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#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOne/IdeaDump]]
===== <b>[[/RisingForce|Mainpage]]</b> &bull;  <b>[[/RFPlayerCharacters|PCs]]</b> &bull; <b>[[/RFStoryCharacters|NPCs]]</b> &bull; <b>[[/RFSoundTrack|Music]]</b> &bull; <b>[[/RFObligatoryQuotes|Quotes]]</b> &bull; <b>[[/RFAlterations|Houserules]]</b> =====
Culled from IRC logs, and mildly edited for sake of posting!
== <i><b>Part 1</b>: The Before-The-Game Batch! (aka The AVR and Friends Show!)</i> ==
My PCs are funny. :D
"Yes, but people will ask <b>anything.</b> 'Can I be a cougar who's friends to the bunnies?' 'Can my cello be undead?' ("... what?")"
"... come again?"
"'Can my cello be undead?' was asked during chargen for a Six-String Samurai one-shot. The asker was the GM's girlfriend, who is a bright girl but had never RPed previously. What did she mean? I don't know! The GM didn't know!"
"Did she proceed to get stared at?"
"She kinda got stared at. Not quite as good as 'I'll use Demesne Ravaging Technique on the uncapped Solar manse' stare-at, but..."
"'Okay. Take... *roll* three Agg.' 'Ow! Christ!'"
:-AVR telling an amusing little RPG anecdote to Tiffa.
[SCENE: Nexus. Lord Necrodork's Twilight has just been turned to the Abyss by the campaign's plotcock Deathlord. After much yelling, the Circle decides to let him travel with them. Thus...]
<LN> Okay, in the middle of the night, I'm going to leave the inn and go stalk the streets.<br>
<GM> Okay. There aren't a lot of people around, but it's Nexus, there are people. <br>
<LN> Can I find someone in an isolated location? <br>
<GM> Okaaay...<br>
<LN> Okay, once I've got a mortal backed into an alley, I'm going to extend my fangs, grapple him, and feed on his blood to replenish my Essence. <br>
<entire rest of play group> ... <br>
<GM> ... maybe you shouldn't have done this with everyone here.
"...Wait, the Circle went with him?"
"No. But *OOCly* none of us knew WTF was up with Abyssals. This was years ago. I think the splat was very new. And we'd pretty much all agreed "well, okay,he's hotter and creepier now and doesn't respond to his actual name, but he can still be in our Circle. It's cool. And then HOLY SHIT DOOM VAMPIRE. So yeah, nobody knew what happened ICly, but OOCly we were all just sort of staring at Necrodork and saying 'uh.'"
:-AVR relating another little tale, with an interrupt from Will.
"(Way #447 You Can Tell You've Been Playing a Lunar Too Long: "wait, I only have nine HLs? Is this safe?" Way #448: "AWESOME! I have a reflexive dodge! :D")"
:-AVR speaks UCS's Truth.
"Must... stop... thinking too hard... 'So what does his dad die of? Consumption? But that's so contagious, it'd probably get most of the household too, and I do not want to be thinking about tubercles while I'm playing Exalted. Maybe malaria? ... FUCK IT I AM NOT DEFINING THE DISEASE, THIS IS RETARDED'"
:-AVR having a moment of chargen brain-infighting
"I love the idea of Lytek seeing ten new Solar sparks and doing a little jig."
"<Lytek> Rad! Man was I ever getting sick of Lunars. Half of them get killed in like three weeks. What's up with that?"
:-Will and AVR noting Lytek's happy reaction in the little storyblurb on the main RF page.
So! I STed Exalted today! I have four players. A big barbarian Dawn, a northern former-rich man Eclipse, and two female Nights, a thief and an ANTI-REALM REBEL! >=O
They are in Nexus (because I figured random chance of meeting people is higher in Nexus :p), and three of them already met and fought off a corrupt Night caste in the docks (but he's still aliiiive). And a spirit gave them a hint about another Night caste coming to the city (the rebel), so they were trying to find her today.
And it was pretty funny. The barbarian's way of interrogating people about anything is to grab them and pull them to his face (STR 5), while he sometimes tried to hit on women (APP 1). Finally, they managed to track her down to Cinnabar, where she was spying on to Realm DBs in a tavern. The party splits up, and the barbarian promptly heads into the <b>same bar</b> where she's at, and... promptly gets pasted (I know Exalts rarely get drunk but I let it slide because it was funny :p).
So, while he's drunk off his ass, he interrogates her about a woman that looks -just- like her... and then falls asleep. The other two track him down to the tavern and the thief Night slaps him awake! He... wakes up moody, and promptly grabs the <b>other</b> Night by the throat.
Thankfully, the Eclipse manages to defuse the situation, and when he noticed the girl is just like the one they are looking for and begins to chat up with her... and while the Night is somewhat confused, the drunk barbarian turns to her and goes. "Look, what he's asking is: how much?"
Minor fight later, the Night stomps out (the DBs went away while she was distracted), and the other Night goes to track her while the Eclipse, just in case she <b>isn't</b> it, goes to check on a source of information he had gotten earlier.
And that's where we left. Notably, the barbarian got the most XP, because jesus that made me laugh.
:-Funny ST Tale from Tiffa!
"I've been thinking about Tian. A lot."
"Just his philosophy, his goals, how his past life's personality influences him. Also, fighting style! Brawl + Thrown = who needs to carry weapons? I fully intend to have Tian kill someone with at least a dozen household implements."
