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#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOne/IdeaDump]]
The time has arrived to, once again, meet with the Guild representatives, this time over payment. The meeting place was the same one used before; the quaint (and guarded) Scalded Dog. The guard's pretty heavy this time around, so either someone else of importance is there or Old Steel simply feels a bit less safe than he did yesterday.
Rio idly takes note of the heavy guard as she walks towards the Scalded Dog, sword on her back. "... huh... wonder what's up."
One guard gives her a dirty look, then seems to realize who she is once another elbows him in the back and growls out a few commands.
Dyna notes the increased amount of guards. She follows after Rio, her staff wrapped in cloth and lashed to her backpack. Breon isn't anywhere in sight, but is likely not far away.
<Rio> ... so, what do you think is up?
Rio gives Dyna a grin, looking over her shoulder
Laranth is also carrying a cloth-wrapped parcel on his back. He's frowning, thoughtfully. "Troubling..."
<Dyna> Something interesting, I'm sure.  Why don't we go in and check it out?
Deis looks to the others in his usual naive fashion. "What's troubling?"
"You all. Inside, quick." The seeming-lead guard waves the group over, then returns to his post by the doorway. "They're waiting."
Laranth doesn't respond to Deis, nodding briskly to the guard and heading inside.
Dyna looks at Laranth and Deis... then shrugs and heads on inside.
Deis sighs a bit, nods to the guard with a polite smile, then follows the others in.
Rio leans in and whispers. "The number of guards." Then she straightens up and is all smiles
Deis hmms for a moment, finally noticing. "Well...maybe someone important is here? Or something valuable?"
Inside, it's generally empty except for that one table they might remember quite fondly. There sits Old Steel and Henpin, side by side. On the table is the strange fish-beast skull. And standing, nearby and with a number of guards not too far off, is... someone in billowing, all-concealing white silks. Only a pair of flitting green eyes are visible, and even those barely.
Tian is already seated, arms crossed over his chest, spectacles propped up on the bridge of his nose.
Rio pauses for a second as she notices the figure in white silks, tilts her head to the side, and sits down
Laranth nods to Old Steel and Henpin... and then, after a moment of apparent uncertainty, to the white-silk-enrobed figure.
Dyna takes a seat next to Tian, glancing briefly at the strange figure.
Laranth sits down.
Deis sits next to Rio, fidgeting a little as he tries to get comfy, looking around the room at the guards... then the skull. "It's...still here."
<Dyna> Yes, and I think it's likely to have a role in what we're about to discuss.
<Rio> Well, it's an interesting thing ^_^
"We were discussing that." Old Steel nods to the skull, then to his accomplice. Said accomplice scans the group slowly, and it's safe to say that the lot of them might be seeing those eyes in their sleep. They're that striking. "My business partner here has an idea who might have made this."
<Laranth> One suspects so.
<Laranth> .. oh? Do tell.
Rio tilts her head to the side.
<Dyna> Really?
Tian just listens, arms unfolding and fingers steepling.
"We have an... arrangement, Steel and myself." The man? Woman? Its voice is too androgynous to place, but it is a sandstorm given life, stinging to the ears. "It is... agreeable, but there are those who dislike such arrangements. One of those I know personally, and want slain. The feeling is, of course, mutual."
<Laranth> I.. see.
<Dyna> Well... I'd always heard that disrupting business is a serious offense, in these parts.
<Tian> You've made enemies of.. fish-men?
"Well." Henpin cuts in, hand clenched around something that's not a turnover. "That only matters when you have to worry about the word of law and such. And... well, not quite. You see---" "My accomplice here is one of the Fair. I imagine you can work out the rest in your mind." Steel's interruption doesn't seem to shock any of the guards, although Henpin exhales angrily.
Rio ... blinks, and gazes as the cloaked figure
Laranth 's facial expression gets abruptly... more guarded, a bit harder. "I see."
Tian doesn't seem surprised, but he could just have an excellent poker face.
<Dyna> ...
Deis thinks for a moment. "One of the fair....he's a judge?"
Dyna glances at the silk-clad figure with narowed eyes... then turns her attention back to Steel... occassionally looking back.
Rio ... stops staring in order to gaze at Deis.
"I am an opportunist. And if I can pawn off condemned criminals in exchange for a considerable amount of firedust, I will do so. It saves me funds, time, and space where prisons would have been." Old Steel shrugs, then sits back. "Anyway, I can let her finish explaining."
