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#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOne/IdeaDump]]
And... thus, the dreaded day arrives. The sun is shining, the city still smells of roasted, fried and baked shark, and things have calmed down. However... the rumors have started, now that life's back to normal.
Everyone seems to have a theory; some say it was the brave Guild wanders. Some think it was whoever arrived on the mysterious ghost boat that no one can find. Some have even said that it might have been the work of... ANATHEMA! Someone swore up and down he saw a demon, twenty-feet tall with horns 'out to HERE!' eating fishmen.
This is either typical speculation, or someone's deliberately spreading rumors to keep people guessing, occupied or both. Whatever the case, that matters little; there's a meeting to be had.
Where it's happening is a nice little place near the laboratory grounds, built for special guests judging by how brilliant it seems compared to the rest of the stone-and-mortal town. Outside, it's actual wood (painted an eye-biting red), and made in the style of manors on the Blessed Isle. Inside, it's furnished, if sparsely, with various works of art that are... passable. Not too expensive, but not that priceless. The floors are actually carpeted, and there are a plethora of greeters waiting to usher the team in. Anyone with a sharp eye (especially Tian) will notice faint lumps in their clothing; they're obviously more than greeters.
Nonetheless, the group is led to an antechamber, where two brooding Blooded wait, looking somewhere between angry and bored. The larger, brick-solid woman stiffens the moment she sees anyone arrive, while the man looks up... snorts, and goes back to polishing his nails.
Laranth will do everything possible at his size to appear humble.
Dyna is quiet... and still. Very, <i>very</i> quiet and still.
Tian throws back his hood, revealing a shiny bald scalp, black-tinted spectacles, and a completely apathetic expression.
Ixili, the tank of an Earthblood, snorts derisively for a moment. "General Ejava's not ready to see you yet. So you have to wait here. With us." The 'with us' drips disgust and wariness. Hames, the snooty bastard Tian most definitely remembers, simply chuckles, checking out his nails.
<Tian> Perhaps we'll become more enlightened by proximity.
Ixili mutters something in High Realm that sounds derisive, although Hames finally seems to be paying attention. "Perhaps. I would like to apologize for misjudging you, I should note."
<Laranth> It was understandable under the circumstances, certainly.
"Eh." Hames shrugs. "Don't get me wrong. Anathema." He puts a point on that word.
<Dyna> I'm certain you'll understand if we don't think that term applies.
"I would beg to differ!" Ixili rises, her voice taking on the sound of an approaching avalanche... until Hames slaps her. *HARD*, before giving her a look that could melt stone. She shuts up quickly, hand to her cheek.
<Tian> It's to be expected. Terrestrial.
"We are princes of Creation, my tainted boy. Never forget that. But..." Hames deflates, looking almost unhappy. "Your acts will not go unrewarded, even considering what you are. You have Old Steel and the General to thank for that."
<Laranth> Then we should be thankful for your generosity.
Tian glances sidelong at Laranth. "That depends on the reward."
"Mmmmn." Hames eyes Ixili again, who looks somewhere between bottled rage and tears of frustration. "Your reward will be twofold, but it is not for me to tell you what it is. The General will take care of that when she is ready for you."
<Dyna> Did she tell you to expect to entertain us for long?
Hames laughs at that, harsly. "No, but she's not in the best of states right now, so it could take some time." He does look at Dyna for a moment. "... you are more appealing than I would have expected. Shadows hide themselves well, it seems."
<Dyna> Why thank you.  I'm flattered.
Dyna simply glares coldly at Hames from behind her glasses.
" Curious, your use of that word. I find that shadows are often the creations of a glorious light." Tian looks at Hames over the rims of his own spectacles.
Hames offers Dyna a shrug and an equally cold grin... and then Tian a look. "You're most welcome, my dear. And boy... that is exactly my point." Ixili finally seems to have herself under control, although she's gripping onto some kind of little jade doll in one of her massive hands.
Laranth stays silent, apparently deciding discretion is the better part of valor.
<Tian> Then I'm glad our thoughts run parallel to each other.
"Just in opposite directions, of course." He takes a moment to inspect a nail, then produces his file and gets to work. "... it is a shame, really. If things were different, I'd be much happier about all this."
