Difference between revisions of "DragonBloodedMelee/TheMyriadOfShades"

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(*reducing Essence requirement on Impassable Flame and Saints of the Untouched Flame)
(*a set of DB Melee Charms (finally finished construction))
Line 18: Line 18:
  <B>Type:</B> Reflexive  
  <B>Type:</B> Reflexive  
  <B>Min. Melee:</B> 5  
  <B>Min. Melee:</B> 5  
  <B>Min. Essence:</B> 2
  <B>Min. Essence:</B> 3
  <B>Prereq:</B> Stoking Bonfire Style
  <B>Prereq:</B> Stoking Bonfire Style
Line 33: Line 33:
  <B>Type:</B> Reflexive  
  <B>Type:</B> Reflexive  
  <B>Min. Melee:</B> 5  
  <B>Min. Melee:</B> 5  
  <B>Min. Ess.:</B> 3
  <B>Min. Ess.:</B> 4
  <B>Prereq:</B> Swift Grassfire March, Impassable Flame  
  <B>Prereq:</B> Swift Grassfire March, Impassable Flame  

Revision as of 17:55, 7 October 2005

Swift Grassfire March</I>

Cost: 5 motes + 1 mote per ally 
Duration: One Scene 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 3 
Prereq.: Deadly Wildfire Legion, Threshing Floor Technique 

The Dragon-Blooded synchonizes the movements of his allies with his own through empathy of movement and essence. The Dragon-Blooded may enhance a number of his consenting allies up to his Essence. Those enhanced go on the Dragon-Blooded's initiative for the rest of the scene.

<I>Impassable Flame</I>

Cost: 3 motes 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Essence: 3 
Prereq: Stoking Bonfire Style

The Dragon-Blooded's sword is quick on the defense, and his defense holds power. He moves to intercept not only blows that endanger him, but his allies as well. Groups of Dragon-Blooded acting together on the defense using this Charm were once coined by a demon as "like a nest of dragons defending their young", and the euphemism, however unlikely, stuck. A group of users of this Charm is referred to as the "Nest of Dragons Formation" among the Terrestrial Exalted to this day.

The Dragon-Blooded may parry an attack aimed at him or at anyone within his Melee in yards with his unmodified Melee score in dice, flashing back and forth to wherever he is needed. This may build a pool from zero, or add to valid pre-existing parries. Multiple users of this Charm may stack their parries against a single attack, though no individual user of this Charm can parry a single attack more than once.

<I>Saints of the Untouched Flame</I>

Cost: 3 motes 
Duration: One Turn 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 4 
Prereq: Swift Grassfire March, Impassable Flame 

The Dragon-Blooded unifies himself and his allies in defense. The Dragon-Blooded may enhance up to his Essence in allies. The Dragon-Blooded and those enhanced may freely parry for one another. They all also gain the Dragon-Blooded's Essence in dice to all parries. This bonus may not create a pool from zero.

<I>Burn As One</I>

Cost: 5 motes per subject, 2 Willpower 
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 5 
Prereq.: Saints of the Untouched Flame 

The souls of the Primordials feared the Dragon-Blooded Host, the footsoldiers of the army of the Exalted and yet, in numbers, fearsomely powerful. A Dragon-Blooded may guide his lessers to victory and push his peers past their limits.

The Dragon-Blooded may include no more than his Essence in consenting allies in this Charm's effects. Allies so enhanced may use the Dragon-Blooded's Dexterity+Melee in place of their own for attacks and parries, though they still use their own equipment, Charms, and other bonuses. These bonuses do not count against Charm dice caps.

Dragon-Blooded who use this Charm on each other, however, have higher effects. If two or more Dragon-Blooded are using this Charm simutaneously on each other, they each add 3 to their initiative and 1 to their attack and parry pools for every Dragon-Blooded in the link. These dice do not count against the Dragon-Blooded's normal Ability+Specialty dice cap. For more than two Dragon-Blooded to create this link, every Dragon-Blooded must be using the Charm on every other Dragon-Blooded in the link. No more Dragon-Blooded can participate in the link than the highest Essence score of any character in the group.

<I>Dragon Fouls The Air</I>

Cost: 5 motes 
Duration: One Turn 
Type: Reflexive 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 3 
Prereq.: Fire Incites Water to a Riot of Clouds, Blinding Spark Distraction 

The Dragon-Blooded further refines his ability to channel aspects of fire through his blade. When under the effects of this Charm, the Dragon-Blooded's weapon releases thick, stinking smoke into the air, obscuring the Terrestrial from his opponent's view.

While this Charm is active, attempts attack or defend against the Dragon-Blooded suffer the blindness penalty, subtracting 2 successes. This Charm causes an automatic failure on any stealth attempts by the Dragon-Blooded-- not only is the smoke extremely obvious visually, but even in a pitch black room the smoke's smell makes the Terrestrial's presence obvious.

