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<b>Flawless Mien</b><br>
=== Disguise Charms ===
===== Unstrikable Mien Defense =====
<b>Cost</b>: 5m1wp, <b>Duration</b>: One scene, <b>Keywords</b>: Combo-OK, Compulsion, <b>Type</b>: Simple (DV -0)<br>
<b>Minimums</b>: Appearance 5, Essence 4<br>
<b>Prerequisites</b>: Perfect Symmetry<br>
When a Steward feigns harmlessness and innocence, few in the world may bear to raise weapons against her.  Upon activating this charm, any physical attacks declared against her suffer an immediate unnatural mental influence in step 1, with a number of successes equal to the Lunar's Appearance; the attacker takes an external penalty to her MDV against this influence equal to her own Compassion.  If the influence succeeds, the target suffers a Compulsion not to attack her, requiring 1wp to ignore for a single attack or (Lunar's Essence) willpower to disregard the effect for the scene.<br>
This charm immediately ceases to function if the Lunar has taken a directly and obviously harmful action, including a physical attack or casting a damaging sorcerous spell, during the current scene.  However, actions where the Lunar herself causes no direct or obvious harm -- coordinating the attacks of allies, using a spell [whether to protect her allies or hamper (without damaging) foes], silently assassinating a foe without being spotted doing so, and so on -- do not violate this charm's show of harmlessness.<br>
===== Instinctive Identity Recognition =====
'''Cost''': -- (+2m), '''Mins''': Appearance 5, Essence 3, '''Type''': Permanent<br>
'''Keywords''': Social<br>
'''Duration''': Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisite Charms''': New Friend Aroma<br>
The Stewards fulfill whatever role is needed of them; this charm permanently augments the character's capabilities.  Any charm she uses which creates an intimacy can have the context of the intimacy redefined for a surcharge of 2m; New Friend Aroma, for example, can define more specifically than "friend", such as "lover", "business partner", "mentor", or the like, while "Enemy" could be clarified to more specifically define why - "Sacker of Chiarascuro", "Seducer of Your Wife", etc. The willpower cost to resist affected charms increases by 1, as well.<br>
=== Interaction Charms ===
===== Glorious Lunar Form =====
<b>Cost</b>: 5m,1wp, '''Mins''': Essence 2, Appearance 3, <b>Type</b>: Simple<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Native<br>
<b>Duration</b>: One Scene<br>
<b>Prerequisites</b>: Perfect Symmetry<br>
When faced with the glory of Luna's Chosen, few possess the resolve to even think of opposing or questioning them; they stand in defense of all that is important, no matter how strange or out of place they appear.<br>
Her current form is cloaked in an Illusion, costing 2wp to resist - though this requires that they have the ability to pierce her Tell's Illusion and see it - which keeps anomalies of her appearance from appearing hostile or dangerous; an Immaculate Monk will listen calmly to her lecture despite both her moonsilver tattoos and her beastman traits, unless he perceives her Tell and spends the willpower to resist this charm. The willpower cost drops to 0 and protection from the Tell ends if she directly threatens the target with physical harm.<br>
If she enacts this charm while in any True Form, any Social-tag charms receive a 2m discount, to a minimum of 1m, and anyone with a lower Essence than her own must roll Valor, difficulty of her Essence, or grant her one automatic success on all rolls to charm, intimidate, seduce, or persuade them.<br>
===== Flawless Mien =====
<b>Cost</b>: --, <b>Type</b>: Permanent<br>
<b>Cost</b>: --, <b>Type</b>: Permanent<br>
<b>Minimums</b>: Appearance 5, Essence 4<br>
<b>Minimums</b>: Appearance 5, Essence 4<br>
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A Steward's presence and demeanor makes argument impossible.  So long as she is present, the Lunar may choose to convert any portion of the MDV penalty she should impose based on her Appearance into bonus successes, respecting the dice cap as normal.  As such, this does not apply to such things as Linguistics or Sorcerous social attacks [IE, if an intermediary, be it a messenger or letter, carries the argument]. As an internal change, this works even if some effect intrinsic to her target would prevent her Appearance from affecting her target's MDV cap to whatever extent she is permitted based on her Appearance and charm use.<br>
A Steward's presence and demeanor makes argument impossible.  So long as she is present, the Lunar may choose to convert any portion of the MDV penalty she should impose based on her Appearance into bonus successes, respecting the dice cap as normal.  As such, this does not apply to such things as Linguistics or Sorcerous social attacks [IE, if an intermediary, be it a messenger or letter, carries the argument]. As an internal change, this works even if some effect intrinsic to her target would prevent her Appearance from affecting her target's MDV cap to whatever extent she is permitted based on her Appearance and charm use.<br>
<b>Unstrikable Mien Defense</b><br>
===== Heartstealing Beauty =====
<b>Cost</b>: 5m1wp, <b>Duration</b>: One scene, <b>Keywords</b>: Combo-OK, Compulsion, <b>Type</b>: Simple (DV -0)<br>
<b>Minimums</b>: Appearance 5, Essence 4<br>
<b>Prerequisites</b>: Perfect Symmetry<br>
When a Steward feigns harmlessness and innocence, few in the world may bear to raise weapons against her.  Upon activating this charm, any physical attacks declared against her suffer an immediate unnatural mental influence in step 1, with a number of successes equal to the Lunar's Appearance; the attacker takes an external penalty to her MDV against this influence equal to her own Compassion.  If the influence succeeds, the target suffers a Compulsion not to attack her, requiring 1wp to ignore for a single attack or (Lunar's Essence) willpower to disregard the effect for the scene.<br>