Tian leans against a nearby wall, arms crossed and eyes directed up at the ceiling. "Really."
<Dyna> We'd love to hear the details, if you're so inclined.
"Well, because of your wonderful timing and your glorious deeds..." Hames pauses to look at Ixili and her jade doll. "... our General seemed to think it fair enough to not alert the Hunt of faerie activity here until after you depart. All told, I would have sent them a message myself, but then she would have beheaded me on the spot." Hames shrugs.
<Tian> Mm.
<Laranth> Very well, then.
<Ixili> We are... bound to not act as we should. The General demands it. She... has to have her reasons.
"... can I ask you one thing? I've always been curious about this, but I never bothered to ask the one time I had a chance." Hames smiles cryptically. "... what does it feel like? Your... gift?"
<Tian> I can show you.
Laranth smiles, slightly, and leans forward. "I could explain. You'll surely think I'm a hideous demon, but I suppose we've already crossed that bridge, eh?"
<Dyna> It's always good to know the truth.
Tian moves towards Hames, extending a hand for him to clasp.
"I'd rather not... see. Simply listen." He bristles, and his faintly blue skin seems all the more brilliant, perhaps a natural sign of unease. Ixili herself looks suddenly wary.
<Tian> Oh, come now. If you can't understand your enemy intimately, how can you face him?
Tian glances over at Ixili.
<Laranth> I suspect it differs for all of us, but for me... it's fire, and it's guidance, and it's certainty. I know where I'm going now, and I know that I'm being watched over.
That gets Ixili's attention, and she looks to Hames before rising. "... I will try you. But if you attempt some trick, monster, I will BREAK you with my bare hands." She speaks with the authority of someone who's probably done that before. Hames snorts, but doesn't stop her.
Tian pivots on his heel, this time extending his hand in her direction. "I have no doubt."
Ixili seems wary, but finally transfers the doll back into her off-hand and takes Tian's. Her hand nearly swallows his own. Hames watches, although there's obviously some wariness in his posture.
Tian meets Ixili's gaze with a confident half-grin, forehead crackling and shimmering with the faint suggestion of a circle.
<Dyna> I hope you find the experience illuminating.  Perhaps it'll remove a few shadows for you, let you see a bit more clearly... slowly but surely, it's removing all of mine.
Ixili flinches, but she stands firm. Hames' eyes narrow, and a bit of static runs along his clenched teeth. "... so you say."
<Laranth> It's a difficult experience to put into words. I suspect it is not so dissimilar to your experiences of power, really.
<Darkheart> <Hames> ... oh, really.
Tian closes his eyes. Suddenly, without much in the way of warning, an enormous bonfire of energy and light engulfs the pair, swirling with white-gold and deep purple. His grip tightens fractionally, as the power flows down from his forehead, through his arm, and into her body. Within the Essence whirlwind, there's an eerie calm, the rushing sound of power only faintly audible. It's as if everything is a million miles away.
Laranth shrugs. "It's so subjective that--" And then his eyes widen as he takes in just what Tian is doing.
Ixili doesn't move, doesn't speak, doesn't even react. All she does is sit there for a long moment in the middle of it all. And then her eyes go wide. There is a five-second pause... and she yanks her hand away from Tian's and pulls away. He feels a faint, momentary sting on his skin as she withdraws; a quick check will show that very faint irritated splotches dot his hand.
Tian releases her hand and steps back, lifting his hood up over his head again.
Hames does nothing, although his hands fold into his robe and stay there. Ixili just looks at her hand, then at Tian, then her hand again, a slight mist floating with her. Its scent bites the nose... it almost smells like lye.
<Tian> ..That's what it's like.
<Dyna> Any further questions?
<Ixili> N-None! I... no. None.
<Dyna> Perhaps you should sit down, then.
The hefty woman promptly clutches the doll again, sitting down as her anima recedes, leaving the chair onlt slightly smoking. Hames himself looks tense, but his notably-empty hands return to view. "I suppose I'll talk to her about it when she's in a better mood."
Tian straightens his coat and half-turns. "Probably wise."
Dyna turns her eyes to Hames. "And you?"
<Laranth> Perhaps.
