolarCharacterCreation/TheHouseSetting


CASTE: Any Solar caste. NATURE: Any.

ATTRIBUTES: Primary 8, Secondary 6, Tertiary 4, as normal.

ABILITIES: 25 Ability Points, with at least 10 points in 5 Caste and 5 Favoured as normal.

BACKGROUNDS: As normal. HOWEVER. Use the revised Background list, as follows:

From the Core Book: Allies, Backing, Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Resources
From Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded: Henchmen
REVISED BACKGROUNDS: Artifact, Familiar, Followers, Manse

Artifact: Solars purchase each Artifact as a seperate Background, rather than pooling their dots into one Background.
Familiar: See the Familiar section in the Miscellaneous section. I'm too lazy to copy/paste it everywhere.
Followers: Followers applies as follows:
o - Up to three followers
oo - Up to ten followers
ooo - Up to twenty-five followers
oooo - Up to fifty followers
ooooo - Up to one hundred followers
Manse: As with Artifact, Solars purchase each Manse or Demense as a seperate Background if they are lucky enough (and powerful enough) to have more than one.

VIRTUES: Solars begin play with 6 dots of Virtues. A single Virtue may be purchased up to 4 with these points; the others may be purchased up to three.

CHARMS: 10 Charms, as normal.


BONUS POINTS: As normal.


CASTE: Any Solar caste.

ATTRIBUTES: Primary 8, Secondary 6, Tertiary 4, as normal.

ABILITIES: 30 Ability points. 10 must be spent on Caste or Favoured Abilities. Furthermore, the normal restrictions from Cult of the Illuminated apply. At least three of the five Calling Abilities must be Caste or Favoured.

BACKGROUNDS: Cult Solars use the Background list and numbers from the Cult book, with the modifications to Artifact and Manse listed above. Two Backgrounds are changed/removed: Followers and Sorcery. Sorcery is replaced by the Library background (see the Backgrounds section), and Followers is completly unnecessary in light of Tiger Warrior. In addition, Cult Solars get access to the following background:

Retinue: While she does not have a massive force, a small number of extremely skilled individuals have pledged themselves to your Solar. Assume that a heroic mortal is worth 1 pt, a god-blood worth 2, a Dragon-Blood 4 and a Lunar 6. In addition, every 30 experience adds 1 pt to a Retinue member's cost.
o - You have only 2 pts worth of Retinue, one or two skilled individuals.
oo - You have 4 pts worth of Retinue, either a number of people or one or two strong ones.
ooo - You have 6 pts worth of Retinue; perhaps a crack squad, or a servant Exalt.
oooo - You have 8 pts worth of Retinue; many people flock to your banner, or you have attracted one servant much stronger than yourself.
ooooo - You have 10 pts worth of Retinue; truly powerful or numerous heroes call you master.

VIRTUES: Solars begin play with 6 dots of Virtues. A single Virtue may be purchased up to 4 with these points; the others may be purchased up to three.

CHARMS: 8 chosen, and 5 special, as normal for the Cult.

WILLPOWER AND ESSENCE: As normal for the Cult.

BONUS POINTS: Cult Solars have 15 bonus points to spend, as normal. They follow ALL normal Bonus Point costs, with no reductions for Calling abilities at this time. Essence DOES cost 10 bonus points, to represent the extra time needed to train it past 3. (A non-cult Solar spends 14 and 21 to reach Essence 4 and 5, a Cult Solar spends 10 and 20.)

CALLING ABILITIES AND CHARMS: Cult Solars are always considered to have trainers for Calling Abilities and Charms, in excess of the normal amount. They halve training times for all these Abilities and Charms. This replaces the normal experience break.