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=== Character Sheet ===
=== Character Sheet ===
  Name:                       Concept:     
  <b>Name:</b> Elegy in Ivory Shackles
  Player:                     Anima:
<b>Concept:</b> Deathlord's hand to infiltrate Solar circles and destroy them from the inside      
  Caste:                       XP:
  <b>Player:</b> Mitsuki
<b>Anima:</b> A once broad and mighty oak, now dessicated.  Heavy vines shroud the tree, laden with white flowers.
  <b>Caste:</b> Day                      <b>XP:</b> 28/228
  (Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
  <b>Motivation:</b> To cast every living thing into Oblivion
  <b>(Physical)</b>             <b>(Social)</b>               <b>(Mental)</b>
  Strength      [XX...]  Charisma      [XXX..]  Perception    [XXXXX]
  Strength      [XX...]  Charisma      [XXX..]  Perception    [XXXXX]
  Dexterity    [XXX..]  Manipulation  [XXXX.]  Intelligence  [XXX..]
  Dexterity    [XXX..]  Manipulation  [XXXX.]  Intelligence  [XXX..]
  Stamina      [XX...]  Appearance    [XXXX.]  Wits          [XXX..]
  Stamina      [XX...]  Appearance    [XXXX.]  Wits          [XXX..]
  (Dusk)                  (Midnight)              (Daybreak)
  <b>(Dusk)</b>                 <b>(Midnight)</b>             <b>(Daybreak)</b>
  Archery      [.....]  Integrity-    [XX...]  Craft        [.....]
  Archery      [.....]  Integrity-    [XX...]  Craft        [.....]
  Martial Arts  [.....]  Perform-      [XX...]  Investigation [.....]
  Martial Arts  [.....]  Perform-      [XX...]  Investigation [.....]
Line 18: Line 21:
  War          [.....]  Survival      [.....]  Occult        [.....]
  War          [.....]  Survival      [.....]  Occult        [.....]
  (Day)                  (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
  <b>(Day)</b>                   <b>(Moonshadow)</b>            <b>(Specialties)</b>
  Athletics    [XXX..]  Bureaucracy  [.....]  Awareness: Listening  [XXX]
  Athletics    [XXX..]  Bureaucracy  [.....]  Awareness: Listening  [XXX]
  Awareness    [XXXXX]  Linguistics  [X....]  Melee: RoSE          [XX.]  
  Awareness    [XXXXX]  Linguistics  [X....]  Melee: <nowiki>RoSE</nowiki>           [XX.]  
  Dodge        [XXXX.]  Ride          [.....]  Presence: Persuasion  [XXX]
  Dodge        [XXXX.]  Ride          [.....]  Presence: Persuasion  [XXX]
  Larceny      [XXXXX]  Sail          [.....]
  Larceny      [XXXXX]  Sail          [.....]
  Stealth      [XXX..]  Socialize    [.....]
  Stealth      [XXX..]  Socialize    [.....]
  <b>Languages:</b> Forest-tongue, Riverspeak
     (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
     <b>(=Backgrounds=)</b>                       <b>(=Virtues=)</b>
  Artifacts      [XXXX.]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
  Artifacts      [XXXX.]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
  Manse          [XXX..]        Conviction [XXXX.]    Valor      [XX...]
  Manse          [XXX..]        Conviction [XXX..]    Valor      [XX...]
  Underwld Manse [XXX..]           
  Underwld Manse [XXX..]           
  Liege          [XXXXX]         
  Liege          [XXXXX]         
  Resources      [XXX..]           
  Resources      [XXX..]           
  Essence        [XXXX......]  RoSE(Staff):  spd 6,  acc 2,  dam 9B,  rate 2,  PV 7
  Essence        [XXXX......]  <nowiki>RoSE</nowiki>(Staff):  spd 6,  acc 2,  dam 11B,  rate 2,  PV 7
  Willpower      [XXXXX.....]  RoSE(Reaper):  spd 4,  acc 6,  dam 6L,  rate 3,  PV 6
  Willpower      [XXXXX.....]  <nowiki>RoSE</nowiki>(Reaper):  spd 4,  acc 6,  dam 8L,  rate 3,  PV 6
  Resonance      [..........]  DV: 6 , Soak: 15L/12B , Join: 8 , MDV:  
  Resonance      [..........]  DV: 6 , Soak: 15L/12B , Join: 8 , MDV: 6
  Health Levels:                Personal Ess  17/17
  <b>Health Levels:</b>               <b>Personal Ess:</b> 17/17
  -0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess    24/24
  -0:  [ ]                      <b>Periph Ess:</b>   24/24
  -1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              Committed Pers 0 / Periph 17
  -1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              <b>Committed:</b>    0 Pers / 17 Periph
  -2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
  -2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
  -4:  [ ]
  -4:  [ ]
  Incap[ ]
  Incap[ ]
  Raition's Nimble Perch                        (3m, 1 scene)
  Raition's Nimble Perch                        (3m, 1 scene)
  2nd Athletics Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  2nd Athletics Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  Shadow Races the Light                        (1+m, 1 scene)
  Shadow Races the Light                        (1+m, 1 scene)
  2nd Awareness Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  2nd Awareness Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  Keen Hearing/Touch Technique                 (3m, 1 scene)
  Keen Hearing/<nowiki>Touch</nowiki> Technique                 (3m, 1 scene)
  Flitting Shadow Form                          (1m, instant)
  Flitting Shadow Form                          (1m, instant)
  Flickering Wisp Technique                    (3m, instant, Conviction flaw)
  Flickering Wisp Technique                    (3m, instant, Conviction flaw)
  2nd Larceny Excellency                        (2m/succ, instant)
  2nd Larceny Excellency                        (2m/succ, instant)
  Theft of Face                                (7m+consume ess, until sleep)
