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== Tideholme ==
=== Broken Back ===
;<b>Fallow Descant</b>:Owner of a guesthouse in the city of Tideholme. Friendly, competent and very fat - almost as much so as V'Neef Gosul.
;<b>Oriel</b>:Innkeeper's daughter and Sian's lover for a single night. Presumed enslaved when the town was burned by Realm legionnaires.
=== Five Peaks ===
;<b>Jovis</b>:Headman of the mining town, elevated to this lofty position through the expedience of not having died just yet.
=== Green River ===
;<b>The Baron</b>:Ruler of Green River, killed almost a decade previously and replaced by an unknown party until a year ago.
;<b>Shattered Rain</b>:Guard sergeant of the town. An old soldier with the scars to show for it, he makes up for his competence in war with a complete lack of likeability.
;<b>Yosen</b>:Secretary to the Baron of Green River, he is a conscientious worker with a slightly obsessive need for cleanliness.
=== Icehome ===
;<b>Captain Dezcer</b>:Member of the Haslanti League military, based in Icehome. Murdered.
;<b>Diamond</b>:Former death-cultist, missing an arm. Assumes herself to be under a death sentence from her master.
;<b>Iron Gull</b>:Oligarch who has been given the responsibility for southern League security. Formerly under the control of the death cult via a spider-construct.
;<b>General Joster</b>:Former commander of the Icehome military. Controlled by the death cult via a spider-construct. Escaped from the city together with the Winter Company, presumed to be headed towards a place known as Bone Keep.
;<b>Sella</b>:Popular councillor in Icehome. Formerly under the control of the death cult via a spider-construct.
=== The <i>Jaunty Rose</i> ===
;<b>Ealene</b>:A sailor on the <i>Rose</i>, she was near-mortally wounded on a journey. Befriended Sian Nerivus.
;<b>Rook</b>:Captain of the <i>Rose</i>, he has a strong bond to both his ship and his crew.
=== Othakaar ===
;<b>Biruz</b>:Apparent leader of a death-cult known, died as a result of a disrupted necromantic ritual, body and soul consumed by altered gravefire.
;<b>Ghost</b>:One-handed captain of the <i>Sea Dragon</i>, an ugly scow of arguable seaworthiness. Eminently corruptable.
=== Silvertop ===
;<b>Casas</b>:An alchemist and herbalist in his middle years, his black hair is frosted grey and he treats the fact that he has to use a walking stick to get around as a personal insult.
=== Tideholme ===
;<b>Fallow Descant</b>:Owner of the Hearth's Song, a guesthouse in the city of Tideholme. Of middle-to-late years, friendly, competent and very fat - almost as much so as V'Neef Gosul.
;<b>Orchid, Rose and Violet</b>:Body-slaves to Cynis Asura, they are extremely beautiful and perform all manner of services (intimate and otherwise) for their mistress.
;<b>Julena</b>:An older, but still attractive woman with a ready smile. She owns an exclusive clothier in Tideholme whose major feature is that the clothes are designed by the customer drawing what he, or she, wants on the naked bodies of Julena's employees, of whom Rose and Unia are known.
;<b>Seleya Emberheart</b>:Wife to the general of Tideholme's armies. She is in her mid-forties and keeps her house in good order.
;<b>Silver Peacock</b>:An elderly woman with silver hair she habitually ties up into a bun, Peacock is the favoured dressmaker for Cynis Asura (and thus for the richest part of Tideholme society), capable of turning even the satrap's most risque designs into reality.
;<b>Solace</b>:Mid- to high-level functionary in the Iceflower Palace.
;<b>Solace</b>:Mid- to high-level functionary in the Iceflower Palace.
=== Whitewall ===
;<b>Horse</b>:Elderly ex-miner. Has a racking cough that brings up blood occasionally, a result of his former work.
;<b>Ishandia</b>:Sian's adoptive mother and proprietor of the Jupiter's Shadow inn. Took him in as a boy when his parents were killed, and helped him through his Exaltation
;<b>Scarlet Carp</b>:A young girl who took to prostitution to support her ravaged mother. Now has a new job working at the Jupiter's Shadow inn, arranged for her by Sian Nerivus.

Latest revision as of 13:21, 24 September 2005

Broken Back

Innkeeper's daughter and Sian's lover for a single night. Presumed enslaved when the town was burned by Realm legionnaires.

Five Peaks

Headman of the mining town, elevated to this lofty position through the expedience of not having died just yet.

Green River

The Baron
Ruler of Green River, killed almost a decade previously and replaced by an unknown party until a year ago.
Shattered Rain
Guard sergeant of the town. An old soldier with the scars to show for it, he makes up for his competence in war with a complete lack of likeability.
Secretary to the Baron of Green River, he is a conscientious worker with a slightly obsessive need for cleanliness.


Captain Dezcer
Member of the Haslanti League military, based in Icehome. Murdered.
Former death-cultist, missing an arm. Assumes herself to be under a death sentence from her master.
Iron Gull
Oligarch who has been given the responsibility for southern League security. Formerly under the control of the death cult via a spider-construct.
General Joster
Former commander of the Icehome military. Controlled by the death cult via a spider-construct. Escaped from the city together with the Winter Company, presumed to be headed towards a place known as Bone Keep.
Popular councillor in Icehome. Formerly under the control of the death cult via a spider-construct.

The Jaunty Rose

A sailor on the Rose, she was near-mortally wounded on a journey. Befriended Sian Nerivus.
Captain of the Rose, he has a strong bond to both his ship and his crew.


Apparent leader of a death-cult known, died as a result of a disrupted necromantic ritual, body and soul consumed by altered gravefire.
One-handed captain of the Sea Dragon, an ugly scow of arguable seaworthiness. Eminently corruptable.


An alchemist and herbalist in his middle years, his black hair is frosted grey and he treats the fact that he has to use a walking stick to get around as a personal insult.


Fallow Descant
Owner of the Hearth's Song, a guesthouse in the city of Tideholme. Of middle-to-late years, friendly, competent and very fat - almost as much so as V'Neef Gosul.
Orchid, Rose and Violet
Body-slaves to Cynis Asura, they are extremely beautiful and perform all manner of services (intimate and otherwise) for their mistress.
An older, but still attractive woman with a ready smile. She owns an exclusive clothier in Tideholme whose major feature is that the clothes are designed by the customer drawing what he, or she, wants on the naked bodies of Julena's employees, of whom Rose and Unia are known.
Seleya Emberheart
Wife to the general of Tideholme's armies. She is in her mid-forties and keeps her house in good order.
Silver Peacock
An elderly woman with silver hair she habitually ties up into a bun, Peacock is the favoured dressmaker for Cynis Asura (and thus for the richest part of Tideholme society), capable of turning even the satrap's most risque designs into reality.
Mid- to high-level functionary in the Iceflower Palace.


Elderly ex-miner. Has a racking cough that brings up blood occasionally, a result of his former work.
Sian's adoptive mother and proprietor of the Jupiter's Shadow inn. Took him in as a boy when his parents were killed, and helped him through his Exaltation
Scarlet Carp
A young girl who took to prostitution to support her ravaged mother. Now has a new job working at the Jupiter's Shadow inn, arranged for her by Sian Nerivus.