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(Session 1 summed up)
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== Session 1 ==
Last night was the first session of my IRC Exalted game, apparently now titled "Just Add Water." The PCs were going about their business in Yu Shan, shoveling as much paperwork as they thought they could get away with to the least-gods in their fireplaces, when they received a visit from Chejop Kejak's familiar, the hummingbird god Red Ink Triplicate. His Resplendence, Chopstick Carjack himself summoned the party to his private celestial manse to discuss a serious occurrance.
Apparently, the entire directional convention of Water has been dead or otherwise missing for 37 days: Sorrowful North's shard showed up for recycling, Red Stone Rising, Battleworn Nail, Blossom of Cerulian Fluttering and Stalwart Sky have not been heard from, awol or otherwise incommunicado for the last 37 days. The PCs were to take over their duties, keep an entire fifth of creation running smoothly, and, if possible discover what happened to their predecessors.
They began their investigations into the four missing sidereals that hadn't turned up dead by checking into the offices of Red Stone Rising. Jiang Chou kicked much investigative butt with his use of Marvelous Inclusion of Details for seven successes. This turned up paperwork related to the Realm Third Fleet which was scheduled to sink at sea-- they were going to rattle sabres at the Archipellago which had begun collecting tribute from its neighbors, who were now declining to pay tribute to the realm. The sinking would also pushing house Peleps into the arms of Mnemon and affect the overall realm finances. Apparently his resplendant destany had been doing something on the island. The PCs twig that this is important, but fail to ask when the fleet was scheduled to arrive in port. I'm thinking yesterday.
Jiang also found a 38 day old calibration-gate requisition form to transit to very near gate 39. Skullstone island-- the home of the Silver Prince. PCs wonder if they are prisoners or defectors, and if this means that they suspected that gate 39 was being watched or traps. I'm so proud of them!
A single roll investigation (failed on seven dice, but got 3 successes due to Marvelous Inclusion of Details) for the other offices turned up that Sorrowful North had missed a hastily scheduled appointment with celestial censor Lung Xue Fan shortly before he turned up dead.
The PCs then spent the better part of an hour discussing how to get an astrology effect put on the missing sidereals. Sidereals cannot affect other sidereals with astrology, but I ruled that this was a bureaucratic limitation that some impressive stunting and bureaucratic fu (bolstered by their complete support from Chejop) should be able to take care of. They propose using the missing Sidereals' threads on the loom of fate, but conclude that these are occluded by the Arcane Fate; it is decided that they would have to affect the strands before they became occluded, attempting some kind of retroactive astrology on them while they were still mortal. Except the missing sidereals are believed to be in the posession (protection? prison? Who knows?) of The Silver Prince by this point, and almost certainly in the underworld, outside of fate and beyond their reach. The PCs decide that this avenue is likely more effort than they have time for at the moment and begin to redirect their efforts.
Lei Wu spent another half hour spamming Efficient Secretary Technique to track down the report filings of what the various missing sidereals, turning up what each of them had been doing, and asking specific questions about Blossom of Cerulian Fluttering, who had been posing as "Lush Green Clover"- concubine to the president of Abalone. It was established that she had been adjusting an unusually high numbers of errors of fate, and meddling in local politics. It was further established that the information given was inconsistent with the use of resplendant destiny as a means of avoiding supernatural oversight: she wasn't hiding, or wasn't using her Resplendent Destiny to do it in any event.
At this point, Paradim had to attend to some pressing RL issues, and we decided to call it a night.

Latest revision as of 23:15, 3 April 2006