<Laranth> <b>Please</b> finish explaining.
The woman simply sighs. "I dwell in the South. You will not know my name until you are worthy. As for the one who made these things... he is from the West, and has taken a fancy to terrorizing small Threshold towns. We know each other. He must die. Painfully, if possible."
<Laranth> I see.
<Dyna> ... and what will you offer us, for our services?
"His name is Pearl of Great Price. He is a craftsman first, and a warrior second, but he is not to be taken lightly." She fixes on Dyna. "What do you desire?"
Tian smiles faintly. "That meshes very well with what I've heard. Divert funds from the civil works too long, and the citizenry will start asking.. questions."
<Rio> ... hmmm...
<Darkheart> * Old Steel gives Tian a very cross glare, but holds his tongue. Henpin herself looks confused, glancing between Tian and Steel.
Dyna looks at Tian curiously, then turns back to the figure. "Would it be fair enough to just ask to be owed a favor?"
<Laranth> .. hm.
Tian just taps his fingertips together rhythmically, smile widening a bit at the glare.
"I am a creature of oath and promise. It can be done." The 'woman' nods, slightly. "In any event... you will probably not have to find him, at this rate. His creations will find this town in time."
<Laranth> So.. we fortify and we wait?
Old Steel replies with an affirmative grunt. "I will be needing your aide again, it seems. Buy what supplies you might need, and I will cover the expenses, if you choose to help me again."
<Dyna> Hmmm... do you expect this "Pearl of Great Price" to send a large force or a small one?
"Large." The faerie looks up in thought. "Perhaps... not more than a couple hundred common things, to test the waters."
<Rio> ... mmm... repelling an attack like that?
<Laranth> Couple hundred common things? When will we expect *him*?
"We have enough trained wands to beat back a decent portion of the Legion, if we must." Henpin says this with no small amount of pride... but wilts at the fae draws close. "He may or may not show. I cannot be certain, for he does not like to enter the fixed world."
<Laranth> That's a complication.
<Dyna> If he doesn't show... what then?
<Tian> And how many of your five thousand marksmen can we draw on, exactly? Or do we need to contract the Redfangs and Brass Hawks?
Rio leans a bit towards Deis. "I'll clear up what a fair one is later, ok?"
Laranth smirks. "Mercenaries. Hm. Full circle, I suppose..."
"Then, Dyna dear, you are free of your obligation." Old Steel settles back in his chair and sighs. "It's strange... I had my fortune read a week ago, and the old hag spoke of this town being under an inauspicious sign..." Steel glares <b>again</b>. "I control the forces here, boy. Do not overstep your bounds. Make what deals you wish with others, but those here will defend Solace as I see fit."
Tian raises a thin eyebrow. "Of course, of course. Since we're being hired to the defend the town, however, would you allow us to draw up a defense plan? Subject to your review, of course."
"Feel free to. But be quick about it." Steel looks to the raksha, who simple bows and exits before he can say anything, a number of guards trailing behind her. As soon as she is gone, Henpin deflates and sighs, releasing her deathgrip on the iron nail in her hand.
<Rio> ... I've never seen a fair one so closely.
<Dyna> Relatively few people ever do, as far as I know.
<Laranth> I count myself blessed that I never have.
Tian stands, brushing off his coat.
<Dyna> We've got a pretty hefty job ahead of us... I'm afraid the best I can do for the moment is try and dig up what information I can on our enemy, if that's possible.
Laranth nods. "Yes. It's important to know what we're fighting with these things."
<Dyna> I'll share whatever I find as soon as possible.
<Dyna> So... any other plans?
Dyna looks around at the others, hands folded in her lap.
<Rio> ... all I know is that they don't like cold iron.
Tian pushes his chair in, heading for the door. "I'll work something out."
Rio shakes her head. "But ideally, we need to stop them before they even get to the town."
Rio ... gives Tian an annoyed glance. "You could <i>share</i> the ideas, you know."
<Tian> Oh, I'll be in touch.
<Laranth> My gut instinct calls for walls and wards, but that's -- yes. Tell us sooner rather than later, eh?
<Laranth> And no games.
Tian just waves over his shoulder, slipping through the guards as though they weren't there.
<Dyna> ... He could've told us something.
Rio grumbles something under her breath in oceantongue.
Laranth slumps. "... I'm starting to tire of this."
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 23:24, 8 February 2006