:-Will scares me sometimes. (Evil ST is the 'liiiiike?' guy!)
"The "all Celestials" thing pretty much broke me, too. 'So finally we have had it canonically established as to what will happen if Chejop Kejak fucks a goat. Thanks, White Wolf.'"
:-AVR putting in her $0.02 regarding Celestial half-caste breeding... fuckedness. Aie.
"... so, what happens if you give Alchemicals a protocol so that they can combine with other Alchemicals? ¬_¬"
:-I would so make an Alchemical game out of that concept. Tiff, then Evil ST!
Darkheart has to remember to erase the virtue flaw bit on this profile PDF. >I
"Virtue Flaw: NO"
"Heehee. 'No Thanks, I Took The Sushi.'"
"'Decided I Didn't Want One'"
"<Marc> Wolf of War's Virtue Flaw is that he gets totally pissed but more awesome and gets like 10 extra dots in everything and can use Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells."
"... what. Chris, don't make me kill you. =P"
:-Me---er, EVIL ST and AVR, then Chris with the killing blow. If you've heard about Marc Weinstein and Warwolf, I feel your pain. If not, <b>DON'T ASK AROUND</b>.
"I need to GET Laranth on the road to Awesome."
"I am aware of this and am thinking. Did you have thoughts?"
"BOAT TRIP! But... hm."
"As in 'booking passage on <s>The Hate Boat</s> Rio and/or Tian's vessel?'"
:-The Evil ST and AVR discussing how to move Laranth along!
<Dyna> I hope to bring non-violent conflict resolution skills to the party. :x<br>
<Rio> Tell -him- that >-< <br>
<Dyna> Breon doesn't like it when people fight.  <Breon> *TEETH*<br>
<Rio> Nice kitty. o_o<br>
<Dyna> He is!  He's my fuzzy wuzzy wittle kittywittums! ^-^ *scritchie Breon*<br>
<Laranth> And this is the glorious sage from which the rest of us are supposed to take advice.<br>
<Dyna> The simple act of petting a dog or cat is an excellent way to defuse a temper. ^_^<br>
<Tian> I think I may kill myself.<br>
<Dyna> And Breon will bite you if you make fun of me. >:(<br>
<Tian> Breon will be my living-room rug if he even looks at me the wrong way.<br>
<Laranth> .oO(Writing letter to Lytek about reassignment. I hear being a Fire-Aspect is lovely this time of year.)<br>
:-My PC are silly. Not-Really-IC Chatter; Dyna is played by <nowiki>ChrisV</nowiki>, a hero and a scholar.
"Plasma Thruster Assembly. Three uses: rocket-jump, combat rocket-jump, flight."
"Yeah, Plasma Thruster is nice."
"The prereqs are swass, too."
"I would house-rule in an ability to lessen the collateral damage. Or allow you to make it worse. :D"
"'Why're you using your jets?' 'I just want to see the trees burn. :D' '...'  ... a closet pyro Alchie."
"'Thank you, oh Great Maker, for sending me to this flammable world!'"
:-The Evil ST and Will discuss, and then have fun with, Autobots. The book had just come out, see.
"Heavenly Guardian Defense is a perfect parry. It blocks anything. This leads to funny situations where people try to use it in social situations. 'He casts aspersions on your manhood.' 'HGD!' '..You can't *do* that.' 'I HGD your ruling!' 'Goddammit.'"
:-Will explaining HGD to an Exalted nuub.
<Evil ST> And Laranth runs, and then... THE DICE ARE ON.<br>
<Tiffa> :D<br>
<AVR> Yay~<br>
<Will> Go now!<br>
<AVR> We're using Diceheart, right?<br>
<Evil ST> Yes, I'm going to have to order everyone to use Dicey. =P<br>
<AVR> Okay.<br>
<Evil ST> Hopefully he'll be a good boy.<br>
<Tiffa> Will it be nice dicey or evil Fiat-like dicey?<br>
:-Diceheart is my in-IRC diceroller. He is notoriously mean to my players, as is his spiritual father Dicesuke.
== <i><b>Part 2</b>: THE INTROS STRIKE!!!</i> ==
"I have this urge to yell 'suck it!'."
:-Will, as Tian owns Papa Pearl and company for free.
"I am taking a moment to imagine Lytek giggling as he picks Solar candidates. Well, Lytek in canon Exalted is busy replacing all these Solars because there are *so many*. But since he only has ten this time around, he can take his time and choose carefully."
"See, Laranth is the sort of dude that Lytek Exalts when he gets busy and has to choose fast. 'Huge blond dude. This'll do.'"
"Either him or the big guy. I need a coin."
"Maybe the Bronze were closing in on his office by the time he was picking the last Dawn and had to rush it a bit."
"Yeah, I do have to write a "Chejop grills Lytek" blurb."
"'And somewhere, an old man exiled by his tribe dies in the frozen wastes.'"
:-Will, AVR, then the Evil ST and Will, making light of Yurgen's nonexistance.
"<Laranth> NO MAN MANACLES ... wait, what?"
"<Tian> ..You okay?"
"<Laranth> I just had this incredible urge to sack an Imperial legion. How odd."
"<Tian> Well, we can do it anyway."
"<Laranth> It seems like rather a lot of work. Besides, aren't we supposed to be saving the world? Not just blowing bits of it up?"
"<Tian> A little creative destruction never hurt anyone important."
"<Laranth> Fine. *You* rally the barbarians."
"<Tian> ..Point taken."
:-AVR and Will, quasi-IC, having a bit of fun with the 'Laranth As The Yurgen Replacement' thingie.
"Day three draws to a close, and what was merely a constant rain of snow has become a driving, violent rush of ice, sleet and bone-slashing wind. Still, he is there, protected for the time being by his makeshift shelter... waiting. For failure? Success? A miracle? Who knows?"
