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The trip out and back was easy enough. Getting back upstairs wasn't a problem, and there were no other incidents that occured on the way out. Upon reaching Rio's ship the crew and Guild liasons were already panicing a tad, as it seems that the so-called 'Rising Island' has begun to steadily sink.
#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOneDarkheartOne/LogOneFive/IdeaDump]]
Rio runs towards the ship, ordering anybody not already on the ship to GET THE HELL IN. She's also carrying the skull of the fish-man they saw earlier in the way.
Laranth gets on board quickly. "Well, then. That was... intriguing."
The skull is more than enough to convince just about everyone to hop back aboard. West, for his part, looks at the skull and recoils. "Gods... do I wanna know what was in there?"
Deis acks and hustles onboard after Larnath.
Dyna runs up the plank quickly, calling out to Breon to follow her as she flies up onto the deck.
<Laranth> You don't, really.
Tian isn't far behind, sack slung over his shoulder. "What a pointless venture."
<Rio> I'll tell you later! Get ready to set sail! I don't know how long this island be still here!
<Dyna> You better hurry!  The suction created by such a large landmass could pull an entire fleet of ships twice this size to the bottom of the sea!
Breon lopes onto the boat with a single mighty leap, then settles in by Dyna's side. West simply nods, and starts screaming orders in a manner than obviously gets the crew's attention.
Deis pales a bit at Dyna, swallowing "I... really could've done without that information Miss Dyna."
<Dyna> You'll have to deal with it... these men need to know thier lives are at stake!
<Laranth> The lady's right. We'd do best to leave this place quickly. It's... just as well that it's sinking, truth be told.
<Tian> Demons. Of all things, it had to be demons.
<Rio> Feh! As is this ship would sink that easily... ALBATROSS! Let's get MOVING!
A favorable wind starts the ship on its way, while the crew works frantically to make the best of it. West does glance at Rio a few times, but doesn't press the matter. The Guild liason himself is just gawking at the skull, and keeping his distance.
<Laranth> The sooner we get back to Solace, the better. I might need a drink.
Rio keeps barking order here and there (orders repeated by a huge bald scary man not far away), keeping the crew moving as the island sinks slowly behind them.
<Dyna> I know I'm going to need one.  Something stiff.
Deis looks back at the island with a little worry in his voice "I...hope we were the only ones there...."
Laranth nods to Deis, grave-looking. "I hope so, but I suspect we were too late for any others."
<Dyna> If there's anything left alive... it's not human.
Tian snorts, leaning against one of the masts. "Your first reaction is to go straight for the alcohol, mm?"
<Laranth> I'm not often a drinker. But sometimes I will make an exception.
<Dyna> Hm.  Typical of a young man.  There's a difference between drinking and having a drinking problem.
Rio finally sighs and slips towards West, looking tired... and then gives the older man a grin and a wink, holding a finger up in the 'Yeah, something's going on' fasgion.
Tian glances back at Dyna, eyebrow raised. "The first is a symptom and the second is a disease?"
The trip goes about quickly and without incident... and the island is soon under the sea. The strand of god-stuff that Boy gave the five fated travellers pulses warmly for a while, until they're apparently out of range, and the strands seem to be little more than finely-meshed golden chain. Solace approaches, the sun is up, and fishing boats are already spread out along the waters closer to the shore.
Deis smiles a bit at the boats. "Well... at least we're home safe. Well, um... home in the loose sense,"
<Dyna> Yeah... it certainly could've gone worse.
<Laranth> There's something to be said for living through things.
<Deis> You make it sound like you taunt death on a daily basis.
<Laranth> Not daily, but... I've had my moments.
<Dyna> The last year or so has seen a definite increase in such incidents.
Tian is currently up in the tops, balanced on the very top of the lookout's mast and chatting idly with the topsmen.
Dyna reaches down and scratches Breon behind the ear as she looks at the approaching shoreline.
From the water, Solace looks almost... established, really. Just another sleepy town, waking up to another day in Creation. Drawing close... it becomes obvious that someone's waiting for them at the dock. Two someones actually; Old Steel and Henpin herself.
Rio stares towards the port. "... well, I wonder what they'll say."
<Laranth> Let's hope they understand.
Dyna looks up at Tian, still scratching Breon behind the ear. "And that our friend up there is as good as he says he is."
Henpin starts to, well, wave at the group with both arms. Steel just stands there, looking less at the ship and more at the water.
Laranth waves back at Henpin, expression still nonethless grave.
Tian nods almost imperceptibly to Henpin, taking a flying leap off the mainmast. He catches a rope in midair and uses it to slide down to the deck, landing easily and dusting his palms off.
Deis waves cheerily to Henpin, his ordeal forgotten for a moment, then looks to Larnath, wondering why he has the look of doom warmed over on his face.
Dyna waves in return with a tired look on her face.
Rio ... picks the skull right up, and glances at Tian. "Well, let's hope they are happy with what they get."
