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Second Session.
Second Session.
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The principalities of An-Teng: A short lesson <BR>
The principalities of An-Teng: A short lesson <BR>
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"Wonderful. Just wonderful..."
"Wonderful. Just wonderful..."
Sarlk, out of pure reflexes, manages to stay firmly on board by slaming both of his arms on the sides of the boat and hold himself. At the apperance of the snout, the Solar let out an sneer. Damnit, that's just /WHAT/ they needed right now. "Sit tight! I got this big oversized scaly right undercontrol!" He declares out, ignoring saftey inhibitors in his brain. Crouching down, the Dawn Cast warrior springs right toward the location of the boat where the big snout appears, landing a feet on the side of the boat. He uses his gained momentum to dive his spear at the monster. <BR>
Sarlk, out of pure reflexes, manages to stay firmly on board by slaming both of his arms on the sides of the boat and hold himself. At the apperance of the snout, the Solar let out an sneer. Damnit, that's just [[/WHAT]]/ they needed right now. "Sit tight! I got this big oversized scaly right undercontrol!" He declares out, ignoring saftey inhibitors in his brain. Crouching down, the Dawn Cast warrior springs right toward the location of the boat where the big snout appears, landing a feet on the side of the boat. He uses his gained momentum to dive his spear at the monster. <BR>
Repeatedly, if needed.
Repeatedly, if needed.
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The boatswain looks over at the damage to the boat... "Most honorable sirs, we must beach the boat quickly so I might make repairs..."
The boatswain looks over at the damage to the boat... "Most honorable sirs, we must beach the boat quickly so I might make repairs..."
"Hah! Go back to the deeps, you overgrown monster!" Sarlk taunts out openly at the fleeing River drawing, executing an few spins with his spear before just replacing it on his back. Alright, he take it back now: that was /FUN/. <BR>
"Hah! Go back to the deeps, you overgrown monster!" Sarlk taunts out openly at the fleeing River drawing, executing an few spins with his spear before just replacing it on his back. Alright, he take it back now: that was [[/FUN]]/. <BR>
"Yeah, of course! Anything we can help with?" He offer to the boatswain.
"Yeah, of course! Anything we can help with?" He offer to the boatswain.
Line 249: Line 249:
Iron Siaka shrugs. "Fine with me."
Iron Siaka shrugs. "Fine with me."
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Revision as of 09:02, 3 April 2010

Second Session.

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The principalities of An-Teng: A short lesson
If you're familiar with Vietnam, it's a lot like that. Always conquered by somebody, the natives are expert at guerilla fighting, and they pay lip service to the Dragon-Blooded. They were once a loyal vassal state to the Solars, but they were mercilessly crushed by the Dragon-blooded.
It is filled with rivers to get you anywhere, and your students were left in a city called Prosperous Garden.
And the place is mostly jungle.

Hulen has brought the book of rituals with him. To stay occupied on the boat.
"You live down this way, then?"

"Not really." Sarlk gives, shaking his head. He's a bit upsit in the boat, resisting the urge to move around. He hate boats...not hatehate, but dont like them. "I told them to wait there, simply."

The boatswain attends about his business, mending nets and offering prayers to the spirit of the First Age engine the boat has sort of strapped onto it.

Hulen nods.
"It's an interesting area...when we're ready, we might look to it for support. When, of course, being the key word."

There's a loud crrracking sound as the boat is almost capsized. The boatswain is almost knocked overboard from the force of the impact. "It's too far upriver for them..." He's heard muttering.

Hulen is almost knocked overboard, but manages to snatch onto the railing. Sarlk stands firm, easily.

Up out of the water a huge snapping snout emerges. There's splashes of water all over the place. "River dragon!" THe boatswain screams.

Hulen grabs onto the railing, staring at the creature.
"Wonderful. Just wonderful..."

Sarlk, out of pure reflexes, manages to stay firmly on board by slaming both of his arms on the sides of the boat and hold himself. At the apperance of the snout, the Solar let out an sneer. Damnit, that's just /WHAT/ they needed right now. "Sit tight! I got this big oversized scaly right undercontrol!" He declares out, ignoring saftey inhibitors in his brain. Crouching down, the Dawn Cast warrior springs right toward the location of the boat where the big snout appears, landing a feet on the side of the boat. He uses his gained momentum to dive his spear at the monster.
Repeatedly, if needed.