"The last line of that setup reminds me unpleasantly of my players last semester declaring that they were 'waiting for another plot element to show up.' 'What are you doing?' 'Heading back and waiting for the plot to advance.' '... dude, were you not some sort of terrifying ninja master I would take you out to the curb and beat you.'"
:-The Evil ST posting a bit of IC setup, and AVR's OOC reaction.
Laranth has an expression of vague confusion, as if even he's forgotten what precisely he's waiting for. "... may... not.. have thought this through."
:-Marching into a blizzard, then attempting to march back can make you realize that it could be a, y'know, bad thing. All Laranth.
"... I wonder why my Uncy is rather touchy-feely. 'RISE! BE MINE!' '... you're touching my boobs.' 'Why, yes! They are the globes of the sun!' '>_<'
"He's four-armed Zeus, dude."
"'So you invest them with a shard of your glorious power, and then?' 'Huuugs! ^_^'"
"Also, a little over-familiarity can be forgiven. This is an excellent day for the guy. 'My kids are back! :D'"
"'Holy shit. Oh man. Guess what Lytek found in the Lost and Found!'"
:-Uncy's representation in Rising Force is a tad touchy-feely, yes. I plan to take this somewhere. Oh, yah. Evil ST, then Will and AVR.
"I am mildly pleased that his first in-game comment is a realization that his Plan to Prove Himself was deeply retarded."
:-AVR thinking back on the above comment from Laranth!
Rio steps towards Tian, arms still crossed, and she stares him down once she reaches a few feet. "The offer is fishy, but you still have to tell me... why shouldn't I chuck you into the river for -sneaking into my ship- like a common thief?"
"Well, you can *try*."
"Now, that sounds like a challenge."
Tian shrugs lightly.
Rio keeps glaring down at Tian for a moment, and finally leans forward and points a finger at him. "... you say you can help, prove it."
"Right now?"
"Well no, perhaps after you've had a nice meal at our expense and took a nap and YES NOW!"
:-To layed a quote in with a quote, Tian and Rio's bickering elicited a "This is gonna be the best Circle." from AVR. This bit's just the capstone of that scene.
"See, I'm a woman of my word. You did get us out of that port, and I'll take you there... but if I suddenly get the navy on my ass, I want to know why. Just so I know if I have to throw you overboard, you understand. ^_^"
Tian barely resists the impulse to do a backflip, hopping off the railing. "I'm not being chased or.. well, not wanted by anyone with a *navy*, anyway. You've got nothing to worry about." He grins faintly. "And I definitely know we've gone through *this* already."
"I don't care. ^_^"
"You're still welcome to try if you're so inclined."
West goes back to grunting in mild disgust. Jade cocks up an eyebrow at Tian, sharpening her spear. "Tian, you're being pretty up-front. You sure the sea isn't getting to you?" She smirks, slightly, before Lily lightly baps her on the head.
"Kid, I'm getting tired of this game. If you cannot say why the hell you want to go to the middle of nowhere, you can get off my ship."
Tian tosses a cocky grin to Jade, returning his attention to Rio. "It's not that I can't say why I'm going, it's that I won't. Only one person knows what I'm thinking, and that's not going to change with a few empty threats."
The crew starts to filter back to their stations, and the lot of them give Tian a wide berth. A few of the topsmen look surprised that he's not up there himself. Rio rubs her temple, muttering something low under her breath.
"Anything else, fearless leader?"
"Don't get smart with me, boy."
Tian laughs, hopping backwards a bit. "It's a long trip, there's not much to do."
West finally clears his throat. "Hoi. Rio. Easy. Let's just humor the boy and get this all overwith so we can get back to doing things we actually want to do. Faster he's gone the better."
Rio gives Tian a glare. "No. I may owe him something, but this is MY ship, and he will show the proper respect."
Tian responds with a full-on mocking smile, hands on his hips, lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet. "... Oh, fine."
Lily taps Jade on the shoulder... and Jade snorts, handing over a couple of jade bits.
Rio opens her mouth, closes it, and looks towards the two. "... and what were you betting about now?"
Tian glares pure death over at his sisters, gritting his teeth. Both of them go about looks like nothing occured. Yep, completely innocent.
:-Jade and Lily, Tian's taggers-on and NPCs, enjoy betting on what Tian'll do next! Anyway, Rio and Tian snapping at each other, with the occasional word from Sagacious West/
"And Will, mild apologies for Jade and Lily. I think I've kinda found an amusing schtick for them. =P"
"It fits. Tian basically spends his days making up gamble-worthy situations."
"It's like that one Tiny Toons situation: 'WILL DIZZY EAT IT?!'"
"'Will the Guild factor punch Tian in the face?!' 'Will Tian make the hundred-foot jump to avoid a mob of angry merchants?!' 'Will Tian last half an hour without pissing someone off?!'"
:-... and the OOC talkback between the Evil ST and Will concerning the above!
Laranth doesn't take long to catch on. "You! ... You'll have to forgive me; you were taller then, and I was thinking mostly about hypothermia and the sudden lack thereof. What in the world are you doing traveling south?"
"Some minor territory issues."
"Translation: 'I was sent packing.'"
:-Laranth, Grass-Eater in human form... and then an OOC Will hitting the nail right on the fucking head. :D
