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Session 1 took place on September 28th, 2007, with Arimus, Crys Gattz, Threefold Shadow, and Orani Mina in attendance. Each recieve 3 XP.
Session 1 took place on September 28th, 2007, with Arimus, Crys Gattz, Threefold Shadow, and Orani Mina in attendance. Each recieve 3 XP.
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== Out of the Fishbowl Part 1 ==
== Out of the Fishbowl Part 1 ==
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Session 1 took place on September 28th, 2007, with Arimus, Crys Gattz, Threefold Shadow, and Orani Mina in attendance. Each recieve 3 XP.

Return to Darzoni/WarManse13

Out of the Fishbowl Part 1

The fields are an emerald plain of foodstuffs, with fruit-encrusted clumps of orchards dotting the farmlands. Overhead the adamant dome diffuses and adds a yellow tinge to the sunlight above. It is one of the Five Days Darkness... Calibration. The ill-fated time of year where the spirit world and the mortal world is closest. Ghosts walk Creation and the Gods hold their party in the Celestial City...

yes the gods party while she's on patrol for other issues within the fortress that is her home clad in a suit of powered armor she contiunes along her patrol pattern oh well better than dealing with rising rightous fire and his attuide. While she had no bad blood too the exalted it was a personal thing with the young Dragon Blood and his utter distane for mortals being able to do anything......

In a darkened store room in an unused, half-remembered corner of the manse, a young man sits crosslegged on a dry-rotted crate, the contents long turned to dust. So much as a tap of a single fingertip would shatter the ancient wood to dust, but it nevertheless suffices to support him and the heavy orichalcum sword, as large as a mortal's longsword but nevertheless considered a small specimin, which lays across his lap. His head is bowed and he seems to be deep in concentration, lips moving slightly and brow furrowed.

And as it has approximately five times in approximatly 1,500 years, the Calibration Gate opens up in the fields, dumping an outsider out of it before closing and disappearing again...

Somewhere on the Western Sea, in the middle of a storm, a bunch of Lookshy merchant-marines carry precious cargo back towards home. "The storm shows us no mercy! We shall be sunk if we do not drop our cargo!" One young man would push his glasses back with a frown. "We can ill afford to lose these supplies, else we'll not be able to repair the big guns! Do you want to tell that to the Officers?! To the people who might die without those guns?!" "N-no!" "This is but a light sprinkle compared to the blizzards that plague Gethamane!"

And then the Calibration Gate hits.. And the drenched mortal finds himself in the middle of.. Someplace entirely different. He couldn't see at first, not until he put his glasses back on, as they had fallen to the ground. "..Oh, dear.."

And a reveling little god picks up Arimus and laughs... and throws him through the Calibration gate, waving politely. Then Arimus finds himself dumped in front of Crys Gatz, the doorway closed and gone.

Crys pauses as the gate opens in the distance, she swears and breaks into a run at this point heading for the person whose fallen out, and off her back comes her Daiklav and speaks in Old Realm. "Halt, keep your hands where I can see them and remove all your weapons. No funny business either."

Runners quickly take note of the newcomer and spread the word. Eventually there's a knock on the store room where the Zenith is meditating. "Honored Lawgiver, an outsdier has arrived." says one of the Zenith's followers in all due reverence.

Shadow, the young man in the store-room, takes a deep breath, holding it for a long three count as his head comes up. When he lets it out, he slips off the ancient crate like a whisper of a breeze, and quickly hides the small daiklave no one is supposed to know he has in one of the other, sturdier, crates in the room. Only then does he approach the door, swinging it just wide enough to slip through. "Thank you, Malachi." He acknowledges the follower with a small, distinctly 'master-to-servant' nod. He turns, moving off toward the nearest exit at a swift but not terribly -hurried- pace. It would never do, after all, to arrive out of breath or otherwise flustered-looking.

Arimus blankly stares. "..Gunzosha armor.. Orichalcum Daiklave.. Bloody hell, that's rare stuff.." Of course, he's speaking in Riverspeak at the moment. Then the woman spoke, and he finally blinked. "..Blast." He'd scratch his head for a moment, trying to remember his Old Realm.. Then snapping his fingers, and starting to speak in a similar tongue. "How I mine for fish?" It seemed that he immediately realized his mistake, frowning at himself. 'No, no, that's not right.. Try it again, Ari.' "Ahem.. Beg your pardon. Where am I, now?" Getting his question correct this time.