The time has arrived to, once again, meet with the Guild representatives, this time over payment. The meeting place was the same one used before; the quaint (and guarded) Scalded Dog. The guard's pretty heavy this time around, so either someone else of importance is there or Old Steel simply feels a bit less safe than he did yesterday.

Rio idly takes note of the heavy guard as she walks towards the Scalded Dog, sword on her back. "... huh... wonder what's up."

One guard gives her a dirty look, then seems to realize who she is once another elbows him in the back and growls out a few commands.

Dyna notes the increased amount of guards. She follows after Rio, her staff wrapped in cloth and lashed to her backpack. Breon isn't anywhere in sight, but is likely not far away.

<Rio> ... so, what do you think is up?

Rio gives Dyna a grin, looking over her shoulder

Laranth is also carrying a cloth-wrapped parcel on his back. He's frowning, thoughtfully. "Troubling..."

<Dyna> Something interesting, I'm sure. Why don't we go in and check it out?

Deis looks to the others in his usual naive fashion. "What's troubling?"

"You all. Inside, quick." The seeming-lead guard waves the group over, then returns to his post by the doorway. "They're waiting."

Laranth doesn't respond to Deis, nodding briskly to the guard and heading inside.

Dyna looks at Laranth and Deis... then shrugs and heads on inside.

Deis sighs a bit, nods to the guard with a polite smile, then follows the others in.

Rio leans in and whispers. "The number of guards." Then she straightens up and is all smiles

Deis hmms for a moment, finally noticing. "Well...maybe someone important is here? Or something valuable?"

Inside, it's generally empty except for that one table they might remember quite fondly. There sits Old Steel and Henpin, side by side. On the table is the strange fish-beast skull. And standing, nearby and with a number of guards not too far off, is... someone in billowing, all-concealing white silks. Only a pair of flitting green eyes are visible, and even those barely.

Tian is already seated, arms crossed over his chest, spectacles propped up on the bridge of his nose.

Rio pauses for a second as she notices the figure in white silks, tilts her head to the side, and sits down

Laranth nods to Old Steel and Henpin... and then, after a moment of apparent uncertainty, to the white-silk-enrobed figure.

Dyna takes a seat next to Tian, glancing briefly at the strange figure.

Laranth sits down.

Deis sits next to Rio, fidgeting a little as he tries to get comfy, looking around the room at the guards... then the skull. "It's...still here."

<Dyna> Yes, and I think it's likely to have a role in what we're about to discuss.

<Rio> Well, it's an interesting thing ^_^

"We were discussing that." Old Steel nods to the skull, then to his accomplice. Said accomplice scans the group slowly, and it's safe to say that the lot of them might be seeing those eyes in their sleep. They're that striking. "My business partner here has an idea who might have made this."

<Laranth> One suspects so.

<Laranth> .. oh? Do tell.

Rio tilts her head to the side.

<Dyna> Really?

Tian just listens, arms unfolding and fingers steepling.

"We have an... arrangement, Steel and myself." The man? Woman? Its voice is too androgynous to place, but it is a sandstorm given life, stinging to the ears. "It is... agreeable, but there are those who dislike such arrangements. One of those I know personally, and want slain. The feeling is, of course, mutual."

<Laranth> I.. see.

<Dyna> Well... I'd always heard that disrupting business is a serious offense, in these parts.

<Tian> You've made enemies of.. fish-men?

"Well." Henpin cuts in, hand clenched around something that's not a turnover. "That only matters when you have to worry about the word of law and such. And... well, not quite. You see---" "My accomplice here is one of the Fair. I imagine you can work out the rest in your mind." Steel's interruption doesn't seem to shock any of the guards, although Henpin exhales angrily.

Rio ... blinks, and gazes as the cloaked figure

Laranth 's facial expression gets abruptly... more guarded, a bit harder. "I see."

Tian doesn't seem surprised, but he could just have an excellent poker face.

<Dyna> ...

Deis thinks for a moment. "One of the fair....he's a judge?"

Dyna glances at the silk-clad figure with narowed eyes... then turns her attention back to Steel... occassionally looking back.

Rio ... stops staring in order to gaze at Deis.

"I am an opportunist. And if I can pawn off condemned criminals in exchange for a considerable amount of firedust, I will do so. It saves me funds, time, and space where prisons would have been." Old Steel shrugs, then sits back. "Anyway, I can let her finish explaining."

