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Back to DemonsOfTheSecondCircle

Araedan, Spawner of Terrors, Demon of the Second Circle

The Prince Who Walks Alone

Description: Areadan is alone. Eternally Alone. Nothing can come near him and survive the same, even his lesser souls flee from him in panic as they are reborn. Areadans body is humanoid at first glance, appearing weak and frail, his skin is rough and baggy, hanging limply off his frame. Every pour on his body constantly sweats a thick black liquid, releasing the stench of Dread itself. His body constantly and slowly goes through the process of re-birthing his lesser souls, these appear to be any where from small worms to two foot eels appear to move around under his skin. Occasionally when his body is nothing more than a writing mass, its frame hideously deformed, he vomits violently, the same black liquid he sweats comes pouring out, but there are no eels to be seen as he vomits with hideous shrieks.

To those who can see these dematerialised creatures swim away from Areadan in utter terror, shrieking as they go, causing those before them to flee in blind panic. His souls however require his constant presence to survive, yet they flee from him themselves, and after a few miles fade to nothing, causing rebirth in Areadan.

Nature: Self Destruction
Attributes: Strength: 4 Dexterity: 3 Stamina: 6 Charisma: 7 Manipulation: 6 Appearance: 0 Perception: 2 Intelligence: 6 Wits: 3
Virtues: Compassion: 1 Conviction: 5 Temperance: 2 Valor: 4
Abilities: Brawl: 3 Endurance: 4 Presence: 5 Resistance: 5 Survival: 2 Dodge: 3 Linguistics 6 (Old realm, any storyteller feels is appropriate)
Backgrounds: He is alone, he has nothing.
Charms: Harrow the Mind, Worldly Illusion, Stoke the Flame, Cunning Thief, Host of Spirits, Essence Bite, Materialise, Principle of Motion, Words of Power, Confusion. Any other spirit charms the storyteller feels would be dramatically appropriate.
Cost to Materialise: 70
Base Initiative: 6
Attack: Claws: Speed:+8 Accuracy: +8 Damage: +7L Defence: +7
Dodge: 6
Soak: 6L/12B (Toughened hide: 3L/6B)
Willpower: 7
Health levels: 12 3x-0, 3x-1, 5x-2, 1x-4, Inc.
Essence: 7
Essence Pool: 115
Other Notes: Areadan was bound to the Black Gate centuries ago to protect anyone from ever unleashing the horror that lay within. He can give no answer to what might be inside for he himself does not know. Areadan spawns his lesser souls at dramatically appropriate moments.

Whenever Areadan makes a hand to hand attack and he successfully hits (does not need to cause damage) the target is coated slightly in his black slime which seeps into them, then players must make a Valor Check or flee in blind panic as if the sum of all there fear was behind them.