  Theft of Face                                (7m+consume ess, until sleep)
Line 67: Line 70:
  Solar Impersonation Style                    (15m+1wp, 1 day)
  Solar Impersonation Style                    (15m+1wp, 1 day)
  2nd Melee Excellency                          (2m/succ, instant)
  2nd Melee Excellency                          (2m/succ, instant)
  Slashing Ghost Talon                          (1m, instant)
  Slashing Ghost Talon                          (1m, instant)
Line 75: Line 78:
  Soul-Cleaving Strike                          (10m+1wp+1L, instant)
  Soul-Cleaving Strike                          (10m+1wp+1L, instant)
  2nd Presence Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  2nd Presence Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
  Compelling Whisper Technique                  (10m+1wp, Cha days)
  Compelling Whisper Technique                  (10m+1wp, Cha days)
  Ox-Body Technique                            (none, permanent)
  Ox-Body Technique                            (none, permanent)
  Name                                          (cost)
  Name                                          (cost)
   I need some of these
   I need some of these
  Intimacies: Mask of Winters, Requiem of Shrouded Echoes
  <b>Intimacies:</b> Mask of Winters, Requiem of Shrouded Echoes
  Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Reaper Diaklave, Artifact 4, Attune 8m
  Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Reaper Diaklave, Artifact 4, Attune 8m
  Stave:  Speed 6, Acc +2, Dam 9+2B, Def +3, Rate 2, Min: Str 2
  Stave:  Speed 6, Acc +2, Dam 9B, Def +3, Rate 2, Min: Str 2
  Reaper: Speed 4, Acc +6, Dam 6+2L, Def +2, Rate 3, Min: Str 2
  Reaper: Speed 4, Acc +6, Dam 6L, Def +2, Rate 3, Min: Str 2
  <i>A combination weapon of twisted green jade vines surrounding a slender soulsteel blade that comes with it's own chorus.<br>  Appears to be an Artifact 2 quality weapon when in stave form.</i>
  Shifting Silks: Improved Silken Armor, Artifact 4, Attune 6m
  Shifting Silks: Improved Silken Armor, Artifact 4, Attune 6m
  Soak 7L/5B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0
  Soak 7L/5B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0
  <i>Stylish and effective, this clothing can assume any form and keeps the owner pleasantly clean.  In addition it does<br>  not register as magical at all.</i>
  Soulsteel Amulet: Artifact 1, Attune 1m
  Soulsteel Amulet: Artifact 1, Attune 1m
  <i>An amulet that mimics the appearance of Elegy's anima.</i>
  Soulsteel Chain Shirt: Artifact 1, Attune 2m
  Soulsteel Chain Shirt: Artifact 1, Attune 2m
  Hearthstone Amulet: Web of Breath(Creation)
  Hearthstone Amulet: Web of Breath(Creation)
  <i>A porous grey stone, almost like a piece of pumice.  With this stone, you can quite literally "hear the wind",<br>  overcoming blindness in most situations.</i>
  Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Gem of Desire(Shadowland)
  Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Gem of Desire(Shadowland)
  <i>A faceted yellow heart of transparent yellow crystal. Allows the user to inflict a strong desire on the victim once<br> per day.  </i>
=== XP Record ===
=== XP Record ===
  32 - Ess 4
  32 - Ess 4
Line 126: Line 135:
  3  - Awareness: Listen 3
  3  - Awareness: Listen 3
  3  - Presence: Persuasion 3
  3  - Presence: Persuasion 3
  1  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise (nomnom Solar>
  1  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise (nomnom Solar)
=== Appearance ===
An alabaster angel of exquisite perfection, Elegy stands roughly 5'6" in height. Lustrous hair the colour of midnight <br> falls down around her shoulders to the middle of her back, charms of obsidian and glass worked into it's length.  Five<br> stars hang in her trailing tresses and icons of the sun and moon glitter to the left and right of her brow.  A funeral<br> veil woven from threads of spun shadow covers her face, held by the celestial icons on her brow.  Despite seeming<br> transparent, it thwarts any effort to see through beyond a shaded glimpse of pale flesh.  The veil stops just above<br> pouting lips of deep carmine, a spot of sensuous colour in her ivory skin.  If one were to see under the veil, a band<br> of white silk is tied over where her eyes would be.  Beneath, the skin is scarred with deep claw marks, the gouged<br> scraps of flesh healed shut over empty eye sockets that slowly weep tears of blood.
Her slender form is garbed in a sleek dress of onyx silk that falls from collarbones to ankles.  The dress is slit up <br> to her mid-thigh on each side, baring fair skin.  Matte black leather encases the curve of her calves, the tops of <br> the boots folding over just below her knees.  A dark bodice, boned with human finger joints sweeps into long sleeves <br> that billow loosely around her wrists.  A belt of heavy, ivory chains encircles her slender waist, the links forged <br> of carved bone and soldered with obsidian.  Off of each thick link hangs a small bell of blacked iron; none of the bells<br> have clappers.  Matching bone and stone manacles close on her wrists and her ankles, all but the last link of chain<br> gone from each.
=== Notes ===
=== Notes ===
  A first (ha) draft of sorts before putting in multi-line descs
Everything but her fairly unimportant manses. If they ever matter, I can put them up, but they're otherwise on the main sheet.
=== Appearance ===

