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Line 239: Line 239:
Venia does finish up a little quicker, sighing at the dampness of her hair when she goes to meet the palace people.
Venia does finish up a little quicker, sighing at the dampness of her hair when she goes to meet the palace people.
A fang of soldiers, in traditional Cynis colours, although with the mon of Asura on their chestplates stand at attention outside the door to the landlord's house, "Lady Cynis Venia?"
A fang of soldiers, in traditional Cynis colours, although with the mon of Asura on their chestplates stand at attention outside the door to the landlord's house, "Lady Cynis Venia?"
Sian sighs somewhat, finishing his mouthful and wandering over to open said door. "Yes?"
Venia nods at them. "That would be me."
Venia nods at them. "That would be me."
Line 252: Line 248:
Venia takes it, unfurling the scroll to read it. "Catchy title she's found."
Venia takes it, unfurling the scroll to read it. "Catchy title she's found."
Sian sighs somewhat, finishing his mouthful and wandering over to open said door. "Yes?"
A equal number of soldiers wait outside Descant's inn, "We need to speak to Sian Nerivus."
A equal number of soldiers wait outside Descant's inn, "We need to speak to Sian Nerivus."

Latest revision as of 02:40, 9 June 2005

Invitation to Revelation

In which nakedness is appreciated, robbery is not, and old relations uncovered....

The 27th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763

The morning finds Cassia in the Iceflower Palace, Sian in the bed of his accustomed room at his favourite Tideholme inn, and Venia wrapped up warmly in bed in the lodgings she managed to secure upon her arrival. None of the three are particularly comfortable with their respective positions.

Cassia is quietly waiting for Asura to finish her earlier morning meeting with one of the weathier merchants that trades out of tideholme. She hadnt mananged to find out why Sian hand been in Othakaar, which Asura wouldn't like, though maybe the news that one of her House was also in the city would improve things..

The merchant, V'Neef Gosul's only serious rival in Tideholme walks out of Asura's chambers, striding past Cassia (who remains unseen) with an expression that is part-lust and part-confusion, a common expression amongst those who have an audience with the Dragon-blood.

Venia glares at the window for showing entirely the wrong view, then gives up, throwing the covers over her head and trying to think of better times.

There is a polite knock at the door to Venia's room, her landlord's daughter whispering quietly, "I have some food for you, my Lady."

Venia sighs, and slips out of the covers, wrapping a sheet around herself and opening the door just a bit to take the food. She spares a small smile for the daughter. "Thank you. Is that all for now?"

"Yes, m'Lady," the girl bobs a quick curtsey.

Venia nods, closing the door and going back to the bed, wrapping herself against the chill before starting into the food.

Sian just remains in bed, having little inclination to get up and see the morning sun.

Descant knocks thrice at Sian's door and then steps inside, an impoliteness unheard of from him. "Lord Nerivus, you need to get up and out of here. There are some... men, asking for you at the desk, and I don't like the look of them."

Sian frowns at this, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed. "Who are they?" He starts to get dressed.

"I don't know," Descant looks worried, "They aren't locals, I know that much. Too dark skinned. And, I don't know why, but only one of them speaks."

Sian grimaces a bit as he considers. "I'll be down in a minute."

Cassia waits a few minutes to ensure Asura is expecting no-one else, then slips into her chambers, giving a curtsey "I have returned from Othakaar, Lady Asura."

Asura turns, smiling as her protege arrives, "Welcome home, sweet Cassia. What have you to report regarding the activities of Sian Nerivus?"

Cassia bites her lip "Not that much Lady Asura..I don't know why he went to Othakaar, only that before he left he helped to break up some kind of undead cult below the city, with the help of Kerzoro, and a dragonblooded lady I did not recognise. I think she might have been a magistrate."

Venia's food, while nutritious and probably what the locals consider tasty, doesn't last anywhere near as long as she would have liked, and the chill in the air remains unyielding. The sunlight coming in through the skylight does mitigate it enough that her breath no longer steams, however.

Venia settles back and closes her eyes, half-thinking about what she knows of the area and half just wishing it was summer already.

There is another knock at Venia's door, this time from the landlord, "My Lady, there is hot water available for a bath, should you desire."

"Oh? That would be nice..."

Venia tries to recall where the baths were. "I will be there shortly."

Descant nods at Sian, and disappears back out of the door and down the stairs. Sian hears his voice drift up the stairs, "I'm sorry, it looks like he left early this morning."

Sian sits quietly on his bed, after securing the Star underneath the cabinet, listening intently.