This charm immediately ceases to function if the Lunar has taken a directly harmful action, including a physical or social attack or casting a damaging sorcerous spell, during the current scene.  However, actions where the Lunar herself causes no direct harm -- coordinating the attacks of allies, using a spell [whether to protect her allies or hamper (without damaging) foes], and so on -- do not violate this charm's show of harmlessness.<br>
<b>Heartstealing Beauty</b><br>
<b>Cost</b>: --, <b>Mins</b>: App 5, Ess 4<br>
<b>Cost</b>: --, <b>Mins</b>: App 5, Ess 4<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Social, Emotion<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Social, Emotion<br>
<b>Type</b>: Permanent<br>
<b>Type</b>: Permanent<br>
<b>Prerequisites</b>: Perfect Symmetry<br>
<b>Prerequisites</b>: Perfect Symmetry<br>
The Stewards' composure and presence can instantly sway a crowd or even gather an enemy's respect and adoration, despite their opposition.  This charm permanently enhances the Lunar's abilities; when she succeeds at a social attack and beats her target's MDV by an amount greater than their Temperance, they suffer a second Emotion-based Unnatural Mental Influence; if not resisted for 1wp, this immediately forges an intimacy of infatuation with the Lunar.  Once forged, the intimacy is natural and can be eliminated at the standard rate.<br>
The Stewards' composure and presence can instantly sway a crowd or even gather an enemy's respect and adoration, despite their opposition.  This charm permanently enhances the Lunar's abilities; when she succeeds at a social attack and beats her target's MDV by an amount greater than their Temperance, they suffer a second Emotion-based Unnatural Mental Influence; if not resisted for 1wp, this immediately forges an intimacy of infatuation with the Lunar.  Once forged, the intimacy is natural and can be eliminated at the standard rate.  The 1wp cost of resisting this charm lasts for the duration of the scene.<br>
<b>Shining Silver Example</b><br>
===== Shining Silver Example =====
<b>Cost</b>: 1m,1wp (+4m), <b>Mins</b>: Appearance 4, Essence 3, <b>Type</b>: Simple (5 long ticks)<br>
<b>Cost</b>: 1m,1wp (+4m), <b>Mins</b>: Appearance 4, Essence 3, <b>Type</b>: Simple (5 long ticks)<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Combo-OK, Shaping, Compulsion, Social<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Combo-OK, Shaping, Compulsion, Social<br>
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<b>Prerequisite Charms</b>: Irresistable Silver Spirit<br>
<b>Prerequisite Charms</b>: Irresistable Silver Spirit<br>
The majesty of the Stewards lingers in the hearts and minds of those who see them, inspiring some even after the Steward has moved on.  When using this charm, the Lunar spends one dramatic action of five minutes interacting with the target in some way, even as harmless as discussing the weather, before spending the mote cost.  She may dictate a circumstance or event at which point the charm triggers; by spending 4m as a noncharm action when the charm is triggered, she may communicate a social attack across any distance, dictating the target's action as a Compulsion effect.  This is treated as Unnatural Mental Influence, costing 2wp to resist, and may be supplemented by additional charms.
The majesty of the Stewards lingers in the hearts and minds of those who see them, inspiring some even after the Steward has moved on.  When using this charm, the Lunar spends one dramatic action of five minutes interacting with the target in some way, even as harmless as discussing the weather, before spending the mote cost.  She may dictate a circumstance or event at which point the charm triggers; by spending 4m as a noncharm action when the charm is triggered, she may communicate a social attack across any distance, dictating the target's action as a Compulsion effect.  This is treated as Unnatural Mental Influence, costing 2wp to resist, and may be supplemented by additional charms.
===== Illimitable Joy-and-Melancholy Methodology =====
'''Cost''': --, '''Mins''': Appearance 4, Essence 2, '''Type''': Permanent<br>
'''Keywords''': Social<br>
'''Duration''': Permanent<br>
'''Prerequisite Charms''': Any Appearance Excellency<br>
The primal Stewards generate impossibly strong attachments. This charm permanently augments a Steward's capabilities.  Any Emotion-based Unnatural Mental Influence is enhanced; a subject taking actions unrelated to the Emotion in question takes a -1 internal penalty, while actions diametrically opposed to the Emotion take an internal penalty equal to her Essence.<br>
At Essence 4, this charm improves.  Actions unrelated to the Emotion take an internal penalty equal to her Essence, while actions opposed to the Emotion take an External penalty equal to her Essence.<br>
''Tajihua Miara has bewitched a Gateway master, and distracts him with his feelings of love for her while he plays his rival.  As he hasn't thought to stunt his efforts as being to win her love, his rolls for the Gateway tournament take a -1 internal penalty.  He loses, unfortunately, and declares his outrage at her bewitching, attempting to stab her in the heart without resisting the emotion of Love.  He suffers a -3 internal penalty on the attack roll, opposed to loving her as killing her would be.''
===== Infinite Tongue of the Shining Moon =====
<b>Cost</b>: --, <b>Type</b>: Permanent<br>
<b>Minimums</b>: Appearance 5, Essence 3<br>
<b>Keywords</b>: Social
<b>Prerequisite</b>: Glance-Oration Technique<br>
The Lunar Exalted are poetry in motion; every action and gesture intrinsically communicates volumes of information, from a dismissive eyebrow telling a student exactly how he is wrong, to a sly wink giving suggestions that would make any monk blush. Glance-Oration Technique's benefits become mostly permanent; she may communicate simple messages instantly, use her social abilities without speech, and may reduces the Speed of a social attack by 1 long tick for 1m as a noncharm action.<br>
At Appearance 6, this charm improves; if she spends the full 5m1wp for one scene, she may use social attacks using short ticks rather than long, permitting the use of social attacks in normal combat time.<br>
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Latest revision as of 19:04, 28 November 2011