By now, it is clear where the Outsider is, as a cluster of people have gathered about him, including some of the Dragon-Blooded guards. The older guard lets Crys handle the situation, since he trained the girl himself. He holds back one of the more brash and eager Terrestrials with a short quip of "Hold." in Old Realm. Arimus may quickly realize that /everybody/ here is speaking in Old Realm.

Crys pause at the riverspeak, oh Unconqured Sun he's speaking a crazy moon language. She stares at him for a long moment as he goes. How do I mine for fish? "... I said /no/ funny business." She's keeping a close eye on him then pauses. Okay he's speaking with a bizzar accent but he's understandable. "War Manse 13. You got dropped throughthe gate here." Okay this is really showing at this point how well she's been traied. "Now please your weapons, we know not who you are after all and it's a matter of Security." She does lower her weapon at this point as an sign she doen't intent to start anything.

Arimus returns to blankly staring at the woman. "...War Manse 13? Where the.." Suddenly, it becomes apparent that he is in fact, surrounded. '.. What in the name of Mercury have you gotten yourself into this time, Arimus?' He'd very slowly, so as not to provoke a misunderstanding vis-a-vis swift movement, pull out a rather spiffy looking pistol, and a finely crafted short sword. The pistol they might recognize as something from the First Age, albeit not an artifact weapon.. The short sword was likely an alien design to them, though. "Of course.. I understand perfectly, miss." Security was definitely something he was familiar with. "..War Manse 13 is.. -Where-, precisely?" 'It looks like the ruins southeast of Gem, near the edge of the world.. And yet, something's different.. It's so much more well -maintained-..'

Crys says "It lies in the western region of the relm sir." She now goes to take the weapons pausing at the first age weapon. Interesting not bad at all, she knows there's a crate of them somewhere in the armory at least she thinks. Anywhow he ssays. She peers for a moment looking at him funny. Where else is there anywhere but the relm?!

Shadow's strides cut through the gathering crowd like a fast warship clipping the waves. His follower, Malachi, tags along in his wake. Nearing the front of the crowd, his eyes sweep the situation, and then he moves over toward the older Dragon-Blood. He speaks in a low tone for that officer's ears alone, "Is everything under control?"

The elder Fire Aspect, one Gunigou of the Watch, nods quietly to the Zenith. "Yes, Honored Lawgiver, I believe so." He says in a low voice. He notices the impatience of his junior, and very quietly steps on the brash Water-aspect's foot to prevent him from going anywhere.

Wading patiently and relatively unobstrusively through the throng of excited onlookers, a hooded figure makes her way close to the center of the commotion. She carries an intricately carved walking stick, symbols and sigils burnished into the wood. Not much can be made of her face, but her eyes that stare intently on the cause of the scene stand out from beneath the shadow of the hood, a bright piercing blue. She says nothing so far, taking in the situation and the reactions of the people around her. Notably those people taking charge.

Alright.. West. Arimus could work with that. "West of..? Where, pray tell? The Blessed Isle? Azure? Abalone?" He wished he'd kept his bloody -map-, and not left it in his cabin. 'Now what..' Taking a step back as people got closer. He never was too terribly comfortable around people, for the most part. Especially not this many, and all.. Five minutes away from poking him like an experiment. 'What would Fayn do?.. Hit on the nearest bloke, likely.' Clearing his throat a bit. "You.. Folks don't get many visitors, do you?"

Crys is being polite as the outsider is coperating. "Good, thank you for your coperation." She says a she now hooks both weapons on toher belt for the moment. She looks at the man for a moment "The Western section of the Relm." She look for him for a momnt. "It's very rare, the method of which you arrived is the only way in and there is no way out. Now sir if I might your name? I am Gunzosha Commando Crys Gattz." She says "Now if you can come with me we can sort things out. Put it this way visators are so rare it causes everthing to grind to a ...." She pauses noticeing the arrival of at least one of the solars. "halt to the point even the Lawgivers come to see." She says. "Now if you will follow me."

Shadow, assured that the situation seems to be under control, takes a step back, becoming nothing more than another spectator for the time being, albeit a very -interested- spectator. He folds his arms across his chest, tucking hands into opposing sleaves, and waits.

A runner approaches Shadow and whispers a summons to the Manse Lord's throne room... another approaches the hooded figure with the blue eyes with the same summons.