The voice of Descant's interrogator is too low for Sian to hear, but whatever he said frightened the large man quite severely, "I'm sorry, but I don't know where he is. He leaves early quite often, since he lives in Whitewall. Sometimes I only find out he's been here after I look at the guestbook."

Asura frowns, "Why would he break up an undead cult on the Blessed Isle? What good does it do him?" She frowns further, deep in thought, "You bring me only more questions regarding his intentions. I need answers."

"I am sorry Lady Asura. I will try and discover but he is very close lipped." she bows her head "There was a third Dragonblood on the ship home my lady, one of your house."

Asura looks up, "One of my... house? Coming here? What did they look like, did you get a name?"

Cassia describes every detail that she can remember of Venia's appearance, which is practically everything of note about her. "Sian called her Venia, when they spoke."

Asura eyes open wide, and she hisses, "Venia? Here?" She lunges forwards and grabs Cassia roughly, "Tell me everything that happened on the trip here."

Venia finds one of her older coats, slipping it on and selecting some clothes to put on afterwards. She thinks a moment and ties the belt of the coat, just in case, before heading off to the hopefully warm bath.

The bathroom itself is very small, barely big enough for the bronze bath within, and the several large porcelain jugs arranged on a shelf above it, each with large plumes of steam rising from the top as the hot water they contain evaporates into the chill air. On another shelf is a small selection of bath salts with hooks for clothes on the wall next to it.

Venia looks sadly at it, remembering the ones she had last time she was in the area, but just sets to pouring the bath and sprinkling the salts, careful to set the clothing in a certain order on the hooks before dropping the coat and slipping in.

The water, as Venia finds out, is piping hot, the warmth soaking into her chilled bones, driving it out of her quite efficiently.

The sounds of booted feet climbing the stair reach Sian's ears, quite unlike the quiet footsteps of Descant, and more purposeful than any guest has a right to be.

Sian just waits patiently on edge of his bed, javelins within reach.

Cassia gasps in suprise. Asura has never done this to her before... "I.. yes Lady Asura..." She describes the search, the conversations between Venia and Sian she overheard, every detail she can think of.

Asura's expression is utterly intent, and completely devoid of the normally whimsical disinterested face she wears. "I see. So, my dear cousin has come to visit me, has she? And she knew Sian already, you said?"

Cassia nods, slightly readjusting her clothing now Asura has let go of her "She seemed too, yes, Lady Asura."

Asura's face is deeply calculating, "What does this mean? I must find out. I'll arrange a quiet soiree, I think, invite them both. It can be your 'coming out' party, my dear."

Cassia bows her head as she thinks about this before she raises it again "...Thank you, Lady Asura."

Venia sighs happily, resting a leg up on the rim of the tub. Maybe this won't be so bad after all...

The bath that Venia rests in absorbs the heat from the water quickly, radiating it back and thus soaking the warmth into her body from every direction. The warmth almost completely distracts her from a sense of being watched.

Venia is ever so disappointed in this inn now... she stretches, a rather awe-inspiring sight considering her flexibility. Her eyes seek out the peephole or whatever trick is being used while whoever is watching is hopefully distracted.

A single peephole is visible in the wooden walls, rather stereotypically it is a knothole of the right size and height to be perfectly place to spy on whoever is using the bath. The eye visible through it drinks in the sight of Venia's body, still largely visible through the water.

Venia points a finger directly at him, smiling mysteriously as she beckons him, pointing at the door afterwards.

Asura sits down on the cushions and beckons for Cassia to join her, "We simply must get you a new dress for the event. You'll only be able to wear it once, so you must look fabulous. I'll get my dressmaker in immediately," she rings the bell that is always discretely placed on a nearby table and Solace appears, "Would you please inform Silver Peacock that her skills are urgently required?"

Solace bows and disappears.

Cassia settles herself on the cushions near Asura

Silver Peacock enters the chamber a few minutes after Asura's summons, an elderly woman with silver hair tied back in a bun, in which several dozen pins are stuck. She carries several sheets of paper and has various colours of chalk in pockets all over her clothes, "You called me, Lady Asura?"

"Yes, dear Peacock. I need you to make Cassia here a dress that befitting a young Dragon-blood about to come into society for the first time. Something fabulous."

The footsteps stop outside Sian's door, which explodes inwards a second later, kicked hard by one of what appears to be a trio of serious-looking men with dark clothes and nasty weapons in their hands.

Sian remains sitting, gazing evenly, if somewhat irritably, at the intruders. "I hope you have enough money to pay for that door."

The leader of the trio points his sword at Sian and barks, "Hand it over, and we won't hurt you too much."

