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On demons and Gaia's souls

>>>Firstly do the demons actually know they are parts of the same ultimate being? (. . .) Are they aware that they are basically constructs of a greater being or do they believe that they are individuals trapped in hell with these greater beings?<<<

I suspect 'both'. They're individuals. They're also constructs of a greater being. They don't necessarily know that they're constructs, on an individual basis, but I expect that most do. (First Circles excepted, since they're *not* parts of a greater being except in the ecological sense.)

>>>Were there demons before the primordials lost the war and become the Yozi?<<<

I expect there were fewer First Circles, but yes. Basically, the minds/souls of the Primordials are so complex that the little functional pieces of them---the Second Circle demons---equate to full people.

>>>After GoD came out I theorised that Gaia and Autochthon also had "Demons" of their own. Wether I still believe this or not even I dont know. Basically as has been stated earlier in this thread Lunar is Gaia's fetich (We'll ignore the divine masturbation issue ). Yet where are her other souls? Could the Five Elemental Dragons be those? Say they are. We have Gaia's higher souls (Demons of the 3rd circle). Does that make the Dragon Blooded Gaia's second tier souls? With say humanity as her first tier?<<<

I believe that Gaia and Autochthon follow the standard Primordial pattern. The implications, however, are for future writers---I find it amusing to contemplate Luna as Gaia's fetich (AND fetish!) but it comes down to whether the next person to write anything major about Luna finds it useful to think of her as such.

You can do things a lot of ways, really. Maybe her souls are the elementals, or at least the elemental dragons (including the Five)---there's some evidence for that.

Some other possibilities for her fetich soul:

  • Yu-Shan;
  • The Unconquered Sun;
  • The Imperial Mountain;
  • The Eternal Empress;
  • The Loom of Fate;
  • The Maiden of Secrets.

Most of these warp the setting in ways that I doubt Geoff will let go into canon, but would be cool for individual games.

There's also the possibility that her souls just aren't aggressive enough to show up in a game where she's not a major NPC. I mean, so you have one of her souls around, call it, I dunno, Demeter, or maybe the Forgiving Blade of Creation, or White Shadow Risen. What does it do? Probably keeps an eye on the gods, opposes Yozi plots offscreen, *maybe* opposes Yozi plots onscreen, or maintains natural law. (I mean, come on, if conception happened because of sex, wouldn't it happen every time? Clearly, you need the sex *and* the attention of Tilled Earth Speaker. That's why most demons can't reproduce with people. You can't pray to Tilled Earth Speaker 'cause he's not a god, but I hear that if you offer him a cake of honey, blood, and volcanic ash, you might be able to get a guy or an object pregnant.)
