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<b>Frayed Fate Repair</b><br>
<b>Frayed Fate Repair</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> None; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 6, Essence 7, House of Endings 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Cost:</b> None; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 6, Essence 6, House of Endings 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> College<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> College<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Fateful Medicine Excellency, Day's End Convalescence, Divine Restoration Methods
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Fateful Medicine Excellency, Day's End Convalescence, Divine Restoration Methods
Taget heals as Exalt(1).  Any Med Ex(2).  Fateful Ex(3)
Condition curer(5, builds off 1 and 2).
The design that the Maidens incorporated into their Chosen limits their life to a set number of days.  Yet with growing Essence they can surpass some of the limitations of their makers.  Learning this charm lets the Sidereal who knows it be able to extend their lifespan through the usual sorcerous and anagathic ways.
<b>Soft Passage Practice</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> 2m; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 2, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Simple<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> Touch<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Instant<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
When there is nothing left for a person sometimes that is a sign its time for a new life.  With a touch a Vizier can let anyone painlessly and instantly die and pass on into Lethe.  The person must actually want to die of their own free will.  No charms can help to convince them of the idea.  Other charms which would contest this effect go to a rolloff to which the Sidereal adds +4 successes to her roll.
<b>Merciful Blade Practice</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> 3m; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Instant<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Soft Passage Practice
The Sidereals are expected to fight for Creation just as all the Exalted are.  Still if they must fight they make efficient short work of their foes.  There is much to do and they have little time to relish their battles as the Dawns or Full Moons may.  This charm increases the raw damage of a successful attack by the number of health levels of damage a target has taken.  If the target has taken no levels of damage the charm merely adds +1 to raw damage.  This charm is explicitely comboable with other abilities.
<b>Forced Cycling Touch</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> 5m, 1wp; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Instant<br>
<b>Prerquisite Charms:</b> Soft Passage Practice, Divine Restoration Methods
Becoming a ghost is never the proper end for a soul.  Humanity is meant to die and be reborn not exist on as some memory in a land created by the dreaming thoughts of the slain Primordials.  With a touch a Sidereal can force a ghost back into the cycle wether it wants to or not.  For a willing ghost the Sidereal must touch them with a hand or implement and then spend the motes.  They instantly move onto Lethe with no chance of falling into Oblivion.  This could even work on a nephwrack were it actually willing.  Against an unwilling one a successful attack roll is required.  If hit the target must make an immidiate check as if it had suffered too much damage as a ghost.  The normal bonuses from fetters applies but the difficulty is the Sidereal's Essence. Failure or a botch results in the ghost entering Lethe.  Against a Deathlord of a Hekatonkhire it will disperse the being for a year.  This charm is explicitely permitted to be comboed with charms from other abilities.
<b>Mandrake Mixtures Creation</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> 4m; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Poison<br>
<b>Duration:</b> One hour<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Medicine Excellency, Soft Passage Practice
Faster healing(6, builds off 5)Magic condition curer(7, builds off 5).
Though perhaps not the most heroic of approaches poison is an accepted means of killing amongst those who serve Saturn.  Though primarily used for the mixing of natural poisons it can also replicate the effects of any natural drug.  Regardless of which she wishes to make an hour to mix up any drug or poison with resources 1 worth of materials.  Every dot of resources above 1 she spends on making the drug reduces the time taken by a factor of oneUsing resources 5 worth of ingredients turns making the poison into a simple action that takes a turn.
<b>First Circle Concoctions</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> 4m; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Sickness<br>
<b>Duration:</b> One hour<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Medicine Excellency, Soft Passage Practice
College, extend sids lifespan(8, builds off 7)Ghost Ender(9, builds off 3 and 7)
Poison has its uses but is not the best tool for affecting sweeping groupsSometimes many must die.  For such needs strange herbs and other things can be mixed to create potent diseases to spread around.  The final product is a tasteless liquid that must be drank or exposed to someone's skin.  That first person does not suffer its effects but becomes a carrier for the disease for two weeks.  After which time she is no longer a carrier and can become infected if exposed to others who carry it.
Willing target can safely and smoothly die, no ghost, no need to get herded to Lethe.(1b)
<b>Elder Spider Venoms</b><br>
<b>Cost:</b> None; <b>Mins:</b> Medicine 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Keywords:</b> None<br>
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Mandrake Mixtures Creation
Poison(2b, builds off 1b)Sickness(3b, builds off 1b).
Having mastered the ability to reproduce what nature provides the Vizier's turn to improving on natureThis charm permenently enhances its prerequisite charm allowing the creation of unique supernatural toxins.  Those found on page 192 of the Lunars book show some possible options.  The first purchase of this charm lets a Sidereal make one such poison which takes an hour to produce and requires resources 1 in materials.  Additional poison options can be devised at the cost of 4 additional experience a poison.
Plague maker, college(4b, builds off 2b and 3b)
== Comments ==
== Comments ==

Latest revision as of 05:50, 7 January 2011

Medicine is the Corpse

Violet Medicine Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: None

Sidereal doctors are more often thought of as people to help one peacefully pass on rather then to help people get better. A cruel stereotype but one that is accurate fairly often. Still they can work to ensure people do not die when they are not meant to. After spending an hour tending to a patient the Sidereal can spend 4m which lets them heal as if they were exalted for the rest of the week.