And it's only a matter of time before the ship's safely moored to the dock, and for Henpin to come racing on up to meet the group. Old Steel remains where he is, a safe distance from the ship proper.
Laranth continues to have the look of doom. Somehow.
<Henpin> ... so! How did things... ah... er.
<Tian> Badly.
Henpin blinks once. Twice. Then scans the group and promptly frowns. "Oh, dear. That's not good. Please, tell me what happened."
<Dyna> To put it bluntly... the island sank.
Laranth clears his throat. "It's... yes. It sank. And may the Dragons take all on it to their graves."
Tian nods briskly, extending the half-full burlap sack to Henpin. "This.. is what we could get before we had to leave."
<Dyna> The island was inhabited by demons... they were likely attracted to the artifacts, somehow.  You might want to keep those under close guard.
Henpin promptly wears an expression of complete and total confusion, looking to the Guild liason. He nods in agreement, and Henpin goes back to just... staring. "It... sank." She takes the sack, distractedly looking through it. "Right, right."
Rio lifts the skull. "Plenty of strange creatures, really."
<Tian> We've already taken our payment out of the take.
<Laranth> If that's acceptable?
Henpin looks up and squeaks at the skull, falling on her well-padded bottom. "Oh my! That's... that is absolutely dreadful. And... you're certain it sank?"
<Laranth> It was sinking as we left. It's almost certainly long gone.
<Rio> Yes, we had to flee quite quickly... ask anybody on board, it was pretty frightening.
<Henpin> My liason is proof enough... still, there was little cost in going about this... we didn't want to risk losing massive amounts of money with a funded expedition...
<Tian> Then you've gained a bit and lost nothing.
Deis walks up behind Tian, listening in, not making a move to interrupt.
<Laranth> The treasure... I'm no appraiser, but it looks First Age. You likely made a tidy profit.
<Henpin> Still... if only we could send someone to explore... but that's just not feasible. I always did hate open water... ah well. I'll take this for appraisal, and I suppose that I could make sure that you all receieve a share of the profit.
Henpin nods to Laranth, closing the bag and... shuddering a tad as she looks at the skull again.
<Dyna> Well, don't be afraid to ask if you need help with another job.
Laranth nods. "We'll need recuperation time, but otherwise..."
<Rio> Mmhmm...
Tian nods once. "I'll be in the city for the foreseeable future, though I can't speak for them."
Dyna removes her hat and scratches her head. "... so, any of you guys hungry?"
<Rio> ... I could use something to eat, yes.
Deis nods slowly "I could eat.....wil lit be those weird..shrimp things again?"
<Laranth> I wouldn't mind food.
Henpin bows, slightly. "Nonetheless, I appreciate what you have done. Oh! Come to the Scalded Dog tomorrow for lunch, and we'll discuss your pay!" She bows again, then waddles on off with the goodies. Old Steel... waits, and as soon as Henpin joins him, they both leave, talking all the while.
<Dyna> I think that went well.
Tian doesn't seem inclined to take them up on the group lunch, immediately moving to descend down the ramp.
Laranth 's expression gradually lightens, and he nods. "I believe so."
<Dyna> Um... Tian?  Where are you going?
<Tian> Why do you care?
<Dyna> I thought we were all in this together... it'd probably be a good idea if we all had a chance to talk.
Tian shakes his head, pausing only to deliver his reply. "This doesn't change anything. I'm not interested in lunch or talking." And so he continues down the ramp, heading for the foreign quarter of Solace.
<Dyna> I assume you'll show up tomorrow for your cut?
<Tian> Of course.
Dyna turns to the others and shrugs. "I tried."
<Laranth> .. if he wants to go, let him go. I won't force his hand.
Deis yawns and looks into town. "Do...do you mind if I excuse myself?"
<Rio> ... eh?
Rio blinks, looking at Deis.
<Deis> Well, I'm tired, and really worried about Chisana and her sister...
<Laranth> Hm. Maybe we should all take care of our own business and then meet for lunch?
<Dyna> It looks like that's the way things are shaping up... so why not go with it?
<Laranth> Meet in the Dog, then? I wouldn't mind a rest and a chance to make myself presentable again.
<Dyna> Yeah, that sounds really good, now that you mention it.
<Rio> ... yeah, that'd be good... and I'm sure the crew wants to know what the hell happened.
Laranth glances to the side, making sure the wrapped parcel on his back is still in place, and nods. "I shall meet you soon, then." He sets off down the gangplank.
Deis returns to the inn he and the sisters are staying at and flops on a bed, more exhausted than he really should be.
Breon idly passes between the group, snuffling at legs here and there before hovering around Dyna.
Dyna pats Breon on the head and waves to Laranth. "Later, then. C'mon, Breon... we've got some time to kill."
<Dyna> Bye, Rio!
Dyna smiles cheerfully and waves to Rio before heading down the gangplank and into the city.
Breon tags along behind his mistress, staying close and watching for potential trouble.
Rio waves bye, and goes to inform her crew.
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010