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<b>Tattoo-Cutting Method</b>
<b>Cost:</b> 3 motes, 1 willpower, 2 experience
<b>Duration:</b> Instant
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Minimum Intelligence:</b> 4
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charm:</b> Tattoo-Cutting Wisdom
Sometimes a favoured friend or child is lost in the Wyld or has been taken their by the fae.  Either way without charms to protect herself the lost person will soon be twisted by the chaotic influence of the Wyld.  Lunar’s have learned how to protect themselves, objects, and others from such things though.
The lunar makes a single scar upon the person’s back.  This scar is in clawspeak and identifies the lunar who marked her.  This mark links the person to the lunar, allowing them to share his resistance to the shapechanging effects of the Wyld, untamed desmenses and sorcery.  This charm will not fix a lunar’s caste and is useless on them.
The marker takes responsibility for the marked and if the marked acts badly it can land the marker in a lot of trouble.  A lunar who knows this charm can remove the mark from someone who has it for the cost of 3 motes, a willpower point and one point of experience.  The one who has made the charm can remove it without cost at any time.  This charm does not last forever, lasting a full lunar month from the time it is first placed on a person.  The magics of tattoo's was based on the shifting soul of lunars and does not work as well for normal souls.
<b>Feeding the Lower Soul</b>
<b>Cost:</b> NA
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent
<b>Type:</b> Special
<b>Minimum Stamina:</b> 1
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 2
<b>Prerequiste Charms:</b> None
When a lunar lives the life of a beast, completey forsaking their humanity for a time to live the wild life it can be liberating for the soul.  Liberating enough in fact that a well trained lunar can strengthen his reserves of essence and fatten his lower soul while doing so.  For each purchase of this charm the lunar increases her peripheral essence pool by 10 motes.  To refill it she must spend one day living the life of a wild beast for every 10 motes she wants back.  No fractions allowed so if she only needs 5 motes she must spend one full day regardless.  The charm Breath-Drinking Executioner Attack can also be used to fill this additional pool.  This charm may be bought no more times then the exalted's essence.
Before the lunars became changed by the Wyld and the tattoo charms did not yet exist this charm sat beside Moonsilver Shaping Rite and Terrestial Circle Sorcery as a prerequisite for Celestial Circle sorcery.
<b>Internal Geomantic Attunement</b>
<b>Cost:</b> 1 per attunement
<b>Duration:</b> Until released
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Minimum Intelligence:</b> 3
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
Lunars of sufficient occult bent and intellectual understanding of certain geomantic principles of creation quickly turn to turning their own bodies into proper channels for geomantic forces in the world or even creating new ones via special moonsilver produced structures within themselves.  The beginning part of this tree of development lets them swallow a hearthstone to which they are allready attuned to the manse of and benifit from its powers as if it were properly in a socketed weapon.  One can only keep a number of stones in your stomach safely equal to the lunar's essence.
<b>Universal Harmonic Principals</b>
<b>Cost:</b> 2 motes per level of stone
<b>Duration:</b> Until Released
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Minimum Intelligence:</b> 4
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Internal Geomantic Attunement
Building further upon what the lunar has allready mastered and his own skills at mimicry the lunar can make subtle changes within himself to harmonize himself even moreso to stones he is in possession of.  Within his own frame the lunar makes a moonsilver latice which mimics socket a hearthstone would sit it within a manse.  This lets a lunar attach a stone externally to part of his body and have it stick there and lets the lunar furthermore benifit from both the increased essence regeneration and the bonus powers it provides regardless of wether or not the lunar is attuned to the manse the stone comes from.  A lunar can attune no more stones in this way then his essence in stones.
<b>Assumption of the Native Beast</b>
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes, 1 willpower
<b>Duration:</b> Once scene
<b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Minimum Stamina:</b> 3
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Universal Harmonic Principals
Each realm exists by its own internal geomantic laws and the denizens of that realm all reflect those laws in how they exist in some way.  A lunar can change his own nature and internal geomantic principle obeying design to such a degree as to be considered naturally of that realm though it is very taxing and dangerous to keep doing too long.