Hulen gets his balance...and leaps at the beast's nose in a flying kick. If he misses...well, he's compensated enough that he'll probably land on the boat right in front of it. If not, he's going to flip /off/ its nose back onto the boat. This isn't the easiest opponent to attack.

The attack hits perfectly, but... the thick hide of the river dragon sort of dulls it, reducing the sound to a dull sounding thump. Hulen lands back on the boat with little trouble.

Rynel takes a couple steps forward, so he can get a clear shot, and fires an arrow off at the river dragon. Not much room to do anything fancy.

The River dragon bellows loudly and slinks off into the river, quite pissed off but brutalized...

Rynel lowers his bow. "That shouldn't bother us for a while. I should probably buy some more arrows..."

The boatswain looks over at the damage to the boat... "Most honorable sirs, we must beach the boat quickly so I might make repairs..."

"Hah! Go back to the deeps, you overgrown monster!" Sarlk taunts out openly at the fleeing River drawing, executing an few spins with his spear before just replacing it on his back. Alright, he take it back now: that was /FUN/.
"Yeah, of course! Anything we can help with?" He offer to the boatswain.

Hulen nods.
"That sounds good. Yes, if we can help, please just ask."

The boatswain steers it towards the bank. "Yes yes... I need your assistance in pulling the ship ashore... Strong gentlemen such as yourself should be able to haul it aground.

Hulen says, "I think I might be able to help more actually fixing it, but...ah, well. We can certainly help, yes."

Rynel nods. "I'd be glad to help out."

"Of course! I'll be glad to!" He almost feel bad thought. The fight din't lasted a long time..

It is relatively easy for the four men to pull the boat ashore so the boatswain can start repairing it. He starts sizing up some trees to cut down into planks for repairing it. "Well, if any of you sirs are expert craftsmen, it would be quite appreciated if you would help make the planks." He starts chopping down a good tree.

Rynel frowns. "I'd just get in the way. If theres anything else I could help with...?"

"Getting the water out would be extremely helpful too. Your meals would be soggy otherwise, sirs."

Hulen says, "I can help with the planks more than moving the boat."

Rynel goes to help with that, then. Draining the boat seems simple enough.

"I'm afriad...not, sorry..." Sarlk says, helping getting the stuff out so it's, yknow, dont get soggy.

So the next morning, the group is chugging along the river with the city of Prosperous Garden in sight. "Thank you so much sirs for your help. I am sure the river dragon would have returned for me if I had been alone. Please, take a small token of my gratitude." He gives you three vouchers to a tavern in Prosperous Garden.
"My cousin owns it, and he will understand why I have given you these when you tell him your tale of saving my poor life."

Sarlk takes the vouchers with a nod. "Thanks you very much." He din't excepted that...but it's good to have an little gratitude from people.

Hulen smiles.
"Thank you, sir. May you have better luck with your boat."

Rynel says, "Thank you. Good fortune to you."

This "city" appears to be a collection of houses and bamboo groves arranged around a tall towering palace. There is a faint recollection of the First Age here, mostly in the buildings. It is a canal city, meaning boat is used to travel to most places around here. Sarlk's students are staying at the Golden Egg, home of some of the best breakfast foods around.

The voucher pocketed, the Solar Sarlk is moving about the city, looking around trying to locate himself again. "Alright...alright, tell me if you see an big sign with 'Golden Egg' written on it. There's an big yellow oval thing drawed on it, too. That's where I told 'em to wait for me."

Rynel looks around as he walks, wondering who lives in the palace. "Okay."

Hulen nods.
"It is an interesting little town. Perhaps we could return later, when we've amassed a bit more strength...also, I think I need a weapon, if we're facing beasts like that more often."

There are a few merchants who sell Martial Arts weapons.

Rynel goes to see if anything is any good.

"Big" Yen Sahi sells most kinds of martial arts weapons. He puffs on his elaborate pipe, looking Hulen and Rynel over. He's called 'Big' because the man is about as big as Sarlk is. "How may I serve you, sirs?"

Rynel looks the weapons over. "We're looking for quality weapons."

Big Yen looks at Rynel carefully. "What -sort- of quality are you looking for?"

Rynel says, "High quality."

Sarlk doth looks over the shop, or at least the stand. His eyes drift around, but he's mostly just observing. This is not his place to buy weapons. "He's asking what /kind/. A Spear, a sword, an axe?"