Hames shakes his head. "I only want to know one more thing, but that you cannot give me an objective answer on. I will know it soon enough, though." He takes a moment to compose himself, then walks over to a nearby cabinet and retrieves a few bottles of what appears to be wine, as well as a number of expensive-looking glasses. "Until then... I would like to be able to truthfully say that I shared a drink with one of the Wretched and lived."
<Laranth> ... heh! It would be my pleasure.
"You'll have to wait until you encounter another; I don't drink." Tian grins wryly and gestures over to Laranth. "The Forsaken seems amenable, however."
<Dyna> I'll have to respectfully decline.
Hames quietly pours enough for everyone. "Not even a sip? Bah, fine, I shall drink yours and Ixili's share. Another silly girl who doesn't touch the bottle. Never told me why."
<Laranth> I see no reason not to honor our host's hospitality. Besides, if it'll go to waste anyway...
Hames snickers, and slides a glass in Laranth's direction... before he proceeds to rather quickly drain the other four.
Tian returns to his position against the wall, watching Ixili with quiet interest. "My order's purity laws forbid it. I've never had a taste for the stuff, anyway."
<Dyna> It just doesn't strike my fancy at the moment.
Laranth drinks! Well, sips.
Hames finishes the fourth, coughs... and chuckles. "I know a few Immaculate who would like to hear more about your order's laws before they stuff their fists down your throat." As for the wine, it's... unusual. It tastes like typical white-grape stuff, but it is cold. Moisture is already forming on the glass, and a slight bit of haze rises from the wine.
<Laranth> This is.. an intriguing vintage. May I ask what sort?
Hames corks the bottle. "A friend from Cynis has some... unusual connections from the North, and purchased a few bottles of that wine. I won one from him in a game of Gateway, and I planned on having it with dinner. It is... he called it 'hoarfrost' white wine."
<Laranth> Hmm! Not one I've experienced before, I'll confess. Is it of Haslanti brewing?
Hames thinks for a moment, then frowns. "... I remember he wouldn't say specifically. Something about 'keeping trade secrets'. Heh, for him, I used to imagine that being aphrodesiacs." He chuckles... and it's a genuine one. He seems relaxed, probably because of the big shot of alcohol in his system.
Laranth nods. "I see! Very interesting! I may have to ask around... once we're far from Solace, of course." He takes another drink.
<Tian> I've heard it come from the North -- which I'm sure is very surprising.
"You'll have time. Thankfully for you." Hames chuckles... while Ixili seems too focused on that jade doll to pay the others much mind. Of course, her massive manchopper is only a arm's-length away.
<Laranth> Thankfully for most everyone, I'd say.
Hames snickers. "Until the next time, of course."
<Dyna> So, have you negotiated for a ship yet?
"Just how is anybody supposed to find this place? I swear it's a maze out there..." Rio, the LAST member of the circle steps into the room, brushing herself off... and sporting new clothes, as well as her captain attire.
Hamas sounds a bit irritated at that. "Another of the General's vessels is on the way. They do not know what has occured, of course, and they are coming from the East."
Laranth drinks again, then nods as Rio enters. "Hello!"
"Hello..." Rio ... blinks, glancing about. "... what, am I late?"
"Not quite." Hames eyes Rio for a moment... and then a bit longer, his eyes falling quite squarely on her chest. "I do not remember having met you, although perhaps I was a bit agitated that night."
Ixili, for her part, looks up... and kinda does the same thing for a moment, although she soon returns to her doll-holding.
Tian hides a smile behind one hand.
"... oh, yeah, we did meet, a bit... I had my men help with the sinking ship!" Rio steps towards the two Dragon-blooded... and offers a friendly handshake!
Hames takes a moment to shake, dipping slightly before letting go. He still seems wary, but it's tempered with momentary, alcohol-fueled calm. Ixili does not accept Rio's hand, simply eyeing her for a moment.
Rio blinks a bit, trying to meet Ixiki's gaze
"She's a bit shy." Tian is watching Ixili as well, that enigmatic expression still on his face.
Rio blinks back at Tian, and slips her hands behind her head. "... Huh, I don't remember that from when we saw her..."
"I am not shy." Avalanche and grinding stones are her voice again, and she clenches the normal jade figurine in her hand until her knuckles actually go slightly beige. "Somethiing is on my mind, is all." She notable does not look up at Rio.
<Dyna> You might break it if you're not careful.
<Rio> Wazzat?
<Laranth> Then think. Don't let us trouble you.
Rio blinks at the jade figurine.