The lunar makes a Stamina + Occult roll at a variable difficulty.  Difficulty 3 lets a lunar assume the nature of Yu-Shan, the Wyld or Autocthonia.  Difficulty 5 lets a lunar assume the nature of the Underworld or Malfeas.  This does several things.  First off a lunar who assumes the nature of a place outside of fate counts as outside of fate.  Second of all those with a lower essence then the lunar will believe him to be a being of that plane of existance and if they themselves are a native of that(say the lunar has the aspect of the Wyld and meets a Raksha) they will thing them to naturally be a greater being then themselves of it.  Being of essence equal to or greater to the Lunar will just regard them as a native of that place.  For Yu-Shan people think you to be a god, the Wyld you are viewed as Raksha, the Underworld a Ghost, Autochthonia a very strange looking machine god, and Malfeas a Demon.
There are several limitations and drawbacks to this though.  First off it doesn't make people forget what and who you are.  So if you meet someone who knows your a lunar and have the nature of Yu-Shan about you they might be a little confused and think something is up when they compare the two very differing pieces of knowledge.  Charms to various to mention might let someone figure out what you really are.  Lastly you become vulnerable to the spells and charms that have special effects against the creatures of that realm.  A lunar who seems to be a ghost must worry about a Zenith's anima flare.  The exception is summoning, a lunar remains as unsummonable as ever.  To keep this up for consecutive scenes does unsoakable Aggravated damage to the lunar which will not heal until they stop using this charm.  The conflict between what they are supposed to be and what they are making their body be is too much.
== Comments ==
The most recent charm, Internal Geomantic Attunement, seems a bit either overpowered, or too cheap. I can just see stealing/hiding level 5 hearthstones this way, unstealable, and hidden. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it seems awfully cheap (5 motes) to keep 5 lvl 5 hearthstones in this fashion. Perhaps "1m / level of hearthstone" or "The Lunar is unable to keep down such stones forever, and must eventually regurgitate the stone to allow her digestive tract time to heal. The cost for this charm increases by 1m/day to reflect the additional effort required to keep a stone down". I like the idea of a tree related to hearthstones, but this charm, at it's cost and lack of prereqs, seems like it covers a bit much ground, without significant drawback. - GregLink
: It seems sufficiently thematic to me to warrant its cheap price - the lunar is, after all, dishing out plenty of experience (in purchasing the Charm) to be able to do something rather limited in scope. Perhaps a Willpower cost, or a mote cost equal to the hearthstone rating, if you wish to nerf it. My only issue is with its rather technical sounding name - Essence Consuming Gullet, maybe? Tattoo-Cutting Method, likewise, could be named something less like it's prerequisite... Pride-Marking Pattern? Otherwise, a wonderful set of Charms - very handy, and very Lunar too...DeathBySurfeit
::To me this charm is more a power that replaces you having to get artifacts to properly benifit from Hearthstones. And for the cost of 12-15 xp seems a fair trade over a couple of background points that could give you further benifit as well.  I put a limit on the number of stones you can keep in your stomach.  In regards to hiding its a perfect way to hide them from the normal 5 senses but against magic it would have no special defense.  Even if you couldn't see the stone itself(which I leave up to the ST's discresion, maybe to AESS the Lunar's stomach might glow with a powerful stone) one could detect the charm itself being up and maintained and figure out what the charm does. -BogMod
::Yeah, for 12-15XP I suppose it's not that bad, especially considering the tradeoff of Artifact background. I do like the idea of the stone being visible though... Perhaps actually setting the stone in one's own protean flesh? - GregLink
:::Also on the matter of names, these charms as I see them were far more common in the first age when even the lunars lived as nobility in the land.  More refined names and terms and more esoteric uses to the charms beyond the raw and savage power they favor now.  -BogMod

Latest revision as of 22:10, 30 May 2008