<Laranth> Please finish explaining.

The woman simply sighs. "I dwell in the South. You will not know my name until you are worthy. As for the one who made these things... he is from the West, and has taken a fancy to terrorizing small Threshold towns. We know each other. He must die. Painfully, if possible."

<Laranth> I see.

<Dyna> ... and what will you offer us, for our services?

"His name is Pearl of Great Price. He is a craftsman first, and a warrior second, but he is not to be taken lightly." She fixes on Dyna. "What do you desire?"

Tian smiles faintly. "That meshes very well with what I've heard. Divert funds from the civil works too long, and the citizenry will start asking.. questions."

<Rio> ... hmmm...

<Darkheart> * Old Steel gives Tian a very cross glare, but holds his tongue. Henpin herself looks confused, glancing between Tian and Steel.

Dyna looks at Tian curiously, then turns back to the figure. "Would it be fair enough to just ask to be owed a favor?"

<Laranth> .. hm.

Tian just taps his fingertips together rhythmically, smile widening a bit at the glare.

"I am a creature of oath and promise. It can be done." The 'woman' nods, slightly. "In any event... you will probably not have to find him, at this rate. His creations will find this town in time."

<Laranth> So.. we fortify and we wait?

Old Steel replies with an affirmative grunt. "I will be needing your aide again, it seems. Buy what supplies you might need, and I will cover the expenses, if you choose to help me again."

<Dyna> Hmmm... do you expect this "Pearl of Great Price" to send a large force or a small one?

"Large." The faerie looks up in thought. "Perhaps... not more than a couple hundred common things, to test the waters."

<Rio> ... mmm... repelling an attack like that?

<Laranth> Couple hundred common things? When will we expect *him*?

"We have enough trained wands to beat back a decent portion of the Legion, if we must." Henpin says this with no small amount of pride... but wilts at the fae draws close. "He may or may not show. I cannot be certain, for he does not like to enter the fixed world."

<Laranth> That's a complication.

<Dyna> If he doesn't show... what then?

<Tian> And how many of your five thousand marksmen can we draw on, exactly? Or do we need to contract the Redfangs and Brass Hawks?

Rio leans a bit towards Deis. "I'll clear up what a fair one is later, ok?"

Laranth smirks. "Mercenaries. Hm. Full circle, I suppose..."

"Then, Dyna dear, you are free of your obligation." Old Steel settles back in his chair and sighs. "It's strange... I had my fortune read a week ago, and the old hag spoke of this town being under an inauspicious sign..." Steel glares again. "I control the forces here, boy. Do not overstep your bounds. Make what deals you wish with others, but those here will defend Solace as I see fit."

Tian raises a thin eyebrow. "Of course, of course. Since we're being hired to the defend the town, however, would you allow us to draw up a defense plan? Subject to your review, of course."

"Feel free to. But be quick about it." Steel looks to the raksha, who simple bows and exits before he can say anything, a number of guards trailing behind her. As soon as she is gone, Henpin deflates and sighs, releasing her deathgrip on the iron nail in her hand.

<Rio> ... I've never seen a fair one so closely.

<Dyna> Relatively few people ever do, as far as I know.

<Laranth> I count myself blessed that I never have.

Tian stands, brushing off his coat.

<Dyna> We've got a pretty hefty job ahead of us... I'm afraid the best I can do for the moment is try and dig up what information I can on our enemy, if that's possible.

Laranth nods. "Yes. It's important to know what we're fighting with these things."

<Dyna> I'll share whatever I find as soon as possible.

<Dyna> So... any other plans?

Dyna looks around at the others, hands folded in her lap.

<Rio> ... all I know is that they don't like cold iron.

Tian pushes his chair in, heading for the door. "I'll work something out."

Rio shakes her head. "But ideally, we need to stop them before they even get to the town."

Rio ... gives Tian an annoyed glance. "You could share the ideas, you know."

<Tian> Oh, I'll be in touch.

<Laranth> My gut instinct calls for walls and wards, but that's -- yes. Tell us sooner rather than later, eh?

<Laranth> And no games.

Tian just waves over his shoulder, slipping through the guards as though they weren't there.

<Dyna> ... He could've told us something.

Rio grumbles something under her breath in oceantongue.

Laranth slumps. "... I'm starting to tire of this."