Hames' eyes wander again; he's definitely a master at it, though, as his head doesn't follow. "She's had it for almost... what, twenty-six years now, Ixi?" The woman grunts, not answering Rio. It looks like a well-dressed noble--well-carved, and obviously expensive.
<Rio> Ah! A memento? It's very pretty.
Hames shakes his head. "I imagine your ally's actions have also caused her to withdraw some. I do have to ask her about that later on..." He eyes Tian, even as he uncorks the wine bottle and pours another glass for himself.
Rio ... eyes Tian curiously.
Tian gives Rio his patented ultra-innocent look.
<Rio> ...
Laranth drinks a bit more, avoiding eye contact with either of them.
<Hames> A taste of his brilliant, shining light. I'm surprised Ixili didn't burn your hand off in reflex.
<Dyna> He didn't do any harm.
Ixili grunts again, although she does finally look up at Rio, peering through a small forest of reddish-brown braids.
<Rio> Aah, so he was just showing off?
<Laranth> A bit more than that, perhaps, but...
<Tian> I thought it might be enlightening.
<Dyna> I'm sure it was.
"..." Rio scratches the back of her head, and looks down at Ixili. "What DID you think?"
Ixili goes back to staring at the figurine. Hames, for his part, actually looks away from Rio for a moment. "Definitely have to talk to her about it."
<Ixili> ... a familiar feeling.
Rio tilts her head to the side
Ixili says nothing more. Hames himself sighs slightly, but stays quiet. "... you anathema are so strange. I could almost like you were it not for the fact that I cannot risk it."
<Rio> ... so... let me ask you something.
Hames points to himself. "Me?"
Rio leans forward, placing her hands on her hips. "When you two Exalted... would you say it changed who you were as a person?"
Hames pauses. For one reason or another. "... fundamentally? No. What I can do has changed, but what I am remains. It is colored by Air, yes... but it is still me."
Ixili herself actually makes a very unhappy sound. "It changed what was around me."
"... Well, I don't see what the big difference between us is then." Rio leans back, and then steps over to a chair, sitting down. "I can sail better and fight harder, but I'm still me."
"They say that darkness settles within the heart when your... kind become." Hames folds his arms, bottle in one hand. "On the outside, you are you. But inside resides something that overrides, overcomes. That thing is ultimately what will burn Creation to ash..." He pauses, then flashes a flippant little smirk. "Or so they say."
<Tian> Possible. Though it could be the same for you.
<Laranth> .. perhaps this is the wine talking, but if I ever threaten to set Creation afire, I'll give you my permission now to kill me.
"I will hold you to that." Hames says that evenly, idly refilling Laranth's glass.
Rio leans back. "... I refuse to believe that."
<Dyna> We haven't didn't burn creation to ashes then, and I don't think we'll do it now.  I don't think we're topping your threat list at the moment, anyway.
Laranth takes another drink. "Thank you."
Rio raises a hand into the sky, and clenches it into a fist. "... now, more than ever, we hold our fates in our hands. And if this darkness exists, then I'll just have to kick its ass."
<Dyna> Well, I guess that's as good a contingency plan as we're going to come up with for now.
<Laranth> We'll simply have to see.
"Then." Hames snickers, but keeps whatever else he has planned to say to himself. "Ah well. If you are truly the beasts I have come to see, then whatever shall be, shall be. If not... I pray you live long enough to prove me wrong." He raises a fresh glass in a sort of toast, then drains it. Hames, done talking, resumes looking relaxed and ogling Rio's chest in a suitably 'polite' manner.
Tian continues to lean against the wall, head tilted back and eyes obscured. He almost looks asleep.
Laranth drinks. "It's a shame, really..."
<Dyna> You're certainly easier to get along with once you're relaxed.  You should really consider picking up a more constructive form of stress relief.
"I usually paint, but that my supplies were eaten. Damned monsters." Hames pours yet another glass, the bottle almost done. The man can definitely hold his liquor.
<Rio> ... hey, what are you drinking? Looks good, gimme some of that...
Hames kindly pours the rest for Rio and slides it her way. "You may even have my glass, if you so choose. I would be... honored." He smiles in a slightly teasing manner. That might've almost been a come-on.
Rio utterly fails to notice as she drinks away!
Meanwhile... Deis is busy sleeping off the past few days---that, and having tried something called 'rum' that Chisana had given him...
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 00:22, 8 May 2006