== <i><b>Part 3</b>: Oh Shit There's An Actual Game?!</i> ==
<nowiki><ChrisV> !ex 10</nowiki><br>
<Diceheart> Dyna (10), 5, 2, 1, 6, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 1, Successes : 0, Botch<br>
<nowiki><ChrisV> ... wow.</nowiki><br>
<Tiffa> ... BAD dice.<br>
<Will> I am convinced that bots with "Dice" in their names are bound for terrible, terrible things.<br>
:-Best diceroll ever. [Evil ST as Diceheart!]
<Evil ST> > You see a door.<br>
<nowiki><ChrisV> > Get door</nowiki><br>
<Evil ST> > You take the door and stuff it into your pocket.<br>
<Will> What the hell are you old folks talking about?<br>
:-Obligatory Text Adventure Quote.
<Will> I found an Exalted virgin, so he's going to be subjected to my own twisted worldview.<br>
<AVR> ... good heavens. What do you have planned for him?<br>
<Will> Among other things? Ot's head rising out of the Imperial Mountain. Robots and dwarves 4 life.<br>
<AVR> Oh my Christ.<br>
<Will> I'm also using my all-casteless Lunar variant. I borrowed a page from Shelby's book and kept the Realm intact.<br>
<AVR> What, the Realm not being a total paper tiger suitable only for providing mooks?<br>
<Will> Of course. He's a Zenith, he needs lofty goals. And the Realm is a good stepping-stone between the Scavenger Lands and Heaven. That is, if he can save it from the cybernetic midget invasion.<br>
<Will> I'm not sure what else to throw at him. The Wyld Hunt, sure. I could put Gem in danger and *not* get a cynical response.
:-Will is a scary, scary man sometimes. During a lull pre-session.
Deis scratches his head a bit, looking at Tian. "Umm... isn't it wrong to take what might be someone's grave belongings?"
<Tian> No.
:-Deis questioning Tian's desire to fence a small cache of First-Age trinkets found in a (false) tomb, and Tian's most honest reply.
The boy... practically throws himself onto Rio, hugging tightly and quite affectionately. "You live! You live! Where is the ship? Where are the crew?" He pauses... then pokes a few times at Rio's chest. "... Captain, you have breasts!"
Dyna looks at the boy... and blinks... her eyes getting wider still.
Tian then breaks out of his reverie long enough to laugh into his uncovered fist.
Rio is neatly shaken out of her dazedness! "--gwah?!"
:-Captain has breasts now! :O
<Evil ST> Man, that reminds me. I need to make RealUltimateGlamour on the wiki. Just as a silly outlet.<br>
<AVR> 1) Fair Folk are mammals. (When they want to be.) 2) Fair Folk shaping-combat ALL THE TIME.<br>
<Evil ST> YES. 3) The purpose of the Fair Folk is to flip out and eat dreams.
:-I <b>am</b> going to make this page one of these days. I swear...
<Will> Yeah, GCG said scaling the Imperial Mountain is a major bragging right even among the Celestials. (It'd be hilarious if a Zenith from the First Age came down for breath after meditating for a thousand years at the peak, and looked around going "..what".)<br>
<nowiki><ChrisV></nowiki> "... well, shit! >_<"<br>
<AVR> "Oh, geez, you leave the DBs alone for a millennium and *this happens.*"
:-Talk of the Imperial Moutain led to this!
<AVR> I do like stunts. ("... did you write a stunt out before the game? A social stunt? I'm not sure whether I should be impressed or tell you to focus on your homework.")One of the Fire-aspects decided to bake a pie for an NPC. Not quite as good as the "I'll steal all the butter from the party and then talk to an incredibly boring NPC for like fifteen minutes realtime" incident, but still, my players impress and worry me.<br>
<Evil ST> ... steal all the butter.<br>
<AVR> <b>All</b> the butter. She was very insistent.
:-... ALL the butter. WTF.
<Will> Well, a lot of Tian's behavior is just good old-fashioned arrogance born of power. But part of the reason he's screwed up is because of his Dark Past.<br>
<AVR> Fair. I've been thinking about this in terms of MST plotting, and the eternal question: is it cheesier when someone is evil Because, or evil because of Cliche Backstory Issues?<br>
<Will> Hm. The latter. When someone is Just Evil, you don't really think about it. When someone is Evil and gets a Tragic Backstory, you think about.. how stupid it is.<br>
<AVR> This is kind of my thought.<br>
<Will> I rank them. Evil with good Tragic Backstory, Just Evil, Evil with actively-bad Tragic Backstory, Evil with completely workmanlike Tragic Backstory.<br>
<Tiffa> Workmanlike?<br>
<Will> "His parents died in a fire."<br>
<AVR> .. man, I'm not sure whether I hate cliche Tragic Backstories or originally sucky Tragic Backstories more.<br>
<Will> No actual effort put into it.<br>
<Tiffa> Ah.<br>
<AVR> I mean... Hannibal Lecter's sister getting eaten by Nazis.<br>
<Will> I can respect effort, if in a distant theoretical way. Well, okay, sometimes effort really doesn't count at all. But how many Nazi-eaten sisters are there?<br>
<Amanda> Just the one. Thank God.<br>
:- A chat about Evil Character Motivations.
Tiffa sends a wind-up Rio waddling about.<br>
Will sends a full-size fishman after it.<br>
<Tiffa> * The wind-up Rio skewers it and makes a fishfry.<br>
<nowiki>ChrisV</nowiki> releases the wind-up Roseblack.<br>
<Tiffa> * The wind-up Rio macks :D<br>
<nowiki><ChrisV></nowiki> <Wind-up Roseblack> *stab* >:(<br>
<Mazinja> <Wind-up Rio> ;-;<br>
:- <i>*snrk*</i>
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 00:31, 8 May 2006