<I>Wrathful Dragon Claw</I>

Cost: 5 motes 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Supplemental 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 4 
Prereq.: Dragon Fouls The Air 

Mastery of using one's blade for fire expands the mastery of using one's blade for any element. This Charm functions as Dragon-Graced Weapon, but that Charm's different elemental effects are replaced with the following ones.

Air: An amazingly powerful gale of wind batters the Dragon-Blooded's enemies. The target of the attack is knocked back the Charm user's (Strength x10) in yards, minus 5 yards for every success the target gets on a reflexive Stamina+Athletics roll. This effect takes place even if the attack is successfully parried (though not if it is dodged), and may also be used to supplement an existing parry against a hand-to-hand attack, in which case it affects the Charm user's attacker. This Charm does not provide a parry action and cannot be used reflexively against an incoming attack.

Earth: The force behind the Dragon-Blooded's weapon is the strength of the world, and none can stand against it for long-- all must bend before the Dragon-Blooded's might or be knocked senseless. When used to supplement an attack or parry (which still does damage or reduces successes as normal, though the parry must be versus a hand-to-hand attack, also, this Charm does not provide a parry action and cannot be used reflexively against an incoming attack.), the character's successes are also applied to the target/attack as a disarm attempt. Mortal brawling aids shatter when they come into contact with this Charm, though magical brawling aids are proof against this Charm. Used against barehanded opponents, this Charm inflicts stun (-2 to all rolls, see the corebook) for (6+Charm user's Essence)-(target's Stamina) in turns. This penalty is culmulative for multiple uses of this Charm on the same target.

Fire: The very air ignites when a Fire-Aspect calls upon his power, and a substantial wave of flames follows in the wake of his attacks. Anyone the Dragon-Blooded attacks using this Charm must soak twice the Dragon-Blooded's Essence in fire damage (armor soak does not apply, but the damage can be soaked to zero) seperately from the attack, even if the attack misses. Using a perfect defense against the initial attack is the only way to negate this effect.

Water: Mastering the mutable principles of his own power, the Water-Aspect bends the essence of his weapon to match the essence of his aspect. The weapon ebbs and flows in what is often an illogical maneuver that frustrates defenders and utterly confounds incoming attacks. An attack supplemented by this Charm cannot be dodged or parried without the use of Charms. This Charm may also be used to supplement a parry action (or parry granted by the use of other Charms-- this Charm does not provide a parry action and cannot be used reflexively against an incoming attack)-- it reduces both the incoming attack's pool and the Dragon-Blooded's parry pool to zero before the use of Charms.

Wood: Emulating the deadliest natural life in Creation, a Wood-Aspect's weapon is lethal in and of itself. The Dragon-Blooded's weapon spouts poisonous barbs covered with even more, even smaller poisonous barbs that can barely be seen with the naked eye. The damage of the attack is increased by the Dragon-Blooded's Essence. If the opponent takes even one level of lethal damage from the attack, the poison takes effect and the Dragon-Blooded may roll his Essence in extra dice of unsoakable lethal damage.

<I>(Element) Dragon-Soul Unity</I>

Cost: 12 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level 
Duration: Scene 
Type: Simple 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 5 
Prereq.: Wrathful Dragon Claw 

The Dragon-Blooded's weapon radiates its master's Aspect-- expelling gusts of wind, dripping water, sprouting and shedding flowers, etc. The Dragon-Blooded unites his essence with that of his blade, blessing it as the Dragons bless their Chosen.

For the duration of the scene, any mortal weapon the Dragon-Blooded weilds has the effects of Dragon-Graced Weapon on every attack. Any jade weapon the Dragon-Blooded weilds has the effects of Wrathful Dragon Claw on every attack or parry (as applicable by the Charm's text). Mortal weapons are ruined by this Charm at the end of its Duration and cannot be repaired.

<I>Essence-Banishing Strike</I>

Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 health level 
Duration: Instant 
Type: Simple 
Min. Melee: 5 
Min. Ess.: 4 
Prereq.: Spirit-Branding Blade Technique 

Refining the principles of manipulating fire essence in his attacks, the character goes far beyond simple branding an opponent, instead burning through the essence of his victim's being, at a cost of the Dragon-Blooded's own physical and mental integrity.

The Dragon-Blooded makes an attack at his normal pool. Used to attack a materialized target, this attack does extra damage equal to the Dragon-Blooded's Essence. Unless treated with magical healing, this damage takes longer to heal than normal-- Exalted heal as mortals do (including penalties for badly set bones and the like) and mortals do not heal at all. Any form of magical healing (both Charms and other effects like that of life flowers, from Scavenger Sons) negates this effect.

The Charm's main use is to attack dematerialized targets. If this attack strikes a dematerialized target, that target loses motes of essence equal to twice the Dragon-Blooded's Essence. If the target is out of essence, the damage from this attack is aggravated. Spirits killed by aggravated damage from this Charm are slain permanently. Spirits can sense Dragon-Blooded who know this Charm, and unlike with their Celestial superiors, most spirits take personal offense to the Terrestrial Exalted holding such power and in many cases will plot to destroy them.

=== Comments ===