And... thus, the dreaded day arrives. The sun is shining, the city still smells of roasted, fried and baked shark, and things have calmed down. However... the rumors have started, now that life's back to normal.

Everyone seems to have a theory; some say it was the brave Guild wanders. Some think it was whoever arrived on the mysterious ghost boat that no one can find. Some have even said that it might have been the work of... ANATHEMA! Someone swore up and down he saw a demon, twenty-feet tall with horns 'out to HERE!' eating fishmen.

This is either typical speculation, or someone's deliberately spreading rumors to keep people guessing, occupied or both. Whatever the case, that matters little; there's a meeting to be had.

Where it's happening is a nice little place near the laboratory grounds, built for special guests judging by how brilliant it seems compared to the rest of the stone-and-mortal town. Outside, it's actual wood (painted an eye-biting red), and made in the style of manors on the Blessed Isle. Inside, it's furnished, if sparsely, with various works of art that are... passable. Not too expensive, but not that priceless. The floors are actually carpeted, and there are a plethora of greeters waiting to usher the team in. Anyone with a sharp eye (especially Tian) will notice faint lumps in their clothing; they're obviously more than greeters.

Nonetheless, the group is led to an antechamber, where two brooding Blooded wait, looking somewhere between angry and bored. The larger, brick-solid woman stiffens the moment she sees anyone arrive, while the man looks up... snorts, and goes back to polishing his nails.

Laranth will do everything possible at his size to appear humble.

Dyna is quiet... and still. Very, very quiet and still.

Tian throws back his hood, revealing a shiny bald scalp, black-tinted spectacles, and a completely apathetic expression.

Ixili, the tank of an Earthblood, snorts derisively for a moment. "General Ejava's not ready to see you yet. So you have to wait here. With us." The 'with us' drips disgust and wariness. Hames, the snooty bastard Tian most definitely remembers, simply chuckles, checking out his nails.

<Tian> Perhaps we'll become more enlightened by proximity.

Ixili mutters something in High Realm that sounds derisive, although Hames finally seems to be paying attention. "Perhaps. I would like to apologize for misjudging you, I should note."

<Laranth> It was understandable under the circumstances, certainly.

"Eh." Hames shrugs. "Don't get me wrong. Anathema." He puts a point on that word.

<Dyna> I'm certain you'll understand if we don't think that term applies.

"I would beg to differ!" Ixili rises, her voice taking on the sound of an approaching avalanche... until Hames slaps her. *HARD*, before giving her a look that could melt stone. She shuts up quickly, hand to her cheek.

<Tian> It's to be expected. Terrestrial.

"We are princes of Creation, my tainted boy. Never forget that. But..." Hames deflates, looking almost unhappy. "Your acts will not go unrewarded, even considering what you are. You have Old Steel and the General to thank for that."

<Laranth> Then we should be thankful for your generosity.

Tian glances sidelong at Laranth. "That depends on the reward."

"Mmmmn." Hames eyes Ixili again, who looks somewhere between bottled rage and tears of frustration. "Your reward will be twofold, but it is not for me to tell you what it is. The General will take care of that when she is ready for you."

<Dyna> Did she tell you to expect to entertain us for long?

Hames laughs at that, harsly. "No, but she's not in the best of states right now, so it could take some time." He does look at Dyna for a moment. "... you are more appealing than I would have expected. Shadows hide themselves well, it seems."

<Dyna> Why thank you. I'm flattered.

Dyna simply glares coldly at Hames from behind her glasses.

" Curious, your use of that word. I find that shadows are often the creations of a glorious light." Tian looks at Hames over the rims of his own spectacles.

Hames offers Dyna a shrug and an equally cold grin... and then Tian a look. "You're most welcome, my dear. And boy... that is exactly my point." Ixili finally seems to have herself under control, although she's gripping onto some kind of little jade doll in one of her massive hands.

Laranth stays silent, apparently deciding discretion is the better part of valor.

<Tian> Then I'm glad our thoughts run parallel to each other.

"Just in opposite directions, of course." He takes a moment to inspect a nail, then produces his file and gets to work. "... it is a shame, really. If things were different, I'd be much happier about all this."

Tian leans against a nearby wall, arms crossed and eyes directed up at the ceiling. "Really."