Culled from IRC logs, and mildly edited for sake of posting!

Part 1: The Before-The-Game Batch! (aka The AVR and Friends Show!)

My PCs are funny. :D

"Yes, but people will ask anything. 'Can I be a cougar who's friends to the bunnies?' 'Can my cello be undead?' ("... what?")"

"... come again?"

"'Can my cello be undead?' was asked during chargen for a Six-String Samurai one-shot. The asker was the GM's girlfriend, who is a bright girl but had never RPed previously. What did she mean? I don't know! The GM didn't know!"

"Did she proceed to get stared at?"

"She kinda got stared at. Not quite as good as 'I'll use Demesne Ravaging Technique on the uncapped Solar manse' stare-at, but..."


"'Okay. Take... *roll* three Agg.' 'Ow! Christ!'"

-AVR telling an amusing little RPG anecdote to Tiffa.

[SCENE: Nexus. Lord Necrodork's Twilight has just been turned to the Abyss by the campaign's plotcock Deathlord. After much yelling, the Circle decides to let him travel with them. Thus...]

<LN> Okay, in the middle of the night, I'm going to leave the inn and go stalk the streets.
<GM> Okay. There aren't a lot of people around, but it's Nexus, there are people.
<LN> Can I find someone in an isolated location?
<GM> Okaaay...
<LN> Okay, once I've got a mortal backed into an alley, I'm going to extend my fangs, grapple him, and feed on his blood to replenish my Essence.
<entire rest of play group> ...
<GM> ... maybe you shouldn't have done this with everyone here.

"...Wait, the Circle went with him?"

"No. But *OOCly* none of us knew WTF was up with Abyssals. This was years ago. I think the splat was very new. And we'd pretty much all agreed "well, okay,he's hotter and creepier now and doesn't respond to his actual name, but he can still be in our Circle. It's cool. And then HOLY SHIT DOOM VAMPIRE. So yeah, nobody knew what happened ICly, but OOCly we were all just sort of staring at Necrodork and saying 'uh.'"

-AVR relating another little tale, with an interrupt from Will.

"(Way #447 You Can Tell You've Been Playing a Lunar Too Long: "wait, I only have nine HLs? Is this safe?" Way #448: "AWESOME! I have a reflexive dodge! :D")"

-AVR speaks UCS's Truth.

"Must... stop... thinking too hard... 'So what does his dad die of? Consumption? But that's so contagious, it'd probably get most of the household too, and I do not want to be thinking about tubercles while I'm playing Exalted. Maybe malaria? ... FUCK IT I AM NOT DEFINING THE DISEASE, THIS IS RETARDED'"

-AVR having a moment of chargen brain-infighting

"I love the idea of Lytek seeing ten new Solar sparks and doing a little jig."

"<Lytek> Rad! Man was I ever getting sick of Lunars. Half of them get killed in like three weeks. What's up with that?"

-Will and AVR noting Lytek's happy reaction in the little storyblurb on the main RF page.

So! I STed Exalted today! I have four players. A big barbarian Dawn, a northern former-rich man Eclipse, and two female Nights, a thief and an ANTI-REALM REBEL! >=O

They are in Nexus (because I figured random chance of meeting people is higher in Nexus :p), and three of them already met and fought off a corrupt Night caste in the docks (but he's still aliiiive). And a spirit gave them a hint about another Night caste coming to the city (the rebel), so they were trying to find her today.

And it was pretty funny. The barbarian's way of interrogating people about anything is to grab them and pull them to his face (STR 5), while he sometimes tried to hit on women (APP 1). Finally, they managed to track her down to Cinnabar, where she was spying on to Realm DBs in a tavern. The party splits up, and the barbarian promptly heads into the same bar where she's at, and... promptly gets pasted (I know Exalts rarely get drunk but I let it slide because it was funny :p).

So, while he's drunk off his ass, he interrogates her about a woman that looks -just- like her... and then falls asleep. The other two track him down to the tavern and the thief Night slaps him awake! He... wakes up moody, and promptly grabs the other Night by the throat.

Thankfully, the Eclipse manages to defuse the situation, and when he noticed the girl is just like the one they are looking for and begins to chat up with her... and while the Night is somewhat confused, the drunk barbarian turns to her and goes. "Look, what he's asking is: how much?"

Minor fight later, the Night stomps out (the DBs went away while she was distracted), and the other Night goes to track her while the Eclipse, just in case she isn't it, goes to check on a source of information he had gotten earlier.

And that's where we left. Notably, the barbarian got the most XP, because jesus that made me laugh.

-Funny ST Tale from Tiffa!

"I've been thinking about Tian. A lot."