Disguise Charms

Unstrikable Mien Defense

Cost: 5m1wp, Duration: One scene, Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Type: Simple (DV -0)
Minimums: Appearance 5, Essence 4
Prerequisites: Perfect Symmetry
When a Steward feigns harmlessness and innocence, few in the world may bear to raise weapons against her. Upon activating this charm, any physical attacks declared against her suffer an immediate unnatural mental influence in step 1, with a number of successes equal to the Lunar's Appearance; the attacker takes an external penalty to her MDV against this influence equal to her own Compassion. If the influence succeeds, the target suffers a Compulsion not to attack her, requiring 1wp to ignore for a single attack or (Lunar's Essence) willpower to disregard the effect for the scene.
This charm immediately ceases to function if the Lunar has taken a directly and obviously harmful action, including a physical attack or casting a damaging sorcerous spell, during the current scene. However, actions where the Lunar herself causes no direct or obvious harm -- coordinating the attacks of allies, using a spell [whether to protect her allies or hamper (without damaging) foes], silently assassinating a foe without being spotted doing so, and so on -- do not violate this charm's show of harmlessness.

Instinctive Identity Recognition

Cost: -- (+2m), Mins: Appearance 5, Essence 3, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: New Friend Aroma
The Stewards fulfill whatever role is needed of them; this charm permanently augments the character's capabilities. Any charm she uses which creates an intimacy can have the context of the intimacy redefined for a surcharge of 2m; New Friend Aroma, for example, can define more specifically than "friend", such as "lover", "business partner", "mentor", or the like, while "Enemy" could be clarified to more specifically define why - "Sacker of Chiarascuro", "Seducer of Your Wife", etc. The willpower cost to resist affected charms increases by 1, as well.