<Dyna> We'd love to hear the details, if you're so inclined.

"Well, because of your wonderful timing and your glorious deeds..." Hames pauses to look at Ixili and her jade doll. "... our General seemed to think it fair enough to not alert the Hunt of faerie activity here until after you depart. All told, I would have sent them a message myself, but then she would have beheaded me on the spot." Hames shrugs.

<Tian> Mm.

<Laranth> Very well, then.

<Ixili> We are... bound to not act as we should. The General demands it. She... has to have her reasons.

"... can I ask you one thing? I've always been curious about this, but I never bothered to ask the one time I had a chance." Hames smiles cryptically. "... what does it feel like? Your... gift?"

<Tian> I can show you.

Laranth smiles, slightly, and leans forward. "I could explain. You'll surely think I'm a hideous demon, but I suppose we've already crossed that bridge, eh?"

<Dyna> It's always good to know the truth.

Tian moves towards Hames, extending a hand for him to clasp.

"I'd rather not... see. Simply listen." He bristles, and his faintly blue skin seems all the more brilliant, perhaps a natural sign of unease. Ixili herself looks suddenly wary.

<Tian> Oh, come now. If you can't understand your enemy intimately, how can you face him?

Tian glances over at Ixili.

<Laranth> I suspect it differs for all of us, but for me... it's fire, and it's guidance, and it's certainty. I know where I'm going now, and I know that I'm being watched over.

That gets Ixili's attention, and she looks to Hames before rising. "... I will try you. But if you attempt some trick, monster, I will BREAK you with my bare hands." She speaks with the authority of someone who's probably done that before. Hames snorts, but doesn't stop her.

Tian pivots on his heel, this time extending his hand in her direction. "I have no doubt."

Ixili seems wary, but finally transfers the doll back into her off-hand and takes Tian's. Her hand nearly swallows his own. Hames watches, although there's obviously some wariness in his posture.

Tian meets Ixili's gaze with a confident half-grin, forehead crackling and shimmering with the faint suggestion of a circle.

<Dyna> I hope you find the experience illuminating. Perhaps it'll remove a few shadows for you, let you see a bit more clearly... slowly but surely, it's removing all of mine.

Ixili flinches, but she stands firm. Hames' eyes narrow, and a bit of static runs along his clenched teeth. "... so you say."

<Laranth> It's a difficult experience to put into words. I suspect it is not so dissimilar to your experiences of power, really. <Darkheart> <Hames> ... oh, really.

Tian closes his eyes. Suddenly, without much in the way of warning, an enormous bonfire of energy and light engulfs the pair, swirling with white-gold and deep purple. His grip tightens fractionally, as the power flows down from his forehead, through his arm, and into her body. Within the Essence whirlwind, there's an eerie calm, the rushing sound of power only faintly audible. It's as if everything is a million miles away.

Laranth shrugs. "It's so subjective that--" And then his eyes widen as he takes in just what Tian is doing.

Ixili doesn't move, doesn't speak, doesn't even react. All she does is sit there for a long moment in the middle of it all. And then her eyes go wide. There is a five-second pause... and she yanks her hand away from Tian's and pulls away. He feels a faint, momentary sting on his skin as she withdraws; a quick check will show that very faint irritated splotches dot his hand.

Tian releases her hand and steps back, lifting his hood up over his head again.

Hames does nothing, although his hands fold into his robe and stay there. Ixili just looks at her hand, then at Tian, then her hand again, a slight mist floating with her. Its scent bites the nose... it almost smells like lye.

<Tian> ..That's what it's like.

<Dyna> Any further questions?

<Ixili> N-None! I... no. None.

<Dyna> Perhaps you should sit down, then.

The hefty woman promptly clutches the doll again, sitting down as her anima recedes, leaving the chair onlt slightly smoking. Hames himself looks tense, but his notably-empty hands return to view. "I suppose I'll talk to her about it when she's in a better mood."

Tian straightens his coat and half-turns. "Probably wise."

Dyna turns her eyes to Hames. "And you?"

<Laranth> Perhaps.

Hames shakes his head. "I only want to know one more thing, but that you cannot give me an objective answer on. I will know it soon enough, though." He takes a moment to compose himself, then walks over to a nearby cabinet and retrieves a few bottles of what appears to be wine, as well as a number of expensive-looking glasses. "Until then... I would like to be able to truthfully say that I shared a drink with one of the Wretched and lived."