Arimus quirks a brow at this.. Commando. No way out? That won't do. That won't do at -all-. "There better be a way out. I'm needed at home. The cannons won't repair themselves and frankly half the engineers on them barely know a spractor from a Gibbons wrench." Frowning as he followed the warrior. 'Can't be much older than me, if she is at all. Poor thing.. Maybe ten, fifteen years at best.. Wait. Did she say LAWGIVERS?!' He almost faltered in his steps, looking wide-eyed. '.. Lawgiver, lawgiver. Anathema?!.. No, you must have misheard her, old boy..' "Uhm.. I don't suppose, miss Gattz, I could have a towel or something? I'm a tad drenched, want to look a wee bit more presentable."

Shadow arches an eyebrow slightly at the messenger, and then simply nods acknowledgement. Turning to the Fire, he smiles wryly, "Excuse me, Gunigou; it seems I am needed elsewhere." Turning then on his heal, he strides away as quickly as he came, his follower doing just that.

Crys thinks if things work out she wants to ask him all about what its like outside of this place. She's wonddered for thelongest type. "We shall see sir, we do not hold people out of malice." She pauses calling to one of the farmers. "Samson, can you quikcly fetch this man a towel it wouldn't due to have him shivering and dripping all over the floor when we bring him before our leader." A way out what's out there. She thinks nothing about the Solars, the one here in the War Manse have not opresed the populus they improved things infact. The farmer returns with a towel, he grabbed from a near by home, it's clean but that's about all it's got for it he hand the guest the towel then depart a Crys leads him on hading for the Operations Center is which i where Thousand-hands seat of rule is.

The hooded figure tilts her head as the runner approaches her and receives the message. The messenger is acknowledged with a nearly-imperceptible nod and then locks her eyes upon Arimus for about five seconds before turning in place and beginning to make her way back through the crowd of people. Her feet move gracefully over the floor of the Manse and once she is free of the crowd, she brings the end of the walking stick down three firm times on the ground and stands still, waiting. Scarcely a minute later, a large eagle flies into the open area and circles once before coming down and settling upon her shoulder. A hand extends from the privacy of her cloak, bearing a small gift to the animal, which is gobbled down hastily as the two now move with purpose towards the Manse Lord's area.

The Operations Center is a place of great ceremony, even though the vast majority of the systems have lain dormant for the better part of an Age. There's monitors for the autonomous systems such as air recycling and water purification and collection. But generally, this Manse has seen better days. There is the five-hundred year old Solar known as Umari Thousand-Hands, the Farmer who became king. The man has gathered what few other Solars are in the Manse here, including two figures seen previous.

Thousand-Hands seems to be a king of a fallen nation, looking aged from hard work in the fields, possessed of storm-cloud hair and flint-colored eyes. His skin is the pale white of Northerners, indicating that this man's ancestors were probably from the North in much the same way that this little glasshouse shows indications of every sort of Mortal having been here. Arimus has even seen people with long pointy ears like a fae-blood's. "So, Outsider, please introduce yourself." Thousand-Hands says quietly, seeming weary, but it's a smooth even tone that commands attention.

'...Right. Thank Mercury momma always made sure I went out on a dig with a full hip flask.' This was madness. This wasn't possible. The 'outsider' pulled a small flask from inside of his coat, and began drinking it down. At least half of it in a shot. "Oh phew, so much better.." Shaking himself out and putting it away. It was much easier to see everyone with clean glasses. "I'm, uhm.. Arimus, sir. Arimus Tethen, from Lookshy. And.. I presume you're the bloke in charge. The Overseer, as it were."

Shadow stands quietly, arms once more folded and an expression of intense curiousity upon his face; perhaps he is not old enough to school his expression to a more circumspect demeanor, or perhaps this is just so far outside the realm of his experience that he's forgotten he should.

Crys enters with the outsider an fivs the proper slatue or what has you to her ruler "Prophet, this is the outsider." Given it's not her place to talk she goes to attention with her weapon sheathed it's an honor to even been here, and this will go on her record, lets see that Rightous Fire after hearing about this one. She pauses an slightly nods to the other Lawgivers present.

Umari hmms and nods to Crys. He looks at Orani Mina and Threefold Shadow. "Well, you met him when he arrived, what are your assessments?" He asks in that level-headed voice of his.

As the hooded figure entered the throne room of the Manse, she paused to pull the hood back from her head. A mane of silver hair is exposed as she does so, revealing the same pale white skin as Thousand-Hands. Sitting prominently upon her forehead is a tattoo of the Twilight Caste, a navy-blue mark of her status as a Solar Exalt. She would have bowed her head respectfully towards Thousand-Hands and retreated back towards a wall near the entrance of the room, leaning back against it and nuzzling her cheek against the eagle's beak as it presumably busied itself in the act of preening her hair.