"Just his philosophy, his goals, how his past life's personality influences him. Also, fighting style! Brawl + Thrown = who needs to carry weapons? I fully intend to have Tian kill someone with at least a dozen household implements."

-Will scares me sometimes. (Evil ST is the 'liiiiike?' guy!)

"The "all Celestials" thing pretty much broke me, too. 'So finally we have had it canonically established as to what will happen if Chejop Kejak fucks a goat. Thanks, White Wolf.'"

-AVR putting in her $0.02 regarding Celestial half-caste breeding... fuckedness. Aie.

"... so, what happens if you give Alchemicals a protocol so that they can combine with other Alchemicals? ¬_¬"


-I would so make an Alchemical game out of that concept. Tiff, then Evil ST!

Darkheart has to remember to erase the virtue flaw bit on this profile PDF. >I

"Virtue Flaw: NO"

"Heehee. 'No Thanks, I Took The Sushi.'"

"'Decided I Didn't Want One'"

"<Marc> Wolf of War's Virtue Flaw is that he gets totally pissed but more awesome and gets like 10 extra dots in everything and can use Shadowlands Circle Necromancy spells."

"... what. Chris, don't make me kill you. =P"

-Me---er, EVIL ST and AVR, then Chris with the killing blow. If you've heard about Marc Weinstein and Warwolf, I feel your pain. If not, DON'T ASK AROUND.

"I need to GET Laranth on the road to Awesome."

"I am aware of this and am thinking. Did you have thoughts?"

"BOAT TRIP! But... hm."

"As in 'booking passage on The Hate Boat Rio and/or Tian's vessel?'"

-The Evil ST and AVR discussing how to move Laranth along!

<Dyna> I hope to bring non-violent conflict resolution skills to the party. :x
<Rio> Tell -him- that >-<
<Dyna> Breon doesn't like it when people fight. <Breon> *TEETH*
<Rio> Nice kitty. o_o
<Dyna> He is! He's my fuzzy wuzzy wittle kittywittums! ^-^ *scritchie Breon*
<Laranth> And this is the glorious sage from which the rest of us are supposed to take advice.
<Dyna> The simple act of petting a dog or cat is an excellent way to defuse a temper. ^_^
<Tian> I think I may kill myself.
<Dyna> And Breon will bite you if you make fun of me. >:(
<Tian> Breon will be my living-room rug if he even looks at me the wrong way.
<Laranth> .oO(Writing letter to Lytek about reassignment. I hear being a Fire-Aspect is lovely this time of year.)

-My PC are silly. Not-Really-IC Chatter; Dyna is played by ChrisV, a hero and a scholar.

"Plasma Thruster Assembly. Three uses: rocket-jump, combat rocket-jump, flight."

"Yeah, Plasma Thruster is nice."

"The prereqs are swass, too."

"I would house-rule in an ability to lessen the collateral damage. Or allow you to make it worse. :D"


"'Why're you using your jets?' 'I just want to see the trees burn. :D' '...' ... a closet pyro Alchie."

"'Thank you, oh Great Maker, for sending me to this flammable world!'"

-The Evil ST and Will discuss, and then have fun with, Autobots. The book had just come out, see.

"Heavenly Guardian Defense is a perfect parry. It blocks anything. This leads to funny situations where people try to use it in social situations. 'He casts aspersions on your manhood.' 'HGD!' '..You can't *do* that.' 'I HGD your ruling!' 'Goddammit.'"

-Will explaining HGD to an Exalted nuub.

<Evil ST> And Laranth runs, and then... THE DICE ARE ON.
<Tiffa> :D
<AVR> Yay~
<Will> Go now!
<AVR> We're using Diceheart, right?
<Evil ST> Yes, I'm going to have to order everyone to use Dicey. =P
<AVR> Okay.
<Evil ST> Hopefully he'll be a good boy.
<Tiffa> Will it be nice dicey or evil Fiat-like dicey?

-Diceheart is my in-IRC diceroller. He is notoriously mean to my players, as is his spiritual father Dicesuke.


"I have this urge to yell 'suck it!'."

-Will, as Tian owns Papa Pearl and company for free.

"I am taking a moment to imagine Lytek giggling as he picks Solar candidates. Well, Lytek in canon Exalted is busy replacing all these Solars because there are *so many*. But since he only has ten this time around, he can take his time and choose carefully."

"See, Laranth is the sort of dude that Lytek Exalts when he gets busy and has to choose fast. 'Huge blond dude. This'll do.'"

"Either him or the big guy. I need a coin."

"Maybe the Bronze were closing in on his office by the time he was picking the last Dawn and had to rush it a bit."

"Yeah, I do have to write a "Chejop grills Lytek" blurb."

"'And somewhere, an old man exiled by his tribe dies in the frozen wastes.'"

-Will, AVR, then the Evil ST and Will, making light of Yurgen's nonexistance.

"<Laranth> NO MAN MANACLES ... wait, what?"

"<Tian> ..You okay?"

"<Laranth> I just had this incredible urge to sack an Imperial legion. How odd."

"<Tian> Well, we can do it anyway."

"<Laranth> It seems like rather a lot of work. Besides, aren't we supposed to be saving the world? Not just blowing bits of it up?"

"<Tian> A little creative destruction never hurt anyone important."

"<Laranth> Fine. *You* rally the barbarians."

"<Tian> ..Point taken."