"Hmmm, good offer, but no." He picks up a javelin.

There is an audible gasp from behind the wall, and the eye disappears. Less than a minute later there is a knock at the door, both firm and yet awkward.

"Come in."

The door opens, revealing a boy in his teenage years, probably no more than sixteen. His brow is sweaty, and the effects of his spying on Venia are equally visible lower down on his body. He smiles awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

Cassia smiles to Peacock, then whispers to Asura "..How does this work? I've never been fitted for a dress before.."

Asura leans over, "Well, Peacock will need to measure you first so that she can begin to design the dress. This means she need to be able to get accurate measurements of your body," she stands taking Cassia with her, "You need to stand on the table there so Peacock can begin. Oh, and you need to be naked."

The leader of Sian's attackers darts forwards, sword in hand.

Sian remains sitting, waiting until the man draws near before kicking him hard between the legs, followed up by a quick flick of his hand to send the javelin flying.

Sian's attacker barely avoids the kick, only to take the hurled javelin square in the chest, where it impales him against the wall behind, his body twitching occasionally.

Sian glares at the other two, skin deepening to a Water Aspect blue. "Get out."

Venia motions for him to close the door, pointing at a spot closer to the tub.

The landlord's son moves forwards slowly, until he stands at the edge of the tub. His eyes wander all over the room, as if unsure of where he should look.

Venia idly reaches a hand up, holding his chin lightly. she guides him to face her. "Enjoying the show?"

The boy stutters, "Y-yes, ma'am... I m-mean, I'm s-sorry, ma'am. It's just, you're so... so beautiful, I c-couldn't help myself. Sorry."

"Mhm. Done this before?"

"N-not often, no. My dad d-doesn't like it. I'm so s-sorry, ma'am. I d-didn't mean anything by it."

Cassia gives Asura a small look, not that reproachful at all, then divests herself of her clothing and the dagger sheath between her shoulders, before climbing onto the table.

Asura watches with hungry eyes as Silver Peacock pulls out a strip of leather, marked with Imperial standard distances, and begins taking measurements of Cassia's body. The process is long and laborious, and the leather is quite cool, as the old woman orders the young girl to stand still and stretch her arms out.

Cassia is normally very good at standing still, despite her Aspect. The cool leather and the more-hungry-than-usual gaze of Asura, however, are making it more difficult than usual.

The other two ruffians at Sian's door take one look at their leader, quivering on a stick like so much kebab-meat, and run, tumbling back down the stairs.

Sian stands once they leave, walking over and yanking the javelin out of the wall and corpse, letting the latter fall to the ground.

The corpse on Sian's floor lies there still when Descant comes slowly up the stairs, "I'm sorry I couldn't help more, my Lord. I'm just too old to fight, and they knew it." He looks quite upset about it.

"It's fine." He cleans the javelin briefly and places it with the rest, then walks over and places a hand on the man's shoulder. "I don't want other people fighting my battles, anyway."

"Mhm. Did any of the others notice?"

The boy shakes his head, "No. You're the first," he blushes, "Also the most b-beautiful."

Venia smiles at that. "Blooded tend to be that way, yes."

He shakes his head, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I should go, before my dad wonders where I am." The boy turns to leave...

Silver Peacock turns to Asura, "Nipples up or down, my Lady?" Asura smiles in reply, "Oh, definitely up." Peacock nods and manipulates Cassia' little buds to erectness, before measuring her breasts quite carefully.

Cassia splutters out in suprise and goes bright red. "...wha..?" she covers herself with her arms.

"Cassia!" Asura barks, "Let Peacock do her job. This is necessary for your dress to be perfect, and you don't want to disappoint me again, do you?"

Cassia 's eyes flash briefly but then she looks chastised and sticks her arms out again "...Sorry Lady Asura." she takes a small breath "I...didnt expect that.."

"Who were they, my Lord?" Descant asks, his face slightly green as the idea of a corpse in his inn sinks into his mind. "How did they know you were here?"

"I have no idea. And only a vague idea of what they wanted." He reaches under the cabinet, and retrieves the Star, unwrapping it to display the jewel to Descant. "This, I suspect."

Descant breathes, swearing, "Almight Dragons! What is it?"

Sian shrugs lightly. "It's called Gyren's Star. Beyond that... no idea."

Sian wraps it up again.

Venia pulls him back into a kiss, settling deeper into the water as he stands, stunned. "Just make sure I'm the last."

The boy leaves, his steps unsure and he wanders out, leaving the ajar as he shambles off, his mind awash with images of Venia and teenage hormones.