Latest revision as of 04:48, 23 March 2008

Character Sheet

Name: Elegy in Ivory Shackles
Concept: Deathlord's hand to infiltrate Solar circles and destroy them from the inside     
Player: Mitsuki
Anima: A once broad and mighty oak, now dessicated.  Heavy vines shroud the tree, laden with white flowers.
Caste: Day                      XP: 28/228
Motivation: To cast every living thing into Oblivion

(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XX...]   Charisma      [XXX..]   Perception    [XXXXX]
Dexterity     [XXX..]   Manipulation  [XXXX.]   Intelligence  [XXX..]
Stamina       [XX...]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XXX..]
(Dusk)                  (Midnight)              (Daybreak)
Archery       [.....]   Integrity-    [XX...]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [.....]   Perform-      [XX...]   Investigation [.....]
Melee-        [XXXXX]   Presence-     [XXXXX]   Lore-         [XX...]
Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [X....]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   Survival      [.....]   Occult        [.....]
(Day)                   (Moonshadow)            (Specialties)
Athletics     [XXX..]   Bureaucracy   [.....]   Awareness: Listening  [XXX]
Awareness     [XXXXX]   Linguistics   [X....]   Melee: RoSE           [XX.] 
Dodge         [XXXX.]   Ride          [.....]   Presence: Persuasion  [XXX]
Larceny       [XXXXX]   Sail          [.....]
Stealth       [XXX..]   Socialize     [.....]

Languages: Forest-tongue, Riverspeak
   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Artifacts      [XXXX.]        Compassion [X....]    Temperance  [XX...]
Manse          [XXX..]        Conviction [XXX..]    Valor       [XX...]
Underwld Manse [XXX..]          
Liege          [XXXXX]        
Resources      [XXX..]           
Essence        [XXXX......]   RoSE(Staff):   spd 6,  acc 2,  dam 11B,  rate 2,  PV 7
Willpower      [XXXXX.....]   RoSE(Reaper):  spd 4,  acc 6,  dam 8L,  rate 3,  PV 6
Resonance      [..........]   DV: 6 , Soak: 15L/12B , Join: 8 , MDV: 6
Health Levels:                Personal Ess:  17/17
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess:    24/24
-1:  [ ] [ ] [ ]              Committed:     0 Pers / 17 Periph
-2:  [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]
Raition's Nimble Perch                        (3m, 1 scene)
2nd Athletics Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
Shadow Races the Light                        (1+m, 1 scene)

2nd Awareness Excellency                      (2m/succ, instant)
Keen Hearing/Touch Technique                  (3m, 1 scene)