-AVR and Will, quasi-IC, having a bit of fun with the 'Laranth As The Yurgen Replacement' thingie.

"Day three draws to a close, and what was merely a constant rain of snow has become a driving, violent rush of ice, sleet and bone-slashing wind. Still, he is there, protected for the time being by his makeshift shelter... waiting. For failure? Success? A miracle? Who knows?"

"The last line of that setup reminds me unpleasantly of my players last semester declaring that they were 'waiting for another plot element to show up.' 'What are you doing?' 'Heading back and waiting for the plot to advance.' '... dude, were you not some sort of terrifying ninja master I would take you out to the curb and beat you.'"

-The Evil ST posting a bit of IC setup, and AVR's OOC reaction.

Laranth has an expression of vague confusion, as if even he's forgotten what precisely he's waiting for. "... may... not.. have thought this through."

-Marching into a blizzard, then attempting to march back can make you realize that it could be a, y'know, bad thing. All Laranth.

"... I wonder why my Uncy is rather touchy-feely. 'RISE! BE MINE!' '... you're touching my boobs.' 'Why, yes! They are the globes of the sun!' '>_<'

"He's four-armed Zeus, dude."

"'So you invest them with a shard of your glorious power, and then?' 'Huuugs! ^_^'"

"Also, a little over-familiarity can be forgiven. This is an excellent day for the guy. 'My kids are back! :D'"

"'Holy shit. Oh man. Guess what Lytek found in the Lost and Found!'"

-Uncy's representation in Rising Force is a tad touchy-feely, yes. I plan to take this somewhere. Oh, yah. Evil ST, then Will and AVR.

"I am mildly pleased that his first in-game comment is a realization that his Plan to Prove Himself was deeply retarded."

-AVR thinking back on the above comment from Laranth!

Rio steps towards Tian, arms still crossed, and she stares him down once she reaches a few feet. "The offer is fishy, but you still have to tell me... why shouldn't I chuck you into the river for -sneaking into my ship- like a common thief?"

"Well, you can *try*."

"Now, that sounds like a challenge."

Tian shrugs lightly.

Rio keeps glaring down at Tian for a moment, and finally leans forward and points a finger at him. "... you say you can help, prove it."

"Right now?"

"Well no, perhaps after you've had a nice meal at our expense and took a nap and YES NOW!"

-To layed a quote in with a quote, Tian and Rio's bickering elicited a "This is gonna be the best Circle." from AVR. This bit's just the capstone of that scene.

"See, I'm a woman of my word. You did get us out of that port, and I'll take you there... but if I suddenly get the navy on my ass, I want to know why. Just so I know if I have to throw you overboard, you understand. ^_^"

Tian barely resists the impulse to do a backflip, hopping off the railing. "I'm not being chased or.. well, not wanted by anyone with a *navy*, anyway. You've got nothing to worry about." He grins faintly. "And I definitely know we've gone through *this* already."

"I don't care. ^_^"

"You're still welcome to try if you're so inclined."

West goes back to grunting in mild disgust. Jade cocks up an eyebrow at Tian, sharpening her spear. "Tian, you're being pretty up-front. You sure the sea isn't getting to you?" She smirks, slightly, before Lily lightly baps her on the head.

"Kid, I'm getting tired of this game. If you cannot say why the hell you want to go to the middle of nowhere, you can get off my ship."

Tian tosses a cocky grin to Jade, returning his attention to Rio. "It's not that I can't say why I'm going, it's that I won't. Only one person knows what I'm thinking, and that's not going to change with a few empty threats."

The crew starts to filter back to their stations, and the lot of them give Tian a wide berth. A few of the topsmen look surprised that he's not up there himself. Rio rubs her temple, muttering something low under her breath.

"Anything else, fearless leader?"

"Don't get smart with me, boy."

Tian laughs, hopping backwards a bit. "It's a long trip, there's not much to do."

West finally clears his throat. "Hoi. Rio. Easy. Let's just humor the boy and get this all overwith so we can get back to doing things we actually want to do. Faster he's gone the better."

Rio gives Tian a glare. "No. I may owe him something, but this is MY ship, and he will show the proper respect."

Tian responds with a full-on mocking smile, hands on his hips, lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet. "... Oh, fine."

Lily taps Jade on the shoulder... and Jade snorts, handing over a couple of jade bits.

Rio opens her mouth, closes it, and looks towards the two. "... and what were you betting about now?"

Tian glares pure death over at his sisters, gritting his teeth. Both of them go about looks like nothing occured. Yep, completely innocent.

-Jade and Lily, Tian's taggers-on and NPCs, enjoy betting on what Tian'll do next! Anyway, Rio and Tian snapping at each other, with the occasional word from Sagacious West/

"And Will, mild apologies for Jade and Lily. I think I've kinda found an amusing schtick for them. =P"

"It fits. Tian basically spends his days making up gamble-worthy situations."

"It's like that one Tiny Toons situation: 'WILL DIZZY EAT IT?!'"

"'Will the Guild factor punch Tian in the face?!' 'Will Tian make the hundred-foot jump to avoid a mob of angry merchants?!' 'Will Tian last half an hour without pissing someone off?!'"

-... and the OOC talkback between the Evil ST and Will concerning the above!

Laranth doesn't take long to catch on. "You! ... You'll have to forgive me; you were taller then, and I was thinking mostly about hypothermia and the sudden lack thereof. What in the world are you doing traveling south?"