Vitality Ensuring Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Medicine Excellency, Violet Medicine Technique

The Reckoners are not fans of half deaths. They prefer people be either alive and healthy or dead. None of this wishy washy middle ground of sick or crippled. This charm reduces the difficulty to cure any natural Sickness, Crippling or Poison to one for the Vizier to treat. Age and pregnancy though having many similarities to those conditions are not fixed by this charm.

Divine Restoration Methods
Cost: -; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Vitality Ensuring Technique

Gods do not suffer the frailities of mortals. They do not scar, they do not suffer of disease, they do not need worry about so many problems that humanity faces. The Chosen of the Maiden's can grant some small measure of this to the patients they treat. This charm enhances its Prerequisite so that the Sidereal can now treat any magical Sickness, Crippling or Poison condition. The difficulty of those rolls is reduced to 1. Age, pregnancy and the Great Contagion can not be helped with this charm.

Day's End Convalescence
Cost: 10m; Mins: Medicine 3; Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
Duration: One day
Prerequisite Charms: Violet Medicine Technique

Smoothing a person's fate from the troubled form it has when hurt to the smooth shape it has when a person is healthy the Sidereal physicians can speed any recovery. At the end of a day being cared for by the player can roll Intelligence + Medicine. Each success makes the target recover a Bashing or Lethal health level. Used while Violet Medicine Technique is active the target heals an additional Essence levels of damage.

Frayed Fate Repair
Cost: None; Mins: Medicine 6, Essence 6, House of Endings 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: College
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Fateful Medicine Excellency, Day's End Convalescence, Divine Restoration Methods

The design that the Maidens incorporated into their Chosen limits their life to a set number of days. Yet with growing Essence they can surpass some of the limitations of their makers. Learning this charm lets the Sidereal who knows it be able to extend their lifespan through the usual sorcerous and anagathic ways.

Soft Passage Practice
Cost: 2m; Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

When there is nothing left for a person sometimes that is a sign its time for a new life. With a touch a Vizier can let anyone painlessly and instantly die and pass on into Lethe. The person must actually want to die of their own free will. No charms can help to convince them of the idea. Other charms which would contest this effect go to a rolloff to which the Sidereal adds +4 successes to her roll.

Merciful Blade Practice
Cost: 3m; Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Soft Passage Practice

The Sidereals are expected to fight for Creation just as all the Exalted are. Still if they must fight they make efficient short work of their foes. There is much to do and they have little time to relish their battles as the Dawns or Full Moons may. This charm increases the raw damage of a successful attack by the number of health levels of damage a target has taken. If the target has taken no levels of damage the charm merely adds +1 to raw damage. This charm is explicitely comboable with other abilities.

Forced Cycling Touch
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerquisite Charms: Soft Passage Practice, Divine Restoration Methods

Becoming a ghost is never the proper end for a soul. Humanity is meant to die and be reborn not exist on as some memory in a land created by the dreaming thoughts of the slain Primordials. With a touch a Sidereal can force a ghost back into the cycle wether it wants to or not. For a willing ghost the Sidereal must touch them with a hand or implement and then spend the motes. They instantly move onto Lethe with no chance of falling into Oblivion. This could even work on a nephwrack were it actually willing. Against an unwilling one a successful attack roll is required. If hit the target must make an immidiate check as if it had suffered too much damage as a ghost. The normal bonuses from fetters applies but the difficulty is the Sidereal's Essence. Failure or a botch results in the ghost entering Lethe. Against a Deathlord of a Hekatonkhire it will disperse the being for a year. This charm is explicitely permitted to be comboed with charms from other abilities.

Mandrake Mixtures Creation
Cost: 4m; Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: One hour
Prerequisite Charms: Any Medicine Excellency, Soft Passage Practice

Though perhaps not the most heroic of approaches poison is an accepted means of killing amongst those who serve Saturn. Though primarily used for the mixing of natural poisons it can also replicate the effects of any natural drug. Regardless of which she wishes to make an hour to mix up any drug or poison with resources 1 worth of materials. Every dot of resources above 1 she spends on making the drug reduces the time taken by a factor of one. Using resources 5 worth of ingredients turns making the poison into a simple action that takes a turn.

First Circle Concoctions
Cost: 4m; Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: One hour
Prerequisite Charms: Any Medicine Excellency, Soft Passage Practice

Poison has its uses but is not the best tool for affecting sweeping groups. Sometimes many must die. For such needs strange herbs and other things can be mixed to create potent diseases to spread around. The final product is a tasteless liquid that must be drank or exposed to someone's skin. That first person does not suffer its effects but becomes a carrier for the disease for two weeks. After which time she is no longer a carrier and can become infected if exposed to others who carry it.

Elder Spider Venoms
Cost: None; Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Mandrake Mixtures Creation

Having mastered the ability to reproduce what nature provides the Vizier's turn to improving on nature. This charm permenently enhances its prerequisite charm allowing the creation of unique supernatural toxins. Those found on page 192 of the Lunars book show some possible options. The first purchase of this charm lets a Sidereal make one such poison which takes an hour to produce and requires resources 1 in materials. Additional poison options can be devised at the cost of 4 additional experience a poison.
