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== The Exalted of the Wyld ==
(Moved [[CallMeCanon/WyldExalts|here]].)
by CallMeCal
The Primordials are, ultimately, creatures of chaos, born of it and defined by it. They despise it not because it is unknown, but because they know it only too well, and nothing is stopping them from making use of it aside from their own utter distaste for it. It would seem only natural, then, when wishing the worst one can think of upon one's enemy, to curse them with that which one despises the most. For the Neverborn, they cursed the Exalted with Chaos, a slow and steady bent toward dissolution to the Wyld from which everything was born. So long as they continue to believe themselves pure, they will continue to appear outwardly to be so; a fully limit-broken Solar will still, despite his madness, have a Solar castemark and Solar charms. But, if in the moment of Limit Break an Exalt chooses voluntarily to remain in that state, to embrace the madness and the chaos with which they have been cursed, their Shard is overtaken and permanently twisted by that ultimate curse of chaos, reshaped and tainted until reincarnation. These willful harbingers of madness are the Exalted of the Wyld. <br>
Solars become Principals, the ultimate mad protagonist, suspicious and abusive of everyone else because no one else matters, everyone besides themselves is a bit part, secondary to their own spotlight. <br>
Lunars become Chimerics, twisting and bending chaotically with the thrum of the Wyld, but diving headlong into and living through that chaos to become whatever scuba gear or deus ex machina the plot may require of them. <br>
Sidereals become Narratives, hiding behind the curtain describing and shaping the action from backstage and the orchestra pit, thinking themselves authors but truly as much a part of the story as those they guide and control. <br>

Latest revision as of 01:30, 4 April 2012

(Moved here.)