Big Yen leans on his counter. "Enough to make a Dynast jealous?" He grins and puffs on his pipe. "You see, most people want... sharpened sticks with metal on the end. Easier to disguise."

Rynel nods. "I'd imagine. Though, it would be difficult to make a Dynast jealous, good sir. I myself am wondering what you may have that would so such a thing? It must be of excellent craftsmanship."

Big Yen gestures to Rynel's powerbow. "Well, I figure you are one of the holy Dragon-blooded if you are carrying one of those. I have a few special weapons I can show you, though, you must have good credit to purchase it."

Rynel nods. "I have good enough credit, sir. What sort of weapons do you mean?"

First, Big Yen walks over casually and flips his sign to say 'Closed'. Then he locks the doors and closes the sashes on his windows. Then he ushers you three into the back. "I cannot take chances, sirs. I would prefer not to be robbed by more eager Dragon-Blooded."

Rynel nods again. "I understand."

Big Yen unveils his meager collection of wondrous weapons. A seven-section staff, in particular, stands out.

Rynel examines the staff. "Hmm."

"For that, I ask a wagon full of jade so I may retire to the mountains of the Golden Lord to the east." He smiles at the thought.
The weapon is made of magical jade.
Big Yen writes down what he would like on a parchment in return for the weapon.

Rynel takes a look at the price. He looks at Hulen. "Would this be sufficient for your needs?"

Hulen looks it over. "Yes, I can work with this. It's a good weapon."

Rynel nods. He looks at Big Yen. "We'll take it."

Big Yen nods. "Now I can retire and purchase a villa in the mountains for my wife to manage with her lovely iron fist." An-Teng is matriarchal in many matters, land ownership being one of them. "Now, you will arrange for the payment to arrive soon?" He looks at Rynel.

Rynel nods. "Of course." He works payment for the weapon out with Big Yen.

Big Yen hands the weapon over to Hulen. "It is named Serpent's Lotus, good sir." He bows low. "And if you need my services in the future, please do not hesitate."

Hulen says, "Thank you. We will."

So... everybody makes it to the Golden Egg Tavern after a time...
And the tavern is in the middle of a brawl... as evidenced by some random guy getting tossed out the door.

Rynel hms. "Well then."

Hulen sighs.
"Wonderful. Just wonderful."

Sarlk was about to enter the tavern at that time, but he was quick enough to jump out of the tossed man's way, looking down at him...then peer inside. "Damnit. I'm missing the fun?"

Hulen says, "...wooooonderful."

"ARRRR! WOMAN! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" roars a recognizable voice. "NOBODY INSULTS THE MASTER!" Yeah, it's probably one of Sarlk's students.

Rynel enters the tavern, prepared to break up a fight. "Whats going on here?"

Sarlk let out a gruuuuuunt. No, that's not fun. The Dawn Solar enters the tavern and look around to spot his students, hands slamed in his side and bellows out. "STOP THIS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!"

Hulen leaves this part to his louder companions, and is ready to try and clean up any mess they happen to make.

"I only compared his spear technique to that of a drunken hyboc! Sloppy! Needs more practice!" says a woman... who might well be mistaken for a man if it were not for her busom. She dodges a thrown barstool with fluid grace.
The other six students are trying to pin the enraged one down. "Calm down, Red-Eye! She doesn't know what she's saying!"

Hulen sighs. Again.
"So. Can someone explain to me what's going on here, please?"
Hopefully quiet and sane will work with some bystander. Either that or nothing will happen.

Sarlk's expression goes severe. Time to act the teacher part, now. The Master slowly walk over his students, staring both at them and the woman. "What's is this all about?" He says, eyeing the 'woman' in question. But then he get it. They are defending his honor. Ahhh...brave little ones!
"So, you insulte my style. Did you ever seen it in action?"

Hulen says, "...oh /no/..."

Rynel sighs. He looks at Sarlk. "Don't do anything you might regret."

Hulen says, "Don't do anything /we/ might regret you doing, either, please."

The propieter says. "Please! No more fighting! It is bad for business! I'll make some tea and you can properly talk things over like two well-mannered people would!"

Sarlk look over the propieter, then eye the woman. Gruuuuunt. "Just who are /you/ anyway?"

She grins, reminding you of a shark... "Iron Siaka, yours?" Siaka are HUGE shark-like things that prowl the seas...