<Laranth> ... heh! It would be my pleasure.

"You'll have to wait until you encounter another; I don't drink." Tian grins wryly and gestures over to Laranth. "The Forsaken seems amenable, however."

<Dyna> I'll have to respectfully decline.

Hames quietly pours enough for everyone. "Not even a sip? Bah, fine, I shall drink yours and Ixili's share. Another silly girl who doesn't touch the bottle. Never told me why."

<Laranth> I see no reason not to honor our host's hospitality. Besides, if it'll go to waste anyway...

Hames snickers, and slides a glass in Laranth's direction... before he proceeds to rather quickly drain the other four.

Tian returns to his position against the wall, watching Ixili with quiet interest. "My order's purity laws forbid it. I've never had a taste for the stuff, anyway."

<Dyna> It just doesn't strike my fancy at the moment.

Laranth drinks! Well, sips.

Hames finishes the fourth, coughs... and chuckles. "I know a few Immaculate who would like to hear more about your order's laws before they stuff their fists down your throat." As for the wine, it's... unusual. It tastes like typical white-grape stuff, but it is cold. Moisture is already forming on the glass, and a slight bit of haze rises from the wine.

<Laranth> This is.. an intriguing vintage. May I ask what sort?

Hames corks the bottle. "A friend from Cynis has some... unusual connections from the North, and purchased a few bottles of that wine. I won one from him in a game of Gateway, and I planned on having it with dinner. It is... he called it 'hoarfrost' white wine."

<Laranth> Hmm! Not one I've experienced before, I'll confess. Is it of Haslanti brewing?

Hames thinks for a moment, then frowns. "... I remember he wouldn't say specifically. Something about 'keeping trade secrets'. Heh, for him, I used to imagine that being aphrodesiacs." He chuckles... and it's a genuine one. He seems relaxed, probably because of the big shot of alcohol in his system.

Laranth nods. "I see! Very interesting! I may have to ask around... once we're far from Solace, of course." He takes another drink.

<Tian> I've heard it come from the North -- which I'm sure is very surprising.

"You'll have time. Thankfully for you." Hames chuckles... while Ixili seems too focused on that jade doll to pay the others much mind. Of course, her massive manchopper is only a arm's-length away.

<Laranth> Thankfully for most everyone, I'd say.

Hames snickers. "Until the next time, of course."

<Dyna> So, have you negotiated for a ship yet?

"Just how is anybody supposed to find this place? I swear it's a maze out there..." Rio, the LAST member of the circle steps into the room, brushing herself off... and sporting new clothes, as well as her captain attire.

Hamas sounds a bit irritated at that. "Another of the General's vessels is on the way. They do not know what has occured, of course, and they are coming from the East."

Laranth drinks again, then nods as Rio enters. "Hello!"

"Hello..." Rio ... blinks, glancing about. "... what, am I late?"

"Not quite." Hames eyes Rio for a moment... and then a bit longer, his eyes falling quite squarely on her chest. "I do not remember having met you, although perhaps I was a bit agitated that night."

Ixili, for her part, looks up... and kinda does the same thing for a moment, although she soon returns to her doll-holding.

Tian hides a smile behind one hand.

"... oh, yeah, we did meet, a bit... I had my men help with the sinking ship!" Rio steps towards the two Dragon-blooded... and offers a friendly handshake!

Hames takes a moment to shake, dipping slightly before letting go. He still seems wary, but it's tempered with momentary, alcohol-fueled calm. Ixili does not accept Rio's hand, simply eyeing her for a moment.

Rio blinks a bit, trying to meet Ixiki's gaze

"She's a bit shy." Tian is watching Ixili as well, that enigmatic expression still on his face.

Rio blinks back at Tian, and slips her hands behind her head. "... Huh, I don't remember that from when we saw her..."

"I am not shy." Avalanche and grinding stones are her voice again, and she clenches the normal jade figurine in her hand until her knuckles actually go slightly beige. "Somethiing is on my mind, is all." She notable does not look up at Rio.

<Dyna> You might break it if you're not careful.

<Rio> Wazzat?

<Laranth> Then think. Don't let us trouble you.

Rio blinks at the jade figurine.

