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= Backgrounds =
#REDIRECT [[DBSInfernalExaltedDBSInfernalBackgrounds/Backgrounds]]
Infernal Exalted were mortals of the cruellest calibre in their mundane life, and often amassed followers, influence, renown and wealth. When they are taken by the Yozis, they suffer months or even years of torture, returning to a world that has mostly forgotten them. Typically, the Infernal uses his newfound abilities to reforge their reputation and holding in Creation stronger and more fearsome than before. Infernal Exalted purchase their Backgrounds as Solars do, with the following exceptions:
== Voices ==
The Solar shards the Yozis use in the creation of their servants is corrupted by its time in Malfeas, bloated green pulses of sickly light. Horrific truths and maddening thoughts of the Demon Princes buffet them, encroaching ever further upon their mind. Wherever the Infernals go, this inner profanity haunts them and distorts their perceptions.
Some, rather than seeking to drown out these profane voices, open their mind to the screaming voices embedded within it and seek to unravel some wisdom from the broken shrieks and utterances. Once per day, an Infernal with this background may spend a point of temporary Willpower and reflexively roll Perception + Voices to perform one of the following actions:
Listening to the silver-tongued words of rumour and gossip, the Infernal may seek to hear of an event of agony or corruption relating to their present company, frequently used to manipulate the people they deal with. The higher the number of successes, the more hurtful or shameful the memory.
Submitting to the hysteric commands of Malfeas, the Infernal can allow herself to be buffeted along by the Yozis’ will, ordered to wherever or whatever act would be in the Demon Princes’ purpose. The greater the number of successes rolled, the clearer the suggestions.
By unhinging all of her mental defences, the Infernal can surrender her actions to her inner corruption, withdrawing as her body takes on a life of its own. She may substitute her Voices rating for that of any other Ability. However, she is not in control of what she is doing at the time, and may say or do things she wouldn’t otherwise do.
# You hear the discordant words of the Demon Princes, but have difficulty pulling insight from the mad cacophony.
# Your mind is opened to the twisted perceptions of your patrons.
# The Yozis have a strong influence over your soul, their insinuations, suggestions and demands buffeting you along a thousand mazy paths.
# You shall never know silence, or logical reflection; the maddening words from within assault you every second, imparting horrible and seductive wisdom to your addled mind.
# Mortals may consider you irredeemably insane, but you know better. The Yozis’ voices are inextricable from your own thoughts. Their will is your own.
== Sorcery ==
Primal forces of Creation, countless millennia old, the Yozis are masters of its secrets. They gleefully impart this knowledge to their servants, secure in the fact that its power will be used to inflict havoc and suffering upon the world. Taking this Charm allows a character, tutored by demons of higher Circles, to begin the game with knowledge of a certain number of sorcerous spells without having to swap out Charms for the privilege. These spells cannot be necromantic, for the mastery of the patterns of death arose with the downfall and entrapment of the Demon Princes.
# You have basic instruction in sorcery. Your character begins with knowledge of one spell of the Terrestrial Circle.
# You have a strong understanding of the core principles of magic. Your character starts with knowledge of two spells of the Terrestrial Circle.
# You have received extensive training in the arts of sorcery. Your character starts with knowledge of three spells of the Terrestrial Circle.
# You have advanced understanding of how the laws of Creation can be undermined with Essence. Your character starts with knowledge of five spells of the Terrestrial or Celestial Circle.
# You are a prodigy of the arcane arts. Your character starts with knowledge of seven spells of the Terrestrial or Celestial Circle.
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== Feedback ==
Something I did with my own Sorcery background (for Sidereals): Same number of spells, but instead of saying "all of them can conceivably be Celestial Circle spells" for the four- and five-dot levels, give them the ability to have a number of Celestial Circle spells equal to the number of dots above three (ie. one or two). Just a thought, would make things more balanced. -- [[Will]]
A very nice idea, but I'd rather keep it as a houserule (albeit one I'll implement myself) than deviate from the spirit of canon when writing rules for others to implement...DeathBySurfeit
As for my opinion on that, it really isn't particularly necessary. Terrestial circle spells are good enough that people will take them even if given the option to go with all celestial level.  When it comes down to it, the higher levels of sorcery are certainly more powerful, but they never really invalidate the use of terrestial circle.  - [[Jaelra]]

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010