Arimus slowly looks around.. '...Oh sweet Gaia in Luna's arse. I'm in the Wyld Hunt's worst nightmare.' The flask came back out, and he just.. Kept drinking it till it was dry.

Orani Mina steps forward from her place against the wall. "I arrived after he made his appearance.", she says in a small voice that carries in the room. "I answered your call only moments after I first laid eyes upon him.", she finishes. She steps back again and falls silent.

Crys pauses for a moment unsure of why the visator has just drowned all his booze which is what she assumes it is. She remove her own flask from her belt and hands it to him if he'll take it.

Shadow steps forward and makes his obesience, the young priest to the old priest. "I also did not witness the arrival, nor have I yet had a chance to speak to him myself. I also have little opinion as of yet..." His eyes cut sideways toward the newcomer and the guard. "Although it would seem to me that he may be a bit of a lush," he concludes with a wry half-smile.

Umari nods at the other two Solars. "Well then, Outsider... as it is custom, you will be allowed to join our society if you wish. Though..." he spreads his arms open congenially, "... there is little choice in the matter, as we have not found an escape from our home in an age."

Orani Mina speaks up from the back once more as Umari speaks again. "Perhaps the Outsider remembers the circumstances that lead him within the walls of our home. A way in might give hope for a way out previously unconsidered."

The outsider exhaled slowly, taking the flask from Crys and giving her a nod. "Cheers." One slug of it and he'd cork it off. 'Thank the Gods for liquid courage. And damn them for this barmy. I'm gonna hit that bloody bastard if I ever see'im again.' "I was in the middle of the Western Sea, a day's travel by boat from Bluehaven. Someone yanked me through.. I can't really describe the place, it was.." He seems to be at a loss as to how to say it. "..Incredible's only the beginning, y'know? And then.. Here I am." Sighing and rubbing his forehead, Arimus lifted a brow at those gathered. ".. Hm. No way out, y'say?.. No large doors, no trapped tunnels, not even a bloody cannon to blast through the ceiling? .. Well there must be something. Could someone be so kind as to provide me with a map? And more liquor. Much more. Only reason I'm not bloody well going crackers is because I'm still in shock."

Shadow, with one brief glance toward Umari, addreses Arimus. "Perhaps you'd do better to draw your courage from faith in the Unconquered Sun instead of a bottle of fermented grain..." He smiles to show that he doesn't mean to be overly offensive.

Crys nods to the outsider as he frowns the flash she gave him and she's back at attention now. Shee listens for a oment with tales about the outside. Can't help but grin behind her faceplate at Shadow's joke.

Umari taps his fingers. "Please compose yourself, sir. Your occupation then?"

Arimus shudders a bit. "Sweet Mercury, what do you people put in this stuff.. I could clean gears with it.." Mumbling a bit, until Umari taps his fingers. "Eh? Sorry! Ah.. Hm." These people are most DEFINITELY out of it. He'll need to hypothesize and make notes later. "I'm a Scavenger Savant.. That is, my job specifically is going to various ruins of the Golden Age, digging them up, taking whatever artifacts and useful pieces, parts, or scrolls I can find, then hauling them back to Lookshy to repair them, and make them fit for service in our military. Brink of war and all that."

Umari hmms and ponders on this. "He'll work for you then, Orani Mina. Maybe you can use Arimus' knowledge of the outside to find a way to free our people finally."

Crys pauses for a moment speaking up. "I may bee out of place in saying this, Prophetand lawgivers but the hanger deck on sub level seven, we never been able to get into it because of damage to the mechanisem there may very well be a way out if we can repair it." She looks to Arimus. "If your as good as you say you may be able to help us get it working."

Arimus blinks. "Uhm.. Things aren't.. Quite so grand out there.. But ah.." He was speaking in a rather low, nervous voice. Chances are, he hadn't been heard. "Eh? Well I'll certainly give it a good once over, miss Gattz. I've clearly got little else to do.."

Orani Mina nods quietly to the command made of her, still studying over the actions of the newcomer. Herself, it's all she can do to contain her own personal curiousity, but she looks to Crys and then to Arimus before she replaces the hood back upon her head and strides off into another area of the Manse.

Crys looks to Arimus for a moment, "Sure once we get you something dry to wear I can take you down to the hanger deck entrance and prehaps we can get it working again, even if there's no craft in there, there may be a way out."

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