Hulen turns to Rynel. "You have money. Can you pay him not to do this? This man does not need bloodstains on his floor. His /or/ hers."

"You may call me Sarlk." The Dawn Solar take a breath and...actualy sit down. For now. "And, tell me, what do you find so bad about my style, mmm?" Got to stay in control. Your the master here. You can't go gung-ho on any moron striking the first insulte to you.

Rynel sighs in relief. Hes glad they didn't have to get into a senseless fight.

Siaka wrinkles her nose.. "It lacks finesse. Too much "You! Eat the end of this spear!" type stuff. Where's the subtle nuances and hooks you can lead your opponent on with?"

Hulen mutters to Rynel, "...wait, are they having an intellectual conversation now, or is this a prelude to violence? I'd prefer the first, myself."

Rynel quietly responds, "So would I. She seems to know how to fight, though, and I don't think our friend here will stand for too many more insults, intentional or not."

"Finess, you want?" Sarlk, echoes, looking at his students. "Theses are my students. They are still learning." He look back at the 'shark woman'. "If you base the entire style on the actions a few neophits, you lack both judgement and wisdom."

Siaka laughs... "Have a drink on me then, handsome." Well, she prefers chicks herself, but there's no harm in getting the three drunk in hopes of gathering information...
"And don't look so insulted. If you took offense at everybody that takes shots at your skill, you'd be executed by the Dynasts by now."

"Fair enough." Sarlk replies with a wide grin. Oh, he never REALLY wanted to jump in a fight...But, well, it was pretty close. He eyes his students. "I damned hope this the only thing that happaned while I was away." He gives at them.

"She has been here since we arrived, goading us, honorable master. Tonight, Red-Eyes has had too much ale and simply let his temper get the better of him."

Rynel takes a seat, and look around the place. "Hmm."

Sarlk return his attention to Iron Siaka. "So, you were either waiting for me, or this is one of the biggest coencidences I've found."

"Hmmm...? And what if I was?" She grins again, reminding you of a shark circling it's prey, though she shares no traits with a shark.

"Then I would ask you what you want." Sarlk answers, plainly.

Siaka hmmms.. looking thoughtful for a moment. "I couldn't tell you what I wanted. I'd love to see your style in action though! Would it be too much to travel with you?"

Rynel looks at Hulen and Sarlk. "I see no problem with her joining us."

"So let me get this straight." Sarlk continues. "You stay for a few days in the same tavern of my students, constantly nagging them about the style they are learning, for the single, simple reason that you wish to travel with us."

Rynel looks over at Sarlk. "Its possible you could learn something from her, you know. Improving your fighting style beyond 'Impale target on long stick' would probably be a good idea."

Sarlk eyes Rynel. "It's /not/ only that!"

Rynel raises his eyebrows. "Really? If you're so insulted that shes been poking fun at your style, then go fight her. I'd like to see you two go at it, but I get the feeling shes stronger than we may think. If I were her, I wouldn't be insulting you, however indirectly, unless I knew I wouldn't be seriously injured."

Hulen says, "Therefore, wouldn't the smartest thing be to say she can come with us? Better a friend than an enemy. I'd rather not have to deal with a fight here."

Siaka laughs... "Here, have some rice beer! It's the local specialty." She orders two from the propieter, gives one to Sarlk. "It doesn't matter to me if you let me go with you, I just thought traveling with you would be 'interesting'.

Rynel nods. "Our travels are certainly... interesting."

Sarlk take the drink, eyeing his compagion and let out a mental sigh. "What is our next objective, again?"

Hulen looks around the inn. "We were, I believe, going to take your students back."
Why the obvious? Because announcing plans to visit possibly hostile territory in a crowded inn isn't bright.

Rynel nods. "We should get going soon."

Siaka downs a mug of ale. "Right! We should be going soon!" ... "Unless you really don't want me to go. C'mon, it's not -that- hard to say no to a girl."

Rynel leans back. "I've already put in my two jade, so to speak."

Hulen comes up with a great idea. Wash his hands of the matter.
"This, my friend, is /your/ decision."
He points to Sarlk.
"She's talking about /your/ spear style."

"Tell that to /them/." Sarlk goes, eyeing the other two solars. "You may stay long enough to only see an glimsp of my style, then you'll go on your way." He could also simply give a demonstration with his students

Iron Siaka shrugs. "Fine with me."

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