Venia considers closing the door, but would have to get out of the bath, and is very loathe to do so.

Peacock continues to manipulate and then measure Cassia's young body, taking copious notes as every her every curve and line in precisely defined. After what seems like forever she steps back, and puts the paper away, "I'm done measuring, Lady Asura. I can have some preliminary designs ready by mid-afternoon."

"That would be fine, Peacock," Asura turns, "You can step down and get dressed now, Cassia."

"Thank you." she steps quickly down off the table, and turns from Asura to dress herself once more.

There is a knock at the door to the bathroom, "Lady Venia, are you still in there?" The landlord enquires, "Did you forget to close the door, and do you need any more water?"

"It slipped open after I was already in. Mind closing it for me? I'm fine beyond that."

The door closes with a click, leaving Venia alone with her hot bath.

Descant looks at the corpse, "What do we do about it? I know that the militia don't take kindly to random corpses."

"Looks like you had a lot of guests last night. All that rubbish... no-one's going to care about another bag of it, even if it is a bit heavier."

Descant grins slightly, finding humour in a black situation, "You know, I don't think they would." He goes down to the kitchen to fetch a large hessian sack, which he returns with in short order.

Sian helps him manhandle the corpse into the bag. "Sorry about this. I should stay somewhere else... keep trouble out of your inn."

Asura and Peacock are deep in discussion, as Cassia finishes dressing. The Satrap turns and smiles, "Good news, your dress will be ready by late tomorrow afternoon. So we can have your party tomorrow evening. Won't it be wonderful?"

"I am sure it will be, Lady Asura." Cassia smiles and adjusts her hair. "When should I come for the final fitting?"

Peacock looks up, "About three in the afternoon for any final adjustments, I think." Asura nods, "Three it is, then."

Cassia curtseys "See you tomorrow then...Thank you Lady Asura, Peacock." the she turns and drifts out of the palace as a whisper.

Venia's water cools over time, as hot water is wont to do. The steam thinning and then stopping completely, leaving her in a large bronze bathtub of lukewarm water, with crinkly fingers and toes.

Venia sighs, slipping out and drying herself off. She gets dressed, returning to her room to plan her next move.

Venia is about half-dressed when there is, inconveniently, yet another knock at the door. It is the landlord and he sounds slightly awed, "Lady Venia? There is someone asking for you at the door."

"Hrm? I'll see them when I'm done."

"They're from the Palace."

"That's nice. I'll see them when I'm done."

Descant grunts as he hauls the corpse down the stairs, "Don't worry, I'll just charge you extra for corpse-disposal next time." He chuckles.

Sian grins slightly, waving him out.

The hessian-clad corpse is left in the garbage behind Descant's inn, a communal pile that is carted away on a weekly basis, so there is plenty of time for more rubbish to be dumped on the unfortunate before he is collected.

Sian decides some breakfast would be good, and thus goes downstairs to locate himself some.

There is a loud and official knocking at the door to Descant's inn just as Sian is tucking into his food. Unfortunately, Descant himself is still reorganising the rubbish out back, to conceal the corpse somewhat better.

Venia does finish up a little quicker, sighing at the dampness of her hair when she goes to meet the palace people.

A fang of soldiers, in traditional Cynis colours, although with the mon of Asura on their chestplates stand at attention outside the door to the landlord's house, "Lady Cynis Venia?"

Venia nods at them. "That would be me."

The fang-leader bows low to Venia and presents her with a scroll, "I am here to give you a message from the Satrap of Tideholme, Grand Duchess of the Northern Provinces, Lady Cynis Asura."

Venia takes it, unfurling the scroll to read it. "Catchy title she's found."

Sian sighs somewhat, finishing his mouthful and wandering over to open said door. "Yes?"

A equal number of soldiers wait outside Descant's inn, "We need to speak to Sian Nerivus."

"Ah. I'll see if he's busy. What's this about?"

"We have a message for him from the Iceflower Palace, from Lady Asura herself," the fang-leader holds up a large parchment scroll sealed with the Cynis symbol in wax.

"Hrm." He takes a step back, then forward again. "Seems I'm not busy. Thank you..." He takes it from the fang-leader's hand before he can speak.

The scrolls presented to both Sian and Venia, when stripped of their flowery language both say the same thing. There is going to be a party tomorrow evening at the Iceflower Palace. They are invited. Formal dress is required.

Sian hrmphs. Well, he was going to see Asura anyway.

Venia is amused at this. "Such a warm welcome..."

Cassia finds her way home easily, drifting through the crowds of people as quiet as a ghost, before making it to her small house.