Interaction Charms

Glorious Lunar Form

Cost: 5m,1wp, Mins: Essence 2, Appearance 3, Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Illusion, Native
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Perfect Symmetry
When faced with the glory of Luna's Chosen, few possess the resolve to even think of opposing or questioning them; they stand in defense of all that is important, no matter how strange or out of place they appear.
Her current form is cloaked in an Illusion, costing 2wp to resist - though this requires that they have the ability to pierce her Tell's Illusion and see it - which keeps anomalies of her appearance from appearing hostile or dangerous; an Immaculate Monk will listen calmly to her lecture despite both her moonsilver tattoos and her beastman traits, unless he perceives her Tell and spends the willpower to resist this charm. The willpower cost drops to 0 and protection from the Tell ends if she directly threatens the target with physical harm.
If she enacts this charm while in any True Form, any Social-tag charms receive a 2m discount, to a minimum of 1m, and anyone with a lower Essence than her own must roll Valor, difficulty of her Essence, or grant her one automatic success on all rolls to charm, intimidate, seduce, or persuade them.

Flawless Mien

Cost: --, Type: Permanent
Minimums: Appearance 5, Essence 4
Keywords: None Prerequisite: Perfect Symmetry
A Steward's presence and demeanor makes argument impossible. So long as she is present, the Lunar may choose to convert any portion of the MDV penalty she should impose based on her Appearance into bonus successes, respecting the dice cap as normal. As such, this does not apply to such things as Linguistics or Sorcerous social attacks [IE, if an intermediary, be it a messenger or letter, carries the argument]. As an internal change, this works even if some effect intrinsic to her target would prevent her Appearance from affecting her target's MDV cap to whatever extent she is permitted based on her Appearance and charm use.

Heartstealing Beauty

Cost: --, Mins: App 5, Ess 4
Keywords: Social, Emotion
Type: Permanent
Prerequisites: Perfect Symmetry
The Stewards' composure and presence can instantly sway a crowd or even gather an enemy's respect and adoration, despite their opposition. This charm permanently enhances the Lunar's abilities; when she succeeds at a social attack and beats her target's MDV by an amount greater than their Temperance, they suffer a second Emotion-based Unnatural Mental Influence; if not resisted for 1wp, this immediately forges an intimacy of infatuation with the Lunar. Once forged, the intimacy is natural and can be eliminated at the standard rate. The 1wp cost of resisting this charm lasts for the duration of the scene.

Shining Silver Example

Cost: 1m,1wp (+4m), Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 3, Type: Simple (5 long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Compulsion, Social
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Irresistable Silver Spirit
The majesty of the Stewards lingers in the hearts and minds of those who see them, inspiring some even after the Steward has moved on. When using this charm, the Lunar spends one dramatic action of five minutes interacting with the target in some way, even as harmless as discussing the weather, before spending the mote cost. She may dictate a circumstance or event at which point the charm triggers; by spending 4m as a noncharm action when the charm is triggered, she may communicate a social attack across any distance, dictating the target's action as a Compulsion effect. This is treated as Unnatural Mental Influence, costing 2wp to resist, and may be supplemented by additional charms.

Illimitable Joy-and-Melancholy Methodology

Cost: --, Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 2, Type: Permanent
Keywords: Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Any Appearance Excellency
The primal Stewards generate impossibly strong attachments. This charm permanently augments a Steward's capabilities. Any Emotion-based Unnatural Mental Influence is enhanced; a subject taking actions unrelated to the Emotion in question takes a -1 internal penalty, while actions diametrically opposed to the Emotion take an internal penalty equal to her Essence.
At Essence 4, this charm improves. Actions unrelated to the Emotion take an internal penalty equal to her Essence, while actions opposed to the Emotion take an External penalty equal to her Essence.
Tajihua Miara has bewitched a Gateway master, and distracts him with his feelings of love for her while he plays his rival. As he hasn't thought to stunt his efforts as being to win her love, his rolls for the Gateway tournament take a -1 internal penalty. He loses, unfortunately, and declares his outrage at her bewitching, attempting to stab her in the heart without resisting the emotion of Love. He suffers a -3 internal penalty on the attack roll, opposed to loving her as killing her would be.

Infinite Tongue of the Shining Moon

Cost: --, Type: Permanent
Minimums: Appearance 5, Essence 3
Keywords: Social Prerequisite: Glance-Oration Technique
The Lunar Exalted are poetry in motion; every action and gesture intrinsically communicates volumes of information, from a dismissive eyebrow telling a student exactly how he is wrong, to a sly wink giving suggestions that would make any monk blush. Glance-Oration Technique's benefits become mostly permanent; she may communicate simple messages instantly, use her social abilities without speech, and may reduces the Speed of a social attack by 1 long tick for 1m as a noncharm action.
At Appearance 6, this charm improves; if she spends the full 5m1wp for one scene, she may use social attacks using short ticks rather than long, permitting the use of social attacks in normal combat time.

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