Hames' eyes wander again; he's definitely a master at it, though, as his head doesn't follow. "She's had it for almost... what, twenty-six years now, Ixi?" The woman grunts, not answering Rio. It looks like a well-dressed noble--well-carved, and obviously expensive.

<Rio> Ah! A memento? It's very pretty.

Hames shakes his head. "I imagine your ally's actions have also caused her to withdraw some. I do have to ask her about that later on..." He eyes Tian, even as he uncorks the wine bottle and pours another glass for himself.

Rio ... eyes Tian curiously.

Tian gives Rio his patented ultra-innocent look.

<Rio> ...

Laranth drinks a bit more, avoiding eye contact with either of them.

<Hames> A taste of his brilliant, shining light. I'm surprised Ixili didn't burn your hand off in reflex.

<Dyna> He didn't do any harm.

Ixili grunts again, although she does finally look up at Rio, peering through a small forest of reddish-brown braids.

<Rio> Aah, so he was just showing off?

<Laranth> A bit more than that, perhaps, but...

<Tian> I thought it might be enlightening.

<Dyna> I'm sure it was.

"..." Rio scratches the back of her head, and looks down at Ixili. "What DID you think?"

Ixili goes back to staring at the figurine. Hames, for his part, actually looks away from Rio for a moment. "Definitely have to talk to her about it."

<Ixili> ... a familiar feeling.

Rio tilts her head to the side

Ixili says nothing more. Hames himself sighs slightly, but stays quiet. "... you anathema are so strange. I could almost like you were it not for the fact that I cannot risk it."

<Rio> ... so... let me ask you something.

Hames points to himself. "Me?"

Rio leans forward, placing her hands on her hips. "When you two Exalted... would you say it changed who you were as a person?"

Hames pauses. For one reason or another. "... fundamentally? No. What I can do has changed, but what I am remains. It is colored by Air, yes... but it is still me."

Ixili herself actually makes a very unhappy sound. "It changed what was around me."

"... Well, I don't see what the big difference between us is then." Rio leans back, and then steps over to a chair, sitting down. "I can sail better and fight harder, but I'm still me."

"They say that darkness settles within the heart when your... kind become." Hames folds his arms, bottle in one hand. "On the outside, you are you. But inside resides something that overrides, overcomes. That thing is ultimately what will burn Creation to ash..." He pauses, then flashes a flippant little smirk. "Or so they say."

<Tian> Possible. Though it could be the same for you.

<Laranth> .. perhaps this is the wine talking, but if I ever threaten to set Creation afire, I'll give you my permission now to kill me.

"I will hold you to that." Hames says that evenly, idly refilling Laranth's glass.

Rio leans back. "... I refuse to believe that."

<Dyna> We haven't didn't burn creation to ashes then, and I don't think we'll do it now. I don't think we're topping your threat list at the moment, anyway.

Laranth takes another drink. "Thank you."

Rio raises a hand into the sky, and clenches it into a fist. "... now, more than ever, we hold our fates in our hands. And if this darkness exists, then I'll just have to kick its ass."

<Dyna> Well, I guess that's as good a contingency plan as we're going to come up with for now.

<Laranth> We'll simply have to see.

"Then." Hames snickers, but keeps whatever else he has planned to say to himself. "Ah well. If you are truly the beasts I have come to see, then whatever shall be, shall be. If not... I pray you live long enough to prove me wrong." He raises a fresh glass in a sort of toast, then drains it. Hames, done talking, resumes looking relaxed and ogling Rio's chest in a suitably 'polite' manner.

Tian continues to lean against the wall, head tilted back and eyes obscured. He almost looks asleep.

Laranth drinks. "It's a shame, really..."

<Dyna> You're certainly easier to get along with once you're relaxed. You should really consider picking up a more constructive form of stress relief.

"I usually paint, but that my supplies were eaten. Damned monsters." Hames pours yet another glass, the bottle almost done. The man can definitely hold his liquor.

<Rio> ... hey, what are you drinking? Looks good, gimme some of that...

Hames kindly pours the rest for Rio and slides it her way. "You may even have my glass, if you so choose. I would be... honored." He smiles in a slightly teasing manner. That might've almost been a come-on.

Rio utterly fails to notice as she drinks away!

Meanwhile... Deis is busy sleeping off the past few days---that, and having tried something called 'rum' that Chisana had given him...