Flitting Shadow Form                          (1m, instant)
Flickering Wisp Technique                     (3m, instant, Conviction flaw)
2nd Larceny Excellency                        (2m/succ, instant)
Theft of Face                                 (7m+consume ess, until sleep)
Theft of Mien                                 (10m+1wp+consume ess, 1h)
Flawless Doppelganger Disguise                (15m+1wp+1xp+consume ess, until released)
Solar Impersonation Style                     (15m+1wp, 1 day)
2nd Melee Excellency                          (2m/succ, instant)
Slashing Ghost Talon                          (1m, instant)
Crimson Banquet Method                        (5m+1wp, 1 scene)
Reaper of Men                                 (10m+1wp, 1 scene)
Soul-Searing Blow                             (2+m, instant)
Soul-Cleaving Strike                          (10m+1wp+1L, instant)
2nd Presence Excellency                       (2m/succ, instant)
Compelling Whisper Technique                  (10m+1wp, Cha days)
Ox-Body Technique                             (none, permanent)
Name                                          (cost)
  I need some of these
Intimacies: Mask of Winters, Requiem of Shrouded Echoes

Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Reaper Diaklave, Artifact 4, Attune 8m
Stave:  Speed 6, Acc +2, Dam 9B, Def +3, Rate 2, Min: Str 2
Reaper: Speed 4, Acc +6, Dam 6L, Def +2, Rate 3, Min: Str 2
 A combination weapon of twisted green jade vines surrounding a slender soulsteel blade that comes with it's own chorus.
Appears to be an Artifact 2 quality weapon when in stave form.
Shifting Silks: Improved Silken Armor, Artifact 4, Attune 6m Soak 7L/5B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0 Stylish and effective, this clothing can assume any form and keeps the owner pleasantly clean. In addition it does
not register as magical at all.
Soulsteel Amulet: Artifact 1, Attune 1m
 An amulet that mimics the appearance of Elegy's anima.
Soulsteel Chain Shirt: Artifact 1, Attune 2m
Hearthstone Amulet: Web of Breath(Creation)
 A porous grey stone, almost like a piece of pumice.  With this stone, you can quite literally "hear the wind",
overcoming blindness in most situations.
Requiem of Shrouded Echoes: Gem of Desire(Shadowland)
 A faceted yellow heart of transparent yellow crystal. Allows the user to inflict a strong desire on the victim once
per day.

XP Record

32 - Ess 4
16 - App 4
8  - 1st Larceny Excellency
8  - Theft of Face
7  - Larceny 4
9  - Larceny 5
8  - Theft of Mien
8  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise
8  - Solar Impersonation Style
7  - Dodge 4
8  - Flickering Wisp Technique
7  - Melee 4
9  - Melee 5
8  - Crimson Banquet Method
8  - Reaper of Men
8  - Soul-Searing Blow
8  - Soul-Cleaving Strike
10 - Ox-Body Technique
16 - Manip 4
3  - Awareness: Listen 3
3  - Presence: Persuasion 3
1  - Flawless Doppelganger Disguise (nomnom Solar)


An alabaster angel of exquisite perfection, Elegy stands roughly 5'6" in height. Lustrous hair the colour of midnight 
falls down around her shoulders to the middle of her back, charms of obsidian and glass worked into it's length. Five
stars hang in her trailing tresses and icons of the sun and moon glitter to the left and right of her brow. A funeral
veil woven from threads of spun shadow covers her face, held by the celestial icons on her brow. Despite seeming
transparent, it thwarts any effort to see through beyond a shaded glimpse of pale flesh. The veil stops just above
pouting lips of deep carmine, a spot of sensuous colour in her ivory skin. If one were to see under the veil, a band
of white silk is tied over where her eyes would be. Beneath, the skin is scarred with deep claw marks, the gouged
scraps of flesh healed shut over empty eye sockets that slowly weep tears of blood.
Her slender form is garbed in a sleek dress of onyx silk that falls from collarbones to ankles.  The dress is slit up 
to her mid-thigh on each side, baring fair skin. Matte black leather encases the curve of her calves, the tops of
the boots folding over just below her knees. A dark bodice, boned with human finger joints sweeps into long sleeves
that billow loosely around her wrists. A belt of heavy, ivory chains encircles her slender waist, the links forged
of carved bone and soldered with obsidian. Off of each thick link hangs a small bell of blacked iron; none of the bells
have clappers. Matching bone and stone manacles close on her wrists and her ankles, all but the last link of chain
gone from each.


Everything but her fairly unimportant manses. If they ever matter, I can put them up, but they're otherwise on the main sheet.