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So, I've heard that Solars can't do funky stuff with their bureaucracy. Personally, I'm under the impression solars can do anything except shapechange easily, void circle necromancy and astrologize. <br>
#REDIRECT [[DualMegami/SolarBureaucracy1e]]
*Cost: 10 motes
*Duration: One Day
*Type: Simple
*Minimum Bureaucracy: 3
*Minimum Essence: 2
*Prerequisites: None
For the duration of the day, the Exalt using this charm is able to pass through walls, ceiling and floor as easily as if they were air. This must be the particular Exalt’s place of power. (A sorcerer may opt to use this ability on his manse, just as a Zenith King may choose his castle, barbarian leaders may choose their camp, etc.) This does not work anywhere else. In addition, she will never get lost in the building. She does not move any faster, though her travel throughout a building will be less impeded. The motes for this charm must remain committed. <br>
<b>Omniscient Master Method</b>
*Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
*Duration: One scene
*Type: Simple
*Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
*Minimum Essence: 3
*Prerequisites: [NEEDS A NAME]<br>
For a scene, the Exalt becomes acutely aware of everything going on within her place of power (as defined by [prior charm]). She adds her Essence in dice to all Perception-based rolls (this adds to her normal die-adder cap. Consider Bureaucracy the ability for this purpose). Add her Essence to the difficulty of all negotiations against her. She may reflexively spend an additional mote to sense what is going on in a room she is not present in. She must know what room it is. The motes for this charm must remain committed. <br>
<b>Unending Reign Style</b>
*Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower, 1 experience point
*Duration: Permanent
*Type: Simple
*Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
*Minimum Essence: 5
*Prerequisites: Omnicient Master Method<br>
The Exalt pays for this charm once, attuning his whole self to his place of power (if this place of power has been determined to be a manse, he still pays the cost. This is a different sort of attunement) and expending a bit of his life experience to seal the place to his soul forever. While the place of power stands, he cannot be knocked below –4, unless he was already there. (For Example, a king returns from war severely wounded (at –4) and assassins attack him in his bedchamber—he can then be reduced to incapacitated and killed) This has no effect on battles not fought on his own turf. Should he fight a war on the other side of Creation, he can just as easily be knocked to –4 as anyone else. This charm has its negative effect. If his place of power is ever destroyed, he must take his Bureaucracy in dice of unsoakable lethal damage. Destroyed in this case should be Storyteller discretion, though I typically say completely razed "burned down, fell over and THEN sank into the swamp" means destroyed.
Ok, concerning the previous charm, I'm thinking permanent may be a bit much. My original intent was to have it last a scene and cost just 15 motes, 1 wp. the rest of the requisites remain the same. What do you think?
== King me! ==
I like the idea of these charms, but...Beaurocracy? It doesn't seem quite right. I'd say Occult was more relevant because you're attuning yourself to the essence flows of the place of question. Also, general "tricks" like walking through walls are usually Occult or Lore. As for the charms, they seem good, but the wording on the last one is a bit dodgy. When does it protect? When you're near the place of power, but not actually within it? It seems like it should work only when you're inside, or within a mile or so. Could be too powerful if "Place of Power" is a level 5 solid Jade Manse. -- [[Xarak]]
:If you think these charms are about Essence flows, then you missed the point. They're about your PLACE OF POWER--your bureaucratical seat. These are charms meant for a King or a warlord or someone who'd be hiding out in a castle or a manse or a fortress. (If you're a King without bureaucracy, god help you. Or hope you have good administrators) And Occult and Lore arent' the only "neat trick" abilities. If I wanted a general "wheeeeee I can walk through walls" charm, I would have made them Larceny. This has a very specific limitation--and that is your place of power, whether that is your Underground Lair, Giant Flying Castle Fortress or Level 5 Solid Jade Manse. This charm works nowhere else. (I probably should add a clause that says it only works on one place at a time).<br> The last charm provides you permanent protection while you are <i>within</i> your place of power. It gives you the ultimate home team advantage. ~DualMegami
:hmmmm.  Come to think of it, these do work.  I'm not sure I'd make them generally availble, but they definitily work as customs.  For Unending Reign Style, I would dispense with the XP and say that you only get one.  If it gets trashed and you need another, you have to buy the Charm again.  I think all of these Charms are basically high essence powers.  I would require some sort of prerequisite in the normal tree to start learning them.    Bureau Rectifying Method sounds right.  I would also require Essence 6 for Unending Reign Style.  The requirments are hefty, but hey, these are pretty legendary powers. 
::Yes, they're intended to be customs. All my charms are. I like the idea or only getting one, and I wanted to keep it costly. I think I'd nix the XP if I wanted to raise the Essence requirement, however that would add yet another custom to my list of customs that none of my characters can ever have because nobody is anywhere near Essence 6 =b My fault I suppose for making uber-powerful charms. ~DualMegami
:::Heh, well it just feels like something a great old Solar would have, not so much a young Exalt.  I thought SerasOrdus was going to have another downtime sometime? 
::::Yeah, a three year downtime...that may be able to extend as long as nine--which will still only put Her Majesty in her early Seventies. Still 30 more years to go...and counting!

Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010