"Some minor territory issues."

"Translation: 'I was sent packing.'"

-Laranth, Grass-Eater in human form... and then an OOC Will hitting the nail right on the fucking head. :D

Part 3: Oh Shit There's An Actual Game?!

<ChrisV> !ex 10
<Diceheart> Dyna (10), 5, 2, 1, 6, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 1, Successes : 0, Botch
<ChrisV> ... wow.
<Tiffa> ... BAD dice.
<Will> I am convinced that bots with "Dice" in their names are bound for terrible, terrible things.

-Best diceroll ever. [Evil ST as Diceheart!]

<Evil ST> > You see a door.
<ChrisV> > Get door
<Evil ST> > You take the door and stuff it into your pocket.
<Will> What the hell are you old folks talking about?

-Obligatory Text Adventure Quote.

<Will> I found an Exalted virgin, so he's going to be subjected to my own twisted worldview.
<AVR> ... good heavens. What do you have planned for him?
<Will> Among other things? Ot's head rising out of the Imperial Mountain. Robots and dwarves 4 life.
<AVR> Oh my Christ.
<Will> I'm also using my all-casteless Lunar variant. I borrowed a page from Shelby's book and kept the Realm intact.
<AVR> What, the Realm not being a total paper tiger suitable only for providing mooks?
<Will> Of course. He's a Zenith, he needs lofty goals. And the Realm is a good stepping-stone between the Scavenger Lands and Heaven. That is, if he can save it from the cybernetic midget invasion.
<Will> I'm not sure what else to throw at him. The Wyld Hunt, sure. I could put Gem in danger and *not* get a cynical response.

-Will is a scary, scary man sometimes. During a lull pre-session.

Deis scratches his head a bit, looking at Tian. "Umm... isn't it wrong to take what might be someone's grave belongings?"

<Tian> No.

-Deis questioning Tian's desire to fence a small cache of First-Age trinkets found in a (false) tomb, and Tian's most honest reply.

The boy... practically throws himself onto Rio, hugging tightly and quite affectionately. "You live! You live! Where is the ship? Where are the crew?" He pauses... then pokes a few times at Rio's chest. "... Captain, you have breasts!"

Dyna looks at the boy... and blinks... her eyes getting wider still.

Tian then breaks out of his reverie long enough to laugh into his uncovered fist.

Rio is neatly shaken out of her dazedness! "--gwah?!"

-Captain has breasts now! :O

<Evil ST> Man, that reminds me. I need to make RealUltimateGlamour on the wiki. Just as a silly outlet.
<AVR> 1) Fair Folk are mammals. (When they want to be.) 2) Fair Folk shaping-combat ALL THE TIME.
<Evil ST> YES. 3) The purpose of the Fair Folk is to flip out and eat dreams.

-I am going to make this page one of these days. I swear...

<Will> Yeah, GCG said scaling the Imperial Mountain is a major bragging right even among the Celestials. (It'd be hilarious if a Zenith from the First Age came down for breath after meditating for a thousand years at the peak, and looked around going "..what".)
<ChrisV> "... well, shit! >_<"
<AVR> "Oh, geez, you leave the DBs alone for a millennium and *this happens.*"

-Talk of the Imperial Moutain led to this!

<AVR> I do like stunts. ("... did you write a stunt out before the game? A social stunt? I'm not sure whether I should be impressed or tell you to focus on your homework.")One of the Fire-aspects decided to bake a pie for an NPC. Not quite as good as the "I'll steal all the butter from the party and then talk to an incredibly boring NPC for like fifteen minutes realtime" incident, but still, my players impress and worry me.
<Evil ST> ... steal all the butter.
<AVR> All the butter. She was very insistent.

-... ALL the butter. WTF.

<Will> Well, a lot of Tian's behavior is just good old-fashioned arrogance born of power. But part of the reason he's screwed up is because of his Dark Past.
<AVR> Fair. I've been thinking about this in terms of MST plotting, and the eternal question: is it cheesier when someone is evil Because, or evil because of Cliche Backstory Issues?
<Will> Hm. The latter. When someone is Just Evil, you don't really think about it. When someone is Evil and gets a Tragic Backstory, you think about.. how stupid it is.
<AVR> This is kind of my thought.
<Will> I rank them. Evil with good Tragic Backstory, Just Evil, Evil with actively-bad Tragic Backstory, Evil with completely workmanlike Tragic Backstory.
<Tiffa> Workmanlike?
<Will> "His parents died in a fire."
<AVR> .. man, I'm not sure whether I hate cliche Tragic Backstories or originally sucky Tragic Backstories more.
<Will> No actual effort put into it.
<Tiffa> Ah.
<AVR> I mean... Hannibal Lecter's sister getting eaten by Nazis.
<Will> I can respect effort, if in a distant theoretical way. Well, okay, sometimes effort really doesn't count at all. But how many Nazi-eaten sisters are there?
<Amanda> Just the one. Thank God.

- A chat about Evil Character Motivations.

Tiffa sends a wind-up Rio waddling about.
Will sends a full-size fishman after it.
<Tiffa> * The wind-up Rio skewers it and makes a fishfry.
ChrisV releases the wind-up Roseblack.
<Tiffa> * The wind-up Rio macks :D
<ChrisV> <Wind-up Roseblack> *stab* >:(
<Mazinja> <Wind-up Rio> ;-;

- *snrk*